EXPLANATION: So rush came and then he suddenly stopped moving, then glitch did not let us through the door. So its was a game glitch and plus my friend was in it aswell so yeah..
@@user-master-RR-official so rush came and then he suddenly stopped moving then glitch did not let us through so its was a game glitch and plus my friend was in it aswell so yeah..
EXPLANATION: So rush came and then he suddenly stopped moving, then glitch did not let us through the door. So its was a game glitch and plus my friend was in it aswell so yeah..
Nahhhh in door 183 is cazxyyyyyy
ik im heart broken
@@Cubexplayz was the game glitching or your just lagging?
@@user-master-RR-official so rush came and then he suddenly stopped moving then glitch did not let us through so its was a game glitch and plus my friend was in it aswell so yeah..
very bad gletch veery veery bad gletch
its ur internet bru
@BKnxghtW no, then why would glitch come?
if it was his internet then it wouldn't affect both players