Will ONLINE VIDEO Be CENSORED? - Dude Soup Podcast
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Today the gang veers briefly into the world of politics before discussing:
08:30 - Censorship on online platforms
34:00 - Sexual fetishes
42:30 - Horror movies and games
51:50 - Final Fantasy and narratives in games
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I guess I'll throw this out there, hopefully all the angry people can concentrate their disputes here and open up discussion for the odious anti-anime bias issue.
Hitting people is wrong. It'd be nice to live in a world where violence is never justified.
However, I think that peaceful actions (such as expressing one's opinion or world view) can lead to harmful actions. I also think that one can knowingly express themselves in a way to encourage those actions. I also think that one can continue expressing themselves after knowing that their actions have caused direct harm and violence in the world.
I think this is a case where an individual knowingly caused and encouraged harm and hurt in this world. And while he did it through peaceful means, I also think that is a planned tactic. I believe that changes the situation fundamentally from a simple expression of free speech to an active willingness to do harm in the world, and encourage others to do the same.
Ultimately, I don't think anyone should be physically harmed for any opinion -- even IF it is put into the world to knowingly cause harm. However, I will enjoy it when it happens, to the same degree that I enjoy seeing people get tased on the tv show COPS (and I do enjoy that thoroughly).
Being a nerd, I understand how hard that viewpoint can be to incorporate into a very stark world view. We like to see things in black and white, right and wrong. If you see this issue as a stark right/wrong issue, that's fine. For me, a jackass got punched, and I will enjoy that.
I love you Lawrence, please don't hate me for supporting Trump :(
Lawrence Sonntag Imagine if the person who got punched was some radical man-loathing feminist who actively ruins peoples lives. You wouldn't be on the criminals side then.
TheStoryOfJohnny how does this feminist ruins people lives? Does she say I must be purged from the country and then enact said idea? Fuck off, man, false equivalence is thing you know.
I think thats the best way you can put it. If I saw the video of someone getting punched in the face for talking shit, I would laugh too, especially hows its about my race getting talked down upon. But it all loses the entertainment aspect as soon someone says "He deserved it or Why did he get punched". At that point I think its very hard to differentiate enjoying a video and then going without discussing the moral behind it. Usually someone is gonna say or ask something that will just turn into a moral/political debate.
So I get where you're coming from. At the end the lesson should be taught to never punch someone just because they said some meanful words.
I agree with you Lawrence. However certain opinions obviously as you said, can lead to bad actions and so forth so in my opinion he deserved it.
The guy was a prick, he got punched. That happens every minute of everyday all over the world and It just so happens that this time it got recorded. In a country with so many guns why is everyone so offend by a smack to the mouth.
Talk shit get slapped, in England we say "let off with a slap on the wrist" if you get detained for a night or given a warning by the police. A smack to face is a wake up call and a societal warning that your being to much of a dick.
Oh, and to the people out there who suggested that Lawrence may be a libertarian; no, no he's not
And please keep these comments up and don't close the section down; open dialogue is a good, constructive thing, unlike punching someone in the face for their shitty opinions
Henry Kincaid nope just punch those who advocate the suppression of other cultures instead of pushing forward equality
Vmcn17 that's someone's opinion, don't punch them for it. There are also two different forms of equality by the way, and not agreeing with a culture is exactly the same as not agreeing with someone's opinion
Henry Kincaid Pretty sure that they were being satirical now that I'm watching it again.
Thanks Adam for being the voice of reason by not wanting to hit someone for their terrible world views
Typical response tbh. Wasnt expecting nothing else. Lawrence, James and Elyse talking how much that guy was a Dick for being white nationalist and that he deserved the punch and when Adam tries to be reasonable they just ignore Adam and move on even though they spent the first 8m talking about the subject. At least you tried to make a bit sense out of it Adam, even if he really deserved that punch. But they dont want different point of views. They just want theirs.
+olbrien Hey man, I did say that even though he deserves it, not the best way to handle it. -Elyse
Funhaus Elyse, perhaps your point wasn't as clear as you wanted it to be, I myself couldn't quite work out your stance on it; but James' and Lawrence's views were very clear
Funhaus Elyse, I love your work and I love your comedy, keep
It up
you dont need to come to a conclusion or even argue over every opinion. Adam didnt agree with the rest of the group and vice versa, just because its 4v1 with the opinion it doesnt mean youre wrong, so theres no need to feel offended. Adam is possibly a person that plays devils advocate. if 9 people before you agree its your job to disagree. If people are using free speech to be exclusively discriminatory and racist, its kind of hypocritical or at least paradoxical. Words do hurt very much then they are relaying a violent message, so sometimes violence is necessary. And dont try to tell me what they are doing wouldnt be violent if it took wind. all it takes is followers in the military or the police force to cause murder.
olbrien Harumph!
To me that whole discussion in the beginning symbolized the news coverage over the past election cycle. Where Laurence acted as the media and Adam was an undecided voter. He tossed out a headline that he assumed Adam would agree with but as soon as he questioned it or wanted more background info that wasn't as pro left, The subject was quickly changed because the actual details aren't as black and white as the headlines.
Hayden Trupish *Lawrence
No matter what kind of topic they are discussing about, I always find myself agreeing with Adam.
Vishwaroop Ray he and bruce are mainly neutral bruce is a little too liberal i think he voted for hillary!
"indivijul situation" it may be a month later, but I got that reference.
+My gender is Apache Apache
Voting for Hillary makes you "too liberal"? LOL, the fucking Clinton are republican-light. They are neo-liberals.
PLEASE make a Resident Evil playthrough! (not just one episode)
I agree it would be good and hilarious af
The Maudorator Because thats totally their MO, fully play high profile high budget games.
You don't know Funhaus do you.
yeah they dont have a game series like Chaser, Hitman, Legendary, Sims 3, Chrome, Rambo, a lill Dark souls and Shenmu....
its all a one and done.
And no i didnt mean an 8 hour playthrough i meant an edit series like they usually do (and the streams hopefully will be saved on the unlisted)
The Maudorator you misunderstood.
Every man and his dog is going to be playing it, I doubt it would make much sense for Funhaus to do a play through as well.
Please Lawrence leave politics out of dudesoup. It's one of my last safe havens from the crap that happens around me
Big Ro If you are talking about the beginning then I'm pretty sure they were being satirical. They were saying something so obviously wrong to show how the guy who threw the punch was wrong for resulting to violence. Funhaus doesn't strike me as a group of people who are opposed to free speech.
Yeah I attempted to make it a quick segue and it didn't work. Won't happen again.
Lawrence Sonntag - Well, so long as you learned from the experience. :)
As long as you guys are you guys I will keep coming back.
Right?! Like I know what side most everyone stands on but they hardly bring it up and I greatly appreciate it. So when they do bring it up, I squirm a bit.
I get that violence isn't always the answer...but when someone says "Is black genocide right?" then I think the time for discussion is over. Any sane individual would immediately say NO. Any sane individual wouldn't think about something like that to begin with.
FollowMeInfantry the discussion hasn't ended at that point, it's just become something new and more interesting. It's now your job to find out why they think that way
M.L.K Jr. was vital in ending segregation, not because he said "punch everyone who disagrees with us UNTIL they agree with us", but because he showed how and argued how segregation based on someone's skin color was a dumb and biased idea. What I'm trying to say, in laymen terms, is that violence doesn't prove that you're right, it simply shows you are unable to prove the other guy wrong.
How do you go about to change a point of view that extreme though?
No one, not even Spencer, has brought up black genocide.
The Logical what are you even talking about? do you even listen to yourself? you are comparing people with dogs...
how someone can be taken seriously with that kind of line of thoughts....
So if punching a white nationalist or really anyone who has a different political belief unprovoked in the face is ok lawrence, then does that mean I can freely punch a communist, black lives matter member, feminist, socialist, brony, islamic fundamentalist, etc.. I mean where does the line end? What if I thought funhaus was personally offensive to my beliefs? I guess I can punch lawrence in the face, right? I think the problem here is when one advocates or resorts to violence in a non confrontational setting it is due to emotional imbalance in their brain. Emotionalism has no place in politics or science because it leads to irrational behavior and decision making. If there ever was a cancer to the human thought process it would be that.
No, and I will attempt to explain the difference.
This is more substantial than a simple difference of opinion, and it relates to how that difference of opinion affects others.
Let's say I like stawberry jam and you like grape jam. Difference of opinion, but it doesn't relate to anyone else's lives. These are just opinions that we have and can coexist just fine.
Let's say you like grape jam but I want all grape jam removed from all supermarkets all over the world. I want it gone. I don't want ANYONE to have grape ever again.
That's more substantial than a difference of opinion. Suddenly, my opinion involves making decisions for others and what they should or can do with their own lives.
Now, let's take it one step further. I espouse my anti-grape beliefs so constantly that other people start going to grocery stores and smashing all the grape jelly. I know this happens, but I hide behind my "peaceful" anti-grape stance while passively and actively encouraging others to attack grape jelly wherever and however they can.
Does that register at all?
Lawrence Sonntag
Ok first thing to mention is you somehow knew I love grape jelly you son of a bitch.
But anyways I do absolutely see your point about how words can inspire real life consequences and detrimental behavior towards others. I don't think people (even white nationalists) are advocating genocide though. Nor could anyone in a western world get away with it today. I think and I could be wrong on this that they are trying to point out potential genocidal behavior towards their race first and foremost.
For instance, if you have a lake full of a specific kind of fish that is the majority of said fish and you were to take fish from another lake where those fish are the majority and put it into the first lake? What happens if the newly introduced fish out breed the original fish? Well what happens is you get rid of the first fish and have two lakes of the same fish from the second lake now. I think that is the argument white nationalist are trying to make. I always see them pointing out "stop white genocide" etc. ect..
Anyways back to the original point though. I just don't believe that sucker punching and initiating unprovoked violence with anyone is the correct mode of action or solve anything. I mean look at it this way, what did that person learn from this experience? More intolerance towards their own beliefs which only fuels them to go out more and spread their beliefs even further. If you sat down and had a rational conversation with someone(which I will admit would be hard to do) you can actually influence their opinion and potentially sway their mind in a more rational way. At least that is my take on it. I mean I have been sucker punched before and at no point after the fact did I think "you know I am going to side with this person now". Instead, I only hated that person more and it caused a greater separation. I don't know.
So should we knock out BLM members for saying white people should be killed?
Lawrence Sonntag That's a good analogy, I think the conversation you started in dude soup should have had that context and setup, then it'd be like another version/discussion of the "prison justice", where as rushing it along made something that could have segwayed smoother into a popped pimple. Best of luck on Sloggos!
-Not an angry commenter 😄
"Environmentalism has no place in politics or science" is my favorite part of this mess of a paragraph Jesus America really is fucked
"Excuse me waiter, there's politics in my soup"
Benson is so adorable, he just wants to snuggle.
Here's the thing, different opinions you can debate on would be things like liking your coffee with or without sugar and cream. The opinion that your race is better then other races and we need to be separated through "peaceful" ethnic cleansing IS NOT OKAY. Those people have gone waaaaay past the point of discourse, and need to understand that the right to free speech only protects you from the government, not from someone hearing your infantile bullshit and feeling you deserve a punch for saying it.
And yes kids, when you repeat Nazi rhetoric about Jewish people and shout things like "Hail Trump" while your crowd does Nazi salutes, YOU will be called a Nazi, pretty crazy right?
Yeah not like there are laws that protect you from being assaulted for no reason. Yeah it's open season on people with opinions you disagree with. You aren't supposed to hit people for saying something you don't like, that's straight up illegal no matter whether they're a Neo-Nazi or Communist.
Slate no one said it was legal. He just deserved a punch and most likely deserved to get knocked the fuck out
MattT5134 actually a lot of these people really need someone to discuss with them, most of the times is just pure misinformation and bad education.
It's not about defending a nazi, it's about defending free speech. "But he said bad things!" Okay, but you can subjectively interpret a lot of things as bad. I personally think libertarians are harmful and prey on the vulnerable in society. That doesn't give me the right to punch them in the fucking face like an angry gorilla. "B-but the things he said was REALLY bad" Look dude, that's not an argument. Fuck off. There isn't some sort of scale with a notch in it that says "If their argument reaches this point on the things-I-am-offended-by-meter, I am allowed to inflict physical violence on the person saying it." You're one step away from a totalitarian regime. Ironically, people like you are the reason people like Hitler managed to get so much power. You are so easy to justify violence against those you fear. Where does that line end? Is it only nazis? Like I said, you can argue that ALL ideologies have aspects that hurt innocents.
By punching someone in the face you basically give them enough justification to do the same to you. Situations like that set a dangerous precedent. Can't believe so many people welcome violence if it's against people they don't agree with. (And no, I don't feel sorry for that guy. Everything that comes out of Spencer's mouth is verbal garbage, but he didn't attack anyone physically.)
I love how you guys try and see issues from different perspectives. Keep up the good work and continue brightening up folks days.
Who was acting like a fascist? The one punched, who was just standing there answering questions? Or the one who punched him who believed he was a Nazi? Dangerous waters when anyone encourages violence against people whose beliefs differs from yours.
RwEvans1968 is blatant racism supposed to never be opposed even when it's about to start intruding on rights?
Sean Medina That's not what he was saying. He was saying that the guy was talking about pepe the frog minding his own business then got punched in the face. Come on! Punch a fucker when it makes sense. Punch a fucker in self-defense not when they're minding their own business.
So, someone else's constitutional rights are null and void when people say racist things or what is perceived as racist? Because someone says something that you don't like, that is grounds to assault them? Even hate speech is protected under the constitution, and when you or I strip away their rights and justify violence against them for having an opposing view, then we have become the Nazis.
RwEvans1968... dude they were being satirical. They were saying something so obviously wrong to show how the guy who threw the punch was wrong.
RwEvans1968 violence is wrong. you're right. I don't condone what the guy did. I encourage you to read about the struggle for blacks to attain the right to vote in our country and the things that happened to them for TRYING to speak.
The cold dead stare Elyse gave Benson when he wanted to get up on the couch broke my heart. He wanted up on the couch so bad, look at him struggle.
All these edgy 16 year olds defending a guy who said ''Does human civilization actually need the black race?'' and ''What would be the best and easiest way to dispose them?''
Kyle Richardson The debate isn't about whether or not people agree with him, it's whether or not he should have been punched while expressing his views. You can't resort to violence just because you don't agree with what someone is saying, no matter how unpopular their views are.
kanker aap Ehh, it seems like some people in here are so vehemently against what Lawrence said I can't help but think they are either ignorant or in some way agree with that neo-nazi piece of shit.
Kyle Richardson let them live together without the help of white people!
I think that says more about you than it does about others
Nice bait
Ironic that 3 years ago they were already complaining about Trump not being a masker
"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it " Evelyn Beatrice Hall
It wasn't Futrama it was Family guy.
I just wanted to say I love the fact that y'all have a sponsor from Blue Apron. I highly recommend trying it out. This is coming from a culinary graduate and chef. They've easily got the best deal going on when it comes to ingredients and quality of food.
Lawrence, I like those shoes. They look comfortable.
They are!
josiah danyluk those new assault branded shoes are awesome. how can you not like that brand?
he does not condone assault. He just pointed out that a open white nazi getting punched in the face makes sense. should never be acceptable to be publicly racist.
Not at all Brett. If you are willing to acknowledge why the guy got punched you wouldn't be here defending him. Sorry bro. Reality can be tough to chew
josiah danyluk exactly and hence reinforcing why he got punched. now back up and accept stuff like this will keep happening
You all aren't JUST background noise to me. You're my primary noise, headphones in and walking my dog for the next hour. It's actually quite dangerous. All for you, Funhaus!
Yea. Seeing people get punched in the face for their speech is so awesome. POLITICAL VIOLENCE RULES.
Jordan T. Parris how can ANYONE defend his view? He is the antithesis of an American. He wants all races, religions, people, etc. to be divided. This is a dangerous mindset which closely relates to Nazism. It clearly leads to violence, argumentation, and nothing positive in the long run. This is why people think it was okay to punch him. If you don't come to the table with any beneficial opinions, should you be allowed to speak?
Yes, because that's how the 1st Amendment works. It's very simple.
Genocide isn't an opinion
I too have noticed an un-natural push against "Anime-games" on streaming services. Also ratings boards come down on them way harder. An anime game that shows a nipple would get an AO rating but it's fine in the witcher?
There's definitely an in-equal view here.
You can talk about whatever on these podcasts and I'll still listen to it, but I don't think this is the place for politics. In my experience, it just creates a tense atmosphere that makes the podcast a little akward after the fact. Again, this is your podcast, but I just think it should have less of a political stand just because it causes problems.
Dude Soup is the only podcast I can watch without getting bored.
No disrespect for Lawrence or anyone who creates or enjoys this kind of content but it is my personal opinion that twitch is in the right here. It's shitty and unprofessional to just not respond to someone as a company, but the game developer can't claim to have a moral high ground when he makes a game about torturing and killing young sexualized Japanese girls. Expecting twitch to allow this game to be played just because games like GTA has torture and God of War has violence and sexual content etc. is unreasonable. Twitch has the final judgment to allow or ban the game. Again, just an opinion; still love you guys.
rice9221 Sure, but I believe that they need to set rigid rules and follow them with 0 exceptions, not just ban whatever whenever. There is no transparency or communication between Twitch and the consumer.
''I don't recall you making up the word James!!!'' Lawrence is the best xD
I feel like yandere hunter was banned because it is more applicable to real life. By which I mean the God of War ultraviolence would be impossible to recreate in the real world because you would need superhuman strength to do like 99% of it. While it is more likely to see someone try to create a situation that is like yandere hunter. That's just my two cents though.
Vloggerihardlyknowher GTA is more based on real life, and that game isn't banned...
Vloggerihardlyknowher It's practically anime Hitman.
GTA does have some things that are applicable to real life but a lot of it isn't. In reality, it is next to impossible to drive onto a military base in a semi truck and steal a fighter jet. It is also impossible for a single man to take on an entire police force and win. Also, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with twitch banning yandere hunter, I just think it being so easily duplicated in real life is why twitch banned it.
Its nice to read a series of comments pertaining to the actual discussion topic and not the first 8 minutes of the podcast
***** The thumbnail kinda gave away the fact Yandere Simulator was one of the topics of the video, lol
I like the subtle. "Oh fuck we all forgot our watches" hand signals from bruce just as lawrence mentions the sponsors.
punching someone in the face for saying things you don't like is actual fascism.........just pointing that out.
Billy Magada I'm pretty sure they were being satirical. They were saying something so obviously wrong to show how the guy who threw the punch was wrong.
Do you spend all day copy-pasting the same response?
Fascism is right wing authoritarian nationalism.
Bruce, you're just like me. We're just really helpful guys. You realized you guys didn't have the watches and you went and got them.
I love you guys.
I concur with lawrence, someone should have punched Hillary looonng ago, some people do deserve it
Luke Shanks I mean, if we're going with Lawrence's views, then yeah. Let's punch everyone with different opinions! That's constructive!
Miserable pile of secrets haha touché,
Henry Kincaid it was mostly sarcasm aimed at pointing out how silly his thoughts were(flipping it), at the end of the day, if anyone does deserve bodily harm, she definitely would, but if we want to talk seriously, jailing her through legitimate channels as an example of the system working justly to root out corrupt tyrants would be the sensible outcome
Luke Shanks I know it was sarcasm, I was going along with it ;)
Henry Kincaid ah, the nuanced problems of sarcastaball haha :)
I never watched dude soup until last week's and it's the best ever this episode was an amazing point of view for many different things I love how you guys can come together as adults and see other people point of views without judging you guys are the best keep it up
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Futurama, 2011 XDDD
Punching somebody in the face is like today's version of saying "I don't like what you said, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DU-EL" lol
Pretty disappointed in you guys, I used to think you guys were pretty fair for the most part.
Advocating for violence towards people who disagree with you is ironically just as fascist as the people you claim to be against. It's the very definition of BIGOT
Not saying bad things SHOULD happen, just that I am totally allowed to enjoy them when they do.
This goes both ways Lawrence you know that right?
Lawrence Sonntag I agree, and I believe that you represent the natural dichotomy that the average person deals with. We generally detest violence, however we often times find ourselves feeling joy and/or pleasure at the expense of someone that we disagree with on a base and/or fundamental level. It doesn't make you bad, wrong, or evil, it just makes you honest, and the fact that you can be as open in such a public forum as TH-cam says a great deal about who you are as a person, and I for one believe that you should be proud of who you are. It is refreshing to see such honest and straightforward content.
blinKX10 he didnt get punched because the other person disagreed with him, he got punched because he said that exterminating an entire race of people is a good thing that we should do
Thank you for the new mics, podcast just got x1000 better than it already was
Okay, about the censorship of Yandere Simulator, I'll play devil's advocate and propose a reason why it's probably banned. It's not about the game featuring violence or blood, but it's about the CONTEXT of the violence. This isn't a game where you're killing monsters or enemy soldiers on a battlefield, or criminals. It's a game where the objective is essentially murdering defenseless children in a school. School massacres are a bit of a hot button issue. When put that way, I can see how it could be problematic.
Good point. But remember, GTA is also allowed and a lot of GTA is played by killing civilians. Of course, the game doesn't make you play that way, but you can't look me in the eye and tell me you've never run over a hooker to get your money back.
@@wherethetatosat Fwiw, GTA isn't _about_ killing civilians (save for one or two missions), unlike this game. Also you never, not once, kill a child or are even provided the option to do so in GTA. Aside from Michael's kids, I guess. And I know it's an old thread.
Thank God someone in roosterteeth actually bothered to cover the yandere dev story in full detail. 10/10 funhaus is roosterteeth's best decision yet.
You don't hit someone for words they say, no matter how vile. You just don't do it whether you just really disagree with them, or they're demonstrably wrong and evil for their thoughts. It will change no one's mind.
Lawrence ended up bringing out some points that really made me think about why I enjoyed the stories of old JRPGs like Final Fantasy.
Yeah, no your right Lawrence, it's totally acceptable to violently assault some random person on the street because you disagree with your ideology. It mostly certainly doesn't make it seem like YOU'RE the angry unreasonable ones.
THANK YOU ADAM FOR BEING THE ONLY NON VIRTUE SIGNALING, REASONABLE PERSON ON THIS PODCAST. Yes, the white nationalist in question is a fucking moron. But it doesn't make it okay to attack him just because he has a different opinion then you.
Even though you have a lot more time to talk about it on a podcast, I like how you guys actually took the time to actually research the situation with Twitch, as opposed to how The Know handled it, which was basically taking the information at face value.
Lawrences inner SJW was leaking out a bit there in the beginning
nobbb890ggg living to long in California will make you a bitch!
Twitch being bothered by content in an Anime game and banning it is exactly how the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) runs. If an indie film is submitted to the MPAA and contains any shred of sexuality/nudity then it is given an NC-17 rating which ultimately kills the films chances of gaining any revenue because no one under 17 can see it. Yet, films like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (U.S. version) gain an R rating because they are backed by a major studio. This is applied to Twitch which allows games like God of War and South Park: Stick of Truth to be streamed because they are backed by major studios. It's ridiculous, but it's how the world works.
punching someone in the face when they never made violent threats just furthers their cause, no decided to debate and try and prove him wrong so instead they punch and make their argument compelety invalid and he wins. great job 😑
If we are in a society where we constantly push the idea of freedom of speech that man should not have been punched, instead we should have show the power of expression and speech by teaching and proving why his views are wrong with words
Sucker punching someone in the face ? is ok ? he was talking . Clearly they have no argument .
Thank you Adam for the way you think about punching people for their words!
You restore my faith in humanity every time!
Not sure if my 10 year old speakers are not working or if its muted as a joke
god this was ironic,looks like they died just before this video hahahaha
my counterargument is that twitch is larger than youtube streaming in terms of visits and active watchers. The guy is upset that streamers cant play the game not himself. Its purely monetary so I think he should continue to try to get back on twitch. I bet noone is streaming the game on youtube at all even though its allowed. Smaller streamer base so less chance
Can we get a compilation of Adam saying "We're just a bunch of white guys"
Amazon can't sell old NES games, but they don't ban those from Twitch. The most they get is a commission from an independent seller.
Elyse was being uncharacteristically Benson racist this video. Benson is people too. Also against chili.
52:30 "Hopefully I'll die never knowing this stuff"
Me too Bruce, me too.
Hopefully you guys upload a re7 playthrough or atleast some vids here & there. Love y'all
"Get your daily dose of dude soup,you can watch it while relaxing or even when you poop"
We know where Omar stands when he says someone deserves to die for saying something rude XD
Props to Adam for trying to reason about the first few minutes of this episode even if he got ignored.
Ghandi was also racist towards black people, and so was linken to extent, and che guvara, oh and most surprising hitler
Mr. Frete *Lincoln
lol I bet MVMT are like "Hey! we thought you wore our watches all the (time) :(" when Bruce brought the watches in XD
Huh. Talking about you can punch a guy in the face because his personal morals are different from yours. Then saying that banning a game on twitch based on personal morals is wrong. Makes absolute perfect sense to me. /s
No one said its okay to punch someone you disagree with. In fact they specified the opposite. They speculated the many different view points, expressed their own thoughts on the subjectivity and came to no conclusion before moving on. People like you that come in looking for something to disagree with and can't see the gray area.
God damn, Adam was on fire in this one. Laughed hard, also the one most reasonable.
violence is never the answear. most would agree he deserved it. but who desides at what point someone doesnt deserve to get hit?
I just want to say Thank you Funhaus for helping me understand more about the recent Yandere Simulator news.
Ugh can you guys just not do politics on this show?
Blood type O is the universal donor. Blood type AB is the universal reciever. as for the + and - , + types can recieve blood from both + and -, but - types can only recive blood from other - types.
I'm so glad Lawrence went that route. Fuck nazis, fuck fascists, end of story.
macke1170 The man who got punched holds the same view on ethnic cleansing as Nazis did (as in, it's the solution to all of our problems). Back in the 40's, Americans punched Nazis left and right. Why is it now frowned upon? You're looking at the smaller picture here.
+Nathan Saunders because this isn't the 1940's anymore kid, back then it was a legitimate threat were as now it no longer is in any way.
Being allowed to spew their shit is how nazis became nazis i.e "legitimate" threats. When someone is talking about ethnic cleansing, halting the conversation (albeit nonviolently) is what you do instead of discussing it
If you're gonna call yourself "The Doctor" spellcheck your sentences.
Once Lawrence started talking about Richard Spencer I feel like I could see Elyse mentally going "Oh boy here we go"
Sometimes. Lawrence is just too much man. Like just too much..
TheIrshNinjaaa he has Aspergers and can't control himself sometimes
Telltale games are pretty much cut-scenes and story. And they are my favorite games. Even if they don't have much of plot holes.
After hearing the description of the game, I'm happy, and not surprised at all the game is banned. It should stay banned. It's creepy, perverted, and weird. People don't need to consume that kind of media. How do people defend a game like that?Seriously?
You are small minded. Nothing wrong with being creepy, perverted or weird. Its not serious, it fun. If you can't separate a game and reality then thats on you.
I personally can make the separation. But I still don't think people need to be playing this stuff. Taking pictures of school girl cleavage and panties and stuff? It's gross and it's creepy. I understand where you're coming from, but I respectfully have to disagree.
Also, why did I get unsubscribed from Funhaus after posting this comment?
Because it's fantasy. fuck you.
It's your fantasy to take pictures of, and bully underage girls?
Dude... I'm just saying I can't relate, and I understand why it was banned.
You don't get to say what people get to consume. That's controlling the market and the market should remind free.
Adam mentioned Alien Isolation and instantly I just realized how impossible that game would be in VR. Hopefully RE7's VR works and CreativeAssembly goes back and adds in VR support.
Funhaus political civil war!
I just learned this today in Biology because it's the only interesting thing this whole year. My teacher didn't say anything about positive or negative (he might've but I probably didn't hear it) O is the universal donor and AB can only donate to AB but it is the universal receiver and then A can only donate to A and AB and B can only donate to B and AB. He did say that O negative can only receive O negative. It has something to do with the immune system being able to recognize the carbohydrates on the A or B or AB or O. A has a specific carbohydrate that the immune system recognizes which is why AB immune system can accept it. O blood doesn't have any carbohydrates which is why the immune system sees the other blood types as threats and other immune systems don't see O as a threat.
Lol only 6 minutes of video talking semi seriously about a guy that wants to commit genocide getting punched in the face and the comments lose their minds.
Adam disrespecting Voltaire and the entire french population with a single sentence. Please never change Adam!
I'm hispanic and voted Trump. I'm also a white nationalist even tho I'm hispanic. if you or anyone punched me for expressing my opinion I will fill you with lead. no hesitation.
Nazis aren't real anymore were nationalist, populist, we aren't socialist dictators. Lawrence and James your both incorrect hre
Spencer is not a nazi, the more people falsely brand him a nazi, the more his popularity will soar
chiki briki yes, he's not a Nazi because being a Nazi involves lots of things alongside being a white nationalists however; he is definitely a white nationalist
Henry Kincaid This we can agree on. As a Hispanic american, i also recognize as a white nationalist, white people are being attacked and labeled nazis for voting their opinion.
Im not a Roman solute asshole like Spencer is but I'm not going to attack my fellow American for expressing themselves
Your actions would defeat what you are trying to preach. If you shoot the person who punched you than it should be justified for someone to shoot you as well. Thats how wars start actually. You could not be a bitch and punch him back and than you just both walk away with a couple of bruises but get to go home.
chiki briki and as i said you inbreeding fuck face. You kill someome and someone is going to want to kill you as well. Its nice to know that the south shoots first before they fight.
Ooooh boy can't wait for the Comments Show: Dude soup edition, it's gonna be great!
why do I always stay up till 1:30am to watch this!!! I always regret it the next day but end up doing it next week anyway!!
Almost nothing they said about blood types was accurate... O- is universal donor, O+ is most common at 37%, AB+ is universal receiver. In order of rarity for Americans it goes: AB- at 1%, B- 2%, AB+ 4%, A- and O- at 6%, B+ 10%, A+ 34% then O+ at 37%. As far as affecting personality it is believed that A is calm and trustworthy, B is creative and excitable, AB is thoughtful and emotional and O is a confident leader. Finally, if moonlight is just reflected sunlight how come it does not burn vampires too?
Christ I had no idea Benson was there till he popped up, it's like he just teleported in!
The whole inferrance vs plot hole thing relates to Shakespeare's work too. In King Lear it's not even specified that Lear has a wife (never even a throwaway line), some people assume that it was done for a reason, some people assume that Shakespeare forgot or didn't care.
The point that I'm trying to make is that 'plot hole or narrative device' is, at this stage, as old as the stories themselves.
This is kind of like me just shouting into the ether but I really enjoyed that discussion and wanted to show at least what I find to be examples of it in the first place.
Well i dont think the Yandere dev is playing the victim “boo hoo feel sorry for me”.
His game got band. He doesn’t know why since the content in his game are in other games that are allowed on Twitch. So he asks them and they wont clarify.
I think its less of an issue of Twitch banning content from their platform but more of the lack of respect they are showing him for just wanting an answer after their hypocritical decision to ban his game.
And I think the points he makes are very good.
They wont ban other games because its profitable for them.
But smaller, indie, “sexual” games are easier target for censorship. Because the people who play those games would more likely be put in the weirdos/pervert category so less people may be willing to defend it.
And Twitch replying would just show their bias hypocrisy towards Yandere Sim.
Another good episode, guys! Thanks for speaking your mind on current events, that's important in this day and age.
First time watching dude soup in a little over a year. Should watch more if I have a free hour. Pretty interesting.
Nice Funhaus, there's your Slogo:
"Hate crimes - Only most of us support them!"
Holy shit the backlash is real. Can we just enjoy the video and effort put into it? I for one enjoyed the video as a whole and don't feel the need to push my opinions one way or the other. I was here to be entertained and I was. Thank you Lawrence and Funhaus for the entertaining hour.
Logic? Genuine enjoyment? TH-cam has no place for such things.
Lawrence's trade sloggo should be "did you trade mark it" with him pointing and screaming
"Everyone doesn't wholeheartedly support violence against opposing viewpoints? THIS IS WHY I HATE TALKING ABOUT POLITICS"
52:30 the moment when Bruce became my spirit animal.
26:11 Elyse activates cold shoulder mode in an attempt to shun Benson into leaving.
Elyse's joke at about 1:00 killed me. I came back to life a week later and have been mindlessly sharing it with my "triggered" friends like a fan-boy zombie. #womansmarch
blood type AB is universal recipient... are you kidding me?...
Brain Gains Yea I thought that too, but just assumed I was miss remembering my health class or something. Glad I saw your comment.
I can't believe people are complaining about a nazi getting punched when Benson deserved to be pet and instead Elyse just pushes him away.
What a fucked up world we live in when a dog can stare at you and not get pet.
AB+ is universal receiver. O- is universal donor but O+ can give to all groups as long as they also are positive (A+, B+, AB+ & O+)
Twitch arguably has a monopoly on streaming and this is why it's problematic to have to move around.
Also, I feel that by banning anime games, which aren't very popular, they can appear to do their jobs of banning explicit content without damaging the larger fanbase watching GTA V, etc.
edit: lol i spoke too soon