According to the IAASTD smallscale diverse agriculture with agro-ecological-techniques is about the only thing to safe the planet and it makes sense: Food needs to be cheaper than its value, for a society to enable development, so to be able to withstand a competing country. Thus historically those cultures proved victorious. It is reason why old Egypt and Rome had slaves and why our politicians and farming practices are promoting unsustainable mass agriculture which delays the problem into the future. The problem is we are already dependent on chemical industrial farming and global food supply-chains.
Where is the video talking about Covid’s impact? Or how the “developed” world is in deep trouble according to the UN? A multiplicity of smaller scale diverse and sustainable farms is far more resilient in a troubled time than a handful of gigantic farms that cannot adapt quickly without millions of dollars in subsidies, toxic chemical infusions, and policy changes that have no financial incentive to change. Sustainability can design around scarcity but scarcity has no place for sustainability and only one of these philosophies can envision a future.
This guy is a shill for big think tanks and guys like Klaus Schwab and bill gates. Trying to slowly brainwash us and kids to hate or dislike the local farm guy because he’s a polluter.
the question now is who is going to make those balances? and how.. Its impossible with corrupted politician but i am optimist this poverty issue could be resolved.
most of the small farmers are going to move to the city, where they'll struggle and people can take advantage of them. To support small farmers, you must help the mass migrants moving into the city with proper sanitation, housing, and education. Old Mcdonald is just a nursery rhyme, not an ideology.
Are you going to tell folks to start eating lab grown meat as well? Soylent green was not a movie, it is a documentary! 20 years from now your successors will be telling us to eat dead people. Or are you guys already doing it? Are you making synthetic lab grown meat?
According to the IAASTD smallscale diverse agriculture with agro-ecological-techniques is about the only thing to safe the planet and it makes sense:
Food needs to be cheaper than its value, for a society to enable development, so to be able to withstand a competing country. Thus historically those cultures proved victorious. It is reason why old Egypt and Rome had slaves and why our politicians and farming practices are promoting unsustainable mass agriculture which delays the problem into the future.
The problem is we are already dependent on chemical industrial farming and global food supply-chains.
Where is the video talking about Covid’s impact? Or how the “developed” world is in deep trouble according to the UN? A multiplicity of smaller scale diverse and sustainable farms is far more resilient in a troubled time than a handful of gigantic farms that cannot adapt quickly without millions of dollars in subsidies, toxic chemical infusions, and policy changes that have no financial incentive to change. Sustainability can design around scarcity but scarcity has no place for sustainability and only one of these philosophies can envision a future.
This guy is a shill for big think tanks and guys like Klaus Schwab and bill gates. Trying to slowly brainwash us and kids to hate or dislike the local farm guy because he’s a polluter.
the question now is who is going to make those balances? and how.. Its impossible with corrupted politician but i am optimist this poverty issue could be resolved.
most of the small farmers are going to move to the city, where they'll struggle and people can take advantage of them. To support small farmers, you must help the mass migrants moving into the city with proper sanitation, housing, and education. Old Mcdonald is just a nursery rhyme, not an ideology.
Are you going to tell folks to start eating lab grown meat as well? Soylent green was not a movie, it is a documentary! 20 years from now your successors will be telling us to eat dead people. Or are you guys already doing it? Are you making synthetic lab grown meat?