@mathskafunda4383 Also, you don't even need to bother with learning the Traxler and every complicated line that comes with it. Just play 5...Na5 or 5...Nd4 instead of 5...Nxd5.
I wish magnus crlsen would try the loli attack on a world tournament xD. that would be awesome. I can already hear the commentator : "Alright, and here we see Magnus going for the loli. Interesting choice" xD
It'll only happen if his opponent allows it in the first place, which will almost certainly NEVER happen. Besides, Magnus very rarely plays the Italian Game, and the only time he did face the Two Knights Defense (as far as I can find), he played 4.d3. Sorry to rain on your parade.
@@locutusdborg126 That's how Chess is supposed to be played tho. If there was a way to attack someone's King successfully then everyone would do it and chess would be dead. Magnus knows that you cannot successfully attack a King that is protected, therefore he goes for a better endgame, just like how chess is supposed to be played....
I've checked many variations with my engine and: after 20:10 black's best play is Nc6-e7! after 1:13 (after e4 x d5) black can play b7-b5 (Ulstad Variation) or Nc6-a5! (Polerio Defense), after 19:44 black can also Ne4! whilst not opening the e-file Please like, so people can see
Kevin, just wanted to thank you for the awesome commentary and teaching. I have learned more of chess from your videos then in my entire life of playing and learning. Your in depth analysis and teaching of so much more than just lines has given me a love for the game. Thank you
You have summoned me for reasons you do not know, I have seen nirvana and hell, went through limbo and the golden ages, yet still, I have once again been enlightened. To witness such a majestic name surpassing all that is grand and holy.
I can't believe this is the first comment I found that's not about the name. Not some chess insight, no, instead of a loli joke I get a dragqueen joke. Dig deep enough and you'll strike a different type of dirt I guess.
I love these videos, I learn new attacks, and also learn why specific strong attacks are really great in these attacks. I can't remember every single step, but I remembered why white wants to open the "e" file for the castled rook to make a very strong check on the king, and I won 3 games by remembering this one detail. THANKS!
Newbies are very aggressive players. I know because I was one. Lack of skill must be made up with petty attempts at trapping your more skilled opponent. Pray it works, usually it doesn't.
The opening pawn on pawn is it used a lot. ? Once Black matches Pawn on Pawn, seems White has numerous Possible Attacks. I know I invented a defense away from the Center for Black only to find out it was in a Book on Chess. White Gambits seem to work best on Pawns facing each other. But I have not played chess in years, my best chess was in HS, long ago. But like the others, this is a three peat before I start learning from these. Thanks for going over numerous versions.. :))))
I need to ask a Question.. When White moved pawn to D4; cannot Black take with Knight? For Black to take with E5 pawn only helps White. I have a feeling that this will never be seen though.
5:30 The 2 main responses are Bf6 and Kc8, because if King goes to e6, white can promptly enter the rook to the party with Re1, and now there's just 2 moves for black, Ne5 and Kd7 (Kd6 loses on the spot). And its easy to enter a forced mate sequence if black doesn't play the exact moves.
when i use this one and my opponent asks me what am I doing I will say that the LOLI attack ez win he will be confused the whole game and will go to jail the next day cuz he tries to google loli attack :)
I've already noticed that fewer better placed pieces is a lot better than more matieral all trapped and not being able move. Also have won with queen+2 pieces when the opponent has had almost double in strength... Thanks Kevin keep up the good work and i'll try and watch all of them :) And i'll add a twist to make my game unique.
19:26: I don't think that rook-move is very smart. If the king moves to f6, you will lose a rook, either to black's pawn (who will become a queen), or to the king, because moving that rook will let black's pawn take the rook on a1. Better to just capture the pawn before you start checking again, or am I missing something?
The other rook can move to cover the rook near the king, but then the pawn becomes a queen. Can't move the first rook to e6 to check because black bishop covers it. Can't move rook on f1 because queen has trapped the rook so yes, taking care of that pawn first afaik needs to happen.
I love this attack. F7 and F2 are the primary targets, in my eyes. This attack is great. I wouldn't recommend it for players who don't like very interesting positions. It opens up quick, it's out of control and you have to be a "play to win" player. I never knew about the Nc3 sacrifice though. Very helpful video.
Kevin this was an amazing educational video...thanks for the lesson and sorry for finding it too late...I would love to see the other variations that you talked about ....I am sure there are others who would comply with my request.
since I am a real aggressive openings freak, Ill try to use this as much as possible. Although kings gambit and smith morra gambit remain my favorite openings to date. thx again Kev.
Hello. Good job uploading these videos. I can't say i love all of them, but a big part of them go over some interesting openings/variations Seeing that you like openings with traps/tactics i suggest you take a look at the Chigorin defence. It's a debut that not much people are familiar with and playing correctly at start is going to take up a good portion of your opponents time + it's very fun for black. Good luck and keep up the good work.
Bxd5 and it is just a not a good looking position for black; for example: Ke8!? Bxd5 Rf8 Qh5+ g6 Bxc6+ bxc6 Qxh7 and then threatening to take on g6 with tempo on the king. Other variations are possible but this variation is the best that black can do to defend itself.
Hi Kevin, this is a nice video addressing some main lines, but I gotta say, exd4 is a pretty obviously terrible move for black. It's a rare opponent who will be obliging enough to open up a file for my rook to join an attack on his king. I would like to see a video justifying the move d4 even without the illogical response exd4. After all, white is very happy with Nxf7, an opportunity that may easily be squandered with the somewhat slow d4 if black is less cooperative than this video assumes. For example, how do you respond to nxd4 in your games? That seems probably best, though ignoring the pawn and developing another piece is also far better than exd4 (and, I think, much more intuitive to a decent player).
care to add more detail? White being slightly ahead after a series of opening moves is not a ringing endorsement-- it's the natural way of things in a turn-based game where time is of the essence and white goes first. The fact is, Nxf7 gives white a pretty powerful attack, while d4 gives white little more than the standard opening advantage unless black just loves getting on board with white's program. A few solid developing/prophylactic moves later and white may even wish his knight weren't on g5 after all.
C3 Knight moves away, then you have queen and bishop attacking other knight with only queen as defender. So you get up a piece without sacrificing first
+Raffi XD not sure which part of the attack you mean h6 too be played. Depending on the situation, sacrifice the knight on f7 and either do a fried liver or lolli attack
This is not played in high level games, not because it's a bad sac (it's not) but because 5...Nxd5 is a crappy move. Even most decent club players knows that you play 5...Na5! and NOT Nxd5.
leon p Lol, well, I think you will meet some opposition if you try to introduce this H for Knight idea to the many millions of english speaking chessplayers world wide who have already established that the short English notation for Knight is N. But if you feel think your way is better, please don't let that stop you;)
thank you for the video I play regularly and e 4 is 1 of my favorite openings please do more in depth analysis on this and other openings with e 4 this has become 1 of my favorite openings to play against my uncle please do some more in depth analysis on this and the fisher variation of the sicilian thanx
3. --- h6? Look upon that move as a spoiled tempo, in an opening where tempo is important. d4 or c3 seems like good options. 4. d4 exd4 5.c3 exc3 6 Nxc3 It will nearly be like playing Göring Gambit with tempo up, and the best move for black in Göring Gambit is stopped by your bishop on c4 h6 is only useful in some lines in these kind of positions, this is waaay to early for h6 and is basically bad.
@daemonowner Well if play continued with Knxc3, white's queen now is being attacked so Knf7 could just be met with Knxd4 Knxd8, then if white wants it can capture the knight and black can capture and black is up in material and white's attack isn't scary.
You can't force your opponent to play the lolli. Not even a human. And the Lolli is 100% sound. if you are losing, it's because you are making bad moves. it is not at all the fault of the opening
Derwoods9 Of course the computer won't play into your Lolli Attack because they know every possibility of avoiding most openings. You'll be lucky to draw with the computer with the impossibility of winning against it
Traxler is a very good counter to Fried Liver, which is something very similar to this. Unless you're playing against a human or a very old engine, avoid this at all cost.
after 1. ... Na5 in your described situation the main line is 2. Bb5+ c6 3. dxc6 bxc6 4. Ba4 ... and white won a pawn. BUT after ... h6 white also has to move his knight back in a bad spot. because after Nf3 marches the black pawn to e4 and black has slightly better position.
Kevin, at 17:48, after black has doubled up his pawns, white can easily move: Rxe7+, then black must go Kf8, then white can move Qxd8#. Correct me if I'm wrong.
19:28 what if black king moves to f6 then no other moves left for white to give instant check ....so no matter what white plays blacks 2nd move is to capture rook with his pawn and it is the beautiful checkmate
kevin a better set of moves at 3:17 when the pawn takes pawn at b2 for the "last ditch effort" is for white Rxe7. if queen takes, then black queen is lost and if not then it will be check mate with ... kf8, Qf3 bf5, Qxf5 kg8, Qf7 checkmate
f3 Nxf3 Nxf3 c6 Qe3? White has traded 2 pawns for the knight and has relieved the knight on f3 from its pin while still defending it. Though I do see your point, it's no longer anything close to the Lolli Attack. I'd like to see a video of this variation as well.
You need to beware though of those who know how to use knights in concert very well like Bobby Fischer did. A good player who knows how to use his knights in concert will try to thwart your moves and sacrifice his bishops instead. What is key to this attack is the center control and preventing the king from castling. If you keep those two elements in mind the knight sacrifice on f7 helps you mess with your opponents defense very early on. It's a fun way to play.
i enjoy doing a queenside fried liver opening because they always move their rook to avoid being forked with the check on c7, then you put the bishop on c7 which is protected by the knight, and bam you have a guaranteed queen capture
Just relearning chess from a decade ago.Remember all the Black defenses.THANK YOU for one of the few videos showing an aggressive White attack! Is the English opening still worth using?--- Born Again chess player.
cxd4 Qxg2 Qf3, black is forced to trade queens and has already lost a knight. Now white also has an open g file with which to attack the black kingside with the rook, and white can castle queenside.
Hi Kevin, thanks for putting up these videos. I really enjoy them - I remember learning about the Fried Liver Attack from your the video on your youtube channel and it's come in pretty at my (fairly) amateurish level of play. I want to ask you which software do you use in these videos (this one for example)? I would to download the same if possible. Thanks!
Kevin. Any time there is a piece in between the black King and a white Rook move the blocker to attack the black Queen and that puts him in check. Then it's like TNT for that Queen
Italian chess theoretician in the 18th century: I shall name this very aggressive variation after me! 200 years later… Haha this opening aint even legal lmao
I watched your video on the "Fried Liver Attack" and I really like whites opening. The "FLA" really improved my game and it's not a common opening with the people I play chess with. I think the "Lolli Attack" is very similar to the "FLA" and will help with my game. Thank you.
I'm quite sure you're a better player then me (1600 elo only here) but could you elaborate more on binds ? You only seem to mention a piece can't move because of pins. However at some point if I'm not mistaking the queen was married to the bishop. The white bishop was bound as well and as a result the 2 rooks couldn't really move either. So basically the whole black position seemed locked down to me and all you said was the knights couldn't move (which if I didn't overlook is a understatement)
@trapp6green maybe white can try Bxf7+ followed by ... Kxf7 then Nxe5+. White trades a bishop for two pawns and attack on black king while he can't castle anymore.
is the loli attack even legal?
Don’t worry it’s actually 500 years old
Japanese LoLi
FBI is here
Following this video, the Oni-Chan defense
CIA stuff ? 😂😂😂
well done checking other comments
Then we want Ara Ara gambit
It's too powerful!
Now I need to learn the ara ara defense to fight back.
Learn the traxler counterattack and you'll be just fine.
The joke went right over your head there, didn't it?
@mathskafunda4383 Also, you don't even need to bother with learning the Traxler and every complicated line that comes with it. Just play 5...Na5 or 5...Nd4 instead of 5...Nxd5.
I like how lolli *pins down* almost all of black's pieces
loli?? i found my special move in chess
Nagato Yuki heh, I clicked the video for that reason lol
Nagato Yuki yuuup
as soon as i read the name of the video i predicted this comment xd
All the otaku chess players unite!
Of course some weeb had to misspell his kink and land on this video.
*Damn, such a powerful move.*
*Is the Lolli even legal?*
This has a very dubious name. Be careful when Googling.
literally came here just for comments like this LOL
Ah, I see that everyone is a man of culture as well
Culture is everything, everywhere
*When you do the lolli attack you sacrifice your sanitity*
But you gain a reason to live.
@@chesswebsite Kevin, I love you
I wish magnus crlsen would try the loli attack on a world tournament xD. that would be awesome. I can already hear the commentator : "Alright, and here we see Magnus going for the loli. Interesting choice" xD
Eh more than likely going to see 9000+ moves of Berlin theory
It'll only happen if his opponent allows it in the first place, which will almost certainly NEVER happen. Besides, Magnus very rarely plays the Italian Game, and the only time he did face the Two Knights Defense (as far as I can find), he played 4.d3. Sorry to rain on your parade.
Magnus is not an attacker, he is a positional player who looks towards the end game. Boring IMO, but it works for him.
Melaetas xD
@@locutusdborg126 That's how Chess is supposed to be played tho. If there was a way to attack someone's King successfully then everyone would do it and chess would be dead.
Magnus knows that you cannot successfully attack a King that is protected, therefore he goes for a better endgame, just like how chess is supposed to be played....
it's bad enough it has the word similar to "Loli"
and then it has the word "attack"......
beautiful chess opening im using this
Of course you have a Loli as your pfp
Chess loli profile pic checks out.
Why have I not found this sooner?
Penetrante the lolli defense
I've checked many variations with my engine and:
after 20:10 black's best play is Nc6-e7!
after 1:13 (after e4 x d5)
black can play b7-b5 (Ulstad Variation)
or Nc6-a5! (Polerio Defense),
after 19:44 black can also Ne4! whilst not opening the e-file
Please like, so people can see
I had to watch half of the video to be completely sure that this wasn't a shitpost
I’m a simple man I see Loli I click
I see u are a man of culture too
@@bdbailey we just see loli not like loli
Kevin, just wanted to thank you for the awesome commentary and teaching. I have learned more of chess from your videos then in my entire life of playing and learning. Your in depth analysis and teaching of so much more than just lines has given me a love for the game. Thank you
You have summoned me for reasons you do not know, I have seen nirvana and hell, went through limbo and the golden ages, yet still, I have once again been enlightened. To witness such a majestic name surpassing all that is grand and holy.
9:31 The queen is a "he"? It's a drag queen then!
Thanks for the good and instructive video with some ideas I well try out in my own games.
Lolis and futas, chess is trully a hobby for Men of Culture.
I can't believe this is the first comment I found that's not about the name. Not some chess insight, no, instead of a loli joke I get a dragqueen joke.
Dig deep enough and you'll strike a different type of dirt I guess.
I love these videos, I learn new attacks, and also learn why specific strong attacks are really great in these attacks.
I can't remember every single step, but I remembered why white wants to open the "e" file for the castled rook to make a very strong check on the king, and I won 3 games by remembering this one detail. THANKS!
More Lolli videos please. Great for blitz games.
@@thatoneguy9582 chill
Am I gonna get arrested playing this move?
Wild Boy Kayzo one dude did 3 months ago. he said fbi arrested him, not recommended
Came for the.comments, was not disappointed.
"Its not about how many pieces you have but how many active pieces you have"-I always love this line...:)
10 points for the name
One of my favorite openings in chess, I'm a VERY aggressive player.
FBI Gambit is better.
FBI Gambit is better.
Newbies are very aggressive players. I know because I was one. Lack of skill must be made up with petty attempts at trapping your more skilled opponent. Pray it works, usually it doesn't.
@@xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx Underrated.
Does this move only come if they take back the pawn with the knight?
I found my new chess opening 😂
I like him cause he makes every single opening seem flawless :D
BTW, who the heck was Lolli anyway: a GM from years ago in Russia, or some 9 yr old prodigy from the Bronx?
Giambattista Lolli (1698 in Nonantola, Italy - 4 June 1769) was an Italian chess player
The opening pawn on pawn is it used a lot. ? Once Black matches Pawn on Pawn, seems White has numerous Possible Attacks.
I know I invented a defense away from the Center for Black only to find out it was in a Book on Chess.
White Gambits seem to work best on Pawns facing each other. But I have not played chess in years, my best chess was in HS, long ago. But like the others, this is a three peat before I start learning from these.
Thanks for going over numerous versions.. :))))
I need to ask a Question..
When White moved pawn to D4; cannot Black take with Knight? For Black to take with E5 pawn only helps White.
I have a feeling that this will never be seen though.
I'll master this opening😂
i love these kind of plays, like a madman carelessly attacking yet comes off better. Not being a very strong chess player i can hardly pull these off
0:41 "minor pieces" ofc
It's all fun and games till my opponent calls the FBI
Next we need the Shota gambit^^
5:30 The 2 main responses are Bf6 and Kc8, because if King goes to e6, white can promptly enter the rook to the party with Re1, and now there's just 2 moves for black, Ne5 and Kd7 (Kd6 loses on the spot). And its easy to enter a forced mate sequence if black doesn't play the exact moves.
when i use this one and my opponent asks me what am I doing I will say that the LOLI attack
ez win he will be confused the whole game and will go to jail the next day cuz he tries to google loli attack :)
I've already noticed that fewer better placed pieces is a lot better than more matieral all trapped and not being able move. Also have won with queen+2 pieces when the opponent has had almost double in strength...
Thanks Kevin keep up the good work and i'll try and watch all of them :) And i'll add a twist to make my game unique.
Can't wait to strike my opponent with the cute anime girls.
Make sure you move your pawn to D4 at 1:36, it allows your bishop at E1 to defend your knight from the queen capturing it
19:26: I don't think that rook-move is very smart. If the king moves to f6, you will lose a rook, either to black's pawn (who will become a queen), or to the king, because moving that rook will let black's pawn take the rook on a1. Better to just capture the pawn before you start checking again, or am I missing something?
The other rook can move to cover the rook near the king, but then the pawn becomes a queen. Can't move the first rook to e6 to check because black bishop covers it. Can't move rook on f1 because queen has trapped the rook so yes, taking care of that pawn first afaik needs to happen.
a1 to b1 blocking the pawn from doing anything while maintaining the rook on the 7th rank
Actually that's the best move for white, as it is a check, pawn cannot capture, and after Kf6 Rb1
The bishop at a3 is protecting the rook at e7. The a1 rook can move to b1 so the black pawn at b2 can not move
I love this attack. F7 and F2 are the primary targets, in my eyes. This attack is great. I wouldn't recommend it for players who don't like very interesting positions. It opens up quick, it's out of control and you have to be a "play to win" player. I never knew about the Nc3 sacrifice though. Very helpful video.
@Zelrio28 let me know how it works out for you.
Kevin this was an amazing educational video...thanks for the lesson and sorry for finding it too late...I would love to see the other variations that you talked about ....I am sure there are others who would comply with my request.
since I am a real aggressive openings freak, Ill try to use this as much as possible. Although kings gambit and smith morra gambit remain my favorite openings to date. thx again Kev.
Kevin, another excellent video, thank you. Very clear, well explained and good sample of variations.
Good job uploading these videos. I can't say i love all of them, but a big part of them go over some interesting openings/variations
Seeing that you like openings with traps/tactics i suggest you take a look at the Chigorin defence. It's a debut that not much people are familiar with and playing correctly at start is going to take up a good portion of your opponents time + it's very fun for black.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
hey after the the king is checked , what if the king went back to e8 instead of the 2 options you mentioned
Bxd5 and it is just a not a good looking position for black; for example: Ke8!? Bxd5 Rf8 Qh5+ g6 Bxc6+ bxc6 Qxh7 and then threatening to take on g6 with tempo on the king. Other variations are possible but this variation is the best that black can do to defend itself.
Can you do the Shota defence next? With the Monster Girl attack as a response to it?
Hi Kevin, this is a nice video addressing some main lines, but I gotta say, exd4 is a pretty obviously terrible move for black. It's a rare opponent who will be obliging enough to open up a file for my rook to join an attack on his king. I would like to see a video justifying the move d4 even without the illogical response exd4. After all, white is very happy with Nxf7, an opportunity that may easily be squandered with the somewhat slow d4 if black is less cooperative than this video assumes.
For example, how do you respond to nxd4 in your games? That seems probably best, though ignoring the pawn and developing another piece is also far better than exd4 (and, I think, much more intuitive to a decent player).
Alex Schindler but why can't analyse it yourself huh I have and white still comes out on top
care to add more detail? White being slightly ahead after a series of opening moves is not a ringing endorsement-- it's the natural way of things in a turn-based game where time is of the essence and white goes first. The fact is, Nxf7 gives white a pretty powerful attack, while d4 gives white little more than the standard opening advantage unless black just loves getting on board with white's program. A few solid developing/prophylactic moves later and white may even wish his knight weren't on g5 after all.
Know it all
thanks Kevin .. I've came across some of this moves when playing the fried liver attack
loli attack?
this is my kind of attack
Someone countered me by moving the h7 pawn to h6
cookedkristian00 then you sac the knight and go to the regular fried liver
@@kadenxu5142 I think he meant that his opponent player h6 before he moved his knight to g5. Its called the Anti-Fried Liver Defense
Nice to see you uploading more frequently.
Nice video, well done.
so what if black takes the d4 pawn with his knight instead of his pawn?
Plz answer this ^
Knight moves away, then you have queen and bishop attacking other knight with only queen as defender. So you get up a piece without sacrificing first
Bam. Exactly
+Bomarsh what if they attack the horse by moving the pawn to h6
+Raffi XD not sure which part of the attack you mean h6 too be played. Depending on the situation, sacrifice the knight on f7 and either do a fried liver or lolli attack
Kevin thanks for ur time and energy u put firth in make ur videis I for one appreciate it.
I played this opening and the fbi arrested me
@BigBossHuntelaar It's the Sicilian Defense - considered the best defense for Black.
Unfortunately this is illegal :(
Ah yes using lolis as attack now we counter with the FBI defense
This is not played in high level games, not because it's a bad sac (it's not) but because 5...Nxd5 is a crappy move. Even most decent club players knows that you play 5...Na5! and NOT Nxd5.
Bobby Fisher played it and he was decent.
Locutus D'Borg
He didn't play 5....Nxd5 like black does in this variation, I can assure you.
5...Nd4 is also interesting, but perhaps harder to understand the followup.
it's Ka5, cause it's knight and not night
edit: yeah K is king, so call it Ha5 (horse)
leon p
Lol, well, I think you will meet some opposition if you try to introduce this H for Knight idea to the many millions of english speaking chessplayers world wide who have already established that the short English notation for Knight is N. But if you feel think your way is better, please don't let that stop you;)
Thanks for the video kevin!! I'm learning chess from scratch and ur videos help me a lot. Kindly post more videos
Me being a weeb: Loli?!
thank you for the video I play regularly and e 4 is 1 of my favorite openings please do more in depth analysis on this and other openings with e 4 this has become 1 of my favorite openings to play against my uncle please do some more in depth analysis on this and the fisher variation of the sicilian thanx
1:06, what shpuld I do if the enemy goes h6 pawn
3. --- h6?
Look upon that move as a spoiled tempo, in an opening where tempo is important.
d4 or c3 seems like good options.
4. d4 exd4
5.c3 exc3
6 Nxc3
It will nearly be like playing Göring Gambit with tempo up, and the best move for black in Göring Gambit is stopped by your bishop on c4
h6 is only useful in some lines in these kind of positions, this is waaay to early for h6 and is basically bad.
+perkalov thanks bro!
my pleasure.
move knight to f7 attacking the queen and rook protected by your bishop
@daemonowner Well if play continued with Knxc3, white's queen now is being attacked so Knf7 could just be met with Knxd4 Knxd8, then if white wants it can capture the knight and black can capture and black is up in material and white's attack isn't scary.
These openings never work against computer! Black never responds like this video and I end up losing all the time.
You can't force your opponent to play the lolli. Not even a human. And the Lolli is 100% sound. if you are losing, it's because you are making bad moves. it is not at all the fault of the opening
Derwoods9 Of course the computer won't play into your Lolli Attack because they know every possibility of avoiding most openings. You'll be lucky to draw with the computer with the impossibility of winning against it
If the computer plays nf3, then just attack the f pawn and go into the fried liver. Don't push the d pawn.
Traxler is a very good counter to Fried Liver, which is something very similar to this. Unless you're playing against a human or a very old engine, avoid this at all cost.
@@StygianStyle nf6
after 1. ... Na5 in your described situation the main line is 2. Bb5+ c6 3. dxc6 bxc6 4. Ba4 ... and white won a pawn. BUT after ... h6 white also has to move his knight back in a bad spot. because after Nf3 marches the black pawn to e4 and black has slightly better position.
Countering the knight with a pawn from the start makes this unlikely from the beginning
Kevin, at 17:48, after black has doubled up his pawns, white can easily move: Rxe7+, then black must go Kf8, then white can move Qxd8#. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Of course the comments are filled with Anime Profile pictures
thats actually the Fried Liver Attack, not the Lolli Attack. I believe you can find lots of videos covering the Fried Liver
lolicon? just me? ok...
no... me too , used to wreck lolis
Harvey Sullivan lololol
What happens after 10:00? The black pawn is almost a queen and I can't imagine a way of capturing it without letting the attack fall to pieces.
Either keep checking until mate, or move rook behind it, so it has no where to go.
The FBI is an expert with this attack
@me2freaks he can, but this just delays checkmate by one move. after Nd8, 1. Qxe6 Nxe6 (or the inferior Nf7) 2. Bxe6 checkmate (or Qxf7 checkmate)
Thanks!!! Hope you get around to making a Part 2 for other variations. Your videos are amazing!
19:28 what if black king moves to f6 then no other moves left for white to give instant check ....so no matter what white plays blacks 2nd move is to capture rook with his pawn and it is the beautiful checkmate
Then you move the room and take the pawn
Love u man. Been learning from ya for years now.
Can anyone tell me how to defend it with black? You didn't told it in video.
Your uploads are very helpful
Would love to see another video on the Lolli attack
Traxler counterattack is a phenomenal reply to this Lolli attack
kevin a better set of moves at 3:17 when the pawn takes pawn at b2 for the "last ditch effort" is for white Rxe7. if queen takes, then black queen is lost and if not then it will be check mate with ... kf8, Qf3 bf5, Qxf5 kg8, Qf7 checkmate
I would like to see more variations on the Lolli attack. Please elaborate. Great stuff.
f3 Nxf3 Nxf3 c6 Qe3? White has traded 2 pawns for the knight and has relieved the knight on f3 from its pin while still defending it.
Though I do see your point, it's no longer anything close to the Lolli Attack. I'd like to see a video of this variation as well.
You need to beware though of those who know how to use knights in concert very well like Bobby Fischer did. A good player who knows how to use his knights in concert will try to thwart your moves and sacrifice his bishops instead. What is key to this attack is the center control and preventing the king from castling. If you keep those two elements in mind the knight sacrifice on f7 helps you mess with your opponents defense very early on. It's a fun way to play.
i enjoy doing a queenside fried liver opening because they always move their rook to avoid being forked with the check on c7, then you put the bishop on c7 which is protected by the knight, and bam you have a guaranteed queen capture
I can guarantee that at least 15% of the viewers didn't find what they were looking for.
Just relearning chess from a decade ago.Remember all the Black defenses.THANK YOU for one of the few videos showing an aggressive White attack! Is the English opening still worth using?--- Born Again chess player.
cxd4 Qxg2 Qf3, black is forced to trade queens and has already lost a knight. Now white also has an open g file with which to attack the black kingside with the rook, and white can castle queenside.
Yes! Make another video! This is wonderful
black can easily equalize against this type of attack by playing Na5 instead Nxd5. I think it's called the Polerio defense if I'm not mistaken
Hi Kevin, thanks for putting up these videos. I really enjoy them - I remember learning about the Fried Liver Attack from your the video on your youtube channel and it's come in pretty at my (fairly) amateurish level of play.
I want to ask you which software do you use in these videos (this one for example)? I would to download the same if possible. Thanks!
this is a great video, keep up the good work Kevin
great vid i enjoy going over it and then going online to work it out....thanx saves me alot of time,which is always good.
Kevin. Any time there is a piece in between the black King and a white Rook move the blocker to attack the black Queen and that puts him in check. Then it's like TNT for that Queen
Italian chess theoretician in the 18th century: I shall name this very aggressive variation after me!
200 years later…
Haha this opening aint even legal lmao
I watched your video on the "Fried Liver Attack" and I really like whites opening. The "FLA" really improved my game and it's not a common opening with the people I play chess with. I think the "Lolli Attack" is very similar to the "FLA" and will help with my game. Thank you.
I'm quite sure you're a better player then me (1600 elo only here) but could you elaborate more on binds ? You only seem to mention a piece can't move because of pins. However at some point if I'm not mistaking the queen was married to the bishop. The white bishop was bound as well and as a result the 2 rooks couldn't really move either. So basically the whole black position seemed locked down to me and all you said was the knights couldn't move (which if I didn't overlook is a understatement)
@trapp6green maybe white can try Bxf7+ followed by ... Kxf7 then Nxe5+. White trades a bishop for two pawns and attack on black king while he can't castle anymore.