@@myloveethiopiatube5614 yenatot new segete kimalm ayeee tebab kanent belay man ale lengeru mele beloachu alfowal kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk enatot tenfa be erimi melata yemelat lij leba ye leba lij BANET BET ARADA YEHONK MESLOKAL TINBATEM TINBEKN TATEBEW YELKUNSA SEW MYNEKEK BESU NEW KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
This is the typical intellectul nature; Ermias , you have done and saying. You are a good roll model for the coming generation intelectuals. Edime ena tena yistilin Dere, I hve a great respect for your works. Thank both of you and keep it up.
I took an economic lecture from the comfort of my house. What an unbelievable person. No wonder you look like a forty something. Your knowledge, energy, courage should be an inspiration. I hope your next endeavors will bring you success that you are Looking for and open opportunities in Ethiopia. My best wishes to you. You are one in a BILLION! Mr. Haile, I enjoy your show and I wish you do it more often. Keep up the good work.
I am not an economist. I am not financial consultant or else. But for any layman, this conversation could give lots of senses regarding the current economic scenario both within and outside. Thank you both!
This wasn't just an interview, it was highly educational. I hope that the government will consider his suggestion about getting rid of the black market. I do not doubt that he will come out with something better in the near future. Kudos to the host🙏🏾
😂😂😃he is not "economist" or "investment banker" as he is bragging 😃😄😄the terminologies he is using to reply questions does not indicate he has knowledge of basic economics😄😅😅😅
This guy is such an amazing person and humble. He knows what he is talking about Finanace and Economics. It will be such a pity for our country if we miss the chance to use his potential. Thank you Dereje for an outstanding performance and preparation you did before and during the interview. kudos for both of you on your professions !!!
Well said Semenew Haile. This people will not give him any place because his knowledge is much bigger than them so they are intimated by him. I will not be surprised if they put him back to "Kilinto". Also there are people like the below comment "Eshe Eshe" trying to diminish Ato Ermias's prestigious Education. This is why Ethiopia is where she is now. We don't appreciate well Educated person. We follow a guy like Aby that tells us lie everyday and believe what it not tangible. Bottom line I admire this guy and he is not afraid to fall in any business and get up and move on.
26k views in 7 hr !!!!!! . My dad used to say "ተማሪ " No one will take your knowledge. Now I know what he means , after this intreviw. Great interview indeed!!
True I grow up with the same wise words. They can take your private asset the only thing stays with you is your knowledge. You can trade anywhere with it. If you got one ☝️
This guy has a very deep understanding of economics, espically financial economics. I am pretty sure that he is not paralelled by any other economist in the country. I am in the profession and I know all Ethiopian prominenet economists, including those who taught me the courses. They have no knowledge beyond blubbering the theories.
Absolutely true I hop every who claims I’m economics must learn fro this Dynamic person Merhawi from Asmera Eritrea I wish all the better life individual Ethiopia people 🙏🇪🇷
@@baytekusdagnew8990 I don’t live in Ethiopia; I don’t do research on Ethiopian Economy; I am a professor of economics in North America; so, I don’t have any contribution. Does that disqualify my observation on Ermias’ interview?
MR ERMIAS i remember him when he played basket ball 👉SHOOT silent 3 point & BOUNCE to👉 DUNK !!! I met Mr Ermias 25yrs ago in Greek club , i was 15 & live near by & played basket ball with him & his freinds , i remember 👉Mr ERMIAS treated all people with RESPECT !!!
His explanation.....his knowledge......the way he simplify things ..... lots of respect the great Ermiyas Amelga. Long live to you sir. May God keep you safe💚💛❤🙏🙌
Ato. Ermiyas, your personality and thoughts are inspiring for my soul, for real! You are a living sign of persistence, thrive, learning and knowledge: I truly wish to work under your leadership one day 🙏. Wishing you all the success in your current and upcoming projects. Thank you very much Ato. Dereje, as always.
By far this is one of the best episode that we came across on Art Tv, with the most professional and wise Journalist Derege and a truly unbreakable business man Ermias with his own grace and full of detail knowledge for what is doing. an eye catch conversation for a business sectors society and to our country. a big Thanks for both of you.
It has been more than a decade since I witnessed such a deep and insightful analysis about Ethiopian Economics. Applause 👏🏾 ✌ Abiy's government should take lessons from it!!
I never met such an interesting person in my life. He really knows what he is talking about, but he's still very humble. I wish you success in your work. ❤️
What a great conversation between two legends that are great at what they do! Mr. Ermias thoroughly understood the meaning of time and its management even while being incarcerated. He defined never giving up by being unbreakable in situations that could've done so much damage to a person. His inspiration to the younger generation is much appreciated.
I can tell how painful it is to go through all this stuff but the truth will prevail. I’m so happy he is in a good spirits and try to work another project. Hopefully one day I will see him in person and congratulate him. It is difficult to work with my people if you have a big thing in mind and serve the country with out corruption. Thanks dere!
Wow...በእውነት I just watched,listened Again,again,and again ምንም የማይጠቀብ ነው ለዚህ ሰውዬ Nobel price ያስፈልገዋል one of outstanding economists I have never seen just my opinion
The more I hear him, the more I like him. I duly admire his self-belief. He seems an honest and direct person. Whatever has happened in his past, his sense of self-responsibility and self-reflection is amazing. I am so much inspired by his personality. I wish him success in life and the things he does. Wish him the best of luck! A wonderful interview.
ኤርሚያስን ስሰማው ትምህርት ቤት ቁጭ ብዬ በምርጥ ፕሮፌሰር የምማር ይመስለኛል። ደረጄ እውቀት እና ስርአት ያለው ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ። ያንተን ዝግጅት በጉጉት ነው የምጠብቀው።
ኤርሚያስን ስሰማው ትምህርት ቤት ቁጭ ብዬ በምርጥ ፕሮፌሰር የምማር ይመስለኛል። ደረጄ እውቀት እና ስርአት ያለው ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ። ያንተን ዝግጅት በጉጉት ነው የምጠብቀው።
@@esheeshe3839 ገና ትቃጠላለህ። ገና በየኮሜንቱ እየገባህ እብይ ካልወረደልኝ ብለህ ስትፅፍ ትኖራለህ ህይወትህን ሙሉ። የአንተ አይነቱ እንደዚህ ቂጡ እስኪቃጥል ድረስ እርር ብሽቅ ብሎ ያገኘው ቪዲዮ ላይ እየተቃጠለ ኮሜንት ሲያረግ ከማየት በላይ የሚያረካ ነገር የለም 😂😂😂
ግሩም ቃለ መጠይቅ :: የበሰሉ ሀሣቦች ድንቅ ነው ከዚህ ብዙ መማር ይቻላል :: አውቃለው አውቃለው ለማይል : :
ሁሉም ነገር በእውቀት ሲመራ ውጤቱ ያማረ ይሆናል ጠያቂና ተጠያቂ በመረጃ እና በብስለት ሲወያዩ ማየት አልተለመደም ገጠመኝ ነው። ደረጀ ምን ያህል ቅድመ ዝግጅት እንዳደረግክ እና ሚዛናዊ እንደሆንክ ትምህርት ሰጥተሃል።
Wow Wow!!ልጅ እያለሁ ታላቅ፡ፊልም ለማየት እንደነበረው፡ተመስጨ፡ነው የተከታተልኩት።Thankyou!
Me too
ደሬ 🙏 ሁሌም የማትሰለቸኝ አቀራረብህ ተዘጋጅተህ በእውቀት፣ የምታቀርባቸው እንግዶች የታሪክ እውቀትህ በጣም አስተማሪ ነህ ደሬ እድሜና ጤና ኑርልን ኤርሚ የማይሰበረው 👍👍🙏🙏
እርሱን መስማት በጣም ትልቅ ትምህርት ነው የሚይስተምረው የማ ይሰለች ትልቅ እውቀት ያለው አነቃቂ ሰው መስማት የማይጠገብ የማይሰለች ጎበዝ ጠንካራ ሰው በርታ ኤርሚ።
እውነት ለመናገር ብሰማው ብሰማው አልጠግበውም በቃ በጣም ነው ምወደው
እነ ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ እያሉ እነ ወርቅነህ ገበየሁ የሚሾሙባት አገሬ 😭😭😭
የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ 🙇🙇🙇
ምን ታርገዋለህ የእኛ ህዝብ አልጋ ቢሎት መሬት ይላል ቢቻው ሁድ ይፈጀው
enatot tenfa kil
@@esheeshe3839 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ጋዜጠኛ ደረጂ ሀይሌ our legendary ጋዜጠኛ የቤት ሰራውን ሰርቶ ተዘጋጅቶ ከ እንግዳው ጋር ሲገናኝ አንተን ይመስላልል👌 🙏🙏
የጋዜጠኞ ዉሃ ልክ አንተ ነክ አንተንና ማአዛን ብሩ ሳሰብ በኢትዮጵያ ጋዜጠኞች እፅናናለሁ ደሩ ሰላምክ ይብዛልኝ ኤሪሚያዬን በማቅረብክ ልባዊ ምሰጋናዬን አቀርባለሁ የተንሸባረሩ ንገሮች ሁሉ ይፅዳሉ ብዬ አምናለሁ።
Well said
@@emmanueladdis7039 4
Habesha sewin sitilimsitamogisum endihu new.
በጣም በጣም ድንቅና መሳጭ እንዲሁም ትልቅ ትምህርትን ሰጪ የውይይት አሰተያየት ለሰጠን ታላቁ ምሁር ወንድማችን ለአቶ ኤርሚያሰ አመልጋና ለአቅራቢው አቶ ደረጀ ሐይሌ ታላቅ የክብር ምሰጋና ይገባችኃል 🙏👍🙏👍🙏👍🙏👍🙏👍🙏
ኤርሚ ስላንተ ሳስብ ብዙ መከራ እንዳሳለፍ ይሰማኛል አንተ ግን ከአልማዝም በላይ ጠንካራ ነህ ያሰብከውን መሻትይፈፅምልህ ።
kitam denze kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
ዋው የማይጠገብ ቆይታ! !! ዋው እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ ስለ አገራችን ኢኮኖሚ ሆነ ስለ አለም ኢኮኖሚ ጥልቅ እውቀትን ነው የሰጠኸን ኤርሚ፣፣ ደሬ በጣም ገራሚ ምርጥ የሀገራችን በሳል ጋዜጠኛ! ! ሁለታችሁንም እድሜ ከጤናጋ ይስጣቹ።
ትምህርት ቤት እንዳለ ሰው ነው የተከታተልኩት ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤና ይስጥልን
ሁለት አስደማሚ ባለሙያዎች ! እጅግ በጣም መሳጭ ጥያቄና መልስ👌
ዋው ድንቅ ጠያቂ እና የሚያስተምር መልስ ኢትዮጵያ ድንቅ ልጆች አሉዋት ግና የማይሰሩ አእምሮዋቸው በነገር እና በተንኮል የተተበተቡ ሰዎች ሰርተው የሚያሰሩትን ሊሰሩ አይሰጡም ይህንን አእምሮ እንዳይሰራ ያስሩታል ይህን ሰው አንድ ቀን ማሰር በጣም ወንጀል ነው እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ አንዳዱ ምንም ሳያረግ ሰርቆ ሆዱን ይሞላና ለራሱ ወንድም አይሆን በርታ እንልሀለን ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ
እንኳንም ኢትዮጵያዊ ሆንክ ። እኛም ኮርተናል በአንተ አቶ ኤርምያስ ።
yenatot yekura leba ye leba lij tinb
@@anonymoussynonyms6183 የኔ ሰገጤ ቃለመጠይቁ አንተ አትመጥነውም በበታችነት ስሜት ታፍነሀል መጀመርያ ያፈነህን ነገር ተንፍስ እውነትም ጠባቦች
@@myloveethiopiatube5614 yenatot new segete kimalm ayeee tebab kanent belay man ale lengeru mele beloachu alfowal kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk enatot tenfa be erimi melata yemelat lij leba ye leba lij BANET BET ARADA YEHONK MESLOKAL TINBATEM TINBEKN TATEBEW YELKUNSA SEW MYNEKEK BESU NEW KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
@@myloveethiopiatube5614 ቂንጥራም ሸሌ
@Abebr Assefa ኩራትዎ አጭበርባሪ ስለሆነ ነው ይሄ ሌባ ሰውዬ ? ምን አለብዎት እርስዎ ገንዝብዎ አልተበላብዎት
እንኳን ተለቀቀ ክፍል 2 ሥጠብቅ ነበር! Love! Enjoy learning thanks both love ya!
በጣም ነው ማመሰግናችሁ ሁለታችሁን ያለማድነቅ ንፎግነት ነው በየቀኑ ብታወሩ ምንም የማይጠገብ ከእዉቀት ጋር የተጣመረ ውይይት ለመንግስት እና ሁሉም ሰው ሊማርበት የሚችል ወይይት ነው እናመሰግናለን
በእድሜዬ እንደዚህ ደስስስስ የሚል ቃለመጠይቅ ሰምቼ አላቅም መንግስት ተጠቀሙበት ይሄን ብርቅዬ ልጃችንን።
ደረጀ ጎንበስ ብዬልሀለሁ ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ከዕውቀት ጋር።
This is the typical intellectul nature; Ermias , you have done and saying.
You are a good roll model for the coming generation intelectuals.
Edime ena tena yistilin
Dere, I hve a great respect for your works.
Thank both of you and keep it up.
Number one journalist and number one Economist in the country!!!What a wonderful and satisfying interview 👏👏👌👍thank you Dereje and Ermias!!
የነበረው ሀሳብ እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ነበር:: በእውነት ኢትዮጵያ በኢኮኖሚ እንድታድግ ያደርከው ጥረት እጅግ የሚያኮራ ነው::
No Word's!!!!!! my hero Ermi 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thank you DERU🙏🙏🙏🙏
እነ ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ እያሉ እነ ወርቅነህ ገበየሁ የሚሾሙባት አገሬ 😭😭😭
የሞተልሽ ቀርቶ የገደለሽ 🙇🙇🙇
I took an economic lecture from the comfort of my house. What an unbelievable person. No wonder you look like a forty something. Your knowledge, energy, courage should be an inspiration. I hope your next endeavors will bring you success that you are Looking for and open opportunities in Ethiopia. My best wishes to you. You are one in a BILLION! Mr. Haile, I enjoy your show and I wish you do it more often. Keep up the good work.
ሠው ሀልፊነቱ የኔ ነው ከማለት በላይ የሚያስደስት ነገር የለም:በርታ እግዚአብሔር ይርዳህ
ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ ጊዜ የማይሽረው ምርጥ አዋቂ መምህር ቅን የዋህ የመጨረሻ የተማረና የበሰለ መልካም ሰውነው ኢሄ ሁሉ የሚባለውን አስረስቶ በስራ ስኬታማ የሚሆን ሰው ነው ያለጥርጥር ከሱ ብዙ ነገርን ተምሬያለው አመሰግናለው
I am not an economist. I am not financial consultant or else. But for any layman, this conversation could give lots of senses regarding the current economic scenario both within and outside. Thank you both!
ቤሲካ አለ የኢቢኤሱ ዮናስ ኧረ መንግስት ይሄንን ሰውዮ ጠበቅ ቢያደርገውና የሚጠቅሙ ነገሮችን ባለው እድሜ ለሀገሪቱ ም ለትውልዱም የሚያልፍ ጠቃሚ ነገሮችን ገንቢና እድገት አምጪ የሆኑትን እውቀት ብንሸምት ድንቅ ብቃት ከችሎታ ጋር እያዝናና የሚያስተምር እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ ኤርሚዬ እንዲሁም ጠያቂው በሳልና የሚጠይቀውን ሀሳብ የሚያውቅ እናመሰግናችዋለን ትልቅ ሀሳብ ተንሸራሽሯል
ሰላም ለሐገራችን ይሁንልን እናመሱግንሃለን ወንድማችን ደሬ ደራደሩ እናመሱግንሃለን የምናከብረው ነው ኤርሚያስ blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏
የምወደውና የማደንቀው ሰው ሁሌም አምነዋለሁ እወነትም የማይሰበረው በርታ እውነት ካንተ ጋር ነው አንድ ወቅት ሁሉም ይገባቸዋል ደሬ ኤርሚያስን ስላቀረብክልን እጅግ እናመሰግናለን 👍👍👍
ቃለ መጠይቅን ዛሬ ገና በጉጉት በስሜት እና በተመስጦ ተከታትዬ ልክ በችግሬ ሰዓት አንድ ሎተሪ እንደ ደረሰው ሰው በደስታ ረካሁ፡፡
ይህን ቃለመጠይቅ እንደምንም ብላችሁ ብትቀጥሉት
This wasn't just an interview, it was highly educational. I hope that the government will consider his suggestion about getting rid of the black market. I do not doubt that he will come out with something better in the near future. Kudos to the host🙏🏾
😂😂😃he is not "economist" or "investment banker" as he is bragging 😃😄😄the terminologies he is using to reply questions does not indicate he has knowledge of basic economics😄😅😅😅
@@esheeshe3839Ma honesh new Ermias'n yemtnikiw? he was a respected wall Street banker ( be zer manzerish smteshiw atakim le negeru :)
የእግዚአብሔር ቃል ሲናገር
የትጉ እጅ ትገዛለች የታካች እጅ ትገብራለች ይላል
እና ትጋትህን ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም።
እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ!❤❤🙏
ዋውውው!! እንዴት ደስ ይላል፤ እንዴት ደስ የሚል መሳጭ ቃለመጠይቅ ነው፤ በጣም ተደስቻለሁ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ ደረጀ ሃይሌ።
ሁለቱም የበሰሉ እና የሚናገሩትን የሚያውቁ ናቸው። በጣም ደስ ይላል ጥሩ ትምህርት አግኝተናል
ይህ ቃል በትክክል ተሠጥቶሀል አቶ ኤርምያስ በተከታታይ ያደረጋችሁትን ውይይት አዳመጥሁት በጣም አስተማሪ ውይይት ነው ።ያሳለፍኸው መከራ አጠንክሮህ ስላለፈ ፈጣሪ የተመሠገነ ይሁን አሁንም ያለህን አቅም ለህዝባችንና ለሐገርህ ስራበት በርትተህ አበርታን።
This guy is such an amazing person and humble. He knows what he is talking about Finanace and Economics. It will be such a pity for our country if we miss the chance to use his potential. Thank you Dereje for an outstanding performance and preparation you did before and during the interview. kudos for both of you on your professions !!!
😂😂😂😂he does not have knowledge of 101 investmemt banking or economics😄😄😅
Well said Semenew Haile. This people will not give him any place because his knowledge is much bigger than them so they are intimated by him. I will not be surprised if they put him back to "Kilinto". Also there are people like the below comment "Eshe Eshe" trying to diminish Ato Ermias's prestigious Education. This is why Ethiopia is where she is now. We don't appreciate well Educated person. We follow a guy like Aby that tells us lie everyday and believe what it not tangible. Bottom line I admire this guy and he is not afraid to fall in any business and get up and move on.
Come on man.
በእውነትና በእውቀት ላይ ያለ ሰው ነው
26k views in 7 hr !!!!!! . My dad used to say "ተማሪ " No one will take your knowledge. Now I know what he means , after this intreviw. Great interview indeed!!
True I grow up with the same wise words. They can take your private asset the only thing stays with you is your knowledge. You can trade anywhere with it. If you got one ☝️
ኤርሚ እድሜ ሰቶህ ሰርተህ መልሰህ ይሔን ህዝብ ባሰተማርከው,ባሳፈርከው ምኞቴ ይሔ ነው::
እኔ 100% ሰክሰስ እንደምታረግ እተማመናለሁ
ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ እጅግ ሰፊ የኢኮኖሚ እና የፋይናንስ እውቀት ግንዛቤ ኤክስፒሪያንስ ያለው ምሁር ነው።ለብዙ ኢትዮጵያውያን መትረፍ የቻለ ነው።በኢኮሮሚ ዘመኑን ቀድሞ ማሰብ የቻለ ነው።ብዙ ነገር ከሱ መማር አለብን።ጀረጄ በጣም ጎበዝ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ በጣም ተዘጋጅተህ የሙያውን ደረጃ ጠብቀህ ነው የቀረብከው በጣም ሳላደንቅህ አላልፍም።
Thank you sir....u showed us that ,there are different kind of Ethiopians still exist... huge respect!!!!!
ኤርሚ አንተ እራስህ finance & Accounting ት/ቤት ነህ! እድሜ ከጤ ና ይስጥህ! ኢትዮጵያ ከዘር ፖለቲካ ወጥታ አንተን የመሰለ ዜጋዋን ስጥተቀም ማየት እናፍቃለሁ!!!
ኢትዮጵያ ማህፀነ ለምለም ናት አንተን የመሰሉ እልፍ አእላፍ አሉ:: ምን ያደርጋል አገር ሰኔ እና ሰኞ ላይ ዋለች::ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ አንድቀን ቀና ትላለች አገሬ!!!!💚💛❤️
ምርጥ ቃለመጠይቅ ደሬ! ኤርሚያ ባለፈው የሰይፉ ፋንታሁን ፕሮግራም ላይ ቀርቦ ነበር ። የሰይፉ ፕሮግራም ለኤርሚያስ የማይመጥን ፕሮግራም እና ቃለ መጠይቅ ነብር። ሳልጨርሰው አቋረጥኩት!
ስንት ነገር ጆሮአችን አድምቶት እውቀት ያለው ሰው ሲመጣ እራሳችንን መታዘብ ጀምረናል እረ ሚዲያዎች እስኪ ከአርቴ ቡርቴ ውጡልኝ በትውልድ አትጫወቱ ለሀገር ለወገን የሚጠቅሙ ልክ እንደ አቶ ኤርሚያስ አይነቶችን ብቻ አቅርቡልን ።እናመስግናለን ደረጀ ሀይሌ ዘ በቅሎ ቤት ❤️❤️❤️🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
Keep it up Ermi. Soon, the day will come where we all/our country benefit from your ranges of expertise. Big respect dear.
This guy has a very deep understanding of economics, espically financial economics. I am pretty sure that he is not paralelled by any other economist in the country. I am in the profession and I know all Ethiopian prominenet economists, including those who taught me the courses. They have no knowledge beyond blubbering the theories.
What was your tangible contribution the ethiopian economy as an economist ?
Absolutely true I hop every who claims I’m economics must learn fro this Dynamic person Merhawi from Asmera Eritrea I wish all the better life individual Ethiopia people 🙏🇪🇷
That's why most of them are poor.
@@baytekusdagnew8990 I don’t live in Ethiopia; I don’t do research on Ethiopian Economy; I am a professor of economics in North America; so, I don’t have any contribution. Does that disqualify my observation on Ermias’ interview?
MR ERMIAS i remember him when he played basket ball 👉SHOOT silent 3 point & BOUNCE to👉 DUNK !!! I met Mr Ermias 25yrs ago in Greek club , i was 15 & live near by & played basket ball with him & his freinds , i remember 👉Mr ERMIAS treated all people with RESPECT !!!
What a brilliant mind! I just loved the whole interview! Thank you both of you. Derege!, you are the greatest!!!
በነገራችን ላይ .... ደረጄ ሀይሌ የምንጊዜም ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ እስኪ አዲስ ጋዜጠኞች እንግዳን ማክበር ቃላት መረጣ ከነ ደሬ ተማሩ
Better to say lecturing session than an interview. Thank you both!👌👌
This is a pure economics lecture. I find no one who makes sense on Ethiopian macroeconomics than this guy. Cudos Ermias.
Completely disagree! he is a pedlar!!!!
እዉነት አቶ ኤርሚያስ ፈጣሪ እረጅም እድሜ ፀጋዉን ያብዛልህ እኔ በጣም የሚያሳዝነኝ የለፋ አብረን እንደግ ማለት እደሌባ ካስቆጠረ ምን ዋጋአለዉ ፈጣሪ ይፍረድባቸዉ አቶ ኤርሚያ አገሬን ላሳድግ ላዘምን አለጂ አልዘረፈም በስሙ እደእባብ ገብተዉ መርዛቸዉን የረጩት እግዚአብሔር ይፍረደባቸዉ አቶ ኤርምያስን ንፁነት ለመግለፅ እባይተናነቀኛል
አቶ ኤርሚያሰ ለእዉነት የሚሞት ሀቀኛነዉ ሚረዳዉ
አካላት ቢኖር የራሱን አሳልፎ የሰጠ መልካም ሰዉነዉ
ዘመን ባክን አቋቅሞ ጁታዉ የወሰደበት በጣረም አሳፋሪ የሆኑ የመግስት ባለስለጣና በሱነግደዉ እሱን ወጀለኛ ያደረጉ ሰማይ እና ምድርን የዘረጋ ይፍረደባቸዉ
አቶ ኤርሚያስን ተዉት የማንንም ሀቅ አልበላ
ገራሚ ጋዜጠኛ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ!የሚያሳዝነው ነገር ምን አይነት እርግማን ነው ያለብን መንግስታችን ለምንድነው እንደነዚህ አይነት ባለሞያዎችን የማይጠቀመው???????
Ermias should run for Ethiopian Prime minster!!! The respect I have for him is unlimited. He is one in a million…
Ermyas the great!! What an amazing interview! You are an Icon. We are grateful to have someone like you in Ethiopia.
ቀጣይ ይኖራል ብዬ ተስፋ አርጌ ነበር በእውነት ድንቅ ነበር ቃላት አጣሁ አ/ቶ ኤርሚያስ ጋዜጠኛ ደረጄ እረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር
the flood of wisdom.i respect both of them.
ዝም ብሎ ተራ interview መስሎኝ ነበር ከፍቼ ያየሁት ነገር ግን ከማስበው በላይ እጅግ አስተማሪ lecture ሆኖ አግኝቼዋለሁ አቶ ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ ጀግና ብርቱ ከሀገራችን አልፎ ለአለም የሚበቃ የእውቀት ባለቤት ፈጣሪ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ ደረጄ ሀይሌ የጋዜጠኞች ቁንጮ እባክህ ለጋዜጠኞቻችን ልምድ አጋራልን። እወድሃለሁ አከብርሃለሁ ፈጣሪ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ።
ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ ጀግናዬ ነው። የበለጠ እንዳውቀው እንድረዳው ያደረገኝ ውይይት ነው ደሬ እናመሰግናለን አንተ ትለያለህ።
yetbdak kimal
His explanation.....his knowledge......the way he simplify things ..... lots of respect the great Ermiyas Amelga. Long live to you sir. May God keep you safe💚💛❤🙏🙌
enatot tenfa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk awaki lembal new be english yesfshew lemgh kimal
@@anonymoussynonyms6183 😂 😂 😂 you are sick. Oops sorry beengilizengna telefalefku. Ante denez beshitegna. Medhanitihin alwesedkim ende 😂 😂
@@anonymoussynonyms6183 you’re sick for sure. You can’t insult you don’t know just like that unless you got serious mental issues. Wow! 😯
ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ ምን ዓይነት ትልቅ ሰው ነው 100 ፐርሰንት ጀግና ነው ደሬ ግን እውነት ሌሎችን ጋዜጦኛች ሰብስበህ ለ አንድ ወር ስልጠና ስጥልኝ ፡፡ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ነው ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ያየሁት ዋዋዋዋዋውውውውው
ሀገሬ ኢትዮጵያ እነዚህን የመሰሉ ባለምጡቅ አእምሮ ሰዎችን አስቀምጣ በምድረ ጠባብ እና ዘረኛ ብሎም ደደቦች መገዛታችን ያሳዝናል። አቶ ኤርምያስ አመልጋ እድሜ እና ጤና ከመልካም እድል ጋር እመኝሎታለሁ።ያሰቡት ሁሉ ተሳክቶ በሌላ አስተማሪ ቃለ መጠይቅ እንድናዮት ያብቃን። በዚህ አጋጣሚ ጋዜጠኛውንም ላመሰግን እወዳለሁ።
I thank you...U gave me a valuable knowledge on financial system
Ato. Ermiyas, your personality and thoughts are inspiring for my soul, for real! You are a living sign of persistence, thrive, learning and knowledge: I truly wish to work under your leadership one day 🙏. Wishing you all the success in your current and upcoming projects. Thank you very much Ato. Dereje, as always.
ደሬ አንተን አለማመስገን ይከብዳል ። ኤርሚ የማይሰበረው አንተ ትለያለህ የምንለው በም/ት ስለሁሉም ነገር አመሰግናለሁ ። tnx for Arts Tv
ኤርሚ ፀጋኽ ይገርማል የተሰጠኽ ግን ፀሎት አይለይኽ ምክንያቱም ወጋ ስላለው በተረፈ አመቤቴ ትርዳኽ ለኢትዮጵያ ታስፈልጋታለኽ እድሜና አመኝልሀለው
Really appreciate both of you. Derje as always, you bring the best conversations on the tabel. God bless you both 🙏
Wonderful program. Both are professionals!!
ውድ ወንድማችን መንግስት ችግሩን ስለሚፈልገው ነው እንጂ ያንተን ወረቅ የሆነ ነድፈ ሀሳብህ የጠቀምበት ነበረ ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆንህ ግን አጅግ አንኮራብሀለን💚💛❤️
ኃላፊነት የሚወስድ የሥራ መሪ፡እርሱ፡በእርግጥ፡መሪ፡ነው፡፡የቤት፡ሥራውን
By far this is one of the best episode that we came across on Art Tv, with the most professional and wise Journalist Derege and a truly unbreakable business man Ermias with his own grace and full of detail knowledge for what is doing. an eye catch conversation for a business sectors society and to our country. a big Thanks for both of you.
Wooow beautiful mind always discussed beautiful ideas, Kudos to you.
This guy deserve to be the Finacial Ministery of the world! Wow! No words to explain his knowledge and level of confidence!
ትልቅ ሰው ኑርልን!!
It has been more than a decade since I witnessed such a deep and insightful analysis about Ethiopian Economics. Applause 👏🏾 ✌ Abiy's government should take lessons from it!!
Wonderful explanation, Appreciate both experts .
An iconic man in the history of Ethiopia and its bussiness ventures… he deserves a professional documentary for generations to see
He is super cheat😁😂😂😂😂😂
ጋሽ ደሬ በጣም እናመሰግናለን ግን ኤርሚን በሁለት ፕሮግራም ለመጨረስ እንዴት አስቻለህ? ኤርሚ እኮ ገና እያሟሟቀ ነበር ሚመስለው። እኛንማ ውሰዋስ ውስጥ ነው የዶልከን ። አያድርግበት እና ድጋሚ የመታሰር እድል ከገጠመው አብሬው ለመታሰር የወንጀል ፕሮጀክት ሁላ ነድፌያለው
Me too
Me tu
I never met such an interesting person in my life. He really knows what he is talking about, but he's still very humble. I wish you success in your work. ❤️
ይሄን ቃለመጠይቅ ተመልክቶ ዝም ማለት አይቻልም። አስገርመኸኛል...አስተምረኸኛል... የራስህ የሕይወት ፍልስፍና ያለህ ድንቅ ሰው! በነገራችን ላይ "ደሬዋ" በጣም ነው የማከብርህ የምወድህ!!
ምርጥ ቃለመጠይቅ ነው። አንቱ እንዳለ ጨረሰ ደረጄ። ስላለፈው ከዚህ በሁላ ከመጨቅጨቅ ስለወደፊቱ ትኩረት ማድረግ ይሻላል።
What a great conversation between two legends that are great at what they do! Mr. Ermias thoroughly understood the meaning of time and its management even while being incarcerated. He defined never giving up by being unbreakable in situations that could've done so much damage to a person. His inspiration to the younger generation is much appreciated.
I can tell how painful it is to go through all this stuff but the truth will prevail. I’m so happy he is in a good spirits and try to work another project. Hopefully one day I will see him in person and congratulate him. It is difficult to work with my people if you have a big thing in mind and serve the country with out corruption. Thanks dere!
Ermiyas Amelga regem tena edeme yesyelem 🤲🤲🤲 Ante ye Mother Ethiopia Edele setota newo.Ethiopia woste endesu yalutene asebasebo eytenkebakebu lehagerachen lehezebachen lewotatoche tadagiwoch nurone heyewoten mekeyere alebete.Ermias (pure air) netsuhe ayer newo,betam kerasu emenete,kedesena,hulune bemeredate meredat mekeyer yemifelege kedus Sewo newo ewoketu dare yelewome lezihe newo yemayeferaw lebe mulu yehonewo Yemigerme feture👏👏👏Even Dr Abiye A yezihene sewo mekeroche mesemat mamakere alebete LeEthiopia yemitekeme selehone!Ermiyas ante yegna, Ethiopians getse bereket nehe💚💛❤ I can'n get enough of you😍😍God Bless.
Wow...በእውነት I just watched,listened Again,again,and again ምንም የማይጠቀብ ነው ለዚህ ሰውዬ Nobel price ያስፈልገዋል one of outstanding economists I have never seen just my opinion
I feel like i attended the most interesting lecture ever ...no word very enlightening wow ...the interviewer very professional tnxs
ከባድ ሰው!
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ermias is a legend of an Ethiopian businessman.
ስለ ኢኮኖሚ ስለ ቢዝነስ ምንም አለውቅም ግን አፌን ከፍቼ ነው የሰማሁት ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ እረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን
የኢትዮጵያ ኢኮኖሚስት ነን የሚሉት ይህን ቃለመጠይቅ ቢመለከቱ ምክር አዊ ሀሳብ አቀርባለሁ ::
Two professionals ,,ethiopia needs this kind of persons.
This is why I like my oromo people....you guys are sincere...and positive ppl.may God give us peace and love....Those tigray ppl gn
ሁለት መልካም ኢትዮጵያውያን ኤርሚያስ ና ደረጀ
The more I hear him, the more I like him. I duly admire his self-belief. He seems an honest and direct person. Whatever has happened in his past, his sense of self-responsibility and self-reflection is amazing. I am so much inspired by his personality. I wish him success in life and the things he does. Wish him the best of luck! A wonderful interview.
ሀገራችን አሁን ከገባችበት የኑሮ ወድነት ለመላቀቅ እንደ አቶ ኤርሚያስ አይነት ሙሁራን እውቀታቸው ሳይረፍድ መጠቀም ግድ ይላል ።
Ermi yes indeed. “Little knowledge is dangerous!!!! “ I admire your confidence. Truth never die/ set you free . I love you man🥰🥰🥰
Well said👍
አሁንም እድል ቢሰጠውና ቃሉን በተግባር ቢያሳየን ብዬ እመኛለሁ
እውነትም የማትሰበር ነህ 👏👏👏
ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤና ለአቶ ኤርሚያስ
እውነተኛው የኦሮሞ ልጅ ዕድሜና ፅጋ ክነቤተስብዎ እግዚአብሄር ይጠብቃችሁ ተባረኩ ፍቅር ናችሁ
Respect !
ኤርምያስ ወሳኝ ኢትዮጵያዊ ኢኮኖሚስት ።
ደረጀ ምርጥ ጋዜጠኛ ።