How to Grow Your EMAIL LIST with INSTAGRAM!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2024
  • I gained over 5000 email subscribers organically by using this 1 strategy… Instagram DM automation.
    So how it works is I first post educational content teaching people a specific topic.
    And at the end of these videos, I ask my viewers to either comment or DM me a keyword to get free access to a training that dives even deeper into the topic.
    Now from here once someone sends me the keyword, an automated conversation is triggered in the DM’s and its here where I collect their email address.
    And if you want access to a free training breaking down how I setup these automated conversations comment “5000” below and I’ll send it over.
    But now once the email’s been collected, I send over the free training and from here I can now leverage multi-channel marketing to help generate sales on autopilot.
    But on top of that, since people are commenting on my posts, and engaging with my account, this also triggers the algorithm to help push my content out to even more people, which then leads to more followers, more views, and more leads.
    So it’s seriously a win-win strategy, and if you want to learn how you can start doing the same for your Instagram, comment 5000 below and I’ll send you over a free training!
    #emailmarketing #contentcreator #emaillist

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