but why is it that we have never had even a single accussation against Makandiwa,hazvisi zvanyonyawo here izvi pamunhu one,you are tempted to think kuti this cud be true
Munhu wese anonyepera munhu waMwari kuti asungwe or kunyeya in a evil way, muri kugadzirira family yenyu a huge curse. Kana uchiona kuti haasi munhu waMwari or ndewaMwari please don't judge siya Mwari wanotonga wega.
It's high time now God is exposing these false deceivers who call themselves men of God.Bibhiri rinoti wakazviita ndikaramba ndinyerere ukafunga kuti ndakafanana newe.wait and watch where we are going.
Its painful kubhinyiwa nemunhu anemari especially mu Zimbabwe judges atodya kare chasara musi wecourt atiudze kuti hapana evidence apo achipedzisirwa mari
Vanhu munofanirwa kushandisa pfungwa dzenyu hapana munhu akakwana anoramba achibata vanhu rape imi hamuone satan here those people vanenge varitori ma egents of satan vanenge vari vanhu asi vachitoshandiswa na satan kungoti people who are not spritual hamuzvinzwisise munomhanyira ku judger zvinhu zvamusina humboo nazvo..isu takuiziva inotambika..magaya is paweful zvamusingazive imimi saka ku kingdom of satan ma prophets ari highly anointed vari targeted becoz they are destroying the kingdom of darkness saka satan aritori against them zvekutosvika pakushandisa vanhu kuti vava destroye..beczsatan anoziva kuti magaya akaramba achiita mbiri yekuti arikuti ariku raper vasikana vanhu mucharegera kuendavku church. Maregera kuendavku church anenge atorova 2 beds with one stone imi vacho zvinenge zvavanyore to destroy you too people becoz most Christian vanopona nekuda kwe covering ye grace ye muporofita wenyu kana ari munhu wamwari ne anointing irimu church yenyu thats why murikuona kana end of year prophecies in different churches yakangotaura zvakafanana kuti this year we are seing the false accusations against the body of christ 🤷♂️ izvoka izvo..vanhu vano judger wrongly vanhu vasingatoende ku church nevanhu vdnoenda kuma church asina chiporophita..hapana aka repwa apo vana vasatan vasikana avo vanotoda kusungwa..vakasungwa vanotaura chokwadi..vakatanga kwa tb Joshua vakakoniwa kuvharisa church ndochinangwa chake satan manje chero zvikadii vanhu hatirege kuenda ku church..ikozvino synagogue yakutozara kudarike kare ndokunyadzisa satan nevanhu vake🙏
In a game of Soccer anomakwa ndiye ane bhora All these false allegations are meant to distroy the undestroyable , they have tried ,they are still trying but i tell you they will fail, Those people who are faking these allegations need total deliverence togather with those who are behind them
Matanga vanhu veku zimbabwe plz leave that man of God Magaya and his wife love each other. Isu takayambutswa isu nemunhu wa Mwari. Murikuzvitsvagira curse
Ini hangu handisi kuti ichokwadi ende futi handisi kuti kubyepa. But ndine mubvunzo wekuti why always Magaya bcz haasi iye ega mutungamiri weSvondo. Why not Miracle Paul , why not Makandiwa , why not Utawhashe nemanwe maPastors in Zim
Kana uri munhu wa Mwari...you get attacked When did this happen?...Às Prophet was Praying for Congregants one by one yesterday.The issue is...we don't celebrate each other,only tô brand each other on à Black brush. Our Faithful God knows!!
vana vapapa kkkk ko papa zvavanodya vana vavo makatarisa , avo vanenge vasina kudyiwa voti papa havadero kkk uchazviona kana zvave kwauri Magaya ari kutora advantage yeku shupika kwe mhuri yezimbabwe mucha svinura henyu paa chati pfee mumba menyu
Chenjerai kutorana nema curses anozokunetsa mu life yako iwe ne generation yako yese nenyaya yekupa humbowo kuzvinhu zvausina kuona zvichiitika chenjerai kurohwa ne shamhu yedenga zvimwe zvinhu nyararai musazvitorere minyama ziva kuti urikutaura vanhu vamwari weather you believe it or not they are people of God so be carefull
Ndezvepanyama munhuwo like us, there is a great different with Christianity, Just because our secrets are not exposed by media he is a man of God..!! .do what he said not what he did, don't get despair even demons are also on-line 👿
Imbwa inorohwa iri pakati pekumamira pamusuwo, nekuti ikarowha yapedza kumama inozoshaya kuti iri kuroverweyi..inini my question to you ladies is sei muchizoburitsa nyaya dzakaipa kudai patove nenguva zvinhu zvakadayi zvaitika , simudzai izwi ipapo ipapo kana waitirwa zvisina kukuitira mushe kuitira kuti kana pane matanho angatorwe. Nokudaro mukazotaura nyaya papera nguva ndipo pamuzoona nyaya yacho ichizongoita kunge manyepo nekuda kwekuti munenge makamborara nazvo mumoyo..Any form of rape is rape regardless of its nature..Report these cases as soon as they occur so that the culprits are brought to book ......!!
Uyu munhu itsotsi mhani kutotsa mari ne stonyeni, do you know kuti he is using vaskana achivaitisa zvese zvese and they are forced to sign a non-disclosure form ndosaka vasingade napapa. If you get a job ikoko you will have to fill that form or else you won't be accepted, what kind of church is that
@@TadiwaChristian-ew3bj😅😅😅 unorwadziwa neiko nhaiwe asi akambokwira mai vako hr Hapana kana proof inotaridza kut akazviita saka chrikuita kut umupomere mhosva chii ukwane iwe
False accusations again...leave the man of God alone he has a very beautiful lovely wife why then wud he stoop so low ...there dont evn match up to his wife 'standard
It's that you giving PHD ministries free adverts ,I thank God for using you!
Hahaha , funny !
Ndozvinonetsera vanhu vanonamata munhu vanomumiririra pamhosva dzake apa Ivo varikutotadzira Mwari nechekare pakunamata munhu vanhu vanozungaidzwa mhani
Nhai mupengo iyi
Ndozvamunofungaka kuti vanhu vanonamata munhu chiuyai ku church munzwe vanhu vachinamata munhu munonyanya kuputa mbanje ndodzinokuko nzeresai kuti mu imagine zvisiko ...endaika muoneka kuti vanhu havanamate mwari heri imi munofunga kuti nembanje dzenyu munoziva sitereki apo hapana chozivikwanwa idzungu ne jealous chete manje zvinouraya imi church haimire nekuti ana pombi yadonha vataura zero putai mbanje makanyarara uko
Women stay at home and pray direct to the source,that is the Most High and forget indaba zabo Magaya
Mbavha idzi dai dzasungwa kunyepera Mwari chokwadi ngachibude team Bushiri iri minana yekunyepa
but why is it that we have never had even a single accussation against Makandiwa,hazvisi zvanyonyawo here izvi pamunhu one,you are tempted to think kuti this cud be true
Thanks for ADVERTISING PHD MINISTRIES VERY WELL😜 rambai makadaro, asi muri ipapo chimbokandaiwo 1 testimony tinyatsoona kt MAGAYA wacho makamuvenga kusvika papi.....
😂your laughing now mira uone paacha kuraper iwe
@tanatswamaenda6724 kkkkkkk
Munhu wese anonyepera munhu waMwari kuti asungwe or kunyeya in a evil way, muri kugadzirira family yenyu a huge curse. Kana uchiona kuti haasi munhu waMwari or ndewaMwari please don't judge siya Mwari wanotonga wega.
Ndewe Zanu uyu hapana kwainoyenda nyaya yacho. Zvakutongoda shamu yaMwari vega
Manje shamhu yamakamirira haidzike nekuti imi mataura kuti ngaidzike ichadzika kana mwari vaona mhosva not zvenyu zve dzungu izvo
@@Hannah-ge3yv who died and made you Jesus?
Hamusati Mati muchasvotwa henyu kusvika manyarara mbiri kuna Jesu welcome to P.H.D imi ndimi muchawira Pasi nekutaura kwamusina kuswera
It's high time now God is exposing these false deceivers who call themselves men of God.Bibhiri rinoti wakazviita ndikaramba ndinyerere ukafunga kuti ndakafanana newe.wait and watch where we are going.
Its painful kubhinyiwa nemunhu anemari especially mu Zimbabwe judges atodya kare chasara musi wecourt atiudze kuti hapana evidence apo achipedzisirwa mari
Vanhu munofanirwa kushandisa pfungwa dzenyu hapana munhu akakwana anoramba achibata vanhu rape imi hamuone satan here those people vanenge varitori ma egents of satan vanenge vari vanhu asi vachitoshandiswa na satan kungoti people who are not spritual hamuzvinzwisise munomhanyira ku judger zvinhu zvamusina humboo nazvo..isu takuiziva inotambika..magaya is paweful zvamusingazive imimi saka ku kingdom of satan ma prophets ari highly anointed vari targeted becoz they are destroying the kingdom of darkness saka satan aritori against them zvekutosvika pakushandisa vanhu kuti vava destroye..beczsatan anoziva kuti magaya akaramba achiita mbiri yekuti arikuti ariku raper vasikana vanhu mucharegera kuendavku church. Maregera kuendavku church anenge atorova 2 beds with one stone imi vacho zvinenge zvavanyore to destroy you too people becoz most Christian vanopona nekuda kwe covering ye grace ye muporofita wenyu kana ari munhu wamwari ne anointing irimu church yenyu thats why murikuona kana end of year prophecies in different churches yakangotaura zvakafanana kuti this year we are seing the false accusations against the body of christ 🤷♂️ izvoka izvo..vanhu vano judger wrongly vanhu vasingatoende ku church nevanhu vdnoenda kuma church asina chiporophita..hapana aka repwa apo vana vasatan vasikana avo vanotoda kusungwa..vakasungwa vanotaura chokwadi..vakatanga kwa tb Joshua vakakoniwa kuvharisa church ndochinangwa chake satan manje chero zvikadii vanhu hatirege kuenda ku church..ikozvino synagogue yakutozara kudarike kare ndokunyadzisa satan nevanhu vake🙏
ane bhora ndiye anomakwa, anga RAPE vakadzi ashayei..... munoti munhu ane mari anga rape hre anongoenda kuno catcher kaa kumahure
They will try to destroy but they will not win
Vakadzi ndovanomisa besu pamberi pake vasina kupfeka ska moda kt aite seiwo Jnr Gumbura
Dai ivo vakadzi vanoti vakaitwa vachisungwa varivo ndovanotanga
He is a rapist of young girls he should be in jail
What I know is if it is true it will surely come to pass..
Ndakamboudza dutereee last week ndizvo izvi azvina achaziva kuti kunyepa here or ichokwadzi but chokwadi ndechekuti chikirubhi muchapinda henyupapa monyatsoita maservice murinechemukati
In a game of Soccer anomakwa ndiye ane bhora
All these false allegations are meant to distroy the undestroyable , they have tried ,they are still trying but i tell you they will fail,
Those people who are faking these allegations need total deliverence togather with those who are behind them
Mbudzi inodya payakasungirirwa .... sorii henyu zvinenge zvisingaenderana tsumo dzagara dzonetsa . Hanzi aita sei Magaya?
Uyu dai achingoinda kujere nyaya dzake dzawandisa apa vana vake vachingoti kunyeba muri wavachareperwa vana vachaona kuti magaya haasi mwari
Taura hako sei achingopomherwa 1 nyaya dze rape chete meaning ndiko kwake ikoko
Matanga vanhu veku zimbabwe plz leave that man of God Magaya and his wife love each other. Isu takayambutswa isu nemunhu wa Mwari. Murikuzvitsvagira curse
If these allegations were true then why don't the demons deliver him. The demons themselves have nothing of such to say of Magaya.
Ini hangu handisi kuti ichokwadi ende futi handisi kuti kubyepa. But ndine mubvunzo wekuti why always Magaya bcz haasi iye ega mutungamiri weSvondo. Why not Miracle Paul , why not Makandiwa , why not Utawhashe nemanwe maPastors in Zim
nekuti anoburitsa ma demon mahombe izvo zvisingadiwe na devil.... saka nyaya idzi mucharamba muchineta nadzo nekt devil wacho ndiye watiri kurwisana naye ende haadi kukundwa
Imi manyeba Magaya anga ari kumba kwake
Kana uri munhu wa Mwari...you get attacked
When did this happen?...Às Prophet was Praying for Congregants one by one yesterday.The issue is...we don't celebrate each other,only tô brand each other on à Black brush.
Our Faithful God knows!!
The guy is protected by zanupf so so no jail until zanupf is out
vana vapapa kkkk ko papa zvavanodya vana vavo makatarisa , avo vanenge vasina kudyiwa voti papa havadero kkk uchazviona kana zvave kwauri Magaya ari kutora advantage yeku shupika kwe mhuri yezimbabwe mucha svinura henyu paa chati pfee mumba menyu
Akuita zvaita baba vake t b josh😂
Chenjerai kutorana nema curses anozokunetsa mu life yako iwe ne generation yako yese nenyaya yekupa humbowo kuzvinhu zvausina kuona zvichiitika chenjerai kurohwa ne shamhu yedenga zvimwe zvinhu nyararai musazvitorere minyama ziva kuti urikutaura vanhu vamwari weather you believe it or not they are people of God so be carefull
muchaitwa cursed nazvo izvi
this sounds like a sacrifice anogona aine zvaanenge achitogadzirisa pahurombwa hwake magaya wrnyu uyu
kkk hatimifarire hedu magaya but hapana nyaya apa
gyz munoti munhu akava pastor haachakwiri mukamuedza zvamunoita zviya vakadzi munotomunyenga murume uyu tozviziva mozotanga kutaura zvakapusa maona kuti haachinei newe
Mmmm manga maenda kunoitei kwamagaya
Ndezvepanyama munhuwo like us, there is a great different with Christianity, Just because our secrets are not exposed by media he is a man of God..!! .do what he said not what he did, don't get despair even demons are also on-line 👿
no smoke without fire
because ane bhora ndiye anomakwa
So it's true 🥹? I remember that first lady who accused Magaya for raping her and l thought she was just making a stor
he is no longer a man of God but a man of adultery . imhombwe vekwamagaya vakadzi muchapera kusvirwa varume muchasvirirwa vakadzi . changamukai
This one should get arrested fake prophets
What proof do you have that he is a fake prophet ,The bible said touch not the anointed one of God ,who are you to judge
so who is the true prophet manje
Umagaya ngubhinya, he must be arrested
Usataura zvsna evidence .... pangashaikwa akatora video hr inhema idzo
Imbwa inorohwa iri pakati pekumamira pamusuwo, nekuti ikarowha yapedza kumama inozoshaya kuti iri kuroverweyi..inini my question to you ladies is sei muchizoburitsa nyaya dzakaipa kudai patove nenguva zvinhu zvakadayi zvaitika , simudzai izwi ipapo ipapo kana waitirwa zvisina kukuitira mushe kuitira kuti kana pane matanho angatorwe. Nokudaro mukazotaura nyaya papera nguva ndipo pamuzoona nyaya yacho ichizongoita kunge manyepo nekuda kwekuti munenge makamborara nazvo mumoyo..Any form of rape is rape regardless of its nature..Report these cases as soon as they occur so that the culprits are brought to book
Ko ivo vanhu vanorambirei vachienda kwaWorota kwacho idzo nyaya dzichingowanda kudai aaah
It wouldn’t be a surprise, mfana uyu iBHINYA chairo, mhuka yemusango
wanga uripo here iwe, zvakaitika kupi isu taiveko kuchurch kwacho..... tipe evidence kaa tione
Nometter what munhu waMwari haatukwi and i will never do that
Uyu munhu itsotsi mhani kutotsa mari ne stonyeni, do you know kuti he is using vaskana achivaitisa zvese zvese and they are forced to sign a non-disclosure form ndosaka vasingade napapa. If you get a job ikoko you will have to fill that form or else you won't be accepted, what kind of church is that
wonzi bhenguru muruoko vonzi kupihwa sick pamusoro Papa makapenga
Iwe mwari vachakupindura hako ita zvauri kuita,
Kuti anamatire nyika inake haagoni kuraper chete ngasungwe vanosungwa ndovadini
Iye magaya wacho ngasiyewo kuda Mahure mhani.. ihure iro
As long as urikutaura kwawaswera,
Pamwe pacho knw when speak where not to
Unhi aharambirwe cz munhu.
There is no smoke whout fire
For a long time nyaya dze rape dzichi simuka 1:17
Umm anoto ziva ndi mwari zvonetsa
Murume uyu kubva pandakaziva nezvake my spirit tells me that his e false pastor nomatter what people say about him
which spirit hehedeee ,, i bet its an evil spirit whispering to u such things
@@DanaiMatatani-f4b may Almighty open your eyes and hear the voice of God not voice of man that will help u in the future
@@DanaiMatatani-f4b dai Mwari vakubatsira kudzungaira kurimauri kupere unamate Mwari iwe pachako
Murume uyu mwari Ave naye. Ummmm navo vanhu varikuzvinyanya kumunamata
Maziva kuti ichokwadi here imi
Tsvagai mabasa veduwe
Kunyebera munhu waMwari 😂
Hurombwa hwake unosimbiswa nekurara nevakadxi kurepa
I second you ipapo and anofanira kurara navo zveginde not zvekuwirirana kuti zviite
@@maggiesingano2178 chokwadi mhiko yawo ndeyekurape hakusi kunyperwa uko ichokwadi chaicho chiri kuita magaya
Type yacho yèvadzi inotopedza power tuma scrapper.leave the prophet alone
He is not a prophet.He is working for the devil
@@TadiwaChristian-ew3bj😅😅😅 unorwadziwa neiko nhaiwe asi akambokwira mai vako hr
Hapana kana proof inotaridza kut akazviita saka chrikuita kut umupomere mhosva chii ukwane iwe
With your respond I can tell you do not know God at all. I will forgive you for that.
Uchafira nhema iwe tanga tiriko kuchurch
Mwana wa Tb joshua😂😂like father like son
nanhasi muchiri kutuka guva remufi hehedee chitiudzaiwo maporofita echokwadi uye muine evidence yacho yekuti ava ndovekwaMwari
Vanonorepewa vachinobateiko vanodamwa nani handiti vanoenda vega kutswaka makudo mugomo unongomawana siyanayi nokusungisa munhu aripachechi yake anoitazvanoda nenguva yake
Imbavha iyo
seek wisdom,dont fight Gods people.i cant imagine taking time creating a video to destroy someone.mmmmmm
Fake churches what do you expect.
tongodawo kuziva isiri yeFake titendeuke
Kunyepa kwako unangwarira kudongorera denga
Watch and pray we are living in perilous times
False accusations again...leave the man of God alone he has a very beautiful lovely wife why then wud he stoop so low ...there dont evn match up to his wife 'standard
If you believe think that he is a man of God you are wrong.Mark my words
Why dying in dark like this,who magaya sangoma uyo,,raper Baba mukai
😂kkkkk ask God for sprit of discernment . I long time knew he is a player . God gave me a vision about him
Kunyepa Magaya endanavo kwa head man.chigodora.
Thts the problem of Zim plp havangone kutsvaga mari buzy nyayavdzevanhu apa vanhu vacho varikutaura kuti prophet Magaya vandirape havana kna bhara hro
Liar usataure kwausina kuswera leave Magaya alone hautonyare
Putsek wako unonyepa iwe