Can Scoliosis Cause Chest Pain?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 มิ.ย. 2024
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    The spine is composed of vertebrae or bones that are stacked up on each other; there are 24 spinal vertebrae which are separated by intervertebral discs, which are designed to be shock absorbers and spacers so the spinal nerve and spinal cord have more room to function properly. The spine has natural curves to make the spine stronger. These curves act as compressive springs, so as gravity and compression work down on the spine, these curves spring back up.
    Scoliosis is a progressive structural condition. It is an unnatural sideways curvature of the spine with a rotation. It is measured with a Cobb angle, usually taken from an X-ray. The size of the Cobb angle determines the severity of the scoliosis the person has.
    There are different levels of severity associated with scoliosis. These categories of severity are based on the treatment option of surgery. They are determining if the curve is big enough to warrant surgery, not the impact on the individual. No treatment is recommended except in the case of adolescents in the early stage of growth, during which they would recommend either a Providence or Boston brace to try to slow down the progression.
    The only treatment recommended during the traditional method once the curve becomes severe is scoliosis surgery or spinal fusion, which is very invasive and can lead to complications throughout someone's life, which is why many patients are hesitant to proceed.
    Symptoms of scoliosis vary per patient based on patient age, severity, condition type, and location of the curvature. The general rule is that the more severe the scoliosis, the more noticeable the symptoms will be. In children and adolescents, the main symptom tends to be postural. In adults, it tends to be painful.
    Scoliosis induces uneven forces on the body, and it can cause chest pain in two specific ways. List of all thoracic scoliosis cases or higher lumbar curves that can cause asymmetrical development to the ribs, which can cause a rotational component to occur, which can deform the rib arches, which should be symmetrical. This can cause chest, and rib pain, stiffness to the spine, and increase as the curve does. As the rib arches change, it can also affect the space for the ribs to function properly, which can lead to cardiovascular or pulmonary function loss or impairment as a result of the scoliosis. The main issue is that we do not know specifically when this is going to happen. But it can lead to chest pain in many different ways; the main remedy is to be proactive; as we do know, the smaller the curve you have, the less chance you will have to suffer from any of these symptoms.
    The most traditional treatment is to watch and wait until the curve becomes severe enough for surgery. Here at the Scoliosis Reduction Center, we treat curves proactively to reduce curves to prevent not just chest pain but other symptoms that can be associated with scoliosis. The best way to try to reduce the symptoms of scoliosis is to make the curve smaller.
    You can learn more about this topic here:
    Ready for a consultation or want more information? You can contact us here:
    00:00 Basic Structure Of The Spine
    00:49 What Is Scoliosis
    02:20 Severity Levels Of Scoliosis
    05:07 Symptoms Of Scoliosis
    06:08 Can Scoliosis Cause Chest Pain?
    08:46 What We Do At The Scoliosis Reduction Center 847544

ความคิดเห็น • 10

  • @ladonnabellavillalobos9627
    @ladonnabellavillalobos9627 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you so much for explaining this about scoliosis because my primary care physician acts like it’s not a big deal my parents took me to a school that tot chiropractors had to be chiropractors. It was called the Cleveland chiropractic school so they practice on me when I was 13 I think they made it a lot worse because sometimes I couldn’t even walk when I got out of there they sure didn’t help me so my regular doctor didn’t do nothing at all. They said I’d have to quit growing before they could do anything but I was born in 1954 so that explains a lot That I have chest pains, I have all kinds of pains and I have neuropathy up to my knees my feet even my left side of my stomach you can pinch it. It’s actually not where my stomach is it’s not in my arms go to sleep all the time, and my eyesight almost all gone And my doctor doesn’t even take me serious about my eyesight, I just do not understand how are used to do yoga all the time and love to swim but after a bad car accident in 1992, I injured my spine in a different kind of way so That made me start having headaches and neck pain. I’m trying to think of where I don’t have painted. My fingernails in my hair doesn’t hurt it’s about it I don’t know if it can cause your teeth to hurt but I don’t have cavities and it’s my jaw that hurts. I think course I had TMJ somehow I don’t know how that happened, anyway, I do you have a good sense of humor and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, or I don’t think I would be here I’ll be 70 years old soon 70 years young I am young at heart, but it can get very difficult and lonely. I have three adult children, but no one comes to visit me, OK I need to stop there because I will start crying if I think about my adult children cause I got three of them and two grandchildren and I don’t see any of my family not even my siblings and I live on the second floor I’m on oxygen use a walker in the microwave that I can’t even cook for myself anymore tried in Home Care , but they stole my credit card. Made a key to my apartment. Need to go any further probably not. Everybody keeps tell me I should write a book because this is a part that I told you right now would only cover, one page of about 5000 pages of a book it’s more like soap operas which by the way I don’t like I have enough drama in my family I don’t need a soap opera I live one, I’ll kidding aside thanks again for explaining this I’m gonna send it to my adult children, who think I haven’t made because of my disability I would rather work believe me that they might take me off of SSI anyway I can’t believe after all these years since 1999O 1992. I mean when I was in a car accident I’ve been on SSI because I can never keep a job very long because of my scoliosis, but now they’re going to review me and they never have all these years and it scares me. I would rather be healed and made hoe and work because it gets boring sitting around here where I don’t sit still very often either because it hurts her to see it. It hurts to stand. It hurts to walk hurts to sleep. It even hurts to eat, but I still have a sense of humor. God is truly good because most people they tell me would’ve went insane by now and I believe it because people complain about. They stab their toe and they act like oh never mind I won’t go there either. again I thank you I’m gonna drop this Mike and leave the stage.

    • @ScoliosisReductionCenter
      @ScoliosisReductionCenter  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for sharing your story. To find out more about our approach, kindly visit:

  • @Chiroman527
    @Chiroman527 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Oh Doctor, You bet scoliosis can cause Chest Pains... I have Thoracic issues of disc bulges at T1 , T2, T9-T10 , lumbar, and cervcial Stenosis with destroscoliosis of 22-25 Degrees. When I was 15 (1966) I fractured my right Femur playing HS football. That reulted in a shorter leg by 1" (now at 1.15"). The leg length disceepancy was left unaddressed by the doctor and my parents. Should have had corrective shoes, but did not. After 15 years or so, the lower back problems materialized in stiffness and dull pains. Now all these many years later - I'm 71 now - The entire spine has Spondyliosis and facet joiunt arthritis with DDD, and OA in both knees & hips. The cervical issues are contributing to headaches, TMJ, Tinnitus, Sinusitis, even IBS (IMHO) and Bladder Incontinence. I have lost all reflexes due to the damages of compression on the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems. Yes, I do have Chest pains too (Costochondritis) which must be coming from both the Cervical and thoracic spines.

    • @ScoliosisReductionCenter
      @ScoliosisReductionCenter  ปีที่แล้ว

      To learn more about our methods, please visit

  • @tinadarocha5383
    @tinadarocha5383 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Dr I have advanced Scoliosis and Osteoporosis in my spin as well. The Dr’s I have consulted all said surgery is not an option! It has affected my life in every way, I’m 62 years old and I am terrified what’s going to happen to me. Is there any advice you could give me?

    • @ScoliosisReductionCenter
      @ScoliosisReductionCenter  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dr. Nalda is authorized to treat scoliosis only in Celebration, Florida. If you're able to visit that location, we'd be glad to start a dialogue through our contact form at

  • @apriljohnson2738
    @apriljohnson2738 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a 3rods and 109 degree and had emergency surgery

    • @ScoliosisReductionCenter
      @ScoliosisReductionCenter  ปีที่แล้ว

      We would be delighted to initiate a conversation with you through our contact form at, provided that you are able to travel to our location for treatment.

  • @janinehernandez1454
    @janinehernandez1454 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My grandma is 85 she expricise this what will we do doctor,,? Can we go to orthopedic doctor,she have 2d echo with doppler to request from cardio doctor,please help us she have vertigo to

    • @ScoliosisReductionCenter
      @ScoliosisReductionCenter  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We would be delighted to initiate a conversation with you through our contact form at, provided that you are able to travel to our location for treatment.