Opening Contest: Fairy Tail Vs One Piece

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 47

  • @Paroseni.
    @Paroseni. 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Giving Fiesta a 6.5 and op2 a 9 is actually criminal

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Honnestly I always felt it was okay at best and also op2 is 8.5 😉 I just really enjoy that one

    • @lucassalvador1593
      @lucassalvador1593 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The only sin was giving a 6.5 to the opening "Fiesta", but op 2 deserved an 8.5, in fact, it's better than "Fiesta"

    • @Aerith_
      @Aerith_ 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Op 2 slaps

  • @YR20
    @YR20  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    One Piece Opening 11, 12, 14 & 25 have sadly been muted. As usual due to copyright that I can't handle or don't feel like taking a risk so that's a shame

  • @falk_klaf
    @falk_klaf 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The last two One Piece openings are better in intensity and content than any previous Fairy Tail openings imho

  • @redfoxy357
    @redfoxy357 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Both my favourite and hold special place on my heart! 💙🍉✌🏻

  • @lucassalvador1593
    @lucassalvador1593 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm here to say that I was very happy with the 8.5 rating for Fairy Tail's OP 2. Before I saw the rating, I was sure that it would be one of the lowest and that it would lose to One Piece's OP 2, because, although both are the kind of openings that are hated, One Piece's is less hated, which made me really happy, because I love this opening. I'm also happy that my favorite One Piece opening 17 got a 10 🥰

  • @Ban_Mut
    @Ban_Mut 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Хвост феи похож чем-то на ВАН ПИС, да даже кол-во опенингов одно и то же. Я заценила опы Фейри Тейл, несколько точно добавлю в плейлист, но ВАН ПИС всё же ближе, меня не раздражает вокал и музыка и для меня приятно слушать, я люблю ВАН ПИС. И пофиг, что другие не согласятся, но спасибо за ваши мнения комментаторы всё равно.
    И пускай кому-то покажется странным, все опенинги ВАН ПИС у меня в плейле, они мне все нравятся.

  • @kellytravis5880
    @kellytravis5880 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Here are the Fairy Tail and One Piece openings that I like, there not ranked or anything these are the ones that I really enjoy, I've never been good at ranking stuff with numbers so I thought this way would be the best way for me to do it
    Opening 1, Snow Fairy vs We Are - Draw
    Opening 2, S O W Sense of Wonder vs Believe - One Piece Wins
    Opening 3, FT, vs Hikari E - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 4, R.P.G. ~ Rockin' Playing Game vs Bon Voyage - Draw
    Opening 5, Egao no Mahou vs Kokoro no Chizu - One Piece Wins
    Opening 6, Fiesta vs Brand New World - Draw
    Opening 7, Evidence vs We are (voice cast Version) - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 8, The Rock City Boy vs Crazy Rainbow Star - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 9, Towa No Kizuna vs Jungle P - One Piece Wins
    Opening 10, I Wish vs We Are (Remix Version) - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 11, Hajimari no Sora Vs Share the World - Draw
    Opening 12, Tenohire vs Kaze wo Sagashite - Draw
    Opening 13, Breakthrough vs One Day - One Piece Wins
    Opening 14, Yakusoku no Hi vs Fight Together - Draw
    Opening 15, Masayume Chasing vs We Go - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 16, Strike Back vs Hands Up - Draw
    Opening 17, Mysterious Magic vs Wake Up - Draw
    Opening 18, Break Out vs Hard Knock Days - One Piece Wins
    Opening 19, Yumeiro Graffiti vs We Can - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 20, NEVER-END TALE vs Hope - One Piece Wins
    Opening 21, Believe in Myself vs Super Powers - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 22, Ashita Wo Narase vs OVER THE TOP - Fairy Tail Wins
    Opening 23, Power of a Dream vs Dreamin' On - Draw
    Opening 24, DOWN BY LAW vs PAINT - Draw
    Opening 25, NO-LIMIT vs The Peak - One Piece
    Opening 26, More Than Like vs Uuuuus! - Fairy Tail Wins
    9 wins for Fairy Tail, 7 wins for One piece, and 10 draws

  • @verdotj
    @verdotj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Rock city boys at a 6 is a crime

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I just really couldn't get into it

  • @Wendy_Dragneel
    @Wendy_Dragneel 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Fairy tail op 5 ( egao no mahou) always my fav op 💙

  • @Orge7
    @Orge7 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Who cares who is i like them both and they are best anime i watched and I don't care if they beat goku or vegitable 😂

  • @yeetgamersvk1399
    @yeetgamersvk1399 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    why does opening two of both series feel like it has sung by the same person

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@yeetgamersvk1399 Funny that it does but it's 2 differents groups actually

    • @lucassalvador1593
      @lucassalvador1593 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow! I have such a different opinion about both. I find One Piece OP 2 boring, the chorus is even out of tune, the music is average and weak, I find Fairy Tail OP totally upbeat and uplifting and it's one of my favorite songs.

  • @yeetgamersvk1399
    @yeetgamersvk1399 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    absolutely knew that ops 14, 15, 16 and 21 are gonna carry fairytail, what a bangers, op 22 and fiesta was given too low while op 2nd was overratted and snow fairy is an 11 but apart from that our taste really matches and also rock city boy deservse like 8

    • @lucassalvador1593
      @lucassalvador1593 หลายเดือนก่อน

      OP 2 got a good rating because it deserved that rating and even more. It is also an underrated opening, because it happens at a time when the anime is in one of its best arcs, besides being self-motivated and making you excited to watch the episode. I think Snow Fairy is overrated, I think the song is really boring, I almost skipped it. OP 8 "The Rock City Boy" really deserved a higher rating, I agree with you on that.

  • @lucassalvador1593
    @lucassalvador1593 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To me:
    OP 01: FT 5,0 / OP 8,5
    OP 02: FT 9,5 / OP 5,5
    OP 03: FT 5,5 / OP 6,5
    OP 04: FT 4,5 / OP 7,5
    OP 05: FT 6,0 / OP 9,0
    OP 06: FT 8,5 / OP 6,5
    OP 07: FT 8,5 / OP 8,5
    OP 08: FT 8,5 / OP 5,5
    OP 09: FT 6,5 / OP 7,0
    OP 10: FT 6,5 / OP 9,0
    OP 11: FT 6,0 / OP 9,0
    OP 12: FT 5,0 / OP 9,5
    OP 13: FT 8,5 / OP 8,0
    OP 14: FT 8,5 / OP 8,5
    OP 15: FT 8,5 / OP 9,5
    OP 16: FT 6,5 / OP 7,0
    OP 17: FT 7,5 / OP 9,5
    OP 18: FT 7,5 / OP 6,5
    OP 19: FT 9,0 / OP 5,0
    OP 20: FT 6,5 / OP 7,0
    OP 21: FT 8,0 / OP 5,0
    OP 22: FT 7,5 / OP 8,5
    OP 23: FT 7,5 / OP 6,0
    OP 24: FT 5,5 / OP 6,5
    OP 25: FT 6,0 / OP 8,5
    OP 26: FT 6,0 / OP 8,5
    FT: 10 / OP: 18
    One Piece wins!

  • @jonathanosei-bonsu1331
    @jonathanosei-bonsu1331 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fiesta is my favourite

  • @ragnaricstudios5888
    @ragnaricstudios5888 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Snow Fairy rated that low?

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It still great to this day but not that special every time, especially compared to We Are

  • @Zaky_pm
    @Zaky_pm 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    First 😊

  • @fadilifounga528
    @fadilifounga528 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You’re crazy to put a6’5 at fiesta completely crazy f

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@fadilifounga528 Sorry it's only okay for me

  • @Etoarnaud
    @Etoarnaud หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's like one piece is your favorite anime. Fiesta is a 10 without hesitation. Some were just bull shit. Fairy tail is so far better than one piece for op

    • @YR20
      @YR20  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Etoarnaud First, did you watch the entire video? If not spoilers: Fairy Tail wins! Second, One Piece is one of my favorites but not that much compare to others and third, these are MY opinions. But thank you for your comment and sorry for Fiesta, it's fine but not that much for me unfortunately

  • @TrafalgarD.Wat3rLaw
    @TrafalgarD.Wat3rLaw 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    fairy tail slams; the fact you gave fiesta 6.5 discredits your whole list. i love op, but most of its openings sound the same.

    • @Uwuuuahh
      @Uwuuuahh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sound the same .. op 13 11 25 24 23

    • @Uwuuuahh
      @Uwuuuahh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      20 14

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry but Fiesta is not really for me it's okay in my opinion

  • @jonathanosei-bonsu1331
    @jonathanosei-bonsu1331 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fiesta is my favourite the peak is my favourite

  • @Ban_Mut
    @Ban_Mut 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ВАН ПИС!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @felix2662
    @felix2662 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    bullshit snow fairy better than all of them

    • @zernester7726
      @zernester7726 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True true

    • @TrafalgarD.Wat3rLaw
      @TrafalgarD.Wat3rLaw 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @fadilifounga528
      @fadilifounga528 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @ragnaricstudios5888
      @ragnaricstudios5888 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Luckily Fairy Tail won, cause I was gonna call him biased against Fairy Tail, just like every One Piece Fan

    • @YR20
      @YR20  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's always hard when doing these but I always do it based on my opinions and sometimes it can be surprising to many 😉