
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024
  • Below is the English translation of the conversation:
    S.A: Good afternoon
    B.S.A: Oh, you're welcome.
    S.A: May you always be sound in health.
    B.S.A: Thank you. I hope all is well. How are my people at home and abroad? Are you hearing from the child who went abroad? May he return safely with great profits! May he not perish on his sojourn.
    S.A: They're all fine, father. Amen. Amen
    S.A: Father, my eggs are already hatched into chicks.
    B.S.A: Yes, it ought to be.
    S.A: My leaves have stayed long enough with the soap, it's becoming soap itself.
    B.S.A: Well done.
    S.A: I have good news for you.
    B S A: Oh, I want to hear it.
    S.A: At the last Sunday service, during the Sunday school class, the teacher taught us the story of Samson...
    B.S.A: Oh...such a great story.
    S.A: Samson was really obstinate.
    B S A: The stubborn squirrel's head in a ceramic plate; when a child is being counselled, he ought to take heed.
    S.A: The story our teacher taught us; Samson eventually broke his back with his female escapades.
    B S A: The stubborn squirrel's head in a ceramic plate; when a child is being counselled, he ought to take heed.
    S.A: At first, a woman conquered him, secondly, another woman conquered him. When our teacher was through, he asked if anyone had a contribution, then I raised my hand. I said I had a proverb to summarize the story.
    B.S.A: That's good of you. What proverb did you tell?
    S A: So I said, the snail that eats Afon and refuses to quit will eventually be wrapped in Afon leaves. Everyone just applauded me.
    B.S.A: You're becoming a progeny of the elders. I'm really glad that as you're keeping company with the elders, you're also becoming knowledgeable as the elders. Well done. It's true that the descendants of an elephant or rhinoceros are never dwarfs; likewise, the child of the orangutan will definitely be as the orangutan.
    What your teacher taught you is actually a great matter. It's something that must not be messed with, especially for us and for the youths of this age...
    It's the inability of the madman to overlook things that makes his garbage full. It's the same that makes a housefly go to the grave with the corpse. It was such self-confidence that brought about the downfall of the premier king. The deceitful confidence of being able to fly is what makes the cat eventually drown in the well. That which brings honour could also bring dishonour.
    You should remember Judas, one of Jesus' disciples; the man was a thief.
    S.A: And he was the treasurer...
    B S A: Well done; he was indeed a crooked thief. He either steals the money in the treasury or lends it. He was just spending money as he pleased. Jesus my Lord knew, but then you'll remember three things make one an elder; to see as though not seeing, to hear as though not hearing and to know and yet behave as though ignorant. The Father knows!
    The dove makes incantations thinking the pigeon is unaware, the pigeon actually hears, it only feigns ignorance. When the Yorubas think back and forth, they make this Proverb when they observe that an individual is greedy or covetous. That Proverb you said was exactly the description of Samson. You'll continue to tell more proverbs and not kill men.
    Judas remained adamant about all the warnings the Lord Jesus gave him. It was just like putting the corn outside of the barn. All the warnings; we're saving this little chick from death but it keeps complaining that it's not given enough freedom to feed at the dung; Judas did not heed any of it until the devil pushed him to the extreme point of selling the Lord and collecting 30 pieces of silver.
    It was what he knew how to do so well that killed him, he eventually committed suicide.
    Would you listen to me dear young man, dear young lady, would you pay attention and give your ears to these words?
    Sin is indeed pleasurable when you're engaging in it, however, it's a bitter thing when sin comes to conquer you; and none keeps engaging in sin and refuses to quit that sin will not ultimately conquer!
    That's the proverb my child said. The snail that eats Afon and doesn't stop will soon be wrapped up with the Afon leaves.
    I want to tell you that what profits you while you're alive now is to repent of your sins, confess them, forsake them and ask that the Lord Jesus should save you. He'll save you and deliver you from sin.
    Listen, if death should meet you while you're still in sin, that's a loss for life!

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