"what's one of the first things I did when I moved into my new dig last month, buy new plants, of course. More space, more plants, right?” I can bet you that Mrs Sheffield was not on that shopping trip, not physically, not emotionally, not even spiritually. 😅
They make me happy and taking care of them gives me so much pleasure and peace. After 50 years with plants and gardens, there is nothing better to do. Love how you get so much light on the green babies
Being in Canada where it's a blanket of snow for 4-5 months a year outside it's and so dark in winter means houseplants being life inside and because they need lights it's a reason to make sure the house is lit up inside instead of sitting in the shadows myself. That life and light really helps with depression for me
Same in central Michigan. Most of my house lighting has been swapped for sunny yellow and white grow bulbs, not the pink kind or the painful white (too much like the glare from the snow). The timers make sure I get out of bed, and having plants to nurture in every sun-shiney room keeps my mood up! I do lose plants every winter regardless, but that's likely from the chilly night temps and toasty furnace daytime. Well worth it!!
I love my houseplants. I've picked up some outer pots from charity shop's ,at a fraction of the price of new ones . A home without plants , feels like there's something missing .. i love your new home Mr Sheffield ❤.
String of anything is the bane of my existence. I love them so much and just want them to be happy, I swear! I've got a hearts that is so long and tangled and scraggly that I have been procrastinating pruning and propogating. Today! I'm doing it today!
My favorite was string of dolphins, but as with most of my succulents, they have passed. You get used to not watering as much, but not like they were cactus, so it was difficult for me to find the right amount 😢.
I travel too much to have a pet, so my plants are taking their place. I have them, and care for them, purely because they bring me joy. I recently rescued a half-dead African Violet from the clearance rack at a big box store. It was bone dry but still had a couple of viable leaves. A good watering, repotting in decent soil and a sunny window spot and she’s living her best life now. Not bad for $4.
I love African violet, not sure why they aren't more popular. I tried several times to grow them and failed, a lot. Top tip that finally meant I could grow them after years of failures - they naturally grow exclusively on the north side of the mountains, and despite what we're told about fuzzy leaves being a form of sun protection they do not like direct light. North facing (nw-nne) windowsill is ideal. He'll be fine for winter, but try to move him before spring equinox. My nan had hers about 50cm below a south west facing window, lived there for years.
@ Thanks for the tip. Sadly, I don’t have a north or south facing window. Right now it’s in a little IKEA greenhouse by an east facing window, but on the floor out of direct light except in the very early morning. I’ll try to find a place it likes in the spring. I might have to go with a grow light. As you can imagine it’s not in the best of shape anyway after being so abused. Just doing my best for it.
I started my plant journey this mid-year. My collections are increasing, and seeing them thrive makes me so happy. Watching them grow makes my living room aesthetically pleasing and peaceful. Thank you for your helpful video. Happy New Year to Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield. Congratulations on our new home.
I've left this text before and I just have to leave it again..MORE LIGHT! I had the sorriest looking pothos.... Sort of an ordinary plant, but I love them. Became sickly and leggy looking. After listening to Mr. Sheffield, talk about light exposure.... I moved them to closer light... In fact I cut one way back... And put it directly in an east window... Within a few weeks it was showing all new growth... Now it is really full and lush.. The real surprise is the Beautiful variation It was developing which it did not have any. It was solid green when I purchased it as a mature plan... The same thing with My Sheffilara...developing a beautiful Verigation.. The plants are at least 5 years old and were solid green. A lot of improvements by putting my plants in stronger natural light... Being careful to see what they could tolerate... Good size shiny leaves .. I am Amazed and proud. Thank you Mr. Sheffield..(water meter is great also)
In desperation, I put my philodendron cuttings in a metal cake pan, because it fell out of the container it was rooting in. I was in the middle of straightening up, someone was arriving, and I really had wanted to repot it, but not just yet. It sat in there several days, and, the pan began to rust. However, to my surprise, the leaves started to feel more thick and robust. I thought perhaps it’s the iron in the pan. So I looked up that plants do need iron, it’s one of the micronutrients essential for photosynthesis and as an “enzyme cofactor”. But of course they need an enzyme cofactor, who doesn’t! I’m giving all of my plants a turn in the rust bath, and I should hope they’re equally appreciative!
My latest thing has been to group like-plants together to make it easier to look after them. So for instance, those that need a drink more often all live together, so I don't miss any. Also, I have a window that gets full-on (often >30C) direct sunlight for 10-12 hours a day, so all the succulents that can tolerate full sun all hang out together next to the window. And all the ones that love being misted huddle together. I find that I have less prima donnas and less of them are dying. In fact they are thriving now, now that they each have their own 'hood.
Good morning Mr. Sheffield 😊. I wish you and your family and of course all of your plants a nice holiday and all the best for 2025 😀. Love your videos.
I asked that you identify a striped plant that looks like a spider plant without offspring. Your comment advised a guide that turned out to be on edible plants…I won’t eat this health plant even though it looks good! I still need your help. Note… today I put my pathos plants on a moss pool, thanks to you enlightening me on how to get larger leaves. . Also put my peace lily in a sunnier spot so it’ll flower! I have a plant that is tall, and looks like a corn plant. It has a stalk of buds again this year. Last year I smelled something lovely…it was this plant blooming. The much smaller one has a stalk of buds, too! Big surprise! Wow!!!🤩
Yes! We went to my friend’s at Christmas and her corn plant was blooming. It was a sweet pleasant scent. She said it bloomed every year. This was the first time I had ever seen one in bloom.
Rich, I'm still finding helpful hints with you. I love it. Awesome video. Your plants might go wild with all that fresh rain water. Lucky you. Yes, we want to see your new home. The new backyard looks amazing. Your wife is going to have to much fun. Congratulation on 400K! I notice the dog is moved. I bought my Mom one of those amaryllis plants. It had two bloom thingy's and some stems in the middle. All were 4 inches. It was here four days. I had to get it to my Mom's before Christmas. I had it under a grow light because of cloudy weather the whole time. It had grown to 23 inches and the stems a foot. The blooms were busting open. I got it there just in time. The next day the blooms started to appear for Mommy. She was thrilled. I was happy. Thanks to you Rich because where did I see this plant? Correct! Wishing Your Whole Family and animals Warm Holiday Cheers. Peace.
I wish I could send you some sunshine and you could send me some rain 😅 Our climate is so dry as it doesn’t rain much but always sunny and very hot summers,with very low humidity. Love the contrast between the snow outside and the tropical plants inside! When I had more moss poles I used to face the front towards the window and turn them around to see the good side when expecting visitors 😅
Looks like you haven't got any snow yet either. Here in the southeast of Sweden it's quite warm for being December, around 4-7 C and we don't have any snow, which is fine by me 😁 I like to watch my plants grow and get new leaves, I have several baby monsteras and I'm waiting for that first fenestrated leaf to appear, soon... 😊
i would love to see you get rid of those gnat stickers! haha i tackled my spider mites and fungus gnats last week by watering my plants with a couple drops of neem oil mixed with some Dawn dish soap water then obviously sprayed them with the same mixture! 2 weeks and they were gone :) thank you for being my fav plant channel! much love all the way from canada!!
About the leaves pointing towards lights, I've noticed that some plants leaves will not bend much at all after they've initially grown into the shape. If the leaves of my cane begonia grow into an abnormal shape because they tried to reach for the light when they were growing, they will look deformed permanently. However, some plants do actually move the leaves quite easily towards the best light source, it just takes a week or two. My monstera had couple of leaves that were pointing at the back of the plant, but I just put the pot in front of a window with no light coming from inside and the plant rotated the whole leaves 180 degrees to the front in a week or so.
It's fun to hear things about where you live I want to do a water catchment! I have enough roof area should work. I love plants inside and out. I do need some nice pots. I'll start hitting the yard sales spring/summer. :-) And yes, I'll clean and clean them again before planting in them. I got some plant shelves that I really like. I want to close in my deck in front of my rv - I think I've turned my RV into a greenhouse! :-) Jut enough room for a human and a schnauzer to move about some. :-)
8:00 I like to keep plants indoors so I can keep them when I move. Gonna miss my outdoor hydrangea and lilac 😭 Plus the lack of plant life during Michigan winters is incredibly depressing!!
Up at six and checking on all my plants. First thing I do is get my trusty water meter. Sure saves me lots of time. Now I'm watching you show. Merry Christmas.
I like your idea of putting 3 plants together. I have to put mine near the windows for best light. Right now, most are under grow lights due to winter. I am in the upper Midwest in the u.s. and get about as much sun as you. Hope you and your family have a nice holiday.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Sheffields!! Still loving your videos and enjoying your tips & tricks each week!!! Congratulations on hitting 400K !!
All very good suggestions, as usual. I'm going to take this opportunity to report on my newest equipment acquisition: a first-class humidifier! Although I live in rainy western Oregon, USA, the humidity meter I acquired a couple of months ago was telling me that all that lovely damp was not doing much indoors...just as well, I think. Without running heat, the humidity in my main plant room was running about 40-45%, but as soon as I had to crank up the old heat pump, that figure dropped to about 35%! Not what my jungle buddies were hoping for. I ran across a review of humidifiers on CNET (an electronics testing/review site that's been around for ages and I've always found to be pretty reliable). They gave a top recce for a unit from Vornado that suited my budget. After a week, I can report the results: setting this fog machine to automatically turn on and off at a 60% level and letting it do its thing for a few days has made a big difference! My humidity meter is about six feet (sorry, us Yanks just refuse to go all modern with metric) from the machine. It now reads a consistent 55%. And 'consistent' is the key here. In the past I had tried a small, half-liter machine and it only increased humidity by about 10% over regular room levels. And it had to be filled twice a day if I was going to run it more or less 24/7....way more bother than this lazy bones was going to take. Thus, the humidity was varying about 20%. With my new machine, I've had to fill it once in three days, and the instructions tell me that once the humidity levels in my room have reached a balance, I shouldn't have to refill it all that often. No, my green friends haven't given me a standing ovation or anything, but since they're all more or less jungle dwellers, I'm sure they're much happier. I'm curious to see if I have to water as often, since before this I was finding a lot of them were needing a drink every four or five days. I've got about 50 plants (in a 640 sq. ft. space) and having to check them every few days was getting a bit of a nuisance. We'll see if upping the humidity lets me take a few more days off. And, BTW, I'm finding that this not-green body (that is to say, me) is more comfortable too. I'm shooting to keep things at about 50-55% humidity, with night time temps staying above 60 degrees (Fahrenheit, what did I say about Yanks and metrics). This magical machine also is a bit of an entertaining thing, as it turns on and off, giving me a stream of fog for a few minutes...okay, I'm easily entertained. If you're wanting the details, it's a Vornado Model UH100, set me back $70 from Amazon. It's one gallon capacity seems to be about the right capacity for convenience....not trudging to the sink all the time. It comes with a nifty magical thingy that removes minerals from the water so no 'white dust' effect which can happen with these ultrasonic evaporators. If you've used a humidifier, share with us your experiences. I'm dead happy with this one, so far. Be sure you'll hear the moans and cries if it doesn't do what I think it should over time, but hope springs eternal and all that.
Thank you for packing so much information into each of these videos. You're definitely conducting a master class. Today I learned tips that directly relate to no less than five of the ongoing concerns for my little collection. ❤
Tip from my nature aquarium.,. Something we don’t talk enough about is the PH of the water we are dosing in our plants. Some plants like it “Acidic“ and some like it “Base”. PH up and PH down additives can help your plants grow better.. Happy Holidays and New Year!
Happy holidays! 🎄 Mr. Sheffield I've noticed for my plants, The fans are good for air circulation, helps the plant build stronger stems (which result in bigger plants:),helps keep bugs away, prevents moldy soil, and it mimics they're natural environment.
I am using rain water for years. Saved a calathea orbifolia from a grabage.I was reading it's sensitive to tap water. She had only 4 leaves, after a month new leaves started to grow. All my plants get only rain water and when I am low on it, it's reserved only for most sensitive ones. My 2 cats drink rain water and tap water they avoid.
I just got an ad for the plantin app. It shows the app scanning your plants and giving suggestions like add cayenne pepper or eggshells or basil or black pepper or ice or compost. Have you ever seen or tried it before? 🤔
Oh crumbs, my ficus looks like yours, but smaller…😂 New place is looking great, glad you’re all settling in. Got me thinking, would a plant light shade by Simone Giertz fit?
What are the leaf saucer looking coaster like things under some of the plants. They’re beautiful and would be great to replace the ikea cork saucers I have littering every surface
Mr Sheffield this is a complaint. Since I’ve encountered your blog I have been increasingly obsessive with my newly acquired conservatory and filling it with plants. With your encouragement I have not been able to pass B&Q ( this is not a promotion I hasten to add) to purchase budget buys that I can rescue with your help. The thing is how can I choose which wonderful variegated leaf, or wondrous plant I should entice into my den!? Don’t misconstrue I adore what you do, I have already purchased an moisture meter, soil suitable media for indoor plants, taken on board your other suggestions, the husband has been banned whilst the furniture is next! Just love what you do.
Well, I've killed 2 Neon Pothos now. It's a pity because it is a beautiful plant. I thought I was over watering because the leaves turned yellow. Well, more yellow than normal. I use my moisture meter so I was baffled by this. I finally read up about the Neon and found out they don't like grow lights. Something about the pigment, or lack there of, in the leaves. My Sansis work well! In this case it was operator error. Again!
So bummed. I killed one of my plants (a dark leaf draceana) via the Stress Coat that you recommended. It was doing fabulously before I watered it with a tiny drop of that stuff mixed in with 20 parts water. That's all I can think of that killed it. All the leaves turned yellow quite quickly so it is now resting in our trash can. 😔
Have you done a video on different grow lights , I’d like to get one for my haworthias but as they’re in my bedroom and would be unattended for long periods I don’t want to burn the house down.
Anyone have suggestions for window planter or hanging shelves for an extra wide kitchen window? Ive been looking online but they all seem really cheap plastic or just outright ugly. I want something that highlights the plants without making my kitchen look like a walmart shelf.
Sheffield I love your channel. I saw something that you and others don’t talk about. Watering the crown of plants, esp. snake plants, this will kill them from my experience and you showed this at 6:30, pouring water directly into the crown. I could be wrong, but my experience with watering directly onto the foliage has caused more problems than not. The new place looks great 🪴🌿❣️
You can easily change how plants stretch by using blue light lamps. Plants only stretch for blue light. Put a blue or cold LED where you want it to stretch to... problem solved.
I’ve been on holiday and my hubby has overwatered alllllll my plants and my Yukka is suffering with yellow leaves. I’ve pulled a lot of them off should I now leave it to dry out?
Why do I keep plants in the house? Because of animals partly but also because I love plants and I don't have to watch them die and wait till summer to have more. 😊
Mr. Sheffield, do you grow the arrowhead plant? Mine keeps getting brown/black spots surrounded by yellow outer sections. I don't know what causes it but I'm about ready to toss it. I had some luck with growing it in water but eventually it returned. Any insight you might share would be greatly appreciated.😊😊
Download my FREE Plant Parent's Troubleshooting Handbook 👉 resources.sheffieldmadeplants.com/handbook
how long do I have to wait to get it?
@ should come when you sign up
@@SheffieldMadePlants oh okey, I had to miss write my email
Where do you buy the Sybasoil? It doesn't seem to deliver to UK 😢
@ they’ve halted for the moment. Will hopefully be back
"what's one of the first things I did when I moved into my new dig last month, buy new plants, of course. More space, more plants, right?”
I can bet you that Mrs Sheffield was not on that shopping trip, not physically, not emotionally, not even spiritually. 😅
I finally have a leaf with holes in my monstera and I haven‘t had so much joy for a while 😇😇😇
My grandma's sister gave my some plants when I was 4 years old and after that I love plants, now I have over 100 indoor plants❤😊
They make me happy and taking care of them gives me so much pleasure and peace. After 50 years with plants and gardens, there is nothing better to do. Love how you get so much light on the green babies
Gardening keeps me grounded in a crazy world like this.
@c 0:28hristianthuller7561
Thecworld needs more house plants
Happy Christmas in your new home
Being in Canada where it's a blanket of snow for 4-5 months a year outside it's and so dark in winter means houseplants being life inside and because they need lights it's a reason to make sure the house is lit up inside instead of sitting in the shadows myself. That life and light really helps with depression for me
Exactly! It's the same with me too
Same in central Michigan. Most of my house lighting has been swapped for sunny yellow and white grow bulbs, not the pink kind or the painful white (too much like the glare from the snow). The timers make sure I get out of bed, and having plants to nurture in every sun-shiney room keeps my mood up! I do lose plants every winter regardless, but that's likely from the chilly night temps and toasty furnace daytime. Well worth it!!
I love my houseplants. I've picked up some outer pots from charity shop's ,at a fraction of the price of new ones . A home without plants , feels like there's something missing .. i love your new home Mr Sheffield ❤.
I love being around beautiful plants 🪴 and caring for them. It’s very peaceful and rewarding. ❤Canada 🇨🇦
String of anything is the bane of my existence. I love them so much and just want them to be happy, I swear! I've got a hearts that is so long and tangled and scraggly that I have been procrastinating pruning and propogating. Today! I'm doing it today!
I propagated my string of dolphins, next I’ll try my angel vine
My favorite was string of dolphins, but as with most of my succulents, they have passed. You get used to not watering as much, but not like they were cactus, so it was difficult for me to find the right amount 😢.
The humor is a bonus to learning about plants. I love your videos . Thank you!!
I travel too much to have a pet, so my plants are taking their place. I have them, and care for them, purely because they bring me joy. I recently rescued a half-dead African Violet from the clearance rack at a big box store. It was bone dry but still had a couple of viable leaves. A good watering, repotting in decent soil and a sunny window spot and she’s living her best life now. Not bad for $4.
I love African violet, not sure why they aren't more popular. I tried several times to grow them and failed, a lot. Top tip that finally meant I could grow them after years of failures - they naturally grow exclusively on the north side of the mountains, and despite what we're told about fuzzy leaves being a form of sun protection they do not like direct light. North facing (nw-nne) windowsill is ideal. He'll be fine for winter, but try to move him before spring equinox. My nan had hers about 50cm below a south west facing window, lived there for years.
@ Thanks for the tip. Sadly, I don’t have a north or south facing window. Right now it’s in a little IKEA greenhouse by an east facing window, but on the floor out of direct light except in the very early morning. I’ll try to find a place it likes in the spring. I might have to go with a grow light. As you can imagine it’s not in the best of shape anyway after being so abused. Just doing my best for it.
Your new home is absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you 😊
I started my plant journey this mid-year. My collections are increasing, and seeing them thrive makes me so happy. Watching them grow makes my living room aesthetically pleasing and peaceful. Thank you for your helpful video. Happy New Year to Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield. Congratulations on our new home.
You have a greenhouse??? You definitely need to do a video on that! 🎉
I've left this text before and I just have to leave it again..MORE LIGHT!
I had the sorriest looking pothos.... Sort of an ordinary plant, but I love them. Became sickly and leggy looking. After listening to Mr. Sheffield, talk about light exposure.... I moved them to closer light... In fact I cut one way back... And put it directly in an east window... Within a few weeks it was showing all new growth... Now it is really full and lush.. The real surprise is the Beautiful variation It was developing which it did not have any.
It was solid green when I purchased it as a mature plan... The same thing with My Sheffilara...developing a beautiful Verigation.. The plants are at least 5 years old and were solid green. A lot of improvements by putting my plants in stronger natural light... Being careful to see what they could tolerate... Good size shiny leaves .. I am Amazed and proud. Thank you
Mr. Sheffield..(water meter is great also)
East window in the summer... Move to south window in the winter... It works
Your new home is lovely and your plants look fabulous in it ! ❤
I love hearing about your new home. It's Beautiful. Your Plants have so much more room, and it looks like you do as well.
In desperation, I put my philodendron cuttings in a metal cake pan, because it fell out of the container it was rooting in. I was in the middle of straightening up, someone was arriving, and I really had wanted to repot it, but not just yet. It sat in there several days, and, the pan began to rust. However, to my surprise, the leaves started to feel more thick and robust. I thought perhaps it’s the iron in the pan. So I looked up that plants do need iron, it’s one of the micronutrients essential for photosynthesis and as an “enzyme cofactor”. But of course they need an enzyme cofactor, who doesn’t! I’m giving all of my plants a turn in the rust bath, and I should hope they’re equally appreciative!
My latest thing has been to group like-plants together to make it easier to look after them.
So for instance, those that need a drink more often all live together, so I don't miss any. Also, I have a window that gets full-on (often >30C) direct sunlight for 10-12 hours a day, so all the succulents that can tolerate full sun all hang out together next to the window. And all the ones that love being misted huddle together. I find that I have less prima donnas and less of them are dying. In fact they are thriving now, now that they each have their own 'hood.
Good morning Mr. Sheffield 😊.
I wish you and your family and of course all of your plants a nice holiday and all the best for 2025 😀.
Love your videos.
Happy holidays!
Plant stands are my recent go to. Frees up shelf/counter space for more of my smaller friends.
I asked that you identify a striped plant that looks like a spider plant without offspring. Your comment advised a guide that turned out to be on edible plants…I won’t eat this health plant even though it looks good! I still need your help. Note… today I put my pathos plants on a moss pool, thanks to you enlightening me on how to get larger leaves. . Also put my peace lily in a sunnier spot so it’ll flower! I have a plant that is tall, and looks like a corn plant. It has a stalk of buds again this year. Last year I smelled something lovely…it was this plant blooming. The much smaller one has a stalk of buds, too! Big surprise! Wow!!!🤩
Yes! We went to my friend’s at Christmas and her corn plant was blooming. It was a sweet pleasant scent. She said it bloomed every year. This was the first time I had ever seen one in bloom.
Rich, I'm still finding helpful hints with you. I love it. Awesome video. Your plants might go wild with all that fresh rain water. Lucky you. Yes, we want to see your new home. The new backyard looks amazing. Your wife is going to have to much fun. Congratulation on 400K! I notice the dog is moved. I bought my Mom one of those amaryllis plants. It had two bloom thingy's and some stems in the middle. All were 4 inches. It was here four days. I had to get it to my Mom's before Christmas. I had it under a grow light because of cloudy weather the whole time. It had grown to 23 inches and the stems a foot. The blooms were busting open. I got it there just in time. The next day the blooms started to appear for Mommy. She was thrilled. I was happy. Thanks to you Rich because where did I see this plant? Correct! Wishing Your Whole Family and animals Warm Holiday Cheers. Peace.
Happy holidays!
That guy bought a house for his plants . He and his partner are squeezed tin the corners of the house to not cover the light 😂
I hope you will let us see you unbox your new plants. 😅
I have over 50 plants. I watch you for all the info I need, and it works. I love your channel. By the way, congratulations on your new home.
I wish I could send you some sunshine and you could send me some rain 😅
Our climate is so dry as it doesn’t rain much but always sunny and very hot summers,with very low humidity.
Love the contrast between the snow outside and the tropical plants inside!
When I had more moss poles I used to face the front towards the window and turn them around to see the good side when expecting visitors 😅
Looks like you haven't got any snow yet either. Here in the southeast of Sweden it's quite warm for being December, around 4-7 C and we don't have any snow, which is fine by me 😁 I like to watch my plants grow and get new leaves, I have several baby monsteras and I'm waiting for that first fenestrated leaf to appear, soon... 😊
These videos keep getting funnier and funnier to watch. Keep it up!!
I love that you now have a full rainwater collection outside. How convenient!
i would love to see you get rid of those gnat stickers! haha i tackled my spider mites and fungus gnats last week by watering my plants with a couple drops of neem oil mixed with some Dawn dish soap water then obviously sprayed them with the same mixture! 2 weeks and they were gone :) thank you for being my fav plant channel! much love all the way from canada!!
You know, with your channel, I finally feel that there is HOPE, for my plants in my life. FINALLY!
About the leaves pointing towards lights, I've noticed that some plants leaves will not bend much at all after they've initially grown into the shape.
If the leaves of my cane begonia grow into an abnormal shape because they tried to reach for the light when they were growing, they will look deformed permanently. However, some plants do actually move the leaves quite easily towards the best light source, it just takes a week or two. My monstera had couple of leaves that were pointing at the back of the plant, but I just put the pot in front of a window with no light coming from inside and the plant rotated the whole leaves 180 degrees to the front in a week or so.
Wow love the greenhouses in the backyard. Now I want to get one haha. Looks pretty in the garden.
It's fun to hear things about where you live I want to do a water catchment! I have enough roof area should work. I love plants inside and out. I do need some nice pots. I'll start hitting the yard sales spring/summer. :-) And yes, I'll clean and clean them again before planting in them. I got some plant shelves that I really like. I want to close in my deck in front of my rv - I think I've turned my RV into a greenhouse! :-) Jut enough room for a human and a schnauzer to move about some. :-)
What a gorgeous view in your new home! Wow! Congratulations to your family and Happy Christmas!
8:00 I like to keep plants indoors so I can keep them when I move. Gonna miss my outdoor hydrangea and lilac 😭 Plus the lack of plant life during Michigan winters is incredibly depressing!!
Up at six and checking on all my plants. First thing I do is get my trusty water meter. Sure saves me lots of time. Now I'm watching you show. Merry Christmas.
I like your idea of putting 3 plants together. I have to put mine near the windows for best light. Right now, most are under grow lights due to winter. I am in the upper Midwest in the u.s. and get about as much sun as you. Hope you and your family have a nice holiday.
You too!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Sheffields!!
Still loving your videos and enjoying your tips & tricks each week!!!
Congratulations on hitting 400K !!
Thank you 😊
By far my favorite channel 💚🪴 please never stop making all the plants and us fans happy😊
All very good suggestions, as usual. I'm going to take this opportunity to report on my newest equipment acquisition: a first-class humidifier!
Although I live in rainy western Oregon, USA, the humidity meter I acquired a couple of months ago was telling me that all that lovely damp was not doing much indoors...just as well, I think. Without running heat, the humidity in my main plant room was running about 40-45%, but as soon as I had to crank up the old heat pump, that figure dropped to about 35%! Not what my jungle buddies were hoping for.
I ran across a review of humidifiers on CNET (an electronics testing/review site that's been around for ages and I've always found to be pretty reliable). They gave a top recce for a unit from Vornado that suited my budget. After a week, I can report the results: setting this fog machine to automatically turn on and off at a 60% level and letting it do its thing for a few days has made a big difference!
My humidity meter is about six feet (sorry, us Yanks just refuse to go all modern with metric) from the machine. It now reads a consistent 55%. And 'consistent' is the key here. In the past I had tried a small, half-liter machine and it only increased humidity by about 10% over regular room levels. And it had to be filled twice a day if I was going to run it more or less 24/7....way more bother than this lazy bones was going to take. Thus, the humidity was varying about 20%. With my new machine, I've had to fill it once in three days, and the instructions tell me that once the humidity levels in my room have reached a balance, I shouldn't have to refill it all that often.
No, my green friends haven't given me a standing ovation or anything, but since they're all more or less jungle dwellers, I'm sure they're much happier. I'm curious to see if I have to water as often, since before this I was finding a lot of them were needing a drink every four or five days. I've got about 50 plants (in a 640 sq. ft. space) and having to check them every few days was getting a bit of a nuisance. We'll see if upping the humidity lets me take a few more days off.
And, BTW, I'm finding that this not-green body (that is to say, me) is more comfortable too. I'm shooting to keep things at about 50-55% humidity, with night time temps staying above 60 degrees (Fahrenheit, what did I say about Yanks and metrics).
This magical machine also is a bit of an entertaining thing, as it turns on and off, giving me a stream of fog for a few minutes...okay, I'm easily entertained. If you're wanting the details, it's a Vornado Model UH100, set me back $70 from Amazon. It's one gallon capacity seems to be about the right capacity for convenience....not trudging to the sink all the time. It comes with a nifty magical thingy that removes minerals from the water so no 'white dust' effect which can happen with these ultrasonic evaporators.
If you've used a humidifier, share with us your experiences. I'm dead happy with this one, so far. Be sure you'll hear the moans and cries if it doesn't do what I think it should over time, but hope springs eternal and all that.
Thank you for packing so much information into each of these videos. You're definitely conducting a master class. Today I learned tips that directly relate to no less than five of the ongoing concerns for my little collection. ❤
My pleasure 😊
Hello mr.Sheffield. Hope you have a lovely Christmas my friend
Happy holidays!
Lovely looking plants in your new home 😊
Tip from my nature aquarium.,. Something we don’t talk enough about is the PH of the water we are dosing in our plants. Some plants like it “Acidic“ and some like it “Base”. PH up and PH down additives can help your plants grow better.. Happy Holidays and New Year!
1.Well water
2. Winter is 7 months here in Alaska October-april plus break-up that lasts another month.
What a lovely home 😍
Thank you! 😊
You right i mess with them too much. I had to get back into crochet to keep my hands busy and off the plants lol
Congratulations on 400k 🫶 loving your plant journey so much !!
He’s great!
Thank you 😊
Muchas gracias!!! ES muy pedagógico y entretenido 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Have a blessed Christmas and a green, fresh, flourish 2025!❤
Happy holidays!
@@SheffieldMadePlants 💃💃💃
Another good video, Mr Sheffield. Lots of good tips. 😊
Your plants r gorgeous, your home is beautiful 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you 😊
Happy holidays! 🎄 Mr. Sheffield
I've noticed for my plants, The fans are good for air circulation, helps the plant build stronger stems (which result in bigger plants:),helps keep bugs away, prevents moldy soil, and it mimics they're natural environment.
Merry Christmas 🎄
I am using rain water for years. Saved a calathea orbifolia from a grabage.I was reading it's sensitive to tap water. She had only 4 leaves, after a month new leaves started to grow. All my plants get only rain water and when I am low on it, it's reserved only for most sensitive ones. My 2 cats drink rain water and tap water they avoid.
Nice new digs, dude!!
Great video as usual!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and you family!❤️🌟🎄
Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas, Richard from your number one fan
Merry Christmas 🎄
I just got an ad for the plantin app. It shows the app scanning your plants and giving suggestions like add cayenne pepper or eggshells or basil or black pepper or ice or compost. Have you ever seen or tried it before? 🤔
Not heard of adding pepper. I wouldn't add ice to anything
I only touch my plants when I wipe the dust off. it stresses me out when you touch your plants haha
If you have t already, you should totally make a video about nepenthes care.
I am going to make an effort to gather rain water . I will definitely have better luck in the summer 🌞🙄
Have a happy and healthy Merry Christmas 🎄 and a great New Year 2025 ❤
Same to you
Oh crumbs, my ficus looks like yours, but smaller…😂
New place is looking great, glad you’re all settling in. Got me thinking, would a plant light shade by Simone Giertz fit?
What are the leaf saucer looking coaster like things under some of the plants. They’re beautiful and would be great to replace the ikea cork saucers I have littering every surface
They are from treleaf linked in the description
Mr Sheffield this is a complaint. Since I’ve encountered your blog I have been increasingly obsessive with my newly acquired conservatory and filling it with plants. With your encouragement I have not been able to pass B&Q ( this is not a promotion I hasten to add) to purchase budget buys that I can rescue with your help. The thing is how can I choose which wonderful variegated leaf, or wondrous plant I should entice into my den!? Don’t misconstrue I adore what you do, I have already purchased an moisture meter, soil suitable media for indoor plants, taken on board your other suggestions, the husband has been banned whilst the furniture is next! Just love what you do.
For months I've been hearing you yammer on about your "Fancy" lights LOL
I got my "fancy" lights before my plants. Peace. lol
Well, I've killed 2 Neon Pothos now. It's a pity because it is a beautiful plant. I thought I was over watering because the leaves turned yellow. Well, more yellow than normal. I use my moisture meter so I was baffled by this. I finally read up about the Neon and found out they don't like grow lights. Something about the pigment, or lack there of, in the leaves. My Sansis work well! In this case it was operator error. Again!
My Neons LOVE grow lights, get blasted about 10 hours/day! They also love bottom watering
I draw them. But also I just love plants. Have since I was a toddler!
My succulents are doing better under grow lights in the winter than on the window sill during the summer.
good morning, Mr. Sheffield! Happy holidays to you and yours and congrats on 400k subs and your beautiful new home! Ha, at 2:10, pink wings or no?
Happy holidays!
straight getting the app because I have new plants and don't know much of them if you can help I can give the names
200+ plants and not a single Tillandsia. As far as I can see that is. Come on Rich, give them some love.
I have a wall of plants in lieu of a TV...
Better watch, much more interesting than Network programming 🤣
I jus love the way you said " Accent check Me out "!😂❤
Your new home is beautiful. Maybe you need a plant nanny 😂
I already know yall are gonna say the pot is too small for the verrucosum. It’s not, moss poles are an extension of the pot where roots can grow.
7:41 Is taht you, Mr. Sheffield?
Could be
So bummed. I killed one of my plants (a dark leaf draceana) via the Stress Coat that you recommended. It was doing fabulously before I watered it with a tiny drop of that stuff mixed in with 20 parts water. That's all I can think of that killed it. All the leaves turned yellow quite quickly so it is now resting in our trash can. 😔
Definitely wasn’t the stress coat
Is that you in the photo on the Shelf with the hair and the purple shirt?
Could be!
Have you done a video on different grow lights , I’d like to get one for my haworthias but as they’re in my bedroom and would be unattended for long periods I don’t want to burn the house down.
I use sansi and they have many types
Never seen a peace Lilly or Anthurium. Any reason why
Anyone have suggestions for window planter or hanging shelves for an extra wide kitchen window? Ive been looking online but they all seem really cheap plastic or just outright ugly. I want something that highlights the plants without making my kitchen look like a walmart shelf.
Sheffield I love your channel. I saw something that you and others don’t talk about. Watering the crown of plants, esp. snake plants, this will kill them from my experience and you showed this at 6:30, pouring water directly into the crown. I could be wrong, but my experience with watering directly onto the foliage has caused more problems than not. The new place looks great 🪴🌿❣️
Not had that problem so far
You can easily change how plants stretch by using blue light lamps. Plants only stretch for blue light. Put a blue or cold LED where you want it to stretch to... problem solved.
just wondering are you sure only 2 drops is enough conditional for that watering can? have you ever checked to see if it did remove it
I followed the dosage guidance
I’ve been on holiday and my hubby has overwatered alllllll my plants and my Yukka is suffering with yellow leaves. I’ve pulled a lot of them off should I now leave it to dry out?
I love touching my plants for no reason. 😬
Why do I keep plants in the house? Because of animals partly but also because I love plants and I don't have to watch them die and wait till summer to have more. 😊
Mr. Sheffield, do you grow the arrowhead plant? Mine keeps getting brown/black spots surrounded by yellow outer sections. I don't know what causes it but I'm about ready to toss it. I had some luck with growing it in water but eventually it returned. Any insight you might share would be greatly appreciated.😊😊
I do but it’s not looking great at the moment
How often do you water your moss poles? I have one for my large monstera
As soon as it starts to dry out
Yeah my deffinbachia is dying
Zebra plants aren't long term plants...
What water conditioner do you recommend if I'm using tap or garden hose water?
Love your content! ❤
Whach this vidoe... :) There is not...
Oh there is at the end 🤣
i grow my girls to smoke them^^