Serbian Students Say Corrupt System Must Go
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- The political crisis in Serbia is escalating after Prime Minister Milos Vucevic resigned amid growing unrest. His departure follows months-long student-led protests. The demonstrations across the country erupted in November after the deadly train station roof collapse in the city of Novi Sad in which 15 people were killed. Tens of thousands of Serbians joined students in their protest against what they call deep-rooted corruption. Vucevic said he is stepping down to lower the tensions in the country after a group of men with baseball bats attacked students.
Across The Balkans, hosted by Nafisa Latic, is TRT World’s programme that focuses specifically on the issues and fault lines shaping Southeast Europe today.
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It is actually very simple. Students do not ask for a president resignation, but if the institutions do their job as it is written in Serbian constitution and by the law, trail of the money and corruption will stop in the front of the presidents door. And that will be his end. His and his party. Great tactics.
The old structure that appears to have collapsed, was excluded from reconstruction. Thus there was no money to stole to begin with. Or how do you suggest someone steals money for something money are not allocated for at all?
@@llllib That is a big fat lie that even a president do not use anymore. Concrete canopy was reconstructed and there is a lot of document and other proofs that support that. Don't lie please.
@@llllibappears to have collapsed? No, it collapsed and killed 15 people, terribly wounding 2 more. They bragged about how they reconstructed everything but now all of a sudden, the canopy is the only thing that they hadn't. Which is it? Go grab a 🥪 and take an English course while you're at it, bote
@@llllib appears to have collapsed? No, it collapsed and killed 15 people, and injured two more. They keep on changing their story; first it's - we reconstructed everything, after the fall of the canopy - the only thing that wasn't reconstructed was the canopy... Make up your mind already, it either was or it wasn't
@@tanjapavlovic5624 sometimes people make shorter, broader statements that are generally reflective of situation but if you strictly read it, you may find parts that are technically wrong, but reason is in the scale of statement, not intention.
I had a boss, if I came up to him with a short description of problem he would make up "solutions" that could not really work, but to the high level description they would appear credible counter-proposals, if you did not know the situation.
If I took the time and work out the details to lay them out and what could or could not work and why, he would say it's too long and reprimand me for wasting time. Ultimately he did not want to hear he was making bad decisions and start making good ones. So eventually after giving it a try for couple years, I quit.
There are sometimes things that appear as discrepancies, but it does not prove anything wrong is behind it.
Obviously when collapse like this happens, something wrong happened somewhere.
But you need investigation to sort it out.
It is possible there are more things I am not aware of here, I only learned about it today after seeing some news about protests.
It's perfectly fine to demand transparency, but I don't see how could be anyone laying out blame.
It's not only Russia and China who are supporting him, don't forget to mention the EU and USA. We are on our own.
Sounds like conspiracy, but indeed almost whole world is supporting our authoritarian president and are doing against Serbian people and citizens.
We are not, EU and US see things are changing and he played his part. The moment a “ruler” of the country loses support of its people - he is yesterday’s news. Plus, they have their own worries to think about.
@@kaanktea YES YOU ARE! You care only about exploiting resources from our country, cheap labor, cheap minerals like Lithium, Copper, Gold... You do not care about any human rights, some officials may give some vague statements kinda criticising our corrupt government but that is only to mask Your neocolonialism. Read recent Grenell statement about Vucic and stop your lies.
@@kaanktea Correct. They will have to accept reality.
Upravo tako, nazalost ima podrsku svih..
EU is not criticizing him, on the contrary. This is bull$hit
Lithium mining - they are being silent because of it. They are following their interest, which proves what we already knew and that is that they don't give a f**k about any of us on the Balkans.
Because they are right, they stand up to bully with cojones.
Power of the people 🇷🇸
MOĆ IZDAJNIKA 😂😂😂🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🖕🖕🖕
Thousends didn't gather to support him, he gathered them in all Serbia, brought them with over 100 buses in a small city and doesn't have a public square, just a main street, so it would look more. Thousends protest and in every city, 95% cities are in protests.
Sta si ti htela da kazes sa tim engleskim
@@miljan1520Thousands of people were gathered like a flock of sheep in Jagodina, in Central Serbia, "in support of Vučić". The government officials rented out more than 100 buses using taxpayer money to hold a rally. They chose this city on account of its size, so it would appear as if more people were present. At the moment, 95% of the people of our country are protesting against the current regime. Da li ti je sada jasnije? 😂 🥪
@@miljan1520 Evo ako treba još malo da se pojasni. First-hand example of how those people are gathered: younger people do what they're told with a promise of prosperity sometime in the future - ex-friend's ex-husband is one of those stupid people who think that's the way for succeeding in life; older people are conditioned to enter those buses otherwise they'll lose their job - my father worked in public sector and he had to comply once, humiliation was so strong he decided to skip the work on every other occasion; fun fact, they didn't get sandwiches nor some pocket fee; when it comes to people who are close to retirement, intimidation is the only thing you need; luckily for him, he's retired now; though it's sad he didn't resist that one time... Jbg... Broken generations...
The youth have had enough of the corruption. Kudos to the students of Serbia for showing the world what having a back bone looks like. Everyone across the world should stand up in peaceful protest against political corruption and lobbying.
The students in Serbia honestly don't know what they want who do they want to be the next president even they don't know.
@@bilic8094studenrs from Serbia really know what they want. Presisdent Vučić is at the top of corruption in Serbia.
@@bilic8094 disgusting unlitarate creature, wash your mouth with some soap😡
Thank you @DAG934 for your comment!
@@bilic8094 You don't know, they do.
All the best for Serbian students.
EU is not criticizing him!!!!!!
Not at the moment, that is correct. But give it time. People like Vucic are small potato, and they have zero leverage. The EU will eventually turn their backs on him, and the others will follow suit. In fact, if you read between the lines, you can see it is already happening.
Vucic is mini Milosevic. Serbia successfully got rid of criminals like Milosevic but unfortunately, the system and current corruptor stayed.
Huge support from Germany to Serbian students. Legal system and justice is above all of us! Stay strong!
You should be aware of the relation between the German government and the Serbian president as he let them to pursue a green colonial project of lithium extraction at the peripheries... which is ecologically devastating and also against the will of most of the Serbian citizens. But the German government is ignoring thousands of people protesting and the German Green party is perhaps the only Green party in the EU who didn't support the resistance to this devastating mining project in Serbia.
Students are the last chance for Serbian people to live free after 35 years of corruption and dictatorship. Full support to students!
Bravo deco, istrajte 👏 ✊
Mladi treba da vode, dosta vise starih prdeža 🤝🇧🇦✨
Ma ovaj Vučić mora se skida za vlasti burazeru taj lopov i lazov drugi milosovic isti kurac samo drugi pakovanje krade od siromašnih i daju bogatima jebo ga Russia i Kina 😂 pozdrav iz Beograda brate
Vučić je političko dete Slobodana Miloševića i Vojislava Šešelja, a oni su dve budale koje su sistematski uništavali Srbiju 90ih godina. Šta se od Vučića moglo očekivati kada je odrastao u senci takvih 'roditelja'... samo je nastavio njihov posao.
Šta mladi da vode?
Šta si ti znao sa dvadeset i kusur godina?
Ja sve što sam mislio u dvadesetim sada kad sam 40 nebi mi palo ni na pamet da radim onako kao što sam mislio tad.
Mlade finansira Džordž Soroš da ruše režim, isto kao što su uradili sa Ukrajinom .
Pričam sa drugom kaže a nije to isto kaže, ovaj put je drugačije. Šta je drugačije prijatelju? Samo prodana druga priča a sve na isti kalup.
Uvek se zapitajte zašto sve ovo i odakle potiče? Kome je u stvari u interesu sve ovo!
Ne kažem ja da korupcije nema.
Pa ni ja ne volim Vučića, Niko se ne zapita ko će doći posle njega? Ja sam prvi taj koji će da digne ruku i da kaže Vučić dole, ali prvo treba da se nađe rešenje ko će da ga zameni?
Ovako kad se nema logično rešenje ima da nam uvale nekog poput zelenskog i da nam jebe nanu naninu.
Znači sve ovo ljudi što traže promene i sve to, sve ja to podržavam i sve ja to razumem. Ali ne shvatate da se te stvari koje mi tražimo koriste kao da bi se srušio Vučić.
Gde je Srbija bila prije njega gde je danas. Jeste nije sve lepo, al ima mnogo toga dobrog sto je napravio.
"Mladi" koje ce postaviti zapad i oni ce stvarno da se zalazu za Srbiju ? U tako nesto moze da povjeruje samo neko kome je IQ manji od broja cipela.
tako je
Justice for 15 of my fellow citizens who lost their life in canopy collapse. We are done being silent to corruption, we are done being silent to rotten system and society! We want justice!
The people of all the balkan nations should follow the example of those brave people.
United we are strong.
Free free Serbia. Free free Palestine. We are all one, solidarity for all.
It's different situation. Serbia is not occupied...
@@bitterlin that looks like your face son.
Free Palestine from death cult and Hamas.
Well done students! In any democratic country, a decent PM would resign. Unfortunately, Aleksandar Vucic (dictator) believes that he owns the country and that the people are disposable. It’s time for a change! His resignation is not just overdue; it's essential for progress and a brighter future. Let’s make it happen!
The Serbian PM did resign.
Vucic is the President, not PM.
what do you know about democracy, when your country is occupied by the USA
@@vladimirstankovic4096 who are you talking to, what country do you mean?
@@SvenjaIpsen comment from london, assuming he is from London, not you
Terrible. Admittedly, this is not surprising because we live in ,"advanced" Serbia, where kic, shund and violence dominate. The main problem is that after the fifth of October 2000, the sixth did not happen. That is, there was no lustration, prosecution and demolition of the slave system. As it was done in Poland or the Czech Republic. So now it's all come back to us. For example, if SRS had been abolished, we wouldn't have Vučić as a dictator.
What are you implying by "demolition of the slave system"?
Violence? I've been there several times and only the football teams are violent.
You should come visit one of the big cities in the US and you'll see real violence and human misery.
Dictator?! 😂
Grow up already and stop this hysteria.
@@eriontufa krkoslavija
My poor countrymen don't realize that Serbia is actually a good place considering most of the world.
"Roditelji" ove omladine trebaju da budu u prvim redovima, Red je- Za$rali su jer nisu nista preduzimali svih ovih godina- Stalno slusamo- " Omladino podrzavamo vas," ( Vecinom iz toplih soba ) ..sto u stvari nema smisla- Blago receno - "Omladino- natovarili smo vam probleme na grbacu- nadamo se da ce te nekako ovo ispraviti.,"
Nigde nije bolje u svetu, samo smo mali deo sivila u kom svet zivi.
@@goxyeagle8446 očigledno nisi nigde drugde živeo. Sa ovakvim generacijama može samo da nam bude bolje. Ljubav za studente ❤
To nije tačno. Sa svojih 52 išla sam i idem na sve proteste. Ovo zlo je teško iskoreniti, ali su studenti našli pravi način jer po prvi put pozivaju institucije da rade svoj posao, a ne jednog čoveka na vlasti
@@tanjapavlovic5624 🤦🏻♂️
Trenutno živim u USA a obišao sam mnoge zemlje. Vlast u Srbiji nije ništa bolja ni lošija nego što drugi imaju.
@@goxyeagle8446obići neku zemlju ne znači i živeti u njoj
It's not only students that stood up, it's everybody that is not a government official, that has no ties with mafia and that has not been using the system and poor people for profit.
Bravo, gospodin Jovica jasno i tacno prenosi situaciju kroz koji prolazimo u Srbiji, beskrajno sam zahvalna na ovakvim ljudima i medijima gde se moze cuti sta tacno zelimo u Srbiji, a i globalno.
SVIZAJEDNO ❤🌍🌎🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏❤❤❤❤❤❤
A mi bi to da menjamo i svet?
@goxyeagle8446 svet je uveliko u promeni....jeste vi sa nase planete...ili?
@@snezanajuricevic1000 Svet je u promeni na lošije, svi očekuju najgore a mi i dalje naštamo da Srbija nože biti Švajcarska. Mnogo smo mi primitivni za bolju vlast.
@@goxyeagle8446 svet je u pobuni od loseg decenijskog upravljanja svetom, a vi ne mozete biti prorok I reci da ce biti gore, svakako mora biti bolje, ali to je takodje proces I to bolan, sigurno ne treba sedeti u misijoj rupi I biti destruktivan.
By far the best report video by foreign press so far, great questions, keeping focus on what's important in all this. Ty people from TRT, hope we can count on u in the coming months
Reconstruction was 65 million euros. 65 MILLION HELLO
This is Turkish television channel. 76 died in hotel fire few days ago. Will Erdogan step down ? I don't think so. He loves protests, only in Serbia😂
@@mirianakovachevic748 Probably not... But those are 2 different scenarios. People have the power. I wish all the best for Turkish people, and I hope things will change for the best of all of us.
Yeah, the initial costs were bloated by about 6 times.
EU is supporting dictator Vucic in Serbia. Shame on You.
And also Russia, USA, China.
He had to go out from power! He and all his fellow who destroyed Serbia.
Bangladesh . Serbia. To be continue.......
Beogradski Sindikat - Sistem nas laze
i nevjeruj sta ti kaze!
*DB Sindikat
Support these smart kids by sharing and talking about their noble fight for justice. And learn about them because they are so ingenious and humane. They are light to this ugly world ♥
they were nominated for the Nobel Prize. every word is unnecessary
And one major difference in students and Vucic supporters.. Not a single student or protester supporting students is forced to come and join, but a LOT of Vucic supporters are forced to come with busses from all around the Serbia, due to threats of losing their jobs in national firms (such as electricity companies, waste disposal companies, post offices, banks etc...) Student are there because they want to be there and change their life for better, but a lot of Vucic ''supporters'' are there by force, and they simply have to come, or they don't have food on the table...
So it's very simple to pick who's side you wanna be on :)
Ljudima, prvenstveno mladima u Srbiji, mozemo samo da skinemo kapu.
Oni pokazuju da su politicki svjesniji od nas.
Sta god ko mislio o tome. Podrska iz komšiluka 🇧🇦.
To su budale. Bjezite od njih da vas ne povuku u propast kao sto su citavu Jugoslaviju 1941. Bolje rat nego pakt, pa dva miliona mrtvih. Cuvajte se od ovih poremecenih omladinaca davalaca tudje krvi.
Lenji, razmaženi i nesposobni, to su nove generacije zbog kojih ce se svet raspasti ako ne uvedu neke robote da rade umesto ljudi
@@edifromvis Vjerujte bolje je odmaci se od mracnog masovnog pokreta. Cuvajte se da vas ne povuku na dno sa sobom. Radili su to i prije pa su onda slali ljude na Goli otok u ime drustvene pravde i boljitka. Statistika pokazuje ( uprkos vicevima ) da su Bosanci ipak pametniji od Srbijanaca pa se nadam da ce vas to spasiti od ovih.
@@mirianakovachevic748 ručkaj 🥪
EU is supporting this autocrat, they don't criticize him....
Vucic is like Zelenski,he is actor that plays the part of the president but the real power is in the hands of the people that don’t understand democracy and haven’t come even close to what Yugoslavia had.
Why do we always hear from those ministers, “my country was attacker from outsiders and insiders” hmmmm Vucic,that speech works for you and old people that haven’t had enough education for todays life. Give up and give way to those young students that have more sense and more educated then you will ever be. Young people need do leave happy life and have institute that stands for Serbia and not for countries around. Vucic him self is foreign and needs to go back where he comes from.
This globalist pact, which operates from many different countries and peoples in the various cultures, every new generation in the respective societies with their NGOs and the corrupt people behind them (within the vile opposition) - manipulates young people (e.g. students) who grow up in the society of a people, according to globalist powers led from the shadows (oligarchs of pseudo Judaism, Christianity and also Muslimism / here about Turkey) ❗
All of these people do not know the true plans, they were consciously manipulated over generations (see EU Europe) while they were blinded by completely inhumane values of godlessness ❗
Alexander Vučić is obviously a very correct leader of the state, who has slowly brought his people and their "neighbors" back to normality from zero ❗
Every disaster that occurs in Serbia is exploited to promote / lead the population against their own healthy interests ❗
There is no opposition, all loudmouths or clear hypocrites and criminals, the majority of the country can see that clearly. That's why "the old" (what nonsense) and over 60% of the country are clearly on the apparently right side ❗
Serbia was "taken over" 20 years ago and kept waiting (the young people are now left in the dark again through brainwashing). It is better to "put everything on one card" and act like Russia against this diabolical plan. Otherwise this people is also lost❗❗❗
all this is fruits of communism lobotomy..
Vučić being foreign? So the information of him being born on March 5th 1970 in Belgrade is false? I never knew it
@@mersi12345 maybe because smart people like you are there to support the overthrow of the Government in the name of those whose demands have been met but still want to protest.
how do you explain that?
It will be that the earth is as flat as a pan for you and so is your thinking.
@ Oh dear, what’re you saying. So he immigrated to Serbia and controlling the true Serbien people. I wish the students will get what they want as they are the future not those old criminals that are just promising and not delivering
Cim sam ja Vucica vidjela sa Makronom i Plenkovicem sve mi je bilo jasno
Svaka cast mladima, za laz se ne umire!
Neka vam Bog da snage da ustrajete! ❤
Srbija je prelepa zemlja srbi dobar narod vucic izrod i diktator unazadio srbiju sta god da prijavis sve se zataskava kao i sa nadstresnicom ovo treba da vidi njegov brat sholz
The best young people i the world. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
mental health checks for government members. why fix their awful messes, keep them out to start with. if you have no empathy your obviously not fit to care for a nation full of people.
14:48 the same rhetoric in Hungary too. If you speak up against government or mention corruption, you are labelled as someone who is paid by or lead by foreign powers. Good tactic 😢
14:48 the same rhetoric in Hungary too. If you speak up against government or mention corruption, you are labelled as someone who is paid by or lead by foreign powers, it’s a foreign intervention. Good tactic 😢
They've used this tactic waay too many times, noone's falling for it
@@tanjapavlovic5624 tell that to old people
Indicative how students protests have good reception on the West, from Croatian and Albanian politicians and start only in countries who are on the Russian side. Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova, Romania? Where is students protests on the West against LA fire, Colaps of Germany auto industry or France? Only East Europe have smart and brave students?
Zaboravio si Boshnjačke nacionalista koji su sa Albancima vođeni od turskog /nemačkog "Antihrista" / Daddjal pakta ❗Sve je to isto, prvo dobar Trump, pa (kao) odvratna Bidenova Agenda pa da se vrati Trump koji ce sve da vrati na mesto - a turska pripada sunitskom deo (psojdo) "Muslimana", Vatikan i Nemačka /EU (psojdo) hristčana, Trump promoviše direktno (psojdo) jevreja Chabada luboviča, a ustvari sve je igra istih Antihrista system koji već više generacija manipuliše čovečanstvo ❗❗❗
I definitely don't care about these countries. I care about the rotten and corrupted system we are currently living in. Couldn't care less for Russia or USA as both giants couldn't care less for Serbia throughout history. Strong institutions vs ego centric leaders.
Serbia has an army of student "yachters".
@dusanr.masalusic5501 Smart thinking! You really believe that small neutral country ( bdw with NATO troops on the part of land) may survive even with most honnest and smartest politicians on the head? West take Kosovo from us, Srpska Krajina, Banija! West send bombs on us! And you don't care about that? West trye make genocidal bloodhands tribe from us and only Russia and China stop that! And you think that Russia and West are same for us? Half brain man see how this protest exploded only in country with Presidents who are oponents to Western domination and neocolonialism.
Selo gori a baba se češlja! World is on the brink of WWIII, Croatia, Albania, West trye make servent of us. And you have inntention to destroy Serbian legal voted Governement? With kids on the streets? You think that is right way to make changes? In your USA Biden arrests jan. 6 protersters and you think that is ok? Even Biden 3 x trye to murder his only oponent? That is demokracy for you and similar? What if Vučić go from his place and you put Marinika or Đilas on the head? And we send oure students on the street to bring back Vučić? You want this way to establish Governament? When Putin winn this war and make NATO warmongers powerless than you call for new elections. I agree with that. But first NATO must go from Serbia, and dollars for NGO,, maybe you have interes from them?
Serbia is part of southern Europe and to be exact southeastern Europe..
Much respect to the Serbian people for forcing their corrupt leader to resign by democratic means. I wish people here in Denmark were as brave and resourceful so we could force our own corrupt PM to resign.
You might be the least corupt country out there
@dusanignjatovic841 That may be true for officials in general, but our cynical, lying, warmongering, Jewish, globalist/WEF puppet of a PM is among the most corrupt in Western Europe. A large number of people want her gone, but sadly she has too many powerful friends, including the ones in the freemason lodge she is a proud member of (according to her official website). Nothing good to be said about this person.
It would be very nice if that PM was the only one corrupt leader. This one will get another function and he'll be replaced with somebody even worst. That's how mafia operate in Serbia.
What country in not corrupt ??
Sweden, Denmark, FInland
Bravooooo ❤
Seems a lot of people there believe in Santa and wrote their wish list…😂
Good job to students! Get Putin's toy boy out of the office.
But this is not about Zvalavi Vucic
This is from out
Serbian oposition is even worse than Vucic especially towards Kosovo and Croatia
Far left Far right in one bubble
Vucic has no alternative at the moment..this is oposition-cordinated student protest these didnt come from students alone
Albania nekst protest
Yes, Edi Rama should also go. We want new parties and new politicians to rule us 🇦🇱
Ramovic and Vucic these two serbs must go for ever
Qija jeten tall karin Serbi dhe direkt e shani venin. Shqiperia sesht as Rama as Berisa, ço mos i jepni muhabet ropqirave serb
I believe its quite possible. This might be a beginning of a domino effect in the Balkans.
Albania oppressed for too long.. faithless... largely uneducated.. ruined country by prior dictator with such massive damage.
So how do the students expect institutions to change, by what political mechanism? Because only strong political leadership with a clear programmatic stance can do that.
Please no more "strong" leadership..
Just how about the institutions doing their jobs?
Police policing and doing investigations without any regard to who the investigated person is and what is his/hers political party.
How about an independant judicial system? How about having judges who do not need to call some party hq to ask how to rule in a case?
@@warhund These demands are correct, but how are the protests realistically going to achieve them? Corruption only disappears with strong rules, and these must be enforced by someone (persons or entities). Do the students have any political programme and strategy, besides their demands? Any document one can read?
This is a Serbian "Taxim Revolution Projekt ❗Make ALLAH ta ala protect this nation and guides them to true Islam (not the Dadjal Muslimism of the Turkish Dadjal Complex ❗
Very brave for the serbian people to protest and go agaisnt the government. But good luck. Corruption has been arond for centuries. You can never get rid of Corruption. That exists all over the world. Like good and evil. We will always have both.
The comments is ww3.
Home of Nikola Tesla...Resist the Global Tyranny...Kman, Digileak WORLD Newsletter....Odysee
Tesla was born in Croatia though! 😂
@@Energia-977In Herzegovina, actually, of Serbian parents. His father was an Orthodox priest. (Nice try, ustasha.)
@@Energia-977Tesla was born in Austria-Hungary of Serbian parents.
How do you get elementary kids to protest against you 😮😮high schoolers and students' entire academia against this guy I feel so sad for those kids .As we speak high schoolers are locked up in school sleeping in bags 😢
I feel you got this part wrong. Those kids are not locked up by force or nothing like that. They are very well aware of their actions and are doing it of their own volition. They are smart enough to see what this country is turning into. And I fully respect and support them.
They got the main student leaders who are involved with NGOs , financed them ... they encouraged other students who just wanted to legally break something and avoid school . All kinds of creatures joined them . Anti serb movements, burning serbian flag , puking on it , violating institutions, kidnapping drivers on the highway . All of them now call themselves " students "
Nisu se digli da oslobode Kosovo, ne to nikome ne smeta, takvih parola nema. Nova "vlast" ce ih prvo osloboditi "odvratnog" ruskog gasa, osloboditi polja za litijum, priznati Kosovo, ukinuti sve ugovore sa Kinom i tada ce da procvjetaju ruze.
Idi na Kosovo ako ti se ide.
Pametnim mladim ljudima su bitniji zemlja, vazduh, voda, hleb, sigurnost i pravda, nego priče o teritorijama. Idi pa brani sirimašno Kosovo sa preko 90% albanskog stanovništva, sa kojeg su se Srbi vekovima selili usled bede i siromaštva, a do pre 30 godina dupe većinu bolelo.
Slobodno idite pa ginite za Kosovo, niko Vam ne brani. Nas pustite da biramo kako cemo mi da zivimo. A dok nama vladaju lopovi i ubice, nijedno Kosovo nam nece pomoci. Sahranice i ovo malo zemlje sto nam je ostalo, dok ne ostanemo na 5 baba i deda, i sva nasa deca odavno vise ni ne pricaju srpski, jer smo iz Srbije morali da odemo da ih nahranimo posteno, a ne poslom dobijenim preko kreveta.
Ko je prodao Kosovo neka ga i vrati!
What is dirty about Russian gas? It makes heating with gas affordable. Do you want to give the lithium to the EU and join the EU? ... and go under with the EU? Serbia must remain free; under Vučić, Serbia has developed better than any other Balkan state. No one has to work as hard there as in Switzerland, with 42-hour weeks without a break and taxes that are unbearable. Without Vučić, the Serbs will have to get into the same hamster wheel; if they want the same world as the EU, they will get all the bad things about the EU. A BMW in front of the house, no food or electricity inside. There is corruption all over the world, but there are only a few places in the world where the life of the Serbs is as good as that of the one they have now.
So, I have checked the easily available information on this case.
It appears, there was architecture that was decided to be preserved, and it seemed it appeared to everyone that it was in good shape. Thus, it was for the most part excluded from reconstruction.
It was this part that then collapsed.
There is nothing stolen, nothing embezzled. There could be corruption in general, but it wasn't contributing factor to the collapse at all.
Really the only thing to question/review was the original decision to leave that part of the structure outside of reconstruction, and what exactly happened for it to collapse, if there was some problem when it was originally built, some defect or if something during rebuild affected it even though it should not have.
But apart from wanting to place blame somewhere, I don't see what's the rationale for the protests in relation to the building.
And what are your credentials, Bob the Builder?
@tanjapavlovic5624 if you are interested in pointing out to me what I 'm missing/what I'm wrong at, I'm interested in anything relevant that you have for the case. Otherwise it seems as empty attack.
@@llllibare you from Serbia at all? If not, then you have no clue! What I'd like to know is why you insist on repeating this same comment over and over again?
Human nature is same everywhere. I'm not from Serbia. So what?
and the answer to my other question? And here's another one: Where did you find this easily available information when we don't even have it? We, as in the citizens of Serbia
her accent is hurting my ears
What took them so long.Srecno braca Srbi.Resing mini Puto dump and Xi.
CIA is on the move
Definitely smells like it. Sowing chaos to topple an unwanted government, no matter what comes after....
Finally someone understand.
@@Dejan_23Unlimited you are correct, to many baboons commenting, and many more are following students in Serbia who have spent more time outside the university than inside
Only rookies and strangers
Deca neće u školu i to je sve🤣🤣🤣🤣
Serbia was never truly a country; it was always considered a territory between Bulgaria and Bosnia until the oligarchs turned it into a kingdom. The king resided there for only about a week, stole gold, and then moved to Western Europe. So, basically, Serbia was a kingdom for about a week-lol.
What needs to happen is for Vojvodina to separate, and the territory should be returned to Bosnia and Bulgaria. The people there are brainwashed with fabricated history and myths about the land’s past. It has been, and continues to be, ruled by deeply rooted corruption, whether by local oligarchs or foreign powers.
Neighboring countries like Bosnia, Bulgaria, Vojvodina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Hungary, and Macedonia always seem to pay the price for this corrupt land’s misguided ambitions. Serbia "Terra Servilis" the name of the country says it all
Aj ne serendaj
Don't poop. Serbian population makes others a minority.
That's a mix of NGO , woke , anarchists , political parties of opposition, activists from neighboring countries or different nationalities inside Serbia and some students .
You sound like you're a mix of 2 parents who are closely related.
@TimiDelta I think I sound like a person who knows most of the protesters personally. Like someone who lived with them , studied with them , teached by same woke professors . I'm just an informed farmer now
@@Kynikossma Znas ti pizdu materinu
@@Kynikossstick to what you know then, farming
@@Kynikoss For informed farmer you are quite lacking with informations.
not month
Olmost threecmonth
Taking erdogan not enough for turks!?🤣
Зашто су Срби годинама бирали председника ако је тако лош? После немира долази неко нови и онда економија иде низбрдо као у земљама ЕУ.
A nema sta sad vam je ekonomija vrh brate u usporedbi sa EU hahaha
Nisu ga birali vec se on sam birao na svim laznim izborima.
U drzavi gde se ne postuju zakoni i ustav ne postoje ni posteni izbori. Dokle god ispred svakog glasackog mesta se nalazi automobil u kojem sede ljudi sa duplim spiskovima mi od izbora nemamo nista. Ovo je jedini nacin da se mirno iskaze misljenje, sto nakon 13 godina jedino i daje rezultate.
Serbiiiiiii ukakitis
Maidan 2.0
Popuši ga majdanoviću
Zao mi dece...
Svima je. Zato i protestuju, da nam ne bi ubuduće bilo zao dece.
@@ilijaivancevic454 protestuju zato sto je to zapad platio da se skloni vlada da bi namestili pro zapadne da vode državu u propast
Nothing will ever change, Balkans will stay the same *forever... as someone said - za ideale ginu budale - RIP Corba.
Zbog takvog gubitničkog mentaliteta se sve ovo i dešava.Dosta defetizma,vreme je za promene.
Katarina daj malo istine
Nedirajte mi Bosanca jer nemate Boljeg…Mogu vam samo poslati Cijanovku 😂
SR is the Phoenix State,
from the bottom it rose to the very top as the second fastest growing economy in Europe. SR is an independent democratic state that does not agree to blackmail from the West, and this is the main cause of the protests.
Only the young inexperienced and the old without mind and those who are paid can destabilize their country.
History is clear that every country that does not agree to the dictatorships of the West and, in addition, is progressing economically, there is a mandatory and without exception organized protest.
Any such protest is organized with the intention of escalating into a revolution.
If someone hasn't figured it out by now, they'll never figure it out because there's obviously nothing in their head to think with.
What dictatorship of the West? Vucic has been kowtowing to the West all along
There is no dictatorships in the West. Reduce alcohol intake before it's too late
Totalno pogrešno misljene. Kod nas ne radi nijedna institucija. Predsednik države je i policajac, i tužilac, i sudija, i ministar svih resora. Svi su fikusi i bez njega niko ne može ništa samostalno da uradi. Ponaša se kao vlasnik Srbije a narod mu služi kao toalet papir- upotrebi kad mu treba i potom baci u kanalizaciju. On je zao čovek.
S obzirom na sve pritiske i izdajnike koji su se u ovom prosvjedu pokazali nadam se da će ih zamjeniti i naći one koji ne ruše vlast nego pokazuju primjerima da ju zaslužuju..jer to je demokracija o kojoj pričati možemo no ne i doseći u pravome smislu.
Imam samo jedno mi odgovorite dali znate koju drugu držu u Europi da toliko napreduje i dali možete očekivati od onih koji na ovakav način trebaju zamjeniti vlasti da će te imati ikada više prava izaći na ulice i prosvjedovati na ovaj način.Ja mislim da se danas u iznimno teškim uvjetima uz tolike pritiske iznimno uspješno vodi i razvija sva infrastruktura koja je osnova napredaka.
Još mi samo recite da je zapad napredak a ne istok i ništa drugo nije potrebno za vaše profiliranje.
@@ljiljanamilenkovic7119 A ti si u pravu vidi se coliko si pametan da tako nesto lupnes i ostanes ziv, jedina uteha ti je sto nisi sam, ima vas pun K u dva nemoze da stane, zato i jeste to sto se dogadja danas u Srbiji,
please tell the truth here please again
She just did, što sediš na ušima?
Nadjite posao studenti... idi odradi radni dan pa stvarno budite koristan dio drustva a ne smetnja.
ne mogu naci posao ako se ne uclane u stranku. A onda ce raditi za sicu dok su im cene vise nego u Svajcarskoj. A kad im se deca razbole, onda ce ih leciti sms poruke, dok vlada i popovi kupuju automobile od po 100k eura. A kad ta deca odu u skolu onda nece znati hoce li ih neciji sin tamo upucati na sred casa. A kad ih neko siluje ili ubije, onda niko nece ici u zatvor, jer zakon ne vazi za sve. Smetnja je ljudska glupost, to sto iz Vas izvire. Vasa jad i manjak intelekta, i svakako zlo, kada ste dovoljno slepi pred ocima, da vas jedan covek okrene protiv svoje dece.
Šta ti znaš o studentima botino?
@@jasnapanic3621 jasna se jebe za 1000 dinara i pivu
brate znam da trebaju trazit poso ajd uredu protest i to al malke pretjeruju. kasnim na poso zbog govana 2 dana
Smetnja jer pokusavaju promjenit sistem koji te iskoristava ko roba i kod kojeg ne mozes autobus uhvatit bez da pogines... bijedo jadna ti si zasluzio takav sistem kad si tele
Serbia needs islam!
You can take your Islam and shove it where the sun don't shine
You need Jesus!!
The most anti-islam country in the world is Serbia.
what a spin...
Spin doktor ti je gazda 🥪
Students are punks making trouble. I am Serbian by the way.
What a creative way to show the world your IQ is minus 5.
And a fool!
I ❤ 🇷🇸
Students sipu RACKU❗️
Kamo srece da je tebe poklopio beton na autobusnoj tele jedno mutavo
Racku da sipu mozes ti I tvoji
He had no ties with Russia, whatsoever. This is missinformation
Honestly student are manipulated by Serbias hater’s we had best president ever long live Vucic❤❤
sns siptari Kosovo ste izdali!
Sve ti živo jebem radikalsko.
I cannot believe that sane,educated person can boast any of these post communist mafia like oligarchs....would you be talking the same if it happened to your family? Son or daughter? Granddaughter?
Long live The Islam in Serbia. You will be destroyed by the Islam in the Future.
Slobodno ga vodi kuci, ionako je gotov, trebace mu podrska kad se srusi ovo malo pod nogama sto mu je ostalo. Bog nek ti oprosti sto podrzavas ubice, al sumnjam da hoce.
Kad bi znali sta ih ceka ako sruse vladu I ko ce I'm tek oda doci, sedeli bi svi kod kuce I bubali za ispite.😢😢😢
Kde zizivis? Ili je budjenje nakon 15 godina kome/nesvesnog stanja.
a sta ih ceka sada? emigracija ili ponizavanje jer ovde moras da budes clan partije da dodjes do posla u svakom malom gradu ili u javnim institucijama i u vecim gradovima? Zivimo pod ovim rezimom vec 13 godina, duze i nego pod Slobom, znamo koliko je i za koga "dobar".
Stare sendvicarske price
Trol stop ✋
2 out of 3 citizens of Serbia are supporting Vucic. Way to strong. As for injured young girl, she is from the ruling party. Stop with lies.
This is a lie. Rather it will be 7 out of 10 against the president and political corruption.
2mill of 6.700000
@@eastgate5386 sendvičar spotted. Keep lying to yourself. We both know that if he was really supported by that many people he wouldn't not have to blackmail and pay them to go onto buses and wave flags on his rally
Who told you that? Or you are on some hard drugs and don't know what you are talking about. He brought 5,000 people to the small town of Jagodina, where there is only one main street, so everything seems to be full of supporters. And all those people he brought, he also paid and gave them a sandwich and a bottle of water. There you have it, people who support him for 20 euros and a sandwich.
Maidan 2.0
Thats are croatian turist in Belgrade
Za sve vam krivi Hrvati druze mozak ti je ispran
Serbia is lost if it allows western NGOs to do this!
@@khunmikeon858 they have nothing to do with the protest, they are supporting the president.
I am Serbian, so let me correct you right there. What is happening in Serbia right now is being led by students, teachers and farmers. It is a legit grassroots movement that has nothing to do with foreign influence.
@@predragpesic5953 Nothing, always was and will be in any country in the world... It is sad, but once you start research you will understand. FBI and CIA are pure evilllllll, period ! Serbia is the best, that's the problem and always will be ... Nothing was ever and will never change in Serbia.
@predragpesic5953 no . I'm a Serbian farmer and I don't stand with students. I have same exact demands as them but I can't stand with NGO groups. 0 patriots among students and 5 farmers with 5 tractors