This is very telling, Judy’s parenting skills have always been at the forefront of things. Also Judy needed Brat to set her platform. In addition Judy has prayed on Brat’s very sensitive , caring, and giving nature!!! Judy is use to going rogue and being looked at questionably based on her decisions made as a young woman having babies and being kicked to the curb… the relationship with her children and their ways did not work for Brat… I also heard Judy say she was going to let Brat experience fully being a mother…the viewers are very concerned with how Judy is really the woman she has always wanted to be she will make Brat feel like she has to play the role of her Protector (😢😢😢) this relationship should be reevaluated Brat you are in trouble!!!! NO is not where your roots are … please keep your mom and sister in your life. You are family oriented JUDY IS NOT!!!!!
This is very telling, Judy’s parenting skills have always been at the forefront of things. Also Judy needed Brat to set her platform. In addition Judy has prayed on Brat’s very sensitive , caring, and giving nature!!! Judy is use to going rogue and being looked at questionably based on her decisions made as a young woman having babies and being kicked to the curb… the relationship with her children and their ways did not work for Brat… I also heard Judy say she was going to let Brat experience fully being a mother…the viewers are very concerned with how Judy is really the woman she has always wanted to be she will make Brat feel like she has to play the role of her Protector (😢😢😢) this relationship should be reevaluated Brat you are in trouble!!!! NO is not where your roots are … please keep your mom and sister in your life. You are family oriented JUDY IS NOT!!!!!
Yes Brat prayer changes things!🙏🏾♥️