Wish I had found your video sooner. I spent the $12 on AARP membership but read the terms before wasting money on the RC card. Going with a TA I booked a cruise for cheaper than what the cabin is direct through RC with a 10% discount. Its our first cruise and perhaps If my wife gets hooked we can play RC and TA to see who can hook us up with a better deal. OR we try Carnival where the gift card isn't so convoluted to use.
Wish I had found your video sooner. I spent the $12 on AARP membership but read the terms before wasting money on the RC card. Going with a TA I booked a cruise for cheaper than what the cabin is direct through RC with a 10% discount. Its our first cruise and perhaps If my wife gets hooked we can play RC and TA to see who can hook us up with a better deal.
OR we try Carnival where the gift card isn't so convoluted to use.