shuni yuborilalada man da 4 min utda chiqarib berdi Hello Telegram developpers ! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time, and have not corresponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed me here,most likely blocked! But I think it was not right , because there was nothing special! Therefore, Iask you to remove my restrictions!
Hello telegram developpers ! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time and have not coressponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed me here, most likely blocked! But i think it was not right, because there was nothing special! Therefore, lask you to remove my restrictions!
Hello Telegram developpers! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time, and have not corresponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed we here, most likely blocked! But I think it was not right, because there was nothing special! Therefore, last you remove my restrictions!
shuni yuborilalada man da 4 min utda chiqarib berdi Hello Telegram developpers ! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time, and have not corresponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed me here,most likely blocked! But I think it was not right , because there was nothing special! Therefore, Iask you to remove my restrictions!
Hello telegram developpers ! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time and have not coressponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed me here, most likely blocked! But i think it was not right, because there was nothing special! Therefore, lask you to remove my restrictions!
Tashab qoʻyin yt dan kopirovat qilib boʻmayapti
Raxmat rostdan xam ochildi spam😊
Hello Telegram developpers! I have not logged into telegrams for a long time, and have not corresponded for a long time in various public groups, and you spammed we here, most likely blocked! But I think it was not right, because there was nothing special! Therefore, last you remove my restrictions!
Videoga like bosib ❤
kanalga obuna boling
kamentaryada oz fikiringizni qoldiring
Булмади менда ухшамади
Nimaga hammadi ishlagan ku
Kamentariyani uqib mazza qildim boru😂
Ukam addushi raxmat spamdan chiqdim✊
Uy ble sizi spam qilamn bugun
Rahmat chiqdi spam dan
Spam chiqani haqida habar keladimi uzi
sizning fikirlaringiz men uchun muxum😊
menda spamdan chqmadiku
Raxmat chiqdi spam dan
Qanday zamona yosh boladan soʻrimizmi endi K.B.
Nima soramoqchi siz
Siz oylagan dek kichkina bola emasmiz
Ee teligramga kirib bomayapti yu
Menda kók sitirelka chiqmayabti
Gandon misan
@bunyodbekofficeal dinnaxxuy
e kottcha
Yordam berolasizmi
Menda ham shunday boʻlib qoldi
Bemalol yozovrina
Boshqa akk boʻsa oʻshanda yozib spam boʻlgan akkauntingizni sahranit qilib qoʻyib oʻrgatib qoʻyaman
Настройки дан созланса булади
Manikini ham chiqarib berilar please
oka shu botdan 24 soat ichida chiqarib olasiz
Chiqmidi @@bunyodbekofficeal
Umuman chiqib bulmayapti yordam bervoring
menda ham chqmayaptiyu