Hola bones!! Tinc que fer un estudi de les Reinetes Per al meu nebot, i magradaria saber en quina part de Palafolls vas trobar a aquesta Reineta. Soc de Blanes. Queda a lespera!!! :)
Hey, may I use this video for my blog? I'm writing an entry on anuran calls and it would be really helpful to have this video in it! You can check my blog in here: allyouneedisbiology.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/welcome/ If you don't want to share your video I'll understand, but if you do I'll put a link to your youtube page or anywhere you tell me. Tell me what you think!
a!a meditteranean tree frog!
Holaa bones! .Va ser a la part de santa maria, a un camp de cebes al costat del camp de futbol.
Hola bones!! Tinc que fer un estudi de les Reinetes Per al meu nebot, i magradaria saber en quina part de Palafolls vas trobar a aquesta Reineta. Soc de Blanes. Queda a lespera!!! :)
eso en mallorca?
Hey, may I use this video for my blog? I'm writing an entry on anuran calls and it would be really helpful to have this video in it! You can check my blog in here: allyouneedisbiology.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/welcome/
If you don't want to share your video I'll understand, but if you do I'll put a link to your youtube page or anywhere you tell me. Tell me what you think!