Do not let them into Poland learn from the rest of the civilized countries that did what they'll do and what their goal is and it's not to assimilate. Send them to, anywhere their gods are worshipped.
Why is it so difficult for some journalists to see the difference between legal and illegal immigration? The difference between somebody knocking at the door and asking for an invitation, vs. somebody jumping over your fence and throwing stones at your windows trying to break into your home? Why is it so difficult for some politicians to understand that the more welcoming the EU is for illegal immigrants, the more of them will keep coming - and Africa+Middle East has an almost 2 BILLION population - Europe is just too small for this kind of population.
Could they have taken a legal route? Yes, they could. But they took advantage of the "tour" to Belarus. There is no war in Belarus, nothing threatens them.
@@PGN1967 They chose to fly to Belarus. There are countries which are accepting migrants. Rwanda is accepting migrants and Rwanda is developing rapidly. Belarus should take them back to Minsk and put them on planes to Rwanda.
They flew to Belarus, and are safe in Belarus. Belarus is a lovely country, why did they fly there if they wanted to go to Poland? Why did they get visas for Belarus instead of obtaining visas for Poland?
look my brother Poland visas are literally impossible for wroking class people and families so they buy a done base visa of belarus for 8000 dollars and flew staright to belarus for a donky to europe
@@Ishtiaqarash Work visas for working class people are literally Impossible (your words) to obtain because there are not enough jobs for working class Polish citizens. If these immigrants enter, they most likely will not find jobs which will support them and their families, especially if they do not speak Polish. They should consider going to countries which have a shortage of workers and which uses the language they speak where they can be working much sooner. Poland has the right to refuse entry, as does every country. Belarus has accepted them, they went there willingly, perhaps Belarus is their new home.
@@arturkirtal4349Do kogo to piszesz? zamulony propaganda PiS. Cymbalku, ukrainska granica jest otwarta na osciez, a na innej zbudowano zasieki. Jeszcze nie dotarlo do przymulonej czachy co odjebal Clownski w Senacie Stanow Zjednoczonych, dajecie wszystko a on sobie wytarl morde Polska, ty frajerze Jeszcze jedna sprawa, zebys nie musial sie produkowac zoltodziobie, jak ja opuszczalem Polske to ty jeszcze nie srales w pieluchy, synku
People have the right to decide who they let into their home, do not take away people's right to live in their own home, it is not a crime or a sin, it is an elementary right. Isolation is not a crime, expansionism is a crime
You cannot cross the state border illegally. And help should be provided by Belarus where it is located and encouraged them to come to them. International law makes it clear when and who is to provide assistance. And if someone wants to immigrate to a given country, he submits an asylum application and waits for a decision. Poland will not let illegal economic migrants in. Poland is obliged to guard the Schengen border.
Jureczku czy Shengen border z ukraina jest szczerzona? czy ukraina jest juz w Shengen nielegalnie? Czy ukraince skladaja aplikacje o przesiedlenie? nie emigracje, NIE, to wiec przestan PIERDOLIC i byc po stronie podwojnych standartow (pisze po polsku bo angielskojezyczni nie musza wszystko wiedziec)
Regarding the Granica group, I wonder who is financing them, as normal people in their age are at work, and then later go home to take care of their children like I do.
It's a set up, they might be sending them to spy on Poland, or more is going on, that of course, we don't know if anything about. I notice that the reporter, is saying things that are not very appealing, nor are favor. You folks need to send her to Belarusian side. I hope she realizes that bars on that fence are metal.
It's our right to decide who we want in our country. There're also many safe muslim countries, why they don't migrate there? With Ukrainians it's different story, they're from the same civilazation circle, so it's much easier to assimilate them with Polish community.
"They're from the same civilisation circle" - lol 🤣Yes this is the perfect way to say it. They also behave in a civilised manner, compared with these people, who throw rocks and pull down border fences, demanding entry. If they are a genuine refugee they'd be grateful to stay in the first safe country - Belarus.
Stand strong Poland, many in Europe stand behind you and believe in your hard stance If only we had such tough leaders in the rest of Europe and the EU, who put their people and countries first !!!!
These people made a really dumb choice trying this tactic with Poland - if they had any idea of Polish history they'd know we've suffered enough over the centuries, we're not going to risk getting invaded again, ever - not by force, not by guilt.
They came to Belarus on a tourist visa, so let them enjoy the beauty of this country. And if they want to visit Poland, that's what border crossings are for.
They want handouts. They could of worked 4 days on farms or cleaning houses but instead they wasted a good days work begging at that fence. Get a job and save to leave.
Whoever is running their mouth, reporting this incident, please state facts. Poland has their fence up for a reason, and it appears that there is no access to Poland for the migrants in that very area. Migrants will need to turn back around, and go back to Belarus. Th what I can see, the illigal migrants are on Belarusians side. You need to address this issue with Belarusians. Please keep Poland out of this. Poland has nothing to do with this. Please observe which side the migrants are on, Poland or Belarusian. I can see from here Belarusian side. Learn to report facts accordingly. Since there's war out there, Reporting will have to be covered with Belarusian authorities. Otherwise, call EUROPEAN UNION to talk to Lukaszanko to take care of his illigal migrants.
I find it amazing the "aid" volunteers can always find these "lost tourists". Perhaps the aid volunteers should go to Belarus where they can more easily provide "aid" to these lost tourists. Belarus seems to have difficulty doing this.
@@hicmad They haven't left Belarus, they are in Belarus. They are not in limbo, they are in denial. Poland is not obligated to allow them to enter Poland, especially since Belarus permitted Russia to launch their invasion into Ukraine from Belarus. Wisely, other countries are enforcing their borders with Belarus and Russia, also.
They need to get JOBS where they are, SAVE their money and get a ticket home or to a country that accepts them. Not our issue. They want handouts from strangers. Get jobs!! Off the books if you have to! They missed 4 nights of farm work standing at that fence!
@@cherylk.2474Lukaszanko is playing games. Putin and Luke are like children, they play chess with human pieces. Since humans volunteer, it's on them to look like fools behind that metal fence.
@@cherylk.2474they expect that their suffering will melt Polish hearts. It doesn't. Poland knows well that nothing good comes from their Eastern neighbours.
These people knew that a visa-free stay in Belarus ends in 5, 15 or 30 days depending on your country of origin or the region you are in. However, they go there cherishing a false hope to enter Europe without a visa. This is ridiculous. Most of them aren't even refugees, as far as it seems. Hey, guys, buy your ticket back and go home. What's wrong with you?
They were invited by Belarus on tourists’ visas. They paid for visas to Belarus and not further. If they need help they have to ask for it legally, in Polish or any of EU embassies in their countries and if not, escape to the nearest safe country to their fatherland and apply from there.
They are more than welcomed to go home, so we can help them and send them back. They chose to come, they face the situation and don't give me crap about "how their country is bad".
please don`t make the mistake that they made in America. Joe Biden let in anybody in, now gangs, drugs, and crime have taken over the country. Not to mention millions of ungrateful migrants that want everything for free. Biden is the worst president in American history.
Po co tam caly czas nowi przyjeżdżają ? Nie wiedzą komu za to płacą ?. Nielegalni imigranci nie są mile widziani w Polsce. Zapłacili Łukaszence za wakacje to niech tam siedzą .
@zhangzy, Za to ukraince zwalili do Polszy oficjalnie?, granica szeroko otwarta mimo to ze Ukraina nie jest w Europejskiej Uni, facet przestan pierdolic. Sami sobie zaprzeczacie jak to wszystko czytam, podwojne standarty, czegos nauczyliscie sie od yankesow
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 To kogo wpuszcza się do kraju to zależy od mieszkańców i ich woli. A jak tak jesteś zwolennikiem wpuszczania wszystkich to udowodnij to zostawiając otwarte drzwi swojego domu przez cały czas. Najlepiej je zdejmij z framugi. Zobaczymy jak twoje mieszkanie będzie wyglądać po miesiącu .
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 Nikt nikomu nie zaprzecza .Inna jest mentalnosć Słowian a inna z Syrii . A jak taka sama to po co w Szwecji czy Norwegii ( nie pamiętam z którego kraju to był film,) jest program dla męższczyzn z Syrii czy innych wybranych krajów jak powinno traktować się kobiety.
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 A i jeszcze dodam .Ci ludzie dają pieniądze dyktatorom . Nie wiedzą kim jest Putin i Łukaszenko ? Jaka jest władza w ich krajach. Ale co tam dajmy im kasę na te dyktatury i przejdziemy sobie nielegalnue do innego kraju. A kogo tam prawo i że z naszych pieniędzy są utrzymywane więzienia w których także siedzą Polacy lub robione bomby które też kiedyś mogą spaść na Polskę a teraz spadają na Ukrainie
@@zhangzy123 Nie jestem zwolennikiem wpuszczania nielegali, i to powinno byc egzekwowane dla kazdego nawet rezuna z ukrainy, TOCZKA)) Wyobras sobie ze w Kanadzie sa takie miejsca ze ludzie nie zamykaja drzwi na klucz, a wy tam sobie ukraizujcie Polske, jeszcze nie raz bedziecie mieli okazje sie nacieszyc ta WASZA WOLA otwartej granicy z ukraina. Wy raczki skladajcie do Bozi zeby Ukrainy nie przyjeli do Uni a jak sie to stanie wtedy odczujecie "braterstwo" Ukrainy w calym tego slowa znaczeniu. Wojna jeszcze sie nie skonczyla a oni juz sie stawiaja przeciw Polsce na poziomie politycznym mimo to ze ich dozbrajacie Na Ukraine exhumuje sie "bohaterow narodowych" ukrainy SS-Galicja a na Wolyniu exhumacji zarezanych w bestjalski sposob nie doczekacie sie
They keep coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming
They were flown in by the Russians / Łukaszenko from as far as Afganistan and Cuba to cross the border illegally, to wreck havoc and distract our military, create a negative public sentiment against real refugees at the forefront of the invasion of Ukraine and probably create a negative PR for Poland to neutralize our actions in response of the invasion.
Illigal migrants are still in Belarus. Maybe Lukashenko invited them for dinner, and now they're standing at the Belarusian border peeking into Poland. They're looking at our scenery!
Poland is the first safe country for Ukrainians flying the war. By international law they have to be accepted in Poland. Syrians should stay in Bielarus. it is safe country. or maybe to Jordan - closest country. I don't believe that refugees can pick any country on the map of earth and claim asylum there.
According to international agreements ukraniana have right to seek asylum in Poland as Poland is a neighboring country but syrians,irakis, afghans etc dont have that right cause they have crossed many countries to get to Poland, most of them safe countries, so the moment they choose wich country to stay in they become inmugrants and not asylum seekers.
Very true EU law states they must seek asylum in the 1st safe country they enter.The annoying part of that is theyvtotally disregard that law and no one seems ( except the Poles ) have the will to simply not grant them asylum even when they have ignored the law.
Poland has the right to choose who enters and stays in Poland and nobody can decide for them so shut up with this manipulation about rejecting asylum seekers
there is a big difference between people from Ukraine and from arabic and african nations and it's the culture. Because of that they shouldn't be treated the same!!
@@cherylk.2474 The crisis began when Lukashenko threatened to "flood" the EU with "drugs and migrants". Later, Belarus increased connections from the Middle East and started giving those who bought tours Belarusian visas. Migrants were told it's the best route to the EU and that's why they paid so much.
Many Thanks Dominik Tarczynski You are the smartest man in Europe because you care for Poland and the Polish people. Dominski you are wise beyond your years because you do not follow the foolishness and stupidity of the countries of Europe by letting Muslims inter Poland which will not assimilate but keep there way of life and belief which will only cause many problems in the years to come. You do not have to be a PHD to know this will happen if Muslims inter a Christian country.
Great job Poland!!!!!❤🇵🇱
Do not let them into Poland learn from the rest of the civilized countries that did what they'll do and what their goal is and it's not to assimilate. Send them to, anywhere their gods are worshipped.
Why is it so difficult for some journalists to see the difference between legal and illegal immigration? The difference between somebody knocking at the door and asking for an invitation, vs. somebody jumping over your fence and throwing stones at your windows trying to break into your home?
Why is it so difficult for some politicians to understand that the more welcoming the EU is for illegal immigrants, the more of them will keep coming - and Africa+Middle East has an almost 2 BILLION population - Europe is just too small for this kind of population.
Every concerned journalist can go over to Balarus and take them home with them as long as Belarus is where the Journalist wants to live.
They decide to ignore it because they have a political agenda dude
Bravo Poland, strong country, proud nation!!!!!
toilet cleaners
@@mirzamirzali5257 Bu işi bizim Türkler yapiyor.
Could they have taken a legal route? Yes, they could. But they took advantage of the "tour" to Belarus. There is no war in Belarus, nothing threatens them.
That's right, nothing threatens them, Belarusian Dictator, Lukaszanko is up to no good.
@@PGN1967 They chose to fly to Belarus. There are countries which are accepting migrants. Rwanda is accepting migrants and Rwanda is developing rapidly. Belarus should take them back to Minsk and put them on planes to Rwanda.
they should stay in their own country, not force they way into others
They want free handouts. Get a job in Belarus and save your money to get home. Stop counting on strangers to pay your way!
these migrants are using there own kids as live shields- shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is in their DNA
Why don't they go to the rich Muslim countries?
They cant be Muslim, one of the guys had a Turban on, maybe some but I am not sure
Some Muslims wear turbans not just Sikh.@@ableh4547
@@ableh4547 These are Abduls who want to spread their "peaceful religion".
On tick tok there a Muslim who says the Muslims that run away would probably be in jail and I think he dislikes them as much as I do
@@ableh4547UAE not give suria people even turist visa
They flew to Belarus, and are safe in Belarus. Belarus is a lovely country, why did they fly there if they wanted to go to Poland? Why did they get visas for Belarus instead of obtaining visas for Poland?
look my brother Poland visas are literally impossible for wroking class people and families so they buy a done base visa of belarus for 8000 dollars and flew staright to belarus for a donky to europe
@@Ishtiaqarash They wasted their money. Talk to Belarus about giving them jobs.
Whatsapp nmbr plz ...
@@Ishtiaqarash Work visas for working class people are literally Impossible (your words) to obtain because there are not enough jobs for working class Polish citizens. If these immigrants enter, they most likely will not find jobs which will support them and their families, especially if they do not speak Polish. They should consider going to countries which have a shortage of workers and which uses the language they speak where they can be working much sooner. Poland has the right to refuse entry, as does every country. Belarus has accepted them, they went there willingly, perhaps Belarus is their new home.
My respect for Poland is increased, every European countries should have to learn some from Poland. 🇵🇱❤
Nie są w Polsce mile widziani. Chcą wejść nieleganie, więc nie zostaną wpuszczeni. Nie ważne, kto będzie nam kazał
@polak, za to rezuny sa mile widziani i granica otwarta na osciez
🤣poczytaj co ty piszesz
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822a ty odróżnij otwarte od zamknięte
@@arturkirtal4349Do kogo to piszesz? zamulony propaganda PiS. Cymbalku, ukrainska granica jest otwarta na osciez, a na innej zbudowano zasieki. Jeszcze nie dotarlo do przymulonej czachy co odjebal Clownski w Senacie Stanow Zjednoczonych, dajecie wszystko a on sobie wytarl morde Polska, ty frajerze
Jeszcze jedna sprawa, zebys nie musial sie produkowac zoltodziobie, jak ja opuszczalem Polske to ty jeszcze nie srales w pieluchy, synku
Stay strong Poland!
Bravo Poland, stay strong.
Good job, Poland!
People have the right to decide who they let into their home, do not take away people's right to live in their own home, it is not a crime or a sin, it is an elementary right. Isolation is not a crime, expansionism is a crime
All European countries should follow Poland and shut the doors.
Pure lies, these Muslims will then do the same as in France. Poland has done what many do not do is a great country congratulated him
You cannot cross the state border illegally. And help should be provided by Belarus where it is located and encouraged them to come to them. International law makes it clear when and who is to provide assistance. And if someone wants to immigrate to a given country, he submits an asylum application and waits for a decision. Poland will not let illegal economic migrants in. Poland is obliged to guard the Schengen border.
Jureczku czy Shengen border z ukraina jest szczerzona? czy ukraina jest juz w Shengen nielegalnie? Czy ukraince skladaja aplikacje o przesiedlenie? nie emigracje, NIE, to wiec przestan PIERDOLIC i byc po stronie podwojnych standartow (pisze po polsku bo angielskojezyczni nie musza wszystko wiedziec)
Regarding the Granica group, I wonder who is financing them, as normal people in their age are at work, and then later go home to take care of their children like I do.
Germany of course is funding them who else?
It's a set up, they might be sending them to spy on Poland, or more is going on, that of course, we don't know if anything about. I notice that the reporter, is saying things that are not very appealing, nor are favor. You folks need to send her to Belarusian side. I hope she realizes that bars on that fence are metal.
@@donbabilio8298germany is grateful for Poland now. They learned their lesson after the first imigration wave.
Maybe George Sore A**.
Well done Poland , don’t let ANYONE tell you what to do. Keep your heads high and fight for Poland.
It's our right to decide who we want in our country. There're also many safe muslim countries, why they don't migrate there? With Ukrainians it's different story, they're from the same civilazation circle, so it's much easier to assimilate them with Polish community.
These Abduls want to go to majority ✝️ countries amd spread their terror ideology.
"They're from the same civilisation circle" - lol 🤣Yes this is the perfect way to say it. They also behave in a civilised manner, compared with these people, who throw rocks and pull down border fences, demanding entry. If they are a genuine refugee they'd be grateful to stay in the first safe country - Belarus.
Stand strong Poland, many in Europe stand behind you and believe in your hard stance
If only we had such tough leaders in the rest of Europe and the EU, who put their people and countries first !!!!
100% agree
These people made a really dumb choice trying this tactic with Poland - if they had any idea of Polish history they'd know we've suffered enough over the centuries, we're not going to risk getting invaded again, ever - not by force, not by guilt.
Poland defens its borders and the European's. Never forget that!
They came to Belarus on a tourist visa, so let them enjoy the beauty of this country. And if they want to visit Poland, that's what border crossings are for.
Why do they not apply for Polish visa if they wanted to go to Poland?
@@cherylk.2474Good question.
@@cherylk.2474Because they prob know they won't get one.
They want handouts. They could of worked 4 days on farms or cleaning houses but instead they wasted a good days work begging at that fence. Get a job and save to leave.
Whoever is running their mouth, reporting this incident, please state facts. Poland has their fence up for a reason, and it appears that there is no access to Poland for the migrants in that very area. Migrants will need to turn back around, and go back to Belarus. Th what I can see, the illigal migrants are on Belarusians side. You need to address this issue with Belarusians. Please keep Poland out of this. Poland has nothing to do with this. Please observe which side the migrants are on, Poland or Belarusian. I can see from here Belarusian side. Learn to report facts accordingly. Since there's war out there, Reporting will have to be covered with Belarusian authorities. Otherwise, call EUROPEAN UNION to talk to Lukaszanko to take care of his illigal migrants.
I find it amazing the "aid" volunteers can always find these "lost tourists". Perhaps the aid volunteers should go to Belarus where they can more easily provide "aid" to these lost tourists. Belarus seems to have difficulty doing this.
I feel they are NOT stuck? They simply cannot enter where they want to go.
This is true but some of these biased reporters use the word stuck or imprisoned.
Exactly. No one in this world has a right to the word YES every time. The answer is NO.
If Belarus let them in, and they are not in Polish territory, Poland has no obligation to take them in.
@@hicmad They haven't left Belarus, they are in Belarus. They are not in limbo, they are in denial. Poland is not obligated to allow them to enter Poland, especially since Belarus permitted Russia to launch their invasion into Ukraine from Belarus. Wisely, other countries are enforcing their borders with Belarus and Russia, also.
Go to Russia. They’ll help. They’ll put the men in uniforms and send them on a vacation to Ukraine.
Stay in Belarus. Stay brave and strong Poland.
It's not Poland that has to take care of their human rights, it's their Governments at home.
Why they should let them pass?
Why they don't just go to a country that matches their beliefs?
Yes and Poland is a Catholic country ,so they defo don't want them.
Good job Poland ❤
There isn't one part of me that feels sorry for them
I do feel sorry for the migrants but I agree with Poland, I'm not taking the risk
They need to get JOBS where they are, SAVE their money and get a ticket home or to a country that accepts them. Not our issue. They want handouts from strangers. Get jobs!! Off the books if you have to! They missed 4 nights of farm work standing at that fence!
Belarus take cash from them. And fly them to Belarus, and drive to borders
This has been going on for two years. Why do they continue going to Belarus if they don't want ot stay there. Poland is not at fault.
@@cherylk.2474Lukaszanko is playing games. Putin and Luke are like children, they play chess with human pieces. Since humans volunteer, it's on them to look like fools behind that metal fence.
@@cherylk.2474they expect that their suffering will melt Polish hearts. It doesn't. Poland knows well that nothing good comes from their Eastern neighbours.
@@puclopuclik4108 You are correct, there is a fine line between a kitten and a skunk, but the line is important identification.
What they doing on polish-belarussian border??!?! Theres no war here xD
Actually, they are on Belarusian side of the border, if they were on our side, they would be able to continue their journey.
These people knew that a visa-free stay in Belarus ends in 5, 15 or 30 days depending on your country of origin or the region you are in. However, they go there cherishing a false hope to enter Europe without a visa. This is ridiculous. Most of them aren't even refugees, as far as it seems. Hey, guys, buy your ticket back and go home. What's wrong with you?
They picked the wrong country.
Why do they Arabi, Islamic migrants seek refuge in non Muslim countries and not rich countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE ????
They don’t Accept us
They were invited by Belarus on tourists’ visas. They paid for visas to Belarus and not further. If they need help they have to ask for it legally, in Polish or any of EU embassies in their countries and if not, escape to the nearest safe country to their fatherland and apply from there.
They are more than welcomed to go home, so we can help them and send them back. They chose to come, they face the situation and don't give me crap about "how their country is bad".
Is this warfare by migration?
Yes, that's precisely what it is.
Saudi Arabia and other Arabs countries should open the door for these people.
Question why aren't all these civil rights people helping em in their own countries, from what I've seen its in all countries isn't it ?
They can adjust to life in Belarus!! Well done Poland!!
If Poland accepted all these people then more will come.
It’s ok 🥺🥺❤️❤️🏴🇵🇱
They can go to Dubai or saudi arabia
They don’t want us
They flew to Belarus, there is no war in Belarus, let them seek asylumn in Belarus 😂
😂 they need to get jobs in Belarus instead of expecting handouts
They cannot be allowed into Poland it will be a grave mistake.
please don`t make the mistake that they made in America. Joe Biden let in anybody in, now gangs, drugs, and crime have taken over the country. Not to mention millions of ungrateful migrants that want everything for free. Biden is the worst president in American history.
You can understand why this is happening with the problems that many countries are having with Immigrants and asylum seekers.
Po co tam caly czas nowi przyjeżdżają ? Nie wiedzą komu za to płacą ?. Nielegalni imigranci nie są mile widziani w Polsce. Zapłacili Łukaszence za wakacje to niech tam siedzą .
@zhangzy, Za to ukraince zwalili do Polszy oficjalnie?, granica szeroko otwarta mimo to ze Ukraina nie jest w Europejskiej Uni, facet przestan pierdolic. Sami sobie zaprzeczacie jak to wszystko czytam, podwojne standarty, czegos nauczyliscie sie od yankesow
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 To kogo wpuszcza się do kraju to zależy od mieszkańców i ich woli. A jak tak jesteś zwolennikiem wpuszczania wszystkich to udowodnij to zostawiając otwarte drzwi swojego domu przez cały czas. Najlepiej je zdejmij z framugi. Zobaczymy jak twoje mieszkanie będzie wyglądać po miesiącu .
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 Nikt nikomu nie zaprzecza .Inna jest mentalnosć Słowian a inna z Syrii . A jak taka sama to po co w Szwecji czy Norwegii ( nie pamiętam z którego kraju to był film,) jest program dla męższczyzn z Syrii czy innych wybranych krajów jak powinno traktować się kobiety.
@@lifeisharditsharderifyoure6822 A i jeszcze dodam .Ci ludzie dają pieniądze dyktatorom . Nie wiedzą kim jest Putin i Łukaszenko ? Jaka jest władza w ich krajach. Ale co tam dajmy im kasę na te dyktatury i przejdziemy sobie nielegalnue do innego kraju. A kogo tam prawo i że z naszych pieniędzy są utrzymywane więzienia w których także siedzą Polacy lub robione bomby które też kiedyś mogą spaść na Polskę a teraz spadają na Ukrainie
@@zhangzy123 Nie jestem zwolennikiem wpuszczania nielegali, i to powinno byc egzekwowane dla kazdego nawet rezuna z ukrainy, TOCZKA)) Wyobras sobie ze w Kanadzie sa takie miejsca ze ludzie nie zamykaja drzwi na klucz, a wy tam sobie ukraizujcie Polske, jeszcze nie raz bedziecie mieli okazje sie nacieszyc ta WASZA WOLA otwartej granicy z ukraina. Wy raczki skladajcie do Bozi zeby Ukrainy nie przyjeli do Uni a jak sie to stanie wtedy odczujecie "braterstwo" Ukrainy w calym tego slowa znaczeniu. Wojna jeszcze sie nie skonczyla a oni juz sie stawiaja przeciw Polsce na poziomie politycznym mimo to ze ich dozbrajacie
Na Ukraine exhumuje sie "bohaterow narodowych" ukrainy SS-Galicja a na Wolyniu exhumacji zarezanych w bestjalski sposob nie doczekacie sie
Nie, nie zostaną wpuszczeni, od przechodzenia są przejścia graniczne
Tak jak ukrainski potop przez granice, ale wy ludzie pierdolicie, sami sobie zaprzeczacie
They have no rights outside of their country
stay strong Poland ..dont let them ruin your culture and your people
Send them back - Stand Strong Poland
so strangely convenient how belarus invited them in but not to stay. almost as if there were ulterior motives. go home.
They're in Belarus on tourist visas enjoying Belarus scenery. Poland is not involved.
one country without terrorits keep poland clean and safe
Selectively showing women and kids
Notice how they are showing mainly women and children, yet isn't it military aged men shown on messaging spps attacking the polish border?
Leave them there, to freeze. Shouldn't have left their warm countries.
I stand with Poland.
Pack them up, send them back. Issue the bill to EU or Belarus...
Good for Poland 👍
No Asylum in Poland great Job Poland!!!!!
Be respectful of each country border.
Well done Poland they have no right to enter Poland ,alot of play acting by these people .
Support Poland all the way
buhuhu take...they come to Belarus and why they run thru half word to europe ?? There are so much muslim countrys around ?
They keep coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming
They are in Belarus. There is no war in Belarus. There is no land between Belarus and Poland. Belarus invited them. Stay in Belarus.
Why were they in Belarus ?
They were flown in by the Russians / Łukaszenko from as far as Afganistan and Cuba to cross the border illegally, to wreck havoc and distract our military, create a negative public sentiment against real refugees at the forefront of the invasion of Ukraine and probably create a negative PR for Poland to neutralize our actions in response of the invasion.
Illigal migrants are still in Belarus. Maybe Lukashenko invited them for dinner, and now they're standing at the Belarusian border peeking into Poland. They're looking at our scenery!
@@PGN1967 Poland fought to protect Europe against invader's. It looks as if you're doing so again.
Timeto go home! Europe is tired of supporting trespassers.
they are in european country: belarus, so if they accepted them, keep them.
Poland is the first safe country for Ukrainians flying the war. By international law they have to be accepted in Poland.
Syrians should stay in Bielarus. it is safe country. or maybe to Jordan - closest country. I don't believe that refugees can pick any country on the map of earth and claim asylum there.
Good for you Poland ! Don’t back down
those illegal immigrants were attacking the polish border police, they should go
No Entry signs mean no entry 🙄🙄🙄. Think of what would happen to Polish people if the shoe was on the other foot!
According to international agreements ukraniana have right to seek asylum in Poland as Poland is a neighboring country but syrians,irakis, afghans etc dont have that right cause they have crossed many countries to get to Poland, most of them safe countries, so the moment they choose wich country to stay in they become inmugrants and not asylum seekers.
Very true
EU law states they must seek asylum in the 1st safe country they enter.The annoying part of that is theyvtotally disregard that law and no one seems ( except the Poles ) have the will to simply not grant them asylum even when they have ignored the law.
Kudos to Poland. Let Belarus deal with the migrants. They let them into their country, they should feed and shelter them.
If you let those people in you and I both know that won't be the end of it they'll be at your border every day crying begging
Poland has the right to choose who enters and stays in Poland and nobody can decide for them so shut up with this manipulation about rejecting asylum seekers
The spin the Extreme Far Left media puts on this is hilarious too
I'm with Poland 🇵🇱 ♥️
Poland stay strong remember what happened to Sweden
Order them to go back to Russia Belarus back
there is a big difference between people from Ukraine and from arabic and african nations and it's the culture. Because of that they shouldn't be treated the same!!
Bitten my mosquitoes? Wow, life is tough 🤦♂️
This is silly. I see majority military aged males, and many masked individuals. Thumbs down.
Maybe they can stay where they came from.
OMG even those poor people don't want to live in Russia or Belarus. This is so meaningful.
Why did they pay so much money to fly there?
@@cherylk.2474 The crisis began when Lukashenko threatened to "flood" the EU with "drugs and migrants". Later, Belarus increased connections from the Middle East and started giving those who bought tours Belarusian visas. Migrants were told it's the best route to the EU and that's why they paid so much.
They don't want to live in Poland either. They go for Germany, the UK, Norway etc.
One eve said to a reporter why won't they let me in, I want to go to Germany.
Bravo Poland
Great job Poland
All with russian visas.
Many Thanks Dominik Tarczynski You are the smartest man in Europe because you care for Poland and the Polish people. Dominski you are wise beyond your years because you do not follow the foolishness and stupidity of the countries of Europe by letting Muslims inter Poland which will not assimilate but keep there way of life and belief which will only cause many problems in the years to come. You do not have to be a PHD to know this will happen if Muslims inter a Christian country.
I empathize with the migrants but i stand with Poland, defend your country however you see fit... They are thinking logically not with frelings
same here
Tell them to go to Russia.
Professional victimhood at its best
Leave them in Belarus. Not polands problem !
Go home we ain't letting you in
Poland the best!