Miss me with the time limit. I'm not tired of the Far Cry formula, but I am tired of how it has been implemented, They treat too many things as a joke. It's time for a darker, more serious approach, but with the exotic locations as we know them.
@@TheAndrewJohnBennett I think the implication is that the time limit is a change to the formula. He's saying he likes the old formula but just wants one that is more serious. Which I tend to agree with.
Not too interested in the 24-hour time limit. I’m one who likes to take their time in games and soak in the environments so this is basically DOA for me.
Yeah feels like it's giving them an excuse to not include any side content. The problem was a lack of good continent for Ubisoft open world games, not an unwillingness to do side content
Capcom made a time limit work in the Dead Rising games, although the first couple weren’t entirely open world. I wouldn’t have faith in Ubisoft to pull of this concept, haven’t liked Far Cry since 4 or Primal
Would honestly love it if they could bring Far Cry 2 vibes back and make it feel like a survival shooter. Stalker 2 is a really good example of that...
Man at this point I’d take a Far Cry 2 remaster, it’s the only game we can’t play on modern consoles, i hate remasters for the sake of remasters but I feel like 2 would benefit from it
The time limit makes me think it isn't going to be a fully open world...Either that or we are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle! A hard limit of 24 real hours would be the shortest open world game I have ever seen...
Putting a time limit in far cry imo isn't good. It just makes the whole open world aspect feel useless. I think they should focus on choices you make that alters the story and relationships of the characters in the game. It would be cool to see how your actions can make you villian or have characters turn against you.
The time limit should be a separate game mode but I do love far cry series getting a insane shake up . Having high replay value in a open world game is interesting .
Personally for me, setting a time limit to finish Far Cry or any game is one of the worst possible ideas to put in a game, because playing in a hurry is one of the worst things there is, you basically doesn't enjoy the game properly, besides playing in a way that you probably wouldn't play, just to keep the time on the clock, which for a franchise known for its freedom of approach would be horrible. Furthermore, Far Cry is an open world and having a time limit to finish the campaign would take away the incentive to explore and do secondary missions, which would be funny, since marketing would talk a lot about exploitation.And even if the game were linear, besides taking away one of Far Cry's characteristics, which is the open world, the time limit wouldn't fit anyway. It's not in the rumors, but something that I see that a lot of people wanted but that I personally don't agree with, is to transform Far Cry into a more realistic and survival game. I even like some of them and survival elements that fit the franchise, such as breeding and hunting (which they shouldn't have taken out), but transforming it into a survival game, with elements such as hunger and thirst for example.example, it doesn't match for me. And I also wouldn't like more realistic gameplay, because one of the things that attracts me most about Far Cry is precisely the arcade gameplay, like the fact that you can carry three long weapons and a pistol.instead of the generic two long guns and a pistol, the various forms of stealth takedowns such as the aerial takedown, the chain takedown, the pistol takedown, the knife throw takedown, etc. and also the speed and agility in the character's actions and mobility.
The Division 2 is still getting "seasonal content" updates. They are basically only alive currently because of Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft is a live service game company, not a company trying to get into live service or who it angling to increase it's shares or anything, it's just a live service company.
It could be interesting to have some kind of main plot that is timed, but perhaps after you rescue your family you can continue to roam and do side stuff. Who knows. It did always feel kinda weird to play big open world games and do all kinds of silly side quests when your loved ones are on the line. Maybe they are trying to fix that.
@reallypatientgamer But once you've beaten the main quest, the side quest become pointless. It's like beating a game and continuing to play it without starting New Game +. The Arkham games and Spiderman games both allowed you to keep playing after you beat the story, but it just feels empty to do that unless you're going for the platinum and you need to collect a couple final Riddler trophies or stop a couple more random crimes to get that completion.
@ I get that. But I feel like that’s mostly due to poor quest design. There are side quests in games like Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk that are totally worth playing even if you were to finish the campaign. We will have to see.
I personally hope it's not like that. If you can just do all the side content and open world stuff after you rescue your family and don't have to worry about the timer anymore, then what was even the point of a timer in the first place? Unfortunately, I think you're probably right and they won't commit.
Luke on the extraction shooter topic. What I've found is that reason most new extraction shooters aren't super popular is because they 1) don't really target the audience that plays tarkov and are going for a more casual audience. 2) the loot you get in the games doesn't feel good and 3) they aren't military sim, one best about escape from tarkov is that its a military sim and a extraction shooter
I wish they would do a far cry set in Eastern Europe with classic monsters. Kind of like RE Village but with the FARCRY formula and a more serious tone than the past games.
Yo, they have had a great formula with farcry since 3, regardless of which one has the best story, i honestly enjoyed all ofv them, if they add this 24hr or timed shyt, they will fuk up the farcry name or at least make it meh ...
I think people should try out Dead Rising. Time limits aren’t bad, but you need enough content and a very good/accessible New Game+ system in order for a game to be engaging.
0 faith in the current state of Ubisoft. There is 99% chance they will be very safe uninspired repetitive game that will look like most games they made the past 10 years.
They are intentionally excluding 1 of the 4 Bartle types (Explorers - possibly their MOST common player type) in a series that already excluded one of them (Socializers - the co-op was meh at best). They are left with Killers (who usually prefer multiplayer anyway) and Achievers. Ticking clocks have to be handled carefully in games or the player just disengages because they feel like they've lost all control. Dead Rising got around that by essentially being an arcady pseudo-rogue like, where your previous play-throughs got you information and unlocks for subsequent play-throughs. Majora's Mask was all about a time loop, so it was intrinsic to the story.
I mean they outright cancelled the Division: Heartland. That game didn't even have a chance to fail. It wasn't even dead on arrival because it never arrived. Hopefully they learned from it and can make something great within the FarCryverse.
3 and 4 were awesome and had almost identical formulas,I played through part 3 multiple times.5 was a little different such as selling pelts was the main source of income instead of using them to craft like 3 and 4 and gone were the transmission/bell towers to conquer and open up the map.Ive completed part 5 and enjoyed it overall with the minimal differences.I started part 6 quit then tried to go back to it a few months later and I think I'm gonna have to start a new one from what little I've seen it's a lot different from part 5 but people say it's the same in the long run.If they totally change the formula and remove the RPG elements and change other things I probably won't even play part 7.
Ubi should have experimented with Far Cry more long ago. And i dont even necessarily mean the way FC games are played, I mean slotting it into different themes. I remember they had that poll in 2015, and they were asking people like what kind of themes they would like to see in Far Cry. And it was stuff like spaghetti western, Jurassic Park, vampires and werewolves, zombies, space, etc. They didn't do the jurassic park one exactly, but released Primal. And zombies and space became a glorified DLC for FC5. They should have taken the FC formula of trapped on an island and gave them actual standalone games. I don't need a big main title, a smaller one would do. Like Miles Morales to Spiderman, or inFamous First Light is to infamous Second Son. Hell. Blood Dragons is a decent example. Give me a trapped on an island FC game with where I'm a monster hunter or on a zombie infested island.
I don't know, when I said Ubisoft should try something new, I meant like...ok so you know in that pirate game they made? I jumped on my ship and the crew was like half women going YARGGHHHH. I mean...c'mon. I guess what I meant is that they should try something different from being lame. Immersion Ubi, give it a try.
Far Cry gets a lot of flack for being the same game every time, but the mainline games are such comfort food for me. Simce Far Cry 3, I love that formula. A huge map, tonnes of things to do, bases to clear, weapons to buy, gear to upgrade and just dumb fun to be had
I would like for them to bring back the exp mechanic from far cry 5 where everytbing you did even minor against the villains in their territory contributed to fufilling the neter to engage them. Made it so yoy werent forced to do side missions you disliked. You could do anything and everything you wanted
Dead Rising is one of my favorite games of all time, so this has me extremely interested. Games with time limits have potential to be incredible experiences and replayable as hell. Pikmin, Dead Rising, Majoras Mask, Fallout 1-2 are all goated and have time constraints
Ubisoft already has an extraction shooter. It's a Survival in Division 1, the only alive and popular activity in Division 1 today. Division fans demand it to be continued since it is introduced.
Really not a fan of the time limit. I think the best way to have done it would be like how mass effect did loyalty missions where depending on if you took the time to do certain missions you would have consequences positive or negative.
I understand that including a time limit element to FarCry is something different, but that doesnt mean its needed. Alot of fans of FarCry prefer to take our time in these games, and just explore. Lately games have been releasing with lackluster stories, so even though it should be obvious, i would prefer a FarCry game that has an excellent story and characters.
I don't think the issue with Extraction shooters is that there's too many in the genre itself, but rather the kind of people it attracts. Most of the people who play extraction shooters sweat in those games. And they pretty much only play those games. So you are appealing to a genre where people who play are typically dedicated to their game and their game only. The only people you would get are those who haven't been nabbed by the others yet, or those who are tired of their original one and want a new fix. So the question would be, what would their version do that the others aren't and are looking for
It would be a little less painful if the put time limits only on specific missions where you rescue family members. Not when roaming the game. But overall I would never ever put a time limit on a Far Cry game.
Hearing that Ubi is changing the FC formula concerns me. Repetetive or not. Every FC game should feature the same classic gameplay from FC3 and 4 such as: . Activate towers . Capture outposts . Capture strongholds . Reduce the enemy's precence in certain areas of the map after capturing outposts and strongholds. . Collect max 3 different types of items . Discover locations . Do activities and side missions The stories, plots and setting should always be different though. I could play the two over and over and never get bored. They already changed the gameplay a bit in FC6 and that didn't go so well.
doesn't matter what "formula" they change it to. the fact there is a "formula" at all means it will become boring and repetitive. the assassin's creed "formula" was good until they rammed it into the ground.
Depends on the how the rest of the game then is structured & how the story plays out, it could work. Honestly it could work, as long as it generous. If the story is about something that needs to be take care of as soon as possible then it should be a time-limit. Hate when games give you a story thats on paper is very urgent and yet you have all the time you ever need. Fallout1, Xcom 1/2, Dead Rising, Pathfinder Kingmaker for example are games that do stay true of their timelimit and they are better for it
The fact that this has happened before shows how quickly the stock market can ruin companies. Yes, Ubisoft wouldn't be as big as they are without being publicly traded, however when the goal becomes maximizing shareholder value over the short term for thousands of people that couldn't care less about the actual value you provide for customers, then this is the kind of braindead nonsense you get. It's the very same thing that the music and film industries have experienced for decades. CEO's and high level management get fired all the time for trying to do right by customers instead of shareholders, which is why all we have is money hungry goblins in these positions nowadays.
Far Cry 7 should be in a beautiful lush green setting like the Amazon Rainforest with survival elements and ton of wildlife. I'm sure i will succeed or they should remake FC Primal with more depth and detail.
They already have Division which is the most underrated game. Division is Ubisoft best game. It has it flaws but the details in Division is second to none. Division 1 is still a very Great game.
dont even care about the franchise anymore after 6 but if they can change things and actually make a good game, I might check it out but it's a huge might.
So, there is 2 Far Cry games coming? I do like the idea more now of the 72 hour thing, I just hope that if you do do it within the time, that any side missions or collectibles etc to get trophies, you can still play and roam the map after you complete it. I also dont want this to me a multiplayer game, Im all for a change in the series, just dont fuck it up, its always been a single player game, maybe a few trophies are co-op, OK thats fine, just keep it like that.
Deadlines and time pressures are for real life, real families and real jobs. Videogames are for escaping that crap and immersing in a cool stay-cation.
I like a lot of the themes and settings of Far Cry, I just think the IP is a bit stale. They should do a new IP and make it a bit more linear but keep a lot of the themes I think
Been FC fan for years. I do not like the time limit, however, it depends - if they go for FC2 vibes, might be good, if it relies on you exploring a bit at least - I am out, I want to be wandering through the woods and getting attacked by animals. Imho if they want to make something different, sth like Primal would be more than welcomed (by myself).
This is the first time I’m hearing of a real world time limit in a game. Does that mean the game gets blocked if I don’t complete it within that time minute? I don’t get it
I’m a huge far cry fan. I don’t like that they tried to get too political in the last one. As long as they focus on gameplay innovations, and other things, I am all in.
Trying new things is good but not if they haven’t perfected the previous additions. They added more rpg elements and stuff and it’s so surface level it might as well not be in the game. Why not put an emphasis on play agency instead of a gimmick like a timer? I’m fine with the idea but not if it takes away from other elements that need more refinement.
I’ll be honest, I like Far Cry and Assassins Creed both mostly the way that they are. I want improvements and tweaks, but not necessarily giant formula changes. New IP call for new systems and formats, but let the beloved IP do what they do best.
The formula is fine just update the combat, make a more interesting open world and for the love of god hire competent writers tell a good fucking story
I've played and finished every Far Cry since Far Cry 2 and will not buy a game that has real time limits. Fuck games that don't respect my time. They're for fun occasionally in my spare time, not the main focus of my life.
Might be an unpopular opinion but I'm not tired of the Far Cry formula. It's one of my favorite game series. My thoughts are keep the formula just makes sure there are great characters. I liked 6 but felt it was kinda lacking in the character department
But I like the formula... Literally the formula works, they just don't have anything good anymore. The AI us DUMB DUMB, the bases are just copies of each other. The only problem with the recent far cry games is the fact that it's just repetitive. The actual formula is fine.
I had a good time with Far Cry 3-5...I even had a good time with New Dawn, but it was a bit strange...I didn't like Far Cry 6 at all though...I don't care for most Ubisoft games, but I did enjoy Far Cry for a long time...
Star wars outlaws is what happens when you churn out the same formula for 10 plus years and expect a reskin to be enough to sell copies. The formula worked, but it's very dated and standards have moved forward.
Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s good. If they turned far cry into a 2d platformer, that would be completely different, but doesn’t mean it’s good
As someone who works for a living and plays games for relaxing and chilling when I feel like it. I'm mot interested in being obliged to "work" at a game because of a stupid real life time limit. I like the Farcry games I've played all the major Farcry games on PC even "Blood Dragon" and the average "New Dawn" over the years. This will be a miss. Good on you who likes this idea. No for me though.
Miss me with the time limit.
I'm not tired of the Far Cry formula, but I am tired of how it has been implemented, They treat too many things as a joke. It's time for a darker, more serious approach, but with the exotic locations as we know them.
This is why i've missed Far Cry 2 for so long. Far cry 3 was a nice balance between humor and seriousness.
Idk I personally like it.
Exactly this. I still want a return to Far Cry 2 form. Immersive, in game paper map, gritty tone.
How is a time limit not serious?
@@TheAndrewJohnBennett I think the implication is that the time limit is a change to the formula. He's saying he likes the old formula but just wants one that is more serious. Which I tend to agree with.
Not too interested in the 24-hour time limit. I’m one who likes to take their time in games and soak in the environments so this is basically DOA for me.
Yeah feels like it's giving them an excuse to not include any side content. The problem was a lack of good continent for Ubisoft open world games, not an unwillingness to do side content
@@Penigalewhat’s so wrong with having a game on a time limit for it be something different, Why does every game you play have to be the same?
@@tommystebbs I think in theory the concept could work though I don’t like idea of. I have little faith in Ubisoft to make it work though
@@Penigale literally just wait and see. Don't know why you're theorising about the motive for a game you've never seen before
It was DOA for me when I saw it was Ubisoft.
The last thing an open world game needs is a time limit. That just makes me think the world isn't worth exploring.
There will be 500 towers and 1000 scraps of paper to find
Capcom made a time limit work in the Dead Rising games, although the first couple weren’t entirely open world. I wouldn’t have faith in Ubisoft to pull of this concept, haven’t liked Far Cry since 4 or Primal
@@kylewhitmore5954and I hated it there too despite the games being great
@@kylewhitmore5954that just tells me I’ll never try dead rising.
Would honestly love it if they could bring Far Cry 2 vibes back and make it feel like a survival shooter. Stalker 2 is a really good example of that...
So much this
I honestly doubt that's gonna happen your still gonna get basically far cry 6 but with more stuff
@@rhyssuy8361 Lol yup exactly why people are playing Stalker 2
Man at this point I’d take a Far Cry 2 remaster, it’s the only game we can’t play on modern consoles, i hate remasters for the sake of remasters but I feel like 2 would benefit from it
"Fair game Dollar Sign" gets me every time
that one and AC ValaHA always get me too
The time limit makes me think it isn't going to be a fully open world...Either that or we are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle! A hard limit of 24 real hours would be the shortest open world game I have ever seen...
Putting a time limit in far cry imo isn't good. It just makes the whole open world aspect feel useless. I think they should focus on choices you make that alters the story and relationships of the characters in the game. It would be cool to see how your actions can make you villian or have characters turn against you.
Different doesn't always mean good. Time limits just aren't fun. Pass.
So then what the fuck do you want?
Pizza tower.
@@Avajsb-rv7gw what's pizza tower?
Ubisoft - I know we're on the verge of bankruptcy but I think an extraction shooter would be amazing
they better be doing new battle royale game with NFTs. I heard this is the future of gaming.
@@Igoreshkin Oh definitely. Their recent NFT game is going to take off and become popular any day now.
I didn't realise Ubisoft could make Far Cry any worse. They sure surprised me
The time limit should be a separate game mode but I do love far cry series getting a insane shake up . Having high replay value in a open world game is interesting .
The time limit sounds like an excuse to have it as content deprived as possible
Yeah, but the "content" in Ubisoft games isn't very good to begin with. So... maybe it's for the best
@@ryancialone3045 WAY better than the abhorrent content bloat of 6. This timer could be a cool change.
Personally for me, setting a time limit to finish Far Cry or any game is one of the worst possible ideas to put in a game, because playing in a hurry is one of the worst things there is, you basically doesn't enjoy the game properly, besides playing in a way that you probably wouldn't play, just to keep the time on the clock, which for a franchise known for its freedom of approach would be horrible. Furthermore, Far Cry is an open world and having a time limit to finish the campaign would take away the incentive to explore and do secondary missions, which would be funny, since marketing would talk a lot about exploitation.And even if the game were linear, besides taking away one of Far Cry's characteristics, which is the open world, the time limit wouldn't fit anyway.
It's not in the rumors, but something that I see that a lot of people wanted but that I personally don't agree with, is to transform Far Cry into a more realistic and survival game. I even like some of them and survival elements that fit the franchise, such as breeding and hunting (which they shouldn't have taken out), but transforming it into a survival game, with elements such as hunger and thirst for example.example, it doesn't match for me.
And I also wouldn't like more realistic gameplay, because one of the things that attracts me most about Far Cry is precisely the arcade gameplay, like the fact that you can carry three long weapons and a pistol.instead of the generic two long guns and a pistol, the various forms of stealth takedowns such as the aerial takedown, the chain takedown, the pistol takedown, the knife throw takedown, etc. and also the speed and agility in the character's actions and mobility.
Time limit works for dead rising
The Division 2 is still getting "seasonal content" updates. They are basically only alive currently because of Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft is a live service game company, not a company trying to get into live service or who it angling to increase it's shares or anything, it's just a live service company.
Division 2 fell off HARD.
I want a new far cry set in the USA.
Loved FC5.
I couldn't care less where it's set as long as the game is good. Loved FC5 too.
meh, so many interesting places in the world and it has to revolve around the USA
I've been saying for years that they should go back to the Far Cry 2 formula. But to be fair, I don't know if modern gamers would like it.
It could be interesting to have some kind of main plot that is timed, but perhaps after you rescue your family you can continue to roam and do side stuff. Who knows. It did always feel kinda weird to play big open world games and do all kinds of silly side quests when your loved ones are on the line. Maybe they are trying to fix that.
@reallypatientgamer But once you've beaten the main quest, the side quest become pointless. It's like beating a game and continuing to play it without starting New Game +. The Arkham games and Spiderman games both allowed you to keep playing after you beat the story, but it just feels empty to do that unless you're going for the platinum and you need to collect a couple final Riddler trophies or stop a couple more random crimes to get that completion.
@ I get that. But I feel like that’s mostly due to poor quest design. There are side quests in games like Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk that are totally worth playing even if you were to finish the campaign. We will have to see.
I personally hope it's not like that. If you can just do all the side content and open world stuff after you rescue your family and don't have to worry about the timer anymore, then what was even the point of a timer in the first place? Unfortunately, I think you're probably right and they won't commit.
Far Cry Majoras Mask does sound a little interesting. But fully based on execution.
Luke on the extraction shooter topic. What I've found is that reason most new extraction shooters aren't super popular is because they 1) don't really target the audience that plays tarkov and are going for a more casual audience. 2) the loot you get in the games doesn't feel good and 3) they aren't military sim, one best about escape from tarkov is that its a military sim and a extraction shooter
I wish they would do a far cry set in Eastern Europe with classic monsters. Kind of like RE Village but with the FARCRY formula and a more serious tone than the past games.
Yo, they have had a great formula with farcry since 3, regardless of which one has the best story, i honestly enjoyed all ofv them, if they add this 24hr or timed shyt, they will fuk up the farcry name or at least make it meh ...
I definitely won’t be buying far cry 7 if it’s time based, not a game for me I like to take my time and enjoy the game not rush through it!!
I think people should try out Dead Rising. Time limits aren’t bad, but you need enough content and a very good/accessible New Game+ system in order for a game to be engaging.
@@heroicgangster9981 I loved Dead Rising back in the day but playing it now with a timer is just annoying. I stopped after a few hours.
0 faith in the current state of Ubisoft. There is 99% chance they will be very safe uninspired repetitive game that will look like most games they made the past 10 years.
They are intentionally excluding 1 of the 4 Bartle types (Explorers - possibly their MOST common player type) in a series that already excluded one of them (Socializers - the co-op was meh at best). They are left with Killers (who usually prefer multiplayer anyway) and Achievers. Ticking clocks have to be handled carefully in games or the player just disengages because they feel like they've lost all control. Dead Rising got around that by essentially being an arcady pseudo-rogue like, where your previous play-throughs got you information and unlocks for subsequent play-throughs. Majora's Mask was all about a time loop, so it was intrinsic to the story.
I mean they outright cancelled the Division: Heartland. That game didn't even have a chance to fail. It wasn't even dead on arrival because it never arrived. Hopefully they learned from it and can make something great within the FarCryverse.
Time limit sounds amazing as an optional thing. Like if it could mechanically or story wise change the game to make sense then I’m all for it.
3 and 4 were awesome and had almost identical formulas,I played through part 3 multiple times.5 was a little different such as selling pelts was the main source of income instead of using them to craft like 3 and 4 and gone were the transmission/bell towers to conquer and open up the map.Ive completed part 5 and enjoyed it overall with the minimal differences.I started part 6 quit then tried to go back to it a few months later and I think I'm gonna have to start a new one from what little I've seen it's a lot different from part 5 but people say it's the same in the long run.If they totally change the formula and remove the RPG elements and change other things I probably won't even play part 7.
As a person who gets burnout in open worlds from doing all the side content - I like the idea of a doomsday timer
Right, and it might actually give the game more replayability.
Good to hear that they're trying something different
I think time limits suck. But having it as a different game mode with leaderboards would be a cool addition. Could be cool for the Speedrun community
Already know I'm not buying.
Ubi should have experimented with Far Cry more long ago. And i dont even necessarily mean the way FC games are played, I mean slotting it into different themes.
I remember they had that poll in 2015, and they were asking people like what kind of themes they would like to see in Far Cry. And it was stuff like spaghetti western, Jurassic Park, vampires and werewolves, zombies, space, etc. They didn't do the jurassic park one exactly, but released Primal. And zombies and space became a glorified DLC for FC5. They should have taken the FC formula of trapped on an island and gave them actual standalone games. I don't need a big main title, a smaller one would do. Like Miles Morales to Spiderman, or inFamous First Light is to infamous Second Son. Hell. Blood Dragons is a decent example. Give me a trapped on an island FC game with where I'm a monster hunter or on a zombie infested island.
I don't know, when I said Ubisoft should try something new, I meant like...ok so you know in that pirate game they made? I jumped on my ship and the crew was like half women going YARGGHHHH. I mean...c'mon. I guess what I meant is that they should try something different from being lame. Immersion Ubi, give it a try.
Far Cry gets a lot of flack for being the same game every time, but the mainline games are such comfort food for me. Simce Far Cry 3, I love that formula. A huge map, tonnes of things to do, bases to clear, weapons to buy, gear to upgrade and just dumb fun to be had
I would like for them to bring back the exp mechanic from far cry 5 where everytbing you did even minor against the villains in their territory contributed to fufilling the neter to engage them. Made it so yoy werent forced to do side missions you disliked. You could do anything and everything you wanted
Dead Rising is one of my favorite games of all time, so this has me extremely interested. Games with time limits have potential to be incredible experiences and replayable as hell. Pikmin, Dead Rising, Majoras Mask, Fallout 1-2 are all goated and have time constraints
I hate timers in open world games, I played dead rising once with a trainer that removed the timer it was so much better
Far Cry Alaska with a twisted story like FC5 would be game of the year.
They said the same thing about Far Cry 5 and all they added was a dog companion.
Ubisoft already has an extraction shooter. It's a Survival in Division 1, the only alive and popular activity in Division 1 today. Division fans demand it to be continued since it is introduced.
Care free sandbox to a timed sand box could be a disaster for its core audience but could have been a good spin off idea
The reason why I love 6 is that there's so much things to do and I love taking my time so idk about this timer haha
Really not a fan of the time limit. I think the best way to have done it would be like how mass effect did loyalty missions where depending on if you took the time to do certain missions you would have consequences positive or negative.
I understand that including a time limit element to FarCry is something different, but that doesnt mean its needed. Alot of fans of FarCry prefer to take our time in these games, and just explore. Lately games have been releasing with lackluster stories, so even though it should be obvious, i would prefer a FarCry game that has an excellent story and characters.
I don't think the issue with Extraction shooters is that there's too many in the genre itself, but rather the kind of people it attracts. Most of the people who play extraction shooters sweat in those games. And they pretty much only play those games. So you are appealing to a genre where people who play are typically dedicated to their game and their game only. The only people you would get are those who haven't been nabbed by the others yet, or those who are tired of their original one and want a new fix. So the question would be, what would their version do that the others aren't and are looking for
It would be a little less painful if the put time limits only on specific missions where you rescue family members. Not when roaming the game.
But overall I would never ever put a time limit on a Far Cry game.
Hearing that Ubi is changing the FC formula concerns me. Repetetive or not. Every FC game should feature the same classic gameplay from FC3 and 4 such as:
. Activate towers
. Capture outposts
. Capture strongholds
. Reduce the enemy's precence in certain areas of the map after capturing outposts and strongholds.
. Collect max 3 different types of items
. Discover locations
. Do activities and side missions
The stories, plots and setting should always be different though. I could play the two over and over and never get bored. They already changed the gameplay a bit in FC6 and that didn't go so well.
Imma be honest, I can’t believe there’s even a seventh one coming.
You can probably save the family without ending the story, sounds interesting at least, more than what could be said for the last 3 Far Crys
doesn't matter what "formula" they change it to.
the fact there is a "formula" at all means it will become boring and repetitive.
the assassin's creed "formula" was good until they rammed it into the ground.
Depends on the how the rest of the game then is structured & how the story plays out, it could work. Honestly it could work, as long as it generous. If the story is about something that needs to be take care of as soon as possible then it should be a time-limit. Hate when games give you a story thats on paper is very urgent and yet you have all the time you ever need. Fallout1, Xcom 1/2, Dead Rising, Pathfinder Kingmaker for example are games that do stay true of their timelimit and they are better for it
The fact that this has happened before shows how quickly the stock market can ruin companies. Yes, Ubisoft wouldn't be as big as they are without being publicly traded, however when the goal becomes maximizing shareholder value over the short term for thousands of people that couldn't care less about the actual value you provide for customers, then this is the kind of braindead nonsense you get. It's the very same thing that the music and film industries have experienced for decades. CEO's and high level management get fired all the time for trying to do right by customers instead of shareholders, which is why all we have is money hungry goblins in these positions nowadays.
Far Cry 7 should be in a beautiful lush green setting like the Amazon Rainforest with survival elements and ton of wildlife.
I'm sure i will succeed or they should remake FC Primal with more depth and detail.
They already have Division which is the most underrated game. Division is Ubisoft best game. It has it flaws but the details in Division is second to none. Division 1 is still a very Great game.
There is a reason why the time limit thing is not in all game.
Honestly I love the idea in retrospect but the game will feel rushed so we miss out alot if cool details
Changing something that isn’t broken
The DR style time limit is a cool game mechanic, but for FC? They really just need to step back and figure put how to make a proper deep open world
Not a fan of a time limit. I would prefer to have it be a choice of priorities.
I want Charles Dance aka Tywin Lannister as the villain in the new far cry game
dont even care about the franchise anymore after 6 but if they can change things and actually make a good game, I might check it out but it's a huge might.
So, there is 2 Far Cry games coming? I do like the idea more now of the 72 hour thing, I just hope that if you do do it within the time, that any side missions or collectibles etc to get trophies, you can still play and roam the map after you complete it. I also dont want this to me a multiplayer game, Im all for a change in the series, just dont fuck it up, its always been a single player game, maybe a few trophies are co-op, OK thats fine, just keep it like that.
The time limit thing is stupid 😅. No shot! I was bored with the last game in this series, and I don't think this will sway me
Deadlines and time pressures are for real life, real families and real jobs. Videogames are for escaping that crap and immersing in a cool stay-cation.
I like a lot of the themes and settings of Far Cry, I just think the IP is a bit stale. They should do a new IP and make it a bit more linear but keep a lot of the themes I think
Ubisoft needs to realise people have jobs and lives and can’t spend 247 playing their games..
Been FC fan for years. I do not like the time limit, however, it depends - if they go for FC2 vibes, might be good, if it relies on you exploring a bit at least - I am out, I want to be wandering through the woods and getting attacked by animals. Imho if they want to make something different, sth like Primal would be more than welcomed (by myself).
This is the first time I’m hearing of a real world time limit in a game. Does that mean the game gets blocked if I don’t complete it within that time minute? I don’t get it
I’m a huge far cry fan. I don’t like that they tried to get too political in the last one. As long as they focus on gameplay innovations, and other things, I am all in.
Trying new things is good but not if they haven’t perfected the previous additions. They added more rpg elements and stuff and it’s so surface level it might as well not be in the game. Why not put an emphasis on play agency instead of a gimmick like a timer? I’m fine with the idea but not if it takes away from other elements that need more refinement.
This one will be more flip than the rest. Ubisoft for once should listen to the players
I’ll be honest, I like Far Cry and Assassins Creed both mostly the way that they are. I want improvements and tweaks, but not necessarily giant formula changes. New IP call for new systems and formats, but let the beloved IP do what they do best.
The time limit this is always a hard pass for me
The formula is fine just update the combat, make a more interesting open world and for the love of god hire competent writers tell a good fucking story
Call me crazy, but adding a ticking clock doesn't seem that much of a departure
I think the farcry formula is fine but I don’t want to liberate outposts all day
I've played and finished every Far Cry since Far Cry 2 and will not buy a game that has real time limits. Fuck games that don't respect my time. They're for fun occasionally in my spare time, not the main focus of my life.
Yuck, time limit? Pass. Guess another Ubisoft franchise I give up on.
After so many years the only new mechanic they come up with is time limit??? Ubersoft can you shut down quicker?
The Division 2 is still going strong and it's a Looter Shooter
I like it but please make a no time limit mode available on day 1
Might be an unpopular opinion but I'm not tired of the Far Cry formula. It's one of my favorite game series. My thoughts are keep the formula just makes sure there are great characters. I liked 6 but felt it was kinda lacking in the character department
Which one would you recommend to a new player?
@arthurg7894 I'd start with far cry 3
@@Dinohunter83 Thanks!
The " Formula." Has change after Far Cry instict.
I’m sure tencent will figure it out
Real time limitations are stupid af
I have plenty of existential stress. I don’t need video games to help with that.
Make it 3Person Stealth, similar to GR Wildlands story wise & narrative. Obviously better graphically & animation wise!
I just want division 3 to do good, this Ubisoft thing got me stressing for the division 3
Man, real life is stressful enough. Gaming is to de-stress and take a break, not create a NEW source for stress - "existential" or not.
I thought he said that's 72 real hours? That's a long time in a game
If the open world is as big as Far Cry 6, then the time limit is gonna be annoying.
But I like the formula... Literally the formula works, they just don't have anything good anymore. The AI us DUMB DUMB, the bases are just copies of each other. The only problem with the recent far cry games is the fact that it's just repetitive. The actual formula is fine.
I had a good time with Far Cry 3-5...I even had a good time with New Dawn, but it was a bit strange...I didn't like Far Cry 6 at all though...I don't care for most Ubisoft games, but I did enjoy Far Cry for a long time...
Star wars outlaws is what happens when you churn out the same formula for 10 plus years and expect a reskin to be enough to sell copies. The formula worked, but it's very dated and standards have moved forward.
@@PenigaleSpeak for yourself. Why can't games be the same sometimes? People clearly wants it. Otherwise it wouldn't have sold as good as it it.
Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s good. If they turned far cry into a 2d platformer, that would be completely different, but doesn’t mean it’s good
Reminds me of FC2 where your characters sick
Ubisoft about to make the true Dead Rising 4
I really dislike the in-game timer. I want to take my time and enjoy myself. If they implement this, I will not be buying it.
As someone who works for a living and plays games for relaxing and chilling when I feel like it. I'm mot interested in being obliged to "work" at a game because of a stupid real life time limit. I like the Farcry games I've played all the major Farcry games on PC even "Blood Dragon" and the average "New Dawn" over the years. This will be a miss. Good on you who likes this idea. No for me though.
It would be great if it can be the greatest one in the franchise.
Adding a time limit to my 70 dollar game..Aah ubisoft