"Ao Oni," often translated as "Blue Demon," is a Japanese survival horror game that has garnered a cult following for its eerie atmosphere and intense gameplay. Set in an abandoned mansion, the game centers around a group of friends who become trapped inside and must navigate through dark, unsettling corridors while evading a relentless blue-skinned monster. The demon's unpredictable movements and the game's emphasis on stealth and problem-solving create a palpable sense of dread and urgency. Despite its retro graphics and minimalist design, "Ao Oni" effectively captures the essence of psychological horror, leaving players on edge as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of the mansion and escape the clutches of the terrifying creature.
nice i beat it too also they really said 7-4 LIKE ANTENNAS TO HEAVEN with that music ngl
"Ao Oni," often translated as "Blue Demon," is a Japanese survival horror game that has garnered a cult following for its eerie atmosphere and intense gameplay. Set in an abandoned mansion, the game centers around a group of friends who become trapped inside and must navigate through dark, unsettling corridors while evading a relentless blue-skinned monster. The demon's unpredictable movements and the game's emphasis on stealth and problem-solving create a palpable sense of dread and urgency. Despite its retro graphics and minimalist design, "Ao Oni" effectively captures the essence of psychological horror, leaving players on edge as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of the mansion and escape the clutches of the terrifying creature.
Before I do this is it ok if I use this in one of my crappy edits?
Yeah, I'm not gonna stop ya