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🔴 Soldiers Coming Home | Most Emotional Compilations #24
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
- Soldiers return home from deployment to surprise their families and pets in this heartwarming compilation.
Welcome Home Soldiers!
Dont Forget to like and Subscribe!
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the clips belong to the respective families.
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#SoldiersComingHome #MilitaryHomecomings #Emotional #Surprise #HomeComing #Compilation #Reaction
I respect every single soldier in this video. Welcome home.
A for awesome
A for Awesome I'm 7 and I want to be a soldier for the army im a girl and we can all do that know matter what boy or girl
William Ward I wish you the best of luck
A for Awesome I respect that those soldiers have more balls than suicide bombers, cuz they have to fight them.
jeff I agree ✅
The dog made me cry “Animals Have Feelings Too” 😭😥
Arvin Peter San Juan my dogs name is diesel when we first got him he was scared of all men because men abused him the day after we got him I sat up in my room thinking about how bad he felt because him as a dog he was better than humans like you know
Shell Barb stop being rude
Shell Barb get a life and dont harass people you ugly person
Shell Barb you deserve being on hell
Shell Barb ahahaahah so sarcastic .... Im literally sorry for your parents raising you
Loveeee how these kids in class are like
“Why is Steven hugging this guy”
“Ok guys, Stop this is Stevens brother”
“SoO FuN”
Tardy Ella lol
He was crying into his shirt ToOoO Lol
Traili ella lol
@@Xint.93 jsjjwkd
That little guy going right into his brother’s arms, knowing he would be welcome there, and the love between them is just beautiful. Big brother is so gentle, everyone wants this....I am so happy for them both. Thank you for sharing.
Those dogs are adorable. My dogs get that excited when I go into the garage, grab a soda and come back in😂
jennacablair 😂😂😂
My dog Josie gets like that that when I come back from school 😄
jennacablair lol samee
jennacablair same
I never saw a Dog so happy and excited so much before
mona Elhendaoui same 😂😂😂
Me to
Www really 🌹🌹
This is why dogs miss their owners so much
Me: (In the bathroom for *5mins*)
@Pcc b good one
Alguien que hable español 😭😭😭
When he said “your shaking like I was out there” made me almost tear up that’s a very emotional statement
The fact the kids at the start didn’t have a clue what was going on until the teacher told them
They didn't seem fazed at 😭😭all
@@kenzierai1272 😭
It’s basically just my class 😭🤚
Yeah and awesome name and I like your pic
thanks for your service. My cousin retired from the Navy. He died while he was home. My thoughts & prayers are with
WTF does your cousin dying at home have to do with anything? I have cousins that have died at home.
this is really sad because i lost my 2 brothers and my uncle in the air force. I watch these knowing they died for a good cause😰😏
george fish
george fish the difference is that her cousin was in the navy..
exzhye bronner And? Dead is dead.
Awwww the dogs reaction made my heart MELLTTTTTTTT😩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow!I would give anything to see my father one more time. Wonderful.
Deciding to be a solider is one of the saddest and hardest moments in life but coming back safe is one of the best and happiest moments in life.Though for those who didn't make it back, we should also thank them for defending us!!✨
@FoxyfortheWin79 why so you say ok bommer
FoxyfortheWin79 Ok boomer 😔
FoxyfortheWin79 It’s not spelling it’s grammar BoMeR
Defending of what???
Dood this is serious ya weirdo!
The first one
Class when he walks in,”*silence*”
Child: *hugging brother*
Class: “*still silent*
Teacher: “alright class stop this is his brother”
Class: “ah nice yay”
Miya Owens _ 266 likes 1 comment
Teacher “so fun”
Coolkidnow100 GAMING AND MORE! I just noticed that....
Miya Owens _ yes
I don't understand why people give a thumbs down to something so amazing and emotional
Gionna Gustafson probably people that went against war with us
Gionna Gustafson right thats so sad bro😣😣😣😣😣😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭
Gionna Gustafson it might be people from another country
Gionna Gustafson they were crying to much and there finger slipped
Gionna Gustafson Me neither man
Everyone of these videos have kept me crying. God bless our men and women.im still crying. A whole box of tissues already.🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️
The first one
Everyone:does work
Him:walks in
Everyone:still does work
Teacher:ok everybody-
Oh yeh xD
Busy people
It's so sad though
My nosey ass woulda been lookin as soon as he came in
aleem jackson same
1:25 " So, which one did you say you wanted?" Im dead that was amazing xD
My heart goes out to the families who hope to see this day but never do and are followed by pain and grief 😔❤️🌹
I felt like killing myself when my dad never returned from Afghanistan
big Haha cool i am so sorry for you
big Haha cool awww 😭
big Haha cool pls don’t kill yourself ! But I am so sorry about your dad hopefully he’s in a better place now 💔😢🙏💛
All these sweet kids learning in school while missing their family are the real heroes
thank you for your service
Hamidah Roy say that for me too
defending our freedoms
Hannah Kathleen hates you
you need to read your Bible or something that's why there is war and hate in the world because you have hate to your heart. I will pray for your heart to change
Super babe vhfygyfugyxhjgxjhhfnbgfjyugyhhyfuhyditijohosigdofhgwopuehdpofuvwpeijvfcpiuwoiduvc iouwveijfvcwiojvelfkjcvqöjlwvfclöjqefjklcbqjoöebfcöowjebrgpjowbepiutgbpwojrtbhöjlbsrgövlkbsvböwlghkböwlrkbghölskrghöokbwrgöokvbwröokgbgöw
Dog: *excited*
Also dog: *runs away and comes back, tackling him*
The fact that the dogs knew who was there instead of freaking out because it’s a stranger just melts my heart
Even when I was a kid I got emotional watching this and 3-4 years later, still emotional
Moment of silence for all the fallen warriors that weren’t able to come to to their families. We will never forget you and we will honor you as much as we can. Without the army, navy, Air Force, and marines; we wouldn’t have the freedoms we take for granted.
ahhhhh and There goes my happiness, but yes, a moment of silence for those fallen soldiers
*MIND*I love that you put your life to save us I would love for you to be alive but always remember that if you die in war you win the war in heaven
I’m going to be in the Air-Force when I’m older.
The mum: Riley what's our package
Riley: Dad
Maddie Fowler not to be rude, but I think they said ‘hey Riley, I think that’s our package’ what really made me sad (idk why) was the baby doll, how she just let go of it to see her dad
I kinda wanted Riley to say daddy but ok
Mi babi😢😭😭😰😥😓
Unicorns and Puppies77 no after that she said that
Some guys didn't make it home so 1 minute silence for that guys sell their soul for freedom
Rest in peace ✌️💕🙏🌹
Good com I like it sssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccchhhhhhhhhh
You are a song in TickTock last time what TickTock do you like to talk to OK OK thank you done😘
Love princess😘
@@noel6257 TikTok*?
Ik I am soo confused with that part lol but still I feel so bad for family's that lost there loved one in the army ore in geniral
To all the soldiers who can't return home, thank you for your service.
Your comments on our returning soldier video are truly heartwarming. Thanks for your support!
R.I.P Greg Cayce
You never did come home but you will forever be remembered in our hearts my brother...
Funtime Giveaways 😭😭😭😭
Funtime Giveaways Sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. I lost my cat in May, it may not be much but he will always remain in my heart ❤️
Liberty Goddard ire
Funtime Giveaways I'm so so so sorry
Funtime Giveaways sorry to hear that buddy
I loved the animal ones. But I feel bad for the people who didnt make it back... 😭 and thank you for your service...
Amanda Scott I was just waiting the dogs to pee in the floor from excitement
Im from aus lol
My dad didn't make it back
"Ok you can let go of him, he's not going away" um how dare you try to ruin that moment!
Issy YourBoo I know what a bitch
Fuck you
Easy yee 😂😂😂
Issy YourBoo right that mean like how you going to tell him to let go of his brother like what kind of teacher are u
Donald are you saying the teacher
I just love moments like this. Thank you all for your service❤️
0:53 the kid in the back was like anyone else gonna clap or am I on my own?!?!
Omg YESSSS😭😭😂😂😂
I agree
Yes so true
I'm getting emotional because my brother is in the army and I won't see him for 3 years
2020 everyone goes through
Giselle West hopefully you get to be suprise by him
Giselle West im really sorry for you
Giselle West I never got to see my dad because I found out he died when I was 1 year old. I will never forget my dad and what he did for his country.
#1 Dylan O'Brien FAN oh i feel so bad for you and your dad but even though i don't know you i just want you to know that your dad did a great job on serving this country here is a hug💜
I wish my dad can come home. He past in Afghanistan 3 years ago. But I know he's still with me. Watching this video made me feel good for these people who's loved ones came home. I'll know I'll see my dad in heaven.
_ MadeSpanPower _ .Im sorry for your loss
god bless you :(
_ MadeSpanPower _ ❤❤❤
I live with my grandparents my grandmother was in the army she almost broke her back and sense she was a women no one cared she old have died she has had over 5 surgerys😭😭😭 crying
The first video is so sweet. The support from his classmates and how happy they look for him, even some of them wiping tears away.
I didn't notice until now, that I was just randomly smiling.
It wasn’t random
I just noticed I'm crying lol
When I read this comment you made me realise I was also smiling😂😂
Undertakerr06 Same , it’s make me so happy to see others happy
@@juliaw8110 Weird thing your name reminded me about my cousin his nickname is peanut and he said only his family can call him peanut
I hope my dad comes home from the army soon 😭
Paul Higgins he willl
Paul Higgins I'm sure he will
Paul Higgins I now he will come back......
Paul Higgins ş
Paul Higgins don't worry he will
Kid is hugging his brother
Teacher says: YoU cAn LeT gO oF hIM nOw
I would of been like no I'm sorry long time of seeing them
It wasn't the teacher it was the person behind the camera
Ninja M Dragon yeah the teacher was the brainlet that said “SoO fUn”
Regina Ramirez if I was the student
me: shut da hell up I’m having a moment
If I was that kid:nO!
As I'm laughing in some of them I'm also crying. Thank God they came home safe to loved ones waiting. It warms my heart. 🙏🥰🇺🇸
I love the dogs' reactions. "Dad? Dad! Dad-dad-dad-dad-dad-dad!"
The first one😭😭😭 I love how he didn’t stop hugging his bro❤️❤️❤️
Mee too I cried SOOOOOOOO hard of happiness
Celine Bader ya
They were like you can let go now and i was like awwwww😢😢😢
I love how the dogs can sense that the people coming home are their owners :)
Juliana Jordan I
Minty Jordan I get where you are coming from. It was sooooooo cute!!
Ikr same :) and cool name and I like your pic
Not always.
There’s a video of a young woman coming home after being away two years.
It take the dad standing next to the woman for the dog to allow her to get him, he’s cautious.
It’s only when he gets a good sniff of her that he becomes excited.
Each small video is a heart warmer. Thank you to all who served and thank you to their families for serving as well
I love how most of the dogs are more excited than people when there owners come home.
Thank you guys for so many likes! This is the most I have ever gotten!
Because dogs have the biggest hearts
If only my dog was there when ever I came home.....
If only my dos was there :(
I know
When I wake up my dog so excited so if I came from back from the Army she would be peeing herself!
This is how many times that grandma said “oh”
I read that when it cane on and i legit LOLed
7 times out of
Thank you soldiers for protecting our county and sacrificeing yourselves, welcome home 🏡 😀
Raymond So your welcome son
José Liriano 😯
José Liriano Wait your in the army!?
Alina Pinon use to I came back
José Liriano Thank you for your service.!!!😃😃😃😍💖
I love to see these soldiers come home to their families. The reactions are priceless
The 7.4 k dislikes on this video are from people with no hearts
Ikr people are morons when it comes to the military they will never know the feeling
True that
Amelie Richyrich yes they are my dad went to the Iraq War and my dad never came back I was 4 at that time I'm so proud of him because they told me that he was the best soldier they had if you want more info look for cpl Tony Carrasco
Amelie Richyrich or who's dad never came home!!!!
My uncle is in the army and I miss him sooo much like if you agree with or if someone in your family is a solider
Xosongher08. My brother is in the army and i haven't seen him for five months but i will see him in two weeks which is really exiting
Mine were
xosongher08 x inyección uncle is a seal but i miss him
I'm a veteran does that count?
My cousin is a veteran and I miss him sooooo much ♡♡♡♡
I love how they enter so casually 😂😂😂
Eva Garcia I know if I walked in I would be crying
Yeah they are like I'm just gonna walk like I'm just a regular customer.
@@jacobsly8791, same
Eva Garcia right 😂😂!
If that was me I would break down the door
I love dogs reactions. The whining and they can't seem to sit still.
Also love the "what are you doing here?!?"
When the first teacher said "so fun" I started laughing 😭 I'm sorry lmao
Me too lol. Then played it at .25x like the psychopath i am
Like bruuuu
@@iknowyoudidntjusteatmybean4784 true quality I see
Same how funny
Whoever was behind the camera: you can let go of him he's not going away
Me: Just let the kid be in the moment my dude
That’s what I was thinking and that was the teacher
Noah Shephard same
@Noah Shephard ikr just cause she ain't experiencing it don't mean she gotta ruin it
First one and I'm crying my eyes out
Sonia Jason I think your cute BTW I'm a boy I'm on my mom's account
That really sad
Brisa Palma ya I know... I'm use to it don't worry
Tiger & Swirl that was always me and now I'm only crying a little and i haven't even started thinking about my dad actually who isn't in the army but when I'm seeing him it most likely will be a year and it's really hard being a daddy's girl and then not seeing him for a year
In going back to many of Ellen's episodes I now know why we all love her. In time's of much darkness in the world today, she brings us so much light. Ellen we love you and you will be so missed by millions. 👍🤗❤️ Thank you for all the joy you've brought us.
My brother is in the navy and I miss him so much!
Creative Cooking full respect to your brother 1000% behind him nd the rest of the troops
Creative Cooking Here have some cookies
Creative Cooking no joke my bro is in the army so I now you except I'm younger than most age is...
Garry man Manatee full respect to your bro m8
God bless your brother! My dad was going to join, I was so scared that he was.😢
XLightningSoulsX oh I feel sorry :(
Ruby_Skiez Roblox omg!Im so sorry 4 u
Ruby_Skiez Roblox I hope you get to see him I'm sorry
+Lexi K
Aww thanks
I've subbed
I wish I could see my grandpa before he left for the army then he died😦😵😳😭😢😭😢😢😢😢and I'm saying that because this reamides me of him😔
and i don't need likes or subs please don't like
Toan Kha fuck you I am gonna like
Toan Kha this is truly, the sad side of TH-cam, im so sorry😔😔😞😞
coolguyhw 112 🔌
God bless you he will be proud of you😢
As much as i love seeing the children's reactions, I love the dogs reactions just as much.
These make me cry everytime. Thank you all so much for your service.
That Cheerleading one tho. She was so formal. I would be yelling DADDY ITS MY FRIKIN DADDYYYY
Kawaii Narwhal Potato yup
If I didn't see my dad in 4+ years I would be doing the same thing!!!!!!!❤❤❤
Chopped Liver cool name:) I can actually picture Tina saying that.
💕You are loved!💕
John 3:14-18,1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians2:8-9, Romans 10:8-13,
Titus 2:13, 1John 5:5, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18! 1 Peter 3:18! John 14:6
Salvation is God’s Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ Jesus alone!
Our Blessed Hope! Jesus loves you so much, that He died for you so you can spend eternity with Him!
Jesus came, died, was buried and He rose again on the 3rd day proving that He is God and that His blood paid for all sin for all time! You have been Justified! Just-as-if-I’d never sinned! Jesus is the Only Way, the Only Truth and the Only Life, and no one gets to the Father but through Him! Believe and receive Jesus into your heart and you will be Saved! Run to Him! Just as you are! Call on the Lord and you will be Saved!!! The Great Tribulation is fixin start, but those who believe will be Raptured first! Rescued just in time! Times almost up! Don’t be left behind!
Numbers 6:-27 KJV
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
27 And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them6
I miss my cousin, he's been in the army for about 7 years now. I havent seen him in person ever since then.
Somehow, Daniel, if you're seeing this, I love you and miss you! ❤
Soy de mexicano
@@alokkla7538 saya dark Malaysia
The excitement the pets show makes me smile and eyes fill with happy tears! I just love watching the reaction when the pet realizes who is there! Welcome Home, Heros! Thank you all for your service!!!
My father is a soldier too and every time he comes back home angain and i see him the fist time since a half year i feel like that😖💖
Muy bonito vídeo pero no entiendo lo que Dicen
Viva México cabrones
I already had to cry in the first ten seconds of the video
Sarah Fray how they were all laughing it makes u mad
Sarah Fray same
Sarah Fray same😢😢😢
Sarah Fray wow I feel bad for you like I was so happy on the last day of school one of my friends had to move to anthore city for her secondary or highschool whatever you call it it is the same thing but still o didn't share a tear I was kinda happy tbh but like it hard to make me cry unless it is father son sad moments like that kills my soul and heart
Soldier: walks in
Teacher : this is his brother
Hahahaha 😂😂😂
Lol i was about to write this but im no copyer
the way they were all grinning tho lmaoo
There’s nothing better in life than unconditional love!
Why am I crying? I don't even have a family member who's in military or away from me..
shinyeon23 same
shinyeon23 same
shinyeon23 same
shinyeon23 same
My dad is in the military
I respect every soldier in this video that is separated from they're families for US...
Pranav Giridhar fyi some weren't US but we honor them either way unless it's f ing Isis
Pranav Giridhar that’s true
my mom and dad are in the military. Last week they surprised me during a pep rally in the middle of my cheer team's dance. best moment of my life. I haven't seen my parents in almost a year. They're going back in about a month i think, agh. i love them so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ima stop typing rn because i'm crying my eyes out.
*insert a meme here* kATelYnNNN he would never ever leave you forever they always take off for a week or 2 so don't illusionate
alanys morales, They told me that they will be gone for about a year this time. So their like "boss" told them they can stay a little longer. Also, It's hard not having my parents there for me. they missed my 13th birthday and also my 8th grade graduation.
*insert a meme here* kATelYnNNN its okay your going to be strong enough to handle it but they will never will be gone forever... They can miss all of your life but the most important thing is to not give up in believing that your parents love you and they are gone just because they love you and they'll do anything to protect you... You have to be brave and strong and never never ever forget that they are not in your eyes but they are in your heart and believe me they have the same feeling for you!❤
*insert a meme here* kATelYnNNN aww I am sorry my brother was in the military
*insert a meme here* kATelYnNNN I remember this happened at my school once. Futral Road Elementary.
It makes me feel happy when the soldiers come home! 💕
I can’t imagine living your childhood when you don’t know if you parent will survive a battle. This made me cry because think of it this way, waking up everyday and leaving the house with the chance that your mom or dad could die. And all the stress and sadness that it caused you. Or you have a problem that only that parent could support you on. I will always appreciate my family.
Me to
Braxton Breshears Awww well he came back!
honestly being in a military family sucks. but if they’re doing what they love, then it’s worth it. having my sister be in the army and getting deployed was one of the worst things ever. but if she does pass away, i’ll know that she died doing something she loved.
I live my life everyday wondering if my father will survive his drug addiction since I already lost my mom.
+Bloutish bless you bless you
Kid hugging his brother and having an emotional breakdown and the teacher be there like IsNt ThIs FuN
@Sarah Bradley RIGHT
@Sarah Bradley IKRRRRR LIKE IsNt ThIs FuN! Like umm that kid is like… FuN? No it’s EmOtiOnAL!
bro if i was there i wouldve cried on the spot
6:02 When he slid Piper across the floor, playfully saying, “get outta here” you could tell that was a game they love to play together, which was super cute!!
Then after playing with Piper for almost a solid minute, he *finally* said to his wife, “Hi hun, how are ya?” all I could do was bust out laughing!! 😂 😂 😂
Love this😊😊😊😊
Now this is what America is all about
Thank You All for your Service and God Bless You All🙏
I Cried When I Watch These Bc My Brother Joined Airforce And I Feel Like He Will Never Come back
Itzzyuhboi wAtEr he’ll be fine I promise if he does u know it was for that’s it u
He will be fine you just haft to belive and think about the day he will come home
My mom would never let anyone in my family go to the airforce, I am also praying for you
I have to wait for your reply as soon as possible 🙆 I have to be able in time ⌚ to be there to be able in the team to join the company I will be grateful for the last couple 👫 of my resume and hope that you will provide. I hope you are doing 📂 I will
JustSpillThe Tea mine did too
My grandpa went to the army and never made it home 😭😭 can I get 7 likes to respect him?
Allie Prascsak 😧
Allie Prascsak no you get 70
Allie Prascsak no u get 105 like, salute to u and your grandpa
Allie Prascsak sorry for your loss
Allie Prascsak ur so selfish
The dog videos made me cry the most because i have 3 dogs that i love sooooo much.
sappyknight same
sappyknight dogs almost always get excited but the ones in this video where REALLY excited
Hi people come and join my musically party 😱😁😁😁😳😝😁😌 my username is angiev1114
sappyknight me too
So emotional 😭 😭 I’m literally crying 😭 I’m so so happy for the family’s 🥰
As soon as this video started, I just started crying.. I had to pause the video to calm myself down XD
Lavinia Vougazianos starts video again it didnt help
Lavinia Vougazianos same
Lavinia Vougazianos k
Jesus take a chill pill mate
My dad died in war I miss him so much wish he came back alive but now i have a stepdad so I've learned to get over it but I still miss my dad we go to his graveyard once in a while to visit him😭😭😭
Awe im so sorry.
Elina Khadka I’m sorry for your loss I know what having a family member passing away all the grief and than you just wish you where there with them 😪🥺😓😭😭
I am so sorry,😢
Same my uncle both of my grandpas died and my dog that was all ways happy when I can home from school and my sister
I think the dog was really excited when the dad came home
I loved the dog reaction.like if u agree.
Bruh it's Meaya 🙄 Obviously.
Bruh it's Meaya HE WAS SOOO CUTE
Swag Master30
TrooperSquad - English Staffy? (I think that was the breed of the dog)
These videos have showed me the importance of our military crews
don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry dang it
ctfu ikr that is what I was thinking that whole time lol
Jacob Hall saddd
Jacob Hall yasssss
Jacob Hall that's so me
This is me:😪😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
There certainly something very special between a man and his dogs. It must be that unconditional love that dogs possess.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I started crying because
1.i don't have a dad
2.my brother WAS a soldier
3...... MY Bro died in the army
I MISS HIM SO MUCH 😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
*Edith Alvarado sorry for your loss*
Sorry for ur loss remembrance day is coming up what is his name,I'll remember him just for you
I'm sorry for your loss.
We need to honor our service men and women way more than we have been. They risk their lives for us and we’ve turned our backs on them. They deserve all the thanks!! My friends were service people and I’m thankful they served and they’re still here with us. One unfortunately passed we think from Suicide however. Thank you again for all you guys do to keep us safe and free!! My dad also served in the navy during Viet Nam. My significant other went into the Air Force but got let go due to being legally blind but he’s served just as much as the others and is a veteran to me!! The pets being super happy to see their owners is so sweet!
I always have a warm feeling with these. My dads was deployed as a doctor for a front line program in October of 2011, he was supposed to be there for 4 months but came back just before Christmas. It’s as so hard for my family and I but it’s just a memory I won’t forget. I send my prayers out to the people with family or friends in the battlegrounds 💙
I do too. My dad is still active duty in the navy and he is still going on travel and so I totally know how it feels when a loved one comes home from deployment and awesome name and i like your pic
Houdini Tchaikovsky memories mkx
The dogs were literally more excited than the people
Rahhhh that first one was so awkward cause no one except the boy gave a shit
F Baksh ikr
I know right
Yep ,they are
I love the kid in the back of the first video doing his best to get his slow clapping to catch on 😭🤣 kids are freaking adorable.
I love Big Bro. U can tell he was equally overjoyed to get to his little brother. So sweet. I hope they still love each other the same!
Boy’s point of view:
“Omg my brother is back”
Class point of view:
“Umm who is this stranger and why is my friend hugging him?”
Charlie Alice ikr the teacher was rude
I think that was his mom
the teachers mad
Scarlett Keeley ikr
Who else started tearing up a little?
Nikolina larsson same
me a lot because my dad works in the Pakistani millatray
Aj Munson a lotta
Aj Munson me
Aj Munson me because I sneezed
can we take a moment for the people who didnt make it home and to the families tha lost loved ones
It really fucking sux to be missing somebody knowing they are never coming back even worse when you didn't even tell them goodbye..😭
C'est très triste 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥
I agree and awesome name and I like your pic
@✰SiimplyOlive✰ #RoadTo90! same and awesome name and I like your pic
i love how happy and silly the dogs are when their friends come home. so sweet. ❤❤❤❤
I'm not crying!! my mom. just cooked some onions for me. .. that's all
The Ambrose Asylum same 😭😭😭😭😭
The Ambrose Asylum me to
A Pray for those people who did not back home 🙏
Thx man I appreciate it
@@goldeneagles1238 shut up now
@@danielforbes1943 sorry :( didn't mean t o offend anybody.
@@goldeneagles1238 What did you say
Thank you for the service from the navy the ones who are risked there life good look for all you army crutes we pray for you xx
roxy follows 123 Follows omg yes thank you soooooooooooo much
Can we please have one minute for the soldiers who weren’t able to make it home…. May they Rest In Peace
I love that you said this. When I came home from Afghanistan I surprised my mom and sister and nephews at a restaurant. After the crying was done my mom asked me why I was limping, I explained to her how I was drive a hummer and hit some kind of land mine, 3 other ppl in the hummer with me and I was the only survivor. Injured my leg. I said it with a horribly shake voice, tears running down my face, survivors guilt I guess especially since I was the one driving. And I'll never forget the random ppl in that restaurant who heard my convo, multiple stood up, came over and hugged or shook my hand and said that I was a hero, and to not beat my self up.... sorry man I know this was kind of random and I'm not looking for sympathy, this video popped up so I watched and it's triggering something in me so I'm talking just to get things off my chest.