It still baffles me that when people talk about Neo-Liberalism, they consider it a form of left leaning centre-ground politics, yet it was started by a millionaire working for billionaires and one of the most right-wing leaders the UK Conservative party has ever had.
That's pretty new and driven by the massive rightward shift of the Overton window where Trump has managed to reframe the fairly conservative Democrats as "far left"
Really? I always considered it rightwing but I'm European. I guess it's confusing in the US where you have 2 rightwing parties but the lesser evil gets called the "left". Third way politics muddied the waters though by performatively adopting popular social issues whilest running on the same rightwing economics. These politics basically took over most of the European "left" leaning parties aswell and now has contributed to the rise of fascism in Europe too by destroying the economy and not offering an alternative.
And people wonder why male loneliness is getting worse. When you are told that other men are the competition and not your friends, this is the inevitable result.
Yes, yes, F’n yes! I lived through the Reagan nightmare. She is spot on. Please, please, please focus on this with the other influencers. We need to build a movement against “the owners” of our nation. They are killing us slowly. The Resistance has to be clear and direct. Against the owners.
It's nice of you to validate her points. Personally, as I age, I find myself annoyed by people much younger than me purporting to be experts on a time and subject neither of us lived through. The foreign accent is an extra layer. I find myself questioning whether a person is actually an expert or a streamer with a niche. On the other hand, the speed at which someone like Adam Mockler can respond with facts gives me the sense of expertise. In fact, that is why I'm watching Majority Report. When Emma Vigeland spoke with Trump rally goers on behalf of TYT, she was so knowledgeable and her passion was self evident.
@@canwoopyet you evaluate their personalities not the validity of the subject, view, or idea being discussed. You will forever be distrustful if you continue to look at subjective criteria you are using to validate any form of information
We are in exactly the same economic and cultural space as we were in the 1920s. Which largely got broken up by Teddy Roosevelt, and labour rights grew through the 60s. Then capital basically said fuck this and high taxes, and they have slowly moved us back to the 1920s in the 2020s.
I clipped the Lee Atwater southern strategy audio for my Political psychology class. Surprisingly no one heard of him in my class. Thank you Majority report for making every show educational.
One last thing that may be useful, if you haven't already read it, is an admission by one of Nixon's staff members(more context is important)... "You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon
No one remembers Henry A. Wallace and Bernie Sanders were both screwed because capitalism rules America. Oklahoma was once a vibrant and flourishing center of socialism and unions, but it was completely annihilated and erased from history.
You should post this interview *everywhere.* I thought I was knowledgeable on the neocon shift with Reagan that eventually pushed the Democrats center-right under Clinton and Obama, but contextualizing it with British Thatcherism really goes deeper than I even realized. As a progressive millennial who's worked multiple minimum wage jobs, I've seen first hand how companies (both family-owned and public) prey on this type of competition culture in the workforce. It's absolutely appalling to me how workers in all walks of life reject their strength in numbers in favor of chasing a higher tax bracket their employers work every day to make sure they don't reach.
Because at the end of the day, you have to acknowledge that this would be a real conspiracy intent on just unmaking the USA and recreating the British Empire as an American one. That's...that's the premise of a TV show; the premise of a movie. We've seen this a million times in fiction so we think it's too far-fetched to happen IRL. Most of us would never obliterate an entire continent just to make $1M so they can't imagine a person who *can* and *would.* More to the point, it'd be a conspiracy made BY Americans AGAINST other Americans over MONEY. That doesn't fit the grand conspiracy narratives we see on _Game of Thrones_ or _The X-Files._ It's a conspiracy of unspeakably cruel depravity with all the excitement of a budget meeting done at 5 AM on a Monday carried out by people who look like your Uncle's country club buddies. And IMO, people have a really hard time imagining the existence of a person who can be very friendly and yet actively plan your ruination and even death for their own self-enrichment without a single regret. It's almost like The Babadook is more realistic to them than such a person.
I was in about 5th grade and I remember the media calling Thatcher Reagan's "counterpart" across the. Atlantic. Didnt know what it really meant in the real world until much later.
Reagan-Thatcher always rang in my head. I voted for Carter in our mock election in first grade. The rich kids all voted Reagan. I knew then that something was up. And then when I saw the hostages released on Reagan's inauguration day, I was sure of it, and have been watching ever since.
Grace is 100 per cent correct. In Australia we had horrible little man called John Howard. He created Howards Battlers. People were once workers, they became independent contractors, Tradies etc promoted mum and dad shareholders making them think they are property and business owners. Meanwhile they lost all their previously hard earned rights and let Corporations off the hook. It makes my skin crawl...and reminds me of the disgusting ethos of Margaret Thatcher..."There is no such thing as society, there are families and individuals."
In Ozonimics his lies & myths were debunked. Unfortunately, most of the voters & politicians are illiterate in Economy (incl. him as the worst AU treasurer)
7:20 I remember *in* college having to learn about "human capital" like it was a humanities term and not what it is, an economic one. That we all have our own "capital" through marketable skills and potential. Not what capital really is... never made that connection to separation of workers. Great interview.
*THIS IS WHY I MOVED TO BULGARIA* they never had a Thatcher or a Reagan so they still have a society with a sense of community and solidarity. Your neighbour is your friend - not your competitor. The difference is simply STAGGERING. We have the lowest level of mental health problems in Europe. We dont have a young lonely men crisis.
Going to also argue that this exacerbates the "loneliness epidemic". With the majority of good and services based on what the average person can afford, the average person is in a 2 income household. If you are not partnered with somebody, you are at 50% capacity of what the market is priced around so you need to be doing 2x as good as the average person to live an average life. And by the numbers, it's physically impossible for all of them to be that, so the shame and competition in the systems deepens.
@@Ryuujinv01 a way my economics and anthropology professor put it to my classes. First women entered the work force to make up the short fall in income, then home equity loans, and then credit card debt. Now there is nothing.
@@Jebbis This (if it's true - I've certainly not seen it pointed out until now) needs to be said more often. The Manosphere™ keeps saying that women joined the workforce and THEN wages dropped. I.e., blame the women for wages dropping.
It strikes me how much this focus on competition over cooperation has been successful based on a misunderstanding of nature itself. In both cases the competition that naturally occurs is based on an entire structure of mutualism, collective action and plain solidarity among communities. In society or in nature(to the extent that those are even separate things) competition only makes sense or has any meaning within the context of the structure of cooperation. If there is no cooperation there is no community nor ecology, its just chaos. Motions broadly...
Someone on mastodon talked about how bobcats and wolves share prey but not when in the day they are active so their territory overlaps but no conflicts arises. Also Blue jay and Squirrel share day tiem when active and there is a lot of overlap between food sources but they dont get into conflicts simply by occupying different levels of the canopy.
Yes and this kind of cooperation becomes even more profound and pervasive when one considers healthy soil ecology with fungi and their relationship to plant and animal communities. If not for billions of years of cooperation there could be no predation by any mammal, they would not even exist!
Good question, do not claim to be certain what the answer is. I would recommend a book called the Invention of Nature, it's about the founder of ecology, Alexander Von Humboldt, very fascinating guy, was kind of the Einstein of his era and an intense polymath in several disciplines. Anyway, I don't think I could have written my comment quite like I did without reading that book first.
George Monbiot (environmental activist, lefty, author and critic of neoliberalism) calls neoliberalism “the invisible doctrine” in a new book of the same phrase. He writes about how it’s become so engrained into our Western countries, so pervasive that it is just the “common sense” way of doing things, that no average person can name it, and no politician can recognise it as an ideology. In fact they think it’s free of ideology, which is why you have these terms like “sensible adults in the room” and “pragmatic but not ideological”. The first few lines of his book about it are best describe it: “Imagine that the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of the word Communism. That’s more or less where we find ourselves today.”
It’s even worse than that-neoliberalism has successfully camouflaged itself under the name of an alternate system it is antithetical to: capitalism. The greatest lie ever told was neoliberals convincing the world they are capitalists. They aren’t, they’re feudalists. The premise of capitalism is everyone competes and we tax the winners to ensure the losers can try, try again. This ensures we benefit from the entrepreneurial experience the losers from each round gained, and it achieves the underlying goal of genuinely “raising all boats.” It is also attempting to be fair-no one could get rich/win without a stable and economically thriving system to live in. Somalia does not produce many billionaires because that nation has been trapped (largely due to outside forces) in chronic instability for decades. So, if you do live in a system that enables you to have the opportunity to win big, it’s only fair that you pay a larger share to support that system. Capitalism is antithetical to monopolies, it literally cannot operate when a monopoly exists, similarly, it requires strong regulation to protect those market areas not well suited to competition-power and water supply, for example, as both are natural monopolies. Neoliberalism, however, exclusively and relentlessly craves monopolization. It wants only the first winners to win, and goes to extreme lengths to prevent the winners from paying their fair share to support the system that made them rich. Calling neoliberals “capitalists” is as ridiculous as calling Stalinists “Marxists.” They May self describe that way, but they do not remotely believe the same principals-in fact, they believe precisely the opposite ones.
Yes, 100%, they tell us it's the only way. Only that we already had another way. The New Deal way. Whenever you deregulate problems and bubbles start to form, we need regulation. In México we just realized this 6 years ago, and we are enjoying prosperity once again, it's a long path but at least we've had started it. We need to study the mexican case with is really the Roosevelt New Deal type of economics comeback.
Conservatives can deny the legitimacy of Keynesian economics all they want. But then they still use his calculations to determine GDP, which they use as a metric for economic health. So it’s a little hypocritical.
Not just that, but by this point we have a number of economic crises where the countries that did Keynesian things did relatively well and the countries who went with neoliberal style austerity did pretty bad, you have to ignore the entirety of the last 20 years of economic development at this point to claim Keynes was wrong (or at least wrong enough that austerity/"small government" would be somehow a good idea)
'They' merely want non-regulated affairs and have no sense of philosophical guiding about economics. Philosophy is instructed and cultivated on different values than economics can exist, so even a right-wing philosophical framing cannot exist in an economic reality. Philosophy is fueled by debate, economic conditional messaging are fueled by propaganda. The GDP point isn't because they agree or disagree with Keynesian economics. The GDP metric is used because their news networks and investor systems because it is the only metric of economic health that can grow under this competitive and hyper underregulated system. Under all theories and realities of the economy, the GDP rises as the rich get richer, but everything else in aggregate will fall as the average worker is further and further from the maximum capitalist's "earnings". If the economic reports showed quality of living, spending power, worker productivity, access to education and healthcare, these are all rapidly and reliably declining.
Reagan was an actor he stood on his marks and repeated his lines(script). 80s were the beginning of the end. The USA is a warmongering and economic sh** state and society stinks. It is not a good place to live.
@@claudermiller I agree 👍👍 with you!! It is sad as F*ck! I hope you are able to find peace 🕊️🕊️ in the next few years. We are on one hell of a ride!! 😭
The story about Lucas Aerospace reminded me of the possibly apocryphal story of a well-respected efficiency expert who was once asked how he was so good at what he did. He said "I go to the people actually doing the work and ask them what they would change if they were in charge. Then I write that up as a report."
I wish more people would watch these types of videos of yours. Understanding the history and underpinning of what the Right has done to this country for decades is so so important right now
This was a fascinating conversation. A recently had the epiphany that humiliation is not a byproduct of capitalism. I keep having these humiliating experiences purchasing items where I feel humiliated and the workers and the store feel even more humiliated. We are humiliated by the automated check out and it's afterthought of an interface. We are humiliated by the assumption that every customer is a potential thief until proven otherwise. I realized that the humiliation is not accidental but a key feature of capitalism because without it, workers would demand more pay and customers would demand better goods and service. Got a lot of key takeaways from this video. Thanks!
@@eottoe2001 it does ring true with the fact that psychopaths will openly tell you what they intend to do with you in a way that is just ambiguous enough to not seem as horrible as it is....
I have always wanted a 'better life for everyone'. Even now, aged 61 and a half, Welshman. The Collective beats the 'thrusting Entrepreneurs', imho, TINA did like her bad boys, after all! Class Conflict is War, not a Battle.
western leftist collectivism isn't collectivism. It's exploiting the collective in order to benefit psychopaths and selfish people. it's very individualistic at its core. True collectivism is the opposite of western leftist woke ideology; it is about personal values and responsibility and virtue and character; to sacrifice the self for the good of the whole, to refrain from doing whatever your body desires in favor of what is righteous and good.
Wow! Probably the most illuminating conversation I’ve seen that dives down on my own questions about why is so difficult to unite people, workers, my own coworkers and teammates. The rot has been so embedded into us from the start, even I have a difficult time imagining alternatives, imagine another system. Thanks, MR for introducing me to Grace Blakeley and her book
Similar to the story about Lucas, as part of the plan to cut down British Coal output (while at the same time importing from South Africa) it was announced that Tower Colliery in Wales would close because it was uneconomic to keep it open. When it happened, in 1994 239 miners pooled their redundancy money to fund a campaign to buy the colliery. They did just that and ran it at a profit for over 10 years.
We fail to discuss that in the 1970s some European countries (ie Sweden for example) were Democratic Socialist-which is how they were able to stop Fascism from re-surfacing post WWII, UNTIL the 1970s Corp Capitalist NeoLiberal Lie takeover when these countries then became SOCIAL Democracies (Capitalists with a wide social net) and now Fascism is everywhere across Europe again. Germany post WWI promoted Fascism heavily bc it hated Socialism (democratic or not) so much bc Capitalist GREED is Sociopathic and will always always always always always chose Fascism with Capitalism before it will ever chose DEMOCRACY with socialism. Those countries were fine as Democratic socialist countries (30+ years or more) but GREED knows no bounds. Unless we chose to live the only way possible on this planet as humans in a real democracy which capitalism will NEVER allow (as we did as socialists for 250k yrs prior to Imperialism/Capitalism destroyed it all) we won’t survive long.
I mean, the greatest debate was the economic calculation debate, and Karl William Kapp closed that debate with his Social Costs of Private Enterprise. Doesn't matter if Austrian types acknowledge that. There has been and will be no effective Austrian/pro capitalist response to that monumental work. But, people need to realize the difference between neoclassical economics, which sucks but which was used by many socialists from the early 20th century on, and neoliberalism. Johanna Bockman is a great source on that. Neoclassical economics had assumptions that essentially often required something like a socialist state to even work (that along with absurd assumptions about the economy that are radically violated in reality). Neoliberalism is basically neoclassical economics, but ripping away any assumption of a socialist state helping to create a context where those models can actually work. It only benefits the wealthy.
I started paying more attention to politics in the past 5 years and this answered so many questions I’ve had. What happened to the Unions? I know corporatism dismantled them, but how exactly? How *exactly* did neoliberalism annihilate organized labor and the squash the moment and conscientious nature of the working class. This interview is gold and I will be picking up her book. Amazing insights, thank you Sam. Very salient point about the restoration of Unions being just one piece of the puzzle, and restoring class consciousness as the other significant piece.
In 1974, ERISA "reformed" pensions. Unions used to negotiate defined- benefit pensions and healthcare insurance for members. ERISA was a capitalist manifesto. The Powell Memorandum laid it all out. We now have Project 25. The handwriting was on the wall. Outsourcing further eroded union power, membership numbers, and solidarity. FDR wanted an uprising to put fear into the hearts of greedy capitalists to force capitulation. Democrats turned to Wall Street for campaign contributions. Union membership is down to 6% from a peak of 36%. Unions no longer can deliver the vote for working people. The Democratic party lost its reason to exist and its former role for unions. Universal coverage is much better than union-negotiated coverage through private insurance companies. Unions lost membership if the government provided MediCare for everyone. Solidarity won the day before Reagan. Few antitrust cases have been brought since 1974. Outsourcing decimated US labor.
Another great book written as a response to Hayek's Mont Pelerin Society movement is *The Social Costs of Private (Business) Enterprise,* 1950, by Karl William Kapp.
And, to me, it has largely brought broader liberalism's promises of gradual, peaceful, incremental progress into question. We may need a revival of that "workers of the world unite" left to counter it. 🇻🇳
6:43 to 7:23 I know a guy like that he is a janitor and he always talks about investing his money. He hates social security because he thinks if he invested the money he paid into social security into the stock market he would be very rich know. He doesn’t realize that if the stock market crashes like in 08 he would lose all his money but ss would be still here.
Global Witness: "Last year we found UAE were using their position as hosts to get fossil fuel deals through. We wanted to know if this year Azerbaijan were doing the same. So we went undercover. We posed as oil investors looking to fund the state-owned oil company of Azerbaijan - this year’s COP29 hosts. Here’s what we found: COP29 officials facilitated talks about fossil fuel deals as part of a package to ‘sponsor COP’. Azerbaijan’s deputy energy minister and CEO of the talks described an energy future which includes fossil fuels - ‘’perhaps forever’’. Not very fitting for a leader of the climate talks. Climate conference officials also sought to announce our fake investor as an official COP29 sponsor with no requirement to make sustainability or climate commitments. This is despite this being a supposed requirement of sponsorship."
That system of top down enforced competition that leads to people thinking themselves a failure for opting out/not making the cut is still 100%intact and must be reversed from the ground level. Please, I implore all of you to begin bridging the gap with those around you(work, friends, family,etc.) I already do this at two workplaces but I'm going to need some help. Take care.
You guys should do a video reminding the public of the corwardness of the people who could have at several points stopped Trump. Start with Muller and Comey and So forth, the cowardness of Bill Bar and the other shils.
I would like to have seen some discussion about the co-operative movement a little at some point, because to some extent its a way of doing things that is democratic and collectivist in approach but sits between the Capitalist corporate model and the social democratic model of collective action by the state on behalf of the citizens. A lot of co-ops were gutted or corporatised during the golden years of neo-liberalism. It has its problems as an organisational model especially how it operates in markets dominated by corporate actors but I think its often overlooked as a vehicle for progressive change.
What is interesting is that Hayek was often frustrated with American businessmen because they didn't care about the intellectual scholarship of his work, and completely misrepresented Road to Serfdom in the Reader's Digest Version. Yet, at the same time he let them use him.
12:45: I think she's making a paradoxical and short sighted point. I would argue that this tendency needs to be counter acted by those industries and technologies moving into the public sphere as they become uncompetitive.
"This isn't a Democracy!" is the rallying cry of every boss and middle manager points at the fact that Capitalism is at it's grassroots level undemocratic.
It still baffles me that when people talk about Neo-Liberalism, they consider it a form of left leaning centre-ground politics, yet it was started by a millionaire working for billionaires and one of the most right-wing leaders the UK Conservative party has ever had.
On the continent, "liberal" = libertarian (in U.S.)
Neoliberalism spans Carter/reagan and on
That's pretty new and driven by the massive rightward shift of the Overton window where Trump has managed to reframe the fairly conservative Democrats as "far left"
Really? I always considered it rightwing but I'm European. I guess it's confusing in the US where you have 2 rightwing parties but the lesser evil gets called the "left". Third way politics muddied the waters though by performatively adopting popular social issues whilest running on the same rightwing economics. These politics basically took over most of the European "left" leaning parties aswell and now has contributed to the rise of fascism in Europe too by destroying the economy and not offering an alternative.
UFO Hearing LIVE: Ex-Pentagon Official Says 'We Are Not Alone in The Cosmos' Congress Hearing | N18G
And people wonder why male loneliness is getting worse. When you are told that other men are the competition and not your friends, this is the inevitable result.
It is incredibly hard to make male friends. I’d say it’s harder than dating. We have been programed that being a loner is a good thing. 😢
@eguevara4803 Yup.
Rugged individualism for the masses, solidarity among the wealthiest as planned 4 decades ago !
wait till u hear women and nb ppl also live under capitalism
@@user-cs8uz5lo5z High five!
Yes, yes, F’n yes! I lived through the Reagan nightmare. She is spot on.
Please, please, please focus on this with the other influencers.
We need to build a movement against “the owners” of our nation. They are killing us slowly.
The Resistance has to be clear and direct. Against the owners.
It's nice of you to validate her points. Personally, as I age, I find myself annoyed by people much younger than me purporting to be experts on a time and subject neither of us lived through. The foreign accent is an extra layer. I find myself questioning whether a person is actually an expert or a streamer with a niche. On the other hand, the speed at which someone like Adam Mockler can respond with facts gives me the sense of expertise. In fact, that is why I'm watching Majority Report. When Emma Vigeland spoke with Trump rally goers on behalf of TYT, she was so knowledgeable and her passion was self evident.
@@canwoopyet you evaluate their personalities not the validity of the subject, view, or idea being discussed. You will forever be distrustful if you continue to look at subjective criteria you are using to validate any form of information
Reagan and Thatcher made my skin crawl.
George Carlin was right. The owners of this country are the ones really in charge. The politicians are at the owners’ peril.
We are in exactly the same economic and cultural space as we were in the 1920s. Which largely got broken up by Teddy Roosevelt, and labour rights grew through the 60s. Then capital basically said fuck this and high taxes, and they have slowly moved us back to the 1920s in the 2020s.
I clipped the Lee Atwater southern strategy audio for my Political psychology class. Surprisingly no one heard of him in my class. Thank you Majority report for making every show educational.
I hope you've looked into the Powell memo... and if you haven't already do the following search... Reagan Nixon racist recording.
One last thing that may be useful, if you haven't already read it, is an admission by one of Nixon's staff members(more context is important)...
"You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying?
We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.
Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon
No one remembers Henry A. Wallace and Bernie Sanders were both screwed because capitalism rules America. Oklahoma was once a vibrant and flourishing center of socialism and unions, but it was completely annihilated and erased from history.
That's great to hear; I'm always saying, every person in this country should know about that, among other things.
The owners appears to be doofus's as is the citizenry, it's like a real life tragi-comedy akin to idiocracy.
You should post this interview *everywhere.* I thought I was knowledgeable on the neocon shift with Reagan that eventually pushed the Democrats center-right under Clinton and Obama, but contextualizing it with British Thatcherism really goes deeper than I even realized. As a progressive millennial who's worked multiple minimum wage jobs, I've seen first hand how companies (both family-owned and public) prey on this type of competition culture in the workforce. It's absolutely appalling to me how workers in all walks of life reject their strength in numbers in favor of chasing a higher tax bracket their employers work every day to make sure they don't reach.
Have been listening to Grace Blakely for a few years and she is extremely illuminating.
Because at the end of the day, you have to acknowledge that this would be a real conspiracy intent on just unmaking the USA and recreating the British Empire as an American one. That's...that's the premise of a TV show; the premise of a movie. We've seen this a million times in fiction so we think it's too far-fetched to happen IRL. Most of us would never obliterate an entire continent just to make $1M so they can't imagine a person who *can* and *would.*
More to the point, it'd be a conspiracy made BY Americans AGAINST other Americans over MONEY. That doesn't fit the grand conspiracy narratives we see on _Game of Thrones_ or _The X-Files._ It's a conspiracy of unspeakably cruel depravity with all the excitement of a budget meeting done at 5 AM on a Monday carried out by people who look like your Uncle's country club buddies.
And IMO, people have a really hard time imagining the existence of a person who can be very friendly and yet actively plan your ruination and even death for their own self-enrichment without a single regret. It's almost like The Babadook is more realistic to them than such a person.
I was in about 5th grade and I remember the media calling Thatcher Reagan's "counterpart" across the. Atlantic.
Didnt know what it really meant in the real world until much later.
Well said.
Reagan-Thatcher always rang in my head. I voted for Carter in our mock election in first grade. The rich kids all voted Reagan. I knew then that something was up. And then when I saw the hostages released on Reagan's inauguration day, I was sure of it, and have been watching ever since.
Grace is 100 per cent correct. In Australia we had horrible little man called John Howard. He created Howards Battlers. People were once workers, they became independent contractors, Tradies etc promoted mum and dad shareholders making them think they are property and business owners. Meanwhile they lost all their previously hard earned rights and let Corporations off the hook. It makes my skin crawl...and reminds me of the disgusting ethos of Margaret Thatcher..."There is no such thing as society, there are families and individuals."
That is creepy af. Talk about a global conspiracy that is actually true....and documentable.
A horrible little man indeed followed by a piss-trail of jerks and thieves.
In Ozonimics his lies & myths were debunked. Unfortunately, most of the voters & politicians are illiterate in Economy (incl. him as the worst AU treasurer)
7:20 I remember *in* college having to learn about "human capital" like it was a humanities term and not what it is, an economic one. That we all have our own "capital" through marketable skills and potential. Not what capital really is... never made that connection to separation of workers. Great interview.
When the defacto reality is- slavery with extra steps. Or at best- serfdom.
*THIS IS WHY I MOVED TO BULGARIA* they never had a Thatcher or a Reagan so they still have a society with a sense of community and solidarity.
Your neighbour is your friend - not your competitor. The difference is simply STAGGERING. We have the lowest level of mental health problems in Europe. We dont have a young lonely men crisis.
and you have plenty of cocaine
They also have very low taxes
Women (not blaming you) - Joins workforce.
Neoliberals - "We only have to pay people half as much."
Also many women joined the work force because they had to make up for the losses in wages for men that happened right before that.
Going to also argue that this exacerbates the "loneliness epidemic". With the majority of good and services based on what the average person can afford, the average person is in a 2 income household. If you are not partnered with somebody, you are at 50% capacity of what the market is priced around so you need to be doing 2x as good as the average person to live an average life. And by the numbers, it's physically impossible for all of them to be that, so the shame and competition in the systems deepens.
@@Ryuujinv01 a way my economics and anthropology professor put it to my classes. First women entered the work force to make up the short fall in income, then home equity loans, and then credit card debt. Now there is nothing.
@@Jebbis This (if it's true - I've certainly not seen it pointed out until now) needs to be said more often. The Manosphere™ keeps saying that women joined the workforce and THEN wages dropped. I.e., blame the women for wages dropping.
Of course. Set up economy so both have to work multiple jobs to get by
It strikes me how much this focus on competition over cooperation has been successful based on a misunderstanding of nature itself. In both cases the competition that naturally occurs is based on an entire structure of mutualism, collective action and plain solidarity among communities. In society or in nature(to the extent that those are even separate things) competition only makes sense or has any meaning within the context of the structure of cooperation. If there is no cooperation there is no community nor ecology, its just chaos. Motions broadly...
Someone on mastodon talked about how bobcats and wolves share prey but not when in the day they are active so their territory overlaps but no conflicts arises. Also Blue jay and Squirrel share day tiem when active and there is a lot of overlap between food sources but they dont get into conflicts simply by occupying different levels of the canopy.
Yes and this kind of cooperation becomes even more profound and pervasive when one considers healthy soil ecology with fungi and their relationship to plant and animal communities. If not for billions of years of cooperation there could be no predation by any mammal, they would not even exist!
well said!!! how do we spread the word?
Good question, do not claim to be certain what the answer is. I would recommend a book called the Invention of Nature, it's about the founder of ecology, Alexander Von Humboldt, very fascinating guy, was kind of the Einstein of his era and an intense polymath in several disciplines. Anyway, I don't think I could have written my comment quite like I did without reading that book first.
This is the first time i am hearing from Grace, she is really intelligent.
Hermann Goring saud before his death: The easiest way to control the people is saying their country is under attack.
And he was proven right again. Sad.
Yep and the enemy doesn't come in small boats or sneaking across the border, they arrive in private jets to exploit and extract wealth.
It's the end of democracy! You can never vote again!
George Monbiot (environmental activist, lefty, author and critic of neoliberalism) calls neoliberalism “the invisible doctrine” in a new book of the same phrase. He writes about how it’s become so engrained into our Western countries, so pervasive that it is just the “common sense” way of doing things, that no average person can name it, and no politician can recognise it as an ideology. In fact they think it’s free of ideology, which is why you have these terms like “sensible adults in the room” and “pragmatic but not ideological”.
The first few lines of his book about it are best describe it:
“Imagine that the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of the word Communism. That’s more or less where we find ourselves today.”
A perfect description of our predicament.
Sounds like gramsci’s ideas of hegemony but also mark fisher’s capitalist realism- this is how we’ve always done things, this is just the ‘done’ thing
It’s even worse than that-neoliberalism has successfully camouflaged itself under the name of an alternate system it is antithetical to: capitalism.
The greatest lie ever told was neoliberals convincing the world they are capitalists.
They aren’t, they’re feudalists.
The premise of capitalism is everyone competes and we tax the winners to ensure the losers can try, try again. This ensures we benefit from the entrepreneurial experience the losers from each round gained, and it achieves the underlying goal of genuinely “raising all boats.”
It is also attempting to be fair-no one could get rich/win without a stable and economically thriving system to live in. Somalia does not produce many billionaires because that nation has been trapped (largely due to outside forces) in chronic instability for decades. So, if you do live in a system that enables you to have the opportunity to win big, it’s only fair that you pay a larger share to support that system.
Capitalism is antithetical to monopolies, it literally cannot operate when a monopoly exists, similarly, it requires strong regulation to protect those market areas not well suited to competition-power and water supply, for example, as both are natural monopolies.
Neoliberalism, however, exclusively and relentlessly craves monopolization. It wants only the first winners to win, and goes to extreme lengths to prevent the winners from paying their fair share to support the system that made them rich.
Calling neoliberals “capitalists” is as ridiculous as calling Stalinists “Marxists.” They May self describe that way, but they do not remotely believe the same principals-in fact, they believe precisely the opposite ones.
Thanks so much for this useful info. I really appreciate the book tip.
Yes, 100%, they tell us it's the only way. Only that we already had another way. The New Deal way. Whenever you deregulate problems and bubbles start to form, we need regulation. In México we just realized this 6 years ago, and we are enjoying prosperity once again, it's a long path but at least we've had started it. We need to study the mexican case with is really the Roosevelt New Deal type of economics comeback.
Conservatives can deny the legitimacy of Keynesian economics all they want. But then they still use his calculations to determine GDP, which they use as a metric for economic health. So it’s a little hypocritical.
Not just that, but by this point we have a number of economic crises where the countries that did Keynesian things did relatively well and the countries who went with neoliberal style austerity did pretty bad, you have to ignore the entirety of the last 20 years of economic development at this point to claim Keynes was wrong (or at least wrong enough that austerity/"small government" would be somehow a good idea)
"It's no measure of health being well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" ~ J. Krishnamurti.
@@Perspectiveon perfectly said. being well adjusted to this degenerate woke leftist worldview is no measure of health.
@@bosstowndynamics5488 you mean like how argentina was one of the richest countries in the world, got destroyed by leftist philosophy?
'They' merely want non-regulated affairs and have no sense of philosophical guiding about economics. Philosophy is instructed and cultivated on different values than economics can exist, so even a right-wing philosophical framing cannot exist in an economic reality. Philosophy is fueled by debate, economic conditional messaging are fueled by propaganda.
The GDP point isn't because they agree or disagree with Keynesian economics. The GDP metric is used because their news networks and investor systems because it is the only metric of economic health that can grow under this competitive and hyper underregulated system. Under all theories and realities of the economy, the GDP rises as the rich get richer, but everything else in aggregate will fall as the average worker is further and further from the maximum capitalist's "earnings". If the economic reports showed quality of living, spending power, worker productivity, access to education and healthcare, these are all rapidly and reliably declining.
John Maynard Keynes believed the market should be the servant of mankind. FA Hayek believed the market should be the master of mankind.
I had to begin my adult working life in 1981 with this horrible system and now at 61 it looks like it will be the end of me!!😡😡
Isn’t it crazy that I was born in 85, and still haven’t really started my adult working life? Ride the wave!
I'm 68. I was an outsider. I saw Reagan for exactly what he was and knew where it would end up. It's sad AF.
Reagan was an actor he stood on his marks and repeated his lines(script). 80s were the beginning of the end. The USA is a warmongering and economic sh** state and society stinks. It is not a good place to live.
@@claudermiller I agree 👍👍 with you!! It is sad as F*ck! I hope you are able to find peace 🕊️🕊️ in the next few years. We are on one hell of a ride!! 😭
The story about Lucas Aerospace reminded me of the possibly apocryphal story of a well-respected efficiency expert who was once asked how he was so good at what he did. He said "I go to the people actually doing the work and ask them what they would change if they were in charge. Then I write that up as a report."
I wish more people would watch these types of videos of yours. Understanding the history and underpinning of what the Right has done to this country for decades is so so important right now
This was a fascinating conversation. A recently had the epiphany that humiliation is not a byproduct of capitalism. I keep having these humiliating experiences purchasing items where I feel humiliated and the workers and the store feel even more humiliated. We are humiliated by the automated check out and it's afterthought of an interface. We are humiliated by the assumption that every customer is a potential thief until proven otherwise. I realized that the humiliation is not accidental but a key feature of capitalism because without it, workers would demand more pay and customers would demand better goods and service. Got a lot of key takeaways from this video. Thanks!
Grace Blakely, what a hero! 👏👏👏
Well done. When somebody says *everything* you've been thinking for the past 25 years, and sums it up in 15 minutes. 👍👍👍
Margaret Thatcher famously said that “economics are the method: the object is to change the soul”.
She was anti-working class to disgusting levels.
That's creepy .....
The problem is paralysis, intellectual disabilities, certain diseases, aging, etc. are permanent and have nothing to do with the 'soul'.
Ding Dong the witch is dead!
@@eottoe2001 it does ring true with the fact that psychopaths will openly tell you what they intend to do with you in a way that is just ambiguous enough to not seem as horrible as it is....
I have Grace's book on my Kindle, it's worth a read.
Fantastic segment & guest 👏
she's the absolute best
I have always wanted a 'better life for everyone'.
Even now, aged 61 and a half, Welshman.
The Collective beats the 'thrusting Entrepreneurs', imho, TINA did like her bad boys, after all!
Class Conflict is War, not a Battle.
I want what the earth like in Star Trek. No more want and we humans learn to better ourselves as a species.
western leftist collectivism isn't collectivism. It's exploiting the collective in order to benefit psychopaths and selfish people. it's very individualistic at its core.
True collectivism is the opposite of western leftist woke ideology; it is about personal values and responsibility and virtue and character; to sacrifice the self for the good of the whole, to refrain from doing whatever your body desires in favor of what is righteous and good.
Get so tired of people thinking "libs" or neo-liberals are Leftists.
Thanks for having her on, have more guests like her! I'm going to buy her new book!
Im just reading the book 'The invisible doctrine' that is all about the history and rise of neo liberalism
Don't you love listening to adults discussing what is actually happening in the world xx Love MR
I imagine Tim Pool watching this and just not understanding it at all.
Wow! Probably the most illuminating conversation I’ve seen that dives down on my own questions about why is so difficult to unite people, workers, my own coworkers and teammates. The rot has been so embedded into us from the start, even I have a difficult time imagining alternatives, imagine another system. Thanks, MR for introducing me to Grace Blakeley and her book
Similar to the story about Lucas, as part of the plan to cut down British Coal output (while at the same time importing from South Africa) it was announced that Tower Colliery in Wales would close because it was uneconomic to keep it open. When it happened, in 1994 239 miners pooled their redundancy money to fund a campaign to buy the colliery. They did just that and ran it at a profit for over 10 years.
We fail to discuss that in the 1970s some European countries (ie Sweden for example) were Democratic Socialist-which is how they were able to stop Fascism from re-surfacing post WWII, UNTIL the 1970s Corp Capitalist NeoLiberal Lie takeover when these countries then became SOCIAL Democracies (Capitalists with a wide social net) and now Fascism is everywhere across Europe again. Germany post WWI promoted Fascism heavily bc it hated Socialism (democratic or not) so much bc Capitalist GREED is Sociopathic and will always always always always always chose Fascism with Capitalism before it will ever chose DEMOCRACY with socialism. Those countries were fine as Democratic socialist countries (30+ years or more) but GREED knows no bounds. Unless we chose to live the only way possible on this planet as humans in a real democracy which capitalism will NEVER allow (as we did as socialists for 250k yrs prior to Imperialism/Capitalism destroyed it all) we won’t survive long.
Ruling class thrives on division, projection and denialism.
That’s why Giesia paid Spencer to do Charlottesville and they created the alt-right and cointel antifa to take out any opposition to Zionism.
And the uneducated always falls fot their tricks. Just look at the results of the recent US election ... 😳😱
Thanks folks.
Amazing talk. Thank you!
Great interview. Will need to buy Grace's book.
I mean, the greatest debate was the economic calculation debate, and Karl William Kapp closed that debate with his Social Costs of Private Enterprise. Doesn't matter if Austrian types acknowledge that. There has been and will be no effective Austrian/pro capitalist response to that monumental work. But, people need to realize the difference between neoclassical economics, which sucks but which was used by many socialists from the early 20th century on, and neoliberalism. Johanna Bockman is a great source on that. Neoclassical economics had assumptions that essentially often required something like a socialist state to even work (that along with absurd assumptions about the economy that are radically violated in reality). Neoliberalism is basically neoclassical economics, but ripping away any assumption of a socialist state helping to create a context where those models can actually work. It only benefits the wealthy.
I started paying more attention to politics in the past 5 years and this answered so many questions I’ve had. What happened to the Unions? I know corporatism dismantled them, but how exactly? How *exactly* did neoliberalism annihilate organized labor and the squash the moment and conscientious nature of the working class. This interview is gold and I will be picking up her book. Amazing insights, thank you Sam.
Very salient point about the restoration of Unions being just one piece of the puzzle, and restoring class consciousness as the other significant piece.
Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. It set a precedent.
Under capitalism wealth gives you political power, under communism political power gives you wealth
First, there has never been a communist government, ever...
Second, Capitalism centralizes political power and financial wealth...
In 1974, ERISA "reformed" pensions. Unions used to negotiate defined- benefit pensions and healthcare insurance for members.
ERISA was a capitalist manifesto. The Powell Memorandum laid it all out. We now have Project 25.
The handwriting was on the wall. Outsourcing further eroded union power, membership numbers, and solidarity. FDR wanted an uprising to put fear into the hearts of greedy capitalists to force capitulation.
Democrats turned to Wall Street for campaign contributions. Union membership is down to 6% from a peak of 36%. Unions no longer can deliver the vote for working people. The Democratic party lost its reason to exist and its former role for unions.
Universal coverage is much better than union-negotiated coverage through private insurance companies. Unions lost membership if the government provided MediCare for everyone.
Solidarity won the day before Reagan. Few antitrust cases have been brought since 1974. Outsourcing decimated US labor.
Excellent interview. Thank you
UK: Stop Paying For Water!
Until they stop dumping sewage in the rivers; don't pay.
Idk, but my ancestors told me if the unions die, the middle class in the western world is finished. We about to see if they were correct or not.
Another great book written as a response to Hayek's Mont Pelerin Society movement is *The Social Costs of Private (Business) Enterprise,* 1950, by Karl William Kapp.
And, to me, it has largely brought broader liberalism's promises of gradual, peaceful, incremental progress into question. We may need a revival of that "workers of the world unite" left to counter it. 🇻🇳
Grace is brilliant ❤
6:43 to 7:23 I know a guy like that he is a janitor and he always talks about investing his money. He hates social security because he thinks if he invested the money he paid into social security into the stock market he would be very rich know. He doesn’t realize that if the stock market crashes like in 08 he would lose all his money but ss would be still here.
Freedom to cooperate! ✊
this is so good. I wish everyone knew this stuff.
Thank you for a great interview.
Great guest and interview.
Thank you, this sane refreshing conversation is like a clean sine wave into my post election medulla oblongata.
He also had the money supply idea that a country can borrow as much as they want as long as consumer confidence is okay.
Excellent discussion!
Grace 😍👍🇬🇧
Neo liberalism gave us trump. There I said it.
Liberalism is just standing for the principals for liberty, freedom, and justice. The founding fathers were liberals. You fool.
You said nothing controversial haha
Great guest.
Thank you
great stuff, thank you.
Grace Blakeley rocks, bruv.
She really nailed it.
Great talk
A very deep conversation.
Fascinating story at the end with Lucas Aerospace. Had never heard that before.
Grace rocks, a POM who makes sense.
We need to take our solidarity back. Not only politically, but in our everyday interactions and words.
You need to get Mark Blyth on the show guys.
Does he have a new speech, because he gives the same talk all of the time.
Omg Sam is such a grifter!!! Lol. Great conversation both in the video and in the comments. Thank yall ✌🏼🌻
Neoliberalism is to blame why we have trump!
This is everything i have been saying over the last 30 years!
Interesting convo.
The system is a failure
Getting money out of politics would be a great start!
3:19 to 4:45 Holy fuck how do we tell more people about this?
26:34 great story. Terrible ending but damn does it tell the truth.
Keep your good job
We need to build an organization that focuses on direct action. Great guest today.😉
Global Witness: "Last year we found UAE were using their position as hosts to get fossil fuel deals through. We wanted to know if this year Azerbaijan were doing the same. So we went undercover. We posed as oil investors looking to fund the state-owned oil company of Azerbaijan - this year’s COP29 hosts. Here’s what we found:
COP29 officials facilitated talks about fossil fuel deals as part of a package to ‘sponsor COP’. Azerbaijan’s deputy energy minister and CEO of the talks described an energy future which includes fossil fuels - ‘’perhaps forever’’. Not very fitting for a leader of the climate talks. Climate conference officials also sought to announce our fake investor as an official COP29 sponsor with no requirement to make sustainability or climate commitments. This is despite this being a supposed requirement of sponsorship."
Just have a talk to any average American and it will all make sense. An idiotic dystopian society is a natural consequence.
yup. the woke degenerates who think that men are women and women are men. That's why we have the world we have today.
That system of top down enforced competition that leads to people thinking themselves a failure for opting out/not making the cut is still 100%intact and must be reversed from the ground level. Please, I implore all of you to begin bridging the gap with those around you(work, friends, family,etc.) I already do this at two workplaces but I'm going to need some help. Take care.
Grace Blakely offers a brilliant insight and perspective on the real goals of Neo-Liberalism
You guys should do a video reminding the public of the corwardness of the people who could have at several points stopped Trump. Start with Muller and Comey and So forth, the cowardness of Bill Bar and the other shils.
Trump can still be stopped, but again, no one is going to do anything. You ALL deserve Trump. Enjoy.
@@dreadtrain2846 lol
I would like to have seen some discussion about the co-operative movement a little at some point, because to some extent its a way of doing things that is democratic and collectivist in approach but sits between the Capitalist corporate model and the social democratic model of collective action by the state on behalf of the citizens. A lot of co-ops were gutted or corporatised during the golden years of neo-liberalism. It has its problems as an organisational model especially how it operates in markets dominated by corporate actors but I think its often overlooked as a vehicle for progressive change.
'Our' government. Not "The" government.
That story about Lucas is shocking. More info from Grace please.
I hear those private parking meters in downtown Chicago are as expensive as a hotel room in Bangkok. I am not going back there.
People don't blame themselves, they blame immigrants.
Based Grace ❤
What is interesting is that Hayek was often frustrated with American businessmen because they didn't care about the intellectual scholarship of his work, and completely misrepresented Road to Serfdom in the Reader's Digest Version. Yet, at the same time he let them use him.
identify with the interests of those exploiting you
10:14 LOL we were truly oblivious to what was gonna happen
Please invite Grace on more she understands the importance of Snatcher and Bonzo
12:45: I think she's making a paradoxical and short sighted point. I would argue that this tendency needs to be counter acted by those industries and technologies moving into the public sphere as they become uncompetitive.
Grace is excellent. Read her book and disseminate widely...
This is so insightful goddamn.
Everyone wondering why life everywhere sucks now - this is precisely why.
"This isn't a Democracy!" is the rallying cry of every boss and middle manager points at the fact that Capitalism is at it's grassroots level undemocratic.
“There’s a lot of questions about whether it will change under the Harris administration” oh jeez this was filmed prior… low key heartbreaking.
It wouldn't have changed.
Remember, whenever your feeling down. Reagan and Reagan in drag are uncomfortable in hell😊.
How do we convince workers that they're not workers?