@Meg At a previous prayer breakfast he bragged about getting rid of human rights around the world. (Putin's "philosopher", Dugan has been pushing this idea for years that America's support for human rights should be abolished.) Trump is fulfilling Vladimir Putin's agenda mire and more everyday, he enjoys making a mockery of the US and western values. And the Christian Right cheers him on.
If you're going to put yourself above God by implying your vindication is more important than a solemn oath, where better to do it than a prayer breakfast? He's the worst.
The WORST. Every day I just hate him a little bit more,some days alot more. Whenever I think I've reached the absolute zenith of my hatred...nope,he just does another thing or 10 that day to make me wish fondly for his death.
He doesn't like "people who use their faith to justify doing what is wrong". But those are literally his base. And his VP. And some of the Senators who voted to acquit him.
As a Brit we just don't get this. Each person at that meeting knows he's not religious and he's just spouting lies and nonsense. Just what the feck? The entire credibility of that breakfast has been lost. A total disgrace and anyone with any faith in anything should have a good hard think!
Check to make sure you hvnt been thrown off the voter roles,get your friends to vote,donate if you can to as many Dem Senatorial candidates as you can. And most def...VOTE.
I'm helping to canvass for E Warren in my city. Which is to say, I'm really just trying to do something, I don't know if she deserves or will win the primary, but I'm in California so whoever it is, I know it'll be a Democrat 👍👍👍
Stephen I cant tell you how much you have helped me get thru these dark times with all the shade you throw at trump daily...you are a national treasure IMHO!
“Sociopaths have no regard whatsoever for the social contract, but they do know how to use it to their advantage. And all in all, I am sure that if the devil existed, he would want us to feel very sorry for him.” ― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door
Like they say ... the devil will present him self to be of trust and comfort, cased in white to deceive those with a weak heart" know between real faith vs the faith of deceit.
It seemed to me that Trump was being given the opportunity to show humility and Christian forgiveness at the prayer meeting. Which he promptly turned into an opportunity to brag on himself and threaten/humiliate people who stood by their principles instead of siding with him. The Christian Right has been deluding themselves so far that Trump must be a good Christian because he's been doing their bidding since in Office. Of course, this is just his mobster-inspired concept of the need for a bought man to stay bought. With Mitt Romney's example of true Christian faith as a glaring contrast and Trump's gross misuse of the prayer meeting, some Trump supporters will begin to see that they've been duped. And they won't just not vote for him. I only know that I wouldn't want any kind of true believers mad at me.
@Rich Savage nope, by misusing his opportunity to speak at the prayer meeting, more and more thoughtful Christians will begin to see the lie he's been living since he was sworn in as president. Especially when they contrast his behavior with Mitt Romney's.
@@rebeccaconklin1679 _more and more thoughtful Christians will begin to see_ Nope. There's a reason why evangelical Christians are - along with Nazis and white supremacists - among Trump's _biggest_ fans. They won't stop supporting him, because the whole _point_ of faith is that you can believe whatever you _want_ to be true. If they cared about the _truth,_ they'd be evidence-based, not faith-based. The Republican Party is nothing if not faith-based, and that's clearly a terrible thing to be. We need _evidence-based_ politicians - people who actually _care_ about the truth of their beliefs. If nothing else, Trump - no, the entire Republican Party - should show us how dangerous faith-based thinking is.
Someone asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?" Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England, wrote this magnificent response: "A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace - all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief. Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing - not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility - for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is - his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults - he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege. And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff - the Queensberry rules of basic decency - and he breaks them all. He punches downwards - which a gentleman should, would, could never do - and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless - and he kicks them when they are down. So the fact that a significant minority - perhaps a third - of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think 'Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that: * Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are. * You don't need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man. This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump. And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: 'My God… what… have… I… created? If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."
I'm so tired of being tired of having to listen (indirectly or not) to this wanna be dictator man baby it makes me sad for the country.... URGH. I hope this nightmare will be over soon...
At this rate, it might be another four years. Trump didn't learn *his* lesson but here's hoping that a little under half of the American population learned theirs. If we can't change this in November then all hope is lost.
@@notsure1969 Well you saying or anyone saying "4 more years" is bad ... you're putting that out in the universe... so don't say it - don't put it out there because our thoughts are power. Great. Now all I can think of is the Senate chanting it like loonies... sigh. So stupid.
It's a sad state of affairs when Mitt Romney looks like a hero for making a useless symbolic gesture after doing nothing during this sham trial. He's not up for election until 2024, and he comes from the one red state where Trump in not very popular. He could have provided some leadership and cover for these other spineless worms and MAYBE made this trial less of a farce.
OJ was probably less guilty than trump and of course he was guilty as sin. I don’t know how these f’in Senators can sleep at night. If they would’ve even put on a show that they were trying to have a legitimate trial, I could maybe give them a little credit. Instead, this was a cleaning job-. Sweeping everything under the rug. What a treasonous bunch of mother f’ers. May they ALL be voted out.
“Sometimes the allies are our enemies and we just don’t know it.” Is such an early Stalin sentiment. God I’m so afraid of what this man is capable despite being completely deranged.
LMAO The Senate KNOWS EXACTLY what they've done. They got a 73 yr old spoiled and vindictive man-child aquitted because THEY are the ones who benefit the most; position, power, and money. And they're PROUD of it. And the Trump cult is PROUD of it, although they don't have the ability to see they've been scammed and played for fools. Yet. In the meantime, the rest of us need to figure out how to survive and manuevre through all this chaotic mess that will now become worse than ever. The beast has now been unleashed. For months I've been sharing this quote: "If the Lion knew his own strength, hard were it for any man to rule him." Sir Thomas More And here we are.
@@MorrigansRaven3944 I think some of them are ashamed and do feel bad, I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of them do. And that makes it so much worse. There are ignorant people in this world who back people who do wrong in the belief that they are doing right, it's lamentable but it's easier to forgive than its counter part; people who know that they are doing wrong, but do it anyway because they're afraid of the consequences of doing the right thing. Those people are worse than willfully or unwillfully ignorant people, they're cowards. Good on Romney for choosing not to be a coward.
"CBS has higher standards than the President of The United States", does anyone NOT have higher standards than the President of The United States? Typing that sentence was a truly dispiriting experience.
"Experience": Let's see who put that word up in our faces. "When the power of love is stronger than the love of power, there will be peace". Jimi Hendrix. "Politics is the entertainment division of the industrial-military complex." Frank Zappa, early '80s.
NikolasCage FreeEEGS These blinded sheep just believe everything they hear on tv... has anyone ever heard Any news station say one thing positive about Trump!? Just one!!! I’ll wait..
He must have been screaming at someone for a while. His voice is as rough as his reading skills. The tranquilizer they're using helped his mini seizures.
Anna-bird Retired I don’t get why they didn’t just drug and use him as a puppet much earlier on instead of being taking for a ride and being USED as the puppets by this blatantly incompetent, out of control man. True pillars of idiocy..
Every POTUS, regardless of their party, goes to the prayer breakfast organized by Congress to pray for the POTUS and Senators. Every year on the first Thu in February, the they invite world luminaries, presidents & prime ministers to come to DC and be part of the event. It’s a really big deal in Washington DC and quite a beautiful event. Trump is like the elephant in a china shop there failing to speak about the importance of prayer or spirituality in government leadership, as every president before him has done. Malignant narcissists are simply incapable of feeling true empathy and love for that matter, both being key in God-loving, prayerful persons. Yet evangelicals pretty much worship him and their blind allegiance has changed the presidential role of our nation for worse.
@Brenda Schmidt till this day its proven no culusion no nothing, you have absolutely nothing, but as for yeasterday investigation has started on biden, will se what true colors of dems
Seeing the current events only proves how bizarre this world we live in. How are we ever going to resolve anything when we cant even agree to the facts.
I think it’s an education problem. I noticed those from third world countries (whether you agree with that term or not) support Trump, but most western countries are against him. Seeing the commentary from his base, they clearly lack education. Their articulation is poor and they don’t have any valid points to bring up outside up Trump’s campaign rhetoric. It’s difficult to change people’s perspectives when they don’t have education to go out and research these topics. They just jump into the mob mentality.
He says he’s a Christian, but rejects the teachings of Christ. He claims he’s a Christian, but in his own words, “I have never had to ask for forgiveness for anything.”
Don't justify his behavior with excuses like meds or that he's got dementia or whatever. Give Trump the credit he deserves. This is really what he thinks. No excuses. No labels. No twists and turns. Now, try and find a metaphor that really works.
_"My friends, that is the theme of this breakfast today: love your enemies"._ You _know_ Trump will never accept that theme. His lifelong theme is smiting his enemies (even if that means cutting off medical cover for his own sick grandnephnew just to beat his family in a lawsuit over a will). And the only time Trump ever turned the other cheek was for Stormy.
Agent Fungus Getting cheap thrills from torturing babies, infants, toddlers, Prepubescent, pubescent, children (especially little girls) is what the New and Improved Christians are all about❌ Just ask the pervert lawyer, Dershowitz, he’ll fill you in. He loves getting other perverts, like Epstein, off. Whenever he can‼️
Yeah but his supporters don't care. He can't do anything wrong.... He could probably kill someone and wouldn't lose a single supporter. He said it himself and they totally would still support him. It's unbelievable
Tracee El: Exactly. He is the least humble and most arrogant being. He doesn't even try to hide it. A large part of America has told him he can behave this way. Nothing like waking up and getting on with leading the country and issues pressing on every-day citizens. The saving grace? God is real and He sees it all.
Tracee El Trump was directing all his comments toward that witch pelosi 😂she says she prays all the time when we all know she's pro-abortion lol Trumps the only president to go to a pro-life rally and give a speech. His followers know he believes in god! You can think whatever you want.
Emperor Solo - He has no reason to. His Evangelical followers, some 90% of them, support him come what may. Paula White, his ‘spiritual’ adviser, recently said "Those against Trump are against God".
Knowing rich sodomizing sexual predators like I do, like Trump - they should have nailed him to a cross! It would help gain forgiveness for their "sins."
@@jb888888888 R standing for rich. Cutting taxes, increasing spending, raising the Federal Budget deficit to over 1 TRILLION dollars, ($1,000,000,000) this year alone - Yes he can ....bankrupt the USA as he did with nearly every businnes he ever had.
scuba steve The night before the election I was so looking forward to having this sore fade into the rubbish heap of history. He is the biggest treat to America that we face. I don’t think it’s going to end well.
@@comfykeegs OJ isn't president, but I concede. The rights of that book now belong to the family of Ron Goldman, what an ironic twist. They made the "if" so small, it looks like "I did it" unless you look closely.
"I don't like people who use their faith to justify doing things they know is wrong." Oh BS! That's literally most of the modern Republican party and their supporters.
Please show Collins saying he's learned his lesson and trumps first talking point during the acquittal speech saying he did nothing wrong...and then her response! Please get her on so America can get a response from her.
I get where you're coming from, but honestly, what is the value of getting even more statements from someone we already know is a mealy-mouthed, spineless enabler? She can shut up forever as far as I'm concerned.
@@CassandrashadowcassMorrison but then again "An acquittal signifies that a prosecutor failed to prove his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt, not that a defendant is innocent." www.law.cornell.edu/wex/acquittal sometimes it helps to research within context.
Diane Martel I’m agreeing with you, Diane, and I know you are using “ cute”in a sardonic manner but cute and Trump should never appear in the same sentence! I can think of a thousand more appropriate adjectives such as evil,Delusional, demonic, unstable, lying, etc! What a pathetic loser he is!
@Big_Schwartz but still IMPEACHED, that's good enough for us.. Just as long as my grandkids grandkids will read that his ass was the third one to be IMPEACHED
Trump: "I don’t like when people use their faith to justify doing what they know is wrong." Well, WE hate that our president and most of our GOP senators are doing that very thing and don't care about sending America to Hell!
Donnie is saying all that, knowing exactly what he's doing: mocking all of us that see his lies. Not just Nancy, all of us. That's why he uses projection. ( It's not a coincidence, it's an act.) Since they don't understand/use "hypocrit," he takes full advantage of that, too.
I hope the Christians and Evangelists are listening how viciously unchristian this man is. Making fun of Christian principles. He is a hypocrite and pathological liar.
That's what most Christians and Evangelists believe. Most religions are based on hate. Maybe it's time for people to stop believing in such childish things like an invisible ghost created the world.
So he put a bust of Churchill into his office - regrettable that he didn't care to think about WC's words: “In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will." He wouldn't even understand the underlying concept...
He talked about money, how great he thinks he is, and slammed his opponents. All while attending an annual Christian event because he needs the evangelical vote-- and he also complained about people who misuse scripture and religion to justify their own corrupt practices. Cool breakfast
@@jjp7914 hes no Christian hes a blasphemer but he will face his maker and regret what chaos hes done on this earth so yes I agree with you trump is fake
Judgement day is coming and the people who in trump world sipping the kool-aid your going straight to hell! You back a false prophet you will pay with your life's!!! He's not even a good false prophet! He's like OJ Simpson who got away with murder! Trump is getting away with killing this country, we all know Trump is guilty as hell yet You stupid people still support him!!!
I can not imagine myself at a 'prayer breakfast' - to much hypocrisy in the room - let alone a prayer breakfast with this guy at the podium, swearing to the crowd and preaching about himself. YYUUCCKK
"I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong." You know what, me too. Too bad that is like 80% of them since that is the percent who voted for you.
“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance ;For truth has stumbled even in the public square, and honesty can not enter. Truth is no where to be found and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey ” Isaiah 59:14-15 “They have all turned aside, they are (all) alike corrupt; There is no one doing good, no even one”. Psalm.14:3 shame false Christians
There is a hope, little late thou. But who are we? God is in control. “Don’t you know what the Scripture says about Elijah how he appeal to God”....”Lord they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars: I’M THE ONLY ONE LEFT AND THEY TRYING TO KILL ME”? And what was God’s answer to him? “ I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal” So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. Romans 11:3-5 Soon we will see the REMNANT by faith👍🙏keep prying God is listening 👍
@@miriamdiaz1081 I don't care for the scriptures that you love, but they are valuable to you and I respect that. None the less, this is where I have to put all my faith: the Great Spirit has a plan. I'm just the human. My job is to do my best to do His will so that He may work His miracles through me. As soon as I start getting lost in this or that (worry, despair, negative thinking, etc.), I'm wondering back off in *my* own direction, and not His. "To God be the glory", right? "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
You are wrong, his whole family has talked about the talk he had with his family while coming down in the elevator right before the cameras caught them coming down the escalator. The lay out there is the elevator comes to the lobby,which is one level up,escalator the rest of the way.
Yeah because every single word that comes out of your mouth is spot on. Oh how would we know because no one is listening to you or gives a shit what you have to say.
You’re right Billy, being acquitted is not the same as not guilty, but it sure carries the same weight. And far from guilty as you say. I wonder what the next national crisis will be according to Democrats? Guesses anyone?
@C S same reason that the supposed billionaire president was the front runner . You have forgotten that Trump tax cuts put us in a trillion dollar debt each year.? It grows and why you complaining about education.? America is far behind developed countries in part thanks to wealthy billionaires like Betsy devos and republicans cuting important education classes to save a few dollars so they can buy yachts.
We may split hairs as fine as you wish. Of course the entire process of impeachment, then trial in the Senate, then acquittal is political, we do not disagree here. Nor will we disagree that had the president been found guilty, he would have simply been removed from office and nothing more, no jail time, fine etc. That is where the difference lies between that and an actual criminal case. No matter where your opinion, the simple fact of the matter is that President Trump is still the president. Nobody will contest the fact that he will continue to serve as a sitting president that has been impeached. Nor will anyone contest that fact should he be re-elected, it just doesn't matter at all because he is STILL the president. Others in this thread challenge me to make explanation as to why Bush looks better on paper as if that will somehow change something. I will be clear here as to my leanings, I can be best described as one that is to the right of center, perhaps even Libertarian on several issues. I believe in the value of hard work, not handouts for those that just simply do not want to work. Fellow Americans down on their luck deserve a helping hand while they work hard to restore themselves to independence again, free from government assistance. Others wish to be free of government in many ways, I support their choices no matter how destructive it may be to their end, but also refuse to help them when they put themselves in a position where they must face the consequences of their choices. You want to be the 'Dude', smoke dope and sleep next to the dumpster behind the 7-Eleven? You do that, but remember, "The Dude abides". Don't come crying to the rest of us when you are cold, tired and hungry. Get a job, earn your keep and make your way. Billions of people have done it before and billions will do it long after.
Ok then, lets go with an easy one, illegal immigration. The law is very clear here, illegal immigration is well...illegal. There is no ambiguity, nor does any person not a citizen of the United States have any 'Right' to enter the country without the permission of the government regardless of why they want to be here. Most are probably looking for a better life for themselves and their families, but that does NOT give them the right to enter the country illegally. Republicans have been very clear on this point and have acted accordingly to the laws and U.S. Constitution. Democrats on the other hand wish to allow illegals to enter without checks or restrictions. Offer illegals "Free" healthcare, housing, food, clothing etc. We of course know that it isn't "Free", because U.S. Citizens must pay the bill for it, but Democrats are OK with that. Any discussion from the Democrats when it comes to this issue? No, not really. Just more screaming about how President Trump, Republicans and supporters in general are nothing more than a bunch of 'Racists', 'Xenophobes' and all around haters. Which side sounds more reasonable? Following the law and supporting the U.S. Constitution (as the president swore an oath to) or calling the other side names and acting in a fashion contrary to current law and the U.S. Constitution?
I want an app that mutes everything Trump says, turns every writen quote by him into wingdings, and changes all the photos of him online into photos of a bag of potatoes. It would much improve my daily life.
@IhniWinterwind : _" turns every written quote by him into wingdings, and changes all the photos of him online into photos of a bag of potatoes"_ But that's basically what he already is, lols.
thatdudeca So, your preference is to have Moscow Mitch and the Orange Cheato in bed with the leader of communists party, Putin, GRU/KGB Psyops in control of Our Government. Man, you gotta be some kind of Russian troll‼️💀‼️
@@pdoylemi the sad fact of the matter is that winning is all that really matters in life. Dems have taken him to task twice and failed to convict twice. He thinks he's won the battle.... And, he's pretty much right. Nothing happens to him, so he wins and winning, again, is all that matters. It's a war and you have to defeat your enemy. Dems are failing to defeat their enemy.
The best kind of Catholic...one you forget is Catholic...wish more were like him. He's not thrusting his position onto us as tho that was his life's work: to convert others.
Not a Catholic here (though my mom’s side is Franciscan Catholic &/or “Kennedy Catholic) but I’d like to know what the meaning of the Latin phrase means?
It's real Latin, but it's what the demon says, not the exorcist. And it's originally from a psalm, the words of a human who is feeling despair and comparing himself to a damned soul.
She knew he wasn't going to change. She doesn't care. She has a very highly paid lobbying spot waiting for her if she doesn't get re-elected as a reward for being a good corporate pawn.
This trial was akin to that of a mob boss'; half the jury was bought, and the other half will likely find horse heads in their beds a few days from now.
The Senate Republicans act like a "subsidiary of Trump, INC." and CEO, DJT, treats them like expendable employees. This was evident when he threatened them about having their heads "on a pike" if they voted against him. The Senate is supposed to represent and work for the people, NOT to do DJT's bidding.
@@yolandadenny8692 I dunno why they were so scared of him. If they successfully impeached him, he'd have no authority to put anyone's head on a pike, but now that he's off the hook, there's nothing stopping him from his new reign of terror.
@@MsPeachesandcream Clinton gettin a BJ in the Oval Office was waaaaaaay worse than Trump jeopardizing national security. And they want to talk about party bias and targeting. Pssssh.
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. pretty much. He’s a traitor and the Republican minions are all guilty as hell. So many involved in the drug deal including the lawyer representing him. Shouldn’t we be pushing for him to be disbarred?
And were are the father's of these babies? NO WOMAN EVER WANTS AN ABORTION! We need a support system for pregnant and scared women. That would be the Christian thing to do!
everyone - abortion is the ugliest crime on earth , BUT it cannot be made illegal , because you cannot force someone into being a good mother , and because some women are actually forced into having abortions - BUT all that aside , STOP LETTING republican CHARLATANS AND FLIMFLAM MEN MISGUIDE YOU INTO THINKING THEY WILL STOP ABORTION , BECAUSE THEY WON'T ! THEY ONLY WORSHIP MONEY ! they are not Christian in any sense of the word - they are pharisees in every sense of the word - and just like they crucified The Lord , they will crucify this country and the rest of the world as well ! the president is a bad man , and anyone that supports him shares in his guilt !
"Jesus said 'love your enemies'." Trump: "Jesus? No, I don't know him. Never met the guy. Heard a lot about him though. I guess he liked to wear sandals a lot. Maybe he was proud of his feet."
I don't know if he goes to church often, but that's not the question. One has only to look at everything he has undertaken to understand that he is very religious. Which is very important to me. He put his personal comfort and his ego aside to serve America. This is why I find Mitt's attacks completely inappropriate, he chose personal revenge before his country and it is a shame.
Trump is an outrage! A disgrace to the NYC cultured elite and a threat to all we hold decent about America. There's got to be a way the Deep State can get to him.
@@mik3ymomo Yeah, whine about a simple protest while the unhinged guy in office goes off on twitter tirades, calls people names, and generally contradicts himself from week to week in the media. He sounds really stable, and you are definitely not a hypocrite.
HuckFinn all time highs in the stock market and all time lows in unemployment are Facts. Why is it liberals have such a hard time with reality? They still can’t figure out which of the 26 genders they are. Let’s stick with facts and evidence and not what we want to “believe” endless investigations and the same result. Accept it and move on.
HuckFinn we see the market for ourselves. Maybe you don’t have a 401k like tens of millions of others and can see for yourself? I didn’t realize the question had any merit. Only Democrats can’t figure out the simplest and most obvious realities of this world. Shouldn’t you be moving on to the pay gap between all 26 genders? Oh and another Illegal in NJ (another sanctuary state) just confessed to 2 Rapes. What about the unemployment rates? Just more lies? Hahaha. You liberals are a sad bunch. Don’t worry, one day you will get your Utopia and shortly after another failed state for the dust bin of history.
TruthseekerforHim First, thanks for writing that I'm smarter than you. Second, it's "Keep (capital K) believing that, (comma) if it helps you sleep at night"*. Fixed it for you, Mr. Master Race.
@@thatdudeca Aaaaaaaand the pot is calling the kettle black. Stephen does it because he's a comedian, Trump bad mouths people for political & financial gain. When Stephen does it, people laugh & cry (mostly Republican snowflakes for the later). When Trump does it, people LITERALLY get death threats.
I think the people in actual attendance at the prayer breakfast found Trump's language shocking. It's one thing for him to speak disrespectfully at news conferences, but respect for Christian religious events is important to many in his fanbase. This may cause some of them to question whether Trump is who they think he is.
Hydrocarbon82 haha and nobody on the Republican side ever gets death threats from the bullshit the late night shows spew? You guys are all mentally ill lol whatever happened to micheal avenatti? The creepy porn lawyer who had "bombshell evidence" to bring down the Trump campaign? Ohh yeah he was arrested lol. What happened to the "bombshell" evidence in the steel dossier that Colbert said was going to hurt Trump and the Republican Party so bad, it did not. What about the 2 year mueller investigation that cost over 30 million$ and led to zero evidence involving collusion with anybody. Don't believe me watch muellers testimony he completely bombed and only helped the republicans. What about this phone call with Ukraine that had such incriminating evidence of corruption that Trump was acquitted on both articles. All things mr Colbert here said would hurt or take down Trump 😂 don't worry keep following stephen off the cliff with the rest of the sheep. I'm sure they'll have another hoax brewed up by next week that will 100% take Trump out 😂
Why would he change, he got away with the crime of the century? And I bring this up,it was just as true in WWII as it is now, 'Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!"
Obama gave Ukraine 2 billion of your tax dollars to be laundered in Ukraine and sent back to line the pockets of American and Ukrainian politicians, and you think Trump committed the "crime of the century"? Go on, tell me which crime he committed? I'll wait
@@jaredkean7841 Not talking about Obama, that's old news, not to mention what Trump did was on purpose not at least Obama did his as a mistake while Trump was very intentional.
the "MSM" that he loves to hate shouldn't give him the oxygen of publicity because they "want a contest" - that (and the Reps lack of backbone in not questioning his mental/personality fitness for the nomination) is how we ended up with this sh!tshow
He cursed his enemies, at a "prayer breakfast" about loving your enemies, while saying that he hated people who claim to be Christian, but are, in fact, wolves in sheep's clothing. I wonder if his supporters can see that.
I think the analogy breaks down. The sheep are the ones voting for the steaming pile of Trump, and are showing signs of spongiform encephalopathy. Wolves are monogamous, more intelligent than sheep, and defend their territory against invaders.
I'm sure they can, but they don't care because the only thing in the world that matters to them is feeling like a "winner." As long as they can say they're "winning", they don't really care about God or morals or really anything at all. They just talk about God as if they cared to throw off critics. It's all an act that means nothing in their real lives, when they're not in front of a camera or someone they're trying to impress. They just like the image and know how to use it.
TBF, the prayer breakfast is not a presidential event. The president is involved, but the people who are in attendance are not necessarily presidential supporters.
That's the way, spew your hate by cherry picking the words out of context to fit the narrative you wish was the truth. No one cares that Obama through back channels gave 2 billion tax dollars to be laundered in Ukraine and sent back to American and Ukrainian politicians? No one? Not one person thinks that's not okay? Y'all mad because this President investigated that? C'mon now, just because you choose to keep your head in the sand doesn't mean your not being sold down the river by you very own countryman.
@@jaredkean7841 Trump wasnt investigating shit, he wanted dirt on joe biden and nothing more, nothing less, and he tried to blackmail Ukraine by withholding pre-approved aid if they didnt, you clearly know fuck all about what happened, and trying to poorly deflect by throwing out blatantly fake accusations
@@jaredkean7841 The idea that Trump was investigating Obama wasn't even floated during the impeachment hearings. So... whatchu talking about? Literally none of the witnesses said anything about that. You're probably confused, I mean as per usual, but specifically in this case - his defense claimed at one point that he was investigating Biden, Barisma, and Crowdstrike. They later admitted that yeah, he was mostly just investigating Biden. So if you want to keep up with the latest defense, you'll do better. The current defense: The president can interfere with elections, so long as he thinks it's in the public interest to do so.
It's really surprising to see that half of America don't find his behavior weird. It really do surprise me that so many people got their morals twisted.
D K Over 70% find the Trump administration horrific. His base are misled by a corrupt president using them. People good, government bad. They are using fear of changing population ethnicity to their advantage. Some prejudices still exist. Not very pretty in this century. Change is constant.
For the past several days, I’ve had to skip EVERYTHING Trump related - except Colbert- because just seeing Trump’s face, listening to his lies and spinning the facts gets me so upset that I’m afraid I’ll throw my device(s) against the nearest wall. What he is doing to this country is criminal on so many levels and it leaves me heartbroken. I’ve changed my party affiliation to Democrat as the GOP has proven themselves complicit, unmoved and derelict in their oath and promise to the American people.
Help us stop him. Every person that used to be a republican but has actual morals needs to vote across party lines just to get him out of office now. He steps out of office at the end of january 2021 and they'll throw all sorts of crimes at him. And if you don't like the democratic candidate, don't worry. Congress is broken and will only work with a cult leader they're terrified of anyways.
I am sorry, Les. I know it must make you sad. The GOP is no longer a conservative party, it's the "Trump cultists who want to burn down the world party."
Would be nice to have a third party in there, just shave off all the moderates from the other 2 (you know all the sane people willing to work together and compromise on at least some issues) and throw them together. I bet we would get a lot more done if there was a party that didn't have to deal with ridiculous demands from their far left/right members.
When Democrats uphold their oath to uphold law and the constitution then we will start listening. Did you like the part about sanctuary cities releasing criminals to victimize innocent citizens? Those are the laws we created governments to enforce. To protect against threats both foreign and domestic. If you can’t do your basic job, we don’t need you. All I hear from Democrats is how much of my money they will take and give to those who didn’t work for it. That’s all the party stand for now. Free stuff off the tax payers backs and and no protection for our actual citizens,
I'm so grateful for Stephen's voice of sanity over these past three years. The only downside is that the content of his monologues basically requires that he show actual footage of Trump's speeches; there's just no getting around it. It's bad enough having to listen to Trump's vocal dysentery, but watching him as well is absolutely sickening. Most terrifying of all, people actually stand there and cheer.
So you're telling me that you see him as the voice of reason but at the same time, are willfully ignorant of anything that's actually being said.... and you don't find anything wrong with that.... lol.... i guess its easier to be told what to think by a comedy host than actually finding out....to each their own, I'm just saying that's a bit of a steep road in the sense of easily being wide open for manipulation. I'd encourage you do some research on the topic of "confirmation bias", the thing though is i believe (making assumptions here) that the source of the bias is and endless loop, you formed the opinion that you dont like trump because comedy hosts tell you "orange man bad" and you're further convinced that you're right in believing so because said comedy host tells you.... "orange man bad".... just a thought
Illosovic Stayne ah and there is it is you can try and hide yourself behind words but I know your just another ignorant fool so let me explain it because ironic and ignorant probably aren’t part of your usual vocabulary so ironic means the opposite of what happened for example telling someone to do research and for their opinion but not their like this person did no to form the same opinion you have did the nail on the head or should I go do some research?
He talked that way at a prayer breakfast? His lies make me physically ill.
Beth Kirk me too. I even think he’s mentally losing it. Can’t take any more.
@Roderick Billings Oh snap! Good one.
Roderick Billings Good one, Roderick!
At a previous prayer breakfast he bragged about getting rid of human rights around the world.
(Putin's "philosopher", Dugan has been pushing this idea for years that America's support for human rights should be abolished.) Trump is fulfilling Vladimir Putin's agenda mire and more everyday, he enjoys making a mockery of the US and western values. And the Christian Right cheers him on.
God is crying.
If you're going to put yourself above God by implying your vindication is more important than a solemn oath, where better to do it than a prayer breakfast? He's the worst.
The WORST. Every day I just hate him a little bit more,some days alot more. Whenever I think I've reached the absolute zenith of my hatred...nope,he just does another thing or 10 that day to make me wish fondly for his death.
Did he even say a real prayer? Or did he just talk smack?
There is no god
@@tonib.3016 I know how u feel he just want go away
Erik Gustafson the National Prayer Breakfast was never about religion. Evangelicals care only about power, God is just an excuse.
He doesn't like "people who use their faith to justify doing what is wrong".
But those are literally his base. And his VP. And some of the Senators who voted to acquit him.
TheNovaSaber VOTE Blue!!
Read it as "I don't like people who use their faith to go against me". That is all it boils down to.
@@johno7617 hell no all you guys do is losing and raging like 2 yrs old
@never Trump It's a very loose term when it comes to his base too.
Or how about his vice-president who is forever raving about the LGBT community?
As a Brit we just don't get this. Each person at that meeting knows he's not religious and he's just spouting lies and nonsense. Just what the feck? The entire credibility of that breakfast has been lost. A total disgrace and anyone with any faith in anything should have a good hard think!
Anyone with any respect for God would have challenged him and walked out.
Keep in mind, there are Televangelists making millions of dollars from these people.
It's our duty to make sure we VOTE this upcoming November to remove Trump out of office!
Abe Martin , Hell yeah!
Check to make sure you hvnt been thrown off the voter roles,get your friends to vote,donate if you can to as many Dem Senatorial candidates as you can. And most def...VOTE.
I'm helping to canvass for E Warren in my city.
Which is to say, I'm really just trying to do something, I don't know if she deserves or will win the primary, but I'm in California so whoever it is, I know it'll be a Democrat 👍👍👍
I wish voting were tomorrow! I'm ready.
@@kbanghart Good for you Plen!!!👏👏👏
Stephen I cant tell you how much you have helped me get thru these dark times with all the shade you throw at trump daily...you are a national treasure IMHO!
“Sociopaths have no regard whatsoever for the social contract, but they do know how to use it to their advantage. And all in all, I am sure that if the devil existed, he would want us to feel very sorry for him.”
― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door
Daniel Duvalle I love that book! I haven’t met anyone else whose read it
Like they say ... the devil will present him self to be of trust and comfort, cased in white to deceive those with a weak heart" know between real faith vs the faith of deceit.
The devil does exist. He's in the white house marking Republicans with his number.
I have that book. GREAT reading. Trump is definitely a Sociopath.
Heard at Rally last night:
Remember, Remember,
We Vote in November"
An unforgiving rant at a prayer breakfast, horrid. He is the worst, he couldn't even wait until he gets to one of his rallies to spout his hatred.
BIDEN '020
YANG '024
It seemed to me that Trump was being given the opportunity to show humility and Christian forgiveness at the prayer meeting. Which he promptly turned into an opportunity to brag on himself and threaten/humiliate people who stood by their principles instead of siding with him. The Christian Right has been deluding themselves so far that Trump must be a good Christian because he's been doing their bidding since in Office. Of course, this is just his mobster-inspired concept of the need for a bought man to stay bought. With Mitt Romney's example of true Christian faith as a glaring contrast and Trump's gross misuse of the prayer meeting, some Trump supporters will begin to see that they've been duped. And they won't just not vote for him. I only know that I wouldn't want any kind of true believers mad at me.
@Rich Savage nope, by misusing his opportunity to speak at the prayer meeting, more and more thoughtful Christians will begin to see the lie he's been living since he was sworn in as president. Especially when they contrast his behavior with Mitt Romney's.
_more and more thoughtful Christians will begin to see_
Nope. There's a reason why evangelical Christians are - along with Nazis and white supremacists - among Trump's _biggest_ fans. They won't stop supporting him, because the whole _point_ of faith is that you can believe whatever you _want_ to be true.
If they cared about the _truth,_ they'd be evidence-based, not faith-based.
The Republican Party is nothing if not faith-based, and that's clearly a terrible thing to be. We need _evidence-based_ politicians - people who actually _care_ about the truth of their beliefs. If nothing else, Trump - no, the entire Republican Party - should show us how dangerous faith-based thinking is.
@@Bill_Garthright Bill, you're totally correct about the need for fact-based decisions in politics. Thanks for pointing this out.☺
Trump complained about people living according to their faith at a prayer breakfast 😳
dafttool Rich!
The devil would say something like that.
And right when he said that line, notice how the guy next to pelosi reached for his water 😂😂😂 lol body language never lies!
Who invited him to a prayer breakfast?. You 'd need an exorcism afterwards.
That’s known as an oxyMORON!
Someone asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?"
Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England, wrote this magnificent response:
"A few things spring to mind.
Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.
For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace - all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.
So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.
Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing - not once, ever.
I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility - for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman.
But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is - his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.
Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers.
And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults - he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.
There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface.
Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront.
Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul.
And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist.
Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that.
He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat.
He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.
And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully.
That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead.
There are unspoken rules to this stuff - the Queensberry rules of basic decency - and he breaks them all. He punches downwards - which a gentleman should, would, could never do - and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless - and he kicks them when they are down.
So the fact that a significant minority - perhaps a third - of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think 'Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:
* Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.
* You don't need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.
This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss.
After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum.
God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid.
He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.
In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump.
And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish:
'My God… what… have… I… created?
If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."
@Dianne Lo blew me away made me say wow!!
Wow! That is excellent! I am neither American nor British, but I agree with every point.
Brilliant 👍👍
Even he couldn’t believe the crap he spat out of his mouth when he said “we apologize to women”, he had a smirk on his face.
I saw that too. Wanted to kick the smirk off his face. 👠👞🤛
He has no respect for any woman... or man for that matter
I was under the impression he was being openly mocking when he said that, another one of his tasteless jabs at “political correctness”.
As the sociopath he is, he's not able to apologize seriously
These 4 years have taught me that if you have a lot of money, the constitution doesn’t mean shif
I'm so tired of being tired of having to listen (indirectly or not) to this wanna be dictator man baby it makes me sad for the country.... URGH.
I hope this nightmare will be over soon...
At this rate, it might be another four years. Trump didn't learn *his* lesson but here's hoping that a little under half of the American population learned theirs. If we can't change this in November then all hope is lost.
@@notsure1969 Well you saying or anyone saying "4 more years" is bad ... you're putting that out in the universe... so don't say it - don't put it out there because our thoughts are power.
Great. Now all I can think of is the Senate chanting it like loonies... sigh. So stupid.
I'm not even American and it's a nightmare for me too
Please explain, how is it a nightmare when the economy is better, unemployment is low and and there are less people in poverty?
Can't wait until "our long national nightmare is over"
Was Senator Susan Collins at the National Prayer Breakfast to hear the "lesson" her president has learned?
I doubt she is hearing much of anything these days.
Phaedrus G LOL Susan and Lisa will save us LMAO
She needs to go
mark One
And also the "Dangler," Lisa Murkowski.
It's a sad state of affairs when Mitt Romney looks like a hero for making a useless symbolic gesture after doing nothing during this sham trial. He's not up for election until 2024, and he comes from the one red state where Trump in not very popular. He could have provided some leadership and cover for these other spineless worms and MAYBE made this trial less of a farce.
This is sort of like OJ being found not guilty. Give him time. He's going to mess up & he'll pay. SCOTUS..Do your due diligence. Show his taxes!
OJ was probably less guilty than trump and of course he was guilty as sin. I don’t know how these f’in Senators can sleep at night.
If they would’ve even put on a show that they were trying to have a legitimate trial, I could maybe give them a little credit.
Instead, this was a cleaning job-. Sweeping everything under the rug. What a treasonous bunch of mother f’ers. May they ALL be voted out.
The SCotUS is gone.
“Sometimes the allies are our enemies and we just don’t know it.” Is such an early Stalin sentiment. God I’m so afraid of what this man is capable despite being completely deranged.
What did anyone expect???? Revenge and hateful messages are on the table now.
So much for those cowardly Senators who stated that they "hoped" he would learn from this trial.
LMAO The Senate KNOWS EXACTLY what they've done. They got a 73 yr old spoiled and vindictive man-child aquitted because THEY are the ones who benefit the most; position, power, and money. And they're PROUD of it. And the Trump cult is PROUD of it, although they don't have the ability to see they've been scammed and played for fools.
In the meantime, the rest of us need to figure out how to survive and manuevre through all this chaotic mess that will now become worse than ever.
The beast has now been unleashed.
For months I've been sharing this quote:
"If the Lion knew his own strength, hard were it for any man to rule him." Sir Thomas More
And here we are.
Trump? Learn? Pshaw.
@@g0679 He did. He "learned" he really can get away with shooting somebody on 5th Ave.
@@MorrigansRaven3944 I think some of them are ashamed and do feel bad, I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of them do. And that makes it so much worse. There are ignorant people in this world who back people who do wrong in the belief that they are doing right, it's lamentable but it's easier to forgive than its counter part; people who know that they are doing wrong, but do it anyway because they're afraid of the consequences of doing the right thing. Those people are worse than willfully or unwillfully ignorant people, they're cowards. Good on Romney for choosing not to be a coward.
We learned more about the number of unprincipled scoundrels
in the Senate.
Trump is outrageous 🤣 the non-stop hypocrisy of this man is impressively exhausting...
That's what he's counting on
Not really
You are just mind controlled by the devilish main stream media and don't realise it
@@intomusic7074 can you educate us hear please?
@@intomusic7074 Well, your here listening aren't you? Hypocrisy much? Imbecile
@@Sol-y-Mar-57 Well he's mind controlled and doesn't realize it.
"CBS has higher standards than the President of The United States", does anyone NOT have higher standards than the President of The United States?
Typing that sentence was a truly dispiriting experience.
"Experience": Let's see who put that word up in our faces.
"When the power of love is stronger than the love of power, there will be peace". Jimi Hendrix.
"Politics is the entertainment division of the industrial-military complex." Frank Zappa, early '80s.
Go to a trump rally and all you'll see are double standards.
NikolasCage FreeEEGS
These blinded sheep just believe everything they hear on tv... has anyone ever heard
Any news station say one thing positive about Trump!?
Just one!!! I’ll wait..
He must have been screaming at someone for a while. His voice is as rough as his reading skills. The tranquilizer they're using helped his mini seizures.
Anna-bird Retired I don’t get why they didn’t just drug and use him as a puppet much earlier on instead of being taking for a ride and being USED as the puppets by this blatantly incompetent, out of control man. True pillars of idiocy..
It's all those rallies
Hope he will lose his voice forever
Maybe it's the first symptoms of coronavirus 🤞🤞
@@toniaguilar163 Hmmm. If anyone should be quarantined, it's Trump.
Oh man...Trump at the Prayer Breakfast? How inappropriate could this get?
Keep watching......
Trump's basically a golden calf.
Meredith Anne The Prayer Breakfast is run by evangelicals. Trump is a prophet of their true god: 💰
Every POTUS, regardless of their party, goes to the prayer breakfast organized by Congress to pray for the POTUS and Senators. Every year on the first Thu in February, the they invite world luminaries, presidents & prime ministers to come to DC and be part of the event. It’s a really big deal in Washington DC and quite a beautiful event. Trump is like the elephant in a china shop there failing to speak about the importance of prayer or spirituality in government leadership, as every president before him has done. Malignant narcissists are simply incapable of feeling true empathy and love for that matter, both being key in God-loving, prayerful persons. Yet evangelicals pretty much worship him and their blind allegiance has changed the presidential role of our nation for worse.
Democrats and all people with moral standards: Unite. November 2020 this nightmare is over.
@KAT literally anyone is better than who we have right now.
@Brenda Schmidt
Beat me to it - November may be when the nightmare really goes into high gear.
Unless Russia hacks into the election again.
@Brenda Schmidt till this day its proven no culusion no nothing, you have absolutely nothing, but as for yeasterday investigation has started on biden, will se what true colors of dems
I cannot comprehend how Trump's supporters can listen to him without cringing - it truly is beyond my understanding!
That's how a cult works.
Seeing the current events only proves how bizarre this world we live in. How are we ever going to resolve anything when we cant even agree to the facts.
They agreed on the facts. He did it. They just disagreed on what to do about it. Spines don't even come into it. Very sad.
@@moimeself1088 I am not talking about the Republicans. I am talking about some of his base and also the rest of the world.
H. Ali don’t bring the rest of the world into it. We all see what a f**k up the USA has become.
I think it’s an education problem. I noticed those from third world countries (whether you agree with that term or not) support Trump, but most western countries are against him. Seeing the commentary from his base, they clearly lack education. Their articulation is poor and they don’t have any valid points to bring up outside up Trump’s campaign rhetoric. It’s difficult to change people’s perspectives when they don’t have education to go out and research these topics. They just jump into the mob mentality.
We can resolve once the GOP is no more.
I'm physically sick to my stomach.
@thisguy the fact that YOU imagine it makes you a monster.
He says he’s a Christian, but rejects the teachings of Christ. He claims he’s a Christian, but in his own words, “I have never had to ask for forgiveness for anything.”
And not a single one of his supporters will be able to understand the hypocrisy.
So Christians go on youtube and tear other people down "real Christian" get a life buddy
Jor-El Irizarry he does not believe in God nor does he abide by Christian values!
@@fl1ntlock1 I challenge you to name a single sin Trump hasn't committed. He has more in common with the devil than any true Christian.
@@TrickWithAKnife yeah you know him personally or are you just regurgitating stuff you hear like a simpleton
He acts like he's off his meds.
Don't justify his behavior with excuses like meds or that he's got dementia or whatever. Give Trump the credit he deserves. This is really what he thinks. No excuses. No labels. No twists and turns. Now, try and find a metaphor that really works.
_"My friends, that is the theme of this breakfast today: love your enemies"._ You _know_ Trump will never accept that theme. His lifelong theme is smiting his enemies (even if that means cutting off medical cover for his own sick grandnephnew just to beat his family in a lawsuit over a will). And the only time Trump ever turned the other cheek was for Stormy.
The man got no soul and humanity.
He uses people as expendable as a toilet paper.
Yep, “Stormy Gates”
And the press never used it.
Too obvious I guess.
Agent Fungus
Getting cheap thrills from torturing babies, infants, toddlers, Prepubescent, pubescent, children (especially little girls) is what the New and Improved Christians are all about❌
Just ask the pervert lawyer, Dershowitz, he’ll fill you in.
He loves getting other perverts, like Epstein, off.
Whenever he can‼️
So did he even pray at the prayer breakfast? He’s giving a rally speech.
Tracee El
That was his prayer to God.
Probably why he keeps bringing up witches.
During this prayer, he’s attempting to summon the daemons.
Yeah but his supporters don't care. He can't do anything wrong.... He could probably kill someone and wouldn't lose a single supporter. He said it himself and they totally would still support him. It's unbelievable
Tracee El: Exactly. He is the least humble and most arrogant being. He doesn't even try to hide it. A large part of America has told him he can behave this way. Nothing like waking up and getting on with leading the country and issues pressing on every-day citizens. The saving grace? God is real and He sees it all.
Tracee El Trump was directing all his comments toward that witch pelosi 😂she says she prays all the time when we all know she's pro-abortion lol Trumps the only president to go to a pro-life rally and give a speech. His followers know he believes in god! You can think whatever you want.
thatdudeca "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Orange Overlord" 😇
Even on a prayers breakfast he can’t control his mouth
Emperor Solo Sad sad sad. He makes a mockery of yet another sacred day.
Emperor Solo - He has no reason to. His Evangelical followers, some 90% of them, support him come what may. Paula White, his ‘spiritual’ adviser, recently said "Those against Trump are against God".
@@englandcalling9721 and that is why I don't go to church or side with organized religion. These "Christians " are worshipping a false prophet.
Fake Christians in every seat, they should've stood up and walked out.
Knowing rich sodomizing sexual predators like I do, like Trump -
they should have nailed him to a cross!
It would help gain forgiveness for their "sins."
From their perspective, the only important thing is that the current president's name, no matter who it is, ends in "(R)."
@@jb888888888 R standing for rich.
Cutting taxes, increasing spending, raising the Federal Budget deficit to over 1 TRILLION dollars, ($1,000,000,000) this year alone -
Yes he can ....bankrupt the USA as he did with nearly every businnes he ever had.
Fake Christian's are anyone whom supports Trump's punk ass.
A real Christian wouldn't even go.
"It's not a news conference, it's not a speech...it's not anything." The most honest thing his bastard has ever said.
vote blue no matter who...and you younger repubs need to clean house and get some reps that have some integrity honesty and ethics...gl
Stephen you rock!
I miss when trump was never in the news. I miss those days..
scuba steve The night before the election I was so looking forward to having this sore fade into the rubbish heap of history. He is the biggest treat to America that we face. I don’t think it’s going to end well.
@@everythinghurts5057 lol the biggest treat to america
@@everythinghurts5057 agreed
He indeed is the biggest treat Americans have received in a very long time.
"....When I'm around so many Christians the demon just comes out of my throat." His face has a reddish orange to match! LOL😅🤣😅
Imagine if OJ ran around bragging about his acquittal after killing Nicole.
BubblewrapHighway he did
He “wrote” a whole book
@@comfykeegs OJ isn't president, but I concede.
The rights of that book now belong to the family of Ron Goldman, what an ironic twist. They made the "if" so small, it looks like "I did it" unless you look closely.
Fox released an interview recently where OJ admitted he did it... They put it in the archives for 30 years
Trump got acquitted from his own court. Why run around saying " I got away with it "? Such a good Christian, Donocchio.
"...the demon just POPS OUT!" I died here.
"I don't like people who use their faith to justify doing things they know is wrong."
Oh BS! That's literally most of the modern Republican party and their supporters.
from a guy twice divorced, who may have committed adultery against his 3rd wife... the pope must be so proud.
That's why he doesn't like himself.
@@stevevondoom4140 "May have committed adultery against his 3rd wife" He didn't pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quite about a "may have."
Sounds like he's admitting his Guilt
I hate break it to you, but using faith to justify doing things you know are wrong is basically the history of religion.
Please show Collins saying he's learned his lesson and trumps first talking point during the acquittal speech saying he did nothing wrong...and then her response!
Please get her on so America can get a response from her.
Vote her out of office..
I get where you're coming from, but honestly, what is the value of getting even more statements from someone we already know is a mealy-mouthed, spineless enabler? She can shut up forever as far as I'm concerned.
@Kaizaro123 SJNCLady's comment was in response to Tracey Wingfield's original comment, just as your's was! Get a grip Kaizaro123!
@@sjnclady9068 - She's basically a more manly version of Lindsay Graham. Spineless, the both of them.
I've seen enough of two-faced Susan Collins.
You just say it. Dementia. Dementia. Dementia..
He doesn’t know that “acquitted” doesn’t mean “not guilty”. That’s cute.
Actually, that is exactly what it means.
@@CassandrashadowcassMorrison but then again "An acquittal signifies that a prosecutor failed to prove his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt, not that a defendant is innocent." www.law.cornell.edu/wex/acquittal
sometimes it helps to research within context.
Diane Martel I’m agreeing with you, Diane, and I know you are using “ cute”in a sardonic manner but cute and Trump should never appear in the same sentence! I can think of a thousand more appropriate adjectives such as evil,Delusional, demonic, unstable, lying, etc! What a pathetic loser he is!
@@kevinparsley6806 🗣️SNAP!!! YOU TOLD THAT LEMMING
@Big_Schwartz but still IMPEACHED, that's good enough for us.. Just as long as my grandkids grandkids will read that his ass was the third one to be IMPEACHED
If nothing else, Chump has nailed the title:
Creepiest Person To Ever Hold The Office Of President.
And weirdest!
"CBS has higher standards than the President of the United states" 😂
To be fair, most people do as well.
Trump: "I don’t like when people use their faith to justify doing what they know is wrong."
Well, WE hate that our president and most of our GOP senators are doing that very thing and don't care about sending America to Hell!
@concernedamerican - If you truly believe that, you have a very warped view of what its original intent is.
Donnie is saying all that, knowing exactly what he's doing: mocking all of us that see his lies. Not just Nancy, all of us. That's why he uses projection. ( It's not a coincidence, it's an act.) Since they don't understand/use "hypocrit," he takes full advantage of that, too.
Ooo look at you geniuses with your "little theories" Go do something with your life.
America?! They're sending the world to hell at top speed.
"The demon just pops out" dead😂😂😂
History will not treat the GOP kindly
I hope the Christians and Evangelists are listening how viciously unchristian this man is. Making fun of Christian principles. He is a hypocrite and pathological liar.
They don't care. They're no more christian than he is. They just like that he's doing their bidding against women and people of color.
Is he really unchristian? If the Christians and Evangelicals say again and again that he's one them then who are you to say no.
They already know how unchristian he is, but he's pushing what they want pushed, so they look the other way!!
That's what most Christians and Evangelists believe. Most religions are based on hate. Maybe it's time for people to stop believing in such childish things like an invisible ghost created the world.
As my friend said "After he walked in the abortion march he has sealed my vote in".
He was at the national prayer breakfast and the demonic voice came out. This man is full of hate. This dude is unreal!!!
So he put a bust of Churchill into his office - regrettable that he didn't care to think about WC's words: “In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will." He wouldn't even understand the underlying concept...
He talked about money, how great he thinks he is, and slammed his opponents. All while attending an annual Christian event because he needs the evangelical vote-- and he also complained about people who misuse scripture and religion to justify their own corrupt practices.
Cool breakfast
this would be the worst show ever because you can´t make this shit up, i seriously can´t believe the times we live in
He can't even quote a scripture. That's pretty bad. *TRUMP IS A FAKE*
@@jjp7914 hes no Christian hes a blasphemer but he will face his maker and regret what chaos hes done on this earth so yes I agree with you trump is fake
Jesus turned the tables on the money changers.
Judgement day is coming and the people who in trump world sipping the kool-aid your going straight to hell! You back a false prophet you will pay with your life's!!! He's not even a good false prophet! He's like OJ Simpson who got away with murder! Trump is getting away with killing this country, we all know Trump is guilty as hell yet You stupid people still support him!!!
I can not imagine myself at a 'prayer breakfast' - to much hypocrisy in the room - let alone a prayer breakfast with this guy at the podium, swearing to the crowd and preaching about himself. YYUUCCKK
He believes he's God so he's at a prayer breakfast... That's why he's talking about himself
Kit Levey I think he deserves to talk about himself after 3 years of hoaxes and bullshit brought on by the democrats.
Kit, I believe we have all hit our own walls, we will see more and more people walking out, switching off and hopefully stopping him.
Kit there is room for one more come join us
"I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong." You know what, me too. Too bad that is like 80% of them since that is the percent who voted for you.
Actually no, he lost the popular vote. But I do agree that his hypocrisy has no limits.
@@Hoztyle619 80% of evangelicals.
I'm a Christian, I voted for Hillary.
“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance ;For truth has stumbled even in the public square, and honesty can not enter. Truth is no where to be found and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey ” Isaiah 59:14-15 “They have all turned aside, they are (all) alike corrupt; There is no one doing good, no even one”. Psalm.14:3 shame false Christians
But Romney was the shining star in this. Now we know his true character with certainty.
There is a hope, little late thou. But who are we? God is in control. “Don’t you know what the Scripture says about Elijah how he appeal to God”....”Lord they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars: I’M THE ONLY ONE LEFT AND THEY TRYING TO KILL ME”? And what was God’s answer to him? “ I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal” So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. Romans 11:3-5 Soon we will see the REMNANT by faith👍🙏keep prying God is listening 👍
@@miriamdiaz1081 I don't care for the scriptures that you love, but they are valuable to you and I respect that. None the less, this is where I have to put all my faith: the Great Spirit has a plan. I'm just the human. My job is to do my best to do His will so that He may work His miracles through me. As soon as I start getting lost in this or that (worry, despair, negative thinking, etc.), I'm wondering back off in *my* own direction, and not His. "To God be the glory", right?
"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
Jesus answered “ I am the way and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me” keep praying ❤️ u and blessings👍🙏
Miriam Diaz so accurate
Not so much a little hoarse, more like a horse's *ss...
Or a little demonic.
He struggles to come up with the word “escalator” but he could only come up with “elevator”. He’s not fit.
You are wrong, his whole family has talked about the talk he had with his family while coming down in the elevator right before the cameras caught them coming down the escalator. The lay out there is the elevator comes to the lobby,which is one level up,escalator the rest of the way.
I was shocked when he appeared to correctly use the word "microcosm" the other day.
Yeah because every single word that comes out of your mouth is spot on. Oh how would we know because no one is listening to you or gives a shit what you have to say.
Not for pants, not for office, nothing
Trump's acquittal is not the same as being found not guilty. Guilty as hell
You’re right Billy, being acquitted is not the same as not guilty, but it sure carries the same weight. And far from guilty as you say. I wonder what the next national crisis will be according to Democrats? Guesses anyone?
@C S same reason that the supposed billionaire president was the front runner . You have forgotten that Trump tax cuts put us in a trillion dollar debt each year.? It grows and why you complaining about education.? America is far behind developed countries in part thanks to wealthy billionaires like Betsy devos and republicans cuting important education classes to save a few dollars so they can buy yachts.
We may split hairs as fine as you wish. Of course the entire process of impeachment, then trial in the Senate, then acquittal is political, we do not disagree here. Nor will we disagree that had the president been found guilty, he would have simply been removed from office and nothing more, no jail time, fine etc. That is where the difference lies between that and an actual criminal case. No matter where your opinion, the simple fact of the matter is that President Trump is still the president. Nobody will contest the fact that he will continue to serve as a sitting president that has been impeached. Nor will anyone contest that fact should he be re-elected, it just doesn't matter at all because he is STILL the president. Others in this thread challenge me to make explanation as to why Bush looks better on paper as if that will somehow change something. I will be clear here as to my leanings, I can be best described as one that is to the right of center, perhaps even Libertarian on several issues. I believe in the value of hard work, not handouts for those that just simply do not want to work. Fellow Americans down on their luck deserve a helping hand while they work hard to restore themselves to independence again, free from government assistance. Others wish to be free of government in many ways, I support their choices no matter how destructive it may be to their end, but also refuse to help them when they put themselves in a position where they must face the consequences of their choices. You want to be the 'Dude', smoke dope and sleep next to the dumpster behind the 7-Eleven? You do that, but remember, "The Dude abides". Don't come crying to the rest of us when you are cold, tired and hungry. Get a job, earn your keep and make your way. Billions of people have done it before and billions will do it long after.
@C S we are a Democratic republic
Ok then, lets go with an easy one, illegal immigration. The law is very clear here, illegal immigration is well...illegal. There is no ambiguity, nor does any person not a citizen of the United States have any 'Right' to enter the country without the permission of the government regardless of why they want to be here. Most are probably looking for a better life for themselves and their families, but that does NOT give them the right to enter the country illegally. Republicans have been very clear on this point and have acted accordingly to the laws and U.S. Constitution. Democrats on the other hand wish to allow illegals to enter without checks or restrictions. Offer illegals "Free" healthcare, housing, food, clothing etc. We of course know that it isn't "Free", because U.S. Citizens must pay the bill for it, but Democrats are OK with that. Any discussion from the Democrats when it comes to this issue? No, not really. Just more screaming about how President Trump, Republicans and supporters in general are nothing more than a bunch of 'Racists', 'Xenophobes' and all around haters. Which side sounds more reasonable? Following the law and supporting the U.S. Constitution (as the president swore an oath to) or calling the other side names and acting in a fashion contrary to current law and the U.S. Constitution?
I want an app that mutes everything Trump says, turns every writen quote by him into wingdings, and changes all the photos of him online into photos of a bag of potatoes. It would much improve my daily life.
@Janet A well, a bag of potatoes is immediately useful to many people. We have too many bags of shit in the government already.
Instead of muting what he says, have it go through a voice changer to be a fairy's voice. Then overlay that with an overly loud accordion.
@IhniWinterwind : _" turns every written quote by him into wingdings, and changes all the photos of him online into photos of a bag of potatoes"_ But that's basically what he already is, lols.
Well, I did manage to make him look more mature than he really is... cheezburger.com/9388999168
IhniWinterwind Savage comment! LMAO !
It's TRUE. He treats our allies like enemies and our enemies like allies.
And we won’t talk about what he and Putin do, “behind closed doors”
Or the refreshing golden shower they they enjoy💩
CJ yeah let's go back to the old way of the Obama years and let every other country bend us over and take their turns.
So, your preference is to have Moscow Mitch and the Orange Cheato in bed with the leader of communists party, Putin, GRU/KGB Psyops in control of Our Government.
Man, you gotta be some kind of Russian troll‼️💀‼️
Nj Osborne haha whatever makes you feel better 😂 go home to mommy if that helps
We are definitely in upside down world.
The impeached thinks acquittal means he’s innocent. What a clown.
It's what his base believes now and believe me we will here about it until the next election
No, that fist pump he gave is the same one John Gotti used to give every time he beat a rap. It's their way of saying, "Fuck you! I got away again!"
How bad is your life if ragging on trump all day is the highlight? I feel sad for you people
@@pdoylemi the sad fact of the matter is that winning is all that really matters in life. Dems have taken him to task twice and failed to convict twice. He thinks he's won the battle.... And, he's pretty much right. Nothing happens to him, so he wins and winning, again, is all that matters. It's a war and you have to defeat your enemy. Dems are failing to defeat their enemy.
@@fl1ntlock1 Just like Repubs did with Obama.... Do you not remember? And don't say it wasn't as bad, or you are a liar
Sometimes I forget how Catholic Colbert is: That was a pretty accurate segment of an exorcism in Latin.
I thought so too.
I 2nd that!
The best kind of Catholic...one you forget is Catholic...wish more were like him. He's not thrusting his position onto us as tho that was his life's work: to convert others.
Not a Catholic here (though my mom’s side is Franciscan Catholic &/or “Kennedy Catholic) but I’d like to know what the meaning of the Latin phrase means?
It's real Latin, but it's what the demon says, not the exorcist. And it's originally from a psalm, the words of a human who is feeling despair and comparing himself to a damned soul.
Does he realize that he impeached forever? He will go down the history of the US as impeached.
Do you realize he's acquitted forever also?
mantid Acquitted forever? Not necessarily. If he wins re-election, he could be impeached for additional high crimes.
@@elizabethparsons2556 additional high crimes? Democrats didn't even convict him of any crimes the last time lol.
@@mantid83 because the Republicans stonewalled witnesses despite many coming forward.
@@gregfaber3417 stonewalled? They have the house, they can call any witness they wanted.
Wishing whoever is reading this a great day. Stay in touch :)
Joshua Otusanya
*Waves from Australia*
Aww! Thank you. Have a great day!
Loving the positivity. Cheers!
Thank you, kind stranger! I wish you the same!
You too
POTUS uses a demonic voice at the annual prayer breakfast - you can’t make this shit up 🤣🤣
🤣🤣🤣. Its like we are living through someone's badly written political play
You can mAke it up you just did go outside and quit playing on the computer karen
flush trump*.
Mike's View
No matter how many times it takes👍
I thought Red Foxx was trapped in Trumps body. Sounded just like him.
I love that Stephen just put a curse on Trump.
Jodi how? Sorry i think i missed it.
C. Nova88 probs the Latin part lol
Looks like Susie Collins is going to be eating her words as the orange clown has shown he cannot learn for his mistakes and change his ways.
She knew he wasn't going to change.
She doesn't care. She has a very highly paid lobbying spot waiting for her if she doesn't get re-elected as a reward for being a good corporate pawn.
Donate to Sara Gideon’s campaign to oust Susan Collins!
"Don and the giant impeach", I'm gonna miss ya
No worries. His presidency isn't over; he'll do another impeachable act before the end of the year.
Part 2 coming soon to a 24-hour news network near you!
After Trump talked about Jim’s body, Pence became so jealous...
Did Gym Jordan invite Drumpf to tour the OSU men's locker room with him?
Lickety lick the minee he wife like to sée.. 💯😵😣😱😞👈🏽
Jacket Off Jordan.... and by the sound of it, so did Trumpty 🤮
Gym Jordan should have outed the wrestler-blower in Ohio State.
@@WMC1980 Oh, YECCCH!! Now you've conjured up a scene I can't unsee!
Well, the women don’t accept that apology.
I believe in respecting women but I am finding it VERY HARD to respect a woman who votes for Trump. Is it just me?
William Ward: No, you are not alone. No respect and no quarter for en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality
The fact is they do enough to keep in power.
@@WilliamW1979 nah, stupid is stupid. Gender doesn't make it smart. 😏
"When I first met Jim Jordon I thought, his tongue feels special on my asshole." Why wasn't he wearing his jacket?
I've seen Gym Jordan, so I ask why isn't he wearing a bag over his head?
Quit sneaking in at night and queering off your little mongoloid brother ( your mom knows )
@@waldoparsnip1025 Well written.
@@cisco8650 Like Big Mike Obama ?
Here he goes he will get you all, who have stood up for yah...SUCKERS
This trial was akin to that of a mob boss'; half the jury was bought, and the other half will likely find horse heads in their beds a few days from now.
The Senate Republicans act like a "subsidiary of Trump, INC." and CEO, DJT, treats them like expendable employees. This was evident when he threatened them about having their heads "on a pike" if they voted against him. The Senate is supposed to represent and work for the people, NOT to do DJT's bidding.
MagnuMagnus yes he's now got that mob boss voice too.
@@yolandadenny8692 I dunno why they were so scared of him.
If they successfully impeached him, he'd have no authority to put anyone's head on a pike, but now that he's off the hook, there's nothing stopping him from his new reign of terror.
I don't understand how he was acquitted when they all know he did it.
They said it was bad but not impeachable.
Because corruption.
@@MsPeachesandcream Clinton gettin a BJ in the Oval Office was waaaaaaay worse than Trump jeopardizing national security. And they want to talk about party bias and targeting. Pssssh.
Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. pretty much. He’s a traitor and the Republican minions are all guilty as hell. So many involved in the drug deal including the lawyer representing him. Shouldn’t we be pushing for him to be disbarred?
It's called fear.
Those senators will burn in hell
So baby killing ok then
No, not anymore. There USED to be Christians in the GOP, but that was long ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Keep murdering babies you good Catholic !
And were are the father's of these babies? NO WOMAN EVER WANTS AN ABORTION! We need a support system for pregnant and scared women. That would be the Christian thing to do!
everyone - abortion is the ugliest crime on earth , BUT it cannot be made illegal , because you cannot force someone into being a good mother , and because some women are actually forced into having abortions - BUT all that aside , STOP LETTING republican CHARLATANS AND FLIMFLAM MEN MISGUIDE YOU INTO THINKING THEY WILL STOP ABORTION , BECAUSE THEY WON'T ! THEY ONLY WORSHIP MONEY ! they are not Christian in any sense of the word - they are pharisees in every sense of the word - and just like they crucified The Lord , they will crucify this country and the rest of the world as well ! the president is a bad man , and anyone that supports him shares in his guilt !
"Jesus said 'love your enemies'."
Trump: "Jesus? No, I don't know him. Never met the guy. Heard a lot about him though. I guess he liked to wear sandals a lot. Maybe he was proud of his feet."
god tier comment
Trump: Jesus? He was a middle eastern socialist
I don't know if he goes to church often, but that's not the question. One has only to look at everything he has undertaken to understand that he is very religious. Which is very important to me. He put his personal comfort and his ego aside to serve America. This is why I find Mitt's attacks completely inappropriate, he chose personal revenge before his country and it is a shame.
Damn that's funny!
Jesus was a liberal so Dump would hate him no doubt. Plus he wasn't a pervert like Donnie Douchebaggette so they'd def have nothing in common.
Trump is just so toxic on everything.
"Because CBS has higher standards than the president of the United States".
E. Devin Vander Meulen II everyone has higher standards than this immoral person!
Seriously, no one told trump that is make up make's him look like a clown.
Salty sour grapes taste the best mmm
Trump is an outrage! A disgrace to the NYC cultured elite and a threat to all we hold decent about America. There's got to be a way the Deep State can get to him.
You know what trumps got, he's got no class.
Meanwhile Pelosi has a hysterical moment and tears up the speech. Oh... but Trump is the unstable one....
@@mik3ymomo Yeah, whine about a simple protest while the unhinged guy in office goes off on twitter tirades, calls people names, and generally contradicts himself from week to week in the media. He sounds really stable, and you are definitely not a hypocrite.
HuckFinn all time highs in the stock market and all time lows in unemployment are Facts. Why is it liberals have such a hard time with reality? They still can’t figure out which of the 26 genders they are. Let’s stick with facts and evidence and not what we want to “believe” endless investigations and the same result. Accept it and move on.
HuckFinn we see the market for ourselves. Maybe you don’t have a 401k like tens of millions of others and can see for yourself? I didn’t realize the question had any merit. Only Democrats can’t figure out the simplest and most obvious realities of this world. Shouldn’t you be moving on to the pay gap between all 26 genders?
Oh and another Illegal in NJ (another sanctuary state) just confessed to 2 Rapes.
What about the unemployment rates? Just more lies? Hahaha. You liberals are a sad bunch.
Don’t worry, one day you will get your Utopia and shortly after another failed state for the dust bin of history.
mik3ymomo she tore up his lies, Trump mocks the handicapped and y’all are cool with it🤦🏻♂️
He's a devil. He clearly doesn't have any type of relationship with God! I've NEVER seen anything like this before.
How about the last "Schucker and Jiver" Muslim that held office?
@@TruthseekerforHim but...but...but Obama....you should change your moniker to Trump's Turd.
TruthseekerforHim And he still did a better job than Trump. I guess you're not the "master race" after all.
@@youresmarterthanmebut8867 keep believing that if it helps you sleep at night.
TruthseekerforHim First, thanks for writing that I'm smarter than you. Second, it's "Keep (capital K) believing that, (comma) if it helps you sleep at night"*. Fixed it for you, Mr. Master Race.
Sad thing is he will be reelected, unless people get out there and vote 😒
Well then it's our job to get people out there to vote.
"CBS has higher standards than the President of the United States."
Jesus H. Christ that says so much.
Hahahaha yeah such higher standards.. stephen only bad mouths the president 4/5 nights a week to make himself feel better lol.
@@thatdudeca no he does it to make US feel better -
@@thatdudeca Aaaaaaaand the pot is calling the kettle black. Stephen does it because he's a comedian, Trump bad mouths people for political & financial gain. When Stephen does it, people laugh & cry (mostly Republican snowflakes for the later).
When Trump does it, people LITERALLY get death threats.
I think the people in actual attendance at the prayer breakfast found Trump's language shocking. It's one thing for him to speak disrespectfully at news conferences, but respect for Christian religious events is important to many in his fanbase. This may cause some of them to question whether Trump is who they think he is.
Hydrocarbon82 haha and nobody on the Republican side ever gets death threats from the bullshit the late night shows spew? You guys are all mentally ill lol whatever happened to micheal avenatti? The creepy porn lawyer who had "bombshell evidence" to bring down the Trump campaign? Ohh yeah he was arrested lol. What happened to the "bombshell" evidence in the steel dossier that Colbert said was going to hurt Trump and the Republican Party so bad, it did not. What about the 2 year mueller investigation that cost over 30 million$ and led to zero evidence involving collusion with anybody. Don't believe me watch muellers testimony he completely bombed and only helped the republicans. What about this phone call with Ukraine that had such incriminating evidence of corruption that Trump was acquitted on both articles. All things mr Colbert here said would hurt or take down Trump 😂 don't worry keep following stephen off the cliff with the rest of the sheep. I'm sure they'll have another hoax brewed up by next week that will 100% take Trump out 😂
Trump is going to tear this nation apart. We need a president who can bring us together and actually act like a human who cares about all Americans
Sanders 2020
Trump's presidency is the path to the dark side
"Going to" ? He already has.
Why would he change, he got away with the crime of the century?
And I bring this up,it was just as true in WWII as it is now, 'Evil triumphs when good men do nothing!"
Obama gave Ukraine 2 billion of your tax dollars to be laundered in Ukraine and sent back to line the pockets of American and Ukrainian politicians, and you think Trump committed the "crime of the century"? Go on, tell me which crime he committed? I'll wait
@@jaredkean7841 - Have another sip of Kool-Aid while you wait. Cheers.
@@jaredkean7841 Not talking about Obama, that's old news, not to mention what Trump did was on purpose not at least Obama did his as a mistake while Trump was very intentional.
I can't wait until he's irrelevant.
let's just hope that that day won't also be known as the second day after nuclear apocalypse
the "MSM" that he loves to hate shouldn't give him the oxygen of publicity because they "want a contest" - that (and the Reps lack of backbone in not questioning his mental/personality fitness for the nomination) is how we ended up with this sh!tshow
KAT what up backcountry brown noser. Tell your mother/aunt I said yee yee
.....and the Kardashians....
@KAT yeah! How *dare* the libturds want the US to stay a democracy, it's a dictatorship god darn it!
That whole admin is about to self-destruct. BOOM! Sit back watch, laugh, be safe and never give up!
He cursed his enemies, at a "prayer breakfast" about loving your enemies, while saying that he hated people who claim to be Christian, but are, in fact, wolves in sheep's clothing. I wonder if his supporters can see that.
I think the analogy breaks down. The sheep are the ones voting for the steaming pile of Trump, and are showing signs of spongiform encephalopathy. Wolves are monogamous, more intelligent than sheep, and defend their territory against invaders.
I'm sure they can, but they don't care because the only thing in the world that matters to them is feeling like a "winner." As long as they can say they're "winning", they don't really care about God or morals or really anything at all. They just talk about God as if they cared to throw off critics. It's all an act that means nothing in their real lives, when they're not in front of a camera or someone they're trying to impress. They just like the image and know how to use it.
TRUMP is everything JESUS
warned us about: a wolf in
sheep's clothing, ruled by
his own ego, who serves only
Mammon ‼️
CBS has higher standards than the "christians" at the prayer breakfast.
No, just higher standards than Trump. Of course that's no difficult height to scale.
TBF, the prayer breakfast is not a presidential event. The president is involved, but the people who are in attendance are not necessarily presidential supporters.
@@ltrey33 Good point. Nor do they all claim to be Christians. I'm glad they acknowledge the freedom to pray.
kilgoring troutless
And also the “journalists” at Fox News.
To be fair, that was from a conference after the prayer breakfast.
The man is on drugs, he is high out his mind
I often think there ought to be drug tests after all the sniffing, slurred speech, extreme sweating. :/
I hear you John Baptiste...that Carl Thomas reference..."and I wish I never met her"....with Trump having bad calls with the ladies! Hahaha
Well Mr President...it used to be just you but I can now say we have it “in” for the ENTIRE GOP.
At a prayer breakfast, he doesn't like people who use religion.
@Andrew Brent This really shows what bullshit religion really is.
and they still cheered for him
That's the way, spew your hate by cherry picking the words out of context to fit the narrative you wish was the truth. No one cares that Obama through back channels gave 2 billion tax dollars to be laundered in Ukraine and sent back to American and Ukrainian politicians? No one? Not one person thinks that's not okay? Y'all mad because this President investigated that? C'mon now, just because you choose to keep your head in the sand doesn't mean your not being sold down the river by you very own countryman.
@@jaredkean7841 Trump wasnt investigating shit, he wanted dirt on joe biden and nothing more, nothing less, and he tried to blackmail Ukraine by withholding pre-approved aid if they didnt, you clearly know fuck all about what happened, and trying to poorly deflect by throwing out blatantly fake accusations
@@jaredkean7841 The idea that Trump was investigating Obama wasn't even floated during the impeachment hearings. So... whatchu talking about? Literally none of the witnesses said anything about that. You're probably confused, I mean as per usual, but specifically in this case - his defense claimed at one point that he was investigating Biden, Barisma, and Crowdstrike. They later admitted that yeah, he was mostly just investigating Biden. So if you want to keep up with the latest defense, you'll do better.
The current defense: The president can interfere with elections, so long as he thinks it's in the public interest to do so.
It's really surprising to see that half of America don't find his behavior weird.
It really do surprise me that so many people got their morals twisted.
Over 70% find the Trump administration horrific. His base are misled by a corrupt president using them. People good, government bad. They are using fear of changing population ethnicity to their advantage. Some prejudices still exist. Not very pretty in this century. Change is constant.
Looked in the mirror lately?
Well this is why the right cuts education, if people were educated they wouldn't get votes anymore!
Treasonous Trump’s idea of Religion has more in common with the Taliban than Jesus.
For the past several days, I’ve had to skip EVERYTHING Trump related - except Colbert- because just seeing Trump’s face, listening to his lies and spinning the facts gets me so upset that I’m afraid I’ll throw my device(s) against the nearest wall. What he is doing to this country is criminal on so many levels and it leaves me heartbroken. I’ve changed my party affiliation to Democrat as the GOP has proven themselves complicit, unmoved and derelict in their oath and promise to the American people.
Help us stop him. Every person that used to be a republican but has actual morals needs to vote across party lines just to get him out of office now.
He steps out of office at the end of january 2021 and they'll throw all sorts of crimes at him.
And if you don't like the democratic candidate, don't worry. Congress is broken and will only work with a cult leader they're terrified of anyways.
I am sorry, Les. I know it must make you sad. The GOP is no longer a conservative party, it's the "Trump cultists who want to burn down the world party."
Would be nice to have a third party in there, just shave off all the moderates from the other 2 (you know all the sane people willing to work together and compromise on at least some issues) and throw them together. I bet we would get a lot more done if there was a party that didn't have to deal with ridiculous demands from their far left/right members.
When Democrats uphold their oath to uphold law and the constitution then we will start listening. Did you like the part about sanctuary cities releasing criminals to victimize innocent citizens? Those are the laws we created governments to enforce. To protect against threats both foreign and domestic. If you can’t do your basic job, we don’t need you. All I hear from Democrats is how much of my money they will take and give to those who didn’t work for it. That’s all the party stand for now. Free stuff off the tax payers backs and and no protection for our actual citizens,
@@IaIaCthulhuFtagn The farthest left we got in congress is moderate to much of the rest of the world but we really do need at least 3 parties, yes.
"Did he get the Russians to hack God?" That was top notch Stephen.
I'm so grateful for Stephen's voice of sanity over these past three years. The only downside is that the content of his monologues basically requires that he show actual footage of Trump's speeches; there's just no getting around it. It's bad enough having to listen to Trump's vocal dysentery, but watching him as well is absolutely sickening. Most terrifying of all, people actually stand there and cheer.
So you're telling me that you see him as the voice of reason but at the same time, are willfully ignorant of anything that's actually being said.... and you don't find anything wrong with that.... lol.... i guess its easier to be told what to think by a comedy host than actually finding out....to each their own, I'm just saying that's a bit of a steep road in the sense of easily being wide open for manipulation. I'd encourage you do some research on the topic of "confirmation bias", the thing though is i believe (making assumptions here) that the source of the bias is and endless loop, you formed the opinion that you dont like trump because comedy hosts tell you "orange man bad" and you're further convinced that you're right in believing so because said comedy host tells you.... "orange man bad".... just a thought
Illosovic Stayne so you do realize how ironic it is that your lecturing someone on bias manipulation and forming ones opinion right?
@@thepalerider9635 based on the fact that we find ourselves in an obviously left wing comedy show? I don't think you know the meaning of the word
Illosovic Stayne ah and there is it is you can try and hide yourself behind words but I know your just another ignorant fool so let me explain it because ironic and ignorant probably aren’t part of your usual vocabulary so ironic means the opposite of what happened for example telling someone to do research and for their opinion but not their like this person did no to form the same opinion you have did the nail on the head or should I go do some research?
Illosovic Stayne troll
Feel bad for all the Americans. America is a mess right now.