Please support Christian authors. This book will inspire you and your family more to read the Holy Bible. HOPE PURPOSE SALVATION _ available on Amazon now, click on link below:
WELL HERE WE GO SO OF COURSE SATAN OWNS THIS WORLD AND OF COURSE THIS WORLD IS SATAN'S WORLD AND HE DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED THIS WORLD..... I CAN PROVE IT TO YOU BUT YOU'RE SO HIGH UP IN YOUR OWN SELF THAT YOU'LL NEVER LOOK OVER TO SEE ANY TRUTHS.... Mat 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; Mat 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Satan says it right here all power authority has been given to him these are his things to give this world is his.....
I fell into a pornography hole in the 7th grade, I’m 33 now. I thought I was never going to get out…I hated it so much. I’ve accepted Jesus Christ in my heart and I am healed. The faith is true in me.
Yep he is your creator and can make any change if in his will and your will to change, God bless you on your path, so beautiful to hear your testimony. Jesus Christ is the only king all glory to his name.
Welcome back, Bishop! I'm very glad to see you and hear you preaching again. You have brought me closer to the Almighty. Thank you so much for your passionate sermons. ❤️ ❤❤❤
I pray everyday, but I don’t know what church is preaching the TRUE word of God! I listen to you because I feel you are a true leader of the church. ❤️
I pray for the repentance, conversion and salvation of all sinners. God Almighty wants all His children to come to Him and does not want to see anyone soul perish. Amen.
You are a TRUE teacher of the word! I am a horrible sinner & trying to turn my life around. PLEASE pray for me & all people of the universe! This world is SO sick & in need of God the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit! I love you & all and hope that you have a supernatural recovery!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
You only get one chance people. Confess your sins, repent and Accept Jesus now! There is no limbo, no purgatory! Either you go to eternity in heaven or hell! God bless you Bishop you speak so powerfully and biblically. Jesus said ‘ I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me’ !
Watching You Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel From The Great Lake State Of Michigan USA! I Have Never Heard Such Powerful And Blessed Sermon's In My 70 Year's Of Life As Your's!!! Blessings On You My Dear Bishop And Your Family Too! Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐📛🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥🤰🤱🧬🤰🤱✨👑✨🦁🦁🦁❣️❣️❣️😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️
Accept JESUS NOW there is NO second chance and what I've found exciting is once I accepted JESUS he changed things in me i didn't know needed changing. THANK YOU JESUS. Peace and GOD BLESS YOU FROM SAGINAW MICHIGAN DONTOONS
Amen your Grace, so true, you speak the truth, satan is a lyre and a deceiver, as he had the check to tempt Jesus in the 40 day lenten period, amen your Grace you speak what is written in the book of truth, there are five volumes, I encourage to read my fellow Christian’s , as his Grace has spoken, there is only one God with his son, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, triune God, amen 🙏
The most important thing in this life is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, for your soul to enter heaven. Our purpose life is to glorify God in everything we do. That is living the Christian life that is pleasing to God. Read the Holy Bible(KJV) to know God more. KJV John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Gospel of Salvation 1Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures...
If we possess everything of this world,we become detached from the king of kings,the lord of lords.Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.Say it like it is Mar Mari.❤
And brought them out, and said, Sir's, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16 : 30,31.
We are listening from Buffalo, Ny, USA. We are so happy to see him back! We love and respect Bishop Mar Mari so much.❤ It is wonderful to hear the truth preached with passion, boldness and love. Always bringing everything back to Jesus!
We have a weekly "Alpha" course in my village for men only, all denominations and even pagans are accepted... but we come together to learn and talk about Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.❤
Almighty God has the final say. He gives man till his last breath to decide whether to accept his gift of salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. After that, man's fate is sealed forever. There is no purgatory. It is either heaven or hell. The Lord Jesus spoke how the rich man begged for a drop of water to cool his tongue in hell. That is the truth however harsh.
America has become a Godless country,... The Bishop is rite , it's my prayer that Americans will be saved . All of them . I know this won't happen but I still hope
Lasciviousness is not freedom. Enablement is not love. Love is not a warm fuzzy emotion. It is self sacrifice, at cost to self, in the name of the other's benefit.
All things of the world are not a the meek will inherit the earth...God taught that...he was not offering poison to them.God made all things, the world as well and He called it Good. the works of Satan are evil but not that which is of God for us.
I know this, because I have seen Heaven and Hell. Absolutely no sin in Heaven. And no good in hell. All your choices are made while you are alive on earth.
If you decide you would like to go to heaven when you die. You better start living like it. Except Christ Jesus as your Savior and repent of your sins. As to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Please do not wait. That chance is right now. After death, the fate of a person is sealed. Accept and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior now. Today is the day of salvation. KJV John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Gospel of Salvation KJV 1Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures...
The salvation is here now to receive it when we are still alive. John3:3"Jesus answered and said to him,"Most assuredly,I say to you,unless is one born again,he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Luuka evangeelium 24:Jeesus ilmub üheteistkümnele jüngrile 36 Aga kui nad seda kõike rääkisid, seisis Jeesus ise nende keskel ja ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teile!” 37 Aga nemad kohkusid ja lõid kartma, arvates end vaimu nägevat. 38 Ent tema ütles neile: „Miks te olete nii kohkunud ja miks sellised kahtlused tõusevad teie südames? 39 Vaadake mu käsi ja mu jalgu, et see olen mina ise! Puudutage mind kätega ja vaadake, sest vaimul ei ole ju liha ega luid, nõnda nagu te minul näete olevat!” 40 Ja seda öeldes näitas Jeesus neile oma käsi ja jalgu. 41 Aga kui nad rõõmu pärast ikka veel ei uskunud ja imestasid, ütles ta neile: „Kas teil on siin mingit söögipoolist?” 42 Nemad panid ta ette tüki küpsetatud kala, 43 ja Jeesus võttis ja sõi nende silma all. Johannese evangeelium 14:Jeesus julgustab jüngreid 1 Teie süda ärgu ehmugu! Uskuge Jumalasse ja uskuge minusse! 2 Minu Isa majas on palju eluasemeid. Kui see nõnda ei oleks, kas ma siis oleksin teile öelnud, et ma lähen teile aset valmistama? 3 Ja kui ma olen läinud ja teile aseme valmistanud, tulen ma jälle tagasi ja võtan teid kaasa enese juurde, et teiegi oleksite seal, kus olen mina. 4 Ja kuhu ma lähen, sinna te teate teed.” 5 Toomas ütles talle: „Issand, me ei tea, kuhu sa lähed, kuidas me siis võime teada teed?” 6 Jeesus ütles talle: „Mina olen tee ja tõde ja elu. Ükski ei saa minna Isa juurde muidu kui minu kaudu. 7 Kui te oleksite tundnud mind, siis te tunneksite ka mu Isa. Nüüd te tunnete teda ja olete teda näinud.” 11 Uskuge mind, et mina olen Isas ja Isa on minus. Kui te ei usu muu pärast, siis uskuge mu tegude tõttu. Apostlite teod 20:28 Seepärast pange tähele iseennast ja kogu karja, kelle ülevaatajaks Püha Vaim on teid pannud, et te karjastena hoiaksite Jumala kogudust, mille ta on saanud iseenese vere läbi. Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 15:3 Ma olen teile ju kõigepealt edasi andnud seda, mida ma ka ise olen vastu võtnud: et Kristus suri meie pattude eest, nagu on kirjutatud pühades kirjades, 4 ja et ta maeti maha ja äratati kolmandal päeval üles pühade kirjade järgi 5 ja et ta näitas ennast Keefasele, seejärel neile kaheteistkümnele, 6 seejärel näitas ta ennast ühtaegu enam kui viiesajale vennale, kellest enamik on veel praegugi elus, mõned aga on läinud magama; 7 siis näitas ta ennast Jaakobusele, seejärel kõigile apostlitele. 8 Aga kõige viimaks näitas ta ennast ka minule kui äbarikule. Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 4:4 Aga kui aeg sai täis, läkitas Jumal oma Poja, kes sündis naisest, sündis Seaduse alla, 5 lahti ostma seadusealuseid, et me saaksime pojaseisuse. 6 Et te olete aga pojad, siis on Jumal läkitanud teie südamesse oma Poja Vaimu, kes hüüab: „Abba! Isa!” 7 Nõnda ei ole sa enam ori, vaid poeg, aga kui sa oled poeg, siis sa oled ka pärija Jumala kaudu. Pauluse kiri filiplastele 2:Hümn Kristusele 5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses:
6 kes, olles Jumala kuju, ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne, 7 vaid loobus iseenese olust, võttes orja kuju, saades inimese sarnaseks; ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena. 8 Ta alandas iseennast, saades kuulekaks surmani, pealegi ristisurmani. 9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest ja annetanud talle selle nime, mis on üle iga nime, 10 et Jeesuse nimes nõtkuks iga põlv nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all, 11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks: Jeesus Kristus on Issand - Jumala Isa kirkuseks. Pauluse esimene kiri Timoteosele 3:16 Tunnistatavalt suur on jumalakartuse saladus: Jumal on avalikuks saanud lihas, õigeks tunnistatud vaimus, nähtav olnud inglitele, kuulutatud paganatele, usutud maailmas, võetud üles kirkusesse. Kiri heebrealastele 13:8 Jeesus Kristus on seesama eile ja täna ja igavesti! Pauluse kiri Tiitusele 2:11 Jah, Jumala arm on ilmunud päästvana kõigile inimestele 12 ja kasvatab meid, et me, öeldes lahti jumalakartmatusest ja ilmalikest himudest, elaksime praegusel ajal mõõdukalt ja õiglaselt ja jumalakartlikult, 13 oodates õndsa lootuse täitumist ning suure Jumala ja meie Päästja Jeesuse Kristuse kirkuse ilmumist. 14 Tema on loovutanud iseenda meie eest, et meid lunastada kõigest ülekohtust ja puhastada endale pärisrahvaks, innukaks headele tegudele. Peetruse esimene kiri 1:14 Nii nagu kuulekad lapsed ärge ka teie kohanege oma kunagise teadmatuseaja himudega, 15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma käitumisega, nii nagu on püha see, kes teid on kutsunud; 16 sest kirjutatud on: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!” 17 Kui te hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab erapooletult kohut igaühe tegude järgi, siis elage kartuses oma majalisepõlv, teades, et 18 teid pole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esiisadelt päritud eluviisist, 19 vaid Kristuse kui laitmatu ja puhta Talle kalli verega. 20 Tema oli selleks ette määratud küll enne maailma rajamist, aga aegade lõpul on saanud avalikuks teie pärast, 21 kes te tema läbi olete ustavad Jumalale, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, nii et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas. Johannese esimene kiri 4:2 Te tunnete Jumala Vaimu sellest: iga vaim, kes tunnistab Jeesust Kristust lihasse tulnuna, see on Jumalast, 3 ning ükski vaim, kes seda Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast, vaid see on antikristuse oma, kellest te olete kuulnud, et ta tuleb, ja nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas. Johannese ilmutus 1: Temale, kes meid armastab ning on meid lunastanud meie pattudest oma verega 6 ning kes meid on teinud kuningriigiks, preestreiks Jumalale ja oma Isale - temale olgu kirkus ja võimus igavesest ajast igavesti! Aamen.
7 Ennäe, ta tuleb pilvedega ja iga silm saab teda näha, ka need, kes tema on läbi torganud, ning kõik maa suguharud halisevad tema pärast. Jah, aamen.
8 „Mina olen A ja O,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „kes on ja kes oli ja kes tuleb, Kõigeväeline.” 17 Kui ma teda nägin, langesin ma tema jalge ette nagu surnu. Ning tema pani oma parema käe mu peale ja ütles: „Ära karda! Mina olen Esimene ja Viimne 18 ja Elav. Ma olin surnud, ning ennäe, ma elan igavesest ajast igavesti ning minu käes on surma ja surmavalla võtmed. 19 Kirjuta siis, mida sa oled näinud ja mis on ning mis sünnib pärast seda! Johannese ilmutus 19:12 Tema silmad olid nagu tuleleek ning ta peas oli palju peaehteid. Neile oli kirjutatud nimi, mida ei tea keegi muu kui tema ise. 13 Ja tal oli üll verre kastetud kuub ning oli nimetatud tema nimi - Jumala Sõna.
True Freedom is freedom with discipline. You are free to do whatever you want, but you must have discernment to know what is pleasing to the Lord and what isn't. You must be disciplined to know. No discipline does not mean pure freedom: it means enslavement. Discipline is used for Freedom. Yeah, the First Amendment gives you freedom of speech, but that also, in turn, means you can get punched in the face for saying something disrespectful. So don't abuse your Freedom of Speech. Yes, the Second Amendment (If you haven't caught on, I am an American Christian, much love from the Rockies) gives you the right to bear arms, but it does not give you the freedom to shoot up a school or a mall. It just means you can own whatever gun you want, as long as you know what you are doing, such as knowing your gun, and knowing the 4 Rules of Gun Ownership.
Yes there are many different id eas of the right... different ideas of what the teachings of Christ are...supposed to be that way to fulfill do u know who sees, and who the hand of God himself keeps from seeing , that His will comes to pass, think Him whose hand it is...He will then destroy...there is much you only see in part...God knows your heart...and the whole picture...try to fathom that...ref new touching topic the election of God.
I was one of the last "ferry men" to take a human body. We used to smuggle souls back to the Living, ect. I'm here. Right? I'm not helping you escape anymore get your shit together.
The Lord Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Satan comes like a roaring lion searching for easy prey. He always copies the Lord Jesus. This why we must be watchful always , strengthened through prayers and reading his words, the Holy Bible(KJV).
You already changed your body (reincarnated) from childhood to puberty and to maturity... your body have changed but you are Still the same! That's how it will be at the time of death! You will accept another body... via the the subtle mind... Was not Jesus who answered:"We know of the existence of the wind because it moved the leaves, but we do not know where it comes from and where it goes", in direct reference to that question? Its simple for the honest, complicated for the crooked!
Habbucuk 2:15 you donot want me to talk about GOD, you tell me to shut up. Well your son followed your drinking, pulling that gun out of his back pocket, it went off and he died.
“Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory
@@watchthinkThe book of Revelation is clear enough. The woman cloaked in the Sun gives birth to a child who is whisked off to Heaven. The process is thus given, and is the birth of the Soul.
Please support Christian authors. This book will inspire you and your family more to read the Holy Bible.
HOPE PURPOSE SALVATION _ available on Amazon now, click on link below:
Mat 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
Mat 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Satan says it right here all power authority has been given to him these are his things to give this world is his.....
Bishop continue to preach the bitter truth to all nations
He's correct.
May God have mercy on us all poor sinners. We need our souls to be cleaned up by his Precious Blood.
I fell into a pornography hole in the 7th grade, I’m 33 now. I thought I was never going to get out…I hated it so much. I’ve accepted Jesus Christ in my heart and I am healed. The faith is true in me.
Yep he is your creator and can make any change if in his will and your will to change, God bless you on your path, so beautiful to hear your testimony. Jesus Christ is the only king all glory to his name.
Welcome back, Bishop! I'm very glad to see you and hear you preaching again. You have brought me closer to the Almighty. Thank you so much for your passionate sermons. ❤️ ❤❤❤
I pray everyday, but I don’t know what church is preaching the TRUE word of God! I listen to you because I feel you are a true leader of the church. ❤️
He is, you pray to Jesus in any Church, your relation is directly with Jesus, doesn't matter which Church, listen to him, God bless
Yes this bishop is a diamond. There's a reason why do many people around the world like him and listen to him. Because he speaks only truth
Welcome back great man of God..... From Russia we love you.. may the joy of the Lord God be your strength always
I pray for the repentance, conversion and salvation of all sinners. God Almighty wants all His children to come to Him and does not want to see anyone soul perish. Amen.
I dont care about this world, i only want my precious Jesus Christ that is it.
You are a TRUE teacher of the word! I am a horrible sinner & trying to turn my life around. PLEASE pray for me & all people of the universe! This world is SO sick & in need of God the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit! I love you & all and hope that you have a supernatural recovery!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
You only get one chance people. Confess your sins, repent and Accept Jesus now! There is no limbo, no purgatory! Either you go to eternity in heaven or hell! God bless you Bishop you speak so powerfully and biblically. Jesus said ‘ I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me’ !
Watching You Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel From The Great Lake State Of Michigan USA! I Have Never Heard Such Powerful And Blessed Sermon's In My 70 Year's Of Life As Your's!!! Blessings On You My Dear Bishop And Your Family Too! Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐📛🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥🤰🤱🧬🤰🤱✨👑✨🦁🦁🦁❣️❣️❣️😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️
He is truly amazing isn't he, one of a kind.
Marshall Michigan here, yes he's amazing..
Grand Rapids, MI and non-denominational evangelical - this man has been really gifted by the Lord as Botha teacher and encourager. Praise be to God!
I'm down in Florida but I was born and raised up there by traverse City I was just thinking about sending this to my cousin now it's confirmed
Accept JESUS NOW there is NO second chance and what I've found exciting is once I accepted JESUS he changed things in me i didn't know needed changing. THANK YOU JESUS. Peace and GOD BLESS YOU FROM SAGINAW MICHIGAN DONTOONS
I’m attracted to this preaching n preacher
This man is telling you the TRUTH. The TRUTH will ALWAYS set you FREE. AMEN!
God bless you bishop Mar Mari
God richly richly bless you bishop
Amen your Grace, so true, you speak the truth, satan is a lyre and a deceiver, as he had the check to tempt Jesus in the 40 day lenten period, amen your Grace you speak what is written in the book of truth, there are five volumes, I encourage to read my fellow Christian’s , as his Grace has spoken, there is only one God with his son, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, triune God, amen 🙏
I’m afraid I don’t believe the right thing. This man I’m willing to listen too.
The most important thing in this life is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, for your soul to enter heaven.
Our purpose life is to glorify God in everything we do. That is living the Christian life that is pleasing to God. Read the Holy Bible(KJV) to know God more.
KJV John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Gospel of Salvation
1Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures...
If we possess everything of this world,we become detached from the king of kings,the lord of lords.Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.Say it like it is Mar Mari.❤
And brought them out, and said, Sir's, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16 : 30,31.
Help us dear lord
Watching from the Thumb of Michigan! God Bless
Peace and GOD BLESS YOU my friend in the thumb from Saginaw Michigan Dontoons.
Watching from Toronto Ontario. Love you 😂
We are listening from Buffalo, Ny, USA. We are so happy to see him back! We love and respect Bishop Mar Mari so much.❤ It is wonderful to hear the truth preached with passion, boldness and love. Always bringing everything back to Jesus!
Shalom 👋
We have a weekly "Alpha" course in my village for men only, all denominations and even pagans are accepted... but we come together to learn and talk about Jesus Christ Of Nazareth.❤
Amme Parisudha Amme kindly provide Grace for repentance in our family members Amma we all are sinners Amma
Praise God🙏
Best advice bishop Mari people should not attached on worldly things focus on truth jesus
Thanks very much keep up with your lovely comments about God and Jesus Christ !!! God bless you long life and healthy ❤❤❤
I Love you so much Bishop and am glad to see you back♥️
-With All Due Respect, I Believe the Cross has the Final Say in All Matters😇
Almighty God has the final say. He gives man till his last breath to decide whether to accept his gift of salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. After that, man's fate is sealed forever. There is no purgatory. It is either heaven or hell. The Lord Jesus spoke how the rich man begged for a drop of water to cool his tongue in hell. That is the truth however harsh.
America has become a Godless country,... The Bishop is rite , it's my prayer that Americans will be saved . All of them . I know this won't happen but I still hope
Lasciviousness is not freedom. Enablement is not love. Love is not a warm fuzzy emotion. It is self sacrifice, at cost to self, in the name of the other's benefit.
I think I was born in the wrong time cannot wait to go home get out of this he'll on earth"
In the end grave is the destiny worldly things remain on earth n truth Jesus will destined into eternity you believe n keep faith
All things of the world are not a the meek will inherit the earth...God taught that...he was not offering poison to them.God made all things, the world as well and He called it Good. the works of Satan are evil but not that which is of God for us.
I know this, because I have seen Heaven and Hell. Absolutely no sin in Heaven. And no good in hell.
All your choices are made while you are alive on earth.
If you decide you would like to go to heaven when you die. You better start living like it. Except Christ Jesus as your Savior and repent of your sins. As to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
we will have a chance to beg when that time comes😶 the real name of god is (i am Salvation)!
Read Noah’s story friend
Please do not wait. That chance is right now. After death, the fate of a person is sealed. Accept and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior now. Today is the day of salvation.
KJV John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Gospel of Salvation
KJV 1Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
1Co 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures...
The salvation is here now to receive it when we are still alive.
John3:3"Jesus answered and said to him,"Most assuredly,I say to you,unless is one born again,he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Don't put ads in the middle.
Luuka evangeelium 24:Jeesus ilmub üheteistkümnele jüngrile
36 Aga kui nad seda kõike rääkisid, seisis Jeesus ise nende keskel
ja ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teile!”
37 Aga nemad kohkusid ja lõid kartma, arvates end vaimu nägevat.
38 Ent tema ütles neile: „Miks te olete nii kohkunud ja miks
sellised kahtlused tõusevad teie südames?
39 Vaadake mu käsi ja mu jalgu, et see olen mina ise!
Puudutage mind kätega ja vaadake, sest vaimul ei ole ju liha ega luid,
nõnda nagu te minul näete olevat!”
40 Ja seda öeldes näitas Jeesus neile oma käsi ja jalgu.
41 Aga kui nad rõõmu pärast ikka veel ei uskunud ja imestasid,
ütles ta neile: „Kas teil on siin mingit söögipoolist?”
42 Nemad panid ta ette tüki küpsetatud kala,
43 ja Jeesus võttis ja sõi nende silma all.
Johannese evangeelium 14:Jeesus julgustab jüngreid
1 Teie süda ärgu ehmugu! Uskuge Jumalasse ja uskuge minusse!
2 Minu Isa majas on palju eluasemeid. Kui see nõnda ei oleks, kas ma siis
oleksin teile öelnud, et ma lähen teile aset valmistama?
3 Ja kui ma olen läinud ja teile aseme valmistanud, tulen ma jälle
tagasi ja võtan teid kaasa enese juurde, et teiegi oleksite seal, kus
olen mina.
4 Ja kuhu ma lähen, sinna te teate teed.”
5 Toomas ütles talle: „Issand, me ei tea, kuhu sa lähed, kuidas me
siis võime teada teed?”
6 Jeesus ütles talle: „Mina olen tee ja tõde ja elu. Ükski ei saa
minna Isa juurde muidu kui minu kaudu.
7 Kui te oleksite tundnud mind, siis te tunneksite ka mu Isa. Nüüd te
tunnete teda ja olete teda näinud.” 11 Uskuge mind, et mina olen Isas ja Isa on minus. Kui te ei usu
muu pärast, siis uskuge mu tegude tõttu.
Apostlite teod 20:28 Seepärast pange tähele iseennast ja kogu karja, kelle
ülevaatajaks Püha Vaim on teid pannud, et te karjastena hoiaksite Jumala
kogudust, mille ta on saanud iseenese vere läbi.
Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 15:3 Ma olen teile ju kõigepealt edasi andnud seda, mida ma ka
ise olen vastu võtnud: et Kristus suri meie pattude eest, nagu on
kirjutatud pühades kirjades,
4 ja et ta maeti maha ja äratati kolmandal päeval üles
pühade kirjade järgi
5 ja et ta näitas ennast Keefasele, seejärel neile
6 seejärel näitas ta ennast ühtaegu enam kui viiesajale vennale,
kellest enamik on veel praegugi elus, mõned aga on
läinud magama;
7 siis näitas ta ennast Jaakobusele, seejärel kõigile
8 Aga kõige viimaks näitas ta ennast ka minule kui äbarikule.
Pauluse kiri galaatlastele 4:4 Aga kui aeg sai täis, läkitas Jumal oma Poja, kes sündis naisest,
sündis Seaduse alla,
5 lahti ostma seadusealuseid, et me saaksime pojaseisuse.
6 Et te olete aga pojad, siis on Jumal läkitanud teie südamesse
oma Poja Vaimu, kes hüüab: „Abba! Isa!”
7 Nõnda ei ole sa enam ori, vaid poeg, aga kui sa oled poeg,
siis sa oled ka pärija Jumala kaudu.
Pauluse kiri filiplastele 2:Hümn Kristusele
5 Mõtelge iseenestes sedasama, mida Kristuses Jeesuses:
6 kes, olles Jumala kuju,
ei arvanud osaks olla Jumalaga võrdne,
7 vaid loobus iseenese olust,
võttes orja kuju,
saades inimese sarnaseks;
ja ta leiti välimuselt inimesena.
8 Ta alandas iseennast,
saades kuulekaks surmani,
pealegi ristisurmani.
9 Seepärast on Jumal tõstnud ta kõrgemaks kõrgest
ja annetanud talle selle nime,
mis on üle iga nime,
10 et Jeesuse nimes
nõtkuks iga põlv
nii taevas kui maa peal kui maa all,
11 ja et iga keel tunnistaks:
Jeesus Kristus on Issand -
Jumala Isa kirkuseks.
Pauluse esimene kiri Timoteosele 3:16 Tunnistatavalt suur on jumalakartuse saladus:
Jumal on avalikuks saanud lihas,
õigeks tunnistatud vaimus,
nähtav olnud inglitele,
kuulutatud paganatele,
usutud maailmas,
võetud üles kirkusesse.
Kiri heebrealastele 13:8 Jeesus Kristus on seesama eile ja täna ja igavesti!
Pauluse kiri Tiitusele 2:11 Jah, Jumala arm on ilmunud päästvana kõigile inimestele
12 ja kasvatab meid, et me, öeldes lahti jumalakartmatusest ja
ilmalikest himudest, elaksime praegusel ajal mõõdukalt ja
õiglaselt ja jumalakartlikult,
13 oodates õndsa lootuse täitumist ning suure Jumala ja meie
Päästja Jeesuse Kristuse kirkuse ilmumist.
14 Tema on loovutanud iseenda meie eest, et meid lunastada kõigest
ülekohtust ja puhastada endale pärisrahvaks, innukaks headele tegudele.
Peetruse esimene kiri 1:14 Nii nagu kuulekad lapsed ärge ka teie kohanege oma kunagise teadmatuseaja himudega,
15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma käitumisega, nii nagu on püha see, kes teid on kutsunud;
16 sest kirjutatud on: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!”
17 Kui te hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab erapooletult kohut igaühe tegude järgi, siis elage kartuses oma majalisepõlv, teades, et
18 teid pole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esiisadelt päritud eluviisist,
19 vaid Kristuse kui laitmatu ja puhta Talle kalli verega.
20 Tema oli selleks ette määratud küll enne maailma rajamist, aga aegade lõpul on saanud avalikuks teie pärast,
21 kes te tema läbi olete ustavad Jumalale, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, nii et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas.
Johannese esimene kiri 4:2 Te tunnete Jumala Vaimu sellest: iga vaim, kes tunnistab Jeesust
Kristust lihasse tulnuna, see on Jumalast,
3 ning ükski vaim, kes seda Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast,
vaid see on antikristuse oma, kellest te olete kuulnud, et ta
tuleb, ja nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas.
Johannese ilmutus 1: Temale, kes meid
armastab ning on meid lunastanud meie pattudest oma verega
6 ning kes meid on teinud kuningriigiks, preestreiks Jumalale
ja oma Isale - temale olgu kirkus ja võimus igavesest ajast
igavesti! Aamen.
7 Ennäe, ta tuleb pilvedega
ja iga silm saab teda näha,
ka need, kes tema on läbi torganud,
ning kõik maa suguharud halisevad tema pärast.
Jah, aamen.
8 „Mina olen A ja O,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „kes on ja kes oli
ja kes tuleb, Kõigeväeline.”
17 Kui ma teda nägin, langesin ma tema jalge ette nagu
surnu. Ning tema pani oma parema käe mu peale ja ütles: „Ära
karda! Mina olen Esimene ja Viimne
18 ja Elav. Ma olin surnud, ning ennäe, ma elan igavesest
ajast igavesti ning minu käes on surma ja surmavalla võtmed.
19 Kirjuta siis, mida sa oled näinud ja mis on ning mis
sünnib pärast seda!
Johannese ilmutus 19:12 Tema silmad olid nagu tuleleek ning ta peas oli palju
peaehteid. Neile oli kirjutatud nimi, mida ei tea keegi muu
kui tema ise.
13 Ja tal oli üll verre kastetud kuub ning oli nimetatud tema nimi
- Jumala Sõna.
West coast, donot know much, but making alot of since.
True Freedom is freedom with discipline. You are free to do whatever you want, but you must have discernment to know what is pleasing to the Lord and what isn't. You must be disciplined to know. No discipline does not mean pure freedom: it means enslavement. Discipline is used for Freedom. Yeah, the First Amendment gives you freedom of speech, but that also, in turn, means you can get punched in the face for saying something disrespectful. So don't abuse your Freedom of Speech. Yes, the Second Amendment (If you haven't caught on, I am an American Christian, much love from the Rockies) gives you the right to bear arms, but it does not give you the freedom to shoot up a school or a mall. It just means you can own whatever gun you want, as long as you know what you are doing, such as knowing your gun, and knowing the 4 Rules of Gun Ownership.
Agreed! (I'm from Indiana) Most enjoy pretending to be ignorant of the most basic rules of the first and second amendments.
@@Old_Time_Saint It's sad, really.
And I'm Gen fricken Z!
Yes there are many different id
eas of the right... different ideas of what the teachings of Christ are...supposed to be that way to fulfill do u know who sees, and who the hand of God himself keeps from seeing , that His will comes to pass, think Him whose hand it is...He will then destroy...there is much you only see in part...God knows your heart...and the whole picture...try to fathom that...ref new touching topic the election of God.
I was one of the last "ferry men" to take a human body. We used to smuggle souls back to the Living, ect.
I'm here. Right?
I'm not helping you escape anymore get your shit together.
In fact?!
Im also gonna be one of the lights guarding the lake of fire so, rest assured no one gets back to a loving light.
It’s a dream fantasy at the end
I thought Jesus is the Lion
The Lord Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Satan comes like a roaring lion searching for easy prey. He always copies the Lord Jesus. This why we must be watchful always , strengthened through prayers and reading his words, the Holy Bible(KJV).
Ask any legend donut 🍩
You already changed your body (reincarnated) from childhood to puberty and to maturity... your body have changed but you are Still the same! That's how it will be at the time of death! You will accept another body... via the the subtle mind... Was not Jesus who answered:"We know of the existence of the wind because it moved the leaves, but we do not know where it comes from and where it goes", in direct reference to that question? Its simple for the honest, complicated for the crooked!
Habbucuk 2:15 you donot want me to talk about GOD, you tell me to shut up. Well your son followed your drinking, pulling that gun out of his back pocket, it went off and he died.
“Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory
Curse be upon the man who gets his neighbor drunk that he may sleep with his wife.
Is what that means
God's offer of salvation is a gift through his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. There are no conditions, either one accepts or rejects it.
Do not speak for the Soul Mar. It's not yours.
He does that through knowledge by reading the words of God. All who reject God go to hell. The Lord Jesus has told us what hell is like often times.
@@watchthinkThe book of Revelation is clear enough. The woman cloaked in the Sun gives birth to a child who is whisked off to Heaven. The process is thus given, and is the birth of the Soul.
Is Soul your monopoly. Any one else should not have .
@@karoorchacko certainly it's not yours. it is a different being to human. independent. asleep. unborn.
@@nothinghere1996OK Sir.