Hi.. thanks for sharing. How to perform validations / disable other tabs if required fields are not filled in the first tab? Its a pain with tabs, if there is no way to do that!
How would validations work? How can you automatically show the tab where a required field has not been filled when the user clicks on the submit button.
Thank you so much!
Hi.. thanks for sharing. How to perform validations / disable other tabs if required fields are not filled in the first tab? Its a pain with tabs, if there is no way to do that!
Great video! How do you set it so the default shows the first tab when opening the app?
you can set that by going to defaultselecteditems property like table({name:"General Info", ID:1})
Hi, thank you very much, How to reorder the tablist heading, as default its coming alphabet order
How would validations work? How can you automatically show the tab where a required field has not been filled when the user clicks on the submit button.