白く霞む 空を見上げて 往上望著被白雲遮蔽的天空 shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te 何のために 生きるかを問う 問出了為了甚麼而活著的呢 nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u まだ青い 僕らの声は 我們的話語仍然青澀 ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa がむしゃらで ただ不器用で 既魯莽又笨拙呢 ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de 上手くいかない ことばかりで 總是不擅長的事情與 u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de 嫌になること 沢山あるさ 變得討厭的事情像山一樣多 i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa そんなときには 思い出して 在這種時候就會想起 son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te 僕らの歌を 我們的歌 bo ku ra no u ta wo 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 世界中の悲しみを 像是能把世界上的悲傷 se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo 吹き飛ばせるような歌を 消除掉的歌 fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo 刺さるような 冷たい風が 如刺一般的冷風 sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga いつの間にか 優しくなって 不經意間變得溫柔 i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte ぎこちない 僕らの音は 我們的聲音吞吞吐吐 gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa 拙くて まだ幼くて 不靈活也不成熟 tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te 理不尽なこと 積み重なって 沒有道理的事情累積重疊 ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte 無残に心 傷付けられて 殘酷地讓心傷痕累累 mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te 一人涙を 流す夜も 在獨自一人流淚的夜晚 hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo 前を向いて 面向前方 ma e wo mu i te 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 厳しさに荒む人を 像是能將堅持嚴謹的人 ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo 包み込めるような歌を 包圍著的歌 tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 果てしないこの世界へ 像是向著這個廣闊的世界 ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e 明日を紡いで 希望描いて 編織著明日 描繪著希望 a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te 羽ばたくような歌を 並且展翅高飛的歌 ha ba ta ku yo u na u ta wo
Song name translated in English: "Towards the Skies" or "Into the Skies" Translation by BigDog123456vr: (Updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018) I look up at the sky that blazes in white! I ask myself, "What can I live for?" Our voices are still so blue. I'm so crazy about it, and at the same time, just clumsy! At times where things go wrong, There are things that we don't like. In such cases like these, we always wil remember our songs. And we head for the big sky! Singing in loud voices With a song that can blow away all the sorrow all over the world. What stuck to me was a cold wind, Before it became a gentle breeze. Our sounds that we emit are awkward. Yet we're still young, and cheeking around. Unreasonable things pile up And my heart keeps hurting. I keep looking forward to my tears of loneliness In the still of this long night. And we head for the big skies! Singing in loud voices. With a song that wraps up all tough people That bring desolation. And we head for the big sky! Singing in loud voices. With a song that flutters on through, And revolves the future, And draws [signs of] hope In this never-ending world.
Gracias por esta canción fue mi primera canción de UTAU y la amo me encanta y me hace llorar, recordar cada momento de felicidad, gracias persona que hiciste este vídeo y está musica, enserio muchas gracias ❤
If you want translation of the lyrics, and not just the title, here you go: Song name translated in English: "Towards the Skies" or "Into the Skies" Translation by BigDog123456vr: (Updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018) I look up at the sky that blazes in white! I ask myself, "What can I live for?" Our voices are still so blue. I'm so crazy about it, and at the same time, just clumsy! At times where things go wrong, There are things that we don't like. In such cases like these, we always wil remember our songs. And we head for the big sky! Singing in loud voices With a song that can blow away all the sorrow all over the world. What stuck to me was a cold wind, Before it became a gentle breeze. Our sounds that we emit are awkward. Yet we're still young, and cheeking around. Unreasonable things pile up And my heart keeps hurting. I keep looking forward to my tears of loneliness In the still of this long night. And we head for the big skies! Singing in loud voices. With a song that wraps up all tough people That bring desolation. And we head for the big sky! Singing in loud voices. With a song that flutters on through, And revolves the future, And draws [signs of] hope In this never-ending world.
白く霞む 空を見上げて 往上望著被白雲遮蔽的天空 shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te 何のために 生きるかを問う 問出了為了甚麼而活著的呢 nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u まだ青い 僕らの声は 我們的話語仍然青澀 ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa がむしゃらで ただ不器用で 既魯莽又笨拙呢 ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de 上手くいかない ことばかりで 總是不擅長的事情與 u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de 嫌になること 沢山あるさ 變得討厭的事情像山一樣多 i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa そんなときには 思い出して 在這種時候就會想起 son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te 僕らの歌を 我們的歌 bo ku ra no u ta wo 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 世界中の悲しみを 像是能把世界上的悲傷 se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo 吹き飛ばせるような歌を 消除掉的歌 fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo 刺さるような 冷たい風が 如刺一般的冷風 sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga いつの間にか 優しくなって 不經意間變得溫柔 i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte ぎこちない 僕らの音は 我們的聲音吞吞吐吐 gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa 拙くて まだ幼くて 不靈活也不成熟 tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te 理不尽なこと 積み重なって 沒有道理的事情累積重疊 ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte 無残に心 傷付けられて 殘酷地讓心傷痕累累 mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te 一人涙を 流す夜も 在獨自一人流淚的夜晚 hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo 前を向いて 面向前方 ma e wo mu i te 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 厳しさに荒む人を 像是能將堅持嚴謹的人 ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo 包み込めるような歌を 包圍著的歌 tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo 大きな空に 向かって 對著遼闊的天空 o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte 大きな声で 歌うよ 高歌一曲 o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo 果てしないこの世界へ 像是向著這個廣闊的世界 ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e 明日を紡いで 希望描いて 編織著明日 描繪著希望 a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te 羽ばたくような歌を 並且展翅高飛的歌
Pretty please may you get me a link to the off-vocal karaoke track? Pretty please with some sugar on top and spice on the bottom, Nekone Rin??? I wish that two vocaloids - *_Kagamine Len Append and Ryuto V3_* - did a cover on this.
BigDog123456vr Productions I know I'm late, but if you still need it here it is ux.getuploader.com/akki0516_01/download/19/sorahe_20160318.zip It's in the video's description on the niconico website, please give credit to the song's maker あっきぃ (akkii) if you wish to use it
shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te bo ku ra no u ta wo o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo ma e wo mu i te o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te ha ba ta ku yo u na u ta wo
NARUTO, INUYASHA, NINJA GAIDEN, ALTERED BEAST, MARIO STRIKERS SWITCHdark angel naruto clash of ninja! toshinden digimon pokemon monster hunter metroid prime bomberman darklands mario sunshine and black shadow! metal gear bowsers inside story final fantasy mario party 7 and kingdom under fire mario strikers MARIO SUPER SLUGGERS!dEVIL MAY CRY SONIC, TOSHINDEN! LITTLE BIG PLANET MARIO! Naughty bear, ratchet and clank, as well as cold fear, RESIDENT EVIL, TRANSFORMERS WAR OF CYBERTRON, Transporter, HELLBOY. DAREDEVIL. Transformers REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, and Transformers THE GAME 2008. CALL OF CTHULHU, and MONSTER HUNTER! TRIBE WAR! TRAIN WRECKS! Naruto borderlands mario godzilla! dark angel naruto clash of ninja! toshinden digimon pokemon monster hunter metroid prime bomberman darklands mario sunshine and black shadow! metal gear bowsers inside story final fantasy mario party 7 and kingdom under fire mario strikers MARIO SUPER SLUGGERS!1. Donkey Kong's Wild Jungle Park! 2. Goomba's Wild Wild West! 3. King Boo's Nightmarish Illusion! 4. Shy Guy's Volcano Adventure. 5. Koopa-Troopa's Neo-Centropolis. 6. King Bowser's Molten Manor SSBB, and GODZILLA! avp evolution dragon age transformers movie, vs mario anime, MORTAL KOMBAT, DARKSIDERS zombiu warcraft dino crisis turok! dragon age! dragonball! DIABLO earthdawn GURPS DARK EYE NUMENERA dragon's crown vindictus monster hunter pikmin! spyro crash GODZILLA AND DARKSPORE! DIABLO earthdawn GURPS DARK EYE NUMENERA dragon's crown vindictus monster hunter pikmin! spyro crashdigimon world seriews, inden, ninja gaiden, naruto!
It's been 4 years, but here I am still listening this song every single day.
This is so sweet ;-; I just came across the song
hey vro ...,
@@underscoredotpng wassup bro 👀
These UTAUloids has some of the clearest voices I’ve ever heard from one
白く霞む 空を見上げて
何のために 生きるかを問う
まだ青い 僕らの声は
がむしゃらで ただ不器用で
上手くいかない ことばかりで
嫌になること 沢山あるさ
そんなときには 思い出して
大きな空に 向かって
大きな声で 歌うよ
刺さるような 冷たい風が
いつの間にか 優しくなって
ぎこちない 僕らの音は
拙くて まだ幼くて
理不尽なこと 積み重なって
無残に心 傷付けられて
一人涙を 流す夜も
大きな空に 向かって
大きな声で 歌うよ
大きな空に 向かって
大きな声で 歌うよ
明日を紡いで 希望描いて
白く霞む 空を見上げて
shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te
何のために 生きるかを問う
nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u
まだ青い 僕らの声は
ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa
がむしゃらで ただ不器用で
ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de
上手くいかない ことばかりで
u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de
嫌になること 沢山あるさ
i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa
そんなときには 思い出して
son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te
bo ku ra no u ta wo
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo
fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo
刺さるような 冷たい風が
sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga
いつの間にか 優しくなって
i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte
ぎこちない 僕らの音は
gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa
拙くて まだ幼くて
tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te
理不尽なこと 積み重なって
ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte
無残に心 傷付けられて
mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te
一人涙を 流す夜も
hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo
ma e wo mu i te
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo
tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e
明日を紡いで 希望描いて
編織著明日 描繪著希望
a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te
ha ba ta ku yo u na u ta wo
Song name translated in English: "Towards the Skies" or "Into the Skies"
Translation by BigDog123456vr: (Updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018)
I look up at the sky that blazes in white!
I ask myself, "What can I live for?"
Our voices are still so blue.
I'm so crazy about it, and at the same time, just clumsy!
At times where things go wrong,
There are things that we don't like.
In such cases like these, we always wil remember our songs.
And we head for the big sky!
Singing in loud voices
With a song that can blow away all the sorrow
all over the world.
What stuck to me was a cold wind,
Before it became a gentle breeze.
Our sounds that we emit are awkward.
Yet we're still young, and cheeking around.
Unreasonable things pile up
And my heart keeps hurting.
I keep looking forward to my tears of loneliness
In the still of this long night.
And we head for the big skies!
Singing in loud voices.
With a song that wraps up all tough people
That bring desolation.
And we head for the big sky!
Singing in loud voices.
With a song that flutters on through,
And revolves the future,
And draws [signs of] hope
In this never-ending world.
@@archdukebigdogkoopa3821 I would be so glad to know from who is the song
@@ricardomarin459 2 Utaus named Waon Shiba and Rouon Aro.
Why am I only finding this rare original song now, this sounds so good QuQ
I'm so happy to discover this song,. It's sooooo good and addictive.
I can fell the tears rolling down my face
Gracias por esta canción fue mi primera canción de UTAU y la amo me encanta y me hace llorar, recordar cada momento de felicidad, gracias persona que hiciste este vídeo y está musica, enserio muchas gracias ❤
Han pasado tantas estaciones, y esta canción sigue siendo de mis favoritas ✨
X2 ME ENCANTA LA VOZ DE ROUON ARO >w< amo esta canción
Te comprendo
Such a beautiful song! .
I think the song is called to the sky or smth
I love this song, I can't stop listening to it :D
I love the grey one's voice. :3
He's aro rouon the one of the expert level furloid
And he's my favorite one
bring me back to 2020 when i listened to this religiously
beautiful song, very sentimental
I wish i can understand the lyrics but seems this music feels sad and i dont know. I love it!
I love it , sounds great!
This song is so beautiful every time I listen to this piece, keep it up! 👏😭
Whoa this is an original song?
My heart
This song feel so amazing I love it
Beautiful... ;o;
8 years from the release of this vid
You know, this picture reminds me of Fox and Wolf from Starfox... That's why I love this
I'm pretty sure far more people ship those two than those who ship Fox with Krystal let's be honest xd
@@Direwolf181 lol 😂 so true
@@jvl686 yeah just looked at the fan art especially the rule 34 variety
Love it so much
我只是搬運工而已 要是我也能做出這樣的曲子就好了QWQ
This is so amazing uwu
I can't stop listening this song
What a beautiful song
I'm so glad I found this
is things like this that make me think that some utaus are actually better than original vocaloids 1-1
Fucking beautiful! Made me cry tears of joy goddammit
ケモ ナー
Perfect song
still love this song uwu
OwO What's this! It's so cuuuuute!!
The intro make me cry ;w;💖
I love it
Luv it !
Can someone tell me the title of the song??
Distort _Ctrl “To the Sky”
If you want translation of the lyrics, and not just the title, here you go:
Song name translated in English: "Towards the Skies" or "Into the Skies"
Translation by BigDog123456vr: (Updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018)
I look up at the sky that blazes in white!
I ask myself, "What can I live for?"
Our voices are still so blue.
I'm so crazy about it, and at the same time, just clumsy!
At times where things go wrong,
There are things that we don't like.
In such cases like these, we always wil remember our songs.
And we head for the big sky!
Singing in loud voices
With a song that can blow away all the sorrow
all over the world.
What stuck to me was a cold wind,
Before it became a gentle breeze.
Our sounds that we emit are awkward.
Yet we're still young, and cheeking around.
Unreasonable things pile up
And my heart keeps hurting.
I keep looking forward to my tears of loneliness
In the still of this long night.
And we head for the big skies!
Singing in loud voices.
With a song that wraps up all tough people
That bring desolation.
And we head for the big sky!
Singing in loud voices.
With a song that flutters on through,
And revolves the future,
And draws [signs of] hope
In this never-ending world.
its literally written on the title
@@Bxu021 yeah but can other people read Japanese
It's called "Sora e" or "To the sky"
so good
白く霞む 空を見上げて
shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te
何のために 生きるかを問う
nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u
まだ青い 僕らの声は
ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa
がむしゃらで ただ不器用で
ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de
上手くいかない ことばかりで
u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de
嫌になること 沢山あるさ
i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa
そんなときには 思い出して
son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te
bo ku ra no u ta wo
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo
fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo
刺さるような 冷たい風が
sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga
いつの間にか 優しくなって
i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte
ぎこちない 僕らの音は
gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa
拙くて まだ幼くて
tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te
理不尽なこと 積み重なって
ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte
無残に心 傷付けられて
mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te
一人涙を 流す夜も
hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo
ma e wo mu i te
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo
tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo
大きな空に 向かって
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
大きな声で 歌うよ
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e
明日を紡いで 希望描いて
編織著明日 描繪著希望
a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te
+張歆 謝謝~能讓我複製嘛?
+zero60013 隨意
my not add funny world oh my god language is awesome
please, can someone tell me the romaji name of the song and post the link of the off vocal version and the lyrics link?
Pretty please may you get me a link to the off-vocal karaoke track? Pretty please with some sugar on top and spice on the bottom, Nekone Rin??? I wish that two vocaloids - *_Kagamine Len Append and Ryuto V3_* - did a cover on this.
BigDog123456vr Productions
I know I'm late, but if you still need it here it is ux.getuploader.com/akki0516_01/download/19/sorahe_20160318.zip
It's in the video's description on the niconico website, please give credit to the song's maker あっきぃ (akkii) if you wish to use it
Me fascina ❤❤❤❤
เพลงเพราะจังเสียง AIด้วย
Any translation PLZ? Bilibili fails to preserve scrolling comments that helps translate it...!
Is this some king of a game?
あれなんか涙がでてきた( ´っ。•﹏•。c` )
I wish that two vocaloids - Kagamine Len Append and Ryuto V3 - did a cover on this.
Is there an instrumental from this song?
can ask what the title of the song is couse I love it so much hehe plss
This song is called Sora e or "To The Sky"
why its not in Spotify D:?
oh yeas
if someone finds the letter in romaji could you put it pls
shi ro ku ka su mu so ra wo mi a ge te
nan no ta me ni i ki ru ka wo to u
ma da a o i bo ku ra no ko e wa
ga mu sha ra de ta da bu ki yo u de
u ma ku i ka na i ko to ba ka ri de
i ya ni na ru ko to ta ku san a ru sa
son na to ki ni wa o mo i da shi te
bo ku ra no u ta wo
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
se ka i chu u no ka na shi mi wo
fu ki to ba se ru yo u na u ta wo
sa sa ru yo u na tsu me ta i ka e ga
i tsu no ma ni ka ya sa shi ku na tte
gi ko chi na i bo ku ra no o to wa
tsu ta na ku te ma da o sa na ku te
ri fu jin na ko to tsu mi ka sa na tte
mu zan ni ko ko ro ki zu tsu ke ra re te
hi to ri na mi da wo na ga su yo ru mo
ma e wo mu i te
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ki bi shi sa ni su sa mu hi to wo
tsu tsu mi ko me ru yo u na u ta wo
o o ki na so ra ni mu ka tte
o o ki na ko e de u ta u yo
ha te shi na i ko no se ka i e
a su wo tsu mu i de ki bo u e ga i te
ha ba ta ku yo u na u ta wo
Thanks uwu
Como se llama la cancion en ingles?????
What is Aro and Shiba lastname? I can't read Kanji. XD
Deadly but Cutie
狼音 = ろうおん [ROUON]
和音 = わおん [WAON]
Hence Rouon Aro and Waon Shiba (or "Aro Rouon and Shiba Waon")
subtitles plz
si alguien encuentra la letra en romaji podria ponerla pls
se encuentra en la descripción amigo, abajo de los kanji
@@Shadowrose_Rucci no me habia dado cuenta ;-; perdón la molestia, gracias :D
Y de casualidad un video que contenga los subtítulos en español?
@@marcospittis3490 esta idea puede sonar idiota pero puedes traducir los lyrics creo yo ._. es que la verda dudo que pongan los sub español
@@nicolasmonroy6408 como hago para traducir el romano?
Star fox? ????
Does anyone know the original?
This is the original song
is this an anime?
lala bye now not call me senpai
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