I'm in the same boat, not sure if it'll stay around for a long while, but it does feel like a very comfortable card game. Nothing ground breaking, yet it's the same feeling I get from getting a deck of regular playing cards and playing a good game. Odd descriptor, I know lol
Wow fancy new intro. Caught me off guard lol
me too
Digging the new intro graphic!
Thanks Smooth :)
Oh I like the new beginning animation. Nifty
Thanks :) Something new.
I'm in the same boat, not sure if it'll stay around for a long while, but it does feel like a very comfortable card game. Nothing ground breaking, yet it's the same feeling I get from getting a deck of regular playing cards and playing a good game. Odd descriptor, I know lol
Is there anything to combat decision paralysis? Someone I love struggles with this and it can make strategy games interminable.
New intro who dis?
Great little game, as is another title called Stellar, by the same publisher, which is different but in the same vein.
My wife isn’t a gamer, and she really enjoyed this. Not as much as Cascadia, but still.
This is giving me some strong Lost Cities vibes.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I love Lost Cities
I can totally hear the similarity.
I've yet to play Lost Cities.
Games! Games! Games!