The show was an bonafide success but despite after several cast members such as Shawn Weatherly, Brandon Call, Parker Stevenson, Peter Phelps, Holly Gagnier and others were all let go and starting to move into all new projects, Baywatch was an all American classic and ran on syndication for a total of 12 stunning seasons. More than any other television show in the history of Fremantle Media North America. Period.
This is the best Baywatch season, no doubt, with the coolest intro song!
I loved Parker Stevenson, wish he was in more seasons.
Good old Times! Ich liebe diesen Song.
Must've been after Shawn Weatherly left the show for this version!
Erika Eleniak was my first Baywatch crush before Pammy
The show was an bonafide success but despite after several cast members such as Shawn Weatherly, Brandon Call, Parker Stevenson, Peter Phelps, Holly Gagnier and others were all let go and starting to move into all new projects, Baywatch was an all American classic and ran on syndication for a total of 12 stunning seasons. More than any other television show in the history of Fremantle Media North America.
Best Baywatch song
Best Baywatch intro no doubt about it
Los mejores adiestrados son los que avanzan siempre con el.mejor estilo,honor y confianza incondicional
Unidad especial de combate solo los mejores llegan a la cima hizo un.buen.trabajo,refuerzos.femeninos vendrán
@TheChoupinette93, la chanson est "Save Me" de Peter Cetera.
Ha. Dude dropped his float.
Experto en algunas materias siempre hace un equipo mejore y tal vez unnamor real germine
Sin miedo a las situaciones superadas se logra un equipo mejorado
0:50 -The OG before CJ
Mulletastic ;)
Baywatch is in Final Fantasy 16 :p
Adiestramiento a veces salva a la que menos pensaba en ti
Epic Asses!!!!!!!!
retro klasikááááááááááááááááá suprrrrr : ))
Slo-mo made me Ho-mo
merci bcp ventdore !!
are they still exist today?
Version 2, really?
Qui chante cette chanson ? merci
This not the orginal one i have season 1 bot not this song bot this its a intro song
This IS the original song! It was changed in some countries to "Above The Waterline" by Kim Carnes!