There's probably a galvo scanner inside the assembly and directs it to the photo multiplier tube. The brushless motor is probably used to focus the photo multiplier tube probably the reason for the gap between the prism and tube.
My take on this. The germanium "lens" in the removable part pivots from two galvanometers and reflect the beam into the sibgle pixel bolometer (the vacuum tube) whixh is probavly built with photomultiplier technology.
Is there a datasheet of this bad boy ? If i understand corectly this is esentialy a 90s thermal camera coupled with a telescope (with special glass) , right ?
There's probably a galvo scanner inside the assembly and directs it to the photo multiplier tube. The brushless motor is probably used to focus the photo multiplier tube probably the reason for the gap between the prism and tube.
My take on this. The germanium "lens" in the removable part pivots from two galvanometers and reflect the beam into the sibgle pixel bolometer (the vacuum tube) whixh is probavly built with photomultiplier technology.
If the front lens is germanium, THAT is BIG BUCKS!!!
I think that regulator was a -5 not -15....
Good to see chip numbers stated
Caps under the chip is a smooth look
Looks like C25 has leaked at 7:43.
Please post a video even if you don't get it working.
I can't wait to see you get this ready to work and
Welcome in the very private club of youtubers who teardown old military grade thermal cameras 🤗
The trick is to teardown modern military thermal cameras 😉
Wonder if the small tube on the side of the optical path with the prism, is a vidicon?
It's missing the deflection coils and shielding to be a vidicon.
Is there a datasheet of this bad boy ? If i understand corectly this is esentialy a 90s thermal camera coupled with a telescope (with special glass) , right ?
Yea, it's basically a low res camera with a telescope.