Brilliant video. The barrel on our Dethleffs van fell out this evening and I found this video when trying to find a fix to put the barrel back in. I'll try using the original key in the barrel and wiggling it in the lock tomorrow and hopefully it'll click back into place. Think I'll remove the Zadi locks and give them a good clean now too!
Just a quick point… WD 40 is a release agent not a lubricant. Would have been better with Silicon or White grease … and of course the Amazon £5 circlip pliers (LOL)
Good video, very informative. Unfortunately, mine is seized in the locked position so I can’t turn the handle to access the 2 small screws. Any suggestions?
Excellent video, very informative. Unfortunately mine is seized in the closed position, so I can’t rotate the handle to get to the 2 small screws. Any ideas?
Hello, I have same lock, but different problem..I can't lock it in close position, do you think, it can be problem of the pin, which should stay in lock posiiton?
Thankyou so much, I have been trying to figure out how to dis assemble our Zadi locks after one of mine seized and broke. Thankyou again..
Sure thing. Good luck. All mine are done and working well.
Brilliant video. The barrel on our Dethleffs van fell out this evening and I found this video when trying to find a fix to put the barrel back in. I'll try using the original key in the barrel and wiggling it in the lock tomorrow and hopefully it'll click back into place. Think I'll remove the Zadi locks and give them a good clean now too!
perfekt job! Many thx from Germany
Just a quick point… WD 40 is a release agent not a lubricant. Would have been better with Silicon or White grease … and of course the Amazon £5 circlip pliers (LOL)
Excellent video,I was just going to purchase some new one's 🙈 #savedmeasmallfortune 😊👌👍 Cheers 🍻.
Good video, very informative. Unfortunately, mine is seized in the locked position so I can’t turn the handle to access the 2 small screws. Any suggestions?
Excellent video, very informative. Unfortunately mine is seized in the closed position, so I can’t rotate the handle to get to the 2 small screws. Any ideas?
Hello, I have same lock, but different problem..I can't lock it in close position, do you think, it can be problem of the pin, which should stay in lock posiiton?
Where can I buy this lock ? The ones I see for sale look slightly different (nut on end not bolt) ^( straight plastic barrel
Would have been easier if you had purchased a set of circlip pliers but an informative video non the less.
Hahaha yep. Didn’t know that was a thing.
Kann leider die Sprache nicht.bitte uebersetzen
My caravan locker was seperated. Can u help me? If u ok, just let me know ur email address in order to send photo. Thanks