Assuming there's any honesty among apologists (lol), the magic is embracing 'SUPPOSEDLY' to lay out evolutionary hypotheticals, and simply refuse any positive evidence which might challenge your supposition of it being wrong.
Technically I'm a boomer, I wasn't taught any of the nonsense he spewing. We learned about evolution pretty much the same as it's taught today. Of course technology has given us a lot more information, but the concept is the same. He's an idiot who reads headlines and thinks that counts as scientists said so.
"I heard something wrong, didn't investigate it, and now any misconceptions I have are the fault of the scientists who lie because I'm an honest good boy" isn't the flex this guy needs it to be.
I'm a boomer, but, unlike this person, I was never pressured into accepting religious claims that couldn't be demonstrated to be factual. Why should I accept the supernatural claims in the bible, when there is no supporting evidence?
Yeah being a boomer literally has nothing to do with it. I like this guy's intelligence but, he says stupid stuff sometimes. (One time mocked how someone said a word because he had an accent. Makes you look actually stupid when you have to attack stuff that's unchangeable). doesn't need to do that imo.. no need to "attack" the "boomer". Hardly any boomers think like this so. Makes no sense to put that in your title as the main attraction. That's disingenuous at best.
@@Travar1410 Boomer is just a tag for people who were born between 1946 & 1964. It proves nothing, as environment & education are a larger influence. I note how the religious always use the false dichotomy fallacy, where it's either science or what they personally believe to be true. They never consider the possibility that what they believe to be true without evidence might be false.
@@Travar1410 Yes we know its nothing to do strictly with being a boomer, mostly its a fucking joke, wow. But, since you want to whine about it... who did old people/boomers OVERWHELMINGLY vote for in the US 2024 election? yeah, very smart and a lot of sense! Also, have you ever considered or mustered up the brain power to ponder the possibility that young people are getting fucking sick of the never ending, always constant, 100% socially acceptable berating and deprecation for simply not being alive as long as the people who fucked up the world and the education system before us that WE have to live and survive through and deal with the consequences of YOUR actions, then get berated for that too like its our fault. Like we created the world that exists now, like we created the world that we were born into. The boomer joke is telling you to get off your fucking high horse, obviously you're on an especially tall one. Keep feeling superior I guess when your demographic falls for cyber scams and phone scams... ones that we made fun of YEARS ago for being absolutely senseless and obvious. Either dont take a joke so personally and quit crying, or accept the validity behind the statement. Stereotypes are wrong, but they form for a reason. How about break the mold, or help others break the mold a little if you dont like fitting it? Also that guy he mocked, hindsight is 20/20. It was kinda bad, but the guy was being obnoxious and rude. Peterson returned the favor, and hindsight saw that it wasnt the guy mispronouncing it, it was actually his accent. That is a completely different event than the one youre portraying... so its HILARIOUS you're talking about someone being "disingenuous" when you are straight up dishonest and lying. But hey, typical for a boomer, like we saw in this video! Get a little offended, get your feelings hurt, so you start lying. Dont worry, just because your blade dulled decades ago doesnt mean our freshly sharpened ones have too! "Rules for thee but not for me." "Im older so trust my immense wisdom! What do you mean stupid people grow old too?" "Do as I say, not as I do, BECAUSE!"
@@Travar1410most youtubers have click-baity titles to get people to click on it, im sure he knows not every boomer is like this. Hell not every theist is like this either😂
He said hes read a lot of books, but also references whatever he learned in school. So no books between school and now??? I think thats objectively not a lot of books.
Abiogenesis started via simple chemical evolution. Evolution of life once arrived at is via far more complex chemical evolution and external pressures. The base of proto-life begins when ribosomes begin to take an active role in their own preservation, survival and duplication.
Typical for older people. They have been unchallenged for so long that any challenge is disrespectful, ESPECIALLY if its someone younger because it hurts their precious, fragile egos. I am OLDER therefore I am WISER! Fa! How could someone with less years piddling around absorbing pseudoscience and daytime TV know more than me? Nonsense! They are being disrespectful to their elders, such a rude and ignorant younger generation!
You can distinguish between Australian, American, and British speakers of English by noting their accents, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, idioms, cultural references, and intonation. Each variant has distinct vowel pronunciations and unique words. over time, the accumulated differences in language can lead to the emergence of new languages due the isolation that new language evolve from english, making english a commom ancetor.
"It's like the planet Vulcan. Don't make up a planet just because you know something's happening but you can't see it so you make up the planet Vulcan to explain it when there's no such thing. Don't do that. That shows how ignorant you are.. Don't make up stuff." Dude just PERFECTLY DESCRIBED RELIGION
I love when old people say their age like it’s some badge to show their authority but then you remember the brain is slowly dying and rotting in their head
Hey! I resemble that remark! I'm even older than this dolt, and if it had been me talking to him, I'd have been a great deal nastier giving him a well-deserved dose of education and reality. Perhaps if he had listened in school all those years ago, AND KEPT ON listening and educating himself, he wouldn't be a dumb as a post.
I had a similar experience with my late lamented Mother-in-Law. She was explaining to me how genes work by making blue eyes, brown hair etc. I augmented it by saying, yes genes code for proteins. She became quite angry as she as this was not what she had read the Newspapers and I (a young person) had the audacity to question her knowledge. Neither of us were qualified but I was the only one to have read many books on Genetics and in the 1970s Protein Synthesis had just been worked out.
‘Ok so what I believe is ‘creation’ … ok so you believe life came from a magical being, but you don’t care where THAT came from you’re just ok with no explanation because you’ve been told not to question it. You know this makes no sense and is a bunch of hypocrisy, so to protect your belief you question ‘the big bang’ which makes no sense at all. But it’s all you have, which is sad.
The incorrect bone that was initially thought to be part the Australopithecus was a baboon vertebrae. The reason it happened is baboon vertebrae look a lot like human vertebrae because we share a common ancestor with baboons.
I hate debating these kind of people. It's like they have no discernment at all. When they here somebody say "science says", it's the same as a peer-reviewed article to them.
He started off with the r*cist vibes straight away, emphasising he thought it was only black ancestors who were in Africa and he sounded very annoyed that was possible, then carried on being r*cist up to the "kinky hair" comments. This is all rolled in with the fear of being related to apes and black people being our progenitors. This doesn't get mentioned often enough as a factor in creationist thinking, they think God only made white Anglo-Saxons, and Jeebus was a blonde, blue eyed guy in a white robe, not a dark-skinned little Middle Eastern guy with a beard.
Technically, because if the light is moving at the speed of light and then you add the acceleration of moving the source of it forward. If you don't understand how light works I could see this as a issue that would cause confusion. Like when MythBusters fired a cannonball backwards out of a truck moving at the same velocity as the cannonball and it fell straight down.
16:40 As far as I can find, there were no pig bones found in any Australopithecus Afarensis specimens. The caller is mixing up his creationist arguments. The pig bone was actually a pig's tooth that was falsely reported to be the tooth of a human ancestor in 1922. The finding was debunked shortly after when actual scientists investigated it. This was called the Nebraska man. The Lucy thing comes from a baboon bone being found in the Lucy specimen. There were many baboon remains found at the site where Lucy was dug up and due to the similarity of the bones, was accidentally taken as part of Lucy. What I want to know is how creationists think we found these things out. Do they just think someone had a revelation from their god and just knew that the specimen had errors? Do they not realize that it is the same scientists informing them about evolution that are finding these errors? Just another creationist inconsistency.
This guy is what happens when we teach people how to read and use technology without teaching them how to think. They just get mad and fling poo at people who do know how to think.
Did he just say scientists hypothesized planet VULCAN??? 😮 I can understand his objection; an *entire planet populated by highly logical people must be quite threatening to this man.* 😜🖖
What THIS "boomer learned in school" is that every lifeform evolved from previous lifeforms. And my Catholic dad (born in 1917) said that was a perfectly acceptable explanation of biological history. Also -- my dad, who was an aeronautical engineer, said a bumblebee's flight isn't really "impossible" because it's more like a helicopter than an airplane and that people who characterized a bumblebee that way were just being silly for the purpose of being contrary and provocative. -- All learned and discussed in the 1960s.
Modern day apes are not the ancestor of humans but it was an ape that was the ancestor of both modern Apes and Humans. Also you can watch Ecoli evolve in real time.
My grandfather was also a "farm boy". His parents were literally share-croppers, he went to a one room school house where every grade was taught together by one teacher. He didn't know what germs were until he joined the army in WW2. But unlike this guy, my grandfather was genuinely curious about the world around him. He got a subscription to National Geographic in like 1950, and LEARNED. He did his best to stay informed, and learn about every new discovery. By the time I was born, he was an old Earth creationist who firmly believed the universe was billions of years old and evolution was the process God used to create life because the evidence of these things was completely undeniable. He was sort of a Christian deist. He viewed the Bible as mostly metaphorical, and mankind's best, of flawed, attempt to make sense of God's design. He could quote scripture, and LOVED to aggravate the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons that would show up. He'd invite them in, sit them down, get them a drink, listen to their pitch, then waste the rest of their afternoon politely, and exhaustively, explaining to them exactly why they were wrong. I guess my point here is, just because you're an old farm boy who believes in God, that doesn't mean you have to be ignorant of science or deny reality. And he was much older than this guy, died at 87 back in 2005. There is no excuse that one's age and schooling should make them willfully ignorant of reality.
This guy is the absolute PERFECT example of old people today, especially old ignorant people. If you argue with them, prove them wrong, put them on the defensive about anything then you are just disrespectful, close-minded, and or too young to understand yet. LMAO. I appreciate this guy for telling us his age and then showing it. Honestly... the whole child to adult to old person graph is like a bell curve when it comes to sense, thats why they always try to argue common sense then get shown they have a lot less sense LMAO.
How can you go through 71 years of life and publicly demonstrate such ignorance? What was he doing for those 71 years? Based on what he said, I knew more than he does now at age 14.
He read the National Enquirer, then upgraded to watching Fox News, while watching Kent Hovind videos for "research" purposes. I'm older than him and have had multiple careers, ending up working in IT for over 20 years, it isn't hard to learn stuff, a public library membership is enough if you're curious and prepared to learn. Ignorance is a choice, not a condition.
Eric, you need to be more like Ken Ham. If people want to know more about creation, Ken Ham tells them that they need to buy a book from the Answers in Genesis bookstore. You should tell your callers like this goofball, that if he wants to know more about evolution, he should “buy my book. The link is in the description.” When Christians try to,talk with me about creation verses evolution, I tell them that “there are scientists who have figured this stuff out. It’s not my field of expertise. Now tell me why I should believe that the so-called apostle Paul saw a zombie Jesus while on the road to Damascus?”
why don't these people just go to a college biology class or get a book from the library and learn what evolution and other scientific things are? Why do they go online and talk to random strangers about it?
Dunning - Kruger has convinced them they know more than these edumacated types and they have to try and out - think them. Purely for our entertainment, especially as they all think "common sense" always beats a doctorate and years of edumacation!
Why are these guys always so sure. Is it because they just say yeah after someone answers their question, listen to to none of it, then repeat their original position as though nothing happed.
a new generation is around every 20 years and life started 3.7 bilion years ago. disregarding that generations of single cell organisms pass much quicker, he asks for an ancestry line of at least 185 million individuals
Vulcan was a hypothetical planet astronomers looked for because of the relativistic effects on Mercury's orbit caused by the gravity of the sun. Once we figured out relativity perfectly explained the discrepancy, we stopped looking for a hypothetical planet. The caller is so dishonest it just hurts. He's clearly come straight from something like Matt Powell videos to try and use his dunning-kruger understanding of science to defeat the evil atheist.
That guy desperately needs to watch Aron Ra's Systematic Classification of Life series. He starts from the first known life and follows our lineage all the way to us.
That guy is only 15 years older than me, so if he is blaming his ignorance on his age, it is copium so pure you could snort it. I grew up in a little tourist town, so about one level up in bumpkinosity. Above farmboy, but not by much. If i learned enough to not be confused by everything outside my doorstep, he could have done the same. He might not be stupid, but he is very, very ignorant.
So he’s in his 70s, and he heard the world news report when he was a farm kid. So, about 50-60 years ago. Okay, so mid 1970s. That’s just about when the more advanced computational methods of finite element modeling of aerodynamics would have been starting. So scientists also knew that bee flight couldn’t be modeled by classic aerodynamical calculations. At the scale of a bee’s wing you had to take into account the air friction effects that start to dominate. So it was very difficult to set coefficients for those effects the across wing as it goes though its rotation cycle. Then the modeling advanced, and probably some better methods of measuring the properties of air as a medium at that scale. The formulas were refined and applied to a bee and the thrust values resolved. But the short science story on the radio kept it simple and maybe a little sensational and focused on “bee flight don’t make sense, now we know”. No one ever said the flight of a bee was impossible. But “up until recently aerodynamic computational methods weren’t refined enough to be applied to flight on the scale of a bee’s wing” was maybe a bit too nuanced. Or maybe that part of the story wasn’t retained.
The demand to explain everything short and simple but also thoroughly is like asking some to bag all the groceries in as few bags as possible but not so that the bags are too heavy
I think it might be a problem of thinking proportionately, like we're different percentages of different things but the problem is it's always 100%, I'm 100% Homo Sapiens, I'm 100% Ape, I'm 100% Primate, I'm 100% Mammal, I'm 100% Vertebrate and I can just keep going on all these commonalities between species, this is all proof that we have common ancestors.
I believe the caller is riding a tiny tractor.
That's the hamster wheel in his brain
@@camwood6700And unfortunately the hamster hasn’t been fed in 3 weeks.
I like to think it's on a miniature roller coaster
no, thats the cogs in his tiny brain trying to compute new information he cant understand.
“I have trouble believing that I came from an ape.”
“I believe that I was created by an unknowable sky king.”
These people are a joke.
also made out of dust
They’re just indoctrinated. It’s unfortunate
It's always the same.
"I can't understand how a bunch of inches can become a foot."
"I literally believe in magic."
These people are ridiculous.
It seems that it is almost impossible to understand evolution and believe it to be false at the same time.
This could be turned into an axiom
I like this a lot, this should be an axiom
@@Minisynapsewhat’s an axiom
Animals that are the most fit pass on their geens more. Pretty simple and easy to grasp if you want to.
Assuming there's any honesty among apologists (lol), the magic is embracing 'SUPPOSEDLY' to lay out evolutionary hypotheticals, and simply refuse any positive evidence which might challenge your supposition of it being wrong.
That sound is the 2 stroke engine he has hooked up to his brain
You win the comments.
with the wrong mixture
The insult to two strokes is so great they need to be defended
I was thinking one of those AAA battery-powered engines kids make out of Legos.
@@Scrapla1 “putputputputputputputput”
We literally have a living transional fish-to-land animal called a mud skipper.
Oh yeah I actually gave a creatard that as an example once. It was ignored
Technically I'm a boomer, I wasn't taught any of the nonsense he spewing.
We learned about evolution pretty much the same as it's taught today.
Of course technology has given us a lot more information, but the concept is the same.
He's an idiot who reads headlines and thinks that counts as scientists said so.
"I heard something wrong, didn't investigate it, and now any misconceptions I have are the fault of the scientists who lie because I'm an honest good boy" isn't the flex this guy needs it to be.
Caller: *is rude*
Also Caller: "Stop being rude."
Sounds like a boomer
Old Person: is wrong
*gets corrected*
Old Person: "Stop being disrespectful"
@@the1onesquirrel9 “Now, see here sunnyyyyyyyyy!”
_"Old Man Only Reads Headlines, Doesn't Know There's More To The Story! No More At Eleven Cause WTF?!"_
Something I'd read on the onion.
@@SonglyWryt.Bon-Burr Definitely
His condescending laugh at what he thought was him stumping Peterson but not realizing how monumentally stupid his question was...
Caller: ‘I stopped learning when I was 10. Now scientists say stuff has changed’
Whucketa Whucketa Whucketa
The old steam-powered brains were discontinued in 1958.
Sadly the stupid didn’t stop in 1958.
If popcorn came from corn then why is there still corn?
The fact we have ANY transitional forms disproves special Creation and fixed modern only forms.
Every form is a transitional form...
I'm a boomer, but, unlike this person, I was never pressured into accepting religious claims that couldn't be demonstrated to be factual. Why should I accept the supernatural claims in the bible, when there is no supporting evidence?
Yeah being a boomer literally has nothing to do with it. I like this guy's intelligence but, he says stupid stuff sometimes. (One time mocked how someone said a word because he had an accent. Makes you look actually stupid when you have to attack stuff that's unchangeable). doesn't need to do that imo.. no need to "attack" the "boomer". Hardly any boomers think like this so. Makes no sense to put that in your title as the main attraction. That's disingenuous at best.
@@Travar1410 Boomer is just a tag for people who were born between 1946 & 1964. It proves nothing, as environment & education are a larger influence. I note how the religious always use the false dichotomy fallacy, where it's either science or what they personally believe to be true.
They never consider the possibility that what they believe to be true without evidence might be false.
you guys are never beating the allegations sorry
@@Travar1410 Yes we know its nothing to do strictly with being a boomer, mostly its a fucking joke, wow. But, since you want to whine about it... who did old people/boomers OVERWHELMINGLY vote for in the US 2024 election? yeah, very smart and a lot of sense! Also, have you ever considered or mustered up the brain power to ponder the possibility that young people are getting fucking sick of the never ending, always constant, 100% socially acceptable berating and deprecation for simply not being alive as long as the people who fucked up the world and the education system before us that WE have to live and survive through and deal with the consequences of YOUR actions, then get berated for that too like its our fault. Like we created the world that exists now, like we created the world that we were born into.
The boomer joke is telling you to get off your fucking high horse, obviously you're on an especially tall one. Keep feeling superior I guess when your demographic falls for cyber scams and phone scams... ones that we made fun of YEARS ago for being absolutely senseless and obvious.
Either dont take a joke so personally and quit crying, or accept the validity behind the statement. Stereotypes are wrong, but they form for a reason. How about break the mold, or help others break the mold a little if you dont like fitting it?
Also that guy he mocked, hindsight is 20/20. It was kinda bad, but the guy was being obnoxious and rude. Peterson returned the favor, and hindsight saw that it wasnt the guy mispronouncing it, it was actually his accent. That is a completely different event than the one youre portraying... so its HILARIOUS you're talking about someone being "disingenuous" when you are straight up dishonest and lying. But hey, typical for a boomer, like we saw in this video! Get a little offended, get your feelings hurt, so you start lying. Dont worry, just because your blade dulled decades ago doesnt mean our freshly sharpened ones have too!
"Rules for thee but not for me." "Im older so trust my immense wisdom! What do you mean stupid people grow old too?" "Do as I say, not as I do, BECAUSE!"
@@Travar1410most youtubers have click-baity titles to get people to click on it, im sure he knows not every boomer is like this. Hell not every theist is like this either😂
He said hes read a lot of books, but also references whatever he learned in school. So no books between school and now??? I think thats objectively not a lot of books.
Abiogenesis started via simple chemical evolution. Evolution of life once arrived at is via far more complex chemical evolution and external pressures. The base of proto-life begins when ribosomes begin to take an active role in their own preservation, survival and duplication.
Is that the sound of his brain in the background?
@@kristopherfisher2517 it sounded like a wobbly ceiling fan to me
A wobbling ceiling fan in his brain?
Sounds like something on its last thread struggling to work lol
I was thinking he was in a laundromat.
@PbChemist i heard a buzzer like they put in most washing machines/dryers, so yeah, he's definitely doing laundry in the background lol
I am 60+. I apologize for all old people, but we've know we got a lot of idiot boomers around.
This old guy didn't like you pointing out he's an idiot...
Typical for older people. They have been unchallenged for so long that any challenge is disrespectful, ESPECIALLY if its someone younger because it hurts their precious, fragile egos. I am OLDER therefore I am WISER! Fa! How could someone with less years piddling around absorbing pseudoscience and daytime TV know more than me? Nonsense! They are being disrespectful to their elders, such a rude and ignorant younger generation!
They don’t realize, THEY are the fishmonkeyfrogs! Now off to Golden Coral with ya geezers it’s 4:30 already.
You can distinguish between Australian, American, and British speakers of English by noting their accents, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, idioms, cultural references, and intonation. Each variant has distinct vowel pronunciations and unique words.
over time, the accumulated differences in language can lead to the emergence of new languages due the isolation that new language evolve from english, making english a commom ancetor.
His whole argument was basically, "I'm older and wiser than you!"
21:08 this guy: scientist needs to correct itself
Also this guy: Why does science keep correcting me?
71 year old boomer "Everything I read in school." Wow, information from the 60's-70's? Nothing has happened between now then.
I'm 36, and I don't remember what I learned in school. That was a lot of beers ago
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bumblebee should be able to fly. The bumblebee, of course, flies anyway."
"It's like the planet Vulcan. Don't make up a planet just because you know something's happening but you can't see it so you make up the planet Vulcan to explain it when there's no such thing. Don't do that. That shows how ignorant you are.. Don't make up stuff."
When he was going to school people were still sticking screwdrivers into nuclear bomb cores.
I love when old people say their age like it’s some badge to show their authority but then you remember the brain is slowly dying and rotting in their head
I need to hear someone say that to Darth Dawkins. Preferably an 18 year old who sounds a few years younger than they are 😂.
Hey! I resemble that remark! I'm even older than this dolt, and if it had been me talking to him, I'd have been a great deal nastier giving him a well-deserved dose of education and reality.
Perhaps if he had listened in school all those years ago, AND KEPT ON listening and educating himself, he wouldn't be a dumb as a post.
I had a similar experience with my late lamented Mother-in-Law. She was explaining to me how genes work by making blue eyes, brown hair etc. I augmented it by saying, yes genes code for proteins. She became quite angry as she as this was not what she had read the Newspapers and I (a young person) had the audacity to question her knowledge. Neither of us were qualified but I was the only one to have read many books on Genetics and in the 1970s Protein Synthesis had just been worked out.
Holy shit ending the video right in the middle of his "So then.... so then...." was particularly inspired. Well done.
There is only one violation of the speed of light … the speed of gossip.
It's so majestic the way the helicopters flap their wings in the morning sun, just like bumblebees do
Headline: Pig Farmer Knows Science n' Stuff
My mother is 84 (Silent Generation) and she finds it incredible that there are people who don't accept the theory of evolution.
‘Ok so what I believe is ‘creation’ … ok so you believe life came from a magical being, but you don’t care where THAT came from you’re just ok with no explanation because you’ve been told not to question it. You know this makes no sense and is a bunch of hypocrisy, so to protect your belief you question ‘the big bang’ which makes no sense at all. But it’s all you have, which is sad.
this what SOME boomers learned in school. Not what I was taught.
The incorrect bone that was initially thought to be part the Australopithecus was a baboon vertebrae. The reason it happened is baboon vertebrae look a lot like human vertebrae because we share a common ancestor with baboons.
I think the guy conflated the Nebraska man story with Lucy.
Is the caller running on a hamster wheel while talking or something?
17:35 “you make a theory, you say it’s a law …”
Tell me you don’t understand science without telling me you don’t understand science.
“Oh no you’re not gonna do it are you?”
“Yeah I aammm~”
That cracks me up
I hate debating these kind of people. It's like they have no discernment at all. When they here somebody say "science says", it's the same as a peer-reviewed article to them.
He sounds like he read the National Enquirer as a prime source for his "research" not peer-reviewed papers.
The background noise is really really annoying !
Caller is low on oil
I was not prepared for the Kinky Hair line of questions 🤨
He started off with the r*cist vibes straight away, emphasising he thought it was only black ancestors who were in Africa and he sounded very annoyed that was possible, then carried on being r*cist up to the "kinky hair" comments. This is all rolled in with the fear of being related to apes and black people being our progenitors. This doesn't get mentioned often enough as a factor in creationist thinking, they think God only made white Anglo-Saxons, and Jeebus was a blonde, blue eyed guy in a white robe, not a dark-skinned little Middle Eastern guy with a beard.
Well you see, caller, at one point our ancestors were squirrels, but then one found a Power Crystal and then we were birds for a while
The sigh at the end says it all.
"ive read a lot of stuff"
The menu at Denny's doesn't count
Clip ended too soon! Now we’ll never hear a first account of how fire was invented!
“What boomers learned in AMERICAN schools” - fixed it for you.
He really said that moving a flashlight horizontally violates the speed of light 😂
Technically, because if the light is moving at the speed of light and then you add the acceleration of moving the source of it forward.
If you don't understand how light works I could see this as a issue that would cause confusion.
Like when MythBusters fired a cannonball backwards out of a truck moving at the same velocity as the cannonball and it fell straight down.
Aww man, I wanted to hear all 4 instances where the guy thought something can go faster than the speed of light, it cut out after 2 lol.
Is that ceiling fan hitting him in the head?
16:40 As far as I can find, there were no pig bones found in any Australopithecus Afarensis specimens. The caller is mixing up his creationist arguments.
The pig bone was actually a pig's tooth that was falsely reported to be the tooth of a human ancestor in 1922. The finding was debunked shortly after when actual scientists investigated it. This was called the Nebraska man.
The Lucy thing comes from a baboon bone being found in the Lucy specimen. There were many baboon remains found at the site where Lucy was dug up and due to the similarity of the bones, was accidentally taken as part of Lucy.
What I want to know is how creationists think we found these things out. Do they just think someone had a revelation from their god and just knew that the specimen had errors? Do they not realize that it is the same scientists informing them about evolution that are finding these errors? Just another creationist inconsistency.
wait until they find out that we actually are monkeys
“They thought they were gods.”
The Road to El Dorado isn’t a documentary 😂
Maaaaaan... if I hadn't met people just like this joker I'd accuse you of hiring an actor to fake this guy....
And I still haven't figured where does Peterson streams.
This guy is what happens when we teach people how to read and use technology without teaching them how to think. They just get mad and fling poo at people who do know how to think.
It's hard to unbake a pie
Scientists don't go around and tell people stuff. They publish their findings and the Media take that and post it for clicks.
Dr. Banjo
Did he just say scientists hypothesized planet VULCAN??? 😮 I can understand his objection; an *entire planet populated by highly logical people must be quite threatening to this man.* 😜🖖
He is not listening at all
well yeah he's a boomer male
@@funicon3689 A boomer female still wouldn’t listen
Please don't paint all us boomers like him. I taught science and know many people older than me who are much more informed than this guy.
The caller must be receiving a phone call by his computer in 2003.
"I'm just asking you specifically to gain an understanding of this topic that I've already made up my mind to be false."
Weird angle but okay.
A new species of funnel web spider was discovered in Newcastle NSW last year. New species are discovered quite often
What THIS "boomer learned in school" is that every lifeform evolved from previous lifeforms.
And my Catholic dad (born in 1917) said that was a perfectly acceptable explanation of biological history.
Also -- my dad, who was an aeronautical engineer, said a bumblebee's flight isn't really "impossible" because it's more like a helicopter than an airplane and that people who characterized a bumblebee that way were just being silly for the purpose of being contrary and provocative.
-- All learned and discussed in the 1960s.
Modern day apes are not the ancestor of humans but it was an ape that was the ancestor of both modern Apes and Humans.
Also you can watch Ecoli evolve in real time.
he could have asked these questions to Google and wouldn't look like an idiot to the world, but here we are
71 years old and his brain still 5 years old
Thanks for using the language example. I always use that.
Upset when his own arrogance is thrown back at him 🤣🤣🤣🤣
My grandfather was also a "farm boy". His parents were literally share-croppers, he went to a one room school house where every grade was taught together by one teacher. He didn't know what germs were until he joined the army in WW2. But unlike this guy, my grandfather was genuinely curious about the world around him. He got a subscription to National Geographic in like 1950, and LEARNED. He did his best to stay informed, and learn about every new discovery. By the time I was born, he was an old Earth creationist who firmly believed the universe was billions of years old and evolution was the process God used to create life because the evidence of these things was completely undeniable. He was sort of a Christian deist. He viewed the Bible as mostly metaphorical, and mankind's best, of flawed, attempt to make sense of God's design. He could quote scripture, and LOVED to aggravate the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons that would show up. He'd invite them in, sit them down, get them a drink, listen to their pitch, then waste the rest of their afternoon politely, and exhaustively, explaining to them exactly why they were wrong. I guess my point here is, just because you're an old farm boy who believes in God, that doesn't mean you have to be ignorant of science or deny reality. And he was much older than this guy, died at 87 back in 2005. There is no excuse that one's age and schooling should make them willfully ignorant of reality.
This guy is the absolute PERFECT example of old people today, especially old ignorant people. If you argue with them, prove them wrong, put them on the defensive about anything then you are just disrespectful, close-minded, and or too young to understand yet. LMAO. I appreciate this guy for telling us his age and then showing it. Honestly... the whole child to adult to old person graph is like a bell curve when it comes to sense, thats why they always try to argue common sense then get shown they have a lot less sense LMAO.
At 21 mins,all ideas disproven. Butthurt begins
Creationists think every living thing on earth just spawns in like we're all npcs in a video game
Planet Peterson you're in danger of going down his rabbit hole , you can't argue stupid.
Guy seems to have gotten confused between A. afarensis and Nebraska Man.
How can you go through 71 years of life and publicly demonstrate such ignorance? What was he doing for those 71 years? Based on what he said, I knew more than he does now at age 14.
He read the National Enquirer, then upgraded to watching Fox News, while watching Kent Hovind videos for "research" purposes. I'm older than him and have had multiple careers, ending up working in IT for over 20 years, it isn't hard to learn stuff, a public library membership is enough if you're curious and prepared to learn. Ignorance is a choice, not a condition.
New species all the time. It takes absolute ages!
The even funnier thing is that every monkey is actually technically a fish as well
The blue whale is the largest bony fish
the sound of a boomer laughing out of their own ignorance is pathetic.
Eric, you need to be more like Ken Ham. If people want to know more about creation, Ken Ham tells them that they need to buy a book from the Answers in Genesis bookstore. You should tell your callers like this goofball, that if he wants to know more about evolution, he should “buy my book. The link is in the description.” When Christians try to,talk with me about creation verses evolution, I tell them that “there are scientists who have figured this stuff out. It’s not my field of expertise. Now tell me why I should believe that the so-called apostle Paul saw a zombie Jesus while on the road to Damascus?”
why don't these people just go to a college biology class or get a book from the library and learn what evolution and other scientific things are? Why do they go online and talk to random strangers about it?
Dunning - Kruger has convinced them they know more than these edumacated types and they have to try and out - think them. Purely for our entertainment, especially as they all think "common sense" always beats a doctorate and years of edumacation!
Why are these guys always so sure. Is it because they just say yeah after someone answers their question, listen to to none of it, then repeat their original position as though nothing happed.
The Donny fallacy.
a new generation is around every 20 years and life started 3.7 bilion years ago. disregarding that generations of single cell organisms pass much quicker, he asks for an ancestry line of at least 185 million individuals
Vulcan was a hypothetical planet astronomers looked for because of the relativistic effects on Mercury's orbit caused by the gravity of the sun. Once we figured out relativity perfectly explained the discrepancy, we stopped looking for a hypothetical planet.
The caller is so dishonest it just hurts. He's clearly come straight from something like Matt Powell videos to try and use his dunning-kruger understanding of science to defeat the evil atheist.
Boomers landed on the moon within a decade of starting to try.
That guy desperately needs to watch Aron Ra's Systematic Classification of Life series. He starts from the first known life and follows our lineage all the way to us.
Do you imagine he would understand any of it? He's made his mind up, he's cleverer than all these educated teachers, so he's always right.
@mojomusica I mean, it's mostly presented at an 8th grade level. But, you're right, one can't learn anything if they think already know everything.
“Lucy” arguments are an instant non-starter and makes the argument ended five weeks ago type of bullshit.
He's 71, he isn't gonna change
That guy is only 15 years older than me, so if he is blaming his ignorance on his age, it is copium so pure you could snort it. I grew up in a little tourist town, so about one level up in bumpkinosity. Above farmboy, but not by much. If i learned enough to not be confused by everything outside my doorstep, he could have done the same. He might not be stupid, but he is very, very ignorant.
5:06 who's going to tell him those pictures he's seen were created for the edification of people like him?
So he’s in his 70s, and he heard the world news report when he was a farm kid. So, about 50-60 years ago. Okay, so mid 1970s. That’s just about when the more advanced computational methods of finite element modeling of aerodynamics would have been starting. So scientists also knew that bee flight couldn’t be modeled by classic aerodynamical calculations. At the scale of a bee’s wing you had to take into account the air friction effects that start to dominate. So it was very difficult to set coefficients for those effects the across wing as it goes though its rotation cycle. Then the modeling advanced, and probably some better methods of measuring the properties of air as a medium at that scale. The formulas were refined and applied to a bee and the thrust values resolved. But the short science story on the radio kept it simple and maybe a little sensational and focused on “bee flight don’t make sense, now we know”. No one ever said the flight of a bee was impossible. But “up until recently aerodynamic computational methods weren’t refined enough to be applied to flight on the scale of a bee’s wing” was maybe a bit too nuanced. Or maybe that part of the story wasn’t retained.
The demand to explain everything short and simple but also thoroughly is like asking some to bag all the groceries in as few bags as possible but not so that the bags are too heavy
All squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares.
All humans are apes, not all apes are humans.
Covid is a perfect example of evolution.
I think it might be a problem of thinking proportionately, like we're different percentages of different things but the problem is it's always 100%, I'm 100% Homo Sapiens, I'm 100% Ape, I'm 100% Primate, I'm 100% Mammal, I'm 100% Vertebrate and I can just keep going on all these commonalities between species, this is all proof that we have common ancestors.
2:15 "I believe in creation." WHO CARES!?