As the TOZ guy (theres like 2 videos but I think thats 2 more than the next), the TOZ isn't about being geared and constant encounters. Its about running around like a maniac with a total kit cost of 20k rubles MAX. When you can make someone spend more money in ammunition than your resale value is worth, that true adrenaline.
I once ran the toz with, I want to say devastators or star slugs as a joke and came out with a pmc kill and 15 scav kills. My friends thought I was insane. Haven't hit a high like that in a while though.
The saiga-9 is actually hilarious. If you only have iron sights, your PMC puts their THUMB on the damn rail, blocking the sights. Me and my friend were scav running on streets as he got gunned down by a PMC. He must have been about 20 - 25 meters away and i fired approximately at his top half with the saiga. He died because of a headshot while being fully kitted. Tarkov is a mystery.
I'm sure someone else has mentioned this, but with all revolvers in the game you can put them in double action mode by hitting b. Makes cqb a lot more viable.
yeah true, i was just worried about its accuracy penalty (if it does have one?), honestly should've tested it myself before running it, but kinda got lazy lol. need to confirm if there's a huge accuracy penalty
yes and you can put 4 in your pockets and pull them one by one instead of reloading... 'switchind to your secondary and thirdary and fourthary and fifthary is always faster than reloading'
Thats called a new york reload the mod would have a fanny pack that they would pull revolvers shoot drop the gun then grab another becuase you would get life if arrested with an automatic
@@RamenStyle It does have an accuracy penalty. But its only like 25% and the MOA of these guns is already like 6 for the CD 50DS and RSH-12 and 9 for the CR 200DS. You aren't sniping with the CR 200DS even in single action.
I also just looked through and almost all of the other pistols are more inaccurate than the CR 200DS. The PM Makarov has a MOA of 13. The Glock 17 has an MOA of 11. So even with the penalty despite what you would think of it the CR 200DS is as accurate as most of the other pistols in double action.
This is what makes Tarkov a great game. Even the lowest tiered guns can kill. It's not the gun, it's how the player make use of the gun. great content man!
This is hands down one of the best vid you have so far. This is literally “it’s not the gun, it’s the player”. To be honest with that last gun you’ve become the John Wick of Tarkov LOL.
Saiga 9 is unironically incredible once you combine the common occurrence of its ammo on-top of the extremely diverse range of mods you can put onto it. I like to mod it out to make it look like a baby AK-74, though half of the appeal is visual and the other half is actually functional. The range i would consider semi-acceptable, sub 60 meters you will have no issues but past that the 9x19 really struggles. Though not impossible to hit someone, my proudest kill was doming a PMC at 135~ meters with it on woods, though thats a very exceptional moment the accuracy was on my side. All of this is assuming you mostly aim for the head or arms which i do personally, i dont bother with AP rounds mostly due to the fact i dont expect that much from a semi auto 9x19 weapon + i use it at medium range Also, great budget and early-mid wipe gun My setup for the "Baby AK-74" is as follows if any ones interested: WASR-10/63 dong grip any wooden pistol grip, i recommend the bakelite ones vitayiz-SN dust cover (the saiga-9 lacks the dovetail mount the pp-19 has so this is a replacement), i use the OKP-7 usually zenit-PT lock and the zenit pt-3 klassika stock (you could say the wood is fitting for the baby AK look but i run the same stock setup on my AK-74s so ill count it due to that) regular 30 round mags, the rest are just too little given the caliber and the RP-1 for good measure not the best stat wise but you can get every part very early if not immediately in some cases and its half looks and half performance objectively decent, though the aesthetic counts the most here everything applies to the pp-19 too, i implore you to try it a few times
@@RamenStyle youre welcome, though the idea wasnt originally mine in its entirety, i got inspired my general sams "wackiest guns of tarkov" video from 2020 and tuned it a little to fit me more though the quote "its like drinking a non alcoholic beer" really is fitting for this thing
i was gonna comment that the challenge was a lot easier since you were using the best ammo and attachments available for all the guns until i saw those revolver kills nice work bro
LOL thanks man, you’re not wrong though - for a moment I thought about doing it with the worst ammo and stuff, but felt it might be too hard where it becomes unfun, heh. Maybe one day tho!
The revolver actually has alot of good uses one is killing scavs since it doesn't need mags and only cost 7k and takes up 1x1 slot its a ok gun for surtain situation
With a scope, you can use any weapon at about any range, you just have to zero it with pageup/down. Also you can hit B to change the firemode on all revolvers to change it to double action which skips the cocking animation between each shot at the cost of a small amount of accuracy...
Saiga 9 is actually super fun to troll at range with. Its so quiet that you can just mess with people and theyll never know where the shots are comming from
I really liked the little tidbits of info you sprinkled here and there to clarify what you were audibly saying to your stream chat. We notice those details, some high quality content!
As much as everybody hates on TT and PMs, they are my comfort pistols - when I bought Tarkov back in 2018, there weren’t many face-shields besides Altyn, and up to this day, I remember, me being a complete noob, killing a fat, fully-kitted guy on factory with a TT. It was my first ever 20-30 raids. I was scared of every sound, and most of the time when I spawned on factory, I’d like to sit inside the spawn room next to forklifts and long corridor, waiting for chads to clap each other so I can get the leftovers, and this one absolute behemoth of a man, decided to check this room in the beginning of the raid. I panicked, made lots of noice, so he knew exactly where I was, but by some miracle, the first bullet from my TT landed in his face, when he peaked and it was my first time I actually killed somebody of that magnitude and got some juicy loot. My hands were shaking and I was laughing like a maniac. Sometimes I think how far I’ve come, I have 4,000 hours - engagements still bring me a lot of excitement. Once I dropped a guy with thermal goggles, and fully kitted G-28 and MK18, both with thermals as well, but I swear, the excitement from finding any piece of loot, be it aforementioned decked out thermal enthusiast, or keycards, or keys, would never replicate that godly one-tap, which made me addicted to this game
1:18 Killa litarally said " opa Well hello" P.s literally he said " opa nu zrorova" nu zdorova can be translated as "well hello" while opa is something that you can say when you see someone and excited or when you do something its like " now im gonna make a trick, opa"
The chiappa rhino has double action feature js plus it’s the only slot gun so u can hide it in ur pocket while being held up or when hatchet running to surprise other players
Peeker's advantage is a thing in all fps games, depending on how it's implemented high ping can help the peeker, but in almost every single game nowadays it puts the peeker at a disadvantage because the server will anticipate you position and you will render to someone holding a corner before you even make the turn. In your screen you will get rekt through the wall but in other's perspective it's like watching in slowmotion. In PUBG for example this effect is cumulative, your bullets don't even register on the opponent because in the server's mind you are already out. I have been on both sides of this and the one that has higher ping has literally 0 counterplay, you need to be exponentially more skilled to win with high ping. And when I say high ping I don't mean 300ms, I mean playing with 80 against someone with 20.
I've watched a lot of Tarkov content, having bought the game some time ago and deciding I like watching other people play it more than playing myself. But that's just a long winded way of saying that I can confidently state that you're the best Tarkov content creator.
I love the saiga-9 and STM-9. especially with the 9x19 green tracer round. It makes shooting at a longer ranges a breeze cause it's very bright and predictable. You would be surprised how many headshots you will get with it. Definitely recommend 👌
The TT is underrated, I did my Stirrup and the Sitrrup quests for my friends with this gun. As I was visiting them I asked if I could take Tarkov for a quick raid at factory and there I killed PMCs with the TT. Gun is goated ngl.
The snub can shoot in double action (by changing fire mode) making it less accurate but increasing a lot the rate of fire, anyway being a snub revolver is supposed to be a backup weapon when SHTF, i believe its nice because it occupies only one slot and you can keep it in your pocket or rig, and tbh it saved me in a few occasions in which I ran out of ammo or didn’t had time to reload
ramen i miss seeing you on camera but i get its up to you how u stream or make videos anyway thanks for this awesome storytelling. u r one unbelievably tallented man… please go on in literally ANY content u consider worthful. best regards from mid europe to you and your whole family
Realistically speaking what this shows more than anything is that Tarkov is an ammo game through and through. You can have a gun that isn't statistically the best but as long as you put good ammo through it it'll take care of whatever comes your way.
It’s been a while since I’ve played tarkov, and am probably the least experienced player hear by only playing through 7 ish wipes (the last of which was the second one right after they added the personal bunker). But back when I played a lot one of my favorite guns to use was the TT when I just wanted to do a low gear run for loot because it was inexpensive to get it and the few mods you can get for it and after a lot of practice you can get pretty good with it. Guaranteed they’ve probably updated the game a bunch since I’ve last played lol. Either way every gun can be and should be used because you never know when you might need to rely on one and like many people have said already it is the player that makes the guns perform. Or in other words practice makes perfect. Anyway this was a fantastic video and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
saiga 9 has become one of my favorite guns in tarkov, just slap the wooden foregrip thing and a suppressor (optional) on it with one of those DP sights and use pst ammo and all you have to do is just spam shoot around their head, one face shot or a few neck/headshots and they die, ive used it to kill partisan at least once and if you click fast enough its a higher fire rate than a lot of smgs with good control. the yellow mags also help you get extra swag points
the small revolver is GREAT for extremely cheap gearing up i like to do it in factory go in with gun only, take out the 2-4 scavs that run towards you, pickup their gear and either extract, or go for a player (early-mid wipe only)
A few suggestions on the PM and TT pistols. They're both adequate for early tasks leveling up from 1-10ish, and cheap as well. I use the PB at night for killing scavs and tasks like the pocket watch on customs etc. The silencer keeps you stealthy, and it's iron sights are much improved over the PMs. For ammo I use RG028 (65 dmg/13 pen and 330mps). Occasionally you can find the drum magazine for sale from fence, so check after your raids. Daytime I use the TT built with the DTK muzzle brake And the homespun threaded barrel, no silencer. This combined with AKBS (58 dmg/12 pen -15% recoil +15% accuracy and 425 mps) is effective for head eyes while crouched or prone (7.91 MOA with decent velocity). You can headshot sniper scavs effectively up to about 100 meters if you have the skill. Both are pretty good for cheap pistol loadouts at the beginning of a wipe. HTH.
The thing with guns in EFT, if you think it's bad, you aren't aiming in the right spot, using the right ammo, or forming your playstyle around it. I have a confirmed kill on Shturman with a scoped TOZ, and a handful of Rhino kills from start of wipe.
I'm the guy who posted that TOZ comment on reddit. You can obviously get kills with it, as you've proven, and the legs are an option in some cases. No doubt about that. I moreso meant in a head-on 1v1 fight, though. Lot harder to do that lol. Good video.
I'm 4 weeks late, but the TOZ is unironically my best gun. Choice of ammo is a huge factor for success with the TOZ, and I run exclusively Poleva-6u until I have access to Devastators. I've on more than one occasion killed 3 man teams fighting head on with it, and I'm pretty bad at Tarkov. They were all well geared too. Only guns I remotely have as good success with are the MP-5 and MP-9s. I legit don't understand why I'm like this lol. Might be from all those hours of playing with a bolt action in Red Orchestra 2.
I play this game too much and have recommendations for the Saiga-9 to make it even better, also works with PP-19: Because you don't want to be taking fights at 100+ meters with it most of the time, it works best with the HHS-1 hybrid sight. The reflex sight is what you'll be using most of the time, but you can switch to the 3x if you need/want to fight at longer distance. Alternatively, and this works with any gun: if you want to use a long range optic and don't have/want a candid sight, you can use a laser for close encounters.
@RamenStyle noticed you were using the revolver is single action, just to let you know all revolvers even the revolver shotgun have a double action feature, you have to change fire mode like you would for an ak, hotkey should be B, revolvers with double action are great for sending lots of rounds just takes time to reload, there is also one that uses ash 12 rounds i believe
You can buy a stripped threaded makarov from mechanic level 1, put all the same stuff on it as a makarov, but then put that weirdo suppressor with the red dot mount onto that, and then you got a sight on it too
Great effort, especially using revolver at the end... BTW you can switch fireing mode to double action, so it has faster rate of fire... anyway SA only is much more satisfying ... GG WP sir
Every time someone says the toz is useless my brain just replays the time a scav instantly killed me with an armpit shot from bus stop while i was going up the stairs outside 3 story dorms.
To preface: I'm a PvE player. I've heard horror stories from the people who have introduced me to the game about PvP, and I don't want to get into that. However, when the tiny 9mm Chippy-Chippy Chappa-Chappa revolver came up, I couldn't help but laugh. Yeah, it's not the greatest, and it can't even take attachments! However, it's tiny, light and cheap. Plus, 9mm doesn't completely suck against Scavs, who are often completely unarmoured and with which 9mm will tear their insides to bits. It's a fine personal defense weapon on a budget if you're going out on a run where you're not expecting PMCs to be within 30m of you. Just hit your shots, move smart, and remember to pick your battles. At worst, it can scare a scav away with a nice shot to the leg.
Honestly the saiga9 carried my wipe as i joined a full month and a half late. almost no recoil, Easy to improve even at level 1 and the stock of pst ammo you get at the beginning were key. overall great experience. i didn't knew i could grind pmc level on arena tho, else i would have jumped straight to market anyway. Also congratulations on those kills with the tiny chiappa revolver, i honestly find it hard to put it lower than something like guns that have no decent ammo. you were wise going single action, After all it only take one to the dome to seal the kill on almost any ammo, pbp tend to not kill on penetration only when fired far against a helmet, but far is a word that don't exist with that gun😅
I love this game but my anxiety gets the best of me always. Watching your videos of just having a grand ole time! Makes me WISH I could tame myself to play lmfao
Regarding TT, graded it has a very good accuracy for pistols class. Suppressors almost free. Yes, every shot counts but if you can land a headshot it's great for low budget spec-ops or just as a quiet handgun with a loud stick. Needs a lot of experience to work with face protected enemies, but good as a quiet scav destructor )).
I've been playing tarkov since pre alpha ~2017 timeframe. I've done just about everything and these days I like to give myself challenges during wipes. Last wipe I mained the Saiga9 to about level 25ish. To this day its my go to budget build gun. Its honestly one of my favorite guns in tarkov. Ideally you want to set the zero off spawn to 100m if you're running a scope. I think it excels best with the eotec+magnifier. Ammo wise, your best bet is always going to be blue tips or quakemakers. Going for armor pen 9mm just isnt worth the cost of ammo and it shoots so flat that you can pretty easily just spam someones face anyway if need be
I unironically like the Saiga 9. I've stopped playing tarkov a long time ago, but when I did I used to kit it out in the weirdest way possible, with a wooden pistol grip, yellow ammo mags and other stuff and I just ran around w it. Also I kid you not I got like 2-3 Boss kills with it, killa and a couple of Reshalas from what I can remember (back then there werent Glukhar, Sturman and other new ones). And of course killed many players too, it really is a nice little gun, and idk how the tarkov meta changed right now, but I bet Saiga 9 still has its own niche.
Remember one time I was in a fight in that reserve key room you could drop down into, and I got a guy with my TT when he had an automatic pistol. Felt good
Saiga 9 was a great low budget weapon before the recoil buff, If you had a fast finger it was actually pretty viable in case you don't have money for something better. It had 0 recoil and decent firing speed, so popping heads with it was satisfying as hell. but now that every gun has 0 recoil in stock, it just doesn't have any strong sides in comparison with PP-19-01.
Rhino enjoyer here, you were playing the revolver in a wrong way. The way you play it is packing a full rig of them and hotbar them 0 to 9. If you are feeling spicy you can slot a second rig of em in your backpack to do a "tactical reload"
You can put those revolvers in you pockets and rigs. Hotkey them with numbers, to switch revolvers instead of doign painfully slow reload. The best thing is that they are so cheap that you can buy 5 of them and insure gets them back every time, because nobody loots that crap. And you can quickly reload them in your inventory by dragging ammo into them
9mm guns when using PBP hit high. you picked up a 25% increase in muzzle velocity that more or less correlates to 25% less drop. Which means even when zero'd for 50 meters, you will hit high. Which was shown in your shots there at the beginning. If you had aimed for the bottom of the chin, you would have headshot no issue. PBP also shreds Killa. You could have smoked him in the head in 2 to 3 hits, face shield in 6 hits, or chest in 6 hits.
Pressing switch fire mode with the revolver will switch to double action mode which will shoot basically as fast as you can click with an accuracy debuff
You can switch revolvers to double-action, so it will be way faster. Switch with... "switch fire-mode" button. Idk why, but by-default all the revolvers go woth single-action.
The Markov is dope tbh. I use it a lot for meme/ loot runs. I did a whole challenge last wipe just using the markov and ai-2s to lv 15. Called it the Mac and cheese runs
the revolver and the revolver shotgun both have double action fire mode with in turn means each pull of the trigger resets the hammer, meaning less time between shots instead of manually pulling the hammer back like you did in this video. fyi
Definitely made the Makarov a little harder on yourself than it had to be if you were indeed using SP7 xD It's one of my go-to pistols because of the drum mag. I always run PstM because it lets me deal with low to lower-mid tier armour, and it doesn't bounce off of glasses and such 100% of the time. Just go for the jaw and you will usually be good. And if you shoot a little low, the recoil will correct it on the next shot~ If you want a real challenge though, try the PB. It's a makarov, except it has a suppressor, and the fattest sights you've ever seen in your life.
As the TOZ guy (theres like 2 videos but I think thats 2 more than the next), the TOZ isn't about being geared and constant encounters. Its about running around like a maniac with a total kit cost of 20k rubles MAX. When you can make someone spend more money in ammunition than your resale value is worth, that true adrenaline.
True that. You done much double barrel gameplay? Same cost better ammo
Unless the shit is the point ay
@@cameronlamb1869 I think its more about the principle of the TOZ rather than the viability. Getting killed by a TOZ is the ultimate disgrace.
@@ethancampbell5548that will make a man quit lol
I once ran the toz with, I want to say devastators or star slugs as a joke and came out with a pmc kill and 15 scav kills. My friends thought I was insane. Haven't hit a high like that in a while though.
I alvays used the 3 slot west and put the folded toz there. Funy when you just pull out from the jacket like some budget terminator :D
The saiga-9 is actually hilarious. If you only have iron sights, your PMC puts their THUMB on the damn rail, blocking the sights. Me and my friend were scav running on streets as he got gunned down by a PMC. He must have been about 20 - 25 meters away and i fired approximately at his top half with the saiga. He died because of a headshot while being fully kitted.
Tarkov is a mystery.
I'm sure someone else has mentioned this, but with all revolvers in the game you can put them in double action mode by hitting b. Makes cqb a lot more viable.
yeah true, i was just worried about its accuracy penalty (if it does have one?), honestly should've tested it myself before running it, but kinda got lazy lol. need to confirm if there's a huge accuracy penalty
yes and you can put 4 in your pockets and pull them one by one instead of reloading... 'switchind to your secondary and thirdary and fourthary and fifthary is always faster than reloading'
Thats called a new york reload the mod would have a fanny pack that they would pull revolvers shoot drop the gun then grab another becuase you would get life if arrested with an automatic
@@RamenStyle It does have an accuracy penalty. But its only like 25% and the MOA of these guns is already like 6 for the CD 50DS and RSH-12 and 9 for the CR 200DS. You aren't sniping with the CR 200DS even in single action.
I also just looked through and almost all of the other pistols are more inaccurate than the CR 200DS. The PM Makarov has a MOA of 13. The Glock 17 has an MOA of 11. So even with the penalty despite what you would think of it the CR 200DS is as accurate as most of the other pistols in double action.
This is what makes Tarkov a great game. Even the lowest tiered guns can kill. It's not the gun, it's how the player make use of the gun. great content man!
glad you enjoyed this dude!
literally every shooter there is
If its gun its fun
nah man its the bullets
@@ZeusLTBro hasnt made it past level 5
how dare anyone insult the might makarov truly the most marvelous gun ever crafted by toddlers hands filled with deadly precision and power
that plagiarized from the germans
@@yesimrealhuman4245German design, improved by Russia.
I own a 1961 Norinco Model 59 or the Chinese version of a Makarov and it is my current daily carry.. I enjoy it XD
This sounds like a Marcus Munitions pitch from Borderlands
As one of my friend had told me; it's not the gun that kills, it's the ammo. And in the absence of both, skill.
This is true, in the absense of both a gun in ammo you will have to use martial arts.
@@garrin1220 or the secret joestar technique
That final gun, how on earth.. only you Ramen, only you mate. Incredible plays, loved this video too, story telling at it's best in Tarkov.
thanks Deef, glad you enjoyed this one!
@@RamenStyle the revolver pistol can be switched to double action btw!
Onlyyy you…. Can make this worlddd seem righttt
@@JuliaJvn_6 beautiful
I cannot stop laughing at that guy in 0:55 with a 100yd stare wondering if the bullets were going to be able to reach him XD
The chiappa Rhino can be changed to doubble action BTW
Was gonna comment that too, B to change to double action. Can also do that to the Revolver Shotgun too
bro is clueless, same thing with him shooting killa in the legs instead of the chest
@@tigey9143 you can even pbp pen his helmet, just not the faceshield.
@@tarkitarker0815 it would probably ricochet at that angle
@@ovencore2549 at which angle? his faceshield is not the total front of the helmet. also not everything thats not ontop.
Now to be fair, when you have 4 of those little revolvers in your pockets, reloading becomes a non-issue until it becomes a MAJOR issue
If it takes more than what you got, you dead lmao
Pirate rules almost
This is hands down one of the best vid you have so far. This is literally “it’s not the gun, it’s the player”. To be honest with that last gun you’ve become the John Wick of Tarkov LOL.
quick tip Pbp 9 by 19 could easily pen class 5 armor in just 4 hits, so never doubt using it when fighting against geared creatures in tarkov
Saiga 9 is unironically incredible once you combine the common occurrence of its ammo on-top of the extremely diverse range of mods you can put onto it. I like to mod it out to make it look like a baby AK-74, though half of the appeal is visual and the other half is actually functional. The range i would consider semi-acceptable, sub 60 meters you will have no issues but past that the 9x19 really struggles. Though not impossible to hit someone, my proudest kill was doming a PMC at 135~ meters with it on woods, though thats a very exceptional moment the accuracy was on my side. All of this is assuming you mostly aim for the head or arms which i do personally, i dont bother with AP rounds mostly due to the fact i dont expect that much from a semi auto 9x19 weapon + i use it at medium range
Also, great budget and early-mid wipe gun
My setup for the "Baby AK-74" is as follows if any ones interested:
WASR-10/63 dong grip
any wooden pistol grip, i recommend the bakelite ones
vitayiz-SN dust cover (the saiga-9 lacks the dovetail mount the pp-19 has so this is a replacement), i use the OKP-7 usually
zenit-PT lock and the zenit pt-3 klassika stock (you could say the wood is fitting for the baby AK look but i run the same stock setup on my AK-74s so ill count it due to that)
regular 30 round mags, the rest are just too little given the caliber
and the RP-1 for good measure
not the best stat wise but you can get every part very early if not immediately in some cases and its half looks and half performance
objectively decent, though the aesthetic counts the most here
everything applies to the pp-19 too, i implore you to try it a few times
thanks for sharing all this info!
@@RamenStyle youre welcome, though the idea wasnt originally mine in its entirety, i got inspired my general sams "wackiest guns of tarkov" video from 2020 and tuned it a little to fit me more
though the quote "its like drinking a non alcoholic beer" really is fitting for this thing
OKP-7 is a vibe
you give me that and I'd feel relatively safe in any urban CQB situation
It's a viable sniper for killing scavs if you add 9mm green tracer ammo!
i was gonna comment that the challenge was a lot easier since you were using the best ammo and attachments available for all the guns until i saw those revolver kills nice work bro
LOL thanks man, you’re not wrong though - for a moment I thought about doing it with the worst ammo and stuff, but felt it might be too hard where it becomes unfun, heh. Maybe one day tho!
Best guns worst ammo?
@@mariovalencia2243 youre just gonna suffer with tickling them to death since its more important
The revolver actually has alot of good uses one is killing scavs since it doesn't need mags and only cost 7k and takes up 1x1 slot its a ok gun for surtain situation
With a scope, you can use any weapon at about any range, you just have to zero it with pageup/down.
Also you can hit B to change the firemode on all revolvers to change it to double action which skips the cocking animation between each shot at the cost of a small amount of accuracy...
its not just about zeroiing, but gun accuracy, even if you have zero correct, at far distance the deviation is crazy
@@PsychedeliDuck You'd be surprised, I've killed customs sniper scav from 560m with a 9 MOA shotgun slug.
Saiga 9 is actually super fun to troll at range with. Its so quiet that you can just mess with people and theyll never know where the shots are comming from
I really liked the little tidbits of info you sprinkled here and there to clarify what you were audibly saying to your stream chat. We notice those details, some high quality content!
As much as everybody hates on TT and PMs, they are my comfort pistols - when I bought Tarkov back in 2018, there weren’t many face-shields besides Altyn, and up to this day, I remember, me being a complete noob, killing a fat, fully-kitted guy on factory with a TT.
It was my first ever 20-30 raids.
I was scared of every sound, and most of the time when I spawned on factory, I’d like to sit inside the spawn room next to forklifts and long corridor, waiting for chads to clap each other so I can get the leftovers, and this one absolute behemoth of a man, decided to check this room in the beginning of the raid. I panicked, made lots of noice, so he knew exactly where I was, but by some miracle, the first bullet from my TT landed in his face, when he peaked and it was my first time I actually killed somebody of that magnitude and got some juicy loot. My hands were shaking and I was laughing like a maniac.
Sometimes I think how far I’ve come, I have 4,000 hours - engagements still bring me a lot of excitement. Once I dropped a guy with thermal goggles, and fully kitted G-28 and MK18, both with thermals as well, but I swear, the excitement from finding any piece of loot, be it aforementioned decked out thermal enthusiast, or keycards, or keys, would never replicate that godly one-tap, which made me addicted to this game
Felt like a little kid seeing my name come up at the 13 second mark. Great video ♥
glad you enjoyed this dude! thanks again for sharing your thoughts for the vid :)
1:18 Killa litarally said " opa Well hello" P.s literally he said " opa nu zrorova" nu zdorova can be translated as "well hello" while opa is something that you can say when you see someone and excited or when you do something its like " now im gonna make a trick, opa"
Love the concept, and great commentary and editing as always :)
thank you! glad you enjoyed this!
@@RamenStyle Absolutely! Been away from Tarkov for a while and your recent bolt-action vids got me right back in again lol!
Arizona ranger with the 'lil' iron on his hip 🤣
Your style of making videos is really entertaining for me. It's chill and breathtaking at the same time😂. I love it 👌
thank you, this means a lot!
Man you are really increasing the amount of videos you're uploading, I can see the effort is being put in a lot! Love it
The chiappa rhino has double action feature js plus it’s the only slot gun so u can hide it in ur pocket while being held up or when hatchet running to surprise other players
Me and a buddy used to do "PM and a dream" on interchange, taught me how to facetap, never survived but did kill a few geared guys with face taps
When using the revolver, since it takes up one slot, you put like 2 or three more in your rig and keybind them so you have more rounds to fire.
Peeker's advantage is a thing in all fps games, depending on how it's implemented high ping can help the peeker, but in almost every single game nowadays it puts the peeker at a disadvantage because the server will anticipate you position and you will render to someone holding a corner before you even make the turn. In your screen you will get rekt through the wall but in other's perspective it's like watching in slowmotion. In PUBG for example this effect is cumulative, your bullets don't even register on the opponent because in the server's mind you are already out. I have been on both sides of this and the one that has higher ping has literally 0 counterplay, you need to be exponentially more skilled to win with high ping. And when I say high ping I don't mean 300ms, I mean playing with 80 against someone with 20.
The more reason to abuse peekers advantage
The laugh with the one tap small pp gun, (18:43)get me 😂 GG Ramen
Sounded like a scav laugh
that last guy was definitely screaming "HOW MANY SHOTS CAN YOU TAKE???"
You totally baited that last guy, making him think you only had the pistol until he gets shot in the face with a rifle 🤣
Your editing is godtier literally the pacing and music keeps me so invested
I've watched a lot of Tarkov content, having bought the game some time ago and deciding I like watching other people play it more than playing myself. But that's just a long winded way of saying that I can confidently state that you're the best Tarkov content creator.
I love the saiga-9 and STM-9. especially with the 9x19 green tracer round. It makes shooting at a longer ranges a breeze cause it's very bright and predictable. You would be surprised how many headshots you will get with it. Definitely recommend 👌
The TT is underrated, I did my Stirrup and the Sitrrup quests for my friends with this gun. As I was visiting them I asked if I could take Tarkov for a quick raid at factory and there I killed PMCs with the TT. Gun is goated ngl.
fr, i always do stirrup with TT, mainly bc there is one funny russian song (Едем в бэхе две ТТэхи)
The snub can shoot in double action (by changing fire mode) making it less accurate but increasing a lot the rate of fire, anyway being a snub revolver is supposed to be a backup weapon when SHTF, i believe its nice because it occupies only one slot and you can keep it in your pocket or rig, and tbh it saved me in a few occasions in which I ran out of ammo or didn’t had time to reload
ramen i miss seeing you on camera but i get its up to you how u stream or make videos anyway thanks for this awesome storytelling. u r one unbelievably tallented man… please go on in literally ANY content u consider worthful. best regards from mid europe to you and your whole family
Realistically speaking what this shows more than anything is that Tarkov is an ammo game through and through. You can have a gun that isn't statistically the best but as long as you put good ammo through it it'll take care of whatever comes your way.
i was impressed by your usage of those advanced combat hotkeys like the blindfire in the first clip.
It’s been a while since I’ve played tarkov, and am probably the least experienced player hear by only playing through 7 ish wipes (the last of which was the second one right after they added the personal bunker). But back when I played a lot one of my favorite guns to use was the TT when I just wanted to do a low gear run for loot because it was inexpensive to get it and the few mods you can get for it and after a lot of practice you can get pretty good with it. Guaranteed they’ve probably updated the game a bunch since I’ve last played lol. Either way every gun can be and should be used because you never know when you might need to rely on one and like many people have said already it is the player that makes the guns perform. Or in other words practice makes perfect. Anyway this was a fantastic video and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Super fun video! Literally yelled "YUSS!" when you got that first Chiappa kill :D
Thanks man! 😄
great vid as always ramen! very good story telling this one especially
3:00 LMFAO, read what the door of the sea can says on the second last row
cu.m, nice
Thing you missed with the Toz, if you get a lucky face tap with it, because its pellet do 27 damage, they can survive.
saiga 9 has become one of my favorite guns in tarkov, just slap the wooden foregrip thing and a suppressor (optional) on it with one of those DP sights and use pst ammo and all you have to do is just spam shoot around their head, one face shot or a few neck/headshots and they die, ive used it to kill partisan at least once and if you click fast enough its a higher fire rate than a lot of smgs with good control. the yellow mags also help you get extra swag points
the small revolver is GREAT for extremely cheap gearing up
i like to do it in factory
go in with gun only, take out the 2-4 scavs that run towards you, pickup their gear and either extract, or go for a player
(early-mid wipe only)
6:20 not using the morphine immediately hurts my soul lol
"Sure, it matters who has the biggest stick , but it matters a whole hell of a lot more who's swinging it." - General Shepherd MW2
A few suggestions on the PM and TT pistols.
They're both adequate for early tasks leveling up from 1-10ish, and cheap as well.
I use the PB at night for killing scavs and tasks like the pocket watch on customs etc.
The silencer keeps you stealthy, and it's iron sights are much improved over the PMs.
For ammo I use RG028 (65 dmg/13 pen and 330mps).
Occasionally you can find the drum magazine for sale from fence, so check after your raids.
Daytime I use the TT built with the DTK muzzle brake And the homespun threaded barrel, no silencer.
This combined with AKBS (58 dmg/12 pen -15% recoil +15% accuracy and 425 mps) is effective for head eyes while crouched or prone (7.91 MOA with decent velocity).
You can headshot sniper scavs effectively up to about 100 meters if you have the skill.
Both are pretty good for cheap pistol loadouts at the beginning of a wipe.
Damn, dude ran the entirety of the revolver raids in single action. Mad respect for not even checking to see if they added double action (they did) 😂
6:36 remember that with this gun, i killed 5 pmcs in one raid and got fully decked ak 104 and m4 with lotta gear
The thing with guns in EFT, if you think it's bad, you aren't aiming in the right spot, using the right ammo, or forming your playstyle around it. I have a confirmed kill on Shturman with a scoped TOZ, and a handful of Rhino kills from start of wipe.
You’ve earnt a new sub. Love your content!
thank you! means a lot :)
Lmao "F it. We're done anyway." Great shit, dude
I'm the guy who posted that TOZ comment on reddit.
You can obviously get kills with it, as you've proven, and the legs are an option in some cases. No doubt about that. I moreso meant in a head-on 1v1 fight, though. Lot harder to do that lol.
Good video.
I'm 4 weeks late, but the TOZ is unironically my best gun. Choice of ammo is a huge factor for success with the TOZ, and I run exclusively Poleva-6u until I have access to Devastators. I've on more than one occasion killed 3 man teams fighting head on with it, and I'm pretty bad at Tarkov. They were all well geared too. Only guns I remotely have as good success with are the MP-5 and MP-9s. I legit don't understand why I'm like this lol. Might be from all those hours of playing with a bolt action in Red Orchestra 2.
I play this game too much and have recommendations for the Saiga-9 to make it even better, also works with PP-19: Because you don't want to be taking fights at 100+ meters with it most of the time, it works best with the HHS-1 hybrid sight. The reflex sight is what you'll be using most of the time, but you can switch to the 3x if you need/want to fight at longer distance.
Alternatively, and this works with any gun: if you want to use a long range optic and don't have/want a candid sight, you can use a laser for close encounters.
@RamenStyle noticed you were using the revolver is single action, just to let you know all revolvers even the revolver shotgun have a double action feature, you have to change fire mode like you would for an ak, hotkey should be B, revolvers with double action are great for sending lots of rounds just takes time to reload, there is also one that uses ash 12 rounds i believe
I love the little revolver. Whenever I play live tarkov, it's my go-to saturday night special 🖤
"Its not the gun. Its the user" literally applies in tarkov. Getting kills with toz is the most troll thing you can do in this game 😂
You can buy a stripped threaded makarov from mechanic level 1, put all the same stuff on it as a makarov, but then put that weirdo suppressor with the red dot mount onto that, and then you got a sight on it too
Great effort, especially using revolver at the end... BTW you can switch fireing mode to double action, so it has faster rate of fire... anyway SA only is much more satisfying ... GG WP sir
Amazed the SAA9 was on here. That is my go to cheap gun. Love it and do really well with it. Now that I only play PVE, its even more my favorite.
Every time someone says the toz is useless my brain just replays the time a scav instantly killed me with an armpit shot from bus stop while i was going up the stairs outside 3 story dorms.
To preface: I'm a PvE player. I've heard horror stories from the people who have introduced me to the game about PvP, and I don't want to get into that.
However, when the tiny 9mm Chippy-Chippy Chappa-Chappa revolver came up, I couldn't help but laugh. Yeah, it's not the greatest, and it can't even take attachments! However, it's tiny, light and cheap. Plus, 9mm doesn't completely suck against Scavs, who are often completely unarmoured and with which 9mm will tear their insides to bits. It's a fine personal defense weapon on a budget if you're going out on a run where you're not expecting PMCs to be within 30m of you. Just hit your shots, move smart, and remember to pick your battles. At worst, it can scare a scav away with a nice shot to the leg.
Great content I subbed, next do cheap and effective guns
Honestly the saiga9 carried my wipe as i joined a full month and a half late.
almost no recoil, Easy to improve even at level 1 and the stock of pst ammo you get at the beginning were key.
overall great experience.
i didn't knew i could grind pmc level on arena tho, else i would have jumped straight to market anyway.
Also congratulations on those kills with the tiny chiappa revolver, i honestly find it hard to put it lower than something like guns that have no decent ammo.
you were wise going single action, After all it only take one to the dome to seal the kill on almost any ammo, pbp tend to not kill on penetration only when fired far against a helmet,
but far is a word that don't exist with that gun😅
I love this game but my anxiety gets the best of me always. Watching your videos of just having a grand ole time! Makes me WISH I could tame myself to play lmfao
Hilarious that the TT doesn't have armor penetration when the high velocity necked cartridge was designed specifically to penetrate armor.
Regarding TT, graded it has a very good accuracy for pistols class. Suppressors almost free. Yes, every shot counts but if you can land a headshot it's great for low budget spec-ops or just as a quiet handgun with a loud stick. Needs a lot of experience to work with face protected enemies, but good as a quiet scav destructor )).
I've been playing tarkov since pre alpha ~2017 timeframe. I've done just about everything and these days I like to give myself challenges during wipes.
Last wipe I mained the Saiga9 to about level 25ish. To this day its my go to budget build gun. Its honestly one of my favorite guns in tarkov. Ideally you want to set the zero off spawn to 100m if you're running a scope. I think it excels best with the eotec+magnifier. Ammo wise, your best bet is always going to be blue tips or quakemakers. Going for armor pen 9mm just isnt worth the cost of ammo and it shoots so flat that you can pretty easily just spam someones face anyway if need be
If there is one thing Tarkov has taught me, any gun is better than no gun.
Great video! My friend and I have made the decision that next wipe we are trying to get a kill with each gun. Blickey included!!
I unironically like the Saiga 9. I've stopped playing tarkov a long time ago, but when I did I used to kit it out in the weirdest way possible, with a wooden pistol grip, yellow ammo mags and other stuff and I just ran around w it.
Also I kid you not I got like 2-3 Boss kills with it, killa and a couple of Reshalas from what I can remember (back then there werent Glukhar, Sturman and other new ones). And of course killed many players too, it really is a nice little gun, and idk how the tarkov meta changed right now, but I bet Saiga 9 still has its own niche.
Great video as always ramen
appreciate it!
Remember one time I was in a fight in that reserve key room you could drop down into, and I got a guy with my TT when he had an automatic pistol. Felt good
Saiga 9 was a great low budget weapon before the recoil buff, If you had a fast finger it was actually pretty viable in case you don't have money for something better. It had 0 recoil and decent firing speed, so popping heads with it was satisfying as hell. but now that every gun has 0 recoil in stock, it just doesn't have any strong sides in comparison with PP-19-01.
When running pistols for the pistol kill quest, I literally just buy a metric assload of the revolvers and put em in my pockets and hotkey em.
Rhino enjoyer here, you were playing the revolver in a wrong way. The way you play it is packing a full rig of them and hotbar them 0 to 9. If you are feeling spicy you can slot a second rig of em in your backpack to do a "tactical reload"
The TT not having armour Pen hurts my soul. Its a powerful little low calibre round that does present a problem to some soft shell vests.
Lowkey I really love the Saiga-9 I have a bunch modded out and get a lot of kills with them highkey underrated 💪🏻
I love how the Skav at the start saw u and didn’t shoot lol
I remember doing a 3 man with bankrobbers, pothelm, and tokarev with a Lazer. We accidentally dumped the whole lobby on factory with only 1 casualty
Hey!! (havent finished the revolver section yet but) The rhino has a double action mode that removed the hammer pull, making it much much faster.
Dude just basically went through every weapon and said "skill issue."
You can also put small red dot sights on PM (g) version if you equip suppressor that has piccatiny rail
Great Video! I hope you'll get ur 100k asap :D
thank you, means a lot! :)
You can put those revolvers in you pockets and rigs. Hotkey them with numbers, to switch revolvers instead of doign painfully slow reload. The best thing is that they are so cheap that you can buy 5 of them and insure gets them back every time, because nobody loots that crap.
And you can quickly reload them in your inventory by dragging ammo into them
9mm guns when using PBP hit high. you picked up a 25% increase in muzzle velocity that more or less correlates to 25% less drop. Which means even when zero'd for 50 meters, you will hit high. Which was shown in your shots there at the beginning. If you had aimed for the bottom of the chin, you would have headshot no issue.
PBP also shreds Killa. You could have smoked him in the head in 2 to 3 hits, face shield in 6 hits, or chest in 6 hits.
Pressing switch fire mode with the revolver will switch to double action mode which will shoot basically as fast as you can click with an accuracy debuff
If you hit the key to change fire mode it makes the revolvers shot double action so it’s a lot faster rpm
I... kept using saiga-9s because I liked the feel...and that I can always buy the ammo
You can switch revolvers to double-action, so it will be way faster. Switch with... "switch fire-mode" button. Idk why, but by-default all the revolvers go woth single-action.
The Markov is dope tbh. I use it a lot for meme/ loot runs. I did a whole challenge last wipe just using the markov and ai-2s to lv 15. Called it the Mac and cheese runs
Imagine his face when he finds out about the double action button on this revolver
Me trying to overcome my gear fear, going fully loaded to dorms, insta domed by a Chad with a rhino..
"If you hit head/eyes, it's a 10!" Bruh
the revolver and the revolver shotgun both have double action fire mode with in turn means each pull of the trigger resets the hammer,
meaning less time between shots instead of manually pulling the hammer back like you did in this video. fyi
Definitely made the Makarov a little harder on yourself than it had to be if you were indeed using SP7 xD It's one of my go-to pistols because of the drum mag. I always run PstM because it lets me deal with low to lower-mid tier armour, and it doesn't bounce off of glasses and such 100% of the time. Just go for the jaw and you will usually be good. And if you shoot a little low, the recoil will correct it on the next shot~ If you want a real challenge though, try the PB. It's a makarov, except it has a suppressor, and the fattest sights you've ever seen in your life.