Nouns in the plural

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • The plural noun in English is tricky. There are lots of exeptions to the rules and many nouns are irregular in their plural forms. In this video you learn to spell and say some of the most common ones.
    When you learn new words, it's always good to check a dictionary that give you the plural form and wether it is regular or not. A dictionary will also tell you when there are differences between British and American English, Australian or other Englishes. Don't worry if you get them wrong when you are speaking; most people will understand anyway, but make sure that you get them right when you're writing!
    Below you find a list of nouns that change most in their plural form.
    alumnus alumni
    analysis analyses
    aquarium aquaria
    bacterium bacteria
    child children
    crisis crises
    curriculum curricula
    emphasis emphases
    foot feet
    fungus fungi
    hippopotamus hippopotami
    index indexes
    man men
    memorandum memoranda
    mouse mice
    neurosis neuroses
    nucleus nuclei
    oasis oases
    octopus octopi
    person people
    plateau plateaux
    runner-up runners-up
    son-in-law sons-in-law
    syllabus syllabi
    thesis theses
    tooth teeth
    woman women

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