I must be honest at this point,after your Najdiyyah series I could clearly see the sameness of Miaw and Isis.After the declaration of their so called "Caliphate" i remember many of the group's members were addressing the ulama of saud like "Why are you opposing us O shuyukh of Jazira? Dont you see we implement the principles of ulamah of Najd in Rakkah and other places?" Those who adhere to themselves to the way of Salaf should be consistent about the principals. Equating Shaykulislam Ibn Taymiyyah r.h with Miaw is a intellectual crime.
This Brother backs everything up with evidence SUB HUN ALLAH not like these Madkhaly’s these videos opened my eyes from this Brother how can I reject when it is CLEAR!
And it's very educative I learn a lot from his video he made me love Ibn Taymiyya I'm Maliki so I didn't know much about him but Cause Najdis always quote him I thought he was like that.. but he's very cool may Allah give him His mercy
@@GilesHartop You guys are the same ones who say “bUT tHeY’RE nOt nAtIvE aRABiC SpEaKeRs” whenever so-called Shaykhs who can’t even read Arabic are given a platform. What an absolute double standard!
We finally have a point of agreement الحمد لله We have consistently been at loggerheads, but the truth will always shine and manifest. #brohajji #amau #salafi
Bro Hajji, I appreciate your work very much. I'm Salafi in the sense that I'm Athari in Aqeeda ,and Ahl Hadith in Fiqh. This Din of ours is based on Usul and not on any Shaykh, Hizb or Madhab.
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab is a national hero of Saudi Arabia and the history of his positions on dua and the veneration of saints was based on the fact that the Rightfully Guided Khalifas didn't do these things even though the Hanbali scholars permitted them he considered it as Shirk . Thereby he made Takfir on those who opposed him and he united the Arabia tribes and he eradicated veneration of the Graves of the saints. There were both political and religious push back against ibn Abdul Wahab and ibn Saudi ,so the Najdi dawa is a political religious movement that has taken several forms over the many years. What is noteworthy, is that many fail to acknowledge it and what emerged is a more reformed version, softening on its positions to a degree that the movement is unrecognizable to others of the same strain .The politics of the Saudi state and the religious positions of the Ulema is the main pool but there are the ISIS extreme on one hand and the more critical branches like Albani' who said that Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab used شدة extreme Harshness .Islam is based on growth and development along with purging the Din of Bida .And history has shown that an over zealous drive to be right can go terribly wrong. May Allah give us balance in our Din and fairness in our hearts.
@@trappedinexistence “. . .[Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s] positions on dua and the veneration of saints was based on the fact that the Rightfully Guided Khalifas didn't do these things *even though the Hanbali scholars permitted them, he considered it shirk* . . .”
our ACTIONS are what matters more. no christian admits he is comitting kufr but he does with his ACTIONS. and these people certainly do ACT like miaw is a prophet even if they don't say it out loud. may Allah guide them and give us sabr.
Exactly they're always talking about: "He *came* at a time of shirk and he *revived* the land with tawhid after a bunch of Muslims deviated from Islam." I even heard one of them say that the mushirkeen at the time of Ibn Abdul Wahhab were worse than the mushrikeen at the time of the prophet (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) LOL
Anyone that follows the sunnah and doesn’t commit shirk or bidah is classed as Wahabi. 🤣. Abdul Wahab just told people to stop shirk and come back to the sunnah.
Your first sentence is a complete misrepresentation of what this channel stands for. And for you to use the word “just” is an outright white-washing of history 😤
@10:49 The picture of all the brothers Who is the black guy on the far right? I thought the Salafis a few years attacked him from when he was in the USA..... Why is Ebn Hussain on here? I love that guy.
Ustadh hasn’t mentioned this brothers name even once anywhere SubhanaAllah , I see why sane akhis have resort to stay away and concentrate on their Deen and akhera , The Ustadhs Madrasa AMAU has 100k subscribers MashaAllah , now that’s where to seek knowledge
@@BroHajji Sadaqallahul ädeem. Only to notice in the amount of chats here the majority seem to side with you brother Hajji, so does that mean since the majority are for you I can deduce they are deluded too? Applicability is very important akhy, May Allah guide all of us InshaAllah , kindly and sincerely wishing you could firstly use good language and stop name callings to the other Muslim brothers it, belittles you and debate them on fair grounds to clarify issues.
I responded to your original premise brother regarding AMAU having 100K subscribers, so obviously you were making a comparison to my channel. Stop moving the goal posts. It’s based on evidences, not the amount of followers you have. Watch this if you have any impartiality بارك الله فيك th-cam.com/video/rCuGJa49AjA/w-d-xo.html امين
100% impartiality can be achieved not only evidences but since it’s the Deen we are talking about, akhy how does name calling, using very abusive words on recent videos on brother Abu Wajdi too , using drawings of depicting others in a bad light in a bad way, this only leads to fitnah , taking sides based on everything and Yaumul-Qiyaama ppl would be answear able. Advice - since a lot ppl follow this - why not be a better man and make a video to say I would like to debate so and so , that’s all and see what the results could be.
What a pathetic argument. Most people who comment on vids are people who mostly agree or disagree, what delusion you have concluded from your analogy could only show how stupid or ignorant u really are. How about this denying a verse of Quran when it is absolutely clear. When an ayat pf Quran is read I will not speak on top of it with my puny understanding SubhanAllaah.
Madhab and Aqeedah are seperate. Bro Hajji doesn’t differ with these guys on Aqeedah but just which scholars they take from. Have a look at The Athari/Salafi Aqeedah.
(كان الله ولم يكن معه شيء) حديث شريف ، هكذا قال عليه الصلاة والسلام العقيدة السلف عن العقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة الإمام الطحاوي تعالى الله عَنِ الْحُدُودِ وَالْغَاياتِ والأَرْكَانِ والأعْضَاءِ والأَدَواتِ لا تَحْويِهِ الْجِهَاتُ السِّتُّ كَسَائِرِ الْمُبْتَدَعَاتِ علق الإمام النووي رحمه الله على حديث الجارية في شرحه على مسلم قائلا : (هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصِّفات، وفيها مذهبان تقدَّم ذكرهما مرَّات في كتاب الإيمان: أحدهما: الإيمان به من غير خوض في ((( معناه )))، مع اعتقاد أنَّ الله ليس كمثله شيء،وتنزيهه عن سمات المخلوقات. والثَّاني: (((تأويله ))) بما يليق به. فمن قال بهذا - أي التأويل - قال: كان المراد امتحانها هل هي موحِّدة تقرُّ بأنَّ الخالق المدبِّر الفعَّال هو الله وحده، وهو الَّذي إذا دعاه الدَّاعي استقبل السَّماء،كما إذاصلَّى المصلِّي استقبل الكعبة،وليس ذلك لأنَّه منحصر في السَّماء، كما أنَّه ليس منحصراً في جهة الكعبة، بل ذلك لأنَّ السَّماء قبلة الدَّاعين، كما أنَّ الكعبة قبلة المصلِّين. أو هي من عبدة الأوثان العابدين للأوثان الَّتي بين أيديهم، فلمَّا قالت: في السَّماء علم أنَّها موحِّدة وليست عابدة للأوثان. ) انتهى من شرح النووي على مسلم قال النووي في شرحه على صحيح مسلم في حديث النزول هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصفات، وفيه مذهبان مشهوران للعلماء: أحدهما وهو مذهب السلف وبعض المتكلمين أنه يؤمن بأنها حق على ما يليق بالله تعالى وأن ظاهرها المتعارف في حقنا غير مراد، ولا يتكلم في تأويلها مع اعتقاد تنزيه الله تعالى عن صفات المخلوق وعن الانتقال والحركات وسائر سمات الخلق، والثاني مذهب أكثر المتكلمين وجماعات من السلف وهو محكي هنا عن مالك والأوزاعي على أنها تتأول على ما يليق بها بحسب مواطنها، فعلى هذا تأولوا هذا الحديث تأويلين أحدهما: تأويل مالك بن أنس وغيره، معناه تنزل رحمته وأمره وملائكته، كما يقال فعل السلطان كذا إذا فعله أتباعه بأمره، والثاني: أنه على الاستعارة ومعناه الإقبال على الداعين بالإجابة واللطف." انتهى كلام النووي. شرح صحيح مسلم، الإمام النووي - المجلد السادس، ص ٣٦ 2- ونقل الحافظ النووي تأويل الإمام مالك بن أنس رضي الله عنه لحديث النزول ( فقد سئل الإمام مالك رحمه الله عن نزول الرب عزّ وجلّ، فقال "ينزل أمره تعالى كل سَحَر، فأما هو عزّوجلّ فإنه دائم لا يزول ولا ينتقل سبحانه لا إله إلى هو" شرح النووي على صحيح مسلم 6 / قال الإمام النووي - رحمه الله تعالى - اختلفوا في آيات الصفات وأخبارها هل يخاض فيها بالتأويل أم لا؟ فقال قائلون تتأول على ما يليق بها، وهذا أشهر المذهبين للمتكلمين، وقال آخرون: لا تتأول بل يمسك عن الكلام في معناها ويوكل علمها إلى الله تعالى ويعتقد مع ذلك تنزيه الله تعالى وانتفاء صفات الحوادث عنه، فيقال مثلاً: نؤمن بأن الرحمن على العرش استوى، ولا نعلم حقيقة معنى ذلك والمراد به، مع أنا نعتقد أن الله تعالى ليس كمثله شيء، وأنه منزه عن الحلول وسمات الحدوث، وهذه طريقة السلف أو جماهيرهم وهي أسلم) اهـ. تأويل الإمام النووي واقرار تأويل القاضي عياض في قوله تعالى {أَأَمِنْتُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ أَنْ يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الأَرْضَ}في شرح صحيح مسلم الجزء الخامس كتاب المساجد ومواضع الصَّلاة باب تحريم الكلام في الصَّلاة ونسخ ما كان من إباحته فقال "هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصِّفات، وفيها مذهبان تقدَّم ذكرهما مرَّات في كتاب الإيمان:أحدهما : الإيمان به من غير خوض في معناه، مع اعتقاد أنَّ الله ليس كمثله شيء، وتنـزيهه عن سمات المخلوقات. والثَّاني: تأويله بما يليق به. فمن قال بهذا قال : كان المراد امتحانها هل هي موحِّدة تقرُّ بأنَّ الخالق المدبِّر الفعَّال هو الله وحده، وهو الَّذي إذا دعاه الدَّاعي استقبل السَّماء، كما إذا صلَّى المصلِّي استقبل الكعبة، وليس ذلك لأنَّه منحصر في السَّماء، كما أنَّه ليس منحصراً في جهة الكعبة، بل ذلك لأنَّ السَّماء قبلة الدَّاعين، كما أنَّ الكعبة قبلة المصلِّين، أو هي من عبدة الأوثان العابدين للأوثان الَّتي بين أيديهم، فلمَّا قالت: في السَّماء علم أنَّها موحِّدة وليست عابدة للأوثان. قال القاضي عياض : لا خلاف بين المسلمين قاطبة فقيههم ومحدِّثهم ومتكلِّمهم ونظَّارهم ومقلِّدهم أنَّ الظَّواهر الواردة بذكر الله في السَّماء كقوله تعالى {أَأَمِنْتُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ أَنْ يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الأَرْضَ} ونحوه ليست على ظاهرها بل متأوّلة عند جميعهم" انتهى. 13- في كتاب تهذيب الأسماء واللغات للإمام النووي رحمه الله قاله في ترجمة الأستاذ أبي إسحاق الإسفراييني رحمه الله , قال : ( وكان الأستاذ أحد الثلاثة الذين اجتمعوا في عصر واحد على نصر مذهب الحديث والسنة في المسائل الكلامية , القائمين بنصر مذهب الشيخ أبي الحسن الأشعري , وهم الأستاذ أبو إسحاق الإسفراييني والقاضي أبو بكر الباقلاني والإمام أبو بكر بن فورك ) انتهى .
The Saudi nation state in the modern era and the original Najdi Dawa began to clash during the reign of King Abdul Aziz with the Ikhwan.The British successfully separated the 3 Holy Masjids of Mecca,Medina and Quds from the bloodline of the Quraysh by banishing the Husain Hashemi family to Jordan and supporting the Saudis in Arabia. And they dissolved the Khalifa, separating all of its components not allowing them to reassemble. ISIS was a desperate attempt to do just that with extreme ideas that were reformed from the original Najdi Dawa during the King Abdul Aziz era, along with the Sahwa era of 1979 and later with the Gulf Wars and even more recently with MBS.
Just funny how one’s thinking and principles of time and place is linked to another person or group! ISIS thinking = Sh. AbdulWahaab’s thinking 😂 Why don’t you debate the brother face to face than patching up things don’t match! Jealousy is a bad thing that eats you up akhy.
With regards to the skeletor shown on the vids I have not seen as ugly or abhorrent individual in regards to an ignorant caller of the Deen, also his side kick looks like walking amongst the living dead SubhanAllaah!
Check 8:40 of this video……devil signs from the somali brother 🤣 Me as a nobody won’t and don’t even use these devil hand signs man, but it jus happened so naturally to this breh 🤣 Is this a sign of salafis have a different agenda 😂 I don’t know I may be connecting too much dots
I must be honest at this point,after your Najdiyyah series I could clearly see the sameness of Miaw and Isis.After the declaration of their so called "Caliphate" i remember many of the group's members were addressing the ulama of saud like "Why are you opposing us O shuyukh of Jazira? Dont you see we implement the principles of ulamah of Najd in Rakkah and other places?" Those who adhere to themselves to the way of Salaf should be consistent about the principals. Equating Shaykulislam Ibn Taymiyyah r.h with Miaw is a intellectual crime.
Baran abi sen misin ?
I don’t understand how they can support MIAW and at the same time support the Saudi regime today. Two complete opposites
This Brother backs everything up with evidence SUB HUN ALLAH not like these Madkhaly’s these videos opened my eyes from this Brother how can I reject when it is CLEAR!
And it's very educative I learn a lot from his video he made me love Ibn Taymiyya I'm Maliki so I didn't know much about him but Cause Najdis always quote him I thought he was like that.. but he's very cool may Allah give him His mercy
@@GilesHartop I challenge you to an arabic reading competition, let's gooooooooo
someone made a video about him th-cam.com/video/IBMdRn5xO0U/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=E%C3%A9nBoodschap
@@GilesHartop You guys are the same ones who say “bUT tHeY’RE nOt nAtIvE aRABiC SpEaKeRs” whenever so-called Shaykhs who can’t even read Arabic are given a platform.
What an absolute double standard!
it's either dishonesty or a severe lack of intelligence that makes them do what they do. I hope for the latter.
If only he applied this same passion against MIAW and the bandits. The ones who inspired those guys.
We finally have a point of agreement الحمد لله
We have consistently been at loggerheads, but the truth will always shine and manifest.
اضف الترجمة الى العربية كي نتابع الفيديو
Falsehood vanishes by nature 🔥
@@khaledallobaidy3293 شي صعب شوية مترجمة من انجليزي الي عربية اظن بس فكرك زين والله اتمنى لنا توفيق
Bro Hajji, I appreciate your work very much. I'm Salafi in the sense that I'm Athari in Aqeeda ,and Ahl Hadith in Fiqh. This Din of ours is based on Usul and not on any Shaykh, Hizb or Madhab.
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab is a national hero of Saudi Arabia and the history of his positions on dua and the veneration of saints was based on the fact that the Rightfully Guided Khalifas didn't do these things even though the Hanbali scholars permitted them he considered it as Shirk . Thereby he made Takfir on those who opposed him and he united the Arabia tribes and he eradicated veneration of the Graves of the saints. There were both political and religious push back against ibn Abdul Wahab and ibn Saudi ,so the Najdi dawa is a political religious movement that has taken several forms over the many years. What is noteworthy, is that many fail to acknowledge it and what emerged is a more reformed version, softening on its positions to a degree that the movement is unrecognizable to others of the same strain .The politics of the Saudi state and the religious positions of the Ulema is the main pool but there are the ISIS extreme on one hand and the more critical branches like Albani' who said that Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab used شدة extreme Harshness .Islam is based on growth and development along with purging the Din of Bida .And history has shown that an over zealous drive to be right can go terribly wrong. May Allah give us balance in our Din and fairness in our hearts.
Hanbali scholars did not allow shirk
@@3GHee4erwer where does he say "hanbali scholars allow shirk" lmao
“. . .[Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s] positions on dua and the veneration of saints was based on the fact that the Rightfully Guided Khalifas didn't do these things *even though the Hanbali scholars permitted them, he considered it shirk* . . .”
@@Kimeikus yes... MIAW considered it shirk... but not the hanbali scholars... and certainly not imam ahmad (ra).
*but not all of the hanbali scholars
With the way how they exonerate him, I'm surprised they don't say 'Prophet Muhammed ibn Abdul-Wahhab' Allahumusta'an
our ACTIONS are what matters more. no christian admits he is comitting kufr but he does with his ACTIONS. and these people certainly do ACT like miaw is a prophet even if they don't say it out loud. may Allah guide them and give us sabr.
@@trappedinexistence Ameen
Exactly they're always talking about: "He *came* at a time of shirk and he *revived* the land with tawhid after a bunch of Muslims deviated from Islam."
I even heard one of them say that the mushirkeen at the time of Ibn Abdul Wahhab were worse than the mushrikeen at the time of the prophet (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) LOL
@@Kimeikus Yeah, and they emphasise his books too
Wow what a nice catch red-handed for their lies.Jazaakah Allah brother Hajji
Bro hajji your on to them hard Alhamdulillah, they scared lol you caught the rats in the trap 🪤
They will never bite the hand which feeds them lol
Anyone that follows the sunnah and doesn’t commit shirk or bidah is classed as Wahabi. 🤣. Abdul Wahab just told people to stop shirk and come back to the sunnah.
Your first sentence is a complete misrepresentation of what this channel stands for.
And for you to use the word “just” is an outright white-washing of history 😤
Just that? lol
The picture of all the brothers
Who is the black guy on the far right?
I thought the Salafis a few years attacked him from when he was in the USA.....
Why is Ebn Hussain on here? I love that guy.
Ustadh hasn’t mentioned this brothers name even once anywhere SubhanaAllah , I see why sane akhis have resort to stay away and concentrate on their Deen and akhera , The Ustadhs Madrasa AMAU has 100k subscribers MashaAllah , now that’s where to seek knowledge
وَإِنْ تُطِعْ أَكْثَرَ مَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ يُضِلُّوكَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّه
@@BroHajji Sadaqallahul ädeem. Only to notice in the amount of chats here the majority seem to side with you brother Hajji, so does that mean since the majority are for you I can deduce they are deluded too? Applicability is very important akhy, May Allah guide all of us InshaAllah , kindly and sincerely wishing you could firstly use good language and stop name callings to the other Muslim brothers it, belittles you and debate them on fair grounds to clarify issues.
I responded to your original premise brother regarding AMAU having 100K subscribers, so obviously you were making a comparison to my channel. Stop moving the goal posts.
It’s based on evidences, not the amount of followers you have.
Watch this if you have any impartiality بارك الله فيك
100% impartiality can be achieved not only evidences but since it’s the Deen we are talking about, akhy how does name calling, using very abusive words on recent videos on brother Abu Wajdi too , using drawings of depicting others in a bad light in a bad way, this only leads to fitnah , taking sides based on everything and Yaumul-Qiyaama ppl would be answear able.
Advice - since a lot ppl follow this - why not be a better man and make a video to say I would like to debate so and so , that’s all and see what the results could be.
What a pathetic argument. Most people who comment on vids are people who mostly agree or disagree, what delusion you have concluded from your analogy could only show how stupid or ignorant u really are. How about this denying a verse of Quran when it is absolutely clear. When an ayat pf Quran is read I will not speak on top of it with my puny understanding SubhanAllaah.
I have no idea about it, I am following hanafi mazhab so what i should do ? Am i in the right akidha?
Madhab and Aqeedah are seperate. Bro Hajji doesn’t differ with these guys on Aqeedah but just which scholars they take from. Have a look at The Athari/Salafi Aqeedah.
(كان الله ولم يكن معه شيء) حديث شريف ، هكذا قال عليه الصلاة والسلام
العقيدة السلف عن العقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة الإمام الطحاوي
تعالى الله عَنِ الْحُدُودِ وَالْغَاياتِ والأَرْكَانِ والأعْضَاءِ والأَدَواتِ لا تَحْويِهِ الْجِهَاتُ السِّتُّ كَسَائِرِ الْمُبْتَدَعَاتِ
علق الإمام النووي رحمه الله على حديث الجارية في شرحه على مسلم قائلا :
(هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصِّفات، وفيها مذهبان تقدَّم ذكرهما مرَّات في كتاب الإيمان:
الإيمان به من غير خوض في ((( معناه )))، مع اعتقاد أنَّ الله ليس كمثله شيء،وتنزيهه عن سمات المخلوقات.
(((تأويله ))) بما يليق به.
فمن قال بهذا - أي التأويل - قال: كان المراد امتحانها هل هي موحِّدة تقرُّ بأنَّ الخالق المدبِّر الفعَّال هو الله وحده، وهو الَّذي إذا دعاه الدَّاعي استقبل السَّماء،كما إذاصلَّى المصلِّي استقبل الكعبة،وليس ذلك لأنَّه منحصر في السَّماء، كما أنَّه ليس منحصراً في جهة الكعبة، بل ذلك لأنَّ السَّماء قبلة الدَّاعين، كما أنَّ الكعبة قبلة المصلِّين.
أو هي من عبدة الأوثان العابدين للأوثان الَّتي بين أيديهم، فلمَّا قالت: في السَّماء علم أنَّها موحِّدة وليست عابدة للأوثان. ) انتهى من شرح النووي على مسلم
قال النووي في شرحه على صحيح مسلم في
حديث النزول هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصفات،
وفيه مذهبان مشهوران للعلماء: أحدهما وهو مذهب السلف وبعض المتكلمين أنه يؤمن بأنها حق على ما يليق بالله تعالى وأن ظاهرها المتعارف في حقنا غير مراد، ولا يتكلم في تأويلها مع اعتقاد تنزيه الله تعالى عن صفات المخلوق وعن الانتقال والحركات وسائر سمات الخلق، والثاني مذهب أكثر المتكلمين وجماعات من السلف وهو محكي هنا عن مالك والأوزاعي على أنها تتأول على ما يليق بها بحسب مواطنها، فعلى هذا تأولوا هذا الحديث تأويلين أحدهما: تأويل مالك بن أنس وغيره، معناه تنزل رحمته وأمره وملائكته، كما يقال فعل السلطان كذا إذا فعله أتباعه بأمره، والثاني: أنه على الاستعارة ومعناه الإقبال على الداعين بالإجابة واللطف." انتهى كلام النووي.
شرح صحيح مسلم، الإمام النووي - المجلد السادس، ص ٣٦
2- ونقل الحافظ النووي تأويل الإمام مالك بن أنس رضي الله عنه لحديث النزول
( فقد سئل الإمام مالك رحمه الله عن نزول الرب عزّ وجلّ، فقال "ينزل أمره تعالى كل سَحَر، فأما هو عزّوجلّ فإنه دائم لا يزول ولا ينتقل سبحانه لا إله إلى هو" شرح النووي على صحيح مسلم 6 /
قال الإمام النووي - رحمه الله تعالى - اختلفوا في آيات الصفات وأخبارها هل يخاض فيها بالتأويل أم لا؟
فقال قائلون تتأول على ما يليق بها، وهذا أشهر المذهبين للمتكلمين، وقال آخرون: لا تتأول بل يمسك عن الكلام في معناها ويوكل علمها إلى الله تعالى ويعتقد مع ذلك تنزيه الله تعالى وانتفاء صفات الحوادث عنه، فيقال مثلاً: نؤمن بأن الرحمن على العرش استوى، ولا نعلم حقيقة معنى ذلك والمراد به، مع أنا نعتقد أن الله تعالى ليس كمثله شيء، وأنه منزه عن الحلول وسمات الحدوث، وهذه طريقة السلف أو جماهيرهم وهي أسلم) اهـ.
تأويل الإمام النووي واقرار تأويل القاضي عياض في قوله تعالى {أَأَمِنْتُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ أَنْ يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الأَرْضَ}في شرح صحيح مسلم الجزء الخامس كتاب المساجد ومواضع الصَّلاة باب تحريم الكلام في الصَّلاة ونسخ ما كان من إباحته
فقال "هذا الحديث من أحاديث الصِّفات، وفيها مذهبان تقدَّم ذكرهما مرَّات في كتاب الإيمان:أحدهما : الإيمان به من غير خوض في معناه، مع اعتقاد أنَّ الله ليس كمثله شيء، وتنـزيهه عن سمات المخلوقات.
والثَّاني: تأويله بما يليق به.
فمن قال بهذا قال : كان المراد امتحانها هل هي موحِّدة تقرُّ بأنَّ الخالق المدبِّر الفعَّال هو الله وحده، وهو الَّذي إذا دعاه الدَّاعي استقبل السَّماء، كما إذا صلَّى المصلِّي استقبل الكعبة، وليس ذلك لأنَّه منحصر في السَّماء، كما أنَّه ليس منحصراً في جهة الكعبة، بل ذلك لأنَّ السَّماء قبلة الدَّاعين، كما أنَّ الكعبة قبلة المصلِّين، أو هي من عبدة الأوثان العابدين للأوثان الَّتي بين أيديهم، فلمَّا قالت: في السَّماء علم أنَّها موحِّدة وليست عابدة للأوثان. قال القاضي عياض : لا خلاف بين المسلمين قاطبة فقيههم ومحدِّثهم ومتكلِّمهم ونظَّارهم ومقلِّدهم أنَّ الظَّواهر الواردة بذكر الله في السَّماء كقوله تعالى {أَأَمِنْتُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ أَنْ يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الأَرْضَ} ونحوه ليست على ظاهرها بل متأوّلة عند جميعهم" انتهى.
13- في كتاب تهذيب الأسماء واللغات للإمام النووي رحمه الله قاله في ترجمة الأستاذ أبي إسحاق الإسفراييني رحمه الله , قال :
( وكان الأستاذ أحد الثلاثة الذين اجتمعوا في عصر واحد على نصر مذهب الحديث والسنة في المسائل الكلامية , القائمين بنصر مذهب الشيخ أبي الحسن الأشعري , وهم الأستاذ أبو إسحاق الإسفراييني والقاضي أبو بكر الباقلاني والإمام أبو بكر بن فورك ) انتهى .
Jazakallah very intresting video. I'm not sure who's books these are. Is it from scholars from early najdiyyah. Jazakallah brother
Yes! 👍🏽
@@BroHajji Salaam post the names of the books Insh'Allah
Salam, what’s the nasheed at the the opening?
Akhuna Hajji please try to arrange a muzakarah with brother Abdurrahman to clarify these matters,it doesnt have to be debate
Where did the their spokesman adnani say that everyone not under them is kaafir
Does anyone have the link for the article Bro Hajji mentioned
The Saudi nation state in the modern era and the original Najdi Dawa began to clash during the reign of King Abdul Aziz with the Ikhwan.The British successfully separated the 3 Holy Masjids of Mecca,Medina and Quds from the bloodline of the Quraysh by banishing the Husain Hashemi family to Jordan and supporting the Saudis in Arabia. And they dissolved the Khalifa, separating all of its components not allowing them to reassemble. ISIS was a desperate attempt to do just that with extreme ideas that were reformed from the original Najdi Dawa during the King Abdul Aziz era, along with the Sahwa era of 1979 and later with the Gulf Wars and even more recently with MBS.
We take nothing from Munafiqs .
Bro Hajji please share the outro qasidah. It’s very nice
اضف الترجمة العربية رجاءا
How can anyone refute this???
JazakAllah kheir. Nasheed name?
Which one?
Akhuna Hajji,where does this statement "whomever do not make takfeer on Kafeer is Kafir" is coming from? Is this a kawl from Salaf?
Just funny how one’s thinking and principles of time and place is linked to another person or group!
ISIS thinking = Sh. AbdulWahaab’s thinking 😂
Why don’t you debate the brother face to face than patching up things don’t match! Jealousy is a bad thing that eats you up akhy.
What's ikhwan got to do with them?
Ikhwan (Salafi Militia force of Abdul Aziz) not the Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen)
@@BroHajji jazakallah Khair for the clarification
@@BroHajji oh i see
iam a egyptian and i thought you meant Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen
they cannot kill a chicken :D
'Sex-slaves' talk about emotional baiting.
Wait for Takfeeri Tendencies- Part 4. I will shock your foundations soon
You should have more subscribers
With regards to the skeletor shown on the vids I have not seen as ugly or abhorrent individual in regards to an ignorant caller of the Deen, also his side kick looks like walking amongst the living dead SubhanAllaah!
940 to 1013
Are you claiming the ikhwan (MB) were allign with ISIS?
He is referring to al-Ikhwan which was a group that aided the Saudi King Abdul Aziz in his conquest not the Muslim Brotherhood
He is referring to the Ikhwan militia who were with Ibn Saud in founding KSA.
@@ebrahimfeltman5175 - ok.
Jazak Allah Khair
@@askfaisalmuslim - Jazak Allah Khair
Why do you always sound like your nose is blocked ?
Check 8:40 of this video……devil signs from the somali brother 🤣
Me as a nobody won’t and don’t even use these devil hand signs man, but it jus happened so naturally to this breh 🤣
Is this a sign of salafis have a different agenda 😂
I don’t know I may be connecting too much dots