This is good shit and all but when I post a gameplay, killing on scrubs, I get called a pubstomping asshole. Dunno what the deal with that is. Maybe because I show the enemy's levels in the video.
No worries, i am getting called a noob stomper all the time, thats actually one of the reasons why i started using CMM. Its hard to explain to people that the community is small and its actually rare to play against a lot of veteran players, so its hard to get enough content from that. Also, some people tend to call enemy team noobs when its actually full of good players. I remember when i had some paladins video where i played against team that had 2 "pro players" and 2 top 100 MMR players in enemy team but according to some people they were noobs anyway. Honestly, pubs are pubs, trying to evaluate every player would be silly, so i dont really care as long as they move and shoot back ;p.
Hexa-Flexa OP its above all because you post only your 80+ kills stomp to look good, i had games against you with lots of closed fights that would have been way more untertaining than your zombie farming videos but for some reason you never upload that kind of game
Hexa-Flexa OP i mean, dont get me wrong, you are absolutely right to do so and it doesnt change anything to your skill, but dont be surprised to get call a "noobstomper" if you deliberatly choose to upload your biggest pubstomps against team composed 100% of potatoes
Thing is, 90% of my games are "farming zombies" type of games (i personally dont like to rate people on public games, there are obviously some decent skill gap between me and enemy team in most of my videos but honestly calling all of them zombies is just rude). I dont like making "excuses" buuuuuut: 1) Netcode in DB is wonky at best lately so half of the time when i play its just painful. There are days that i cant have a decent round even against "zombies" and i just cant believe that one day i am doing 50+ kills every round while in another i struggle to do 30. It just feels so laggy that i just cant play any good, as such said days are a "waste" content wise, as i wont be getting any content at all. 2) Pubs are pubs, unless you play against whole clan or some top tier players that people know, most people wont care honestly. Its honestly hard to tell from a video if someone is half decent or a zombie, especially on pubs where people tend to just not care, test new merc, play a merc they normally dont play or simply have a bad day. 3) Obviously i wont be getting as much kills against top tier players, never said otherwise. You said that you would enjoy watching a video where i play against better players but would it really be enjoyable to watch me going 40/30? Stats like that are normal when playing against equals, in general(but honestly, i rarely meet more than one top tier player in enemy team at once, unless they are in a premade which make the game miserable, its really hard to deal with big premades when your team is full of solo players). Games like that are generally slower, rarely are there any decent sprees because everyone have around or above 40% acc and there is a lot of content to be cut because no one likes to watch me killing 2 people than dying etc. In my opinion its just not super exciting to watch, because for me pubs are pubs and it doesnt matter a whole lot who you play against since CMM is a lottery. 4) In general i try to pick rounds that are "kinda" balance teams wise. Sure i might kill a lot but there were still rounds that i lost because overall team balance wasnt terrible. In this case i just picked the only decent round i had with fletcher and since i didnt enjoy ahnuhdl on top of stickies being bugged i just couldnt force myself to get anything better. 5) I could make a video from ranked next season, since you tend to meet some really good players when you reach higher ranks but in such games i wouldnt use most mercs because i am simply not good enough with them to deal with teams full of good players. Also, if its not solo only i probably wont care. In the end i never did videos to show how "amazing" i am, i just wanted to show how each merc works while trying to pick rounds that i personally find enjoyable in a way that there is always something going around. Sadly i cant make everyone happy :(.
i enjoy way way more games with bad KD but with interesting/close fights beetwin good players rather than a good player destroying an army of "zombies" (yes when they see you and dont even bother to shoot at you that what i call them, i ve seen zombie games with more reactive zombies) but my opinion doesnt matter its not the point the whole thing is : dont be suprised to be called a noob stomper if you make the choice to publish pubstomp games over games with worse K/D cause better oponents
Wanted to get something better but honestly fletcher with ahnuhld is a pain to play. I have no doubt that currently ahnuhld is the weakest shotgun and having 3rd sticky always force me to switch weapon screwing me over constantly is just frustrating to play. Hollunds and remburg are both stronger at close range since its a lot easier to 2shot people and at the same time, because of the spread, ahnuhld doesnt really have any better effective range than hollunds. Not worth using atm imo.
I already kinda have enough clips for 3 more videos, so he surely wont be coming next. I wanted to make another phoenix video for a while so he will probably show up again at some point.
Ahnuld kind of feels like a sniper-shotgun, I always feel the need to swap to secondary after getting a juicy first hit with it. I suppose it's because it feels too unreliable to finish players off with it at the moment.
the game does not allow me to set the resolution of the whole screen, does anyone know how I can do that, or can not it just? I ask because the video is full screen
Any ideas on the new Merc hunter.A picture was revealed on lastest dev vid showing him having a crossbow thingy on his arm.any thoughts on him like what type of merc and what weapons? etc
I heard that one of the devs said that hunter is like a recon version of sparks (especially that his main weapon will be machine pistol, as such his crossbow will be something like rhino minigun, which you will use more than your main gun), so i assume that his crossbow will work like either bolt action sniper rifle that you can use from the hip or something that you need to charge slightly before shooting to increase damage. Aside from that i have no idea, he is suppose to come with phantom rework so maybe there will be some new interaction between skills. Since we know that he is in a recon class we could assume that he will get some form of spotting but i am not so sure about that honestly.
Always have been a fan of your Db-Vids. Seeing your perfekt tracking and decision making is satisfying and has motivated me become better since i watched ur vids. I am very good in competitive play but i never nail pubstomping the way you do it 😂 I will wait forever to maybe see some of your Hunter-gameplay but i can understand if u moved on. Still love the game. I wonder which things make you love and which ones make you hate it 😁
I didnt really move on from DB yet, i just dont have any motivation to play it at the moment, especially because of phantom "rework". Didnt really enjoy hunter when i played him so i just decided to take a break until something bigger happens, no reason to burn myself. I still hope that "DB 1.0" update will bring something that will make me happy but SD is trying really hard to keep me unhappy all the time so i have my doubts :(. In any case, thanks for motivational comment, comments like that always makes me a bit less salty :).
Hello. I've a question. What program/setting (like bitrate, resolution, format, etc) to record and render the video ? I have hard time having good quality on my vids on DB. Fan for a long time and can't wait to see a video with the new cancer phantom.
I will just copy my comment below about rendering settings but to comment on hunter patch, its one of the worst patches released to date. Phantom is literal cancer, like what did they think changing him like that. There is 0 counter play unless you have eagle eyes, which i dont have so he might as well be 100% invisible. You cant hear him, you cant spot him with ability, you cant break his cloak even if you could spot him. Its not even about him being OP or anything, its just so unfun to play against that i couldnt force myself to play it more than few rounds. On top of that audio is even worse now for everything. Missing sounds, things being too quiet etc. it just got worse (and it was terrible before that). Tons of CMM bugs, netcode still ass. As for hunter, he is probably the weakest merc SD ever made, at least from my perspective. It takes 4 body shots to kill 120hp merc (not sure how much damage exactly he does from the hip) unless you charge the shot while scoped, his crossbow is kinda too slow for long range, especially because of fast projectile drop (like it start to drop at almost close range). Also ton of bugs, bolts get stuck on invisible textures (where bullets wont), killing someone on EV is super hard because bolt hitbox is bigger and instead of hitting the person you hit the ev, it tend to not deal damage at times (not that often, but still). The only thing i found him good as is cheesing corridors (where you just keep your focus on one corridor and spam away), but outside of that he just isnt good at anything. They should made the rof slower while making his projectile faster, right now its simply too slow for consistent gameplay (like playing hanzo in overwatch, some people enjoy that but i find it too random). Overall i was pretty salty, not going to lie and as far as i can tell a lot of people arent happy with the patch (especially that they took like 1 extra month to make it better). On a bright side terminal changes are nice, it couldnt be worse than first version tho. Now, for my settings: No idea what program you use (i use vegas) but it will probably be worded similar so: Project properties: resolution: 2048x1152 field order: none frame rate: 60 pixel format: 8bit full resolution rendering quality: best Motion blur type: Gaussian Deinterlace method: None Rendering settings: Mainconcept AVC/AAC (mp4) Resolution: 2048x1152 Profile: high frame rate: 60 Field order: None Number of reference frames: 2 Use deblocking filter: yes (no idea if it helps with anything tho) Constant bit rate: 50 000 000 On top of that i also add to the files: Levels: computer RGB to sutdio RGB (which matters if you use shadowplay, since it makes videos a bit dark) Sharpen: 0,030 you can add more/less but i dont recommend adding more since it adds artifacts around letters And some color correction like brightness and contrast, HSL adjust, soft contrast. You can set it how you like, you could also look for "crystal clear HD" on youtube, which comes with a "preset". Dont remember in which video i found it so you cant help you with that. Also, dont forget to disable resampling (in vegas you just press right mouse button on a file you want to change then properties then disable resampling, no idea about other programs).
Christopher Evrard I thought hunter was good. Fills a different roll than the other snipers but still is useful. The bolt's hitboxes have a case of the huntsman where the hitboxes can blot out the sun. Also, it does 40 damage on body shot from hip and 80 at full charge. I think he is interesting enough and is leagues better than javelin. That's my opinion though.
At the moment i would say that shar-c is the best weapon she can use. BR16 and dreiss got some drastic nerfs 2 or so patches ago and while dreiss can still be strong it just doesnt work that well with javelin. Shar-c is kinda lacking as well compared to other assault rifles but its still solid.
Do you use Anti Aliasing? Which one? Also would you mind letting me know if you use postprocessing and what your FOV, Gamma and Dpi/sense are? you know I've been subbed to you forever now
So. Blishlock is still the best on fletcher? And if you need a shotgun hollunds? Also, what cards do you like for those two guns? I personaly like the h21 (However, with shotguns how they are, I don't use the hollunds It feels cheap because it 2 shots fragger and there is times where an aura tanks 3 or 4 shots because she was 4 metres away) second gen for the hollunds and then bl21 second gen or bl32 second gen.
Blishlok is the best exactly because of consistency, but shotguns feel better since the "rework". I would avoid ahnuhld, since it lack burst while not really having better effective range than hollunds. As for loadouts, i honestly dont remember at this point, but having quick draw or lock on is pretty important (and rest depends on personal preferences).
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks for the reply. I totaly agree. Shotguns are exelent when they works but it iss so rare for that to actualy happen. They can feel like crap to play with and against. To be honest, If rentable servers come out and you can ban weapons, I'm probably gunna ban shotguns because of that. However, there is bigger issues when it comes to consistancy *cough* explosives *cough* .
I dont play it at the moment but i still plan to give it another chance in the future. I mostly dont play it now because i am tired of old bugs, audio and network issues. To be fair, i still played over 1000h, i am probably quite tired of it even if it had no issues. Right now i am waiting for DB 1.0 and see how it goes, hoping for the best expecting the worst :)
I try wall jumping in 1v1s if I get surprised but I tend to get bad aim when I do it. It has saved my ass a lot of times though. I do agree that it's less effective with groups tho
Hey Hexa-Flexa, what are ur favourite loadouds for each class? Would be super nice if u would answer. Do u use a special config? Ur game looks different then mine and i also use everything and low.
The loadouts i use in videos are most of the time my favorite ones. I dont really remember the names so you need to forgive me for not naming them ;p. As for config. I didint edit my config aside from changing fogdensity to 0 and having medium textures/characters and animations at high.
Documents > My Games > UnrealEngine3 > ShooterGame > Config open shooterUI then look for: [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDIFFObjectEnemy] m_PrimaryColor=(R=255,G=0,B=255,A=255) (where you change RGB settings to the color you would want) you can do the same for allies in [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDIFFObjectAlly]
Yea, you can use google to check RGB values. Just change the number after "=" to the one you like, just leave A at 255, it stands for transparency in game i think.
Well, its mostly experience. If you use shotguns for example you like to be next to the wall to abuse your high burst, when strafing you should change direction depending on the gun your enemy use (for example when someone is using low fire rate gun, like shotguns, you should change your direction few milliseconds before someone is going to shoot), in a duel when you are getting shot you should instantly change direction and not strafe in line etc. In general positioning and map knowledge is also very important, you should position yourself in a place where you have an advantage and feel comfortable. Enemy team players are obviously worse at the game than i am, so thats a factor as well, since because of view kick then have even harder time when trying to hit me. In general dodging is something you should learn naturally, as long as you actually think about it.
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks for response mate. I wasn't expecting that detailed response. you got a organic subscriber. well, I'll try to learn few stuffs from your game play. Thanks again. 😁
I am not playing DB at the moment but i wouldnt say that i quit, yet. I am waiting for DB 1.0 and see how it goes, not expecting anything tho. As for why i am not playing, i just got tired of the game and lack of changes. Hunter turned out to be pretty terrible, it just made me so mad for no real reason and since then i didnt really play DB. Overall it feels like SD gave up, so if i dont like DB 1.0 then there is a pretty good chance that i wont be getting back.
Hexa-Flexa OP Ok, thanks for replying. At least it was good for quite a long while though. Hopefully 1.0 isn't terrible, because I don't want to have to wait db and rainbow six due to poor Dev decisions and in the case of rainbow, hackers.
I know you posted this somewhere and you probably are tired of hearin g this but i need to ask... What is your sensitivity/dpi Im trying to find the best sensitivity for me but i just cant either it feels too sensitive or not enough sensitive
800dpi and 7 in game. Worth nothing that shape and weight of your mouse does matter for this. I use g303 now but i used g502 and i needed higher sens there because its heavier.
If you ask if i am going to push like 3 videos a week every week then no. I would want to make videos more often but there is simply too many factors on why i cant keep up with the content. If SD wont break anything and we get new weapons for old mercs i would probably be making videos more consistently, since i would have mercs to cover, but without new things i dont really feel like forcing myself.
I am just not playing dirty bomb currently, or anything worth showing for that matter and there was no new games that peaked my interest so yea. I am thinking about how to make my channel more alive in situations like that but for now i am still on hiatus (i do plan on making DB related content before DB 1.0 tho, but no promises). In any case, sorry for the lack of activity :(.
What are your settings in-game Everything seems low but weapon details remain great Can I please know that btw , I keep everything at low and get a consistent 180fps so changing something wont matter a lot unless my fps drops below 144
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks i didnt thought u would rply..... But i have a doubt does playing on a 120/144hz moniter benefits you? Makes u a better player maybe or gives you better reaction times? I am confused actually im looking to buy a good moniter. 60/144hz which one should i choose?
I will always recommend going 120/144hz+ not because it makes you a better player but because its more fun to play on. 120hz+ wont make you a better player, but the better you get the more it helps. There is slightly less input lag, less ghosting, overall it just feels more fluid and consistent. Playing on 60hz might feel sluggish so i would say 120 and over hz can help with reaction time (you just register things faster). If you play a lot of multiplayer fps game then yea, its worth it. I personally only used TN panels with 120hz, so i have no idea how good modern IPS 120hz+ monitors are but from what i seen its still visibly slower, as such i would aim for some 144hz TN panel monitor (not sure which one, my is rather old and i didnt really test new ones, i heard good things about LG 24GM77 tho). There are also 240hz monitors but i am not so sure if its worth the added cost (i will probably buy one in the future tho).
Hexa-Flexa OP thankyou so much brother for the advice..... Do you still play ? i would love to play with u sometimes and learn.... I will say "Hi" Plz have a rply okay!! 😅😅
No idea what program you use (i use vegas) but it will probably be worded similar so: Project properties: resolution: 2048x1152 field order: none frame rate: 60 pixel format: 8bit full resolution rendering quality: best Motion blur type: Gaussian Deinterlace method: None Rendering settings: Mainconcept AVC/AAC (mp4) Resolution: 2048x1152 Profile: high frame rate: 60 Field order: None Number of reference frames: 2 Use deblocking filter: yes (no idea if it helps with anything tho) Constant bit rate: 50 000 000 On top of that i also add to the files: Levels: computer RGB to sutdio RGB (which matters if you use shadowplay, since it makes videos a bit dark) Sharpen: 0,030 you can add more/less but i dont recommend adding more since it adds artifacts around letters And some color correction like brightness and contrast, HSL adjust, soft contrast. You can set it how you like, you could also look for "crystal clear HD" on youtube, which comes with a "preset". Dont remember in which video i found it so you cant help you with that. Also, dont forget to disable resampling (in vegas you just press right mouse button on a file you want to change then properties then disable resampling, no idea about other programs).
I can see how it could be jarring for some people. Intro clips were kinda lacking in my opinion so i wanted to speed it up a bit, since i just couldnt force myself to play ahn fletcher anymore to gather something better.
I only played when it was +50% ranked points event (not the current one, i dont have time for that at the moment), so i ended like something like 27w to 12l iirc, which gave me cobalt rank. I would reach elite but its honestly not worth my time(i only played enough to have enough for ranked fragger and 1 ranked case), also there is a lot of issues with premades and i honestly wish that SD will make it solo only next season.
Yea, i did play it. Depends on what you want from the game it might be more fun but you can play it the same way as you play casual matches (at higher ranks that is). Problem with ranked is that before around gold III ranked isnt very different than casual, it just take longer to find a game and there is friendly fire, but the at higher ranks you are placed against solid players which change the way you can play (since actually most people on the team knows what they are doing). Also, premades are an issue (or rather, people that try to exploit it). If you are looking for slightly harder games than ranked is good, but not now since its mostly dead now (i mean you will probably fine a game in eu but i have no idea in other regions). You should start playing early next ranked season so your que time isnt long and you will check it out for yourself. You could do 10 matches this season tho, so you can get "free" ranked points for getting your rank.
Doesnt seems to change anything, at least when i tried it. They should just change it into slug shotgun and be done with it, at least then it would really be a medium range shotgun and not something that doesnt really have the range nor damage to be good.
This is good shit and all but when I post a gameplay, killing on scrubs, I get called a pubstomping asshole. Dunno what the deal with that is. Maybe because I show the enemy's levels in the video.
No worries, i am getting called a noob stomper all the time, thats actually one of the reasons why i started using CMM. Its hard to explain to people that the community is small and its actually rare to play against a lot of veteran players, so its hard to get enough content from that. Also, some people tend to call enemy team noobs when its actually full of good players. I remember when i had some paladins video where i played against team that had 2 "pro players" and 2 top 100 MMR players in enemy team but according to some people they were noobs anyway.
Honestly, pubs are pubs, trying to evaluate every player would be silly, so i dont really care as long as they move and shoot back ;p.
Hexa-Flexa OP its above all because you post only your 80+ kills stomp to look good, i had games against you with lots of closed fights that would have been way more untertaining than your zombie farming videos but for some reason you never upload that kind of game
Hexa-Flexa OP i mean, dont get me wrong, you are absolutely right to do so and it doesnt change anything to your skill, but dont be surprised to get call a "noobstomper" if you deliberatly choose to upload your biggest pubstomps against team composed 100% of potatoes
Thing is, 90% of my games are "farming zombies" type of games (i personally dont like to rate people on public games, there are obviously some decent skill gap between me and enemy team in most of my videos but honestly calling all of them zombies is just rude). I dont like making "excuses" buuuuuut:
1) Netcode in DB is wonky at best lately so half of the time when i play its just painful. There are days that i cant have a decent round even against "zombies" and i just cant believe that one day i am doing 50+ kills every round while in another i struggle to do 30. It just feels so laggy that i just cant play any good, as such said days are a "waste" content wise, as i wont be getting any content at all.
2) Pubs are pubs, unless you play against whole clan or some top tier players that people know, most people wont care honestly. Its honestly hard to tell from a video if someone is half decent or a zombie, especially on pubs where people tend to just not care, test new merc, play a merc they normally dont play or simply have a bad day.
3) Obviously i wont be getting as much kills against top tier players, never said otherwise. You said that you would enjoy watching a video where i play against better players but would it really be enjoyable to watch me going 40/30? Stats like that are normal when playing against equals, in general(but honestly, i rarely meet more than one top tier player in enemy team at once, unless they are in a premade which make the game miserable, its really hard to deal with big premades when your team is full of solo players). Games like that are generally slower, rarely are there any decent sprees because everyone have around or above 40% acc and there is a lot of content to be cut because no one likes to watch me killing 2 people than dying etc. In my opinion its just not super exciting to watch, because for me pubs are pubs and it doesnt matter a whole lot who you play against since CMM is a lottery.
4) In general i try to pick rounds that are "kinda" balance teams wise. Sure i might kill a lot but there were still rounds that i lost because overall team balance wasnt terrible. In this case i just picked the only decent round i had with fletcher and since i didnt enjoy ahnuhdl on top of stickies being bugged i just couldnt force myself to get anything better.
5) I could make a video from ranked next season, since you tend to meet some really good players when you reach higher ranks but in such games i wouldnt use most mercs because i am simply not good enough with them to deal with teams full of good players. Also, if its not solo only i probably wont care.
In the end i never did videos to show how "amazing" i am, i just wanted to show how each merc works while trying to pick rounds that i personally find enjoyable in a way that there is always something going around. Sadly i cant make everyone happy :(.
i enjoy way way more games with bad KD but with interesting/close fights beetwin good players rather than a good player destroying an army of "zombies" (yes when they see you and dont even bother to shoot at you that what i call them, i ve seen zombie games with more reactive zombies) but my opinion doesnt matter its not the point
the whole thing is : dont be suprised to be called a noob stomper if you make the choice to publish pubstomp games over games with worse K/D cause better oponents
5:28 When you're not just Fletcher, but also Jason Bourne.
Wanted to get something better but honestly fletcher with ahnuhld is a pain to play. I have no doubt that currently ahnuhld is the weakest shotgun and having 3rd sticky always force me to switch weapon screwing me over constantly is just frustrating to play.
Hollunds and remburg are both stronger at close range since its a lot easier to 2shot people and at the same time, because of the spread, ahnuhld doesnt really have any better effective range than hollunds. Not worth using atm imo.
Hexa-Flexa OP could you play c41 phoenix next video c41 is the one with the kek and 2nd gen
I already kinda have enough clips for 3 more videos, so he surely wont be coming next. I wanted to make another phoenix video for a while so he will probably show up again at some point.
Hexa-Flexa OP Maybe a crotzni sawbonez vid? Btw, i wish i had that sexy fps.
Play with K121, plain & simple cause it has been a long time :)
Ahnuld kind of feels like a sniper-shotgun, I always feel the need to swap to secondary after getting a juicy first hit with it. I suppose it's because it feels too unreliable to finish players off with it at the moment.
the game does not allow me to set the resolution of the whole screen, does anyone know how I can do that, or can not it just? I ask because the video is full screen
Where the videos at? Your gameplay is so satisfying to watch; all those headshots are soothing.
he died of cancer
im joking he just got bored of the game
Any ideas on the new Merc hunter.A picture was revealed on lastest dev vid showing him having a crossbow thingy on his arm.any thoughts on him like what type of merc and what weapons? etc
I heard that one of the devs said that hunter is like a recon version of sparks (especially that his main weapon will be machine pistol, as such his crossbow will be something like rhino minigun, which you will use more than your main gun), so i assume that his crossbow will work like either bolt action sniper rifle that you can use from the hip or something that you need to charge slightly before shooting to increase damage. Aside from that i have no idea, he is suppose to come with phantom rework so maybe there will be some new interaction between skills. Since we know that he is in a recon class we could assume that he will get some form of spotting but i am not so sure about that honestly.
Here come my little stickye friend
Always have been a fan of your Db-Vids. Seeing your perfekt tracking and decision making is satisfying and has motivated me become better since i watched ur vids.
I am very good in competitive play but i never nail pubstomping the way you do it 😂
I will wait forever to maybe see some of your Hunter-gameplay but i can understand if u moved on. Still love the game.
I wonder which things make you love and which ones make you hate it 😁
I didnt really move on from DB yet, i just dont have any motivation to play it at the moment, especially because of phantom "rework". Didnt really enjoy hunter when i played him so i just decided to take a break until something bigger happens, no reason to burn myself.
I still hope that "DB 1.0" update will bring something that will make me happy but SD is trying really hard to keep me unhappy all the time so i have my doubts :(.
In any case, thanks for motivational comment, comments like that always makes me a bit less salty :).
Hexa-Flexa OP
Yeah I can relate. No reason to force yourself.
I wonder if Fletcher knows the way
It's the best feeling getting a two shot kill with the second shot right after the first, no hesitation
i love your videos, your skill and that Fletcher loadout.
Hello. I've a question. What program/setting (like bitrate, resolution, format, etc) to record and render the video ? I have hard time having good quality on my vids on DB.
Fan for a long time and can't wait to see a video with the new cancer phantom.
I will just copy my comment below about rendering settings but to comment on hunter patch, its one of the worst patches released to date. Phantom is literal cancer, like what did they think changing him like that. There is 0 counter play unless you have eagle eyes, which i dont have so he might as well be 100% invisible. You cant hear him, you cant spot him with ability, you cant break his cloak even if you could spot him. Its not even about him being OP or anything, its just so unfun to play against that i couldnt force myself to play it more than few rounds.
On top of that audio is even worse now for everything. Missing sounds, things being too quiet etc. it just got worse (and it was terrible before that). Tons of CMM bugs, netcode still ass.
As for hunter, he is probably the weakest merc SD ever made, at least from my perspective. It takes 4 body shots to kill 120hp merc (not sure how much damage exactly he does from the hip) unless you charge the shot while scoped, his crossbow is kinda too slow for long range, especially because of fast projectile drop (like it start to drop at almost close range). Also ton of bugs, bolts get stuck on invisible textures (where bullets wont), killing someone on EV is super hard because bolt hitbox is bigger and instead of hitting the person you hit the ev, it tend to not deal damage at times (not that often, but still). The only thing i found him good as is cheesing corridors (where you just keep your focus on one corridor and spam away), but outside of that he just isnt good at anything. They should made the rof slower while making his projectile faster, right now its simply too slow for consistent gameplay (like playing hanzo in overwatch, some people enjoy that but i find it too random).
Overall i was pretty salty, not going to lie and as far as i can tell a lot of people arent happy with the patch (especially that they took like 1 extra month to make it better). On a bright side terminal changes are nice, it couldnt be worse than first version tho.
Now, for my settings:
No idea what program you use (i use vegas) but it will probably be
worded similar so:
Project properties:
resolution: 2048x1152
field order: none
frame rate: 60
pixel format: 8bit
full resolution rendering quality: best
Motion blur type: Gaussian
Deinterlace method: None
Rendering settings:
Mainconcept AVC/AAC (mp4)
Resolution: 2048x1152
Profile: high
frame rate: 60
Field order: None
Number of reference frames: 2
Use deblocking filter: yes (no idea if it helps with anything tho)
Constant bit rate: 50 000 000
On top of that i also add to the files:
Levels: computer RGB to sutdio RGB (which matters if you use shadowplay,
since it makes videos a bit dark)
Sharpen: 0,030 you can add more/less but i dont recommend adding more
since it adds artifacts around letters
And some color correction like brightness and contrast, HSL adjust, soft
contrast. You can set it how you like, you could also look for "crystal
clear HD" on youtube, which comes with a "preset". Dont remember in
which video i found it so you cant help you with that.
Also, dont forget to disable resampling (in vegas you just press right
mouse button on a file you want to change then properties then disable
resampling, no idea about other programs).
Christopher Evrard I thought hunter was good. Fills a different roll than the other snipers but still is useful. The bolt's hitboxes have a case of the huntsman where the hitboxes can blot out the sun. Also, it does 40 damage on body shot from hip and 80 at full charge. I think he is interesting enough and is leagues better than javelin. That's my opinion though.
Hi,what is the best weapon On Javelin Or what weapon you like more on Javelin?Thanks
At the moment i would say that shar-c is the best weapon she can use. BR16 and dreiss got some drastic nerfs 2 or so patches ago and while dreiss can still be strong it just doesnt work that well with javelin. Shar-c is kinda lacking as well compared to other assault rifles but its still solid.
Thanks You Very Much!
"Just Flawless".........
Do you use Anti Aliasing? Which one? Also would you mind letting me know if you use postprocessing and what your FOV, Gamma and Dpi/sense are? you know I've been subbed to you forever now
No antialiasing/postprocessing, 75fov, default gamma (2,2 was it?), 800dpi and 9 in game (was higher in the past).
damn that part at 0:17 to 0:21 is so damn lit and satisfying
So. Blishlock is still the best on fletcher? And if you need a shotgun hollunds? Also, what cards do you like for those two guns? I personaly like the h21 (However, with shotguns how they are, I don't use the hollunds It feels cheap because it 2 shots fragger and there is times where an aura tanks 3 or 4 shots because she was 4 metres away) second gen for the hollunds and then bl21 second gen or bl32 second gen.
Blishlok is the best exactly because of consistency, but shotguns feel better since the "rework". I would avoid ahnuhld, since it lack burst while not really having better effective range than hollunds. As for loadouts, i honestly dont remember at this point, but having quick draw or lock on is pretty important (and rest depends on personal preferences).
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks for the reply. I totaly agree. Shotguns are exelent when they works but it iss so rare for that to actualy happen. They can feel like crap to play with and against. To be honest, If rentable servers come out and you can ban weapons, I'm probably gunna ban shotguns because of that. However, there is bigger issues when it comes to consistancy *cough* explosives *cough* .
Hexa-Flexa OP do you play much any more? If you don't what turned you off the game? I can't wait to see more of your videos.
I dont play it at the moment but i still plan to give it another chance in the future. I mostly dont play it now because i am tired of old bugs, audio and network issues. To be fair, i still played over 1000h, i am probably quite tired of it even if it had no issues.
Right now i am waiting for DB 1.0 and see how it goes, hoping for the best expecting the worst :)
Hexa you are getting better with shotguns ❤️
trigza shitguns*
u r the best DB playre i ever seen
Thanks! There are some great players in DB so i am pretty sure you would find someone better ;p
I really respect the fact that you're not spamming space when using a shotgun. most people turn into bunnyhoping morons when they play fletcher.
Jumping in duels kinda works, but i just dont find it effective at killing groups so its kinda what inexperienced players tend to do.
I try wall jumping in 1v1s if I get surprised but I tend to get bad aim when I do it. It has saved my ass a lot of times though. I do agree that it's less effective with groups tho
Can you read my mind or something? I was wondering if you were going to upload a video of Fletcher.
Thank you!
Hey Hexa-Flexa, what are ur favourite loadouds for each class?
Would be super nice if u would answer.
Do u use a special config? Ur game looks different then mine and i also use everything and low.
The loadouts i use in videos are most of the time my favorite ones. I dont really remember the names so you need to forgive me for not naming them ;p.
As for config. I didint edit my config aside from changing fogdensity to 0 and having medium textures/characters and animations at high.
How can you change the colour of the names this way?
Documents > My Games > UnrealEngine3 > ShooterGame > Config
open shooterUI then look for:
m_PrimaryColor=(R=255,G=0,B=255,A=255) (where you change RGB settings to the color you would want)
you can do the same for allies in
Hexa-Flexa OP Thank you!
So I just have to replace the RBG?
Yea, you can use google to check RGB values. Just change the number after "=" to the one you like, just leave A at 255, it stands for transparency in game i think.
Hexa-Flexa OP Ok, thanks!
And I hope you will bring some more great vids like this one! I enjoy them really!
cool gameplay mate, one question though. I feel you are great in Dodge-ing enemy's bullet. How you do that? how do you move?
Well, its mostly experience. If you use shotguns for example you like to be next to the wall to abuse your high burst, when strafing you should change direction depending on the gun your enemy use (for example when someone is using low fire rate gun, like shotguns, you should change your direction few milliseconds before someone is going to shoot), in a duel when you are getting shot you should instantly change direction and not strafe in line etc. In general positioning and map knowledge is also very important, you should position yourself in a place where you have an advantage and feel comfortable.
Enemy team players are obviously worse at the game than i am, so thats a factor as well, since because of view kick then have even harder time when trying to hit me. In general dodging is something you should learn naturally, as long as you actually think about it.
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks for response mate. I wasn't expecting that detailed response. you got a organic subscriber. well, I'll try to learn few stuffs from your game play. Thanks again. 😁
pls do a gamplay on grandeur and fel-ix its so nerfed now
we need more videos......
that tryhard at the end to get the godlike :D
Hi there! Do you still play db, and if so could you make a vid on vassili? If you don't, could you tell me why you quit? Thanks.
I am not playing DB at the moment but i wouldnt say that i quit, yet. I am waiting for DB 1.0 and see how it goes, not expecting anything tho. As for why i am not playing, i just got tired of the game and lack of changes. Hunter turned out to be pretty terrible, it just made me so mad for no real reason and since then i didnt really play DB. Overall it feels like SD gave up, so if i dont like DB 1.0 then there is a pretty good chance that i wont be getting back.
Hexa-Flexa OP Ok, thanks for replying. At least it was good for quite a long while though. Hopefully 1.0 isn't terrible, because I don't want to have to wait db and rainbow six due to poor Dev decisions and in the case of rainbow, hackers.
why tf does that sparks not die with direct hit with the sticky?
unshakable augment.
I know you posted this somewhere and you probably are tired of hearin g this but i need to ask...
What is your sensitivity/dpi
Im trying to find the best sensitivity for me but i just cant either it feels too sensitive or not enough sensitive
800dpi and 7 in game. Worth nothing that shape and weight of your mouse does matter for this. I use g303 now but i used g502 and i needed higher sens there because its heavier.
Hexa-Flexa OP i use an old cooler master devastator keyboard + mouse setup
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks for the reply
Will these videos be consistent?
If you ask if i am going to push like 3 videos a week every week then no. I would want to make videos more often but there is simply too many factors on why i cant keep up with the content. If SD wont break anything and we get new weapons for old mercs i would probably be making videos more consistently, since i would have mercs to cover, but without new things i dont really feel like forcing myself.
oh ok still happy playing :)
I have a question, what merc do you "main" mine is nader, would like to see who's your
I dont really "main" anyone, but fragger is probably the closest to my merc of choice if i expect things to be hard.
Where are you it’s been 6 months
I am just not playing dirty bomb currently, or anything worth showing for that matter and there was no new games that peaked my interest so yea. I am thinking about how to make my channel more alive in situations like that but for now i am still on hiatus (i do plan on making DB related content before DB 1.0 tho, but no promises). In any case, sorry for the lack of activity :(.
do you consider about streaming
Possibly in the future but i dont see DB ever being popular so yea, probably different game.
What are your settings in-game
Everything seems low but weapon details remain great
Can I please know that btw , I keep everything at low and get a consistent 180fps so changing something wont matter a lot unless my fps drops below 144
I have everything at low/off aside from characters quality at medium and animations quality at high, as far as i remember.
Ok so you get more than 144 fps with that, great
At what hrz do you play?
Hexa-Flexa OP thanks i didnt thought u would rply.....
But i have a doubt
does playing on a 120/144hz moniter benefits you? Makes u a better player maybe or gives you better reaction times? I am confused actually im looking to buy a good moniter. 60/144hz which one should i choose?
I will always recommend going 120/144hz+ not because it makes you a better player but because its more fun to play on.
120hz+ wont make you a better player, but the better you get the more it helps. There is slightly less input lag, less ghosting, overall it just feels more fluid and consistent. Playing on 60hz might feel sluggish so i would say 120 and over hz can help with reaction time (you just register things faster).
If you play a lot of multiplayer fps game then yea, its worth it. I personally only used TN panels with 120hz, so i have no idea how good modern IPS 120hz+ monitors are but from what i seen its still visibly slower, as such i would aim for some 144hz TN panel monitor (not sure which one, my is rather old and i didnt really test new ones, i heard good things about LG 24GM77 tho). There are also 240hz monitors but i am not so sure if its worth the added cost (i will probably buy one in the future tho).
Hexa-Flexa OP thankyou so much brother for the advice..... Do you still play ? i would love to play with u sometimes and learn.... I will say "Hi"
Plz have a rply okay!! 😅😅
Not really playing at the moment but since DB 1.0 is coming i will probably jump in to play for a bit :)
nice one mate and indeed ahnuhld is missing something. needs to be fixed. also great video quality, could share your render settings?
No idea what program you use (i use vegas) but it will probably be worded similar so:
Project properties:
resolution: 2048x1152
field order: none
frame rate: 60
pixel format: 8bit
full resolution rendering quality: best
Motion blur type: Gaussian
Deinterlace method: None
Rendering settings:
Mainconcept AVC/AAC (mp4)
Resolution: 2048x1152
Profile: high
frame rate: 60
Field order: None
Number of reference frames: 2
Use deblocking filter: yes (no idea if it helps with anything tho)
Constant bit rate: 50 000 000
On top of that i also add to the files:
Levels: computer RGB to sutdio RGB (which matters if you use shadowplay, since it makes videos a bit dark)
Sharpen: 0,030 you can add more/less but i dont recommend adding more since it adds artifacts around letters
And some color correction like brightness and contrast, HSL adjust, soft contrast. You can set it how you like, you could also look for "crystal clear HD" on youtube, which comes with a "preset". Dont remember in which video i found it so you cant help you with that.
Also, dont forget to disable resampling (in vegas you just press right mouse button on a file you want to change then properties then disable resampling, no idea about other programs).
i use sony vegas also and i'm capturing with shadow play. thanks mate will give it a try! keep up!
bro pls teach me how to shoot like u
Sensitivity and dpi?
800dpi and 7 in game.
9:33 Lol what was that
Just passing by, dont mind me.
Hollunds so OP rn
do you play other fps games?
Not at the moment. Not that long ago i also played paladins but since OB64 i dropped it, probably permanently.
This is so good content, it is pretty boring that you quit
Love the video's but the beginning felt a bit busy
I can see how it could be jarring for some people. Intro clips were kinda lacking in my opinion so i wanted to speed it up a bit, since i just couldnt force myself to play ahn fletcher anymore to gather something better.
Hexa-Flexa OP i like cuts and all but it was a tiny bit messy. Love the gamrplay tho🤙🏻
How many times have people called you a hacker?
From time to time, not really that often. Happened a lot more in the past tho.
Hexa-Flexa OP Interesting. Do you happen to play Ranked? If so, what is your rank?
I only played when it was +50% ranked points event (not the current one, i dont have time for that at the moment), so i ended like something like 27w to 12l iirc, which gave me cobalt rank. I would reach elite but its honestly not worth my time(i only played enough to have enough for ranked fragger and 1 ranked case), also there is a lot of issues with premades and i honestly wish that SD will make it solo only next season.
what level you are
170 i think.
SonGoku same question
Im 65
SonGoku lol im 14
hey have you ever played ranked? Is it fun?
Yea, i did play it. Depends on what you want from the game it might be more fun but you can play it the same way as you play casual matches (at higher ranks that is). Problem with ranked is that before around gold III ranked isnt very different than casual, it just take longer to find a game and there is friendly fire, but the at higher ranks you are placed against solid players which change the way you can play (since actually most people on the team knows what they are doing). Also, premades are an issue (or rather, people that try to exploit it).
If you are looking for slightly harder games than ranked is good, but not now since its mostly dead now (i mean you will probably fine a game in eu but i have no idea in other regions). You should start playing early next ranked season so your que time isnt long and you will check it out for yourself. You could do 10 matches this season tho, so you can get "free" ranked points for getting your rank.
Hexa please what sens do you suggest me for 400 dpi???
My bloody eyes
What do you think of aiming down sights with the ahnuld?
Doesnt seems to change anything, at least when i tried it. They should just change it into slug shotgun and be done with it, at least then it would really be a medium range shotgun and not something that doesnt really have the range nor damage to be good.
Bruh, you still alive ?
Quake Champion is free this week and if you dl it right now it'll remain in your steam library, It would be good to see you on it :)
nice accuracy man
God your profile pic wasn't loading for a while so I thought that was the joke. I was disappointed to say the least.
Y u use shitgun on flutca my boi
for science.
Hexa-Flexa OP ok i forgiv 4 noww
Shorty noobbbb