A Hotline Miami-inspired LoFi Samurai Game

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @doomsday1268
    @doomsday1268 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I’m really excited to see how this turns out, I love the hotline Miami titles but also feel that adding your own twist onto the fast, blood pumping gameplay (no pun intended) is really going to make this game shine. I look forward to seeing more and for the demo when it releases.

  • @Mary-eo7ir
    @Mary-eo7ir 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Looks absolutely sick

  • @spinejerkin
    @spinejerkin 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Amazing idea I can’t wait to play it!!

    @CNRMRY_YT 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Looks/sounds cool so far, excited to see where you take this. I'd be happy test this and maybe talk about it on my own channel down the line if you're open to it.

    • @Solideo_Games
      @Solideo_Games  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yeah that'd be cool I'd appreciate it! I'll be picking out a few people for private playtesting prior to the first public demo soon enough.

  • @sabesabe5838
    @sabesabe5838 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @IcePike
    @IcePike 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    looks like it'll be sick! The mechanics remind me of 15 from katana zero

    • @Solideo_Games
      @Solideo_Games  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Katana Zero is definitely the other big influence after HM!

  • @pvo824
    @pvo824 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Very good

  • @youngkob3408
    @youngkob3408 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    4:45 if your philosophical discussions somehow affect the behavior of the enemies or you get punished for going against your beliefs, that would be some wild ass shit bro. Like in Fallout, they designed a whole morality system but it doesn’t affect your gameplay at all. Even if it’s just for the story and experience and not change gameplay in anyway, I see what you’re going for, learn more about yourself while playing the game like in your previous title. The philosophical questions/dilemmas that have some affect on the game, whether it’s just part of the story or level design sounds sick, can’t wait to see what you think of.
    And on a 2nd thought, imagine you somehow got ChatGPT to be your companion/best friend. (I don’t make games it’d probably be super hard, I imagine you would have to make the game online just so you can do that💀 because ChatGPT is fucking hugeee bro)
    You would have to train it to roleplay as the character you made, and maybe teach it some things idk. But once you got it all working it would be pretty ground breaking. Fuck I hate to use Fallout as another example, but in Fallout, you make choices how to interact with other characters and what to say to them, (which affects your morality), but it is all pre written and scripted, you don’t have very much freedom. What if what you thought wasn’t listed? So if you had ChatGPT as the NPC talking to you, you could literally say whatever you want and they would respond correspondingly. This would make the morality and philosophical part of the game so deep bro, if you could type to the bestfriend, get human responses back, and what you said affects the fucking gameplay !!?? Again would probably be super hard to do though, and it’s not even an original idea , I’ve seen other people online talk about this, I just don’t remember where..

    • @Solideo_Games
      @Solideo_Games  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm designing all the scenarios so that the choice you make in them always has some kind of effect on the gameplay or level on top of affecting the story, so I got you covered bro.
      I'm sure AI stuff is eventually gonna start being used a lot more in games, but right now you actually can't publish games on Steam using any of that because there's still a lot of issues with stuff like ChatGPT being trained on material that they don't have the rights to, and I guess Valve doesn't wanna potentially get caught up in a copyright/intellectual property lawsuit or whatever.

  • @Cree8Ball
    @Cree8Ball 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Please tell me the cultists weren't just a hypothetical example and that there really will be a weird cult group in the game

    • @Solideo_Games
      @Solideo_Games  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not hypothetical, that’s a legit part taken from what I’ve written so far 😄

    • @Cree8Ball
      @Cree8Ball 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Solideo_Games hell yeah, this game is gonna be sick!

  • @RazzaDazza0
    @RazzaDazza0 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow looks super interesting but I think you might want to consider having the top-down perspective maybe being angled more so that you are able to put your own spin on hotline miami. I'm sure you are experimenting with a lot of different perspectives and maybe even 2.5D graphics (like mario wonder). Also just a general suggestion but you might want to improve how your video camera works (not in the game but in your actual video) because it seems like it blows out the color in your face. Unsure if that is fixable for you or not with software or something (I'm not a camera expert). Super cool that I got recommended this video though and I wish you luck on your upcoming game. If you are able to make this a mix between like Katana Zero and Hotline Miami (kind of Ghostrunner too and with gore matched by DOOM 2016) then I know this would be an amazing game. Looking at your gameplay example of the slicing and dashing mechanic I think you would benefit from drawing inspiration from how Katana Zero handles it's sword attacks where you get that extremely satisfying swing with the very slight delay that emphasizes the power of the attack. Unsure if the near instantaneous cut when you slice is what you intend for the slicing speed to be or just because you haven't added in the animations but to me it seems a little too fast. I also think it might be cool if the dash mechanic you added would also slice at the same time so you can dash through enemies but where it would have a cooldown so you can't spam it whereas for a regular sword slice it would also have a short delay after like Katana Zero but if you land it the delay is gone. Unsure if you are already thinking of this but if you could add different gore systems for slice attacks (like for a dead straight sword slice it animates their head getting cut off but its dynamic so it switches between death animations kinda like DOOM 2016 and Eternal (so dead on slice could cut off head or maybe half the body or just the legs etc) vs if you slightly miss but hit on the shoulder side they lose an arm etc). In terms of your exhaustion system I really think just doing it like how Katana Zero handles it would be best, same with how you handle opening doors and walls before you enter a room. In terms of your story choice of it all being in your head with different paths depending on how you answer questions, I like the idea of the paths one where you get challenged on your convictions but I think it might be more impactful storywise to instead have it all be real where the questions are asked by the main villain or something or even something more metaphorical in terms of your convictions being challenged. So it could be kind of like a GLaDOS situation at least in terms of a villain who will be forcing you to answer conceptual questions then make you have to act on it or something or alternatively you are asked these questions and the story just happens to eventually challenge you on it. Not sure exactly what type of story to form around that idea (Maybe like an alien wants to understand humanity and picked a former soldier to challenge with different stuff to determine human conviction or something like that) but I think it would have functionally the same sort of impact of player choice on the game as your idea while also imo having a more interesting story that it just all being in your head (ofc that depends on your implementation of the story I just think doing it this alternative way might mean a better story) and it also means you get to have an amazing overarching villain you are trying to defeat at the end. Your choice of artist is truly incredible btw that art style choice looks truly fantastic. I am wondering if you are considering the era of the game like if you are going to go for futuristic or retro futuristic or something like that. I know you mentioned being inspired by the 90s japanese style but are you planning to make it more like Cyberpunk or more like something set in the past but with cool future tech so like they have an old computer but with modern neon lights or something vs a modern looking computer with colorful lighting? If you decide to stick with the idea of it all being in your head I think you could be able to get heavy inspiration from psychonauts 2 in terms of your level design or even have your story be kind of like Inception where you are invading people's consciousnesses for some benefit of some kind that occurs when you kill all their mental defenses and before each invasion your own mind is asking you those conceptual questions which impacts how the story plays out. All in all, this idea seems really golden and I think if you can nail the gameplay well so that it feels really satisfactory then people would definitely buy it.

  • @cultbhvr8229
    @cultbhvr8229 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    idk… the fun from hotline comes from the fact all characters are on the same power level. I can shoot an enemy off screen and said enemy can do the same to me. Enemy variation isn’t really crucial or needed to that loop- lethality is and that’s what i’m not really seeing. If enemies do not pose an equal or greater threat than the player then I feel there is a crucial misunderstanding of the hotline formula. No need for any of these abilities, let alone this whole dash loop, if the enemies cant do them back. Hotline Miami is a game about finding a groove within a series of limitations and making the most of what you can in the moment because if you don’t, you are dead. There are only a handful of masks which start Jacket with a weapon in the first game and I think you should analyze how crucial that is to the core loop.
    (Yes, Hotline Miami 2 is a bit different but still works within the means of my point.)
    I would refine your enemy AI and combat before really doing anything else. Also idk how fast paced murder is gonna go with “chill beats to relax and study” but either way, good luck.

  • @wolvozach8310
    @wolvozach8310 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this is like the 100th hotline miami inspired game

  • @RedshirtAfficionado
    @RedshirtAfficionado 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Looks kinda lame and the ‘lo fi’ /anime aesthetic doesn’t appeal to me. Good luck though.

  • @iliketoduck
    @iliketoduck 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i love the effort and I love hotline miami and i'd love people experiment with the genre but the way you explain it makes you sound like a douche because it seems as if all the work comes from other people and you're just the "brain" but don't put in the work needed for an indie project just booking people and so on
    also don't count too much on the lo-fi thing it's already overplayed and (at least for me) it just reminds me of studying boring stuff I don't like and I wouldn't like it to make me think of a game I'm supposed to play