in hk, buyer can check house record, owner, in uk, owner check tenant record, buyer record, can opposite tenant, buyer check house record, owner record ? it is fair n protect both,
in hk property show actual area sq ft, know sq ft=$xxxxx in uk only show no. of rooms, dont know sq m, sq m=$xxxxx, how to compare price is low, high, cheap, expensive ? any standard define actual area of a room ? any standard define property is old, middle old, middle, middle new, new ? in uk, does estate agent need to examine n pass , get license , like hk ? if no license, is illegal or not ? any regulated authority to manage agent n penalty ? now uk property is supply more, demand more ? many properties are going on to build ? recently do you hear about manchester chinese news ?
Peter 兄是做工程的人才. 謝謝無私分享
一路以來,很想明白多一點boiler 問題,突然間無熱水來,唔使用水,今天有了一些基本認識,謝謝你的講解。
感謝你的支持 :)
條片好正呀, 好貼地
Thanks for sharing
Thanks 吳先生
感謝你的收看 :)
Peter Gordon, 我鍾意睇你講驗樓
Peter gor, 你好,想問下如果樓梯至二樓地板皆有嘠嘠聲響,通常是地板還是結構問題,如要固定花費大嗎?
in hk, buyer can check house record, owner,
in uk, owner check tenant record, buyer record,
can opposite tenant, buyer check house record, owner record ? it is fair n protect both,
in hk property show actual area sq ft, know sq ft=$xxxxx
in uk only show no. of rooms, dont know sq m, sq m=$xxxxx,
how to compare price is low, high, cheap, expensive ?
any standard define actual area of a room ?
any standard define property is old, middle old, middle, middle new, new ?
in uk, does estate agent need to examine n pass , get license , like hk ?
if no license, is illegal or not ?
any regulated authority to manage agent n penalty ?
now uk property is supply more, demand more ?
many properties are going on to build ?
recently do you hear about manchester chinese news ?
我正找人改建loft, 請問接工程嗎? 如果好似這個loft收費大約多少, 可給我電郵地址聯繫你嗎?謝
Hi, 現在工作太忙,我只做現有的客戶,不接外面的工作,sorry。這類loft extension 一般大概是40到60k, 當然 要視乎大細,是否需要加固工程,有沒有天窗等等因素,這個只供你 一個參考。