It looks to me that the devs are interested in adding world building. Not sure if I’m remembering correctly but I think I remember seeing the aether symbol snuck into Reignited Trilogy or Crash on the Run. They chose to add a dark Spyro storyline into On the Run instead of rehashing one of the original stories or creating a conflict that isn’t so lore dependant.
While I would appreciate worldbuilding in the next Spyro game, I don't think it should be front and centre. I don't think that world building should be a major focus for the main Spyro series. They should keep it either optional or use subtle environmental storytelling. What do you think on the idea of expanding on the world of mainline Spyro using a comic series? Do you think there's a chance of ever getting official Spyro comics? Other platformer franchises have done it before. For example Sonic the Hedgehog still has an ongoing comic series run by IDW and it was so successful that the writer for the comics now writes for the games. Love the thumbnail btw. The font is still recognisable enough that I could tell it was your video even without "Lore of the Dragon" on it.
To me environmental story telling is so much better than cutscenes and story to explain things. I can't comment on what the story was like for the non-PS1 Spyro's, but I actually strongly disagree with this video's assessment that Spyro 2 and 3 had world building while implying Spyro 1 didn't. Spyro 3 had more characters and story, but the "world" felt hollow - an excuse to go from cool set piece to set piece, about as much history as Epcot. Spyro 2 felt like it could be a real place, levels often times shared a connection with other levels, all the homeworlds had this feel of being like a sort of capital for the other worlds. Spyro 1 feels even more like that, where each set of worlds is clearly a part of the world that is geographically close to each other. The enemies of each world also sort of make sense - a lot of the enemies appear to be groups that taking advantage of the dragons' absence and are fighting Spyro to keep it that way. The shepard defending their sheep in Artistans, human(?) warriors defending their towns in Peace Keepers, Wizards and Warlocks each having their own homes and fighting each other in Magic Crafters. There's a sense that the world is real by simply adding in tiny details that make sense if you bother to think about them. I find that way more compelling than telling me a character's backstory, or explaning to me the history of an incoherent hodgepodge of locations. I think a lot of the love of Dark Souls in comes from the fact that they do environmental story telling - it's there if you look, and it feels so much more compelling when it's you who is connecting the dots.
I would love more world building. The way I've thought about how they could go about it in the next reignited trilogy is to have somewhat of a combination of factors across all 3 timelines, letting the reignited timeline be a new 4th one that combo's the best of each: - The environmental and NPC storytelling of 2 mixed with Skylanders and it's wide diversity (the latter being more just continents in Spyro's world) - The plot and prophecy from the Legends games Have the villain interactions be a mix of 2 and 3's, where we have an antagonist that we most interact with through the adventure (like Ripto) but give an idea that there is a bigger bad at play behind the scenes (with Bianca and the Sorceress), with the main difference being that we don't interact with the main bad until the next installment with them THEN becoming the main interactive antagonist in the next game, sort of be like a bread crumb trail of trying to figure out who's at the top of the chain of command and why they're doing all this, but at the very least establish who is the TRUE main big bad of any installments afterwards should they return so as to avoid it feeling like a rotating clown car of "who's wearing the 'boss hat' today?" You can even throw in the occasional wrinkle of "not every villain we interact with will want redemption." The chain of command I said once in another video (don't remember which), was there being as if it was like: - 4: Baddie is Ripto, we find out he's working with Cynder, but also he stays evil - 5: Baddie is Cynder, but we want to get her redemption because we can tell she's a good person like Bianca, then we find out the big bad is Malafor - 6: Baddie is a mysterious figure that we aren't too sure on the allegiance of, possibly at first acting as an ally, but then reveal to be the big bad Malafor himself and he was just stringing Spyro and friends along to do the dirty work for him and pull the rug out from under us - Unsure: One twist could be to let a character have a Negative Character Arc where a main character we interact with is driven to be evil, have like a reverse take on Bianca, this could be Cynder in 4 which would then want to prompt and give us motivation for us to let her have a redemption arc in 5
Given how rich the Spyro fandom is with stories and creative artwork, and because Spyro is one of - if not - only games where we play as a dragon. Speaking of world-building, when are we likely to see the next part of Re-Ignited legend?
Video topic suggestion/request/idea: Could you look into how powerful the Dragons (minus Spyro!) actually are across the series? As while, they are obviously very powerful beings, they do end up getting defeated pretty frequently. From Gnasty Gnorcs crystal entrapment spell to the Sorceress fairly casually just booting them off her side of the world to the other side, to apes putting down some of their most powerful while smashing their unhatched eggs. The Dragons end up taking a lot of serious blows for a species that can do frankly very incredible stuff, yet beyond sending Spyro at the problem they seem incredibly passive about using their powers for self-defense/problem-solving. Makes me wonder if their reputation is far greater than what they actually as a norm are? And why they are so easy to surprise, considering most successful villain schemes aimed at them seems to always require surprise. Are Dragons just as a species really bad in their cognitive processes in dealing with surprises?
I will sing praises for LoS world building all day. There's a reason those games have a cult following to this day. It's a fun world that's just detailed enough that it allows fans to use their imagination to fill in the gaps. I do hope it gets officially explored in a game more deeply in the future but i love the Loss world as it is now. Classic always felt weird to me tho. Like the third game especially having all this context for stuff suddenly dumped on us in THE LAST game in the trilogy but eh. Still interesting enough. 2 I think was better because the story was stronger and everything was a little more contained. Nice video my dude
I do know that Ratchet and Clank did some expanded worldbuilding in Tools of Destruction. In addition to cutscenes, the game also featured Fallout-esque dialogue systems where you could ask certain NPCs questions. The most notable was the sentient Lombax ship you repair, whom you could question about the antagonist and what happened to the Lombax race. As such, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if a future Spyro made such a change.
I'd do collectable books that could be placed into a library/Museum were the concept art could also be found as you progress through the game, that would cover any lore they want to cover for the past of the game and it's predecessors to help the world feel connected and then have dialogue options for more current world building and interconnectivity
Honestly, I think the next two Spyro games have already been decided: Remasters of Enter the Dragonfly and A Hero's Tail. But after that? Heck yeah, I would love more worldbuilding!
@@GayLPerThe reason I say what I do, is that they are the last two OG console games and the only ones that haven't been remastered. The OG console games didn't end with Year of the Dragon; they ended with A Hero's Tail. (Most appropriate name for a final game if there ever was one.) The Reignited series is simply incomplete without those two games being remastered as well. Although to be honest, I have a bit of personal bias in the matter. A Hero's Tail was my first console video game ever. I still AHT disk, even though I sold my PS2 for scrap after it became an unfixable wreck. Anyway, while AHT was my first console game, my first Spyro experience was with Enter the Dragonfly. An old friend introduced me to that game, and I had a ton of fun with the various vehicle minigames such as the tank training arena, Spitfire airplane, and the UFOs. Without Enter the Dragonfly, I wouldn't have Entered the Spyro franchise. I loved both of my earliest Spyro games, AHT and ETD, to death; and I still love the franchise today.
Really want to learn more about the Dragons from the original game. Like what does it mean to be a Beast Maker and a Dream Weaver or what roles and hierarchy do the dragons have and what backstory characters like Bubba, Nestor, Gavin, etc.
I think Spyro would have to worldbuild eventually. Worldbuilding is essential when it comes whenever a world and story develops, it's formation and diegesis is crutial for it to make sense, and it may be both very present for the plot of just in the background while the main plot happens, but it's there. Shadow Legacy made a huge worldbuilding by retelling old events and even adding some from even long ago the first game happened, and in The Legend of Spyro it became even more present as the story, locations and lore were very important for the games to follow. If Spyro would have to worldbuild, I think it can but slowly. The world of Spyro is vast and immense, so explore it in more detail can help and be part of the gameplay to an extent. Great video!
Well seeing as a good amount of people who played the original trilogy and legend trilogy are older, I think it could benefit on a legitimate story and world building
Worldbuilding is a must. As a chronic lore consumer learning about the spyro worlds i am exploring in would be cool along with a deeper story as well. BUT it cannot sacrifice gameplay. So a balance has to be struck. But with the ability of cutscenes to easily flow into gameplay along with other things like voice dialogue with characters or as you are exploring. Finding and collecting things like old transcripts and artifacts as well,; things you can easily put into the world that the player can find that doesnt affect the flow of the game.
I would certainly appreciate more worldbuilding. It's a good way to get invested in the world. Otherwise we'll just keep begging for answers and go insane as they're unanswered for years. I'd certainly like to know why Ripto hates dragons so much. Did Malefor force Cynder to burn his homeland to the ground and kick him out of his palace forcing him to find a new home to call himself king of? If he hates dragons for no reason but isn't really pure evil (since he seems to mildly care about Crush and Gulp), I'm really confused as to why these people think he's the best villain aside from being funny and a mechanically good boss fight.
From what I've seen, it's mostly due to Ripto's back and forth he has with Spyro. In 3, Spyro never really interacts with the Sorceress until he eventually fights her, same with Gnasty Gnorc. With Gnasty, it was just "go stop him", same with the Sorceress but it focused more on Bianca's redemption arc, one of the first few kinds of those stories told in gaming.
my honestly is. Why have just 2 when they can be combined into 1 thru world building. In other words I see the potential for world building to add wat indeed was not seen in The Legend Of Spyro thru world building as well as other Insomanic spyro games via world building into making one big fan spyro universe. For instance the true story of Malefore and how parts of him came to be imprisoned into convexity and the well of souls. So many potentials are easily right there
Probably to best world build in the Legend series is to give it a Final Fantasy 7 remake. Keep the base storyline but add in all of the stuff they couldn't the first time around and, obviously never would happen but it would be amazing, possibly bring in people like yourself, Dragonoficeandfire, and Crazytaizy to help build the lore.
Spyro should definitely worldbuild, all they have to do is take the Spyro 2 approach but improve on it. The Intro and Outro cutscenes are already a good idea, just have dialogue options with certain NPCs in each world that expands on their culture or lives before the current plot took place, to make it feel that much more lived in. As for Spyro books, I would definitely buy them, especially if it's lore books like Warcraft Chronicles. Imagine the Spyro lore books being designed to look like the guidebook Elora gives Spyro, people would buy it based on aesthetic alone. Of course there is also the financial gain to it, Toys for Bob have to know furries have deep pockets and there are a lot of them in the Spyro community.
I will be the advocate for Skylanders and tell/remind everyone of the fact that Skylands, by virtue of it crazy fantasy-kitchen-sink nature, is a SHOCKINGLY well furnished setting with a myriad of things in it, Be it characters and their stories, cultures and their traditions, locations and their fauna/flora, monuments and magics, and multiple versions of all of these to boot.. There's just so much in it! Most of it is silly funny, but again, it adds to the the whole of it. Quite honestly, its...legitimately really interesting, like NGL???? Give the character bios a try, y'all see what I mean I'd say I'd die in this hill, but this is not something I subscribe to being a nuclear take of any sort.
I would want environmental story telling ONLY, I dont need cut scenes or text boxes, Spyro is not about that, but the movement and exploration of complex enough level design...
As long as they don't go to heavy handed I'm good with more world building. Like where did all the female dragons go? Why'd they creat Gnasty Gnorc? Who created Gnasty Gnorc? and More There is so much more they could add to the lore.
It should. It have potential but it need the right balance: too serious is dark while too crazy or toonish will end up to be creepy. Something that can give enough fairytales mood without explining too much is ideal. The writers shouldn't fear to look "too sciency" with the explanations since the series had space levels from the first game...i think they should try to establish some mystical themes to keep it up with the presence of multiple worlds, planes, dimensions etc. I don't think it's that difficult to explain this with suggestion alone avoiding massive wall of text. I would be more worried about what they could do with explaining character's origins.
The legend series was severely lacking in context about the world. We were told almost nothing about dragon and ape society, nor do they really tell anything abut the world itself
As a chronic worldbuilder, I would kill for more Spyro lore and worldbuilding!
Here here
It looks to me that the devs are interested in adding world building. Not sure if I’m remembering correctly but I think I remember seeing the aether symbol snuck into Reignited Trilogy or Crash on the Run. They chose to add a dark Spyro storyline into On the Run instead of rehashing one of the original stories or creating a conflict that isn’t so lore dependant.
Aye they did
While I would appreciate worldbuilding in the next Spyro game, I don't think it should be front and centre. I don't think that world building should be a major focus for the main Spyro series. They should keep it either optional or use subtle environmental storytelling. What do you think on the idea of expanding on the world of mainline Spyro using a comic series? Do you think there's a chance of ever getting official Spyro comics? Other platformer franchises have done it before. For example Sonic the Hedgehog still has an ongoing comic series run by IDW and it was so successful that the writer for the comics now writes for the games.
Love the thumbnail btw. The font is still recognisable enough that I could tell it was your video even without "Lore of the Dragon" on it.
To me environmental story telling is so much better than cutscenes and story to explain things. I can't comment on what the story was like for the non-PS1 Spyro's, but I actually strongly disagree with this video's assessment that Spyro 2 and 3 had world building while implying Spyro 1 didn't. Spyro 3 had more characters and story, but the "world" felt hollow - an excuse to go from cool set piece to set piece, about as much history as Epcot. Spyro 2 felt like it could be a real place, levels often times shared a connection with other levels, all the homeworlds had this feel of being like a sort of capital for the other worlds. Spyro 1 feels even more like that, where each set of worlds is clearly a part of the world that is geographically close to each other. The enemies of each world also sort of make sense - a lot of the enemies appear to be groups that taking advantage of the dragons' absence and are fighting Spyro to keep it that way. The shepard defending their sheep in Artistans, human(?) warriors defending their towns in Peace Keepers, Wizards and Warlocks each having their own homes and fighting each other in Magic Crafters. There's a sense that the world is real by simply adding in tiny details that make sense if you bother to think about them. I find that way more compelling than telling me a character's backstory, or explaning to me the history of an incoherent hodgepodge of locations. I think a lot of the love of Dark Souls in comes from the fact that they do environmental story telling - it's there if you look, and it feels so much more compelling when it's you who is connecting the dots.
I would love more world building. The way I've thought about how they could go about it in the next reignited trilogy is to have somewhat of a combination of factors across all 3 timelines, letting the reignited timeline be a new 4th one that combo's the best of each:
- The environmental and NPC storytelling of 2 mixed with Skylanders and it's wide diversity (the latter being more just continents in Spyro's world)
- The plot and prophecy from the Legends games
Have the villain interactions be a mix of 2 and 3's, where we have an antagonist that we most interact with through the adventure (like Ripto) but give an idea that there is a bigger bad at play behind the scenes (with Bianca and the Sorceress), with the main difference being that we don't interact with the main bad until the next installment with them THEN becoming the main interactive antagonist in the next game, sort of be like a bread crumb trail of trying to figure out who's at the top of the chain of command and why they're doing all this, but at the very least establish who is the TRUE main big bad of any installments afterwards should they return so as to avoid it feeling like a rotating clown car of "who's wearing the 'boss hat' today?" You can even throw in the occasional wrinkle of "not every villain we interact with will want redemption." The chain of command I said once in another video (don't remember which), was there being as if it was like:
- 4: Baddie is Ripto, we find out he's working with Cynder, but also he stays evil
- 5: Baddie is Cynder, but we want to get her redemption because we can tell she's a good person like Bianca, then we find out the big bad is Malafor
- 6: Baddie is a mysterious figure that we aren't too sure on the allegiance of, possibly at first acting as an ally, but then reveal to be the big bad Malafor himself and he was just stringing Spyro and friends along to do the dirty work for him and pull the rug out from under us
- Unsure: One twist could be to let a character have a Negative Character Arc where a main character we interact with is driven to be evil, have like a reverse take on Bianca, this could be Cynder in 4 which would then want to prompt and give us motivation for us to let her have a redemption arc in 5
Given how rich the Spyro fandom is with stories and creative artwork, and because Spyro is one of - if not - only games where we play as a dragon.
Speaking of world-building, when are we likely to see the next part of Re-Ignited legend?
Hoping to get it out like... in the next month or so?
Not only there is 3 games you can play as dragon.
Video topic suggestion/request/idea: Could you look into how powerful the Dragons (minus Spyro!) actually are across the series? As while, they are obviously very powerful beings, they do end up getting defeated pretty frequently. From Gnasty Gnorcs crystal entrapment spell to the Sorceress fairly casually just booting them off her side of the world to the other side, to apes putting down some of their most powerful while smashing their unhatched eggs. The Dragons end up taking a lot of serious blows for a species that can do frankly very incredible stuff, yet beyond sending Spyro at the problem they seem incredibly passive about using their powers for self-defense/problem-solving. Makes me wonder if their reputation is far greater than what they actually as a norm are?
And why they are so easy to surprise, considering most successful villain schemes aimed at them seems to always require surprise. Are Dragons just as a species really bad in their cognitive processes in dealing with surprises?
I will sing praises for LoS world building all day. There's a reason those games have a cult following to this day. It's a fun world that's just detailed enough that it allows fans to use their imagination to fill in the gaps. I do hope it gets officially explored in a game more deeply in the future but i love the Loss world as it is now.
Classic always felt weird to me tho. Like the third game especially having all this context for stuff suddenly dumped on us in THE LAST game in the trilogy but eh. Still interesting enough. 2 I think was better because the story was stronger and everything was a little more contained.
Nice video my dude
I do know that Ratchet and Clank did some expanded worldbuilding in Tools of Destruction. In addition to cutscenes, the game also featured Fallout-esque dialogue systems where you could ask certain NPCs questions. The most notable was the sentient Lombax ship you repair, whom you could question about the antagonist and what happened to the Lombax race. As such, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if a future Spyro made such a change.
7:31 An easy and simple way to world build. I like it.
I love to have a couple of Spyro books
I'd do collectable books that could be placed into a library/Museum were the concept art could also be found as you progress through the game, that would cover any lore they want to cover for the past of the game and it's predecessors to help the world feel connected and then have dialogue options for more current world building and interconnectivity
Honestly, I think the next two Spyro games have already been decided: Remasters of Enter the Dragonfly and A Hero's Tail.
But after that? Heck yeah, I would love more worldbuilding!
I can see A Hero's Tail, but I just can't see Enter the Dragonfly.
I'd be okay with being proven wrong.
@@GayLPerThe reason I say what I do, is that they are the last two OG console games and the only ones that haven't been remastered. The OG console games didn't end with Year of the Dragon; they ended with A Hero's Tail. (Most appropriate name for a final game if there ever was one.)
The Reignited series is simply incomplete without those two games being remastered as well.
Although to be honest, I have a bit of personal bias in the matter. A Hero's Tail was my first console video game ever. I still AHT disk, even though I sold my PS2 for scrap after it became an unfixable wreck.
Anyway, while AHT was my first console game, my first Spyro experience was with Enter the Dragonfly. An old friend introduced me to that game, and I had a ton of fun with the various vehicle minigames such as the tank training arena, Spitfire airplane, and the UFOs. Without Enter the Dragonfly, I wouldn't have Entered the Spyro franchise.
I loved both of my earliest Spyro games, AHT and ETD, to death; and I still love the franchise today.
Really want to learn more about the Dragons from the original game. Like what does it mean to be a Beast Maker and a Dream Weaver or what roles and hierarchy do the dragons have and what backstory characters like Bubba, Nestor, Gavin, etc.
I would love to see some world building for Spyro.
I think Spyro would have to worldbuild eventually.
Worldbuilding is essential when it comes whenever a world and story develops, it's formation and diegesis is crutial for it to make sense, and it may be both very present for the plot of just in the background while the main plot happens, but it's there.
Shadow Legacy made a huge worldbuilding by retelling old events and even adding some from even long ago the first game happened, and in The Legend of Spyro it became even more present as the story, locations and lore were very important for the games to follow.
If Spyro would have to worldbuild, I think it can but slowly.
The world of Spyro is vast and immense, so explore it in more detail can help and be part of the gameplay to an extent.
Great video!
This isn’t a question
This is a DEMAND
Well seeing as a good amount of people who played the original trilogy and legend trilogy are older, I think it could benefit on a legitimate story and world building
Worldbuilding is a must. As a chronic lore consumer learning about the spyro worlds i am exploring in would be cool along with a deeper story as well. BUT it cannot sacrifice gameplay. So a balance has to be struck. But with the ability of cutscenes to easily flow into gameplay along with other things like voice dialogue with characters or as you are exploring. Finding and collecting things like old transcripts and artifacts as well,; things you can easily put into the world that the player can find that doesnt affect the flow of the game.
I think the Legend of Spyro Universe should definitely have Worldbuilding, it just feels like it was made for that.
I would certainly appreciate more worldbuilding. It's a good way to get invested in the world. Otherwise we'll just keep begging for answers and go insane as they're unanswered for years. I'd certainly like to know why Ripto hates dragons so much. Did Malefor force Cynder to burn his homeland to the ground and kick him out of his palace forcing him to find a new home to call himself king of? If he hates dragons for no reason but isn't really pure evil (since he seems to mildly care about Crush and Gulp), I'm really confused as to why these people think he's the best villain aside from being funny and a mechanically good boss fight.
From what I've seen, it's mostly due to Ripto's back and forth he has with Spyro. In 3, Spyro never really interacts with the Sorceress until he eventually fights her, same with Gnasty Gnorc. With Gnasty, it was just "go stop him", same with the Sorceress but it focused more on Bianca's redemption arc, one of the first few kinds of those stories told in gaming.
my honestly is. Why have just 2 when they can be combined into 1 thru world building. In other words I see the potential for world building to add wat indeed was not seen in The Legend Of Spyro thru world building as well as other Insomanic spyro games via world building into making one big fan spyro universe. For instance the true story of Malefore and how parts of him came to be imprisoned into convexity and the well of souls.
So many potentials are easily right there
Probably to best world build in the Legend series is to give it a Final Fantasy 7 remake. Keep the base storyline but add in all of the stuff they couldn't the first time around and, obviously never would happen but it would be amazing, possibly bring in people like yourself, Dragonoficeandfire, and Crazytaizy to help build the lore.
Would be a dream team right there i I got to work with em on Spyro related things. Defo would be fun
Yes, yes they should!❤❤👍👍
Spyro should definitely worldbuild, all they have to do is take the Spyro 2 approach but improve on it. The Intro and Outro cutscenes are already a good idea, just have dialogue options with certain NPCs in each world that expands on their culture or lives before the current plot took place, to make it feel that much more lived in. As for Spyro books, I would definitely buy them, especially if it's lore books like Warcraft Chronicles. Imagine the Spyro lore books being designed to look like the guidebook Elora gives Spyro, people would buy it based on aesthetic alone. Of course there is also the financial gain to it, Toys for Bob have to know furries have deep pockets and there are a lot of them in the Spyro community.
I will be the advocate for Skylanders and tell/remind everyone of the fact that Skylands, by virtue of it crazy fantasy-kitchen-sink nature, is a SHOCKINGLY well furnished setting with a myriad of things in it,
Be it characters and their stories, cultures and their traditions, locations and their fauna/flora, monuments and magics, and multiple versions of all of these to boot..
There's just so much in it!
Most of it is silly funny, but again, it adds to the the whole of it.
Quite honestly, its...legitimately really interesting, like NGL????
Give the character bios a try, y'all see what I mean
I'd say I'd die in this hill, but this is not something I subscribe to being a nuclear take of any sort.
I would want environmental story telling ONLY, I dont need cut scenes or text boxes, Spyro is not about that, but the movement and exploration of complex enough level design...
As long as they don't go to heavy handed I'm good with more world building.
Like where did all the female dragons go?
Why'd they creat Gnasty Gnorc?
Who created Gnasty Gnorc?
and More
There is so much more they could add to the lore.
It should. It have potential but it need the right balance: too serious is dark while too crazy or toonish will end up to be creepy.
Something that can give enough fairytales mood without explining too much is ideal. The writers shouldn't fear to look "too sciency" with the explanations since the series had space levels from the first game...i think they should try to establish some mystical themes to keep it up with the presence of multiple worlds, planes, dimensions etc.
I don't think it's that difficult to explain this with suggestion alone avoiding massive wall of text. I would be more worried about what they could do with explaining character's origins.
The legend series was severely lacking in context about the world. We were told almost nothing about dragon and ape society, nor do they really tell anything abut the world itself
Maybe a small amount of the so mean, history, places, realms in the game and used in things central into a booklet on this world of spyro