I liked your recent video about the lack of racism in Serbia. Most Westerners still believe that Serbs are barbarians, good to see that there are some intelligent well travelled people out there.
I am 50 year old Serbian women born and raised in New York City. I have been watching Charle's videos for years. My husband and I both love him. I will never forget the first time i watched one of his early videos it was so touching to me because i had almost given up on anyone really ever knowing the beauty and kindness of my people. Being a Serbian American during and after the war in the 90's was nothing less then heartbreaking and excruciatingly frustrating because of all of the western propaganda. Nobody questioned the western news outlets back then, whatever they said was set in stone and it was veeeeery one sided. It was sincerely rare to have someone who was willing to hear a Serbians point of veiw. I remember visiting the Caribbean with my husband and one of the locals had been stationed in Bosnia on a diplomatic basis and began to condemn all Serbs with full knowledge we were both Serbs and when my husband kindly tried to inform him of other facts involved with the war he very adamantly exclaimed very out loudly " no no no no no!", this was the attitude we both knew all to well unfortunately. So when Charles showed up as an American living amongst the Serbs in Serbia with his unbiased truthful videos, contradicting every stereotype and lie being told thus far it was nothing short of a blessing from God! Thank you for this wonderful video and many thanks to Charles for not following the "flock" and having the courage and enough intelligence to think and see and experience the truth for himself! ❤🙏
You have Serbia,Bosnia and Montenegro as yourown....welcome Winter good mountn at Serbia and Summer at Montenegro where many Serbs live..Boka bay,Budva but Herceg Novi is the best probably...there is history and tradition...beautiphul one in all 3 countys...
Milované Srbsko!!!❤❤❤ Moja rodina opustila Srbsko pred 400 rokmi a odišla žiť na Slovensko. Stali sme sa katolíkmi. Vedel som len toľko že máme pôvod na Balkáne. Pred dvoma rokmi som sa rozhodol že navštívim Belehrad. Mal som trochu strach a tak som išiel radšej autobusom cez Viedeň. Už v autobuse som sa stretol s príjemnými ľuďmi. Keď som prišiel do Belehradu tak som sa ocitol v inom svete. Všade milý ľudia. Bol som v spoločnosti Srbov ako jediný cudzinec čo nehovorí srbsky. Všetci sa kvôli mne rozprávali aj medzi sebou po anglicky aby som im rozumel! Potom som navštívil chrám svätého Sávu a zostal som ohromený. Rok od mojej návštevy som prijal Pravoslávie ☦️. Každý deň keď som na Slovensku tak myslím na moje milované Srbsko a prosím pána Boha aby sa mi podarilo presťahovať do Srbska a dožiť tam môj život! Nikde na svete som sa necítil tak ako sa cítim v Srbsku!! Srbsko je svätá zem a Srbi sú nebeský národ! Živela Srbija❤❤❤☦️❤️❤️❤️🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Hvala, do suza dirnuta! Omalovažani i neshvaćeni, a tako dobri, lijepi, posebni na ovoj planeti smo mi, Srbi! Zato nam se sve i događa! Ne trpi svijet ljepotu!
@@miraaleksic2077Pa dobro gospodjo , nemojmo se toliko hvaliti. Jedno je da nas drugi hvale ali kakva je merit ako mi hvalimo sebe? Sta vise zvuci narcisoidno. Molim vas nemojte tako misliti I raditi. Vrlo je jeftino
@@riseofatlas7969 Pitanje je u kom ti zivis. Valjda u 21 veku trebas imati obrazovanje, o istoriji svoje drzave, svog naroda. Doduse sve mi je jasno cim ti vidim ime i profil. Pokusaj da ne pricas nasim jezikom, odstrani se od nase drzave i da se ne ljubimo izrode.
Thank you, Charles. Serbia and Serbians have an open heart, and you recognized it right away. And although many Serbians speak English, they don't laugh when foreigners pronouce something wrong - they smile because you put an effort in speaking their language. These minute cultural nuances make us both better and stronger. Keep on doing what you are doing and this planet will be a better place. Cheers!
Одличан видео, као и сваки до сада! Прво, морам да похвалим аутора, односно водитеља овог канала, зато што не прекида саговорника док прича и зато што из сваког извуче неке анегдоте везане за живот у Србији. Што се госта тиче, доста је занимљивих и поучних ствари испричао. Драго ми је да је добио наше држављанство.
I was following him (Charles) since 2012. Even met him in Novi Sad, very cool guy, and he made me proud as Serbian many times through his video expressions about global/serbian events.
only ones to blame for those are actual military,soldiers and afcorse Bill Clinton because he was a president at that time,everyone else is just regular people,true their country brainwashed them a bit,that still doesnt make them the enemy,just Victims of their government abuse
10:23 To my knowledge, the explanation for the word "Bre" is used for that, actually. It is meant to modify the positive or negative emotion used in stating something. Just put it in the sentence and listen carefully. For instance: (Questioning) - "Gde si?"(Casual "Where are you?") - "Gde si bre?"(Amplified "Where the h***/f*** are you!!?") - can be in a friendly or hostile way. Or: (Gossip) - "Nešto nije u redu sa njim."(Casual "Something's wrong with him.") - "Nešto bre nije u redu sa njim."(Amplified "This guy's off his meds, 100%!") - can be in a friendly or hostile way, believe it or not. Or: (Describing your physical state) - "Crk'o sam."(Casual "I'm exhausted.") - "Crk'o sam bre."(Amplified "I'm dead. I'm done. Go away.") So, yeah. It is a word that amplifies the statement, without using the exclamation mark or when used in a vocal statement, without raising your voice. Many Serbs use it throughout their lives, but when asked about it, they cannot explain it in more detail. Bre is simply .. bre.
people in Nis also say "be (b'e) like a shorter version and sometimes that can make things even funnier, and u can add multiple bre or be, like in Nis we say something like "de si be brate be nema te sto godina" like weaker version of bre is be i guess XD
All I have to say is I have been waiting for this video for a looong time. Absolutely love Charles and everything he has done for our country! 🇷🇸❤🇺🇸people
Nisam gledala njegove videe. Primećujem da je dobro povezuje stvari, iz načina na koji odgovara vidi se da je prodavac. Kaze nije dobro u eu zbog odliva mozgova, a on se upravo tim bavi u Srbiji.?😮
@miljanak6512 On salje studente na 4 meseca u Ameriku da rade i posle toga se vraćaju u Srbiju. Ne šalje ih da ostanu tamo nego samo da nauče nešto novo i vrate se u Srbiju.
I’m an an American living in Bosnia for 3 years now. Just 2 hours from Belgrade. I feel just as you do about everything. The language kicks my dupe. I’m not giving up.
Beverly don't think about the language...With the time you will speak it fluently.Take your time and no worries...We as Bosnians appreciate that you are trying
Чарлсе, када наручујеш пљескавицу на српском , људи се не смеју јер лоше говориш, него се насмеју јер им је драго да странац говори српски Само настави да причаш на српском, људи ће се наставити смешкати када те чују да говориш на српском, јер си им драг и јер су тада срећни
Mislim da je stvarno bruka da covek toliko godine zivi ovde a prica srpski gore od onog prestolonaslednika. Ucenjeme jezika zemlje u kojoj zivis na neki nacin pokazujes i postovanje prema toj istoj zemlji jer te prihvtila kao svog...
@sguerilla6142 нећу да осуђујем, нисам у његовој кожи. Знам да сви желе са њим да вежбају енеглески , сигурна сам у то Срећна сам што је ту међу нама и што ће се ускоро крстити и што је наш ❤️ Добро је да мало мање гледамо и одмах грдимо друге док не сагледамо све своје успехе и неуспехе
@@Renata.Renee. Na kraj pameti mi nije da osudjujem njega ili bilo koga jer nije moja stvar da osudjujem. Ova zemlja ga je prihvatila kao svog i on je mnogo uradio za nasu zemju jer je promovise gde moze. Zato mislim da je bruka da ne zna nas jezik jer je bas dugo ovde. S druge strane, njegov maternji je engleski i to je jedan od razloga zasto i ne mora da nauci nas jezik jer da je iz Nemacke ili Francuske morao bi da nauci srpski jer te jezike malo ko govori ovde. Srbija je pravoslavna zemlja i crkva je odrzala nas narod kroz vekove, tu nema nikakvog spora ali odbaciti nasu bracu zato sto nisu pravoslavci je velika greska. Znam porodicu iz Sapca koji su srbi muslimani i ponosni su na to. Znaju tacan datum kada su promenili veru i nisu je prodali za veceru, kako mi to volimo da kazemo, vec su to uradili da bi porodica prezivela. Ubacio sam ovu pricu jer je Charles rekao sta su mu drugi srbi rekli, da mora biti pravoslavac. Sve najbolje zelim Vasoj porodici i Vama.
My grandparents came to Australia.My mother met my older father in the 70’s. I was born in Australia and 3 yrs later my father was shot in front of a restaurant. My father’s whole family are in Serbia. I’ve lived in Serbia for 3 yrs from age 8-11. School was hard at first as I didn’t know Serbian. My mother decidedly to come back to Australia. I have 300 family members over there. I inherited land that was meant to go to my father,from my grandfather. I’m yet to go back as an adult and see if I can live there again. There isn’t much left for me downunder. It’s a long story short,but I’ve always felt like I lived in the wrong country.
im sure the great people of Serbia can get you a ticket ( one way ) and so you can stop crying. Dont call your parents to bail you out after few months. Live of that LOVE for your country. So when you going ? though so
It is deceptive because he never got a job in Serbia but works for the US government. There really aren't good jobs for foreigners unless they work for their government in Serbia or are digital nomads.
For better understanding of what happened in Yugoslavia, I recommend "NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition" by Ramsey Clark, Sean Gervasi, Sara Flounders, Thomas Deichmann, Nadja Tesich, Michel Chossudovsky, Gregory Elich, Barry Lituchy... (1998) It will also help you understand the situation in Ukraine.
(35:46) In Serbia, kids do drink. The big difference from the US is that when you hit 21 in Serbia, it's like a switch flips-you stop the partying and start focusing on family and work. In the US, though, turning 21 is just the beginning of the drinking and partying scene. Thank you for the interesting video, btw.
Great channel! Really enjoy in your videos! Charles, you don't seem like someone with ADHD, but more like a very temperamental, energetic person. Cheers!
I just wanna say to Charles and any other foreigner .The reason we smile when we hear you speaking our language is cause we find it funny in a way but also we are glad you are learning the language and we appreciate you for that.
I have been following Charles for a few years and obviously are very pleased he has put Serbia in a good light internationally.❤I also met Charles on the train from Novi Sad to Belgrade and took a selfie with him. 😅 It was really like meeting someone famous! Thank you for all the love to our people Charles!❤🇷🇸
Our students on the street are showing exactly the opposite of what you said. They say they want to stay in Serbia. From the bottom of my heart, I support our smart heads who stood up to fight for justice
To this, I can only add that the past 26 years I've spent in Hungary have been the best, stress free years of my life. If the thought came to you - the ability is there to make the move. I NEVER thought about it - until I did it and am so glad that I did.
Language is not for all people. I grew up in Germany, my uncle and a lot like him can only say few words after 30 + years in Germany!!!! I kad bi mu ljudi pričali na srbski ne na engleski, naučio bi brže.
Carls je legenda, pratim ga vec desetak godina. Svidja mi se sto ne pokusava da se na silu pretvori u Srbina, vec je i dalje Amerikanac koji (lepo) zivi u Srbiji. Stoji covek lepo sa dve noge na zemlji, ne zanosi se sa glupostima i uziva. Neverovatna elokvencija izbija iz njega, iako (koliko znam) nema neko visoko obrazovanje. Bio bi odlican profesor na nekom fakultetu...
@@miljanak6512 moze se tako reci, mada mislim sa on njima ne prodaje praznu pricu, vec im pomaze da urade ono sto zele- da odu odavde. A zasto oni zele da odu odavde- e, za to Charles nije nista kriv! Covek se trudi da popravi sliku o Srbiji. Nikad nisam video ni cuo da ulepsava sliku o Americi, vec se trudi da je realno predstavi
I love your videos and this one is my favorite. I'm 37 and have been living in Canada for 25 years. Living in Canada has started to feel like a prison. I dream of moving back home to Serbia with my wife and kids.
After my life in one new EU country I came to Serbia and what I said - Serbia healed me. I still feel that. Sadly, I cannot became a citizen of that lovely society, but I always be thankful.
Not everyone is good at languages. Charles makes up for this by helping serb kids earn money in the US. He's well loved and respected for this alone. A truly good person 💯
''Bre'' - navodno potiče iz grčkog jezika, a može da se pronađe još u bugarskom, rumunskom, albanskom, grčkom i makedonskom jeziku, kao i u nekim narečjima turskog jezika. Prema nekim teorijama, reč "bre" teško može da se prevede. I kad obratite pažnju, prevod ili sinonim za "bre" u engleskom jeziku ne postoji. Neki kažu kako ima isto značenje kao i "more" i da se koristi kod naglašavanja govora i skretanja pažnje. U najslobodnjem prevodu znači "hej, čoveče". Prema Đorđe Popoviću, pokojnom srpskom novinaru i književniku, "bre" je turska interakcija koja se upotrebljava u besu dozivajući nekoga. U Turskoj, Bugarskoj i Makedoniji upotrebljavaju verziju "be". Prema srpskom rečniku bre je turska uzrečica za skretanje pažnje na ono što se kaže: 1.) U ljutnji, uz pretnju i slično: "Ne laži, bre" ili "Slušaj, bre!" 2.) U čuđenju: "Bre, pobedi on sve".
Pa, da! Sve naše je njihovo! Uključite mozak! Tamo gde su prastari narod, Srbi, naši preci, živeli, tamo je ostalo naše bre!
Умни људи који се баве науком о језику су дешифровали да је „бре", као и „ба" у Босни, скраћеница од рјечи „брате". То што је трабуњао Поповић и други су небулозе.
Learn the language, bro. After 15 years, a rock would have learned it. Don't fuel the whole 'stupid Americans can't learn a foreign language' stereotype...
Charles was going back to the U.S. every year to work for 7 months. Serbia took its pound of flesh in that way. His time there involved sacrifice.Belgrade is a good city to live in, expensive; and getting more so every day.
It’s easy to live in Serbia or any other Balkan country when your existence doesn’t depend on it. Balkan ppl love their countries but they need to survive. And they are tired of listening to politicians that are psychopaths.
Serbian language is wery rich, many synonyms, which is why poetry and prose are very picturesque.It is also interesting that the Serbian language is very similar to ancient Sanskrit. The history of Serbia and Europe can also be studied through language, especially Serbian.
6:36 exactly...I always say to my Canadian brother in law "just learn to spell in Serbian and 90% of job is done"...Although he has to fight his way thru Hungarian fist so j*biga.
Čarls je već kultni lik ovde. Ovaj intervju je veoma zanimljiv iz više aspekata. Dotakli ste se mnogih tema, posebno onih koje razbijaju mitove, ali odlazak mladih je i dalje goruća tema. Npr do prije par godina, izaći petkom ili subotom u grad uveče, bilo je nezamislivo ne vidjeti dosta ljudi po ulici kako šetaju. Sada je to već postalo strašno, postajemo poput tih pustih američkih gradova. Cele porodice odlaze. Ne smem da zamislim šta će biti za 10 godina. Takođe, i ta bliskost nestaje pod naletom duha vremena i zapadnjaštva. Nažalost, menjamo se i mi ali na gore.
And he works for a US government program which drains money and young people out of Serbia. This program costs several thousands of dollars, and the people work unskilled labor jobs in the US in the summer. But this is often the first step of people leaving Serbia for the US on a permanent basis. He is working for US economy, not Serbia's. Serbs may like what he says but his actions are harming Serbia.
We alvays need onest People,who have enough heart to say truth that somethimes we dont Like but its truth....we need that and Charles provide...speak truth and do good...happy for him
Obrisan mi je komentar na ovo ali ću da ga napišem ponovo. 🙂 Srbija je Srbima maćeha. Zato su ljudi uglavnom i otišli. Država namerno otežava živote starosedeocima, od drugog svetskog rata naovamo.
Great video!
I'm an American living in Serbia for the last 2.5 years, and I absolutely love it!
I hope to become a Serbian citizen 🎉
Good luck and i wish you all the best.
I liked your recent video about the lack of racism in Serbia. Most Westerners still believe that Serbs are barbarians, good to see that there are some intelligent well travelled people out there.
Welcome bro
We hope you do, you have lovely videos about our country!
@@KingukanguBlair is a woman…
I am 50 year old Serbian women born and raised in New York City. I have been watching Charle's videos for years. My husband and I both love him. I will never forget the first time i watched one of his early videos it was so touching to me because i had almost given up on anyone really ever knowing the beauty and kindness of my people. Being a Serbian American during and after the war in the 90's was nothing less then heartbreaking and excruciatingly frustrating because of all of the western propaganda. Nobody questioned the western news outlets back then, whatever they said was set in stone and it was veeeeery one sided. It was sincerely rare to have someone who was willing to hear a Serbians point of veiw. I remember visiting the Caribbean with my husband and one of the locals had been stationed in Bosnia on a diplomatic basis and began to condemn all Serbs with full knowledge we were both Serbs and when my husband kindly tried to inform him of other facts involved with the war he very adamantly exclaimed very out loudly " no no no no no!", this was the attitude we both knew all to well unfortunately. So when Charles showed up as an American living amongst the Serbs in Serbia with his unbiased truthful videos, contradicting every stereotype and lie being told thus far it was nothing short of a blessing from God! Thank you for this wonderful video and many thanks to Charles for not following the "flock" and having the courage and enough intelligence to think and see and experience the truth for himself! ❤🙏
U r brave women, mans fromSerbia...😂
I respect you what you are and what are you standing for .
@@ztrakilovic Jebe te malo engleski izgleda.
You have Serbia,Bosnia and Montenegro as yourown....welcome Winter good mountn at Serbia and Summer at Montenegro where many Serbs live..Boka bay,Budva but Herceg Novi is the best probably...there is history and tradition...beautiphul one in all 3 countys...
Milované Srbsko!!!❤❤❤ Moja rodina opustila Srbsko pred 400 rokmi a odišla žiť na Slovensko. Stali sme sa katolíkmi. Vedel som len toľko že máme pôvod na Balkáne. Pred dvoma rokmi som sa rozhodol že navštívim Belehrad. Mal som trochu strach a tak som išiel radšej autobusom cez Viedeň. Už v autobuse som sa stretol s príjemnými ľuďmi. Keď som prišiel do Belehradu tak som sa ocitol v inom svete. Všade milý ľudia. Bol som v spoločnosti Srbov ako jediný cudzinec čo nehovorí srbsky. Všetci sa kvôli mne rozprávali aj medzi sebou po anglicky aby som im rozumel! Potom som navštívil chrám svätého Sávu a zostal som ohromený. Rok od mojej návštevy som prijal Pravoslávie ☦️. Každý deň keď som na Slovensku tak myslím na moje milované Srbsko a prosím pána Boha aby sa mi podarilo presťahovať do Srbska a dožiť tam môj život! Nikde na svete som sa necítil tak ako sa cítim v Srbsku!! Srbsko je svätá zem a Srbi sú nebeský národ! Živela Srbija❤❤❤☦️❤️❤️❤️🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Hvala, do suza dirnuta!
Omalovažani i neshvaćeni, a tako dobri, lijepi, posebni na ovoj planeti smo mi, Srbi!
Zato nam se sve i događa!
Ne trpi svijet ljepotu!
@ To je sveta istina!!!
@@miraaleksic2077Pa dobro gospodjo , nemojmo se toliko hvaliti. Jedno je da nas drugi hvale ali kakva je merit ako mi hvalimo sebe? Sta vise zvuci narcisoidno. Molim vas nemojte tako misliti I raditi. Vrlo je jeftino
Welcome to your motherland ❤
DNA remembers, that's why you felt good in Serbia.
The man. The myth. The legend.
Još jedan sjajan intervju, Attic Life👍 i naravno naš Čarli je odličan❤
he supports NATO, he is not yours unless you support NATO.
He supports Nato? What mushrooms you smoked?
Serbia is not home only for Serbians, but for all good people who will respect our country, culture and history.
kultura? zemlja? u kom veku zivis?
@@riseofatlas7969 Pitanje je u kom ti zivis. Valjda u 21 veku trebas imati obrazovanje, o istoriji svoje drzave, svog naroda. Doduse sve mi je jasno cim ti vidim ime i profil. Pokusaj da ne pricas nasim jezikom, odstrani se od nase drzave i da se ne ljubimo izrode.
@@fritula6200 how so?
@@riseofatlas7969 how about you?
We love you Charles! Obožavamo te! Divan si ♥
Thank you, Charles. Serbia and Serbians have an open heart, and you recognized it right away. And although many Serbians speak English, they don't laugh when foreigners pronouce something wrong - they smile because you put an effort in speaking their language. These minute cultural nuances make us both better and stronger. Keep on doing what you are doing and this planet will be a better place. Cheers!
Honestly, he deserved our citizenship. Congratulations :)
he supports NATO and only exploits serbs
no he doesnt
charles cather is CIA ...perfect cover
@@JJ-kj4dyYou're so on point. Nobody gives you honored citizenship without you even submitting a request.
@@JJ-kj4dy Why are you so paranoid? Many Americans have received our citizenship, eg Johnny Depp
Одличан видео, као и сваки до сада! Прво, морам да похвалим аутора, односно водитеља овог канала, зато што не прекида саговорника док прича и зато што из сваког извуче неке анегдоте везане за живот у Србији.
Што се госта тиче, доста је занимљивих и поучних ствари испричао. Драго ми је да је добио наше држављанство.
Happy that we have a person like Charles in Serbia!
I was following him (Charles) since 2012. Even met him in Novi Sad, very cool guy, and he made me proud as Serbian many times through his video expressions about global/serbian events.
Greetings from beautiful Miami , USA 🇺🇸
Love 💕 Serbia 🇷🇸
Been following Charles since his first video,and i have nothing but pure respect for that man.
I watched Charles video in my highschool....I'm 34 now!
Long live Charles!
NATO supporter
only ones to blame for those are actual military,soldiers and afcorse Bill Clinton because he was a president at that time,everyone else is just regular people,true their country brainwashed them a bit,that still doesnt make them the enemy,just Victims of their government abuse
To my knowledge, the explanation for the word "Bre" is used for that, actually.
It is meant to modify the positive or negative emotion used in stating something.
Just put it in the sentence and listen carefully.
For instance: (Questioning)
- "Gde si?"(Casual "Where are you?")
- "Gde si bre?"(Amplified "Where the h***/f*** are you!!?") - can be in a friendly or hostile way.
Or: (Gossip)
- "Nešto nije u redu sa njim."(Casual "Something's wrong with him.")
- "Nešto bre nije u redu sa njim."(Amplified "This guy's off his meds, 100%!") - can be in a friendly or hostile way, believe it or not.
Or: (Describing your physical state)
- "Crk'o sam."(Casual "I'm exhausted.")
- "Crk'o sam bre."(Amplified "I'm dead. I'm done. Go away.")
So, yeah. It is a word that amplifies the statement, without using the exclamation mark or when used in a vocal statement, without raising your voice.
Many Serbs use it throughout their lives, but when asked about it, they cannot explain it in more detail.
Bre is simply .. bre.
Preciznije nije moglo
people in Nis also say "be (b'e) like a shorter version and sometimes that can make things even funnier, and u can add multiple bre or be, like in Nis we say something like "de si be brate be nema te sto godina" like weaker version of bre is be i guess XD
Bre je od Turske reči koja znači Budala.
I kaže se tada kada treba nešto naglasili, jer budala to ne razume iz prve
"Bre" is an abbreviation of "Brate". Plain and simple.
Sjajno 😄
All I have to say is I have been waiting for this video for a looong time. Absolutely love Charles and everything he has done for our country! 🇷🇸❤🇺🇸people
Nisam gledala njegove videe. Primećujem da je dobro povezuje stvari, iz načina na koji odgovara vidi se da je prodavac.
Kaze nije dobro u eu zbog odliva mozgova, a on se upravo tim bavi u Srbiji.?😮
@miljanak6512 On salje studente na 4 meseca u Ameriku da rade i posle toga se vraćaju u Srbiju. Ne šalje ih da ostanu tamo nego samo da nauče nešto novo i vrate se u Srbiju.
I’m an an American living in Bosnia for 3 years now. Just 2 hours from Belgrade. I feel just as you do about everything. The language kicks my dupe. I’m not giving up.
Nema odustajanja
Izdrži legendo!
Beverly don't think about the language...With the time you will speak it fluently.Take your time and no worries...We as Bosnians appreciate that you are trying
Чарлсе, када наручујеш пљескавицу на српском , људи се не смеју јер лоше говориш, него се насмеју јер им је драго да странац говори српски
Само настави да причаш на српском, људи ће се наставити смешкати када те чују да говориш на српском, јер си им драг и јер су тада срећни
Mislim da je stvarno bruka da covek toliko godine zivi ovde a prica srpski gore od onog prestolonaslednika. Ucenjeme jezika zemlje u kojoj zivis na neki nacin pokazujes i postovanje prema toj istoj zemlji jer te prihvtila kao svog...
@sguerilla6142 нећу да осуђујем, нисам у његовој кожи.
Знам да сви желе са њим да вежбају енеглески , сигурна сам у то
Срећна сам што је ту међу нама и што ће се ускоро крстити и што је наш ❤️
Добро је да мало мање гледамо и одмах грдимо друге док не сагледамо све своје успехе и неуспехе
Smeškaju se jer zvučiš coll simpatično, ne zbog grešaka koga greške zanimaju❤
@@Renata.Renee. prica on ali gramaticki netacno Pa mu je neprijatno,razumeme ga jer zivim u De pricam netacno gramaticki Ali boli me patka❤️
@@Renata.Renee. Na kraj pameti mi nije da osudjujem njega ili bilo koga jer nije moja stvar da osudjujem. Ova zemlja ga je prihvatila kao svog i on je mnogo uradio za nasu zemju jer je promovise gde moze. Zato mislim da je bruka da ne zna nas jezik jer je bas dugo ovde. S druge strane, njegov maternji je engleski i to je jedan od razloga zasto i ne mora da nauci nas jezik jer da je iz Nemacke ili Francuske morao bi da nauci srpski jer te jezike malo ko govori ovde. Srbija je pravoslavna zemlja i crkva je odrzala nas narod kroz vekove, tu nema nikakvog spora ali odbaciti nasu bracu zato sto nisu pravoslavci je velika greska. Znam porodicu iz Sapca koji su srbi muslimani i ponosni su na to. Znaju tacan datum kada su promenili veru i nisu je prodali za veceru, kako mi to volimo da kazemo, vec su to uradili da bi porodica prezivela. Ubacio sam ovu pricu jer je Charles rekao sta su mu drugi srbi rekli, da mora biti pravoslavac.
Sve najbolje zelim Vasoj porodici i Vama.
When he said "eat sh*t bre" his face took the Serbian form 😂
Svaka čast na sagovornicima, kao povratnik iz NYC ovo je sve pozitivno gradivo !!!
Charles is so authentic, no non sense talk, always the real deal. Amazing interview. Than you, guys!
Very honest interview. Im so glad abouth that. Charles as always living legend. 👏👏👏💪💪💪
I’m feeling my diaspora. My parents came to the USA before I was born. Visited once at 12. Haven’t been back since… I want to go back 😢
You should definitely do it. I'm flying every summer to Serbia from Thailand
My grandparents came to Australia.My mother met my older father in the 70’s. I was born in Australia and 3 yrs later my father was shot in front of a restaurant. My father’s whole family are in Serbia. I’ve lived in Serbia for 3 yrs from age 8-11. School was hard at first as I didn’t know Serbian. My mother decidedly to come back to Australia. I have 300 family members over there.
I inherited land that was meant to go to my father,from my grandfather. I’m yet to go back as an adult and see if I can live there again.
There isn’t much left for me downunder. It’s a long story short,but I’ve always felt like I lived in the wrong country.
Do it! Не чекај!
Што прије ,то боље❤❤❤
im sure the great people of Serbia can get you a ticket ( one way ) and so you can stop crying. Dont call your parents to bail you out after few months. Live of that LOVE for your country.
So when you going ?
though so
Well done,Great video...Thanks! Vive la Serbie 🇷🇸 🇷🇸 🇷🇸
God bless you, nice to hear that American or any foreigner loves my country. Thank you.
nešto najbolje što sam gledao u zadnjih nekoliko godina 😃
Ovo za Chrlsa da yci: Pravilno je reci poslednjih godin.
Prednje i zadnje su noge
I am sold with Serbia. I wanna go there in Serbia soon. Quality of life is better there than here. Thank you so much! 🤍💙❤
It is deceptive because he never got a job in Serbia but works for the US government. There really aren't good jobs for foreigners unless they work for their government in Serbia or are digital nomads.
For better understanding of what happened in Yugoslavia, I recommend "NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition" by Ramsey Clark, Sean Gervasi, Sara Flounders, Thomas Deichmann, Nadja Tesich, Michel Chossudovsky, Gregory Elich, Barry Lituchy... (1998) It will also help you understand the situation in Ukraine.
Dobar lik.
Mnogo mi je drago što naši ljudi koji non-stop kukaju imaju da vide ovakve stavove ljudi sa tog idealizovanog zapada.
(35:46) In Serbia, kids do drink. The big difference from the US is that when you hit 21 in Serbia, it's like a switch flips-you stop the partying and start focusing on family and work. In the US, though, turning 21 is just the beginning of the drinking and partying scene. Thank you for the interesting video, btw.
Great channel! Really enjoy in your videos! Charles, you don't seem like someone with ADHD, but more like a very temperamental, energetic person. Cheers!
A love how you have opened mind, this is the right way. God bless you Charles 💪🏻
Sjajan intervju !
Hvala vam.
Čarlse vidimo se uskoro....
He pronounced Lj perfectly. He shouldn't underestimate his potential x
I just wanna say to Charles and any other foreigner .The reason we smile when we hear you speaking our language is cause we find it funny in a way but also we are glad you are learning the language and we appreciate you for that.
I have been following Charles for a few years and obviously are very pleased he has put Serbia in a good light internationally.❤I also met Charles on the train from Novi Sad to Belgrade and took a selfie with him. 😅 It was really like meeting someone famous! Thank you for all the love to our people Charles!❤🇷🇸
Serbia, correcting people. Charles is absolute legend :)
so cool interview. !!! Charles is something else, very charismatic . Thank you.!!!
Thank you so much!!!God bless you❤
svaka čast, super lik.❤❤❤ veliki pozdrav iz Italije 🎉🎉🎉.
Fair and honest interview. Very much appreciated.
Our students on the street are showing exactly the opposite of what you said.
They say they want to stay in Serbia.
From the bottom of my heart, I support our smart heads who stood up to fight for justice
He is helping people who want to do work and travel and most of them want to leave Serbia. Charlie's view is based on them
To this, I can only add that the past 26 years I've spent in Hungary have been the best, stress free years of my life. If the thought came to you - the ability is there to make the move. I NEVER thought about it - until I did it and am so glad that I did.
There are many excellent observations in this video. I’m so happy Charles has this experience in Serbia and shares it.
This is great. Its great to hear tgis truought experience of one American. Thank you.
Charles je pravi BRE - SRBSKI BREND.Sviđa mi se .
Svajan intervju. Nastavi da uživaš Charles.
Браво,поздрав за обојицу и наставите тако.
Charles, tvoj srpski je mnoooogo bolji nego pre nekoliko godina!
meanwhile real people that love Serbia learned it much faster than him
Language is not for all people. I grew up in Germany, my uncle and a lot like him can only say few words after 30 + years in Germany!!!! I kad bi mu ljudi pričali na srbski ne na engleski, naučio bi brže.
Carls je legenda, pratim ga vec desetak godina. Svidja mi se sto ne pokusava da se na silu pretvori u Srbina, vec je i dalje Amerikanac koji (lepo) zivi u Srbiji. Stoji covek lepo sa dve noge na zemlji, ne zanosi se sa glupostima i uziva. Neverovatna elokvencija izbija iz njega, iako (koliko znam) nema neko visoko obrazovanje. Bio bi odlican profesor na nekom fakultetu...
Imaš pravo.Za naše fakultete i ne trbaju neki doktorati...Mogu oni panamski.Dostigli smo i taj nivo nizosti.
On je bio prodavac kola, sada prodaje nase mlade stručnjake. On ima priču, bre
@@miljanak6512 moze se tako reci, mada mislim sa on njima ne prodaje praznu pricu, vec im pomaze da urade ono sto zele- da odu odavde. A zasto oni zele da odu odavde- e, za to Charles nije nista kriv! Covek se trudi da popravi sliku o Srbiji. Nikad nisam video ni cuo da ulepsava sliku o Americi, vec se trudi da je realno predstavi
Da, bas lijepo i slikovito prica. Drzi paznju i ima neku finu energiju, iako je sav ubrzan. 😁 Cula sam za njega odavno, sad cu ga i pratiti.😊
"Red tape" nije crvena traka kako je bukvalno prevedeno. To je fraza engleskog jezika koja se odnosi na birokratiju.
Isto kao back room, nije zadnja soba.
Make a TV show out of this, we want second season.
congratulations on the transition to the Orthodox faith, well done Charles, a great and wonderful step, go ahead, the purest faith
bravo bravo bravo
I’m an American who converted to Orthodoxy from Protestantism and I agree glory to God.
Svaka cast, Charles!
I love your videos and this one is my favorite. I'm 37 and have been living in Canada for 25 years. Living in Canada has started to feel like a prison. I dream of moving back home to Serbia with my wife and kids.
After my life in one new EU country I came to Serbia and what I said - Serbia healed me. I still feel that. Sadly, I cannot became a citizen of that lovely society, but I always be thankful.
Thank you Alex!
Keep up the good work! Serbia 🇷🇸❤️🇷🇺 Russia
Nas brat Čarli❤
Great interview...
Charles, you use your hands a lot when talking because you have Italian genes, bro, its a good thing, not bad :)
We are aware that people are not their governments. We hate our own government, but we don't hate each other... well most of the time. :D
Which country are you from?
EU is doomed in it's current format, and I say that living in Sweden.
Svaka cast!!! Great talk!!!
Charles is a legend 🗿
Dobro doso Charles ,👍
Great video man keep it up!!!!
great video =)
Not everyone is good at languages. Charles makes up for this by helping serb kids earn money in the US.
He's well loved and respected for this alone. A truly good person 💯
Hvala što si lepo izgovorio moje ime LJubica,ljubi te ljubica
Serbia is amazing lovely country with amazing friendly people and I have to admit with excellent food.
Charles is legend!
he supports NATO
Стварно ??
Јок. Сто пута је причао да мрзи Клинтона због бомбардовања.
Pun pogodak 👍🙋🏻♀️
''Bre'' - navodno potiče iz grčkog jezika, a može da se pronađe još u bugarskom, rumunskom, albanskom, grčkom i makedonskom jeziku, kao i u nekim narečjima turskog jezika. Prema nekim teorijama, reč "bre" teško može da se prevede. I kad obratite pažnju, prevod ili sinonim za "bre" u engleskom jeziku ne postoji. Neki kažu kako ima isto značenje kao i "more" i da se koristi kod naglašavanja govora i skretanja pažnje. U najslobodnjem prevodu znači "hej, čoveče".
Prema Đorđe Popoviću, pokojnom srpskom novinaru i književniku, "bre" je turska interakcija koja se upotrebljava u besu dozivajući nekoga. U Turskoj, Bugarskoj i Makedoniji upotrebljavaju verziju "be".
Prema srpskom rečniku bre je turska uzrečica za skretanje pažnje na ono što se kaže:
1.) U ljutnji, uz pretnju i slično: "Ne laži, bre" ili "Slušaj, bre!"
2.) U čuđenju: "Bre, pobedi on sve".
Pa, da!
Sve naše je njihovo!
Uključite mozak!
Tamo gde su prastari narod, Srbi, naši preci, živeli, tamo je ostalo naše bre!
Умни људи који се баве науком о језику су дешифровали да је „бре", као и „ба" у Босни, скраћеница од рјечи „брате". То што је трабуњао Поповић и други су небулозе.
U Grckoj se kaze Re bez B
"bre" comes from brat, like the English version that developed over time "bro".
@@frostflower5555 ТАЧНО и то мало ко зна. У Лици се на пример каже брте.
Very nice 👍🏻 hvala vam obojici
I agree 100% its a hidden gem!!
Za dobre ljude srbij su vrata sirom otvorena dobro nam dosli
Learn the language, bro. After 15 years, a rock would have learned it.
Don't fuel the whole 'stupid Americans can't learn a foreign language' stereotype...
I like the fact that didn’t live just in Belgrade … he probably experienced more real Serbia than me
Charles was going back to the U.S. every year to work for 7 months. Serbia took its pound of flesh in that way. His time there involved sacrifice.Belgrade is a good city to live in, expensive; and getting more so every day.
Čarli Keterić je naš čovek ❤
God bless you good man🙏😎🙏
It’s easy to live in Serbia or any other Balkan country when your existence doesn’t depend on it. Balkan ppl love their countries but they need to survive. And they are tired of listening to politicians that are psychopaths.
Exactly. Nice place to visit, not to live and earn there
Serbian language is wery rich, many synonyms, which is why poetry and prose are very picturesque.It is also interesting that the Serbian language is very similar to ancient Sanskrit.
The history of Serbia and Europe can also be studied through language, especially Serbian.
Interessant ❤
6:36 exactly...I always say to my Canadian brother in law "just learn to spell in Serbian and 90% of job is done"...Although he has to fight his way thru Hungarian fist so j*biga.
Odlican video BREE
Charles brat, Спасибо, братан, за все.
he supports NATO
Кажи где да нађем то ?
Поглед са стране,,кад гледаш шта твоја земља ради, а то посматраш из друге земље ,,,ТО ЈЕ ДОБРО ОБЈАШЊЕЊЕСвака част❤
Čarls je već kultni lik ovde. Ovaj intervju je veoma zanimljiv iz više aspekata.
Dotakli ste se mnogih tema, posebno onih koje razbijaju mitove, ali odlazak mladih je i dalje goruća tema.
Npr do prije par godina, izaći petkom ili subotom u grad uveče, bilo je nezamislivo ne vidjeti dosta ljudi po ulici kako šetaju. Sada je to već postalo strašno, postajemo poput tih pustih američkih gradova. Cele porodice odlaze. Ne smem da zamislim šta će biti za 10 godina.
Takođe, i ta bliskost nestaje pod naletom duha vremena i zapadnjaštva.
Nažalost, menjamo se i mi ali na gore.
And he works for a US government program which drains money and young people out of Serbia. This program costs several thousands of dollars, and the people work unskilled labor jobs in the US in the summer. But this is often the first step of people leaving Serbia for the US on a permanent basis. He is working for US economy, not Serbia's.
Serbs may like what he says but his actions are harming Serbia.
I like Charles :) He embraced serbian mentality :) Yo go Charles!
Dont worry Charls, we will never go in EU , becouse EU dont wanna us and ty them fort that !!!!
Velik pozdrav Carlisu iz Banja Luke!
Definitely knows us quite well
We alvays need onest People,who have enough heart to say truth that somethimes we dont Like but its truth....we need that and Charles provide...speak truth and do good...happy for him
Vrlo lepo,vrlo vrlo... mocno! Ukapirace nasi odbegli preko da je Srbija zemlja MEKA
Samo da nije ove zute bande
Obrisan mi je komentar na ovo ali ću da ga napišem ponovo. 🙂 Srbija je Srbima maćeha. Zato su ljudi uglavnom i otišli. Država namerno otežava živote starosedeocima, od drugog svetskog rata naovamo.
To those who don't know who Charles Cather is... well, he's something of a legend here in Serbia.
you did amazing that Ljubica as nobody in Australia can say my name
Charles Cather!!