Unmatched - SINBAD Overview & Strategy Guide

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @LordoftheBoard
    @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    CLARIFICATION: The Voyage cards are ranked in order of least to most powerful effect. Play them the most powerful ones when you feel your opponent won’t feint you - and play the least when you expect your opponent to feint you!

  • @BakedGoods
    @BakedGoods 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Sinbad is my favorite BoLv1 hero because I love the feeling of getting faster, stronger and more powerful as the game progresses, and I love his Voyages in general. Also, 10:04 is absolute FACT "the porter is just kinda there" 😂

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Haha I thought you would get a kick out of that. Also read my pin and it’ll make more sense. I messed up and someone pointed it out. The voyages I put in order from what I believe the weakest to the strongest and should be played according to when you think or don’t think you will be feinted 😂 thanks for watching!

    • @BakedGoods
      @BakedGoods 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LordoftheBoard the Porter is truly the most humble Unmatched character, letting Sinbad have the entire spotlight while he carries all the gear. A hard working hero that doesn't get the recognition he deserves 😭

  • @chardris77
    @chardris77 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Sinbad is one that doesn’t really intrigue me thematically, but mechanically it’s fascinating.

  • @MyOwnNameWasTaken
    @MyOwnNameWasTaken 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I really like the Porter. He is completely overshadowed by Sinbad, yes, but that's completely in keeping with the Tale of the Seven Voyages of Sinbad, from the Arabian Nights: Sinbad the Sailor is a legend, an intrepid larger-than-life figure, whilst Sinbad the Porter just happened to drop by an open party at the former's mansion and fell into fellowship with the merchant-adventurer because, By Fortune & Fate, they happened to have the same given name. He's not the walking nightmare that is Alice' Jabberwock, or able to work Merlin's powerful enchantments, but his rapt attention is what draws out Sinbad's wondrous Voyages.
    I agree with your advice about him, though I wouldn't worry too much about his attacks getting Feinted: a Feinted By Fortune & Fate still does 1 damage, which is better than a Voyage, and every Feint the opponent is desperate enough to waste on the Porter is another end-game Voyage that will strike true. Having him skirt the main fight until his climbing movement rate allows him to dive in can be useful, and don't forget that he can block a choke point to prevent an enemy from escaping, a useful early game tactic, before Sinbad becomes utterly inescapable.
    Leap Away can be useful to bounce an opponent between Sinbad and the Porter. Say Sinbad is low on cards: he lets the opponent come to him and throws them to the Porter, who uses Fortune & Fate and then manoeuvres away. Sinbad just gained 3 cards, and his opponent is likely unable to retaliate. Alternatively, bouncing a foe to Sinbad and his monstrous Voyages can set up a devastating double attack.
    Finally, if the Porter is prone to dashing in, poking, and getting out for card draw, a sudden Commanding Impact or Momentous Shift can grant an unexpected damage spike. With 3 Momentous Shifts and Commanding Impact, the Porter can do 20 damage, and the opponent will fear to Feint his attacks and leave Sinbad's 6-8 damage Voyages unopposed.

  • @ShadowSlayerX
    @ShadowSlayerX 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I hope you are planning to cover all the heroes! I enjoy your production quality and the way you present all of the information. I watched Alice, Arthur and Sinbad back to back to back and ended with a subscribe. Cannot wait for more of your Unmatched content! :)

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks so much! :) I am chugging away at them! We got Medusa next! And then I will be covering Beowulf and Little Red :)

  • @wyz1324
    @wyz1324 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nice to see a new video today! Just got my copy about 20 minutes ago :D

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oo of unmatched? :) vol1? :)

    • @wyz1324
      @wyz1324 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LordoftheBoard yup. I asked a local game store to notify me when they receive new copies. They don't have any expansion though. i'm not sure if they weren't available or if they weren't available in french. I usually go for english because you get expansions faster but in this case I want to encourage my friendly local game store :D

  • @MyOwnNameWasTaken
    @MyOwnNameWasTaken 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm not sure about a lot of your advice about voyages. Forgive me if I misunderstand, but you are telling us to keep the best voyage effects until later in the game, so they will not get Feinted. But anyone who knows what Sinbad can do will be hoarding their Feints until the late game to catch the high-damage voyages, so using the best effects early will make them more likely to go off.
    Voyage to the Creature with Eyes Like Coals of Fire (3:29) can be useful to gain quick card advantage: if you and your opponent both have x cards, and you manoeuvre (x+1 cards) and attack with this (x cards), your opponent will likely defend (x-1 cards) and then lose an additional card (x-2 cards), leaving them with 2 cards fewer than you. If you both had 4 cards, they're now stuck with 2, and are likely to just run away--and as Sinbad, you can probably catch them and stay on the offensive.
    Voyage to the Valley of the Giant Snakes (4:04) is probably best used when your opponent has few cards, so you can see if, for instance, they have run out of defence, or when they have a nearly full hand, so you can see if they have any memorably nasty tricks up their sleeves, and how many Feints they are hoarding--telling you when you can go all-out with voyages and Momentous Shift, and when you should fake them out with cards like Exploit or Commanding Impact, which do solid damage against a Feint, and by the end game, you don't *want* to be drawing cards anymore, as your massive card draw means you are likely approaching exhaustion, so losing their special effect is a boon.
    Voyage to the Cannibals With the Root of Madness (4:48) can trigger a high-impact Momentous Shift, especially if you bounce from a sidekick to a hero, or vice versa, to obfuscate the tactic. Sinbad could also use that combo to take down two 1 hp sidekicks, like Medusa's Harpies or Robin Hood's Outlaws. Using it as a second attack isn't so bad early on; it's unlikely to get Feinted then, and even if it is, Sinbad has many cards that let him move off-turn, so he can likely bounce away should he get caught flat-footed. With his huge card draw and growing movement rate, Sinbad is likely to be on the offence a lot, moving and attacking, so he will often end his turn next to his opponent anyway.
    Voyage to the City of the Man-Eating Apes (6:07) might be better used early. While I have closed off a game with it, dropping the opponent to 1 health and then doing 2 damage after combat, the damage will occur even if the combat is lost, so it's 2 damage as long as it doesn't get Feinted. It can also be used to finish off sidekicks, of particular note are Merlin, whose superlative Bewilderment card will not save him from the extra damage; and the Huntsman, who has no Feints and no defence above 2, so if his health is equal to the damage done by this card, you can guarantee his end provided Little Red doesn't have knives in her basket (to trigger Stones in the Belly). A 1-hp sidekick blocking a critical path could also be undone with this card, if you're using it early when it doesn't have the raw damage to get through a standard defence (even Medusa's Hounds of Mighty Zeus won't save a Harpy from this card).
    Voyage to the City of the King of Serendib (6:55) is great for card draw, but towards the end game Sinbad's card draw becomes a double-edged sword. You are right to show it being discarded first following a successful Voyage Home (16:14). However, you discard Voyage to the Island That Was a Whale next, and that should never be discarded, as it is Sinbad's only source of healing: being able to use it twice in a game is critically important. Likewise, Voyage to the City of the Man-Eating Apes follows it, and bonus damage is just as important as bonus health. Those two Voyages should be kept. Voyage to the Valley of the Giant Snakes is a far better discard.
    Riches Beyond Compare (9:12) can be used to overdraw, in order to get an early Voyage or two in the discard, jumping Sinbad ahead towards his endgame. As it is not a combat card, it's also useful to boost with if you need just one more space of movement are already have a full hand of cards.

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I realized I made this unclear. Essentially in my opinion it is from what I believe to be the weakest effect to what I believe to be the strongest effect but not necessarily playing earlier or later. I will have to clarify that.

  • @FainRandall
    @FainRandall 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another great video. Thanks for uploading your Insight and strategic mind for us gamers

  • @MyOwnNameWasTaken
    @MyOwnNameWasTaken 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The voyage cards do not have a boost value, true, but the rulebook states that to boost, you "discard 1 card from your hand and add that card's BOOST value to your move value." Thus, a card can boost even if it doesn't have a boost value. Normally this would be a waste, but you move *after* you boost, which means that boosting with a voyage card will put the card in your discard, permanently increasing Sinbad and the Porter's Move value through Sinbad's special ability, and increasing the power of further voyages, all without having to waste an action attacking with a weak voyage whose effect is not too useful. It can be useful to discard a voyage early on.

  • @Tyler_Ruben05
    @Tyler_Ruben05 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This an awesome video 😌

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you my friend :)

    • @Tyler_Ruben05
      @Tyler_Ruben05 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LordoftheBoard no problem 😊 👍

  • @taykey17
    @taykey17 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    None have a BOOST value besides Voyage home.

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At 2:42 you can see I clarified this :) just as I was discussing it. I never use it as a boost so I misspoke.

    • @taykey17
      @taykey17 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LordoftheBoard Sorry I'm currently watching it off and on while I work.

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@taykey17 np at all :)

  • @emeraldt9916
    @emeraldt9916 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can we get a strat guide for Bloody Mary or Achilles?

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I definitely want to jump back into this game

  • @kelliealanis9485
    @kelliealanis9485 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    where's the other characters of unmatched? please make one please

    • @LordoftheBoard
      @LordoftheBoard  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Which one would you like?

    • @carlosvargas8689
      @carlosvargas8689 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LordoftheBoard Sherlock Holmes, dracula, Daredevil, bullseye. I'm sure we will watch any guide if you make it bro