Common Sense You could be right but I thought the first was actually the shortest delivered by Neville Chamberlain when he declared he had a piece of paper guaranteeing peace in our time!
MozilloGames Harriet Harmon is just as much the establishment as Cameron and whoever leads the Illiberal Demoprats. Fact is, British democracy has become a complete charade with elite school trained idiots who know nothing about real life dictating to us that it's time to tighten the belt. They tighten the belt for some perverse sex act or to inject drugs into the arm! Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep decide what's for dinner. We need a Republic. Kick that bitch out of Westminster, Clean up the City of London, and build a proud, just and fair nation..... Like the one we had ......
Common Sense Third longest suicide note after Ed Miliband's manifesto. Can't believe that he said the Conservative budget sounded like something from the Land that time Forget, clearly has never listened to himself.
Please let this man lead the Labour Party in 2020. If he can crack the party whip and reign in all the Blairite MPs who will stand against him and lead a genuinely left wing mainstream party at the general election, I reckon Labour will win back my vote from the alternative left parties.
Jordan Toft It would be good if all the Blairites leave to form their own party if Jeremy becomes leader. Maybe Tony Blair himself can become their leader. Let's see how many votes they get compared to a left wing progressive Labour Party.
He may well be popular among Labour's core vote but he would bomb out terribly among the general electorate. His views on immigration and Muslim terrorism in particular would just be poison for Labour. Those are the sort of views that would see their white working class base defect en masse to UKIP.
Jordan Toft As a conservative voter I fully back Corbyn for leadership of the Labour party! It will be brilliant because when he loses the election (and he will) the left cant whinge about being poorly represented. Michael Hester Absolutely spot on. Labour has come to an impasse. The working class want action on immigration and muslim extremism. Labour has to either cling to its old hypocritical politically correct, liberal rhetoric and lose its core voters or go tough on immigration and terrorism. I cant see how the party wont be divided come the next election. RIP Labour, you wont be missed.
daz samuels Tory voters are scum, parasitic middle englanders leeching off my generation. Corbyn is trying to be our voice, not everything revolves around middle england daily mail reading scum
***** It's precisely because I do not hate the party that I'd like to see someone with integrity leading them, who isn't a neo-liberal puppet of rich elitists.
***** I am against ANY religion exerting it's dominance over our country, our politics or our lives. That said, I do not fear Muslims, because the vast majority of them are nicer to me than the Christians and other people who were born and raised here. I have a greater fear of xenophobic and extremist right-wingers, seeking to cause even greater division through racial tension, rather than unity and peace.
Well you should be far far more afraid of the rise of Islam. Liberals, feminists, atheists and gay people will be the first to suffer as Islam gains in influence. The fact that some of these people think they're on the same side as "oppressed" Muslims would be laughable if it were not so serious. I say that belonging to two of those groups, being gay and atheist (arguably three if I call myself a feminist for believing in equal treatment for women).
Michael Hester I respect your opinion, but I am far more concerned with the way the Tories are terrorising the unemployed, the disabled and low paid workers. We're more likely to die as a result of Tory policies than we are to be killed by Muslims.
***** I assure you that I take the threat of Tory terrorism very seriously. How many disabled people have died after being declared fit for work and then having their support taken away? How many mentally ill people have been driven to suicide, because nobody takes their mental health issues seriously? The Tories have killed far more than extremist Muslims in Britain ever have.
beardyfluffbag Why do all left wingers make such radical, nasty and false assumptions? Like you just did. I never said dont treat muslims like people. Please can you tell me why do you demonize me? No Corbyn fails to hold Islam responsible for extremism. Obviously I think we should treat muslims as people and obviously most of them arent violent. But islamic terrorism not an exception anymore it is now a rule. Islam needs to sort its house out. And that means peaceful muslims getting involved. Muslims should be fighting ISIS, not us.
beardyfluffbag Oh my god, its like you wont hear a bad word about Islam! I mean failing to tackle extremism at the source in general, by religious leaders etc. Do you seriously believe that the muslim community is doing everything it can to stop its members from becoming extreme and brutally murdering innocent people? Geez, grow a brain!
Well that's fine then because I believe that the Conservative government is causing more deaths in Britain than Islam is in Britain. So I can be outraged at them without being hypocritical. I am against nasty people who hurt others and a much higher proportion of the conservatives than Muslims are those things.
Steve Brodowski Yup thats true, If labour continue the way they are going they are fucked. Labour have been getting less and less seats in every election since 1997, and that includes after a 5 year conservative government. They need to fundamentally change if they dont want to continue to lose voters to UKIP/CON. Although personally I wouldnt mind the labour party disappearing alltogether!
I hope & pray that Jeremy is elected to be Labour Party leader. He is a truly decent person and his politics are 100% spot on. END AUSTERITY IN THE UK NOW !
Nobody can say that Jeremy isn't telling the truth here and there's a large number of people who will see through the Tory budget and listen to Mr Corbyn. I will be voting for him for leader.
alex apperley Ewwwww ... you like Thatcher? .... i guess you were a fan of Jimmy Saville too ? ... lmao ... what's up private? didnt mommy and daddy give you enough cuddles as a child ... ? lmao no man is an island... and if you didnt notice, selling off the public assets, like that Witch did, started the race to the bottom ... but then i guess thinking isnt your strong point pal ... leave the thinking to those who are better equipped Jeremy Corbyn ;)
lmao .. by the way, CaMoron and Osbourne aint solving shite, they are just rigging the figures to fool dick heads like you that your precious ill gotten gains are safe ... once they have finished the war on the poor , your kind will be next (your pensions, your home, your job) ... lmao ... dont say i didnt warn you .... you self hating sell out ;)
alex apperley .. well i seem to have alot more than you pal ... besides, considering you are such a Tory fanboy, one has to wonder why you are so sad angry and fearful ? ... did mommy and daddy send you off to Eton or Cambridge, where you were taught to embrace the sense of self superiority, and to hate the working class, while learning to love taking it up the arse, on the promise that one day you too would be able to be an abuser ? .. lmao ... Tory Boy ,, all that privelege and your heart is still full of hate and your soul void of vision ... you had enough yet ? or shall we return to talking specifics about the economy or tax avoidance, or the movement of public money into private hands, or the infamous Peadophiles .. pick your topic toryboy and lube yourself up in preperation for what is coming boyo ;)
i really hope he becomes leader. 10 yrs ago i would have said socialism had done its job and was no longer needed. now we need them back. lets all vote for him. they havent got a clue how hard it is for some families with children who dont earn lots of money. i really struggled when my children were small before i could go to work so i know what a struggle it is.
I'm a Labour member who will definitely be voting for Jeremy. Labour have become a slightly lighter version of the Tory party, that is why so many people have deserted them. The idea that Labour lost the election because Miliband was too left wing is nonsense, the truth was a lot of people have become disenchanted with Labour after the Blair years which initially promised much but failed to deliver. We need a strong leader who is not going to pander to those Blairites that remain, as long as Labour continues to do that they will continue to lose elections. Ken Livingstone hit the nail on the head today, all those complaining about Corbyn and saying they'd leave if he wins the leadership election should leave the party as they're clearly in the wrong party in the first place. Labour is meant to be a party for the working class, pandering to bankers and corporations is not what the party was set up for.
Some very nervous people and comments here, I wonder why? It appears Jeremy has got a few worried. I voted for Jeremy and I'm very proud to be everything the Tories hate. Win or lose Jeremy has changed the Labour party for the better.
The guy who was recording this via Hypercam or whatever got a couple of Facebook notifications during this xD That was pretty fucking confusing, I thought mine had turned themselves back on somehow. ...but I digress. Very important speech.
Ownership is control - it's as simple as that. If the people of the UK have no ownership of essential services and other important assets then the UK people have no say over function, investment and profits. We are on course for a society in which a wealthy minority owns and controls everything we need and depend on from the water we drink to the highways we travel on.
Jeremy Corbyn. An accountable, honest and principled MP. A real independent minded human being in the House of Commons. Who knew. Voting for Jeremy Corbyn is a no brainer.
There is no point in just singing his praises. He needs support and votes. Become eligible to take part in the process and then vote for him, as well as Sadiq Khan for mayor, if you live in London.
Whilst the important speech is being made , other MPs are just going through their phones and flicking through papers and don't even seem the slightest bit bothered. Are they really paid to do this ? They seem very happy taking that pay cheque at the end of the month though right ?
Where oh where is the Opposition? The small scattering on the opposition benches include a woman sorting out her laptop and possibly handbag and a man texting. Is Corbyn the only Labour MP actually opposing this dreadful budget?
He is accused of bad financial policies and of not getting his money right. Jeremy had the lowest expenses of all during the 2009 expense scandal cause he rides his own bicycle. Yvette cooper spent over £600 on hanging baskets and plants.
All this love for jeremy Corbyn back then and still Torys cruel rule! And many determined to bring Corbyn down because he is a rare breed of politician who really cares!!🌹
Cant wait to vote for this man. Bring back old school and true labour values that were lost among the way through Blair. Labour will be strong and united under this man. Look out the Tories !!!!!
Here in 2020 to prove once again that the only way forward is through a progressive and sensible approach to quell most of the issues that have been swept under the carpet for far too long
I hope he becomes the labour leader.I would then look forward to the labour party and the SNP being a formidable opposition to this uncaring Tory party.
This man should lead the Labour Party. If any of the others got in it would make a mockery of it all. We would in effect have two "Tory Parties" where the point in that?
What power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system. Tony Benn
I didn't vote in the last election, like many others felt disillusioned with the rhetoric and direction of the Labour party. JC is a breathe of fresh air and will have my full support.
This man understand the meaning of opposition. I really hope he can face Cameron, and really show people what kind of interests Cameron really protects.
finally a real politician who speaks of real issues and tells real truth. in the last election I voted, SNP i voted this way as in Scotland their was no other choice for anyone who wanted to see some positive changes. now that labour has clearly accepted that they have failed all their supporters and has begun to adopt the type of politics they should have always followed then my vote will be back with labour. Cameron will be shaking in his boots.
SNP have stupid ideas of what independence is, u r not an independent nation if u then join the european union. A union which has proven itself to be extremely unstable and volatile. I do want independence but i want real independence. If i had only 2 choices, one to become supposedly independent and join the european union or stay in the union we already have, clearly it is a beyter situation to stay in the union we already have. I know this union is complete bullshit and was never actually meant to be, but it is far less dangerous than being controled by the european union. If we want or get independence which i do want, then that is what we need to be. SNP have failed all who gave them their vote.
This man speaks of the people and the issues facing them. Not of his party, and not to score points. He wants progress, and so should we. I desperately hope he makes some headway.
Why has Corbyn not come to the surface before? This talk is not far left indeed it is truthful and pragmatic. I do hope he becomes PM. He and Farage are the best. Now where are the rest of the good ones?
+Johnny Foreigner I think we will have to agree to disagree. In my view, the influence of the right-wing press in England will ensure that no Left Wing leader of the Labour Party will ever become PM. It is axiomatic to say it has happened elsewhere but I think Labour will be doomed if Corbyn is elected. Hard to believe that this many Labour members have not cottoned on to this yet.
Get him in. It won't make any difference, but at least he'll hold them to account if he's leader. He makes great points, he's the first politician in my life time who actually speaks for me.
What does it say about our government that so few people were in the chamber to hear this response? Thankfully when JC is out and about in the country, people are flocking to hear him in their thousands. Wake UP parliament!
He reminds me of a well meaning school teacher, honest, intellectual and willing to serve others , this comes as a complete surprise to me, utmost respect to the gentleman. rebel, radical, unelectable are all I've heard from the media already. That I find disgusting but it highlights the bias.
Why can't Labour understand that tax credits distorted the labour market and gave employers a green light to pay low wages knowing that the Government would pay the difference ? Effectively they created a 'tax credits ' trap. Ask any employer....its common knowledge.
This really should have been the official response from the labour party on the budget, instead of Harmon just going "Yeah, sure, whatever?"
Agreed ... maybe next time he will give the official response as leader?
zaygezunt It will probably be the second longest suicide note in English Political History....the first was delivered by Michael Foot
Common Sense You could be right but I thought the first was actually the shortest delivered by Neville Chamberlain when he declared he had a piece of paper guaranteeing peace in our time!
Harriet Harmon is just as much the establishment as Cameron and whoever leads the Illiberal Demoprats.
Fact is, British democracy has become a complete charade with elite school trained idiots who know nothing about real life dictating to us that it's time to tighten the belt. They tighten the belt for some perverse sex act or to inject drugs into the arm!
Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep decide what's for dinner.
We need a Republic. Kick that bitch out of Westminster, Clean up the City of London, and build a proud, just and fair nation..... Like the one we had ......
Common Sense Third longest suicide note after Ed Miliband's manifesto. Can't believe that he said the Conservative budget sounded like something from the Land that time Forget, clearly has never listened to himself.
Please let this man lead the Labour Party in 2020. If he can crack the party whip and reign in all the Blairite MPs who will stand against him and lead a genuinely left wing mainstream party at the general election, I reckon Labour will win back my vote from the alternative left parties.
Jordan Toft It would be good if all the Blairites leave to form their own party if Jeremy becomes leader. Maybe Tony Blair himself can become their leader. Let's see how many votes they get compared to a left wing progressive Labour Party.
Jordan Toft he is exactly what we need - put a clear red line between labour and cons
***** He's authentic and has been consistent throughout his life.
He may well be popular among Labour's core vote but he would bomb out terribly among the general electorate. His views on immigration and Muslim
terrorism in particular would just be poison for Labour. Those are the sort of views that would see their white working class base defect en masse to UKIP.
Jordan Toft As a conservative voter I fully back Corbyn for leadership of the Labour party!
It will be brilliant because when he loses the election (and he will) the left cant whinge about being poorly represented.
Michael Hester Absolutely spot on. Labour has come to an impasse. The working class want action on immigration and muslim extremism. Labour has to either cling to its old hypocritical politically correct, liberal rhetoric and lose its core voters or go tough on immigration and terrorism. I cant see how the party wont be divided come the next election.
RIP Labour, you wont be missed.
We need this man. Desperately.
Wonderful! Hoping beyond hope that Corbyn is elected as Labour's leader!
KG hope that Corbyn stays as Labour leader that would guarantee they wouldn't get in power
People don't just happen to keep having children
@@michaelharrison3602 what?
Why is the house not packed debating the budget. Because these MPs don't care about me or you.
Corbyn for leader.
Do you expect him to get in no 10?
Hell need to convince Tory voters
daz samuels And moderate Labour voters.
Rozmic if he can convince Tories I'm very surprised
Rozmic sure, I think we both realise its pie in the sky blue sky bullshit he's preaching.
daz samuels Tory voters are scum, parasitic middle englanders leeching off my generation. Corbyn is trying to be our voice, not everything revolves around middle england daily mail reading scum
I hope he becomes the labour leader.
***** It's precisely because I do not hate the party that I'd like to see someone with integrity leading them, who isn't a neo-liberal puppet of rich elitists.
***** I am against ANY religion exerting it's dominance over our country, our politics or our lives. That said, I do not fear Muslims, because the vast majority of them are nicer to me than the Christians and other people who were born and raised here. I have a greater fear of xenophobic and extremist right-wingers, seeking to cause even greater division through racial tension, rather than unity and peace.
Well you should be far far more afraid of the rise of Islam. Liberals, feminists, atheists and gay people will be the first to suffer as Islam gains in influence. The fact that some of these people think they're on the same side as "oppressed" Muslims would be laughable if it were not so serious. I say that belonging to two of those groups, being gay and atheist (arguably three if I call myself a feminist for believing in equal treatment for women).
Michael Hester I respect your opinion, but I am far more concerned with the way the Tories are terrorising the unemployed, the disabled and low paid workers. We're more likely to die as a result of Tory policies than we are to be killed by Muslims.
***** I assure you that I take the threat of Tory terrorism very seriously. How many disabled people have died after being declared fit for work and then having their support taken away? How many mentally ill people have been driven to suicide, because nobody takes their mental health issues seriously? The Tories have killed far more than extremist Muslims in Britain ever have.
Yes Jeremy!!!! True lefty sticking to the core principles that the party was founded upon! Power to him, power to the people
@Fred Freddy Not the 1900s and yet the people in our public sector are starving and freezing and scared for their children's lives
fantastic speech. The truth of Osborne's budget and expose of lies therein. Thank you Jeremy
big up jezza, saviour of workers
Bigglesworthicus Are you kidding? With his views on immigration, terrorism, islam etc the working class will leave him for UKIP in masses!
Scuba Sausage Yes because treating Muslims like people is such a terrible view.
beardyfluffbag Why do all left wingers make such radical, nasty and false assumptions? Like you just did. I never said dont treat muslims like people.
Please can you tell me why do you demonize me?
No Corbyn fails to hold Islam responsible for extremism. Obviously I think we should treat muslims as people and obviously most of them arent violent.
But islamic terrorism not an exception anymore it is now a rule. Islam needs to sort its house out. And that means peaceful muslims getting involved. Muslims should be fighting ISIS, not us.
beardyfluffbag Oh my god, its like you wont hear a bad word about Islam!
I mean failing to tackle extremism at the source in general, by religious leaders etc.
Do you seriously believe that the muslim community is doing everything it can to stop its members from becoming extreme and brutally murdering innocent people?
Geez, grow a brain!
Well that's fine then because I believe that the Conservative government is causing more deaths in Britain than Islam is in Britain. So I can be outraged at them without being hypocritical. I am against nasty people who hurt others and a much higher proportion of the conservatives than Muslims are those things.
Here here, if we continue in the way we go we're fucked, simple as that
Steve Brodowski Yup thats true, If labour continue the way they are going they are fucked. Labour have been getting less and less seats in every election since 1997, and that includes after a 5 year conservative government.
They need to fundamentally change if they dont want to continue to lose voters to UKIP/CON.
Although personally I wouldnt mind the labour party disappearing alltogether!
Scuba Sausage Just goes to show which lot can tell the most convincing lies!
If you're not sure about the man, just picture THIS coming from the frontbenches! I...CAN'T...WAIT!
+Ed O'Meara Oh, it's going to be good. I'll struggle to hide my grin during election season. Here comes hegemony!
Person I'm just waiting for PMQs! Poor old Cameron. Chap couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag.
***** That's a pretty stock reply. Anything better?
***** Well, don't vote for them!
***** Then don't vote for them!
awesome speaker, truthful, articulate, respectful and also on point.
The only British politician who chooses the truth as the first priority
I hope & pray that Jeremy is elected to be Labour Party leader.
He is a truly decent person and his politics are 100% spot on.
He won the Labour leadership contest 😁
We now have a General Election in 2019 which is a huge opportunity to change everyone's lives for the better 😊
Nobody can say that Jeremy isn't telling the truth here and there's a large number of people who will see through the Tory budget and listen to Mr Corbyn. I will be voting for him for leader.
check out Maggie last stand against socialism alot better than this crap
alex apperley
Ewwwww ... you like Thatcher? .... i guess you were a fan of Jimmy Saville too ? ... lmao ... what's up private? didnt mommy and daddy give you enough cuddles as a child ... ? lmao
no man is an island... and if you didnt notice, selling off the public assets, like that Witch did, started the race to the bottom ... but then i guess thinking isnt your strong point pal ...
leave the thinking to those who are better equipped Jeremy Corbyn ;)
lmao .. by the way, CaMoron and Osbourne aint solving shite, they are just rigging the figures to fool dick heads like you that your precious ill gotten gains are safe ... once they have finished the war on the poor , your kind will be next (your pensions, your home, your job) ... lmao ... dont say i didnt warn you .... you self hating sell out ;)
The Phantom Prophet omg you've hurt my feelings I'm offended by everything you say who can i complain too lol is that the best you got really
alex apperley
.. well i seem to have alot more than you pal ... besides, considering you are such a Tory fanboy, one has to wonder why you are so sad angry and fearful ? ... did mommy and daddy send you off to Eton or Cambridge, where you were taught to embrace the sense of self superiority, and to hate the working class, while learning to love taking it up the arse, on the promise that one day you too would be able to be an abuser ? .. lmao ... Tory Boy ,, all that privelege and your heart is still full of hate and your soul void of vision ...
you had enough yet ? or shall we return to talking specifics about the economy or tax avoidance, or the movement of public money into private hands, or the infamous Peadophiles .. pick your topic toryboy and lube yourself up in preperation for what is coming boyo ;)
A man of principle and a great speaker, the best of luck to him in the leadership campaign
Jeremy Corbyn you could actually do it couldn't you? Make Labour viable again.
i really hope he becomes leader. 10 yrs ago i would have said socialism had done its job and was no longer needed. now we need them back. lets all vote for him. they havent got a clue how hard it is for some families with children who dont earn lots of money. i really struggled when my children were small before i could go to work so i know what a struggle it is.
I'm a Labour member who will definitely be voting for Jeremy. Labour have become a slightly lighter version of the Tory party, that is why so many people have deserted them. The idea that Labour lost the election because Miliband was too left wing is nonsense, the truth was a lot of people have become disenchanted with Labour after the Blair years which initially promised much but failed to deliver. We need a strong leader who is not going to pander to those Blairites that remain, as long as Labour continues to do that they will continue to lose elections. Ken Livingstone hit the nail on the head today, all those complaining about Corbyn and saying they'd leave if he wins the leadership election should leave the party as they're clearly in the wrong party in the first place. Labour is meant to be a party for the working class, pandering to bankers and corporations is not what the party was set up for.
Still belive this shit ?
This guy is seriously good, far and away the best possible candidate for labour leadership.
This man should be leading our country.
thank you Jeremy - keep it up!
Some very nervous people and comments here, I wonder why? It appears Jeremy has got a few worried. I voted for Jeremy and I'm very proud to be everything the Tories hate. Win or lose Jeremy has changed the Labour party for the better.
Jeremy, The lone fighter for the people and human rights. 👍👍👍
The guy who was recording this via Hypercam or whatever got a couple of Facebook notifications during this xD That was pretty fucking confusing, I thought mine had turned themselves back on somehow.
...but I digress. Very important speech.
I feel sorry for the first mother who has triplets after this budget kicks in. It's not been thought out.
At 10:06 I was tricked into thinking I had a social life
Ownership is control - it's as simple as that. If the people of the UK have no ownership of essential services and other important assets then the UK people have no say over function, investment and profits. We are on course for a society in which a wealthy minority owns and controls everything we need and depend on from the water we drink to the highways we travel on.
Every time I hear Jezza speak, I want to hug him. Mega bae.
Ikr such a mad lad
tories and the queen will be shaking in their boots. c'mon corbyn u are the man to make a difference.
Jeremy Corbyn. An accountable, honest and principled MP. A real independent minded human being in the House of Commons. Who knew.
Voting for Jeremy Corbyn is a no brainer.
And a lot of no-brainers voted for him...
Anyone in doubt about the harm that the Tories are doing to our society should watch this!!
Hope this man leads Labour. Politician with great humility. Voicev for ordinary people not the super rich.
A politician with integrity. What is the world coming to?
Is it just me or is there facebook message notification dings in the background?!
where was he the entire time?
There is no point in just singing his praises. He needs support and votes.
Become eligible to take part in the process and then vote for him, as well
as Sadiq Khan for mayor, if you live in London.
at last a glimmer of light from a politician.
Someone talking sense. Eventually.
Can't wait for this man to be PM ... A genuinely caring man #jc4pm ASAP please 👍
Nah he's a nonce can we have someone more relevant as PM like PewDiePie.
Shame he never got in. Bet theirs load of folk who wished he had .. now your paying, big time!!
Whilst the important speech is being made , other MPs are just going through their phones and flicking through papers and don't even seem the slightest bit bothered. Are they really paid to do this ? They seem very happy taking that pay cheque at the end of the month though right ?
look how VERY FEW folk actually attend this ....APPAULING....
Where oh where is the Opposition? The small scattering on the opposition benches include a woman sorting out her laptop and possibly handbag and a man texting. Is Corbyn the only Labour MP actually opposing this dreadful budget?
He is accused of bad financial policies and of not getting his money right.
Jeremy had the lowest expenses of all during the 2009 expense scandal cause he rides his own bicycle.
Yvette cooper spent over £600 on hanging baskets and plants.
Best prime minister we never had
All this love for jeremy Corbyn back then and still Torys cruel rule! And many determined to bring Corbyn down because he is a rare breed of politician who really cares!!🌹
The guys a nonce everyone in government are irrelevant PewDiePie has 100x more clout than all of the government combined he should be PM.
Cant wait to vote for this man. Bring back old school and true labour values that were lost among the way through Blair. Labour will be strong and united under this man. Look out the Tories !!!!!
Here in 2020 to prove once again that the only way forward is through a progressive and sensible approach to quell most of the issues that have been swept under the carpet for far too long
That comeback at 2:44 - exceptional. Hoping Corbyn is PM next month.
Namaste jeremy Corbyn..equality, abundance for all x
I hope he becomes the labour leader.I would then look forward to the labour party and the SNP being a formidable opposition to this uncaring Tory party.
You're looking at the next prime minister....
Good man
I'm 19 and voted conservative
Fau1tSystem cool
Fau1tSystem Why?
Ginger Lad best party obviously
Fau1tSystem What policies appealed to you?
Fau1tSystem you're fucking stupid
My MP go Jeremy.
Please don't let the Tories win.
This man should lead the Labour Party. If any of the others got in it would make a mockery of it all. We would in effect have two "Tory Parties" where the point in that?
you have a facebook notification 100%
Hope is a relief to have. What makes it better is that he wouldn't look out of place on the set of A New Hope.
What power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system.
Tony Benn
I didn't vote in the last election, like many others felt disillusioned with the rhetoric and direction of the Labour party. JC is a breathe of fresh air and will have my full support.
This man understand the meaning of opposition. I really hope he can face Cameron, and really show people what kind of interests Cameron really protects.
Go Corbyn you legend !
Great speech, shame about having to hear Maria millers voice at the end (my mp)
we the people need a leader someone who has the vision to help or prevent a mass revolution of a very bloody kind.
This man will never lead labour to a victory of any description.
james lloyd You are a tory.
No, just a normal working guy who likes stating the obvious.
You sure about that?
finally a real politician who speaks of real issues and tells real truth. in the last election I voted, SNP i voted this way as in Scotland their was no other choice for anyone who wanted to see some positive changes. now that labour has clearly accepted that they have failed all their supporters and has begun to adopt the type of politics they should have always followed then my vote will be back with labour. Cameron will be shaking in his boots.
+kev540 While Corbyn is dominated by the Blairite Parliamentary Labour Party, it's a wasted vote.SNP until we get our independence.
SNP have stupid ideas of what independence is, u r not an independent nation if u then join the european union. A union which has proven itself to be extremely unstable and volatile. I do want independence but i want real independence. If i had only 2 choices, one to become supposedly independent and join the european union or stay in the union we already have, clearly it is a beyter situation to stay in the union we already have. I know this union is complete bullshit and was never actually meant to be, but it is far less dangerous than being controled by the european union. If we want or get independence which i do want, then that is what we need to be. SNP have failed all who gave them their vote.
Cirbyn is the man of the people.
Lolol predictive txt does not work.
In that case, you're a Unionist.
Glad we clarified that one.
This man speaks of the people and the issues facing them. Not of his party, and not to score points. He wants progress, and so should we. I desperately hope he makes some headway.
most accurate summary of the tories as a whole ive ever heard from anyone in politics
My one hope for the future of this country.
Straight talking, no-nonsense, evidence based and fair. VOTE CORBYN!
Why is Dianne Abbott sitting next to Corbin? That's not her usual seat in parliament?
Lol, gymnastics on statistics
Makes it sound that it goes in the mean landlord, ignores that provided shelter
I would vote SNP if I could. Wish we had a party that would fight for the rights of the low pair and unemployed with a chance of winning.
But what is the use of that if he can't win power?
Why has Corbyn not come to the surface before? This talk is not far left indeed it is truthful and pragmatic. I do hope he becomes PM. He and Farage are the best.
Now where are the rest of the good ones?
Was heart broken to see no round of applause
Next Prime Minister.
+Johnny Foreigner
I think we will have to agree to disagree. In my view, the influence of the right-wing press in England will ensure that no Left Wing leader of the Labour Party will ever become PM. It is axiomatic to say it has happened elsewhere but I think Labour will be doomed if Corbyn is elected. Hard to believe that this many Labour members have not cottoned on to this yet.
Get him in. It won't make any difference, but at least he'll hold them to account if he's leader. He makes great points, he's the first politician in my life time who actually speaks for me.
A lot of people are quite down on Jeremy Corbyn but after listening to his ideas, I could really get behind him
I sincerely hope he wins. And I'm a landlord!
I am voting for him. He is telling it like it is. Where are our children going to live?
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What does it say about our government that so few people were in the chamber to hear this response? Thankfully when JC is out and about in the country, people are flocking to hear him in their thousands. Wake UP parliament!
He reminds me of a well meaning school teacher, honest, intellectual and willing to serve others , this comes as a complete surprise to me, utmost respect to the gentleman. rebel, radical, unelectable are all I've heard from the media already. That I find disgusting but it highlights the bias.
There's almost no one there! Not so anymore when Jeremy speaks!
this man gets my vote....he talks sense....
These people look so interested in the future of their country.
About time !!
In many ways I find Jeremy more effective when he’s not following a Commons script to the letter.
Hijacked by Mandelson&Co, now there is a very good chance we can get our Labour Party back. Jeremy's the man!
I hope he becomes Labour leader, it'll keep them out of power for at least another 15 years :)
Today should of been the day that this MP became PM
Why can't Labour understand that tax credits distorted the labour market and gave employers a green light to pay low wages knowing that the Government would pay the difference ? Effectively they created a 'tax credits ' trap. Ask any employer....its common knowledge.