Royalty, a republic and truth-telling | Q+A Highlights | ABC News

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 141

  • @darrenpaech1342
    @darrenpaech1342 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This show is insufferable...

  • @otpusprime
    @otpusprime 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    you lost me when these people claim she was punished because she's aboriginal

    • @Guaguanco11
      @Guaguanco11 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm pretty sure a non-Aboriginal player would have received the same sanction. But I can't prove that and admit that for all I know the NRL could be a fundamentally biased organization that treats Aboriginal players differently from others. The problem is that several of the guests just asserted that this is true without offering any evidence to support it. That's not normally how public discussions work. We have a general norm that you don't accuse others of wrongdoing without first offering evidence to back up your accusation. Unfortunately, woke activists have successfully pushed a new norm in recent years that says if you belong to an oppressed group you are free to accuse anyone of bias against your group even if you cannot produce any evidence to back your claim up. Some of the guests have clearly internalised this norm.

    • @richardchristie1293
      @richardchristie1293 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Guaguanco11 Some fair points. It's worth adding that the punishment of Caitlin Moran for expressing an opinion seems like an overreaction from the NRL, whom I wouldn't be lumping in with woke activists. I'd say we'll all need to get used to having our feelings hurt if we're to have a mature discussion, and hopefully move towards a future where we may be diverse in many ways, but we can agree on what is true and supported by evidence.

    • @resolecca
      @resolecca 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Guaguanco11 think, if you have been treated in a racist way for hundreds of years, then someone says or does someone that many of racists have done to you before, but says this time they were just saying it because of what you did not coz they were being racist, how would you know the difference??? So if people cry racism when they're isn't infact racism (which I don't think that is the case here, but let's just say it is for the sake of this argument) then your a getting mad by the wrong person, you should be mad at the people who have been racist in the past, that would make her assume it was racist, rather than her for saying it was racism, it's not the matter proof it's a matter of history

  • @susanmarsden5225
    @susanmarsden5225 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I am British. This is just a lot of pseudo intellectuals talking rot.

    • @stevebaker6149
      @stevebaker6149 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But it's nice that they get out once in a while rather than sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. But on the other hand they are to be applauded for helping the monarchy to continue in Australia. Would anyone want people like this in charge?

  • @katejamesholtz8904
    @katejamesholtz8904 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This whole conversation was very off point. This has to be the most one sided bias panel here, it’s disappointing that the vast majority of this conversation was about racial issues rather than an intelligent conversation about the future governance of the country based on the current reality as opposed to 200 years ago. These discussions about race colonisation are important to have but to suggest that the majority of the population will be putting the safety and security solely into the hands of modern largely white Australian politicians alone without an international support network…I doubt it. Their recent performances haven’t been great. A realistic and balanced conversation needs to be had here. Disappointing ABC.

  • @patrickjohnson1309
    @patrickjohnson1309 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I turned this of after 3minutes!! This show struggles to pull a crowd,and now I know why!

  • @edwardbrandon3170
    @edwardbrandon3170 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    “Dumb dog” is not political speech. Political speech is constructive and thought provoking, not inflammatory and insulting. It was not conducive to any political outcome. At the end of the day she signed a contract with the nrl, and abides by their rules.

    • @windwaker0rules
      @windwaker0rules ปีที่แล้ว

      you obviously don't watch question time

  • @Indi3R
    @Indi3R 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    republic is overdue

  • @Nattherat64
    @Nattherat64 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Far out bit of a one sided panel here, where are the multiple points of view. That what makes a program like this wonderful, sadly it's missing in this episode.

    • @billypesavento1367
      @billypesavento1367 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Seems like a realistic group, it's probably one in ten people who are pro crown.

    • @Nattherat64
      @Nattherat64 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@billypesavento1367 many things may "seem", whether or not they are true is different. The lack of great conversation from all angles are missing. It's 4 vs 1 not 4 individuals expressing points of view.

    • @AZ2PM
      @AZ2PM 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yeah ABC audits regularly called out Q&A for being too left.
      I'm pretty left, but even then, it's better dialogue and more nuanced with a variety of voices and opinions. This panel is not that.

    • @blueknight07
      @blueknight07 ปีที่แล้ว

      Should've had Mehreen Fauqi on, let her be rude a bit more

  • @snowstrobe
    @snowstrobe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The euphemism of 'settle' as apposed to invasion, like the actual theft of the land was nothing.

    • @resolecca
      @resolecca 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ikr whitewashing history as usual

    • @VikramSingh4u
      @VikramSingh4u 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Their narrative in various fields is the lifeblood of continued dogma. Break it and it just destroys their world view.

  • @jeremyberemey5026
    @jeremyberemey5026 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    By this logic Israel Folau should not have had any repercussions for his social media posts. But no, a disrespectful comment on the monarchy is okay but a questionable post about homosexuality (an emerging political topic) is not okay. This point by Eric Abetz was very valid.
    You cannot have both ways, because then you are merely being hypocritical. Free speech must go both ways. If you attempt to regulate what is acceptable speech then you begin to erode liberal democracies. This response by most of the panel is hypocritical.

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Apples and oranges mate. The monarchy doesn’t give a flying rats about what some barely known athlete in a distant realm has to say. Neither the institution nor any individuals within it were harmed by her comment in the slightest. What Folau said, with his much higher profile locally, _did_ cause harm to people who already are marginalised and discriminated against.

    • @bigolmemoryhole6944
      @bigolmemoryhole6944 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You sure can in SJW land. The apples VS oranges is simply the correct VS the incorrect.

    • @blueknight07
      @blueknight07 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There is such a thing as free speech. That's allowed. Hate Speech isn't though.

    • @bigolmemoryhole6944
      @bigolmemoryhole6944 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@blueknight07 I know you don't want to hear this but that statement is asinine that it's hateful, so shut up.
      George Orwell, "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

    • @blueknight07
      @blueknight07 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@bigolmemoryhole6944 Saying people will burn is not free speech. If you just wanna be offensive then shame on you

  • @jackx7382
    @jackx7382 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The monarchy won’t disappear if we become a republic.

    • @patriciaannscanlon8355
      @patriciaannscanlon8355 ปีที่แล้ว

      Look at American law's three strikes then your jail for Live and do we really want to become Republican where we lost law that protects us like as appeal to the high Court's or complain to the governer general the ombudsman we will lose our history and New immigrants already have more rights them us original Australian peoples.

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@patriciaannscanlon8355 ok, if you’re genuinely worried, 3 strikes laws can be hugely problematic law so it’s understandable - but Australia already had mandatory sentencing in different states at various times.

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@patriciaannscanlon8355 I think you’re worried for no reason. The governor general doesn’t do much fir the everyday person, the court system won’t change, there will still be ombudsmen.
      How do you think new immigrants have more rights than anyone else? I think they have the exact same rights.

  • @AussieRoos
    @AussieRoos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Aboriginals people when they achieve positive outcomes = “Oldest continuing Culture on the planet 🌍”
    When they achieve negative outcomes = “Generational Trauma, not our fault”

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I see you’re trying to flash your racism badge, but so what if that’s what’s being said? It doesn’t look unreasonable to me.

    • @AussieRoos
      @AussieRoos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jackx7382 I see you are flashing your Woke Badge, did my freedom of speech upset your narrative ?
      Aboriginals were one of the last cultures to be conquered by a foreign power. Everyone else on the planet 🌎 has being dealing with War, Famine & Pestilence for centuries while they were living in Dream Time 😴💤
      Take a ticket 🎫 and join the queue 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AussieRoos great, now you’re listing your racist credentials while using the term “woke” unironically.

    • @AussieRoos
      @AussieRoos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@jackx7382 someone is critical of a black persons behaviour = Racist
      Great logic that 👏

    • @resolecca
      @resolecca 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AussieRoos you can criticize all you want want, but criticism wasn't what you were doing, you were definitely being racist

  • @hamzopd9841
    @hamzopd9841 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Has mortality, incarceration, education etc. improved since the apology? What makes anyone think republican symbolism will improve any of the aforementioned…

  • @EchoBravo370
    @EchoBravo370 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I voted for a Republic in 1999, but I wouldn't again. While an Aussie could do a good job, I like having a similar system to the UK, Canada and NZ, It is a good club, and I think we fit well in this club. We are all small population countries. Not even medium sized. Small. So it is good to have these links. Also, alot of immigrants from non-British backgrounds came to Australia specifically BECAUSE of the success of the modern foundations built by the British. Places like Hong Kong would KILL to have the union jack on the flag and still be in the Commonwealth. (Not that we can't change the flag.) The desires of HK'ers for a British system, shows indigenousness and ethnicity doesn't have to have anything to do with this. It is about a system that is SUCCESSFUL all over the world and keeps democracy safe. I would encourage all first nations people of Australia (and those who deign to speak for them as if they are a monolith without minds of their own) to remember while some of what the Brits did in Oz was bad, no question, ALOT of it was/and is bloody good. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater? The institutions are on the whole VERY good. I can't imagine how the woman in this conversation proposing they be 'reimagined' would change them? Sure some changes can be made.....but what exactly is she proposing? Keep talking about 'reimagining' things without defining what you mean by that and you will definitely sink any republican movement. And remember this has all been done just over 23 years ago. Certainly Boomers and Gen X'er have heard all the arguments.
    Show less

    • @pronumeral1446
      @pronumeral1446 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      "some of what the Brits did in Oz was bad, no question, ALOT of it was/and is bloody good. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?"
      The "some" you are referring to is a (on purpose) genocide and the (probably accidental) introduction of smallpox, and it's taken 200 odd years for Aboriginals to get back to their previous population.
      It's understandable that many Indigenous people don't like the monarchy. Just like how most Irish don't like the monarchy!
      Of course the British and later Australian Governments also eventually brought modern healthcare etc ... for those Aboriginals who were left.
      "Why throw the baby out with the bath water"
      We would still keep a Parliament, and a symbolic Head of State. But it would, ideally, be one chosen by Australians.
      Not some foreigner from a very dysfunctional family, whose only qualification is "my mum did this job"
      It's also an opportunity to fix some weak parts of our constitution. Like the Head of State probably should not have the power to veto laws and veto referendums (did you know the Governor General can do this currently?), and they probably shouldn't be able to fire a PM who has majority support in the House of Reps and replace them with whoever they want. And they probably shouldn't have the power to appoint secret ministers that the public doesn't know about!

    • @darkphoenix8350
      @darkphoenix8350 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Liar! They have their own flag and would never want to get that union jack...

    • @jackx7382
      @jackx7382 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Your logic is a bit off. We can still be part of the Commonwealth as a republic. Having a monarch as head of state offers no protection. Our protective relationships with allies are nothing to do with the monarchy.

    • @AZ2PM
      @AZ2PM 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Very true, having lived in HK, the british nostalgia really surprised me. They dream of going back to the British rule and the amount of british flags during the 2019 protests was a shock for me.
      But just in general I feel these conversations about colonisation and the british empire need to include sentiments like yours.
      The reality is this huge land down under was going to eventually have europeans (or other colonisers) arrive. You can argue empire and colonisation is evolutionarily inevitable.
      If that is the case, we're lucky the Dutch and French (both who did know about this land) didn't colonise us.
      Otherwise we may have ended up fighting a war for our freedom (see Indonesian War of Independence vs the Dutch) or paying for it economically, like Haiti have been to the french (see Haiti Indemnity Controversy)

    • @Joseph-cf2wd
      @Joseph-cf2wd 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's the principle that matters. I don't belive that any man/women should bow down to another human solely because of the genetics of that human. I strongly think that Australia should go forward and make a clear break (not so dramatic like what Americans did), with history and become a republic. Australia can have any presidential system which the majority agrees (if) upon eg like American presidential system, or French or Indian. Albeit the closet one to the Westminster model is the indian one, where there is a parliament and prime minister and cabinets, but the President is elected indirectly by the representatives of the individual states. And the president will have the same function like a monarch, which is of a glorified rubber stamp and ribbon cutter.

  • @rollingdownfalling
    @rollingdownfalling 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'd like to say that international relations and democracy are two different fields, one is internal and one is external. I really hate US always using democracy as a cover for its cynical diplomatic interests. Would you like US interfere with Australian domestic matters in the name of democratic alliances, maybe we should celebrate July 4th as national day. Apparently US is about to do exactly that with Taiwan Policy Act and Chip-4. One is from the Congress, one is from Biden.

  • @bigolmemoryhole6944
    @bigolmemoryhole6944 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm here for the Olympic Moral Posture Back Flip event.
    Simon Longsataff quote "Floau must have known that labeling homosexuals among others as sinners destined for Hell would be incendiary & risk damaging Rugby Australia.'
    A magnificent triple & the landing was nailed. Back flipping gold for Straylia & the ABC!

  • @beneltonturkeyslap
    @beneltonturkeyslap 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Lol - what she said WAS in line with public sentiment

    • @AZ2PM
      @AZ2PM 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The 'dumb dog' comment?
      Just lacks class and is crass.
      I think thats why it had push back - people are over the social media name calling, whatever it may be. And time and place does matter too.
      There used to be etiquette around it.
      You can express your views, but 'dumb dog' doesnt really help anyone understand the issue.

  • @kori4580
    @kori4580 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Vive La Republique!

  • @rafaelscott8300
    @rafaelscott8300 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    In SHIIB we trust! Shiba Inu is on Midway to the moon! We got a negative and positive comments about SHIBA but the truth will survive finally: SHIB will become international money in the future!

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  • @neddyladdy
    @neddyladdy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am still none the wiser as to what OG Insta-family is/was, whatever words should be applied here.

    • @redlightmax
      @redlightmax 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      21:43 The "OG Insta-family" means the Original Gangster Instagram family - in other words, the original family who portrayed themselves in a certain way to sell an image.

    • @neddyladdy
      @neddyladdy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@redlightmax Now, what is a Original Gangster Instagram family?

    • @haruhisuzumiya6650
      @haruhisuzumiya6650 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@neddyladdy classic

    • @neddyladdy
      @neddyladdy ปีที่แล้ว

      This seems to be a well known phrase, can no one explain what it means ?

    • @cici7739
      @cici7739 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@neddyladdyI didn't really get what he was saying cos I've never heard of an Insta family as a usable phrase and pretty sure I'm same gen as this guy..
      But O.G is the general term used to mean the original of something. It seems like here he was just using Insta culture as the example of false appearances and since the monarchy operates as a family, they're the O.G Insta family 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @fbryce1ify
    @fbryce1ify 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    really??? ya couldnt wait! she’s not even in the ground….

    • @pronumeral1446
      @pronumeral1446 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Why should we wait? They didn't wait to declare Charles (an unelected foreigner) King of Australia!

    • @resolecca
      @resolecca 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      All the not being allowed to criticize the dead is absolutely B.S

    • @pronumeral1446
      @pronumeral1446 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@resolecca "everyone becomes a top bloke after death"
      Great song about how you can't criticize anyone after they die...

    • @blueknight07
      @blueknight07 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tell that to Adam Bandt who couldn't even wait 24 hours!

    • @pronumeral1446
      @pronumeral1446 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@blueknight07 Bandt was very respectful. Basically said it was a very sad day for those who loved the Queen but we should talk about becoming a republic.
      It's not like they waited to declare Charles (an unelected, unqualified foreigner) our Head of State.

  • @bertjilk3456
    @bertjilk3456 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Letters Patent and repetitive mentions of truth telling. Both examples of the ridiculous, polarised, and extremist nature of discussions in Australian politics. There doesn't seem to be any place for sensible discussions these days.

  • @haruhisuzumiya6650
    @haruhisuzumiya6650 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The only royal family I respect is the Hyrulean Royal family

  • @teach23
    @teach23 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bolsonaro is not an autocrat. Please inform yourself properly.

  • @patriciaannscanlon8355
    @patriciaannscanlon8355 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Simon is right in everything he said so good him and that Aborigine women doesn't speak for all in indigenous peoples. then she should tell the Truth about the first nation of NSW the Racist policy that their signed against the indigenous peoples of the northern Territory. The assimilation policy for Half-caste kids in the Northern Territory I am One of those half-caste kids taken away we are the only stolen generation. Because that assimilation policy was only for the northern Territory Aboriginal's Yet NSW stated that the are part of the stolen generation to receive compensation on a lie.. But because back in the 30s 40s and saying that everything that is happening in the northern Territory again elite first nation have agreement helping each other against the indigenous peoples of the northern Territory and John Howard signed the native title just before the intervention on the territory indigenous communities. So how come the government make it also about traditional land's that was fully owned not lease or granted government blackmail those indigenous communities in signing leases of their traditional lands What the bet that first nation are in control of those leases That why it's said that the owner of the land is the One that holds the title deeds first nation are nothing but theifs and Racist against the traditional indigenous peoples The whole Truth is going to come out trust me going to make sure we our apology for first nation involvement in policy that created the assimilation policy that was racist and discriminated against us half-caste children. that's the truth look like

  • @bensanderson7144
    @bensanderson7144 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If one understands that Christianity is in retreat, one’s understanding of the world becomes crystal clear. The “Crown” and the monarchy represents Christianity. The monarch, according to the British, is anointed by God Himself. Once I understood this, the scales fell from eyes. As Christianity continues to recede, decade by decade, until the point when it is statistically nugatory, then Australia will most certainly become a republic.

    • @noneofyourbusiness7396
      @noneofyourbusiness7396 ปีที่แล้ว

      Australia will become a republic when it is a model that people want not one designed by politicians for politicians.

  • @hamzopd9841
    @hamzopd9841 ปีที่แล้ว

    Chile’s new constitution didn’t just not pass it lost 32%-68%!

    • @noneofyourbusiness7396
      @noneofyourbusiness7396 ปีที่แล้ว

      SO will the racist "voice to the parliament" proposal where 3% of the population will have more rights than the remaining 97% of the population based on their race or color of their skin.

  • @kimchapman957
    @kimchapman957 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Canada Britain and new Zealand should be given the shaft we don't need them

    • @Enoo-Wynn
      @Enoo-Wynn ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Budzyoner
    @Budzyoner 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Old man o. The tv got the look like daym you may be right but I'm to old to try and think differently

  • @christianamary1540
    @christianamary1540 ปีที่แล้ว

    Delete monarchy not king queen support republic communists started monarchy

  • @hamzopd9841
    @hamzopd9841 ปีที่แล้ว

    The republican argument was lost 23 years ago. The movement will have another shot; put together a compelling case and it may do better!

    • @windwaker0rules
      @windwaker0rules ปีที่แล้ว

      The queen has only fired labor governments and installed LNP, so you have a chance of them firing Albanese and installing Dutton without a vote.

  • @zeppo7238
    @zeppo7238 ปีที่แล้ว

    First nations? Sorry the Bible states the earth is only 6000 years old.
    So who is correct the religious dogma Abetz or Indigenous Australians.

  • @kimchapman957
    @kimchapman957 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nothing is certain he told the British people not the Australian s

  • @raymondstone9636
    @raymondstone9636 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its not dog,its daaawg and where I live its always used with a variety of expletives. Common language.

  • @hemaley948
    @hemaley948 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good 👍