Here's the notice issued by SEBI: In brief: The SEBI warning is against dealing in unlisted securities on unauthorised electronic platforms. The regulator emphasised that investors should refrain from engaging in transactions on these platforms and avoid sharing any sensitive personal details. The note further warned that investors who transact on unauthorised platforms risk losing investor protection benefits, grievance redressal mechanisms, and online dispute resolution mechanisms administered by exchanges or depositories As some of you are existing investors in unlisted shares (me included, I'm an OYO shareholder) and some of you are prospective investors -- to clear our doubts, I've requested the team an Incred Money to help us with all queries posted in the comments section over the next 2 days Hope this helps.
Hit $12,590 k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last week .i started with 3k in last week 2024..... now i just hit $12,590
Weekly trading is the best way of making money in the market due to lack of experience which resulted in loosing funds... But miss Violet Zyaire, restored hope shes a good woman
Sir, i think retail inventors may not be able make much from unlisted, coz they are unlisted and highly difficult to analyse stocks. instead of this you should give us more insight on the listed companies...
Holding period is calculated from buying date or listed date incase our unlisted Company got listed ? Like I bought Waaree 1 year ago and after 6 months of holding listed entity If I choose to sell then it will be STCG OR LTCG? Total Holding 1 year + 6 months listed = 1.5 years
Hello sir, i wanted to know what happens if I buy shares of a unlisted company at X price and after company issues new share for example earlier it was 2 cr shares now it's 4 cr. In this case what will happen to the share price?
I had bought swiggy shares using indmoney demat through precize but they are still not reflecting in my portfolio, will it appear 6 months after listing? Anyone has any idea about it?
I have Waaree Energy pre-ipo, even after trade holding doesn't show in Kite, although you can see on console Holding with P&L but not on Kite Mostly you are able to see after the lock-in expires on Kite
I was hoping that tax angle would be answered and it was. Thanks. Seems like taxation on unlisted shares are calculated just like a normal security would - as per the holding period.
Here's the notice issued by SEBI:
In brief: The SEBI warning is against dealing in unlisted securities on unauthorised electronic platforms. The regulator emphasised that investors should refrain from engaging in transactions on these platforms and avoid sharing any sensitive personal details. The note further warned that investors who transact on unauthorised platforms risk losing investor protection benefits, grievance redressal mechanisms, and online dispute resolution mechanisms administered by exchanges or depositories
As some of you are existing investors in unlisted shares (me included, I'm an OYO shareholder) and some of you are prospective investors -- to clear our doubts, I've requested the team an Incred Money to help us with all queries posted in the comments section over the next 2 days
Hope this helps.
Hit $12,590 k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last week .i started with 3k in last week 2024..... now i just hit $12,590
Can you explain please….?
Weekly trading is the best way of making money in the market due to lack of experience which resulted in loosing funds... But miss Violet Zyaire, restored hope shes a good woman
please educate me, l've come across this name before, Now i'm interested
How can I communicate with her
Yeah sure it’s very easy to reach her
Sir, i think retail inventors may not be able make much from unlisted, coz they are unlisted and highly difficult to analyse stocks. instead of this you should give us more insight on the listed companies...
Thank you for your thoughtful feedback
Holding period is calculated from buying date or listed date incase our unlisted Company got listed ?
Like I bought Waaree 1 year ago and after 6 months of holding listed entity If I choose to sell then it will be STCG OR LTCG? Total Holding 1 year + 6 months listed = 1.5 years
Thanks Shankar. Another very useful presentation..❤
Glad you liked it. Thank you 🙌
when did you shoot this video ?
2 months back. I think this was the 16th of October -- before Swiggy IPOed
Hello sir, i wanted to know what happens if I buy shares of a unlisted company at X price and after company issues new share for example earlier it was 2 cr shares now it's 4 cr. In this case what will happen to the share price?
The share price will drop. This is what I meant by "dilution" in the risks discussed in the video.
I had bought swiggy shares using indmoney demat through precize but they are still not reflecting in my portfolio, will it appear 6 months after listing? Anyone has any idea about it?
I've covered this question in the video, pls have a look
I had spoken to IndMoney customer care and they clarified that the shares can be seen after completion of 6 months
I have Waaree Energy pre-ipo, even after trade holding doesn't show in Kite, although you can see on console Holding with P&L but not on Kite
Mostly you are able to see after the lock-in expires on Kite
Sir,What is your view on Sagility India pvt limited
Sorry, haven't analysed this company
Could you also please make videos on Momentum index, Small cases,?
Thank you for these suggestions
I was hoping that tax angle would be answered and it was. Thanks. Seems like taxation on unlisted shares are calculated just like a normal security would - as per the holding period.
Yes but minimum holding period for considering it as long term is 3 years, where as in listed it’s one year