At the time, Venerable Master Hua/Shifu was already very sick (He entered nirvana 6/7/95). He had no care for his own health for the cause of spreading Dharma. 为法忘躯。He once said, “I labor and I sweat; I don’t rest.” 流血汗,不休息。Namo Shifu 🙏
I’ve seen many photos of Venerable Master Hua and have heard his tapes in the Buddha Hall, but this is the first time I’ve seen a video pf him. I am grateful to the person who took the time to share this. Words can not capture the feeling of seeing and hearing him in the video.
I am amazed by the audience's questions. This is 2021 and I am not sure if there are still as many Americans as in this video that still think and question their life and have the desire to look into oneself to explore inner self.
"Stupidity would be constantly finding fault, constantly criticizing, where my religion is long and your religion is short, my religion is good and your religion is bad, constantly harping on one another and nitpicking. . . we should not gossip, not talk about what is right and what is wrong among religions, and most of all not slander"? What a hypocrite. Let me share a story with you about Master Hua. In 1969 in the Buddhist Lecture Hall on Waverly Street in Chinatown San Francisco Dharma Master Hsuan Hua mocked Christianity, telling his disciples, including the translator in this video, "If Jesus is God's Son then I'm God's Father". They all had a good laugh at that. If we should not compare religions then why was Master Hua trying to convert the Catholic Cardinal? The Cardinal bowing to the Buddha idols was an act of apostasy.
@@jimfoard5671 Actually you may misunderstand the words that Master Hua said in that situation. If God has son, who is God's father? It is not doubting Christianity, it just helps people to know and understand the God deeply.
Thank you for posting this! I attended this gathering but now have no memory of it, except I remember when Huston Smith stood up from the audience and asked ven Hua a question in Chinese. It was great to see two venerable Dharma teachers in dialog even though I couldnt understand a word!
I can't remember much, which is why I videotape. I became friends with Huston and Rev. Heng Sure, who was Master Hua's translator, after that day. Do you know of Heng Sure's "Three Steps and a Bow" story? Look it up. Remarkable person and story.
Mr. Jon Monday - Thank you very much for posting this 1992 Dharma Talk by the late Venerable Master Hua. Excellent audio recording notwithstanding the technology of two decades ago. Best wishes to you. Sincerely, Heng Yuen
阿弥陀佛🙏。 Master Xuan Hua made the point. If one dont see where his own question aroused then, then there will be no answer. If one see his own question arise then he'll not have asked the question in the first place.
"Stupidity would be constantly finding fault, constantly criticizing, where my religion is long and your religion is short, my religion is good and your religion is bad, constantly harping on one another and nitpicking. . . we should not gossip, not talk about what is right and what is wrong among religions, and most of all not slander"? What a hypocrite. Let me share a story with you about Master Hua. In 1969 in the Buddhist Lecture Hall on Waverly Street in Chinatown San Francisco Dharma Master Hsuan Hua mocked Christianity, telling his disciples, including the translator in this video, "If Jesus is God's Son then I'm God's Father". They all had a good laugh at that. If we should not compare religions then why was Master Hua trying to convert the Catholic Cardinal? The Cardinal bowing to the Buddha idols was an act of apostasy.
Who knows what the Master ACTUALLY SAID? Should we really trust YOU, an outspoken Fundamentalist? But in any case, I don't interpret the remarks you conveyed as anything other than a good-natured, thought-provoking joke at the curious Xtian convention of Jesus being, literally, God's son. But that would be just a guess. In one of His books, he affirms that "Jesus was a Forth-Stage Arhat My experience is that what impressed the Master MOST was sincerity, morality, ACTUAL GOODNESS whatever a person called himself. He also called himself "A Christian among the Buddhists" if his friend the Cardinal, would be a Buddhist among the Christians. The Master was the last person in the world to idly criticize others. He even gave away a valuable piece of land to Buddhists of the Theravada sect so they could promulgate THEIR version of Buddhism. And there was ALWAYS a Christmas Tree in the Buddha Hall all December long. Buddhism is usually careful to not offend local customs and traditions and makes every effort to incorporate them wherever it travels.
선화상인님 감사드립니다. 나무아미타불 관세음보살😌
now this is a rare jewel under the vast ocean of internet
Thank you for recording and posting this valuable video.
Namo Amitabha 🙏🙏🙏
At the time, Venerable Master Hua/Shifu was already very sick (He entered nirvana 6/7/95). He had no care for his own health for the cause of spreading Dharma. 为法忘躯。He once said, “I labor and I sweat; I don’t rest.” 流血汗,不休息。Namo Shifu 🙏
I’ve seen many photos of Venerable Master Hua and have heard his tapes in the Buddha Hall, but this is the first time I’ve seen a video pf him. I am grateful to the person who took the time to share this. Words can not capture the feeling of seeing and hearing him in the video.
Is He a wonder ? A completely u selfish. No self is freedom and happiness
Master Hua gave Wise Explanation .Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
I am amazed by the audience's questions. This is 2021 and I am not sure if there are still as many Americans as in this video that still think and question their life and have the desire to look into oneself to explore inner self.
谢谢您!(thank you!)
Thank you for sharing this 🙏
Bow to Master Hua 🙏
Namo Amituofo 🙏
"Stupidity would be constantly finding fault, constantly criticizing, where my religion is long and your religion is short, my religion is good and your religion is bad, constantly harping on one another and nitpicking. . . we should not gossip, not talk about what is right and what is wrong among religions, and most of all not slander"? What a hypocrite.
Let me share a story with you about Master Hua. In 1969 in the Buddhist Lecture Hall on Waverly Street in Chinatown San Francisco Dharma Master Hsuan Hua mocked Christianity, telling his disciples, including the translator in this video, "If Jesus is God's Son then I'm God's Father". They all had a good laugh at that. If we should not compare religions then why was Master Hua trying to convert the Catholic Cardinal? The Cardinal bowing to the Buddha idols was an act of apostasy.
@@jimfoard5671 Actually you may misunderstand the words that Master Hua said in that situation. If God has son, who is God's father? It is not doubting Christianity, it just helps people to know and understand the God deeply.
Thank you great master🙏🙏🙏, Namo Amitabha Buddha.
Return to being a baby to be unselfish. Makes me think gof Laotse's classic Tao de Ching
The translator did a really good job.
Translator is Rev. Heng Sure. Look him up
I think I saw him in Seattle when I was 30 something!
Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật
Thank you for posting this! I attended this gathering but now have no memory of it, except I remember when Huston Smith stood up from the audience and asked ven Hua a question in Chinese. It was great to see two venerable Dharma teachers in dialog even though I couldnt understand a word!
I can't remember much, which is why I videotape. I became friends with Huston and Rev. Heng Sure, who was Master Hua's translator, after that day. Do you know of Heng Sure's "Three Steps and a Bow" story? Look it up. Remarkable person and story.
Amitofo!!! Thank you for sharing this video!!! Bow to the respect Venerable Master Hua _()_
Namo amitofo! Beautiful dharma talk
Namo Amituofo
I will treasure this video..learned a lot from Ven. Hua..Thank you for uploading.
Wonderful and historical video! Thanks for sharing!
Original Face A Chan saying
Mr. Jon Monday - Thank you very much for posting this 1992 Dharma Talk by the late Venerable Master Hua. Excellent audio recording notwithstanding the technology of two decades ago. Best wishes to you. Sincerely, Heng Yuen
念佛的宗旨, 是生真信, 發切願, 專持佛號,念佛用功最妙的方法,是都攝六根,凈念相繼。"都攝六根"者,即是念佛之心,專註於佛名號,即攝意根。口須念得清清楚楚,即攝舌根。耳須聽得清清楚楚,即攝耳根。此三根攝於佛號,則眼決不會亂視。念佛時眼宜垂簾,即放下眼皮,不可睜大。眼既攝矣,鼻也不會亂嗅,則鼻亦攝矣。身須恭敬,則身亦攝矣。六根既攝而不散,則心無妄念,唯佛是念,方為凈念。六根不攝,雖則念佛,心中仍然妄想紛飛,難得實益。若能常都攝六根而念,是名"凈念相繼"。能常常凈念相繼,則壹心不亂,與念佛三昧,均可漸得矣。(文鈔續編·復幻修大師書)
念佛之法,各隨機宜,不可執定。然於壹切法中,擇其最要者,莫過於攝耳諦聽。念從心起,聲從口出,音從耳入。行住坐臥,均如是念,如是聽。大聲、小聲、心中默念,均如是聽。默念時,心中猶有聲相,非無聲也。《大勢至念佛圓通章》雲:"都攝六根,凈念相繼,得三摩地,斯為第壹。"念佛時能攝耳諦聽,即都攝六根之法。以心念屬意根,口念屬舌根,耳聽則眼不他視,鼻不他齅,身必不放逸懈怠,故名"都攝六根"。攝六根而念,則雜念漸息,以至於無,故名"凈念"。凈念能常相繼不間斷,便可得念佛三昧。"三摩地",即三昧之異名。吾人隨分隨力念,雖未能即得三昧,當與三昧相近。切不可看得容易,即欲速得,則或致起諸魔事。得念佛三昧者,現生已入聖位之人也。故須自量。 (文鈔三編·復徐誌壹居士書)
凡我有情,聞是凈土法門者,當信娑婆極苦,西方極樂。當信多生已來,業障深重,匪憑佛力,驟難出離。 當信求生決定克期得生。 當信念佛定蒙慈悲攝受!由是堅定壹心,願離娑婆,如囚犯之欲出牢獄,絕無系戀之心。願生西方,如客之思歸故鄉,豈有因循之念!從此隨分隨力,至心持念阿彌陀佛聖號。無論語默動靜,行住坐臥,迎賓待客,著衣吃飯,務令佛不離心,心不離佛。譬如切事系心,凡百作為,不忘此事。或有公私眾務,了無少暇,須於早晚十念念佛,至心發願,亦能往生。以阿彌陀佛曾有願雲:“十方眾生,至心信樂,欲生我國,乃至十念,若不生者,不取正覺。”是故十念念佛,亦得往生也!但既念佛求生西方,必須發慈悲心,行方便事,息貪瞋癡,戒殺盜淫,自利利人,方合佛意。否則心與佛背,感應道隔,但種來因,難獲現果矣。若誌誠念佛,行合佛心,心口相應。如是念佛之人,至臨命終時,阿彌陀佛與諸聖眾,必然親垂接引,往生西方。壹生西方,則超凡入聖,了生脫死,永離眾苦,但受諸樂矣。此則全仗佛力,不論功夫之深淺、惑業之有無。但具真信切願,決定萬不漏壹!(文鈔三編·復夏壽祺居士書)
Master Xuan Hua made the point.
If one dont see where his own question aroused then, then there will be no answer.
If one see his own question arise then he'll not have asked the question in the first place.
VO DANH 南无上宣下化大悲观音佛菩萨 ná mó shàng xuān xià huà dà bēi guān yīn fó pú sà
“Can you promise you don’t want to eat the wolf? If you can then there is a way” 1:31:13 I like that answer
Jon, This was so special. One of my first retreats. So memorable. Do you have the Heng Sure memorial day talk years after?
No, but SF might. WE got to become friends with Rev. Heng Sure, and he let us film Huston Smith at his Temple in Berkeley. A good monk.
Thank you so much for sharing. It was a great dharma talk!
"When you're there you still can't see it." hahaha
1:14:21 'I'm sorry, I'm a very stupid person. All I could do is bring forth my ignorant point of view.'
"Stupidity would be constantly finding fault, constantly criticizing, where my religion is long and your religion is short, my religion is good and your religion is bad, constantly harping on one another and nitpicking. . . we should not gossip, not talk about what is right and what is wrong among religions, and most of all not slander"? What a hypocrite.
Let me share a story with you about Master Hua. In 1969 in the Buddhist Lecture Hall on Waverly Street in Chinatown San Francisco Dharma Master Hsuan Hua mocked Christianity, telling his disciples, including the translator in this video, "If Jesus is God's Son then I'm God's Father". They all had a good laugh at that. If we should not compare religions then why was Master Hua trying to convert the Catholic Cardinal? The Cardinal bowing to the Buddha idols was an act of apostasy.
Who knows what the Master ACTUALLY SAID? Should we really trust YOU, an outspoken Fundamentalist? But in any case, I don't interpret the remarks you conveyed as anything other than a good-natured, thought-provoking joke at the curious Xtian convention of Jesus being, literally, God's son. But that would be just a guess. In one of His books, he affirms that "Jesus was a Forth-Stage Arhat
My experience is that what impressed the Master MOST was sincerity, morality, ACTUAL GOODNESS whatever a person called himself. He also called himself "A Christian among the Buddhists" if his friend the Cardinal, would be a Buddhist among the Christians. The Master was the last person in the world to idly criticize others. He even gave away a valuable piece of land to Buddhists of the Theravada sect so they could promulgate THEIR version of Buddhism. And there was ALWAYS a Christmas Tree in the Buddha Hall all December long. Buddhism is usually careful to not offend local customs and traditions and makes every effort to incorporate them wherever it travels.