My father was from Nanjin. We grew up eating lots of Northern Chinese Foods. He’d order dumplings and meat pao (steamed and pan fried) by 100 each and many other dishes. We have lots of great memories eating out when we’re kids.
Lots of nostalgic feeling ...this used to be our go to restaurant before the place was redeveloped for condo living. The location was at Yonge south of Finch the food was really good. I miss it terribly. We did try their lication at hwy 7/ Commerce Gate - it was not good at all. The signature braised beef noodle which we loved at the Yonge St location was awful. All in all a disappointing dining experience.
My father was from Nanjin. We grew up eating lots of Northern Chinese Foods. He’d order dumplings and meat pao (steamed and pan fried) by 100 each and many other dishes. We have lots of great memories eating out when we’re kids.
I miss their food!
我都是由唐人街開始! 覺得沒有以前好吃 所以沒去那久. 幾星期前同一個竹升去Leslie 那間 Surprisingly 叫了六七個餸 都好滿意. 可以再去
Leslie 嗰間好吃!
Lots of nostalgic feeling ...this used to be our go to restaurant before the place was redeveloped for condo living. The location was at Yonge south of Finch the food was really good. I miss it terribly. We did try their lication at hwy 7/ Commerce Gate - it was not good at all. The signature braised beef noodle which we loved at the Yonge St location was awful. All in all a disappointing dining experience.
Ooo yes! I almost forgot there was one on Yonge, I went there a few times too
B哥,應該工作忙呀,很耐時間才出新片其實味香村我朋友車我去Time Square 嗰間分店試過已很多年前,味道尚可以,炒龍蝦同酒樓水準,不過其實Scarborough until Steeles 已經很多選擇,再加上疫情後朋友吃飯都改變只係約在家談話吃飯就可以了,大家都話消費太高。
係呀最近返工時間唔穩定 好難搵時間拍片😜😜