pretty sure with some luck it was possible in 6.5 too. And definitely with a buddy or two, also 2nd phase is much easier to solo. More ilvl just makes it more comfortable here and there, good stuff!
@MusuraChishiki OH yeah for sure! I was afraid to touch GNB due to the tight window for the combo rotation but now it's like I can basically muscle memory my way on it. Paladin was my first tank and will forever be because it's my particular class as a child on another MMO that I played off of and it had similar skill sets so it was easy to adapt to.
Trying this myself and noticed after the rushes which we superbolide for.. I noticed they get invul up and im barely doing any damage.. any way to prevent this? and thank you awesome video!
Thank you for your comment. I think it could be they got the together resonance buff but I'll mention firewall in case that is an issue. - If it is together resonance just reset. At 2:53 after resonance you can see they gain a buff under the boss hp bar and the icon in the video is the one you want. - (Skip this if you already know firewall) If it is firewall make sure to target the correct boss first and attack that boss until the firewall buff falls off. @2:43 the boss casts firewall and gives me a blue debuff which means I need to attack omega f (red debuff means I will need to attack omega m) Best of luck!
When the boss start casting Beyond Defense @4:07 I prepare myself with Rampart, Camouflage, Heart of Conundrum and Brutal Shell. I believe warrior can survive with similar mitigation usage.
Quite a good bit depending if there is a specific one you want. Neo exdeath and Kefka are also soloable since last expansion with mounts and they are really cool in my opinion.
I got hit twice by Pile Pitch: @1:04 (250766 dmg) Mits used: HoC, Nebula, Reprisal @4:13 (321819 dmg) Mits used: HoC, Rampart, Camouflage Pluis GNB got Brutal Shell. Assuming similar ilvl and epic echo we should be able to survive it. Or it could be because they have the local/together resonance buff.
Crazy how it can be done alone how did you avoid the mechanics where the twins 1 shot you? Since me and my friends turned on our invincibility since we were all tanks.
I time my invincibility at 3:14 when the loud machine sound start. For solo just hope rng don't give the boss together buff where they have increase stats when close to each other.
Can drk solo it as well? Since drk can prob burst both m/f due to skills hitting both if we use the aoe from our natural kit. Phase 2 should be easy even if drk lacks sustain like the other tanks.
So its possible.. finally that Omega mount will be mine 7 years later.
The mount animation is so cool.
pretty sure with some luck it was possible in 6.5 too. And definitely with a buddy or two, also 2nd phase is much easier to solo. More ilvl just makes it more comfortable here and there, good stuff!
I mean… you just post a pf and goodbye world and get it faster….
@@Lightwarden_Epithumia Tried it and nobody joined, its too old that most people don't care.
@@jackjohnson8305I feel that, das how I was trying to get the Air Force mount by myself for the longest time...
Oh cool. Finally. Last time I tried it, it was impossible. Good to see, that we have finally enough DPS to solo it before second slides start!
GNB be eating good on this xpac! Cant wait to try this
Definitely, cannot wait to see what else GNB can solo.
Congrats, glad to see it can be soloed. Do you just have to get lucky when the two spawn to hope they don't get the spread apart buff?
Thanks and yup that's it just hope they don't get the spread apart buff.
@@MusuraChishiki i worked on this fight solo last expansion and that was my crux, good job.
Dude I feel like you inspired me more. GNB is the UNGA BUNGA for me I love this class more. (Paladin main but will GNB for this tier)
I love paladin's visual effects and being able to protect allies with cover. It was my tank of choice before GNB was release. Enjoy GNB!
@MusuraChishiki OH yeah for sure! I was afraid to touch GNB due to the tight window for the combo rotation but now it's like I can basically muscle memory my way on it. Paladin was my first tank and will forever be because it's my particular class as a child on another MMO that I played off of and it had similar skill sets so it was easy to adapt to.
Why pop the Invuln at 3:16 ?
Been wanting to solo this for the mount myself...
To survive that series of attack by the bosses.
awesome work
Thank you appreciate it.
So invuln the dashes and kitchen sink Pile Pitch, and have enough self healing to recover
Trying this myself and noticed after the rushes which we superbolide for.. I noticed they get invul up and im barely doing any damage.. any way to prevent this? and thank you awesome video!
Thank you for your comment. I think it could be they got the together resonance buff but I'll mention firewall in case that is an issue.
- If it is together resonance just reset. At 2:53 after resonance you can see they gain a buff under the boss hp bar and the icon in the video is the one you want.
- (Skip this if you already know firewall) If it is firewall make sure to target the correct boss first and attack that boss until the firewall buff falls off. @2:43 the boss casts firewall and gives me a blue debuff which means I need to attack omega f (red debuff means I will need to attack omega m)
Best of luck!
Ive tried with warrior but he gets me with the magic invulnerability with holmgang on cd and one shots me, any way to bypass this?
When the boss start casting Beyond Defense @4:07 I prepare myself with Rampart, Camouflage, Heart of Conundrum and Brutal Shell. I believe warrior can survive with similar mitigation usage.
Now im curious about how many other raids can be solo-ed for their cool mounts 😮
Quite a good bit depending if there is a specific one you want. Neo exdeath and Kefka are also soloable since last expansion with mounts and they are really cool in my opinion.
how do you not take damage from the phase 1 tankbusters like pile pitch? i always get one shot by them, even with using my 40% mit
I got hit twice by Pile Pitch:
@1:04 (250766 dmg)
Mits used: HoC, Nebula, Reprisal
@4:13 (321819 dmg)
Mits used: HoC, Rampart, Camouflage
Pluis GNB got Brutal Shell.
Assuming similar ilvl and epic echo we should be able to survive it. Or it could be because they have the local/together resonance buff.
Crazy how it can be done alone how did you avoid the mechanics where the twins 1 shot you? Since me and my friends turned on our invincibility since we were all tanks.
I time my invincibility at 3:14 when the loud machine sound start. For solo just hope rng don't give the boss together buff where they have increase stats when close to each other.
@@MusuraChishiki yeah that of would of sucked. Good job tho
Can drk solo it as well? Since drk can prob burst both m/f due to skills hitting both if we use the aoe from our natural kit. Phase 2 should be easy even if drk lacks sustain like the other tanks.
If you are still interested I just cleared with DRK. It involves lucky crit heals to remove walking dead debuff from what I was able to managed.
How long/ how many tries did this take you to do?
I didn't time myself but omega m/f took 5 resets since 3 were wrong resonance buffs. Omega itself is more straightforward compare to phase 1.
Can PLD also do it??
Yes they can. Check the youtube channel The Ivalice Idiot there is a pld solo clear there.
what will the next ultimate be? the shadow bringers stuff?
Yup from Dawntrail page there is small info about Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)
can i do it as a pld too?
Yes they can. Check the youtube channel The Ivalice Idiot there is a pld solo clear there.
Is it possible for WAR to pull this off?
Yes War can do it too. Check the youtube channel Raffay Sensei there should be a WAR solo vid there.
What gunblade are u using?
Augmented Law's Order Manatrigger. It is from Bozja which have the relic quests for Shadowbringer.
Ohhh i only see the final version which is why i didnt recognize it ty!@@MusuraChishiki
i dont know too much about the game, is that ultimate?
It's an old savage raid from Stormblood.
@@MusuraChishiki and you are clean with it
@@kikidffo8963 Thank you!
Nice work, watching this brings back memories of how much fun StB raids were 🥲
Stormblood raids and trials bosses are my favourite in the game. The music, aesthetics and fights are so fun.