While in Vietnam in '71, I ordered my stereo stuff from the PacEX catalogue and had it sent to my home back in the world. Sansui 5000X, Pioneer CS88 speakers, Sony TC-730 reel to reel tape recorder, Sansui 2050C turntable and Sony TC-127 cassette recorder. Still have it all, but the right channel is out on the 5000X and autoreverse no longer works on the reel to reel. The drive band on the turntable turned to goo somewhere along the line and sort of slumped into a puddle.
My daily receiver
It has served me for many years and still going strong 👌🏻
While in Vietnam in '71, I ordered my stereo stuff from the PacEX catalogue and had it sent to my home back in the world. Sansui 5000X, Pioneer CS88 speakers, Sony TC-730 reel to reel tape recorder, Sansui 2050C turntable and Sony TC-127 cassette recorder. Still have it all, but the right channel is out on the 5000X and autoreverse no longer works on the reel to reel. The drive band on the turntable turned to goo somewhere along the line and sort of slumped into a puddle.
Just i got one today from the fleet market I payed only $60 box work well
Just i got one today from the fleet market I payed only $60 box work well