Drill small holes through tubes at both ends to insert cotter pins to stop brass from falling out when transferring tubes. Pull pins when ready. Great videos Mr 45lc.
I suppose the covid 19 has caused a lot of problems world wide and your videos are really slowing down ,but I do like your videos. I've bee reloading for a very long time, but I'm not sit in my ways, your videos bring new to me techniques that save some time without me having to buy more equipment. I give my brass that were fired from an autoloader pistol a quick ride in my dry tumbler to get them clean a little bit ,because not all of my dies have a carbide rings in then. then I size and decap and they are ready to wet tumbled they are clean without the sizing lube. I've started this technique for all my brass prep. So that's a big thank you for your content. The app press is on the wish list , but not for awhile. Thank you for some new insight.
Do like Lee's single stage presses. Still use a well worn Lee Challenger press to do most of my depriming, some resizing and other work. Do most of my precision rifle reloading on a RCBS Summit press but the Lee APP looks like it would be a great starter press
Ahhhh, if one uses lube for sizing, and the lube coats the tubes, your cleaning rod idea ALSO can be used to clean the inside of the tubes. I'm sure you figured out by now, one just attaches the four-tube feeder directly on the APP - no need for "auxiliary holes in the bench" - feeding tubes individually. On wet tumbling, better late than never. I use the APP to deprime all the brass first - then wet tumble - then resize - then prime -- ready for reloading.
Ok here’s how to dry tumble and get shiny brass with no residue: In a squirt bottle mix 50/50 Nu Finish car polish/mineral spirits and squirt some onto your walnut/corn cob media in the vibratory tumbler. Rip a couple of 2 inch squares from a USED dryer sheet and throw them in. Run the tumbler as usual. The dryer sheets will collect dust and residue and the polish with mineral spirits will make the brass shiny and protect them from tarnishing. Nothing fancy, no nonsense, it just works.
brass prep is the monotonous but necessary part of the process, the APP makes quick work of it, and makes it fun too, I recently was gifted a APP, and I love it, decapp, size, flare and bullet sizing, this thing is awesome 👍 lil thin film of mineral oil on the surface the pusher rides on made it much smoother
MCK - I should do a follow up shout out video on all the ideas that have been coming in on this APP press...and great to hear from the MCK... the sign maker MCK..!! Best to ya, Mark..!! Steve
Why can't you mount the rotary 4-tube feeder onto the APP press as is? I use the same one for all my different brass from 9mm up to .45 colt on my Load Master. Give it a try and see what happens.
Roy Seifert - Just as ruiz212 posted - I have the 4 hole that does 9mm and 38 Super, works great...but I need to get the larger 45 ACP (and 308/30-06 size) adapter or even the whole 4 tuber for 45. Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
mike - This press has been around for a while - it looked cheap and flimsy to me with all the plastic parts and tiny rams. But now that I've used it to run some big brass containers from my deep reserves in 38 Super, 38 Special and 45 ACP - this APP can handle FL resizing without a problem - solid and light weight press - a Lee revolution in case prep... Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC I'm not sure why Lee says on the packaging for the X-press shellholders (the ones that come with the APP) that they're "do not use for sizing cases" and I've only had issues when sizing .45 Colt with the .45 Schofield holder where the smaller rim of the Colt didn't have enough contact and it sheared flats on the rim. Maybe with long rifle cases it becomes more of an issue? IDK.
Hmm. Just yesterday I was pondering about changing my brass cleaning method after 30 years of rolling my own. Was forming 257 Roberts from once fired 7x57 and grumbling about all the crud I had to wire brush out of the necks before the sizing processes.
Hello my friend ! I got that press from Lee last Friday, still in the box (didn't have much time these days), but it's good press so far from what I've heard ... Regards from Argentina.
When you use the Lee Collator for 9mm brass it work more relibably with a washer screwed to the center of the collator. A center drilled penny, held in with a sheet metal screw, works perfectly.
On the collator with 9mm sometimes they go upside down. With 45acp so far they always feed the bottom first. And you can use a collator with one tube. electric tape over 3 holes.
I really like the idea of the app press. I have the auto breech lock progressive and use it in a similar manner using just the single sizing/decapping die. I am also able to use the 4 tube collator with .45 acp, .380 acp, and .223 no modifications needed. If I only had a single stage or turret press, I would certainly consider the app press for the value.
I may just have to get one if these. It's not that I shoot hundreds at a time, but that I tend to process thousands at a time (isn't that what winter is for?).
After a few decades of vibrating brass, I converted to wet tumbling. I don't use the pins as they get into everything. I de-prim after cleaning to keep the lead dust out of my COPD lungs.
Nice video, what do you do with your water after you finish, down the drain? I let mine evaporate and have found tons of lead at the bottom once dried.
I use mine for bullet sizing and it works great. Will soon have my 3d printed bullet collator connected to the app press to feed it bullets and really size quickly.
Hey Mr Cookie Will the App press work with rifle brass say .223 - .308 or is there an adaptor for rifle brass etc , thanks for the video Mate I find wet tumbling much quicker and cleans the brighter , Steve from Australia
Check out the LEE website for info. Yes it will. That red slider has adapters for brass height, and adjust the feeder up/down. I've done 223 and 9mm through the feeder. One can take off the feed system and single load larger calibers, i.e., 30-06. I use mine to deprime with a LEE universal decapping die.
Steve Callaghan - Yes, echo what Yukon 454 posted - the APP will work with the rifle calibers. The 223 is a cinch even when doing FL resizing of the brass in the APP press - the shell holder for 223 and 308/45 is even provided with the press. I haven't done 308 yet, and probably never will as I simply don't need jugfulls of 308. But with the 223, yes on the jugfuls. The 308 may require more FL resizing force to overtax the APP. Oftentimes, I'm doing more precision reloading of the 308 anyway, so it all falls together quite nicely. The APP is at its best for volume shooting. Have a great day, Steve
The majority lead residue from primers can be kept away from your bench by wet tumbling first. You can then inspect each case before depriming. Then to get clean primer pockets wet tumble again. Tumblng does not require an operator so you can load cases at the same time. Staring with sized & deprimed brass opens up a position on a (4) die progressive or turret press. Oddly a Dillon 550 with a Lee Powder Measure in station 1 works great. You can prime, visually verify, drop powder, verify, and then rotate. Or you can put an M-die in station #1. This lets you bullet feed, M-die or powder check in station (2).
I use a load master, with a lee univ. depriming die in the 1st hole and a 45 die in the 3rd hole. The 45 die keeps the 5 hole die plate tight in the press. That's how I deprime 99% of my brass. And for wet tumbling I use turtle wax 1-step ( the same as you would use dawn) and lemi shine With out SS pins. If the brass is really bad I use pins.
A couple squirts of metal polish like White Diamond in Walnut shell media vastly improves the speed and efficiency of a dry tumbler, just be sure to mix it well before adding the cases or it will clump inside.
Bob Connor - I've seen videos where the waste water was just dumped on the ground (?!). We should dispose of it by dumping into the toilet as that water is treated before it goes back into the ocean. Another way would be to pour it into jugs to be taken to hazardous waste sites. Have a great day, Steve
Happens on occasion, but all you do in that instance is pull that case out and toss it back into the collater. Pretty rare for it to happen to anything with a rim and the bigger the case the less frequent it happens.
It is statistical and depends on the caliber, but it isn't a problem. You just take it off the track and put it back in the tubes. I probably guess I had zero in 223 but about one per hundred in 9mm. I also learned not to drop a handful right over the holes cause that can do it. If you drop them onto the flat part of that dish, you get far fewer.
@@freightshayker I keep a 650 tool head strictly to decap prior to wet tumbling. It eliminated fiddling with each case. I just dumped into the 650 case feed and pulled the handle as fast as the machine could feed, but that caused extra feeder and press cleaning chores. The APP has replaced that for the most part, and is far less cleaning than the 650.
For me to prime my brass it has to go through the resizing/decapping die anyways on my 4 stage press. That would of been nice when I was still using the single stage press though. Thanks for the great vids.
Les Sage - This APP press is another great innovation by Lee Precision. Many have not gone to it thinking it's flimsy and finicky, but no - it is simply a marvel... Have a great day, Steve
I actually use my Home made DIY case Feeder on my APP when I process my brass as well as when I reload with the Load master for 9mm. I find that Lee Collator to be more of a pain then it is worth.
Would like to see your case feeder. With 9mm I had to put a reducer in the Lee collector. Made the reducer from plex plastic water pipe. It worked great!
I have found that wet tumbling does not really need pins. Dawn, Lemi Shine, and very hot water gets me good enough for bulk rounds like 9mm. Not perfect, but good.
A small bush with a knurled screw in the side would hold the column of brass in place until you mount it on the press, that would save you cascading a whole tube of brass on the ground! The wet/SS pin tumbling is the only way to go, all the dust from cleaning is locked up in the water, so we no longer breath in the green dust when we empty, but we must empty the contaminated water down the waste drain, and not the kitchen sink.
You know you can install the 4 tube system directly to the APP press instead of going through the hustle of losing them and individually moving each tube. It makes fast work of the process.
@@FortuneCookie45LC FYI. YOUR videos truly inspired me to get into casting. Too bad your old videos have been shut down. Thanks to you I’ve already casted 9mm, 40 cal, and 38/357. I work part time in an indoor range in NJ where I get tons of free range scrap n brass.
Steve, greetings !! do you think that since your president banded Russian made ammo will that stop the importation of the special wads? Thanks for your help
I only dry tumble to remove bullet lube from rifle brass that has already been wet tumbled. I don't wanna vreath in that dirty dust from dry tumbling as the first step
@@FortuneCookie45LC Looks like folks have already 3D printed nose down bullet collators. I may have to get one of these. For bulk practice ammo I generally wet tumble with primers in place, as I only have one 1050 and setting it up to decap takes time, and I don’t like to run gritty cases through the press. Anyway, happy reloading!
FWIW I did get one of these, and I built a mount for a Dillon case feeder and printed some adapters for the feed tubes. It’s really a high speed way to decap cases before pin tumbling. Prevents getting primer residue on the progressive press, and prevents getting the occasional pin wedged between the flash hole and primer anvil.
Mainly because it's a horrible Idea. Sand its extremely abrasive. It gets crushed and embedded in brass Then it makes its way into your dies and ruins them. The steel pins and even chips people use don't get wore down or do they sharpen during the wet tumbling process so they do more polishing than eroding like sand would and does in rock tumblers.
MC - Funny, no one has even entertained the idea of using sand in our wet tumblers..Turns out that even our SS pins aren't always needed except for the really grundgy brass. I don't think I'm going to try sand though as it might not be the best to have sand stuck in the rubber lining of my Frankford Arsenal Rotary Tumbler. And besides, I have the SS pins to use anytime I need, they work in a proven manner. Best to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC I assum you would have to use very fine sand. Maybe similar to what is used in tooth paste or polish. Then you would need a sieve to wash the sand out of the brass and to keep it.
Why use the AP press when the Auto Breech Lock can do the same thing and so MUCH more?????????? The AP press seems like a “One Trick Pony”, I don’t get it?
because its only $90 for the deluxe kit and it's for processing brass and bullets. it's a different kind of press for a different use case would you drop $2K on a CH4D Rock Crusher just to reload a handful of hunting rounds? or try to reload 50 on a lee nutcracker?
I am a wealthy man that has a complete arsenal of everything that you could imagine. All of which, I am completely competent and versed with. All of these things that you teach is elementary in nature. Sorry it took you a lifetime to learn these things. I guess people are not made to be equal after all.
Yes, the first thing I do with my brass is throw it in the tumbler with primers. And lots of Dawn dish soap and hot tap water. Tumble 1/2 hour. Then rinse and tumble them around to get as much of the water out of the cases. Then throw them in the oven if I am in a hurry. Dump dry brass into a large zip lock bag. That I sprayed in the case lube first. Now I tumble the bag around in my hands to distribute the lube. Then dump it into the tray and let air for a bit. Now ready to process the shells. After process. Dump brass in a container with hot soapy water and stir them around to get the majority of the lube off. Then drain and dump in the wet tumbler with ss media and soap. The end result is that my tumbler does not start picking up that black coating that also clings to the brass. Yes, extra steps, but it is faster in the long run, and the brass looks great when done.
For a test, take your lubed brass that is processed. Take a clean container of just hot water. Now dump the brass in. Now watch the oil slick that shows up on the surface. Now, do you really want that in your tumbler when you are doing your final tumble?
As I stated pre-tumble. My water no longer looks that nasty after I do the final tumble. One other note. I don't know why we are taught to use so little dawn with the brass. It is not acidic and as far as I have found it does not hurt the brass. So when it is strong it cuts the oils and grime way better.
If you don't own the press. You really need to time how long it takes to do brass one at a time. For under $100 I can now use that extra time saved doing other tasks. And sizing brass is only one of the ways you can use the App press.
Drill small holes through tubes at both ends to insert cotter pins to stop brass from falling out when transferring tubes. Pull pins when ready. Great videos Mr 45lc.
You’re one heck of a salesman FC !
You can put a small piece of tape over three of the holes in the collator and just keep one hole open keep that one to full
G.I. Company - Great idea...I was using empty 45/70 cases in the holes to do the same thing, but tape is certainly easier...Have a great day, Steve
Fortune cookie, your videos are great. Good camera use, and great, clear explanations.
I suppose the covid 19 has caused a lot of problems world wide and your videos are really slowing down ,but I do like your videos. I've bee reloading for a very long time, but I'm not sit in my ways, your videos bring new to me techniques that save some time without me having to buy more equipment. I give my brass that were fired from an autoloader pistol a quick ride in my dry tumbler to get them clean a little bit ,because not all of my dies have a carbide rings in then. then I size and decap and they are ready to wet tumbled they are clean without the sizing lube. I've started this technique for all my brass prep. So that's a big thank you for your content. The app press is on the wish list , but not for awhile. Thank you for some new insight.
This is one of my presses. I use it to de-prime 5.56. Change it to the 4 tube set up, amazing!
Always good reviews, proof you don’t have to spend a fortune to get good results, I’ve used Lee for years without problems.
Do like Lee's single stage presses. Still use a well worn Lee Challenger press to do most of my depriming, some resizing and other work. Do most of my precision rifle reloading on a RCBS Summit press but the Lee APP looks like it would be a great starter press
Like it. Get the 4 tbe feeder on it. Your videos are always great.
Ahhhh, if one uses lube for sizing, and the lube coats the tubes, your cleaning rod idea ALSO can be used to clean the inside of the tubes. I'm sure you figured out by now, one just attaches the four-tube feeder directly on the APP - no need for "auxiliary holes in the bench" - feeding tubes individually. On wet tumbling, better late than never. I use the APP to deprime all the brass first - then wet tumble - then resize - then prime -- ready for reloading.
Ok here’s how to dry tumble and get shiny brass with no residue:
In a squirt bottle mix 50/50 Nu Finish car polish/mineral spirits and squirt some onto your walnut/corn cob media in the vibratory tumbler.
Rip a couple of 2 inch squares from a USED dryer sheet and throw them in.
Run the tumbler as usual.
The dryer sheets will collect dust and residue and the polish with mineral spirits will make the brass shiny and protect them from tarnishing.
Nothing fancy, no nonsense, it just works.
brass prep is the monotonous but necessary part of the process, the APP makes quick work of it, and makes it fun too, I recently was gifted a APP, and I love it, decapp, size, flare and bullet sizing, this thing is awesome 👍
lil thin film of mineral oil on the surface the pusher rides on made it much smoother
MCK - I should do a follow up shout out video on all the ideas that have been coming in on this APP press...and great to hear from the MCK... the sign maker MCK..!! Best to ya, Mark..!! Steve
Thanks for this video. I need to get one of these. By the way I love your Werner shelf. Smart.
Why can't you mount the rotary 4-tube feeder onto the APP press as is? I use the same one for all my different brass from 9mm up to .45 colt on my Load Master. Give it a try and see what happens.
The 4 tube feeders come in different sizes you must have the size that handles 45acp and thus can also handle the smaller diameter cases
Roy Seifert - Just as ruiz212 posted - I have the 4 hole that does 9mm and 38 Super, works great...but I need to get the larger 45 ACP (and 308/30-06 size) adapter or even the whole 4 tuber for 45. Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
Hmm, I guess my Lee Loadmaster presses came with the large case feeders. I was not aware there were 2 different sizes. Thanks.
Just got my app last week. Sitting down now trying to get this working. Thanks for the videos!
mike - This press has been around for a while - it looked cheap and flimsy to me with all the plastic parts and tiny rams. But now that I've used it to run some big brass containers from my deep reserves in 38 Super, 38 Special and 45 ACP - this APP can handle FL resizing without a problem - solid and light weight press - a Lee revolution in case prep... Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC I'm not sure why Lee says on the packaging for the X-press shellholders (the ones that come with the APP) that they're "do not use for sizing cases" and I've only had issues when sizing .45 Colt with the .45 Schofield holder where the smaller rim of the Colt didn't have enough contact and it sheared flats on the rim.
Maybe with long rifle cases it becomes more of an issue? IDK.
Hmm. Just yesterday I was pondering about changing my brass cleaning method after 30 years of rolling my own. Was forming 257 Roberts from once fired 7x57 and grumbling about all the crud I had to wire brush out of the necks before the sizing processes.
Hello my friend ! I got that press from Lee last Friday, still in the box (didn't have much time these days), but it's good press so far from what I've heard ... Regards from Argentina.
When you use the Lee Collator for 9mm brass it work more relibably with a washer screwed to the center of the collator. A center drilled penny, held in with a sheet metal screw, works perfectly.
wbbh - That's a great tip, for sure...thanks for posting this. And continued good reloadin' to ya, Steve
This press is also great for sizing cast, powdercoated bullets.
Love my Lee APP press.. Thanks for the great content! I would suggest the upgrade wood handle. I also added the Lee primer press as well.
On the collator with 9mm sometimes they go upside down. With 45acp so far they always feed the bottom first. And you can use a collator with one tube. electric tape over 3 holes.
Great videos as always! You may get a kick out of this, my wife recognizes your voice.
I really like the idea of the app press. I have the auto breech lock progressive and use it in a similar manner using just the single sizing/decapping die. I am also able to use the 4 tube collator with .45 acp, .380 acp, and .223 no modifications needed. If I only had a single stage or turret press, I would certainly consider the app press for the value.
Can't wait for the rest of my parts for my lee 6 pack pro to show up
thanks steve you always amaze me with every thing you cover sir thanks for sharing
I may just have to get one if these. It's not that I shoot hundreds at a time, but that I tend to process thousands at a time (isn't that what winter is for?).
After a few decades of vibrating brass, I converted to wet tumbling. I don't use the pins as they get into everything. I de-prim after cleaning to keep the lead dust out of my COPD lungs.
Nice video, what do you do with your water after you finish, down the drain? I let mine evaporate and have found tons of lead at the bottom once dried.
I've always thought Lee presses as toys made from plastic but for this application it works well.
I use mine for bullet sizing and it works great. Will soon have my 3d printed bullet collator connected to the app press to feed it bullets and really size quickly.
I want one
I'm going to have to get one of those Lee presses!
i got one of them for doing all kind of case prep had it for a year and it works great
Thanks for the one year assessment, Larry..!! This press is much more rugged than it looks...Have a great day, Steve
Hey Mr Cookie
Will the App press work with rifle brass say .223 - .308 or is there an adaptor for rifle brass etc , thanks for the video Mate I find wet tumbling much quicker and cleans the brighter , Steve from Australia
Check out the LEE website for info.
Yes it will. That red slider has adapters for brass height, and adjust the feeder up/down. I've done 223 and 9mm through the feeder. One can take off the feed system and single load larger calibers, i.e., 30-06. I use mine to deprime with a LEE universal decapping die.
Steve Callaghan - Yes, echo what Yukon 454 posted - the APP will work with the rifle calibers. The 223 is a cinch even when doing FL resizing of the brass in the APP press - the shell holder for 223 and 308/45 is even provided with the press. I haven't done 308 yet, and probably never will as I simply don't need jugfulls of 308. But with the 223, yes on the jugfuls. The 308 may require more FL resizing force to overtax the APP. Oftentimes, I'm doing more precision reloading of the 308 anyway, so it all falls together quite nicely. The APP is at its best for volume shooting. Have a great day, Steve
Steve - Hello to all the great Aussies..!! Best to ya, Steve
The majority lead residue from primers can be kept away from your bench by wet tumbling first. You can then inspect each case before depriming. Then to get clean primer pockets wet tumble again. Tumblng does not require an operator so you can load cases at the same time.
Staring with sized & deprimed brass opens up a position on a (4) die progressive or turret press. Oddly a Dillon 550 with a Lee Powder Measure in station 1 works great. You can prime, visually verify, drop powder, verify, and then rotate. Or you can put an M-die in station #1. This lets you bullet feed, M-die or powder check in station (2).
Carlos - Yes, you've already seen the advantages one level ahead...thanks for sharing from your expertise and experience...!! Have a great day, Steve
I use a load master, with a lee univ. depriming die in the 1st hole and a 45 die in the 3rd hole. The 45 die keeps the 5 hole die plate tight in the press. That's how I deprime 99% of my brass. And for wet tumbling I use turtle wax 1-step ( the same as you would use dawn) and lemi shine With out SS pins. If the brass is really bad I use pins.
JD - Thanks for sharing, JD, You've got your own version of the APP press. The Turtle Wax 1 step is intriguing. Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
A couple squirts of metal polish like White Diamond in Walnut shell media vastly improves the speed and efficiency of a dry tumbler, just be sure to mix it well before adding the cases or it will clump inside.
JB - Thanks for sharing your additive for dry tumbling...Continued good reloadin' to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC Thanks Steve and for all the great videos, I always learn something from you. Cheers!
How does one safely dispose of all that pukey water? We know it’s full of lead compounds from the primers that burned in it.
Bob Connor - I've seen videos where the waste water was just dumped on the ground (?!). We should dispose of it by dumping into the toilet as that water is treated before it goes back into the ocean. Another way would be to pour it into jugs to be taken to hazardous waste sites. Have a great day, Steve
Wow what a difference.
How often will a casing fall inverted thru the collater?
Happens on occasion, but all you do in that instance is pull that case out and toss it back into the collater. Pretty rare for it to happen to anything with a rim and the bigger the case the less frequent it happens.
It is statistical and depends on the caliber, but it isn't a problem. You just take it off the track and put it back in the tubes. I probably guess I had zero in 223 but about one per hundred in 9mm. I also learned not to drop a handful right over the holes cause that can do it. If you drop them onto the flat part of that dish, you get far fewer.
I think I'll have to check it out now
@@freightshayker I keep a 650 tool head strictly to decap prior to wet tumbling. It eliminated fiddling with each case. I just dumped into the 650 case feed and pulled the handle as fast as the machine could feed, but that caused extra feeder and press cleaning chores. The APP has replaced that for the most part, and is far less cleaning than the 650.
For me to prime my brass it has to go through the resizing/decapping die anyways on my 4 stage press. That would of been nice when I was still using the single stage press though. Thanks for the great vids.
remove the primer and a clean is better before load them if ist single or progressif
The brass looks grate good video
thanks for the great vidio sir i have been looking at getting an app press and this vidio just convinced me
Les Sage - This APP press is another great innovation by Lee Precision. Many have not gone to it thinking it's flimsy and finicky, but no - it is simply a marvel... Have a great day, Steve
I actually use my Home made DIY case Feeder on my APP when I process my brass as well as when I reload with the Load master for 9mm. I find that Lee Collator to be more of a pain then it is worth.
Would like to see your case feeder. With 9mm I had to put a reducer in the Lee collector. Made the reducer from plex plastic water pipe. It worked great!
Pull the tab on the one hole and 45 should fall through. That’s how mine is. I just have to mount it through the other side.
I have found that wet tumbling does not really need pins. Dawn, Lemi Shine, and very hot water gets me good enough for bulk rounds like 9mm. Not perfect, but good.
A small bush with a knurled screw in the side would hold the column of brass in place until you mount it on the press, that would save you cascading a whole tube of brass on the ground! The wet/SS pin tumbling is the only way to go, all the dust from cleaning is locked up in the water, so we no longer breath in the green dust when we empty, but we must empty the contaminated water down the waste drain, and not the kitchen sink.
Englishman French - Thanks for the tips, EF...and good reloadin' to ya, Steve
"we must empty the contaminated water down the waste drain, and not the kitchen sink."
what is a waste drain?
@@pacman10182 The waste drain is the one your toilet waste empties into.
@@453421abcdefg12345 that would be the same one my kitchen sink empties into
@@pacman10182 They should have different drain runs for toilet waste, and grey water.
Now that's some pretty clean brass....................
I'm guessing you use Dawn, Lemi Shine, softened water, and SS pins for wet tumbling?
Good job
You know you can install the 4 tube system directly to the APP press instead of going through the hustle of losing them and individually moving each tube. It makes fast work of the process.
A lot of reloaders, including myself, have the 4 tube feeder mounted on the press.
@@bibbyman2 me too. I already had the 4 tube system and mounted it as soon as I set the press up. Didn’t bother with the factory tube.
Kito66j1 - Yes to the 4 tube... I've already done a video on the 4 tube - works very well... Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC FYI. YOUR videos truly inspired me to get into casting. Too bad your old videos have been shut down. Thanks to you I’ve already casted 9mm, 40 cal, and 38/357. I work part time in an indoor range in NJ where I get tons of free range scrap n brass.
Steve, greetings !! do you think that since your president banded Russian made ammo will that stop the importation of the special wads? Thanks for your help
Pretty darn convincing.
Nice little press for the $
LA - Lee has really done it again..!! Thanks for posting, Steve
hello steve ,its a tool that a reloader can use very wel . peteralexben
I only dry tumble to remove bullet lube from rifle brass that has already been wet tumbled. I don't wanna vreath in that dirty dust from dry tumbling as the first step
RR - You know the problem with dry tumbling, for sure... Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
Put a dryer softener sheet in your dry tumbler.
I love that
That looks slick. I bet a person could adapt a Dillon case feeder, and come up with an auto drive…
Jeff in TD - Heretell that adapter is already available in 3D printing. Best to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC Looks like folks have already 3D printed nose down bullet collators.
I may have to get one of these. For bulk practice ammo I generally wet tumble with primers in place, as I only have one 1050 and setting it up to decap takes time, and I don’t like to run gritty cases through the press.
Anyway, happy reloading!
FWIW I did get one of these, and I built a mount for a Dillon case feeder and printed some adapters for the feed tubes. It’s really a high speed way to decap cases before pin tumbling.
Prevents getting primer residue on the progressive press, and prevents getting the occasional pin wedged between the flash hole and primer anvil.
We all have a wet tumbler in our house, make a towel into a pouch, close it and put it in the washing machine, dont tell your wife ;-)
happymark1805 - Hmmm, some kind of net bag should also work, especially for the bigger rifle cases --- Hmmm, for sure... Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
The zippered mesh bags that women put their bras in work well. Throw it in with a load of jeans.
You really don’t want to contaminate your clothing with the lead from your spent brass.
@@jungleno. these days they are all copper plated or fmj so no lead comes in contact with the brass
@@jungleno. there ain't no lead in spent brass. The primers are punched out before any kind of wet cleaning. It all goes out in the rinse water.
the APP really speeds up brass processing!
Dry tumbling is not only less efficient, but much messier in my opinion.
Curtis Long - I remember the dust clouds...always did that outdoors. But the wet tumbling sure shines.... Good reloadin' to ya, Steve
Why don't people use sand to tumble brass instead of steel? Sand seems to work in rock tumblers.
Mainly because it's a horrible Idea. Sand its extremely abrasive. It gets crushed and embedded in brass Then it makes its way into your dies and ruins them. The steel pins and even chips people use don't get wore down or do they sharpen during the wet tumbling process so they do more polishing than eroding like sand would and does in rock tumblers.
@@bryco32 Even if you use a very fine sand while wet tumbling?
MC - Funny, no one has even entertained the idea of using sand in our wet tumblers..Turns out that even our SS pins aren't always needed except for the really grundgy brass. I don't think I'm going to try sand though as it might not be the best to have sand stuck in the rubber lining of my Frankford Arsenal Rotary Tumbler. And besides, I have the SS pins to use anytime I need, they work in a proven manner. Best to ya, Steve
@@FortuneCookie45LC I assum you would have to use very fine sand. Maybe similar to what is used in tooth paste or polish. Then you would need a sieve to wash the sand out of the brass and to keep it.
Hey hey how’s it goin FC Steve
Todd - Always great hearing from ya, Todd...doin' well - thanks for asking... Best to ya, bro. - Steve
Why use the AP press when the Auto Breech Lock can do the same thing and so MUCH more?????????? The AP press seems like a “One Trick Pony”, I don’t get it?
because its only $90 for the deluxe kit and it's for processing brass and bullets. it's a different kind of press for a different use case
would you drop $2K on a CH4D Rock Crusher just to reload a handful of hunting rounds?
or try to reload 50 on a lee nutcracker?
@@pacman10182 RTFLMAO! The AP press is a “one trick pony”! Only a complete dolt would purchase that POS! LMAO! 🙈
@@58harwood trololol
yet here you are watching that "complete dolt"
@@pacman10182 uh……..LMAO……..I’m not watching anything! I received an email alert from TH-cam and am making a reply! Apparently you can’t read?
@@58harwood so you make some smart ass comment on a press you don't own, on a video you haven't watched
you aren't very bright, are you kid?
Wow, there's an AP for that!
GET OUT!!!! GTFO!!!! Bad joke!!!!!
Lol. Just kidding. Loved it!
Certaindeaf - Wow, thanks for the humorous comment..!! Steve
I have both dry and wet. Wet tumbling is far superior to dry. Anyone want to buy a dry tumbler?
jg - I use my old dry tumbler to powder coat my cast bullets when jug shaking won't get it done...Best to ya, Steve
fart extractor, eh?
I am a wealthy man that has a complete arsenal of everything that you could imagine. All of which, I am completely competent and versed with. All of these things that you teach is elementary in nature. Sorry it took you a lifetime to learn these things. I guess people are not made to be equal after all.
Yes, the first thing I do with my brass is throw it in the tumbler with primers. And lots of Dawn dish soap and hot tap water. Tumble 1/2 hour. Then rinse and tumble them around to get as much of the water out of the cases. Then throw them in the oven if I am in a hurry. Dump dry brass into a large zip lock bag. That I sprayed in the case lube first. Now I tumble the bag around in my hands to distribute the lube. Then dump it into the tray and let air for a bit. Now ready to process the shells. After process. Dump brass in a container with hot soapy water and stir them around to get the majority of the lube off. Then drain and dump in the wet tumbler with ss media and soap. The end result is that my tumbler does not start picking up that black coating that also clings to the brass. Yes, extra steps, but it is faster in the long run, and the brass looks great when done.
For a test, take your lubed brass that is processed. Take a clean container of just hot water. Now dump the brass in. Now watch the oil slick that shows up on the surface. Now, do you really want that in your tumbler when you are doing your final tumble?
As I stated pre-tumble. My water no longer looks that nasty after I do the final tumble. One other note. I don't know why we are taught to use so little dawn with the brass. It is not acidic and as far as I have found it does not hurt the brass. So when it is strong it cuts the oils and grime way better.
If you don't own the press. You really need to time how long it takes to do brass one at a time. For under $100 I can now use that extra time saved doing other tasks. And sizing brass is only one of the ways you can use the App press.