That is the first thing that came to my mind when i woke up. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I had truly forgotten that and had been going through things i didn't understand why. And the holy spirit brought that to my mind. Don't take God for granted or lightly because he is to be respected and come before him with awe and respect. He ( God) is our holy father and an all consuming fire. The beginning of wisdom is to fear the lord 🖐
This has so few views! I have never been so satisfied with something so unsettling. I've struiggled with the cowering fear and a simultaneous boldness before God, but now the correct fear of Him has been made clear - fear to be proud, self-sufficient, etc. And I can honestly say I delight in the sound of that song.
@@jaykayy5173 the consequences of sin us not only pain and vanity but it's also death. So yes you should fear the consequences of sin. It's kind of the same thing like the law of the land. If you want to kill someone, you should fear the consequences of killing them which is jail in even possibly death row.
That would include all 10. That would include HIS Sabbath he made in Garden for man to Remember he is The Creator and only he can create. Satan only destroys. Friday sundown to Saturday sundown is his true Sabbath. Made before SIN and never a shadow.
I am so thankful that I wasn't born during the OT Era, I would have been stoned for my sin along time ago Thank you Jesus for your great grace and love
I think the main purpose of fear is to help us not to make small mistakes like David and Samson did(No doubt to the fact that they really loved God). Fear should act like a filter for every input we receive from the world, every thought in our mind and before every choice we make. Personally I use fear to keep me vigilant and to discern every situation I am in for we wrestle not against flesh and blood...
Amen your right. when Abraham went to Egypt Pharaoh and abimelek when he told them that Sarah was his sister because he knew they didn't not fear God. But abimelek seem to do right with God but abimelek could have done the same thing as David. God kept them from sinning against him.
I always thought "fearing God" meant obeying, getting disciplined and being afraid of punishment. I always imagined trembling with severe anxiety along with that.
I think that we should fear God in the sense of showing awe, respect and fear in that we don't want to cause Him grief over our sinful choices, but we have assurance in forgiveness of sin as 1Jn
@@cathy7382 no it doesn't. The verse you are referring to says to have reverence AND fear him. To have "awe" is to have reverence. But then he says AND.
8:24 "God is horrifically dangerous to run away from we should be terrified to run away from God!" He says it and doesn't even realize it. Both believers and unbelievers should be terrified to run away from God. The unbelievers should fear punishment for wrong doing and the believers should be afraid of stepping out of line. He actually doesn't even hear himself say it.
Matthew 10: 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Deuteronomy 5: 29 O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!
when I first became saved, I loved God with all of my heart. however I didn't fear him. two years ago I started to fall away and now after trying to get close to God. Now I have a fear of falling away again. does that mean God is working in me?
The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Once you understand what terrible wraith Jesus saved you from your love grows as deep for him as your fear of God's wrath. Protect your salvation at all cost.
@Talia Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.- Hebrews 4:1 Fear of losing your faith is a great thing to have. We need to understand what we can lose if we lose our faith. We lose everlasting life, God(a loving friend and Father. Someone who loves us beyond all measure). We lose the peace and joy that comes with the spirit and presence of God. We lose the wisdom that the spirit reveals to us in the word. We should be afraid. If we lose our faith, we lose everything to gain nothing but vanity. We gain hell and a miserable human existence filled with unhappiness. We gain trying to fill our unhappiness with sin which NEVER satisfies. I think if we just remembered the pain and emptiness that sin caused us when we were dead in trespasses, we would NEVER want to go back. I am currently slowly being reminded of how miserable and out of control I was before Jesus rescued me. Looking back, I was a disgusting, despicable human being. I look back at what I have done and knowing that God has forgiven me of all my debts, makes me marvel. How can someone be so merciful to forgive such a great debt as mine?! God is too good!
The same thing happened to me, I am afraid whenever I think of God if He has already forgiven me and what would be my judgement, also I am afraid to fall away again 😭 I want to live my life for Him and obey Him though I still struggle with it, especially with fear and doubt because now all I see is His wrath. I am afraid to fall again! 😭
It Means of Great Respect to HIS WORDS, HIS SPIRITS and HIS Discipline.Fear Towards the LORD GODFATHER in Christ is Good to Your Mind and Heart even Good to Your Eternal Good Souls in Christ.
CHRIST!!!???.....WOW! you're a pagan. You should really look into the origin of CHRIST. Start with PTOLEMY SOTER the first and his invention of Serapis Christus. Then look at the Hadrian letter about Christians. This my friend will shock you. Christianity is a lie and a religion that worships Serapis Christus. Don't believe me? Research the British Museum and Serapis Christus, they even have the statue. I love you. God bless.
hear are just a few definitions of what it is to fear God Deu 5:29 Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever! Deu_5:32 "Therefore you shall be careful to do as the LORD your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Deu 6:2 that you may fear the LORD your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged. Deu 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes, Psa 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. Psa 128:1 Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways. Pro 16:6 In mercy and truth Atonement is provided for iniquity; And by the fear of the LORD one departs from evil.(by keeping the commands you depart from evil,) Ecc_12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. the N/T writers only had the O/T as their study bible so to help us understand what fear is we need to go to where they were getting their doctrine from.
I'm terrified of GOD I'm in this addiction of drug and I'm sooo terrified everyday because I know GOD hates sin I've been a believer since I was 21 I'm now 62 and I do tremble and sake I don't know how to word my prayers anymore I've in in this dungeon of gigantic chains of a stronghold for 25 years now and I m in a war daily and begging HIM to set me free but nothing happens and I feel totally hopeless in this sin he set me free from sooo many things sins and addictions but not this I think lost from HIM I'm in pure punishment from GOD I think from all my sins I'm not given up on my faith if CHRIST JESUS but I don't see any hope for me in this nightmare I feel forgotten and destroyed with no help anymore I think GOD is angry with me and at me and he's destroyed me and not going to save me from this at all I've lost my salvation I think I thought I was desperately clinging to HIM no matter what but no this is a curse on me from GOD I'm starting to think yes I'm constantly in terror and super anxiety of sinning against GOD JESUS CHRIST I think he's left me to go to hell
Fear life without God. Fear the "storm" on the mountain. The potential of man without God is evidental. Look at our history. It's filled with greed, rape, dictators, slavery and the list goes on. Guess what? YOU have that potential without God. YOU will never justify yourself without the belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Not only have terrible dictators existed, but BILLIONS have followed them. The bigger the human "hero" without God, the bigger the potential of evil. Because every villain/dictator is a hero in his/her mind. Stay close to God, and fear the storm. He is your refuge for a reason.
Precious Dee, daughter of the King! Remember what was prophesied about Jesus long before he was born, He will delight in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord! The love of God and the fear of God sound like a contradiction but that's the marvel of God, they are so perfectly synchronized and both absolute necessity for living a holy life that is pleasing to God. If Jesus himself found abundant Joy in the fear of the Lord then how much more do we need to possess that same Spirit of the fear of the Lord! As you know from the statistics on marriage, love can grow cold, love is influenced by our feelings which can be so fickle... But love for Jesus combined with the fear of the Lord is an incredible Force for holiness. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the very beginning of wisdom, and that the fear of the Lord is hatred for sin, and that God shows his secret things to those who fear Him... On and on and on we have incredible promises to those who, like Jesus, delight in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord! Again, it sounds like a contradiction but in my own life I found incredible intimacy and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit once I completely embraced the fear of the Lord. Love you, bless all your ways! TC Annapolis, MD
Why would someone think fear isn't being scared of God, your not gonna be thinking of fear=love😕. And why would I love someone I fear, makes me think of my dad telling me to respect him while intimidating me.
You love and respect the law because it's good and the right thing to do but you also fear breaking the law because if you do your butt will end up in jail.
Just imagine the worst thing that ever happened to you... God allowed it to happen. God is it a Cause and Effect spirit. Knowing this you should fear God and keep it's commandments. This would be wise. And yes I said "IT" God is not a man or woman/ male or female. It's impossible. For God to be a gender would be a limitation. GOD HAS NO LIMITS.
Oh I know how horrible sin is and vile I hate to sin and it. Seems is all I do to me I don't see me being like JESUS at all I used too nit no more I love mist the time selflessly but I don't understand I've forgiven so many people and horrible things that were dint yi me and my siblings from my father since we were born and when he died I love him and had really supernatural fir the HOLY GHOST power forgiven so now I don't understand why GOD doesn't love me and yes I Rever and fear GOD mostly but I live HIM more than others anyone and myself as I'm able in my fath but I'm lost and I joy only in GODS WORD and praise HIM but I think he doesn't love or know me Im thinking even that I've decieved myself all these years I don't know how to think of it anymore I'm dragged down with weakness and exhausted everyday I cry before him on my knees I do thale prayers and my own but no nothing can set me free from this filthy addiction I've thought of killing myself sooooo many time but I'm a coward to go thru with it I see me as hoples and worthless to God
No. There are MANY people who are not saved. That may be the Holy Spirit convicting you of the reality of the situation. I don't know you but the above is a possibility.
IT'S THE *RESPECT* FOR GOD WHERE WISDOM STARTS, NOT FEAR! TERROR-BASE RELIGION IS DESIGNED ONLY TO ENSLAVE THE VERY PEOPLE JESUS SAID GOD WANTED TO SET FREE! Proverbs 9:10 is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible, thanks in great part to the awful word used by the sectarian King James Version translators to render the Hebrew word YIRAT which means "respect," NOT FEAR! Those who convert on the basis of terror have a distorted view of what it means to be "saved." They think Jesus came to save them FROM GOD or FROM HELL. However, according to Jesus of Nazareth, being "saved" has nothing to do with a god who is threatening to make you suffer unless you do this or don't do that! Jesus defined salvation as being saved from SIN ITSELF (Luke 19:9)! Jesus taught that what God wants is for human suffering to stop...not to be the CAUSE even more!!! He defined "sin" as when we cause others to suffer or completely ignore the suffering of others when we have the ability to alleviate it (Matthew, Chapter 25). But False Christianity would have us believe God is some sort of Cosmic Nazi who cannot forgive, nor stop himself from causing people to suffer! They falsely portray God as if he has some sicko need deep inside his nature that makes him have to put the hurt on people, unless they conform to a long list of arbitrary do's and don'ts that have NOTHING to do with human suffering! Those who convert because they are terrified of a god who threatens to torture them only, begrudgingly, submit, but have not changed a bit in their hearts! Were it not for the threats of torture they were deluded into believing, they would gladly return to doing all those things they're currently being FORCED to do! However, Jesus had an entirely different idea about conversion. He described it with a metaphor--being BORN AGAIN! In other words, real conversion, in his view, took place when a person REALIZES that hurting people not only causes others to suffer, but the one causing the suffering as well! The truly reborn are those who stop sinning, that is, stop hurting others, not out of fear, not out of duress, but because they REALIZED how foolish it was to lead a miserable life of hurting others! This is why Jesus said (in Luke 12:32) just the opposite of what we hear so often from false preachers promoting a religion of terror, "Do not be afraid...." He knew that false religious leaders like to falsely portray God as a cosmic terrorist in order to use the fear they inculcate in people's minds and hearts in order to use, abuse and control them! The real convert is one who realizes the promises of gain at the expense of others is a LIE! They have come to SEE the only real happy way to live is to lead a life of doing good and helping those in need! But those who have is fear-based RELIGION, one which loads you down with arbitrary laws, one that keeps you from doing anything enjoyable, though they harm no one...tend to become ENVIOUS and ANGRY! You can't stand to watch other people enjoy harmless pleasures, because you have been deluded into thinking they're you resort to condemning them, perhaps with the additional delusion that, if only you could get everyone to believe your way, and be as miserable as you, then it won't feel so bad. Sorry, but that never works! Rick Lannoye, author of Are you a victim of Bible Abuse? Go to
Matthew 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” Jesus disagrees with you. Time to open up your Bible friend.
I‘m terrified of being surprised on judgement day. But don‘t fear God in terms of terror. Make sure you have a good relationship. And you‘ll be save. God is not a monster. He won‘t abandon you.
@@SavedRickAstley sure he wont, i can name numerous times i was alone and had to endure on my own. he was not there. so yeah god is a monster to me. never cared about me, only wants my "worship" etc. so fuck him
"What Does It Mean for the Christian to Fear God?" Apparently Christians don't mean anything they say. The English language doesn't mean a thing to them. They could easily find another word, like "respect". But it is in keeping with the obtuse and confusing interpretations of the bible -- no wonder religion is so screwed up.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Impossible to believe in all this. Why in the world would you fear an all-knowing and all-loving God? I do not believe this being doesn’t exist, not as the Bible teaches anyway. Here’s a quote for you from Epicurus. “If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?
My post is a year late, but God wants us to choose to love Him out of our own free will. He is powerful enough to make us "love" Him, but that is not really love. To truly love someone, we need the possibility to reject that person; otherwise, it is not really love. We are then only like a doll with a string on our back that God can pull at any time to say "I love you" (Satan makes this argument to God about Job). However, God wants us to say out of our heart "I love you!" God wants our hearts and gives us free will because He wants our love. In addition, the Bible states that we reap what we sow, later than we sow and that God is patient, not wanting anyone to go to Hell. Thus, no one gets away with evil either in this life or in the next, and God accepts anyone who repents and accepts Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for our sins. He forgives any sin under these conditions. For a non-Christian, the fear of God should be the fear of God's judgement (Hell). For the Christian, Biblical "fear" means "reverence" and "awe." God is so much "other" than me even though I am created in His likeness. For instance, God not only created the galaxies and universes, but controls them to this day. He created our human bodies and is aware of them down to the last atom. He has enough power to wipe all life out on Earth in a second, but instead loves and puts up with humanity (from whom evil comes) in hopes that we would enter into a relationship with Him. It is not "impossible to believe in all this;" you just have never had anyone explain it to you from the Christian perspective.
@@mcw3560 Wow. You are very presumptuous and ignorant. You typed all of that and assumed that you know me. I’ve done plenty of studying and reading and I stand behind what I said. It is impossible for a rational thinking person to believe any of this. I’ve had religious people try to convince me with the same type of things you just said but it just isn’t feasible
@@tonygareth221 I am sorry. I really did not want to come across in that manner. It is difficult to have a dialogue over You Tube posts. You only have a limited amount of space, and you really can't get to know a person. Listen, you made some comments. I thought that I could respond to them and give good reasons why God does what He does. I am truely interested in what you think about my assertions.
That is the first thing that came to my mind when i woke up. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I had truly forgotten that and had been going through things i didn't understand why. And the holy spirit brought that to my mind. Don't take God for granted or lightly because he is to be respected and come before him with awe and respect. He ( God) is our holy father and an all consuming fire. The beginning of wisdom is to fear the lord 🖐
Yes sister
This happened to me as well. It’s interesting how we may slip if we are not disciplined to fear God that keeps us diligent on our walk.
This has so few views!
I have never been so satisfied with something so unsettling. I've struiggled with the cowering fear and a simultaneous boldness before God, but now the correct fear of Him has been made clear - fear to be proud, self-sufficient, etc.
And I can honestly say I delight in the sound of that song.
I've had the same problem.
fear of God is to follow his law
So are you saying it means to follow him because you should be scared of the consequences if you don’t?
Bible says fear of the lord is to hate evil. Proverbs 8 13
@@jaykayy5173 the consequences of sin us not only pain and vanity but it's also death. So yes you should fear the consequences of sin. It's kind of the same thing like the law of the land. If you want to kill someone, you should fear the consequences of killing them which is jail in even possibly death row.
That would include all 10. That would include HIS Sabbath he made in Garden for man to Remember he is The Creator and only he can create. Satan only destroys. Friday sundown to Saturday sundown is his true Sabbath. Made before SIN and never a shadow.
@@jaykayy5173 no John 14:15 says, If you love me keep my commandments and IF YOU I WIIL
I am so thankful that I wasn't born during
the OT Era, I would have been stoned for
my sin along time ago Thank you Jesus
for your great grace and love
Glad to hear this bc I am so fearful of God!
Are you? .....How much?
I think the main purpose of fear is to help us not to make small mistakes like David and Samson did(No doubt to the fact that they really loved God). Fear should act like a filter for every input we receive from the world, every thought in our mind and before every choice we make. Personally I use fear to keep me vigilant and to discern every situation I am in for we wrestle not against flesh and blood...
Amen your right. when Abraham went to Egypt Pharaoh and abimelek when he told them that Sarah was his sister because he knew they didn't not fear God. But abimelek seem to do right with God but abimelek could have done the same thing as David. God kept them from sinning against him.
I love the imagery of the dog so much. It gave me a serious revelation of the idea of the fear of the Lord
I really needed this
I always thought "fearing God" meant obeying, getting disciplined and being afraid of punishment. I always imagined trembling with severe anxiety along with that.
Fearing God means awe, accepting His
love, and wants to please God, it doesn't
include anxiety
I think that we should fear God in the
sense of showing awe, respect and
fear in that we don't want to cause
Him grief over our sinful choices, but
we have assurance in forgiveness of
sin as 1Jn
@@cathy7382 no it doesn't. The verse you are referring to says to have reverence AND fear him. To have "awe" is to have reverence. But then he says AND.
That was beautiful, brothers in Christ.
"not a cowering fear" agreed.
8:24 "God is horrifically dangerous to run away from we should be terrified to run away from God!"
He says it and doesn't even realize it. Both believers and unbelievers should be terrified to run away from God. The unbelievers should fear punishment for wrong doing and the believers should be afraid of stepping out of line. He actually doesn't even hear himself say it.
Matthew 10: 28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Deuteronomy 5: 29
O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!
when I first became saved, I loved God with all of my heart. however I didn't fear him. two years ago I started to fall away and now after trying to get close to God. Now I have a fear of falling away again. does that mean God is working in me?
Talia i feel the sameway
The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Once you understand what terrible wraith Jesus saved you from your love grows as deep for him as your fear of God's wrath. Protect your salvation at all cost.
Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.- Hebrews 4:1
Fear of losing your faith is a great thing to have. We need to understand what we can lose if we lose our faith. We lose everlasting life, God(a loving friend and Father. Someone who loves us beyond all measure). We lose the peace and joy that comes with the spirit and presence of God. We lose the wisdom that the spirit reveals to us in the word. We should be afraid. If we lose our faith, we lose everything to gain nothing but vanity. We gain hell and a miserable human existence filled with unhappiness. We gain trying to fill our unhappiness with sin which NEVER satisfies.
I think if we just remembered the pain and emptiness that sin caused us when we were dead in trespasses, we would NEVER want to go back.
I am currently slowly being reminded of how miserable and out of control I was before Jesus rescued me. Looking back, I was a disgusting, despicable human being. I look back at what I have done and knowing that God has forgiven me of all my debts, makes me marvel. How can someone be so merciful to forgive such a great debt as mine?! God is too good!
The same thing happened to me, I am afraid whenever I think of God if He has already forgiven me and what would be my judgement, also I am afraid to fall away again 😭 I want to live my life for Him and obey Him though I still struggle with it, especially with fear and doubt because now all I see is His wrath. I am afraid to fall again! 😭
@@nikolinadobreva3078 I lose the peace and joy, does that mean there is no hope for me? 😭
Beautiful sermon
It Means of Great Respect to HIS WORDS, HIS SPIRITS and HIS Discipline.Fear Towards the LORD GODFATHER in Christ is Good to Your Mind and Heart even Good to Your Eternal Good Souls in Christ.
CHRIST!!!???.....WOW! you're a pagan. You should really look into the origin of CHRIST. Start with PTOLEMY SOTER the first and his invention of Serapis Christus. Then look at the Hadrian letter about Christians. This my friend will shock you.
Christianity is a lie and a religion that worships Serapis Christus. Don't believe me? Research the British Museum and Serapis Christus, they even have the statue.
I love you. God bless.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” -Proverbs 9:10
hear are just a few definitions of what it is to fear God
Deu 5:29 Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!
Deu_5:32 "Therefore you shall be careful to do as the LORD your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.
Deu 6:2 that you may fear the LORD your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.
Deu 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes,
Psa 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
Psa 128:1 Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways.
Pro 16:6 In mercy and truth Atonement is provided for iniquity; And by the fear of the LORD one departs from evil.(by keeping the commands you depart from evil,)
Ecc_12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all.
the N/T writers only had the O/T as their study bible so to help us understand what fear is we need to go to where they were getting their doctrine from.
Thanks for sharing
That big dog analogy spoke to me! ❤️
You can either fear his punishment or fear His Name being dishonored and his heart grieved.
I fear believing in a false doctrine.
To fear the Lord is to hate sin
This is when you take penal substitution too far. Fear Him, yes. But not like Christ saves us from God...he saves from death and brings us TO GOD
I think he's implying that Christ's sacrifice saves us from death(which would be from God's wrath, which we all deserve if we've ever sinned.)
I do not fear god because god is within us. Love and light from the one infinit creator
🕊️Ed Citronnelli Ministries🇮🇱🔜🎺🔜This Prophet spoke things only my Family knew 👆 TRUE Prophet
Jesus says not to fear him that can kill the body, but fear him who can kill your body & cast your soul To hell. (Matthew 10:28).
I'm terrified of GOD I'm in this addiction of drug and I'm sooo terrified everyday because I know GOD hates sin I've been a believer since I was 21 I'm now 62 and I do tremble and sake I don't know how to word my prayers anymore I've in in this dungeon of gigantic chains of a stronghold for 25 years now and I m in a war daily and begging HIM to set me free but nothing happens and I feel totally hopeless in this sin he set me free from sooo many things sins and addictions but not this I think lost from HIM I'm in pure punishment from GOD I think from all my sins I'm not given up on my faith if CHRIST JESUS but I don't see any hope for me in this nightmare I feel forgotten and destroyed with no help anymore I think GOD is angry with me and at me and he's destroyed me and not going to save me from this at all I've lost my salvation I think I thought I was desperately clinging to HIM no matter what but no this is a curse on me from GOD I'm starting to think yes I'm constantly in terror and super anxiety of sinning against GOD JESUS CHRIST I think he's left me to go to hell
Please see Mark DeJesus ministry. He helps people with anxiety.
I was always taught to love and trust my lord, but fear im not sure i can fear god if i love him so much😭
Fear life without God. Fear the "storm" on the mountain. The potential of man without God is evidental. Look at our history. It's filled with greed, rape, dictators, slavery and the list goes on. Guess what? YOU have that potential without God. YOU will never justify yourself without the belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Not only have terrible dictators existed, but BILLIONS have followed them. The bigger the human "hero" without God, the bigger the potential of evil. Because every villain/dictator is a hero in his/her mind. Stay close to God, and fear the storm. He is your refuge for a reason.
Precious Dee, daughter of the King! Remember what was prophesied about Jesus long before he was born, He will delight in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord!
The love of God and the fear of God sound like a contradiction but that's the marvel of God, they are so perfectly synchronized and both absolute necessity for living a holy life that is pleasing to God. If Jesus himself found abundant Joy in the fear of the Lord then how much more do we need to possess that same Spirit of the fear of the Lord!
As you know from the statistics on marriage, love can grow cold, love is influenced by our feelings which can be so fickle... But love for Jesus combined with the fear of the Lord is an incredible Force for holiness. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the very beginning of wisdom, and that the fear of the Lord is hatred for sin, and that God shows his secret things to those who fear Him... On and on and on we have incredible promises to those who, like Jesus, delight in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord!
Again, it sounds like a contradiction but in my own life I found incredible intimacy and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit once I completely embraced the fear of the Lord.
Love you, bless all your ways!
Annapolis, MD
The messiah can't save you without you totally understanding what he's saving you from(damnation) right? I think that's a good point.
I'm still processing
Fear of the Lord is to fear the one who can and most likely will destroy our mortal and immortal bodies in a lake of lava forever. That is all.
Why would someone think fear isn't being scared of God, your not gonna be thinking of fear=love😕. And why would I love someone I fear, makes me think of my dad telling me to respect him while intimidating me.
Fear of the lord is showing love and respect. Your father is your father. Why wouldnt you respect him?
You love and respect the law because it's good and the right thing to do but you also fear breaking the law because if you do your butt will end up in jail.
I have a problem sitting still recently
If i have i do stuff that i dont wanna do its on my mind i wachted this movie it was kinda like fear but at same time scary
Fear God and fear not.
If you don't know what "cavalier" means, basically it's being arrogant
Great message but calvinism is not of God.
Just imagine the worst thing that ever happened to you... God allowed it to happen. God is it a Cause and Effect spirit. Knowing this you should fear God and keep it's commandments. This would be wise.
And yes I said "IT"
God is not a man or woman/ male or female. It's impossible. For God to be a gender would be a limitation. GOD HAS NO LIMITS.
Oh I know how horrible sin is and vile I hate to sin and it. Seems is all I do to me I don't see me being like JESUS at all I used too nit no more I love mist the time selflessly but I don't understand I've forgiven so many people and horrible things that were dint yi me and my siblings from my father since we were born and when he died I love him and had really supernatural fir the HOLY GHOST power forgiven so now I don't understand why GOD doesn't love me and yes I Rever and fear GOD mostly but I live HIM more than others anyone and myself as I'm able in my fath but I'm lost and I joy only in GODS WORD and praise HIM but I think he doesn't love or know me Im thinking even that I've decieved myself all these years I don't know how to think of it anymore I'm dragged down with weakness and exhausted everyday I cry before him on my knees I do thale prayers and my own but no nothing can set me free from this filthy addiction I've thought of killing myself sooooo many time but I'm a coward to go thru with it I see me as hoples and worthless to God
Brother. Seek godly men in your life, and stay in the word of God. It will light your path. Praying for you.
Vengeance belongs to who??? ?
Is Feeling That i don’t feel saved a bad thing
No. There are MANY people who are not saved. That may be the Holy Spirit convicting you of the reality of the situation.
I don't know you but the above is a possibility.
The fear of God as I understand it:
“Do as I say or burn”.
Proverbs 9:10 is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible, thanks in great part to the awful word used by the sectarian King James Version translators to render the Hebrew word YIRAT which means "respect," NOT FEAR!
Those who convert on the basis of terror have a distorted view of what it means to be "saved." They think Jesus came to save them FROM GOD or FROM HELL.
However, according to Jesus of Nazareth, being "saved" has nothing to do with a god who is threatening to make you suffer unless you do this or don't do that! Jesus defined salvation as being saved from SIN ITSELF (Luke 19:9)!
Jesus taught that what God wants is for human suffering to stop...not to be the CAUSE even more!!! He defined "sin" as when we cause others to suffer or completely ignore the suffering of others when we have the ability to alleviate it (Matthew, Chapter 25).
But False Christianity would have us believe God is some sort of Cosmic Nazi who cannot forgive, nor stop himself from causing people to suffer! They falsely portray God as if he has some sicko need deep inside his nature that makes him have to put the hurt on people, unless they conform to a long list of arbitrary do's and don'ts that have NOTHING to do with human suffering!
Those who convert because they are terrified of a god who threatens to torture them only, begrudgingly, submit, but have not changed a bit in their hearts! Were it not for the threats of torture they were deluded into believing, they would gladly return to doing all those things they're currently being FORCED to do!
However, Jesus had an entirely different idea about conversion. He described it with a metaphor--being BORN AGAIN! In other words, real conversion, in his view, took place when a person REALIZES that hurting people not only causes others to suffer, but the one causing the suffering as well! The truly reborn are those who stop sinning, that is, stop hurting others, not out of fear, not out of duress, but because they REALIZED how foolish it was to lead a miserable life of hurting others! This is why Jesus said (in Luke 12:32) just the opposite of what we hear so often from false preachers promoting a religion of terror, "Do not be afraid...." He knew that false religious leaders like to falsely portray God as a cosmic terrorist in order to use the fear they inculcate in people's minds and hearts in order to use, abuse and control them!
The real convert is one who realizes the promises of gain at the expense of others is a LIE! They have come to SEE the only real happy way to live is to lead a life of doing good and helping those in need!
But those who have is fear-based RELIGION, one which loads you down with arbitrary laws, one that keeps you from doing anything enjoyable, though they harm no one...tend to become ENVIOUS and ANGRY! You can't stand to watch other people enjoy harmless pleasures, because you have been deluded into thinking they're you resort to condemning them, perhaps with the additional delusion that, if only you could get everyone to believe your way, and be as miserable as you, then it won't feel so bad.
Sorry, but that never works!
Rick Lannoye, author of Are you a victim of Bible Abuse? Go to
Matthew 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell”
Jesus disagrees with you. Time to open up your Bible friend.
yes i fear god, im terrified of him and what he is capable of doing, he is like a monster in my nightmares
I‘m terrified of being surprised on judgement day. But don‘t fear God in terms of terror. Make sure you have a good relationship. And you‘ll be save. God is not a monster. He won‘t abandon you.
@@SavedRickAstley sure he wont, i can name numerous times i was alone and had to endure on my own. he was not there. so yeah god is a monster to me. never cared about me, only wants my "worship" etc. so fuck him
@@michaeljohnson3966 GOD can change things?
Any religion that says you should "fear god" is the wrong religion.
@@SergiuM42 Because There is no God of judgment and punishment.
@@ylekiote99999 how do you know
@@ylekiote99999 how can you have a good God who does not punish evil?
@@SergiuM42 Because the real god for all of us is pure unconditional love.
Fearing God is hating evil AKA keeping his law. Also are you saved?
Ed Citronnelli Ministries this Prophet Prophesied to me and my family things we only knew👆🕊️🇮🇱🔜🎺🔜
"What Does It Mean for the Christian to Fear God?"
Apparently Christians don't mean anything they say. The English language doesn't mean a thing to them. They could easily find another word, like "respect". But it is in keeping with the obtuse and confusing interpretations of the bible -- no wonder religion is so screwed up.
Wow, I'm getting major cultish vibes from reading this comment section. What rabbit hole am I walking into, lmao.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
@@Chan_2020 I disagree
Impossible to believe in all this. Why in the world would you fear an all-knowing and all-loving God? I do not believe this being doesn’t exist, not as the Bible teaches anyway. Here’s a quote for you from Epicurus. “If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?
@@Chan_2020 I disagree, but thanks anyway
My post is a year late, but God wants us to choose to love Him out of our own free will. He is powerful enough to make us "love" Him, but that is not really love. To truly love someone, we need the possibility to reject that person; otherwise, it is not really love. We are then only like a doll with a string on our back that God can pull at any time to say "I love you" (Satan makes this argument to God about Job). However, God wants us to say out of our heart "I love you!" God wants our hearts and gives us free will because He wants our love.
In addition, the Bible states that we reap what we sow, later than we sow and that God is patient, not wanting anyone to go to Hell. Thus, no one gets away with evil either in this life or in the next, and God accepts anyone who repents and accepts Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for our sins. He forgives any sin under these conditions.
For a non-Christian, the fear of God should be the fear of God's judgement (Hell). For the Christian, Biblical "fear" means "reverence" and "awe." God is so much "other" than me even though I am created in His likeness. For instance, God not only created the galaxies and universes, but controls them to this day. He created our human bodies and is aware of them down to the last atom. He has enough power to wipe all life out on Earth in a second, but instead loves and puts up with humanity (from whom evil comes) in hopes that we would enter into a relationship with Him.
It is not "impossible to believe in all this;" you just have never had anyone explain it to you from the Christian perspective.
@@mcw3560 Wow. You are very presumptuous and ignorant. You typed all of that and assumed that you know me. I’ve done plenty of studying and reading and I stand behind what I said. It is impossible for a rational thinking person to believe any of this. I’ve had religious people try to convince me with the same type of things you just said but it just isn’t feasible
@@tonygareth221 I am sorry. I really did not want to come across in that manner. It is difficult to have a dialogue over You Tube posts. You only have a limited amount of space, and you really can't get to know a person.
Listen, you made some comments. I thought that I could respond to them and give good reasons why God does what He does.
I am truely interested in what you think about my assertions.
theyre cool. trans rights
Do you love them enough to want them to live forever?
@@FirstnameLastname77777this is the proper question