Lianne La Havas - Midnight | Sofar London
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2024
- Lianne La Havas performing “Midnight” at Sofar London on February 23rd, 2016.
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Artist: Lianne La Havas
Filmed by: Chris Purchase, Gareth Beeson & Duane McClunie
Edited by: Chris Purchase
Produced by: Neill Sullivan - Silver Bullet Entertainment
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2024 and I'm still living in Midnight 🤌🏾
same here!
Same. Its crazy. I'm wondering for many years now is Lianne too good so she aren't popular?
This is the most underrated live recording I’ve ever come across. Phenomenal tone, impeccable rhythm, crowd participation at its finest…
This and Yebba-My Mind are my favorites ❤
i cant even begin to explain the difficulty of going full head voice and volume at the climax and acapella scaling up like that.
Oh man literally brings me to tears every single time she stops playing and just lets her soul sing for that brief moment..god damn that hits heavy
She's outrageously talented! We love this video.
Best drummer in the world ever
Could you make it possible for me to see her live in person?? I am in Canada and would love to have your help in seeing her live.
This song should be retitled "Tears and goosebumps"... For real.....
I thought I was the only one who cried! It really is so beautiful.
Not an easy riff with those harmonics. Still easily fall in love musicians.
there are some real singers in that crowd!!!
Im pretty sure most of the crowd is aint ordinary Crowd.
Jerry edwin right , the musically inclined
sedG38 I know they sounded great!
Still.. None of them are her. She's godly.
You must be new to sofar hahaha
Every last person in that room will be cherishing that memory when they're 80.
the luckiest people
i'll cherish that EVERYDAY!
JeredtheShy Seriously
This performance has drifted in and out of my mind for over five years now… and I hope it will continue to linger for many more.
I cant imagine playing such technical chords while singing so perfectly. I always get the chills every time i watch this. Best live performance I've ever seen.
2019? Who's here? Lord knows I keep coming back here like an addict😭
🙌🏾 She truly is a blessing in this world!!
This song is one of kind and the way she emoted it was so amazing
Lord knows how many times I have come back to watch this video. It never fails to hit my heart the same way.
Should attend one I've been to 4 so far
I love Lianne's playing style, its so rhythmic.. I can hear a lot of Jazz influences in her songs- could totally imagine Ella Fitzgerald singing this song for example- impeccable diction and phrasing, and she knows when to be gentle, belt notes and add vibrato to her voice.. Very controlled and dynamic vocals
very eloquently expressed and I totally agree
The outro took me back to another place (Brazil) and time... with wonderful memories & melodies.
She radiates beauty in every way. 💙
I love the way she plays the guitar, every tone and strum weaves with her voice, it's so beautiful.
J.J. Wolfe those Chimes were awesome as well
Yes, yes, yes. Beautiful performer, beautiful music, beautiful soul.
''You 'll never know the places I go when I'm alone." This is for me, I'm dreamer.
Omg but why did they sound so good when they came on with the oh's?! C'MON, CHOIR 😂😂
Natassia Diggs 😄😂
Natassia Diggs 😂😂🤣🤣 they ready!!
A voice and artist that good.. Sure can inspire some people.
The choir was ready.😂😂
🤣🤣 This is just my crazy guess but I think she's an artist's artist so it's possible that she pulls in those that 'already know'.
the guy crying broke my heart, i wanted to hug him
Magnetic Hug ikr
Magnetic Hug me too
"I will not say: do not weep for not all tears are an evil."
Arpeggiated Major 7th chords with harmonics punctuating, and then her rich, rich voice, vibrato on braided velvet...then, of course, she speaks-and she's British. How is she THIS dope?! 😍😍😍
Do you know the exact chord changes she's playing?
@@everythingsome3377 Here you go:
Bmaj7, (Cmaj7), Dmaj7
(G#maj7, Gmaj7) Em9
@@leonardozorzimusic Thanks
Ridiculously talented!
@@leonardozorzimusic Cmaj should be Cm7 and G#maj7 should be G#m7 xo
This is my favorite video on TH-cam
Her voice is so effortless, it kills me 😭. I wish I could sing that beautifully.
Yes Honey Yes me too lol
I bet it took a lot of practice to get that good. No doubt she’s a natural talent, but skills like that are honed.
@@andrewradtke3490 of course, practice makes perfect 😃
"If you could see what I see, you would dare to dream." What an incredibly beautiful line.
She is just so pure to her art and so damn lovely!
That's exactly the word that popped into my mind: pure
You are very lovely as well. 💓
Finally someone who knows their voice inside and out, AND knows how to arrange a freaking song! Take notes people. This one's going to be a legend.
When the crowd was singing with her, I just got chills
They sound like a choir
Mtt Lsa 😂
Me too!!
"ok, I'm gonna teach you the outro, so we can all sing together." - Lianne La Havas 2016
i actually prefer this (along with many of her other songs) to the studio version! her emotion really comes out in her voice here... so powerful
I hear you but she loves both so try to love both as she conproduces it all and as artists its often the most true version to what we we hear in our heads, so basically both versions are worth your love 🐻🤷🏾♀️❤
Totally agree. I heard this version before hearing the studio version, which just feels over-produced to me. But she’s so amazing that I actually prefer all of her songs acoustic with just her and her guitar.
@@LafemmebearMusic i don't have to try love what i don't like. That version is much better then a studio one. Often artists don't like their own songs cause not all of them were produced by their own.
This one is incomparably better. I always cry when I listen to this one, she just hits me with raw emotion. Raw but delicate and subtle at the same time.
I don't ever listen to the album version as I don't feel anything when I hear it. Just another okish catchy song. Overproduced, too many unnecessary elements. Those trombones sound like fake synth trumpets, but they are actually played, they just overdid them.
@@michaelistoma8356 well in this case she loves the studio version just as much. She traveled to Jamaica and reconnected with her ancestral roots and worked with a very talented producer to create the studio version, and its equally as heartfelt. That version is not even close to being overproduced lol
2022 and I’m still obsessed with this
Kalela's performance is exquisite, but got get props to the keyboard player, awsome feel to the tune 👌
She's a great guitar player..
Thank you so much for bringing this post back. The world needs it. Not just now but always. Its pure artistry. Perfect, endlessly deep and beautiful. Thank you so much. Peace
i was devastated, i thought i was never going to watch this video again!
So true, especially as there's no version (including the recording) that can touch this moment of unique mesmerising talent. Guys....don't go there again....we don't need any unnecessary stress in these times of overwhelmed front-line staff.
Omggggg I swear I thought something was wrong with me for awhile I couldn't find this and was sooooo mad glad to see I wasn't tripping 🙄😂
That's why I have some 350 videos of her saved+all her longer live performances available online in full, like Paris, afro...
Chills in her entirety
this made a man cry this morning ...
Love this song and her way of singing!
Paola Hermosín rc|~1
are we ignoring the audience's vibrato??
I heard it. They sound amazing
It was beautiful
No no we are NOT WENT CRAZY!
For all Prince did for music and as much as I think he is the GOAT, I'd have loved to shake his hand and thank him for introducing my ears to this woman's brilliance.
She is doing all those harmonics while she sings like nothing. Such a great artist
who would even dislike this?!?
“And I know they’ll try to turn me, with the things that THeY saaay”. my favorite part😭
A long and lonely journey
To my hideaway
And I know they'll try to turn me
With the things that they say
But no one knows where I'll go
When I walk away
So come now, hurry hurry
Don't miss this train
Open up and let me get to you
Take you to another side
Come to my world (after midnight)
We're getting lost in another time
Your hand in mine
In my own world
On my own time
Maybe that's why
(I don't mind)
People think I'm crazy
Lately I'm
(I'll be fine)
Living in midnight
Just living in midnight
(Oh oh oh)
And if you think I'm crazy
Pay it no mind
(Oh oh oh)
We're living in midnight
Just living in midnight
If you could see what I've seen
You would dare to dream
Honey, if you care to join me
Come meet the team
And you all could be my army
There's no other way
So come now, hurry hurry
Don't miss this train
(I don't mind)
People think I'm crazy
Lately I'm
(I'll be fine)
Living in midnight
Just living in midnight
(Oh oh oh)
And if you think I'm crazy
Pay it no mind
(Oh oh oh)
You'll never know
The places I go
When I'm alone
If only for a moment
Only for a while
Cause I belong to the unknown
Hope to be alright
(I don't mind)
People think I'm crazy
Lately I'm
(I'll be fine)
Living in midnight
Just living in midnight
And if you think I'm crazy
Pay it no mind
You'll never know
The places I go
(I don't mind)
People think I'm crazy
Lately I'm
(I'll be fine)
Living in midnight
Just living in midnight
And if you think I'm crazy
Pay it no mind
You'll never know
The places I go
When I'm alone
Damn she can play that guitar...that voice...WOW!!!
Thank. You. For. Bringing. This. Back.
Probably the best live performance by a human being ever
I’m in tears for no reason.
She is brilliant, and has that crowd eating out of her hand. And rightly so.
i just want to comment on what an amazing job the person that colour graded this did
I don't know why, but I think would be amazing if Lianne and Esperanza Spalding sing a song together one day...They're sooo amazing, I love their musics and voices *-----*
That would be an incredible combination!
Oh wow. I just discovered her. I know but I"m old lol. but that's the first thought I had is that they should perform together
And Robert Glasper on the piano
@@adonisblake4990 I think my brain would explode 🤯
what i would GIVE to see her live in new york
she is divine
I'm convinced she's an angel
As soon as she dropped the guitar i literally shouted oh shit, amazing
Any guitarist here noticed how...fantastic and, holly cow, how TECHNICAL it is, that harmonic she's playing almost each and every SECOND !!!???!!!???
She is Literally the best singer in the world and I bet she doesn't even know it.
The best never realise that the only ones that can top them are themselves
Her voice is so perfect. Why isn't she more famous.
She is absolute class. Her guitar playing is amazing
One of the greatest recordings of ALL TIME
This woman is pure magic
that is simply more precious than diamonds...
I will see her tomorrow in concert for the first time and I will cherish every moment of it. She's so amazing I just want to hug her voice lol
Lucky you! We are honoured to have had artists such as Lianne at our sessions!
Comment update. The concert was AMAZING for lack of a better word. I got to meet her and I gave her a big hug, so I guess I did get to hug her voice lol. She's so humble and even more beautiful in person. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life
Sofar Sounds just like nai palm! both great artists, wished to be there!
I've seen her twice!!! It was arguably the best concert I've ever been up to. Right next to Beyonce!
Lianne is beautiful and so is her music and voice WOW INCREDIBLE ❤️
Her voice is therapeutic 🌻
Simple. Clear. Perfect. Charming.
I’m listening to it once again under the burning southern Italian sun and despite my skin is roasting, this gives me shivers. I’ve got goosebumps all over my body
Still takes me somewhere
Too stunning. She's incredible. Her range is mad. And the mood of this song is just beautiful.
I'm frozen and speechless in ambient awe
I must have watched this hundreds of times now. One of the best performances I've ever seen.
Her playing is better on this guitar. Her voice is beyond beautiful. Her future is so bright. Live long and prosper.
if I can spend the rest of my life listening to her that would be enough for me
I'm OBSESSED with this woman
So beautiful I needed this on the drive home.
you can see right through her in just 1 second how she's an amazing human being how can someone be so lovely damn
Her mastery of that guitar is stellar. Sound is so layered. Dopeness!
Mmmmhhh! Those high notes! So clean!
She's a whole Vibe!
i can't stop listening her music. She is wondeful. I like it
im supposed to wake up early for school tomorrow but im watching lianne sing ha. its almost 1 am. what am i doing??
just living in midnight people think Im crazy I am just living in midnight living in midnight
Music be the best teacher on this planet........
Bruh I got an exam tomorrow 😹😹
Doing right
The right thing
Damn!!! The world needs to see this O: She's unbelievable!
This is too much, holy heavens ✨
What a gorgeous human being - inside and out
Wig flew to 🇬🇷 Greece with those vocals
Love her. I've seen her perform so many times live and she just gets better and better every time, she's SO finding her groove on stage now. She's a very shy person that comes alive on stage. Proud to be A Londoner. :) LOVE YOU LIANNE!! XXX
yep proud Brit here too....
Man, you're fortunate!!
This chick is honestly just so fucking wonderful.
I was in the year above her at school and I knew her for a bit in her Brit School days too, and she was always so humble and lovely. I'm so happy she's so big now! So bloody talented.
Chadrick De'Jher right!!! They sounded great....usually the audience sounds kinna throwed. They were in sync, in tune and any kinna other in lol!
As soon as I heard those strings I was in tears.
I was searching high and low for this video. I really needed it. Please don't remove it ever again. 😩
Can't believe her talent.. she is the only singer I know that sounds live even better than on the record..
I wish I could like this more than once. I'd give her all the likes.
Pure genius 1:14 goosebumps everytime, crying every time! That rising vibratto, transition from silent voice to load. Shhhhh
Her face when she sings "but no one knows where i'll go". Her eyes. You can say she's a good person. She's unique. She's a romantic.
And the crowd! Oh my godness! That crowd!
That inspires me to take my guitar and create something as great as this!
There's something magical about her and the crowd in that moment. LUV it...
Lianne forever💘😍 ...#livinginmidnight 💕
Something about beautiful and honest music that just makes you feel happy to be alive
I LOVE THIS Song and Lianne!! (**drools**)
I love when she stops playing and sings out loud. that hits the soul...
Currently learning this on my guitar finally!
2021, still coming back for more.
Shes such a talent,she really has her own sound going on,not trying to be anyone but herself.
Got to see her live 2 years ago. She's so incredible. Well worth the money! Got to shake her hand, too.
Lucky you! :)
Omg I just keep falling in love with her.
straight fire.
The control of her vocal instrument and masterful musicianship - Brava
Simply put, she is a goddess. Speechless everytime she sings