"Someday I will be just like you!" "Someday I will be just like you!" "You require my assistance?" "Ah ha!" "Someday I will be just like you!" "Someday I will be just like you!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!"
+aznable1000 Only Rank 20 IQ 70 players say this game is paytowin. Paytowin is you become better than normal player in anyway. But normal player can get every card. So there is no paytowin. Please go play fucking paytowin games and you understand. I never payed to hearthstoen i finished hearthstone legend top 100
I actually had fun with this brawl. I just played majordomo, maiden of the lake, coldara, and alexstraza. Then I just played freeze Mage. I played maiden, then majordomo. Ping majordomo, play coldara, alexstraza your opponent, then hero power all the way.
This is the perfect demonstration of why I think specific cards should be banned in specific Tavern Brawls. Here's my problem with Malygos - It's NOT FUN. When the game basically comes down to who draws their Malygos first, the interaction between players is meaningless. You can have a much better deck, be a much better player, and have full board control, but as soon as Malygos is drawn with the right supporting cards - game over and nothing else mattered. Overpowered is one thing if it is still an interesting game, but Malygos simply removes anything interesting from the game in this Tavern Brawl. How is it even fun to play this, let alone play against it?
+Eric Bess ice block stops that... and Malygos is only gamewinning when drawn with numerous combo pieces, meaning that the game is absolutely not decided by that one card being drawn.
+Eric Bess Agreed. Alexstrasza and malygos should definitely be banned, and I can think of a few other cards which might require it too. This brawl is full of broken cards.
+Eric Bess I have 17 wins (and something like 5 loss), I'm not using Malygos and I win by turn 5-6 with my shaman deck. I have not faced a single Malygod deck yet, probably because I kill them too soon lol
+Eric Bess that would be stupid. Tavern Brawls are MEANT to be crazy like this. And they don't stay for long so stop whining, you don't have to play this brawl if you don't enjoy it. I played 35 games in this brawl and lost to Malygos only once, when it was comboed with the Velen. And by the way, you don't have to play Malygos in this brawl either, I don't even have him and still managed to go 32-3.
+Tiago Toledo How?! It was amazing. Everyone trying to combo off as quickly as possible, leading to actually ridiculously crazy games. It might get boring if it was every week, but for a Tavern Brawl I think it's probably the best one yet.
Man, I sure wish I had the cards to enjoy this tavern brawl. I spent most of my time with it hoping my opponents would dc so I could pick up a single win for my free pack.
+Yew Geneolgia I don't know wtf AGQD is but that reference is from when reckful was trying to prove that massan uses viewbot and he compares his chat and massans than says that
Maybe not the best place to say this, but I had an interesting idea for a challengestone.I call it: From Humble Beginnings.All 0,1 and 2 cost cards must be basic.All 3 and 4 must be common.5 and 6 must be rare.7 and 8 must be epic.And of course, 9 and beyond must be legendary.I haven't looked at the balance of it really, but it should work.
i have a really nice tavern brawl idea, they swap battle cries with deathrattle, so like dr boom who has a battle cry of summoning 2 boom bots, it becomes a deathrattle that summons 2 boom bots, and vise versa, the only problem with that is joust tho, like gaining +1/+1 won't work as a death rattle, and that's the bad part
Sylvanas Windrunner Battlecry: Steal a random enemy minion. Wobbling Runts Battlecry: Summon three 2/2 Runts Sneed's Old Shredder Battlecry: Summon a random Legendary minion. Nerubian Egg Battlecry: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian. Do I need to continue?
Won't ever happen. Some battlecries have you choose a target, but no deathrattles do. This isn't a coincidence, it's because a deathrattle could trigger on your opponent's turn, meaning it'd have to either interrupt your opponent's turn to let you choose a target or steal time from his turn to do it. If they did this brawl, it'd cause issues.
What makes this Brawl so awesome is that is possible to make a fantastic deck WITHOUT a bunch of cards. Basic cards like Frostwolf Warlord, Stormwind Champion, and Shattered Sun Cleric are fantastic in this game, and other basic cards, like Elven Archer, are pretty solid. This brawl also had a crap ton of possibilities, so every deck was super unique. For example, I've run a modified Mech Mage deck with a Hobgoblin and a Mukla's Champion. Also, for the first time ever, Counterspell is actually a useful secret, as nearly every spell that's being played has a massive effect on the board. So you can play it early, and chances are you are going to stop something like an Arcane Explosion.
I swear to god, how hard is it to make those deck building tavern brawls just unlock every card in the collection for the purposes of Tavern Brawl alone. I seriously thought this was how it was meant to be when they mentioned deck building in Tavern Brawl, but no. I had to play 20 games of pure misery to win my one fucking game.
Boyd De Regt In constructed she's usually just a worse version of Dr. Boom (like every other card, only she's more comparable to him). Only a few dragon decks might run her.
I played fatigue warrior during this tavern brawl and had a blast. And just to let you know the only non-wing legendary I own is baron. I also never saw a malygos anything in the 10 or so matches I played, I think the most common thing I saw was people trying to just play their secret paladin in brawl and they all got destroyed.
I had a ton of success with priest. Between cabal shadow priest steals, holy nova/lightbomb board clears, card draws from nefarian/thoughtsteal, and buffs from from velen's and argus, I was able to establish dominance of the board early.
Ok fucking Jesus, why does everyone hate this tavern brawl and say it's tryhard dominated?? I only had 3/2 legendarys AS paladin, no faceless-es and my best cards were Mr. Javes and damage spreads like madder bomber or stuff like concercrate. I also hear other communities saying it was the BEST tavern brawl like at Disgused toasts video and I agree. What's the problems here???
İbrahim Mouselli Ya exactly you just need board clear and card draw in minion form. Minions that buff themselves become the new big minions like frostwolf, I feel the whole Malygos theme is as weak and cheap as face hunter, you skip the fun in favor of just "winning". And I've never seen it work except for the clips in this video, I beat alot of mages.
+Giga Phoenix i actually didn't see anyone play malygos against me actually i might have started playin this brawl before malygos deck was posted in the int. lucky me i guess :P
+İbrahim Mouselli like I said it's not as great as this video makes it out to be, saw it twice and it failed, the only Mage I ever got beat by was archmage antonidos and 2 Sorcerer's appreciates.
Basically, this is a Tavern Brawl were the effect of the minions is more important than the stats. I created a rather basic mage deck and went up against a paladin. After getting stomped into the dirt the first few turns I was able to stabilize with cheap removal, and then just keep playing minions that spawn other minions. The game was pretty much over once Hogger got on the board, because he didn't have enough minions or removal to get rid of him...
Everybody keeps saying that you need legendaries but I made a variation of raptor rogue where it's leper gnome, brann, 2 shadowsteps, 2 raptors, and a shiv or evidcerate and then the rest of the cards mostly cycle or heal/board clear. It actually works really well you just draw your entire deck until you get the 7 combo cards and its a 32 damage combo. I've definetly been winning more than half my games
I enjoyed your insight on the Brawl. Mostly just testing stuff out within how to win the fastest. I enjoyed Druid the most. As there are at least 1 way to win turn 1 without coin (Alxtrza+Inrvt+Ragnrs+Fclss=1/600,00 chance of happening) But also at least 3 ways of winning turn 1 with coin. (Alxtrza+North Sea Kraken+Brann+Pandas+the top suggestion cards..others include Malgs+Moonfire+lots of draw with Chromgs+battlecrys that draw for extended Moon fires)
didnt have malygos or alex, ended up making a deck entirely centered around sorcerers apprentice, antonidas, and echo of medivh. Pretty fun to try and draw through my entire deck to get the combo edit: realized kripp showcased this in the end. Its an awesome feeling :)
I created my own "buff me/remove them" deck, but it had no Malygos, no Faceless, no Alexstraza to carry it. Madder Bombers and Twilight Drakes and other battlecry buffs carried the day with hard removals, silences, and Inspire. I beat 1 Alex, lost to another Alex, and beat several card-draw decks that didn't have enough spell damage to finish me. think I went 15W-6L by the end of it all.
There are basically two decks in this Brawl - Miracle to draw your deck, or Beatdown with stuff that buffs itself. Here are some cards I played in a beatdown deck. Usually leads to very swift death, unless you run into miracle and htey draw well (but in that case, nothing you do can win ) Ancient of Lore - draw 2 for 1 mana Hobgoblin - +2+2 to all your other creatures Innervate - Play two more creatures Faceless - Copy another broken card Questing Adventurer & Grull - grow really fast and become unkillable Mukla's Champion - Better than stormwind, since the buffs stay on creatures. Dr Boom - 3 bodies, two of which kill other stuff. Geddon - free board clear Frostwolf Warlord - gets pretty large. Thaurusan - Completely bonkers on turn 1. I'm sure there are others
I ended up going 5 and 0 with a Druid deck focusing on control with a dozen legendaries. The Swipe spell is pretty strong against decks that aren't running Hobgoblin. Ancient of War was really strong as a 1/6 taunt
I had good fun with this tavern brawl. Used a deck with hobgoblins, dr. boom, questing adventurer, enhanco mechano along with stormwind champs and muklas. Just had to stack the board and buff the minions with muklas and stormwinds then drop enhanco and the enemy concedes (well for me anyway)
i had great success with a bran battle cry warrior deck. i believe im 42-8 at the moment. included irom juggernaught, 2 copies of both brewmasters, coldlights, upgrades, healbot, and shield maiden for sustain. i found it this type of deck very fun, espacially when you can a ton of cards with a nefarien
It's interesting how some things work with deathrattles that buff minions. My opponent had Wobbling Runts and that guy who gives +3/+3 when it dies. I killed both of them at the same time and the runts first appeared as 2/2s, then one of them got buffed into a 5/5 and only then they all became 1/1, absolutely nullifying the buff from the deathrattle guy.
I ended up using a Hobgoblin Beast Charge OTK with Hunter for this brawl. I kinda like the set-up involved as opposed to relying on legendaries only to play the way other OTK decks were doing..
i had made a fun battlecry combo deck that was pretty bad, but it was a shaman that ran basically all heals, board clear, brann, rumbling elemental, and then battlecry damage.
11:10 FYI, the order is NOT important. This is because mortally wounded (0 or less Health) Characters are not dead yet, but are still in play, take up space and can trigger. Hearthstone only checks for and removes mortally wounded Characters when the current outermost Phase of simultaneously raised triggers/events resolves.
Malygos was the first deck I came up with, and I made it 30 minutes after the brawl came out. Just had to say that so I'll feel less like a scumbag while playing it.
I played Shaman and Paladin. Shaman has Rockbiter, Flametongue, Al'Akir, and Lightning Storm. Shaman for Keeper of Uldamon, Tirion and Consecration if you need it. Most decks I could think of involved mostly neutrals anyway so class made little difference. Wanted to try Priest with Prophet Velen's and Malygos but I have neither.
This tavern brawl was great. I always try to make a deck that goes against the grain. I made a Reno Shaman deck that went 10/3 and was great. Mainly because you have a chance when you make a totem that you get a 1/1 taunt which can save you.
I play miracle mage in this tavern brawl. Auctioneers with Apprentices allow you to play your entire deck of 1-2 mana spells. Add a flamewaker or two and you win the game instantly :D
It was so satisfying to see him beat those troll emote users. Btw, you can use rogue =fan of knives =combo deal dmg =if you got it, edwin vancleef = massive health and attack. I thought rogue worked pretty well, I didn't have malygos, just edwin. Even without edwin, it works.
For someone who only has adventure legends and about 4 others (Elise light bane, chillmax, alextrasa, and jesticar true heart) could have have a chance if I alextrasa turn 1 (They would autoconcede). BUTTT lucky enough, after the tavern brawl, I opened up a deck and it gave me.... ONYXIA. Turn 1 alex, coin. onyxia just kicks ass. I ended up maxing my daily gold in a few hours..... Just mulligan for either one and dont keep any other card, and that gave me a 95% win rate.
I just rolled out with a cheap Beast Hunter deck with snakes and Ram Wranglers and stuff, had a blast. Buzzard-drew my way to victory. It was fun, had a good win-rate and yeah, beat a Malygos deck.
I found annoy-o-tron and argent horse rider are some decent minions. They help control the board and are pretty sticky. Also if you are playing Warlock Floating Watcher does the same thing as Kvaldir Raider basically and have won games where I got at least one these minions behind an annoy-o-tron.
5:03 sorry first comment didnt go through
literally shaved my wife
+Skipperino Kripperino I love you, I really do. Skipperion Keeperino!
+Skipperino Kripperino Hello
+Skipperino Kripperino HOW???? HOW ARE YOU SO QUICK???
"Someday I will be just like you!"
"Someday I will be just like you!"
"You require my assistance?" "Ah ha!"
"Someday I will be just like you!"
"Someday I will be just like you!"
"Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!" "Ah ha!"
+aznable1000 Pimponidas
sounds like the hottest hit of the summer.
+aznable1000 This tavern brawl was broke to all hell, but god some of the games were just hilarity.
+aznable1000 Alas, I've heard that more than once.
+aznable1000 Only Rank 20 IQ 70 players say this game is paytowin. Paytowin is you become better than normal player in anyway. But normal player can get every card. So there is no paytowin. Please go play fucking paytowin games and you understand. I never payed to hearthstoen i finished hearthstone legend top 100
Sucks that I don't have all those legendaries.
+Captain Obvious i only used like 2 legendaries and won like 10 in a row...just questing adventurer and stuff
+Lee Sin k
+Mirza Ajanovic You know it
+Captain Obvious dont need it as i post this just won with 0 legendaries 0 epics and 3 rares
Got my free pack and said FUCK this brawl.
me too it sucks
I actually had fun with this brawl. I just played majordomo, maiden of the lake, coldara, and alexstraza. Then I just played freeze Mage. I played maiden, then majordomo. Ping majordomo, play coldara, alexstraza your opponent, then hero power all the way.
+T Kalle its too pay 2 win
+Hejmen Hejmen not at all lol
+Ærthur it is m8 my only good card for this brawl was alex out of 10 games i won 2
I hated this brawl they crippled my precious huffer so that it only had 1 attack... How am I supposed to go face with that bullshit.
+Facerino Kripperino just play unleash the hounds and kill command face
Steady shot still does 2 Kappa
+Facerino Kripperino call greenpeace,this is unacceptable!
But noboderyno plays belcherino now
Curiously, polymorph: boar still spawned 4-2 huffer.
I got the best deals anywhere
Best kripp yet
+DJ Khalerino Kripperino you smart
+DJ Khalerino Kripperino Hehe time to pay! ANOTHA ONE
+DJ Khalerino Kripperino I want a picture of one or both player(s) with a full board of the auctioneer with the caption 'Best Deals Intensifies'
You loyl
No point in playing this tavern brawl if you're a casual player. Without a whole bunch of the better legendaries you'll get creamed every time.
+iwantoolaydown Make zoo deck,try to win a game, get your pack and get out till next week
Pickle Jaar That's exactly what I ended up doing.
Kvaldir raider
Shade of nax
Sun cleric
Frostwolf warlord
Token spawners
Savage roar
Coldlight oracle
Living roots
Questing adventurers
Esy wins
I'm casual and I'm like 7 wins and 4 loses. It's not a great record, but you can still have fun with this Brawl with not many cards.
I had a pretty good Secret Mage deck using moons that are buffed from secrets. Worked pretty well
This is the perfect demonstration of why I think specific cards should be banned in specific Tavern Brawls. Here's my problem with Malygos - It's NOT FUN. When the game basically comes down to who draws their Malygos first, the interaction between players is meaningless. You can have a much better deck, be a much better player, and have full board control, but as soon as Malygos is drawn with the right supporting cards - game over and nothing else mattered.
Overpowered is one thing if it is still an interesting game, but Malygos simply removes anything interesting from the game in this Tavern Brawl. How is it even fun to play this, let alone play against it?
+Eric Bess ice block stops that... and Malygos is only gamewinning when drawn with numerous combo pieces, meaning that the game is absolutely not decided by that one card being drawn.
+Eric Bess Agreed. Alexstrasza and malygos should definitely be banned, and I can think of a few other cards which might require it too. This brawl is full of broken cards.
+Eric Bess I have 17 wins (and something like 5 loss), I'm not using Malygos and I win by turn 5-6 with my shaman deck. I have not faced a single Malygod deck yet, probably because I kill them too soon lol
+Eric Bess that would be stupid. Tavern Brawls are MEANT to be crazy like this. And they don't stay for long so stop whining, you don't have to play this brawl if you don't enjoy it.
I played 35 games in this brawl and lost to Malygos only once, when it was comboed with the Velen. And by the way, you don't have to play Malygos in this brawl either, I don't even have him and still managed to go 32-3.
Who said tavern brawl was balanced?
This was actually the worst Brawl yet.
+Tiago Toledo you obviously haven't seen the bananna brawl
+Tiago Toledo cry more
For the people who don't have all the legendaries yeah but for the people who do it's the most fun you've ever had in a long time
+Tiago Toledo crying wont get you good cards :D
+Tiago Toledo How?! It was amazing. Everyone trying to combo off as quickly as possible, leading to actually ridiculously crazy games. It might get boring if it was every week, but for a Tavern Brawl I think it's probably the best one yet.
"Oh no my 2 1/1 minions" 😂
Man, I sure wish I had the cards to enjoy this tavern brawl. I spent most of my time with it hoping my opponents would dc so I could pick up a single win for my free pack.
+Andrew Ernest
Only ways to win ftp with limited cards is oil rogue, or shaman windfury with overload spells for burst.
Chat moving so fast no one will know i'm gay.
+Dunnold Tromp duuuuude
+Dunnold Tromp Hey son .
+Dunnold Tromp I feel like I'm the only person who actually gets this joke.
...It IS from AGDQ, right?
+Yew Geneolgia I don't know wtf AGQD is but that reference is from when reckful was trying to prove that massan uses viewbot and he compares his chat and massans than says that
It's not p2w, it's p2r
And it's "especially" not "specially"
+Langes Holz word
Kalle, that is like saying "And it is because, not cause".
+John Desper it's fine while speaking, but who types 'specially?
I had a great time playing fatigue/mill druid. No one seems to expect it, and the fatigue victories are so satisfying!
Maybe not the best place to say this, but I had an interesting idea for a challengestone.I call it: From Humble Beginnings.All 0,1 and 2 cost cards must be basic.All 3 and 4 must be common.5 and 6 must be rare.7 and 8 must be epic.And of course, 9 and beyond must be legendary.I haven't looked at the balance of it really, but it should work.
5:03 Skipp The Kripp
Thanks bro you saved my life faster than Skipperino
Skipperino ain't got nothin' on you.
+WootmansayWOOT this was so fast,it litterally shaved my wife.
How good is Kazakstan?
+Racist Bassist Worse then Pakistan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+Sakthi S Better than Kyrgistan.
T Kalle oh well I take my lenny face back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wait... Is this a reference?
aleksi pulkka i don't know is it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That clip at the end kicked ass!
Tavern brawl.
Day 1 it's cool .
After that everyone play the same decks.
Good thing it lasts only 5 days or so
+Cyryl Chołodowski same lol
+Pierre Laborie I played a lot this tavern brawl. And for me it isn't true that every player play the same deck. I had so much different decks.
+Maximus yea yea differents decks with "OTK malygos" priest/ mage/ druid/ rogue... again and again and again :)
+Pierre Laborie
Just like constructed Kappa
lol that "Sorry about that" was the most gloriously insincere thing I've ever seen! More please :)
Worst tavern brawl ever. No legendaries = no wins
+Jack Mckeown me against priest.... first round, he played imperor thaurissian... next round... malygos + Velen, instant facedamage i lost BabyRage
+Jack Mckeown yeah, this is probably one of the most pay to win brawls yet
+unluckygamer69 feels kappa man
+Jack Mckeown I was winning with mech mage with questing adventures and pyroblasts to deal more damage.
Nope! xD I won w/ strictly basic - Rare cards! Using arcane explosion, missiles, defender, etc...
lmao @Arcaneblast. 22:44. Good work Kripp.
New tavern brawl idea. For every card you play, deal damage equal to the mana cost to yourself.
That's just screaming facehunter
Yea. And you only deal the damage to yourself that you actually payed to play the card. Could make some interesting decks that way to work around it
+Daren Colby Murloc deck with healing would win from the cheap combos to fairly expensive board clear removal
+Miles Edgeworth floating watcher would be OP
37:48 Kripp's SniperRag even knows how to BM!
wait so jarraxuss makes you a 1,1
lmao haha Epic play @ 6:22
I guess that's what Tavern Brawl's all about!
i have a really nice tavern brawl idea, they swap battle cries with deathrattle, so like dr boom who has a battle cry of summoning 2 boom bots, it becomes a deathrattle that summons 2 boom bots, and vise versa, the only problem with that is joust tho, like gaining +1/+1 won't work as a death rattle, and that's the bad part
+vvwast Injured blademaster deathrattle: deal 4 damage to himself hehe
Sylvanas Windrunner
Battlecry: Steal a random enemy minion.
Wobbling Runts
Battlecry: Summon three 2/2 Runts
Sneed's Old Shredder
Battlecry: Summon a random Legendary minion.
Nerubian Egg
Battlecry: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian.
Do I need to continue?
Sylvanas with bran pretty Opiopi then
Won't ever happen. Some battlecries have you choose a target, but no deathrattles do. This isn't a coincidence, it's because a deathrattle could trigger on your opponent's turn, meaning it'd have to either interrupt your opponent's turn to let you choose a target or steal time from his turn to do it. If they did this brawl, it'd cause issues.
+vvwast Dreadsteed.
That last clip of the quad Rag, so glorious.
This was a really neat brawl, but I don't have nearly enough legendaries to keep up with the big boys. =(
"How good is Coliseum Manager?" - DAY 9
+Danilo Kastratovic What happened with coliseum manager? You keep commenting this every day
+dick butt It must be done so the prophecy can be completed!
+Danilo Kastratovic change
+Danilo Kastratovic your
+Danilo Kastratovic name
What makes this Brawl so awesome is that is possible to make a fantastic deck WITHOUT a bunch of cards. Basic cards like Frostwolf Warlord, Stormwind Champion, and Shattered Sun Cleric are fantastic in this game, and other basic cards, like Elven Archer, are pretty solid.
This brawl also had a crap ton of possibilities, so every deck was super unique. For example, I've run a modified Mech Mage deck with a Hobgoblin and a Mukla's Champion.
Also, for the first time ever, Counterspell is actually a useful secret, as nearly every spell that's being played has a massive effect on the board. So you can play it early, and chances are you are going to stop something like an Arcane Explosion.
I swear to god, how hard is it to make those deck building tavern brawls just unlock every card in the collection for the purposes of Tavern Brawl alone. I seriously thought this was how it was meant to be when they mentioned deck building in Tavern Brawl, but no. I had to play 20 games of pure misery to win my one fucking game.
Had a blast playing priest with velen, malygos etc
onyxia was pretty nice
+skrub lordz Got her from the brawl pack, perfect timing :D
isnt she always good? i might be the only one who thinks that
Boyd De Regt In constructed she's usually just a worse version of Dr. Boom (like every other card, only she's more comparable to him). Only a few dragon decks might run her.
dude I'm superseded you didn't notice, "the mistcaller" is overpowered in this.
25:47 He see my soul ....
27:18 '' Alexstrasza is for pussys dude '' ^*So Badass*
31:00 - 34:00 I WAS THERE xD i wrote HEY TH-cam in the twitch chat ... just like everyone else lel
This tavern brawl was like "You don't have Malygos? Then go fuck yourself." I hate it.
Not really, just get cards that can buff themselves ie. Kvaldor raider mukla's shade of nax
Or token druid and use savage roar and a shit ton of draw
Questing adventurer is good too.
+Dovahrino Kiinereno indeed I have played like 20 games in this brawl not a single malygos lol
I played fatigue warrior during this tavern brawl and had a blast. And just to let you know the only non-wing legendary I own is baron. I also never saw a malygos anything in the 10 or so matches I played, I think the most common thing I saw was people trying to just play their secret paladin in brawl and they all got destroyed.
No Kripp... This brawl fucking sucked, it's so inbalanced if you don't have legendaries.
+Bioshroom not really. play miracle rogue, only legendary is emperor thaurissan
tderias I don't have the cards for that...
+Bioshroom play more or dip into your pockets then.
+Bioshroom So why do you even play hearthstone if you dont have cards?
+XeRoN913 wtf do you mean? I don't have ALL of the cards
I had a ton of success with priest. Between cabal shadow priest steals, holy nova/lightbomb board clears, card draws from nefarian/thoughtsteal, and buffs from from velen's and argus, I was able to establish dominance of the board early.
injured blademaster best card in this tavern brawl
malygos miracle rogue REALLY worked well, surprised it wasn't featured here
Ok fucking Jesus, why does everyone hate this tavern brawl and say it's tryhard dominated?? I only had 3/2 legendarys AS paladin, no faceless-es and my best cards were Mr. Javes and damage spreads like madder bomber or stuff like concercrate. I also hear other communities saying it was the BEST tavern brawl like at Disgused toasts video and I agree. What's the problems here???
Even totalbiscuit came back to hearthstone just to feature this tavernbrawl!
+Giga Phoenix butthurts everywhere man.I have 1 legendary which is dr.boom i used him ,knife juggler and questin adventurer it was pretty fun
İbrahim Mouselli Ya exactly you just need board clear and card draw in minion form. Minions that buff themselves become the new big minions like frostwolf, I feel the whole Malygos theme is as weak and cheap as face hunter, you skip the fun in favor of just "winning". And I've never seen it work except for the clips in this video, I beat alot of mages.
+Giga Phoenix i actually didn't see anyone play malygos against me actually i might have started playin this brawl before malygos deck was posted in the int. lucky me i guess :P
+İbrahim Mouselli like I said it's not as great as this video makes it out to be, saw it twice and it failed, the only Mage I ever got beat by was archmage antonidos and 2 Sorcerer's appreciates.
Basically, this is a Tavern Brawl were the effect of the minions is more important than the stats. I created a rather basic mage deck and went up against a paladin. After getting stomped into the dirt the first few turns I was able to stabilize with cheap removal, and then just keep playing minions that spawn other minions. The game was pretty much over once Hogger got on the board, because he didn't have enough minions or removal to get rid of him...
This Tavern sucks... Kinda Boring even if you have the cards to OTK.
Everybody keeps saying that you need legendaries but I made a variation of raptor rogue where it's leper gnome, brann, 2 shadowsteps, 2 raptors, and a shiv or evidcerate and then the rest of the cards mostly cycle or heal/board clear. It actually works really well you just draw your entire deck until you get the 7 combo cards and its a 32 damage combo. I've definetly been winning more than half my games
Who are the people who enjoy this brawl? This was so shallow, repetitive and unbalanced.
+whatshendrix I enjoy winning games on turn 3, quick wins
Blob Dat Yeah, that's great for farming gold, but it's boring gameplay.
whatshendrix you can make some pretty fun decks
Blob Dat I had that vibe for a good hour or so, but then it got stale.
+whatshendrix I suppose playing secret paladin in constructed is more fun for you?
Pulled Mekgineer Thermaplugg from a pack last week. Wondered what I could do with him.
Then this brawl came around. Instant MVP.
pay2win brawl
I enjoyed your insight on the Brawl. Mostly just testing stuff out within how to win the fastest.
I enjoyed Druid the most. As there are at least 1 way to win turn 1 without coin (Alxtrza+Inrvt+Ragnrs+Fclss=1/600,00 chance of happening)
But also at least 3 ways of winning turn 1 with coin. (Alxtrza+North Sea Kraken+Brann+Pandas+the top suggestion cards..others include Malgs+Moonfire+lots of draw with Chromgs+battlecrys that draw for extended Moon fires)
This week was amazing. I did not have malygos, alexstrasza or any of the big legendary cards and still pulled off some great games.
18:34 Which one of them has the best deals anywhere!?
I loved this brawl. Played mainly mage since they have so many cards that have "1 damage at a time" effects.
I had a TON of fun with a frostwolf Warlord combo warrior deck. It was AMAZING
didnt have malygos or alex, ended up making a deck entirely centered around sorcerers apprentice, antonidas, and echo of medivh. Pretty fun to try and draw through my entire deck to get the combo
edit: realized kripp showcased this in the end. Its an awesome feeling :)
I created my own "buff me/remove them" deck, but it had no Malygos, no Faceless, no Alexstraza to carry it. Madder Bombers and Twilight Drakes and other battlecry buffs carried the day with hard removals, silences, and Inspire. I beat 1 Alex, lost to another Alex, and beat several card-draw decks that didn't have enough spell damage to finish me. think I went 15W-6L by the end of it all.
There are basically two decks in this Brawl - Miracle to draw your deck, or Beatdown with stuff that buffs itself.
Here are some cards I played in a beatdown deck. Usually leads to very swift death, unless you run into miracle and htey draw well (but in that case, nothing you do can win
Ancient of Lore - draw 2 for 1 mana
Hobgoblin - +2+2 to all your other creatures
Innervate - Play two more creatures
Faceless - Copy another broken card
Questing Adventurer & Grull - grow really fast and become unkillable
Mukla's Champion - Better than stormwind, since the buffs stay on creatures.
Dr Boom - 3 bodies, two of which kill other stuff.
Geddon - free board clear
Frostwolf Warlord - gets pretty large.
Thaurusan - Completely bonkers on turn 1.
I'm sure there are others
I've been waiting for so long for this. My favorite brawl yet.
I had a lot of fun on day one playing as warrior for this tavern brawl.
I ended up going 5 and 0 with a Druid deck focusing on control with a dozen legendaries. The Swipe spell is pretty strong against decks that aren't running Hobgoblin. Ancient of War was really strong as a 1/6 taunt
As a very experienced MTG player, this is what Legacy is like. The Rogue one with the auctioneer. Except way more complex... that is why i love MTG!
I hope the day will come where we get a Tavern Brawl where there are no class restrictions. I would love to see the crazy hybrid copetitive decks.
Drinking game: take a shot everytime Kripp says "you guys"
I had good fun with this tavern brawl. Used a deck with hobgoblins, dr. boom, questing adventurer, enhanco mechano along with stormwind champs and muklas.
Just had to stack the board and buff the minions with muklas and stormwinds then drop enhanco and the enemy concedes (well for me anyway)
Best fireball dream ever xD Fun to watch that spectator match :p
i had great success with a bran battle cry warrior deck. i believe im 42-8 at the moment. included irom juggernaught, 2 copies of both brewmasters, coldlights, upgrades, healbot, and shield maiden for sustain. i found it this type of deck very fun, espacially when you can a ton of cards with a nefarien
It's interesting how some things work with deathrattles that buff minions.
My opponent had Wobbling Runts and that guy who gives +3/+3 when it dies. I killed both of them at the same time and the runts first appeared as 2/2s, then one of them got buffed into a 5/5 and only then they all became 1/1, absolutely nullifying the buff from the deathrattle guy.
I ended up using a Hobgoblin Beast Charge OTK with Hunter for this brawl. I kinda like the set-up involved as opposed to relying on legendaries only to play the way other OTK decks were doing..
Best brawl so far in my book, also helped clear some quests super fast including playing 20 five mana minions.
That last one killed me... :D
i had made a fun battlecry combo deck that was pretty bad, but it was a shaman that ran basically all heals, board clear, brann, rumbling elemental, and then battlecry damage.
best brawl and video in soem time, gj Kripp and Succubus
11:10 FYI, the order is NOT important. This is because mortally wounded (0 or less Health) Characters are not dead yet, but are still in play, take up space and can trigger. Hearthstone only checks for and removes mortally wounded Characters when the current outermost Phase of simultaneously raised triggers/events resolves.
25:40 what the board thinks for kripp's combo
I put counterspells in my deck along with mad scientist and made sooooo many people rage this tavern brawl when their spell combos were broken XD
that last clip was the best
twitch chat went nuts when kripp was playing quad-rag
Malygos was the first deck I came up with, and I made it 30 minutes after the brawl came out. Just had to say that so I'll feel less like a scumbag while playing it.
Kripp's Mally Shaman is way fun in this brawl. Never concede.
This Taver Brawl wa the most fun and awesome of all the others!
25:39 WTF I've never seen those guys in the top left corner move
I played Shaman and Paladin. Shaman has Rockbiter, Flametongue, Al'Akir, and Lightning Storm. Shaman for Keeper of Uldamon, Tirion and Consecration if you need it. Most decks I could think of involved mostly neutrals anyway so class made little difference. Wanted to try Priest with Prophet Velen's and Malygos but I have neither.
This tavern brawl was great. I always try to make a deck that goes against the grain. I made a Reno Shaman deck that went 10/3 and was great. Mainly because you have a chance when you make a totem that you get a 1/1 taunt which can save you.
I played a custom control warrior in this tavern brawl, never lost a single brawl, it was quite amusing seeing them trying to kill me :)
That ice block be like "C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!"
Ragnaros was just awsome at the end!
I play miracle mage in this tavern brawl. Auctioneers with Apprentices allow you to play your entire deck of 1-2 mana spells. Add a flamewaker or two and you win the game instantly :D
It was so satisfying to see him beat those troll emote users.
Btw, you can use rogue
=fan of knives
=combo deal dmg
=if you got it, edwin vancleef = massive health and attack.
I thought rogue worked pretty well, I didn't have malygos, just edwin. Even without edwin, it works.
Can some one explain 32:47?
What's controlling the game if he doesn't move his mouse?
For someone who only has adventure legends and about 4 others (Elise light bane, chillmax, alextrasa, and jesticar true heart) could have have a chance if I alextrasa turn 1 (They would autoconcede). BUTTT lucky enough, after the tavern brawl, I opened up a deck and it gave me.... ONYXIA. Turn 1 alex, coin. onyxia just kicks ass. I ended up maxing my daily gold in a few hours..... Just mulligan for either one and dont keep any other card, and that gave me a 95% win rate.
I just rolled out with a cheap Beast Hunter deck with snakes and Ram Wranglers and stuff, had a blast. Buzzard-drew my way to victory. It was fun, had a good win-rate and yeah, beat a Malygos deck.
Really saved the best clip for last there! Go team Rag!
19:17 Missed lethal, Swipe + Living Roots
I found annoy-o-tron and argent horse rider are some decent minions. They help control the board and are pretty sticky. Also if you are playing Warlock Floating Watcher does the same thing as Kvaldir Raider basically and have won games where I got at least one these minions behind an annoy-o-tron.
36:33 That Ragnaros BM!
Warrior+Juggernaut+return minion to hand would be pretty fun. I am definitely going to try that.
He seemed genuinly impressed with the second guy
Thoughts on making every card available to everybody in tavern brawl?
Would loatheb give another turn if your opponent has the malygos combo?